Achieving Ihsan - Moutasem Al Hameedi

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Smith Menahem loblolly mean salatu salam ala sayyidina muhammadin wa ala he was happy he was a barren woman to be a humble son in iriyama Dean vibrato at the time of a turban my mom Allah Ta'ala which is the regeneration that comes after the Companions there was a person or a man known by the name and more a beautiful HUD animal aide no Farhad he used to join some of the military expeditions so every time he was on a military expedition and this was the norm for many people so Islam was spreading Muslims were lifting oppression from many populations that were subjugated and were living under tyranny so I'm not a falcon who joined some of the military expeditions and as they were travelling they would camp at night and when you camp a night you will need some God's some people to watch over the over the camp every group or every regiment that had I'm gonna forward with them they would not appoint so many guards at night why because I'm all had a habit the moment they finished soul at Elisha the pretty sure the the narration goes for suffer the Mayhew upon parvatamma you suddenly he would straightaway start his family all night that was his daily thing the whole night he would just pray he was known for that and just that we don't get stuck in our times because oftentimes by the way we don't realize that the circumstances of our times set the stage for how we think and how we view the world at the time the Arabian Peninsula was full of wild animals talking about lions tigers even sometimes elephants it was full of those same applies to North Africa it was full of lions tigers cheetah whatever you can think about but you know thanks to humans who hunted all of those down to wipe them out and we only have a little bit left in Africa and a little bit left in India that's it the rest are in zoos so at the time there was lots of wild beasts so one day they camp at night and they were preparing the camp they prayed there YCJA they were making final preparations after Asia I'm no fault but started already his prayer and it was an area where there was some like some forest or some woods a wild after that they hear the roar of a lion that was a big thing for them you're at night visibility is very limited so what did they do they would usually seek shelter either you know climb some trees or hide behind some or maybe whatever like a cave or something but you see seek some kind of hide so the role was there for a while but I know before that was praying and he was still in his prayer he didn't move well apparently he didn't miss this the sound of a lion right everyone sought shelter and the the since the the lion was in the in the vicinity and then it left so when the one day only the role of a lion people felt safe it wasn't there anymore people felt safe they came out of their height they came back to the camp and the guy was still praying when they Finn it when he finished his Salah they said to him like you out of your like it was a lion in the area and you keep just praying why didn't you even move guess what his response was he said he had a beautiful statement he said lies - hey - man Rob be an active abhinaya d he from a half a agency Wow he said I felt shy I felt ashamed that I'm standing in the presence of Allah in front of Allah then I fear something else I fear something other than Allah when I'm in his presence what do we call this what do we call this this state what do we call it put a label in it it's definitely there is for sure in this but it's much more profound honor for sure son yes there is - oh cool definitely it's a son you know this person I mean he was praying we just prayed I sure did we have the same certainty realization that we feel it in our gut that we are standing in the presence of Allah as he had a I doubt I doubt he had more certainty about his standing in the presence of Allah then we have certainty about what we see with our own eyes that level of certainty that he had in his gut that this is this was an experience he was going through it's not like an idea I'm standing in front of Allah it's not just something like that no it was a realization it was a personal experience it was a reality that he felt in his gut that he was in front of Allah that's how that's a very personal experience that's what we call this out cuz a son the Prophet SAW Salim defined their self - gibreel alayhis-salam the famous hadith that we all know that I'm not above the Allah who narrates Ben hakuna in the rasa-lila his soul already we selling them after Balraj alone Shadid ooh baile de thea she did you say where the shaft la your alayhi assalam safar what are you ready for women nah I'm not obsess we were with the Prophet SAW Selim I mean really like look at this a try to imagine the situation I'm all hopped up saying we are with the prophets Allah seldom we just having a conversation or the process I was teaching them something one of those days with the messengers are like a regular day a man walks in a man walks in none of us know him none of us knows him meaning he's not from Medina he's a stranger he's what his clothes are so white was so clean and his hair is so black like he's so clean and fresh and none of us knows him that's unusual why because of those times anyone who walks into Medina stranger here they must have crossed a desert right you cross a desert how do you look like you're dusty you're disheveled you messy right you don't look fresh your clothes I'm not so like well done and nice and and beautiful so this called their attention they said like how come if he were from Medina yeah like if he's very well-dressed and he looks fresh and clean he must be from Medina but since he's not he's not from Medina he must be a stranger but his description doesn't match the description of a stranger that's not the state of the street you'll be be shoveled messy right but he's not so that called their attention that makes what that's what we called heightened