The Seeds of Happiness | Sheikh Moutasem Al-Hameedy

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love look [Music] No [Music] in [Music] [Music] no more home my daughter I saw a shredder [Music] my daughter I saw hi I know sauna [Music] hi-yah [Music] hi my name is final Heinen's fella Oh Oh [Music] [Music] mm Delilah hey Madoka wanna stay no home honest L feel when I go build a mansion for Cena what's a year take a Medina me yeah de la boeuf a la Mobley Layla who won a little fella hadiyyah-lah ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah shadow ana muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh sallallahu alayhe wa aalihi wasallam yeah Ujala dina am an otaku la ha ha fatto party he wala tomaten illa anta mostly moon yeah Johanna su trabajo melody jalapao come in Neffs in Waheeda ojala come in huzzah jaha Rowbotham in hamari J&K theorem one is what Allah handed it as a noona be he well our ham in a logically Cumbre Kaiba yeah you jalapeno topological talents adidas relic on American oilfield Lokhande you become one a yodeler allaha wa rasuluh who are deaf SFA's and ARIMA am doofah in estoppel hadith Akita of Allah Azza WA JAL walking already had you nabina muhammad in sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam novel amore Madhava to her vicuna maha desert nvidia vocal ability in Valhalla Hawkwind lavalla Latin Vinod as Allah al aliy memorable al-saleem and you ain't anyone here come in and not all praise is due to Allah we praise Him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our own actions whomsoever Allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray none can guide I testify that none has the right to be worshipped none has the right to our ultimate love and devotion but allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala alone and I testify that Muhammad sallallahu alayhe wa aalihi wasallam is his servant and his messenger o you who believe fear Allah as he should be feared and die not except as Muslims in a state of submission to Allah o mankind be dutiful to your Lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely Allah is ever and all watcher over you or you who believe keep your duty to Allah fear Him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are those of allah subhanahu wata'ala and the best guidance is that of muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam and the worst thing in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters in religion are considered to be innovation and bitter and every bidder is misguidance and it leads to the Hellfire may Allah protect us from the Hellfire one of the great scholars in the Muslim history of al-islam shaykh al-islam is not a muhammad allahi allah he one day the Muslim governor in Egypt sent some policemen to capture the man who was living in Damascus there were some issues there were some false accusations against him and the governors decides to send these policemen to capture him arrest him and bring him from Damascus to Cairo to Cairo and put him in jail and this is a long journey being dragged from Damascus to Cairo when there was no cars no trains no airplanes the only means of transportation were mainly camels and horses and donkeys and he wasn't given a riding animal he had to make that he was dragged on his feet yet to make the journey like that as he was leaving or as he was dragged rather out of his hometown Damascus his students and the people of Damascus were gathering around the exit of the city to give him a farewell to say goodbye to their teacher of their scholar one of their leaders so as he was dragged out of the city some of his students remembered what he was teaching them previously about patience and about being strong gusting in allah subhana wa ta'ala the old stuff that we talk about and we're very good at talking about it but it doesn't seem we don't seem to be good enough at implementing that and internalizing that and living by that so they sort of reminded him of what he was teaching them about Sabah about patience and about - what cool tell what cooler and Allah Azza WA JAL putting when stress what is happening that if it was split and divided over the people around the people in Damascus it would be everyone would get a fair share of it what makes such a man on the day of his arrest and the beginning of such a lengthy predicament where he was mistreated and abused what makes him have this kind of trusting in his Lord what kind of power and state of mind that gave him that patience and that tranquility in that peace this is what Islam gives every human being this is what Islam offers any sincere person who follows the commands of allah subhana wa ta'ala allah subhanallah says in the quran men Amil Assadi Haman Decker in a one Thurmond fella no he and no hayatun tayyiba those who do righteousness those who do good deeds Saudi hats male or female when they are in a state of belief in Allah we shall give them a goodly life we shall give them a goodly life tranquil peaceful life a life of balance that's what Islam offers people who subscribe to it but it's only when we pay the price for that that we can get the rewards look at the Prophet sallallaahu a we send them consider his life one trial after the other right from the moment he received the message he went through one trial one challenge after the other his own people opposed him they tarnished his reputation accused him of being a sorcerer a liar a charlatan