attention you're curious we as humans we learn the most when we are curious within the most when we are curious like when you share it by the way when you are generous with your information people it's not appreciated we always complain I teach I teach like especially with our kids I my kids do this until like it's that but they don't listen right yes that's when you are too generous with your information it's not appreciated that's how we are humans that's how we are so if you want someone to learn something make them curious create a gap in their understanding now they want to fill this gap now they're curious now feed them they would appreciate what you tell them so don't be too generous with what you know create a gap look how the last one that I created this scenario for the Companions of the allow run home he got their curiosity their attention height and why because even he wants to teach them something that is very important about Islam and this is one of the most important hadith in Islam so this man comes to the Prophet SAW said Allah and fascinator look but Fidelis Aeternus alaysalam fascinator look better in alberta he what were they in Africa ve very interesting the prophets of Salaam was sitting among his companions this man comes to the Prophet SAW Salim sits right in front of him face-to-face he puts his knees against the needs of the Prophet SAW Salim he presses his knees against the needs of the Prophet saws Allah and he puts his his hands on the fighting the Prophet SAW sir your curiosity now how bold you are to do something like this right everyone wants to know who this person is what is he doing here what is all this about right everyone wants to know now people are so he comes to the person he says Bernie and in Islam tell me about Islam now that's even a weird question that's a weird question you telling you testing he even spoke in a manner that showed a little bit of like he's putting the problem on this spot answer this question what is it son the Prophet SAW Salim obviously says that she had one lira in the law what am I the five pillars of Islam testimony of tawheed she don't let it wash it - Allah establish the Salah Zeca facile model and you perform hedge for those who are capable of it he says seductive he says correct I'm not obsessed vaginal aah whoo yes el Ojo or is look-alike like we feel puzzled you're asking about Islam the person tells you the noose a correct like you're confirming it as if you're testing him like this is a same land this is a signature to view this just like this honest show of hands who watch the lemma see the Messiah honestly put put your hand up put your hand up guys by the way when somebody this is not your hand up because I don't see it hand up means here yeah actually okay that's not many not many which is actually I think it's a you watch Ted what do you think about it is it correct or incorrect is it accurate is accurate so he says that the problems are correct he says putting the onion a man tell me about a man the prophets Austin M says and told me Nabila he will molarity he Walker to be here or sweetie here with the own will have what don't mean I will other head here was sharply he he gave me six articles of faith you believe in Allah you believe in his books the last day you believe in the messengers and you believe in or the angels and the Kaaba the decree of Allah the good and the bad the good and the bad way for Carla seduction he says corrects Virginia who is and who isn't the whole again we thought puzzled like you asking about something then when you get the answer you say correct because if you ask that means you're inquiring you don't know but now you're asking as if you're testing and do are you testing the prophet sallallaahu Center when you test you have some authority right who tests you teachers who test to authorities then he says Bernie any lesson that's what we're talking about right this is the guy what's his name the one who prayed that night and the wasn't wasn't scared of the lion what's his name anyone caught that a little bit of her blood yes and so what this one person was fully awake I'm a benefit but so he's Bernie analyst on the professor Salim said a lesson and taboo de la ha Kanaka Tara for in them to kuntala for in New York his son is that you worship Allah as though you see him and if you can't see him then he sees you he says select correct again like we're puzzled he is asking but then he's saying correct he's confirming how come it doesn't make sense and this whole thing doesn't make sense right from the beginning till the end but during this all arousal what happens all this information is falling through the cracks now the Companions would remember this like their names they wouldn't forget that because a very very special moment then he says the Hibernia and sir tell me about the hour the prophets were sending up What did he say he didn't start talking about the our details he gave him the gist of it he said melon mess all unhappy I'll administer the one who is asked about it doesn't know more than the person who's asking we all don't know enough about it so tell me about the science about the hour so he told him until he's an amateur but ahahhaha Fattah al Hirata the Asha Asha get a power luna Philip onion he gave him some of the science of the nearness of the hour then he says so that she shot it to the end of the hadith then the guy walks away now imagine this time the man walks away the prophets Adam doesn't say anything the Companions everyone has got every brain cell in their head is etching it wants to know what's going on right Ruff's Adam leaves it for a while then the professor seldom he knows that they tried to ask the question but this is something about the Companions of the alarm by the way they used to be very shy very very shy to ask the prophetess Allah yes the spend time with the Prophet SAW said none but Subhan Allah despite the informality with the messenger Salam they were extremely respectful extremely respected to the point that and I believe always Ana's bin Malik Allah Allah who honor the personal servant assistant of the Prophet SAW syrup he said can either Gero Gero mineral birdy Anitha that every time someone came from the fear of the Bedouins from the nomads came to Medina to ask the professor Salah would be very happy why because they asked we are shy for puddinin' esther haman Rasool Allah saw Salam what can you lay us down we used to be shy with the prophets either these guys would ask like prophet Solomon is giving hood when the Mazda the man stands up and it says ya Muhammad we are a solo lammeter sir like in the middle of the most assessments is almost each of Allah when is the hour and the middle of the whole band these are the that's how these people are a man came to the prophet saws and he says yeah what do you call to what is upon me he says you you worship Allah you believe in Allah in worship Allah you testify that no one has the right to be worshipped but Allah I said what else he says you pray the five daily prayers he says what else he says you fast for my blood this is what else he says he gave his give zakah is what else he says you make Hajj if you can he says anything other than that he says that's it he's okay well why I will do this I will not do anything more than that and then he walks away the Prophet SAW Salem says about him I feel I have shut up Karim says well lie if he does that he would be successful if he does these verses these obligations some narrations indicate that this man was after I've been habits our habits habitable o'clock but I love climate habits one of the companions from the bad ones okay so the point is the Prophet SAW Salim explained Islam Eman yessuh so the professor now he tells the convict do you know who this person is now everyone is like boiling right there whatever they want to know the Restless they want to know what's good what would just happened in front of them the Prophet SAW says at the drawer man had a card or Allah or a pseudonym do you know who this person is they said Allah and His Messenger know best were talking about the Prophet saws Adam says had a debris Jellico communica this is debris came to teach you your religion listen to the words the Prophet said Heather Jibril Geronimo come Dino Dina come Gabriel came to teach you your religion now a question did you breathe teach them anything did he say anything did he say anything like he gives them any piece of information debris did he tell them the debris say Islam is that you testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah Muhammad is the messenger lie established the prayer did he say that you breathe didn't say did will ask questions the process of them said Gabriel came to teach you your religion so one of the best ways to teach to ask questions ask questions and that's very important if you want to arouse people's attention and people's curiosity you want to suggest something you want to give someone advice and you suspect it will fall on deaf ears ask a question do you know apply this advice to young children to young children who become the person described them say either Jabbar Belgian these will be the best of the youth in Jannah and Hasan and Husayn the grandchildren of the Prophet SAW Allah they saw outside the message said an older person and all the person making model he wasn't making model properly he was missing some parts of his probably arms or face he wasn't making model the way he should they thought to themselves if we were to approach him directly he would say you know you still kids gonna teach me Oh at least we all have an ego we're human beings right so if he offended we'd feel offended so they thought what's the best way of teaching her teaching him they decided to look at B be suggestive teach him this way so they said uncle uncle we're having a competition I'm having competition with my brother who makes we'll do better than the other and we want you to judge he said okay go ahead you guys make although let's not make him although in front of him and we looked at both of them they did very good although he said well importantly you make model better than me and apparently he fixed the zubur that's respectful that's suggestive so debris and in his salaam taught the muslims their religion by way of what asking questions the professor salaam Hansard does but it's not only the questions is the whole context it gets you very hot you're curious you wanna learn so the point is the prophets of salem explained the three levels of the religion islam which are the external actions by the way like islam amman san are not independent circles the non-independent circles there they're very well interconnected they're very well interconnected but islam specifically refers to the external visible aspects of islam salah when you perform your salah when you're fasting still it's visible when you're doing hedge it's visible when you recite the quran in public it's visible right these are the external actions but these external actions have spirit spirit is 'man spirit is a man a man is what is that you truly believe believe in allah and the six articles of faith so a man is essentially in the heart but Islam and Eman they mix together overlap there is an overlapping area huge overlapping area the highest level of the religion is sad understand the more Islam meaning external actions you do and the more you grow your faith Eman the more all of this is is gonna take you eventually to a high level of certainty a personal experience with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to the point that you experience personally that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is there you feel Allah through throughout your life throughout your 24 hours that's what a son is it's this heightened awareness of Allah and let me explain it to you or share it with you slightly differently there is one of atropine one of the turbine in his name is Khalid ib'n or madam haldi Bin Ladin was originally from Yemen and then he migrated