yet he sallallahu him remained firm he was accused in his own personal honor his companions were killed tortured taken away he himself was physically attacked and verbally abused they in and day out he lost some of the closest people to him the dearest people to him he was rejected by many other tribes he traveled to other cities and opened up to them and offered them the beautiful message of Islam they gave him a very nasty welcome and they kicked him out of it out of their City he kept for years and years and years speaking to people pilgrims coming from all around the Arabian Peninsula offering the offering them Islam and they would turn him down still he was persistent still he was happy and content with what allah subhanallah had a decreed for him and he never turned to Allah to say why he never questioned the wisdom of allah subhanaw taala or the mercy of allah on the contrary his heart knew that whatever was happening was meant for good reasons there's always something good in whatever happens but you can only arrive at that you can only capture that when you trust in allah subhanho wa taala because the level of your trust decides how much you see the level of belief you have in allah will decide how much you will perceive and realize and capture but most of us fail to trust or choose not to trust and that's why we don't read the fruits a loss of Hanwha tejada in the quran in two surahs that most of us know very well short surahs allah spanner to allah speaks to the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam and he speaks to the prophet sallallaahu and he will send them in a manner that shows him the secrets and the seeds for a tranquil life and a happy life when the Prophet saws island first received the revelation after that he was looking forward to the next meeting with gibreel Anil sallam he realized his mission he realized what it was all about in principle and he wanted more he wanted the revelation the divine guidance from allah subhanaw taala cooker to come to him more through gibreel alayhi salam so he was anxiously waiting for Jibril to come but jibreel did not come for such a long time and the prophets of Salaam was disappointed it was such a difficult trial in his life the prophets are a solemn would walk around and he would go to the top of the mountains looking for gibreel hoping that one day he would come to him with some new revelation but gibreel did not come to the prophet saw them for quite some time then Allah spent Allison's debris with these verses audhu billahi min ash-shaytani r-rajim never menorah hey mwah well Lily either such a mallard Eric arabic allah may allah well fira to hire only kameena lula will assume favourably caribou catheter Allah Allah meeya GDK a team and Ferrara whoa whoa jeddak a ball and fader whoa whoa jeddak an island forever 'no family a team fnatic ah what a masseur Eli feller turn out one being a matter of bigger for habitus sure Sora yet profound deep it speaks to the heart and it brings the prophet sallallaahu name Salam from a state of disappointments to a state of delight enjoyment happiness and peace and tranquility so allah subhanaw taala swears by Abdullah the morning-time then the last words also by the night when it falls were lady either SIA now what Derek Arabic I will map a lot lost words by his great creation by his great signs in the creation that neither did your Lord abandon you nor did he dislike you so don't have negative thoughts about Allah and that shows the seed number one for happiness and tranquility has never give up on Allah and never ever think that Allah gives up on you don't ever have negative thoughts about Allah that Allah has abandoned me Allah has given up on me or Allah has left me all alone wants to disappoint me these are the seeds of misery and that's what we call negative thoughts when you're a negative States you have negative thoughts about Allah you think the world runs randomly you think oppresses and transgresses have an open field and an open game to do whatever they want you don't realize you forget that is in charge and if there seemed to be controlling the scene is just because Allah allows in that space because he's testing them and he's testing others by means of them that's how a lost mandala tests people but Allah is always in control of the world allah subhana wa ana knows what's happened as the prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam says a widow mahalik Allahu Alem fella hook tube vachetta ba ma who occur in on la o milky Yemen the first thing Allah so Allah created was the atom dependent then a lost Montella commanded it to right he said right and it wrote whatever was going to happen till the day of judgment another narration the Prophet SAW solemn says that Allah wrote everything that was going to happen in detail everything fifty thousand years before the creations of their for the creation of the heavens and the earth so everything is written everything is designed everything has been designed by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala so Allah is always in control Allah knows what's happening Allah knows what's going to happen and nothing happens without his permission and behind his permission is his wisdom and his knowledge and his mercy even though sometimes we feel to perceive that to capture that so a lost man that is directing the process unto the most important seed about happiness and tranquility now a dakara boku wa makara