he migrated to Syria and he settled in homes and they died in house it was a very very knowledgeable person he said ma'am in insulin in lama jihad allahu allahu allah baja everyone Mammon insa illa wa ja Allahu Allah hey man if he was if you are see if you g ye nan if you can't be for in Allah Allah will be happy here hi Ron Fatiha Elena will mattify Albie he says Allah gave every human being for eyes every human being is given for eyes from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala two eyes in the face and two eyes in the heart two eyes in the hut if Allah wants to give good to a person Allah will open these eyes two eyes that are in the heart it is with these eyes that we develop a son why these are the eyes we can see Allah with because with these two eyes we can't see a lot in this world we can't we can't see a lot in this world with these two eyes physical eyes we can't but how can we see Allah you can see Allah with a two eyes in our heart and this is what your pain is about this is what we call your theme you know when you see Allah with the two eyes in your heart which is your pain you become more certain of that then you are holding this bottle in your hands yes you become more certain why because essentially we humans the reality of a human being is in the heart who we are is the heart our physical body is alone by the way it's a temporary vehicle it's a temporary vehicle and we can only get so much sensation and experience through our physical body the most profound and real human experience is what we have in the heart but most of us most of us are paying attention outward most of us are hooked into our physical being our five senses why because we're paying attention to the world so much to the world whatever is happening outside most of our attention is going outside we're not having an any attention going inside so what happens our hearts go dormant you know you know they do experiments with animals so they did an experiment with kitten small kitten they would bandage one of the eyes of a kid after shortly after its birth they would block it would put some plaster on it block it for 3-4 weeks then they would take the bandage off and guess what the I cannot see afterwards it dies it goes dormant why because it wasn't used it wasn't used there are a breeze like a small number of cases where it could start picking up vision but for most of the kitten it dies for good the eye is gone why he was denied growth why because it was not used that's what we do with our hearts the moment we born so much external stimulation so many colors so many things so much attention humans now devices stuff attention you have to keep up with the world we have to chase this you have to chase that and this whole thing for more thing right fear of missing out you want to be part of everything you want to catch up with everything you want to watch everything you want to do everything when I play all the games you can't keep up with the world right so our intention is completely consumed that would the problem is what happens with that our hearts dying we don't realize there's an experience inside the reason experiences there's the lot they they the heart has a life of its own it does it does have you come you know in order for you to experience it you have to go in order you just have to go in wood there's no other expect I can tell you about taqwa I can tell you about a son and that's the problem that we have it we have a huge you have a huge problem relating to concepts like SN do you know what it's a personal experience if you don't have a first-hand experience you know you don't understand it you don't you cannot the scholars have when they spoke about Stations of the heart for example they spoke about a member loving allah subhanho wa taala they said any definition you put on muhabba it mystifies it further even taco on why they say because the only definition of these states is actually experiencing them if you don't experience in them if you don't experience them you don't know what you're talking about you're just borrowing some words and pretending that you know what you're talking about but you actually don't this is experiential knowledge I'll give you a very simple example because again because of our attention is physical so when I give a physical example it sort of makes sense makes more sense let's say you never you've never been on a bicycle never ridden a bicycle in your life and I give you books about how to ride a bicycle and you are let's say 25 first time you lay your hands on a bicycle I say go and ride it you've never been on that on something that runs on two wheels and you've read ten books on how to ride a bicycle do you think you can balance on a bicycle first few attempts know why you've read ten books on it how can you have to get on the bicycle you have to start falling on on both sides to experience imbalance to know firsthand what that means then by knowing a balance then you start to get a feel of what a balance actually means and then you can you start developing a distinction between imbalance and balance so you have a feel about what balance means and what imbalance means and when you are balanced when you start falling off balance you start to feel sensation that's when you will know what riding a bicycle is that's it the books are nothing lip-service that's exactly what if Sun is that's exactly you can read all the books on the Sun you worship Allah as if you him and if you don't know him as if you see him if you don't see him then he sees you okay what does that even mean tell me give me any any functional benefit out of this we all read this from from a young age you worship Allah as if you see him okay but if you don't see him well obviously I want to see him then he sees you okay he sees me then what business as usual you go about doing your stuff nothing changes so how how do we get a sound and you look at the Quran its San pops up so many times Allah says when he describes paradise especially the highest level of levels Allah says he'll Gisella Hasani in the lesson he's the reward for such a high level of excellence but an excellent reward such high quality reward that's how Allah rewards the losses Allah Allah who had Buddha machine in and Allah loves those who achieve an excellence so what is this level that we're talking about this I'm no fault that the guy I'm gonna refer God to who was praying at night how did he get to a point how did he get to a point where he was experiencing this conversation this meeting with Allah subhanAllah to a point that it was more compelling to him than an experience that would blow you out of your mind which is a lion being in the area you know the survival kicks in and in that state you know what people do they give up like if even even a parent if you have a child you just want to weigh in leave the child you want to survive Muslim for most people it is so compelling but imagine how could you override such a thing because you are attending to a bigger reality I'll give you another level another example of someone who had SM most early history when he came to foreign and he obviously shared the message with Ralph around responded with the denial and challenge and they appointed a day where moosa aleihsalaam supposed to show his miracles the Alhassan that I gave him as evidence of the truth of his message and that Island brought all the best magicians who were originally from the children of Israel so he was abusing them he was subjugating them and he was using them to further establish his tyranny and his rule over them and still they were working for him that's how humans work against themselves so eventually a lot of anti Allah shows the truth and the power of the of the miracle of Musa al-salaam the magicians believe her own challenges them and he threatens to kill them cut off the their hands at their feet etc then a lost man Tyler gives moves Alison and instructions to leave in the night first before for job before dawn leave a runaway flee because for Ana's gonna catch you and kill you all of you so Moosa Islam takes those new believers and they run out of Egypt they thrown chases them with all of his soldiers and he catches them why because they are cornered they stuck their the ocean is right in front of them it's a dead end behind they look behind around with all of his troops they're outnumbered they don't have any weapons they can't defend themselves speaking about the world that we attend to a hundred percent of our time which is when we say hey get real deal with the facts on the ground dry you know by the numbers the chances are what zero by talking about the facts on the ground they don't have any chances why because the ocean is in front of them they can't swim they can't survive in the ocean behind them is fair island there's no other way to go what are they supposed to do that's what they said because there were attendings like most of us attended to reality to the physical rear which we think is reality but that's only a small percentage of reality that's when it's and comes because Hasan gives you access to this world of the unseen which is a bigger version of reality which we tend to neglect we live in denial said why because we are obsessed with what's in front of our eyes to the point that we miss what's real but we can't see there is more than what meets the eye to reality so when they see throne and his troops what do they say fella metal ah el djem and a palace Abu Musa in Nana Madonna corn when they could see each other they said that's it we caught we're done there's no way they said it in full complete despair musa alayhis salaam well he was coming from a different world this was a man who could not only see the spectrum of reality that we see which is tiny words it's a tiny rate small range he could see more than that he had access to the world of the unseen why because he developed his two eyes that are in the heart so he could see more he could see more so what did he say he says Kilner Ananda hey I'll be sending you can imagine people are saying we caught so it's panic it's a sense of helplessness there's no hope we'll wait we're done Musa al-salaam like he was he was chilling at the moment he's saying Canada onomatopoeia he was confident he says no my Lord is with me he's gonna give me a way out he's gonna give me a way out for them it doesn't make sense but again that's what a son is why because you live in the world you deal with the world but your heart sees a lot your heart sees a lot that's the difference that's there you know sometimes when they say troops jump into a like a battlefield or like or a and and they can think and they can only see for example the the reality in front of them they have their commander in their operation rooms where they have the radars cam they've got surveillance everything and they give them instructions right through the wireless why because when you are dealing with reality can only see what you can see right in front of you but your commander sees a far bigger reality right there's a whole map and he sees all the roads in out where the dead ends are where the enemy is you can't see none of that moosa aleihsalaam was acting like this but his radar was what his heart that was connected to a lost montana so he could see the full a full spectrum of reality so he says no my notice with me is gonna give me a way out now moosa aleihsalaam had no clue what the way out was by by the way but he was chill why he's I know it's a lot like you're dealing with Allah you're dealing with Allah for us yeah but you know the numbers don't add up that's the problem because you paid so much attention outside you have missed the tool that gives you access to what is beyond the physical world so we don't have a son we don't have a son the Prophet SAW seldom had something similar when he was chased out of Mecca with Abu Bakr Allah Allah who honor her right and they were going to Medina they head south to her where did they hide about what which cave huh a lot of thought a