don't ever think Allah gives up on his creation don't ever think Allah lets down his creation don't have negative thoughts about Allah ever because that's the seed for depression for sadness for disappointment and for a life of misery now addict Arabic I wanna follow when an air fear are to hire only I mean and Allah and indeed indeed the next life is better for you than this one and that's where most of us this is where a lot of the misery that we have comes from because we fail to see that this life is but is but a mirage is just like having you is just like you have short dream then waking up to reality when you die when you die you wake up like one over turbulence said people are sleeping and then wake up when they die that's the reality this life is button is a is a blink of an eye compared to the hereafter a loss Pantelis says in the Quran in the Darr on air here atella heal heroine and indeed the real life the full life the only true life is the one in the after is the one they are cover but we trapped so much here here we thrive so much in our thoughts we think that's all there is we think there's nothing but life theoretically we know there is a Hereafter we know there's the next life but because we live we so immersed in this world we forget that we forget that whatever happens in this life even if you get nothing out of this out of this life this life is nothing it's nothing the real life starts once you die that's what the real life starts that's why I lost my sight says to the prophet said I'm gonna hear or to fail you're lucky I'm in and Voula the earth cannot end it is indeed better but we have this bias we have this bias because we're here we think that's all there is at least emotionally this is why we fight over it we compete over it we hate people over it we hurt people over it because we trapped here we bias to this life not realizing that there is just a bigger life a greater life longer life more blessed life is just like the fetus in the womb never knows how big the world is he or she never knows it's only when they arrive in this well this they start to realize how big this world is because they think the wound is that all there is and that's how we are in this world what a laugh here are two Hyuna Amina Luna when I so far you're at leak Arabic Offit Alba your Lord shall give you till you're satisfied your Lord shall give you to a point of satisfaction so don't worry about that if you're experiencing lack don't doubt the generosity and the mercy of Allah don't be trapped in the present moment your Lord shall give you to a point of satisfaction you're going through hardship you're going through lack you're going through difficulty you're overwhelmed now that's not the end don't ever again have bad thoughts about Allah have trust in Allah subhana wa tada so don't think Allah has abandoned you in the past and don't think he's gonna give up on you in the future put your trust in Allah this will take you out of depression if you believe in us this will leave no sadness in your life this will leave no misery in your existence because you're dealing with Allah who's beyond your thoughts beyond your imagination beyond your comprehension well I so for your athlete card a book of a total bar and if you find difficulty seeing that things will change because of the mercy of Allah remember Allah meeya GDK a team and for our were not sure an orphan but no family but with Allah there's no there's no hopelessness there's no helplessness with Allah and that's what Allah so Allah says in the Quran in Hawaii assume a bloke in LA in LA would kaffir on no-one despairs of Allah's mercy no one dispersive Allah's mercy except someone who is a disbelief all of that have you ever expected that last Panther Anna so all of these are seeds of happiness and all of them are about your belief and about your thoughts about Allah span at Hannah and about appreciating what Allah has given you you see Allah has given you Las changed your state so many times Allah has given you after need so Allah is gonna change is well more in the future more of your affairs will change in the future then Allah spans how to direct you to things that will bring happiness that will saw the seeds of happiness in your life for Amelie a team a fanatical as to the orphan do not treat them with contempt do not bring peeling their hearts and that's a general advice towards kindness and gentleness with the creation of Allah in general specifically people are more in need someone who's lost their parents because the the more they feel the negligence a bit more didn't spend over to Hannah all of these are things for you to do and better off get out of your way go out of your way to help out people to ask people what do they need specifically people that are closest to you your spouse your children your father and mother your brother and sister your friends your cousin's give them a call today and say hey how are you doing today how can I help you is there anything I can do for you today try to do this a daily practice and see how Allah will bring happiness in your heart see how unlost Mandela will change your state because we're always absorbed and consumed with who's gonna help me who's gonna support me how can I fix this up for myself and for myself it's all about me I mind but when you start thinking about people get out of your way sounds sometimes counterintuitive I need help how come I go on and mother about other people