lot of thought they were hiding and by the way this cave is not like a cave you walking straight no it's a hole in the ground you jump in it's like a whole set pit inside so they were hiding in there it was small if anyone's been there it's a small it can hardly take two people by the way it's not like deep where you can hide no you're in the hole I will buckle a little oh and who was petrified because a group from Hawaii she came to that spot and they were standing right in right on top of it Abu Bakr was shaking the Prophet SAW Salem says what's wrong with you over curry says la ilahe no never had one in nov acad he never Hanna he's a messenger of a lot of life anyone if any one of them looks had their own feet he's gonna see that he's gonna see us well spot us the Prophet SAW son he tells him what Marvin look I became a lot a little man what do you think about two people analyze with them he's not concerned who wasn't even concerned we were there wasn't even fear or even stress or worry why yes an san his eyes were in the heart his hard eyes but she beyond that they could see Allah subhana WA Ta'ala that's what faith takes us to okay now why is it difficult for us to have SN I want to get you involved why is it difficult for us to have herself put your hands up so yeah so we run when we run into problems or we our faith weakens well it's yeah so the question is how do we get to that faith by having true belief how do we get true belief that's the question uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh close who can take that further oh can add to it how do we develop best and honestly practice very good that's a very good opening yes practice what carry on don't leave don't leave us halfway and what because there are people who memorize the Quran people that's a lot but it's in the head how no which is a bad idea if you don't calculate situation we don't want to detach from we don't want to disconnect from reality No would you come yeah we because by the way we attend to reality that's a given but we don't get stuck by reality and that's what we're talking about but how yes we have faith but I have a problem with having faith because you can't just have faith right how do I have faith that's what we're trying to do have cos freeze the Moore at faith you have you get to a point of essa the higher because any level of faith has some descent but we want to get to the highest so we have is a practice that worker yeah but give me something I can work on how do I practice they work with okay like good all of these answers are good by the way but forgive me these are cliche answers we actually we all can I like I believe most of us can even say that my thing is what do I do with this how do I get there what am I doing wrong that I'm that this is not actually paying off because you have people doing what we're talking about but again when we are hit by hardship we realize our faith is weak so let me give the sisters okay sisters are gonna okay so how do I even a develop a son out of this that's my question how do we develop a son it seems like slippery right it seems like okay saying have faith have trust in Allah put your trust in Allah how that's what I'm talking about how how that's not wrong this is a correct answer but is how sorry and I knew Allah I agree with you full like fully fully agree with about how but top someone break someone break that that that rhythm that we already have so far that's a very good start that's a very good start you ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala but you ask truly your ask truly and you don't give up on on asking you keep asking you keep asking you keep begging and you know of your ownself you can't get it and unless Allah gives it to you you're not gonna have it you're not gonna experience it you show you neediness to a loss of anatella and you show you your helpless state that's a good beginning but doesn't take you all the way unless the last panatela just takes you by the hand all the way that's that's all be a very special there would be something very special about you but again so that's a good start so we're having some progress yeah you started started right but then you were up to something but then you just okay you actually started you had a good stuff but then okay okay I'll last two shots you do good deeds that don't give you value they don't pay off here so okay but you could get something from that right you could get recognition you can get okay you can do anything with that intention then how do you suffer in your heart relax back to the drawing board that's not by the way none of the answers we received so far is wrong I'm just saying we want something that gives us leverage something gives us leverage then because that's where most people are most of us are stuck all right okay final last shot and then Lola yes yeah sincerity in what sense uh-huh it's not incorrect answer but another cliche answer again okay does that come like a bug again again no no none of these is incorrect by the way just don't so don't feel like frustrated if you said something don't feel frustrated is just but looking for something that is gonna give us a lot of leverage that's what we're looking for that's what we're looking for I have to give a fair chance to the sisters there's one sister has her hand up so I have to give her an exception going well definitely you do more deeds voluntary deeds they do help but again we're talking about the leverage all of that they Emily you almost got there but again a stopped the Emily is very special by the way very special among all the deeds and there is a reason why lost pan talent in the early stages of the Islamic that one made the a man late and obligation at the beginning Yayoi Muslim men who me Leila in lava Lila was in the early stages oh you who are shrouded in his own blanket stand up pray at night all of the night or just except for a little bit obligation there's something about the Emily because it is very selfless it softens the heart it does