get out of your way and help someone else give them a call say hey what can I do for you today give me one thing I can do for you today if you date make this a daily practice different people each day I promise things in your life will start changing and the Prophet SAW then promised he says Allah who phione Labadie McKenna abdullah unni aji and allah is helping his servant as long as that servant is helping his brother you helped someone Allah is helping you your friend is getting your help you're getting the help of allah subhanho wa taala that's the difference then Allah Santa Ana concludes what being a material of big ever hadith and the gifts of Allah the blessings of Allah speak about them express yourself about them publicly what does that mean that means first enjoy the blessings of Allah upon you they know how long for you do not make things hard on for you of them hello number to make that clear the blessings of Allah upon you make them clear in the sense not of showing off but when the law has given you something thank Allah for it by putting it to good use thank allah sunnatullah for it by expressing gratitude to allah verbally and feel it in your heart put it to good use by helping someone else with it let let people know that allah has given you something doesn't have to be money can be any gifts can be any skill can be any advantage you have it's a gift from allah to risk provision from allah all of this helps people appreciate what allah spent that has given them because that's contagious that's contagious and when you speak about the blessings of allah it puts you in a state of gratitude and thankfulness and appreciation and this would lead to more of the blessings of allah to come your way where if the Adnan Arabic Amla in Jakarta Melia's Eden come hallo holy hada was the fool on Youku stuff al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen o salat wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wa bad so on this small surah in the Quran that most of us know you see how Allah Spanish Allah gave us the seeds of happiness Quran is full of such treasures but sometimes we just read to go over the pages and the Quran only gives you when you give it it's an organic relationship I was gonna speak about solar to Shah Alam not like Assad rock but we don't have time so we'll do this in a future hot bi insha'Allah it also has beautiful seeds for happiness and tranquility in peace but my point here we want to make this something that we can you know walk away with and benefit from instead of it just being something we just listen to for a couple of minutes and then leave it behind there's no point a lost hunter advises us in the Quran to you know levena esteeming olefa yet to be inna Sena Allah describes the believers as those his servants as the ones who listen to the words and they follow the best among them that means you act upon what you learn and what you hear and what you benefit from and what you teach yourself as well so just make it a point today to reflect on Surat Abdullah and see how these seeds these seeds we talked about how they play out in your own life some of these are things you have to think about having good thoughts about a last one with Allah trusting in a large panel tejada that Allah will never give up on you Allah will never let you down and that Allah is merciful and generous and that things do change by the mercy of a last panel to Allah and there are things for you to do to give go out of your way and help out people be nice to people be generous be forgiving be accommodating and that's not only to strangers specifically people within your family people that you will usually mix with on a daily basis you interact with it on daily basis these are the people who deserve this the most and you will reap the fruits before anyone else and then after that just be live a life of appreciation and thankfulness and gratitude to Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we ask Allah Ta'ala to help us live by his word and by his guidance a llama free marina will move me not when Muslim inna will mostly matter he may know more than what a llama Selena do no banana well often i am reena with a bit damn announced on a little milk every alarm of Felina Wally Wally Deena Ronnie man l'homme happen Helena Wally mashaikhina what who da man in a bear automatically I mean Lana Brimley had the hill my team rushed your ass roofie a lot are at equator Luffy hello my sciatic well Madhavi hypocrite because una Tina Bek mohammad sallallahu alayhe wa aalihi wa sallim ala makandal news of a phenomenal nephew Klimek an alarmist Kingdom Allah Masha Allah Allah Allah hindi no Mahima aromatic amine a llama is umma love is allah who married her aromatic ever fought allah kiya the generally will occur on a llama salli wa sallim wa barik ala alika wa rasuluh como Hamid well he was hardly he were turbine in whatever in him bein in ilaria me Dean subhanAllah become a bit hesitant - if una wa sallam and more saline well hamdulillah he robbed me real I mean a reminder just today insha'Allah after the halacha we have the potluck so inshallah everyone is invited to join and it's a beautiful gathering it brings the community together barakallahu fee
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 6,858
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: 0rTuk7UVcuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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