okay I tell you why most of us get stuck with the Sun and we don't we don't you know promote ourselves to a higher level is that we do it all in our heads you can't think your way to ascend you can't you can learn as much information as you want you can think about it as much as you want a son does not come from your brain it's not a thought it's not a thought you don't think it you don't put thoughts together you don't engineer s and by the way no matter how intelligent you are you cannot engineer s and by your thoughts that's the problem and that's why I told you we have turned we have an experience in the heart that is different than what do we experience in our heads by the way it's a different experience you have to you have to engage with it firsthand it's different it's categorically definitely feels different it produces something different honestly it produces something different that's what a Sun comes from your heart starts that your heart connects you know you know what the hot connects to the unseen that's what the heart does look at it Allah give you these two parts you have your body which is part of an F which is part of your logic your logical thinking is part of it by the way you're actin basic Apple is part of it it is designed to help you live life on earth you understand physics math chemistry gravity economics finance you understand it with your Neffs which is your logical brain your mathematical brain which is your physical life etc but you also have another element to your existence and that's the soul that's the heart that's what you Fatah comes from you know when most people go wrong with the soul because we've done just like they did with the eye of the kitten it's so dormant we don't even you know what we roast people reduce this almost this is why where most people go wrong with the soul most people think the soul is like an electric wire like you plug it in a socket you just get electricity they think the soul just gives energy to the body to move around and then the body and the brain does everything no the soul hat is an element it has a life of its own has an experience of its own it has feelings of its own it has ideas thoughts of its own it has ideas of its own our love of Allah does not you cannot think it it's not a function of your brain it's not it's already in your heart it's in your fertile and your spiritual essence when you access your heart you're gonna find you love Allah already that's your Fattah yes a knowledge about a la certainty about a loss of an immortal Allah it's already in your heart it's put inside of you all you have to do is acknowledge e then realize it what do I mean by realize it experience it acknowledge there is a spiritual side to you there's a footballer there's a heart to you it's has a it has a life of its own go into it it's not a thought it's just it's annoying it's there you know it this is why it's slippery most people are very uncomfortable with this I know why because we throughout our lives it's all about what read about it you understand it think about it you understand it play with it you understand it yes that applies to matters of this world but matters of the heart cannot be understood this way cannot be understood and smbus real human law Dada he explained out how the Companions of the Allahu Alem they used to handle their hearts he said kanna-chan oh we are done' be traffic or electric or what we track reality or were you not the owner Gullu bahattar not our thoughts he said about the companions they used to resort to the fur coat and to the core the okay I'm not going to explain to her to talk but I have a point here that he says then they in in they entice the hearts to speak pay attention to that they provoke their hearts to speak were you not the owner who loop another wedding wait were a Stanley on an uber you know what that means in Stern pop and the Arabic language is like when you trying to get someone to speak someone is is holding off and you engage them in a conversation and you keep coming at them from here and there until you get them to speak you're going to say what they have to what they have inside that's how the companions treated their heart where you're not the owner who loop they get the hearts to speak in a narration or not the Honolulu but not a cutter they they entice the hearts to speak until the hearts spoke the narration goes for a Lulu Willa has now on what ups are it turns out the hearts have eyesight and hearing what is this that's not in the mind that's another experience that's what a son is that's where a son is sad means you access your heart you pay attention that's why I said you were off to a good start but then and it sort of plateaued right it was a very good start introspection reflection you turn into your heart you turn into your heart look how a lost panel it's either gives guidance that's the same mechanism Allah says from a you read Allahu Ahad Yahoo yes I adore a hole in Islam Allah says when Allah wants the guide someone what does Allah oh Allah expands his chest for Islam that's not a lot of them say Allah convinces him or her there's no convincing here it's not a it's not an intellectual thing it's not an intellectual thing and we might think that this is just play on words it's not it's serious it is serious if you think is Eman is a thought that's a problem do you know who thought this way the more gia the more Gia you know we have an islam those deviant sex we have the coverage on one end of the spectrum on the opposite end we have the well DiMaggio say they were the enemy divider sooner what did they say yeah but they said that a man or what does the but they said that a man does they said a man is mental acknowledgement what does it mean yeah Mohammed is a prophet yeah he's a prophet I'm convinced Quran is from Allah yes Allah exists yes I acknowledge that intellectually that's it end of story that's not as soon as I said that's not a man this is mental acknowledgment this is not a man a man has the a man comes in the heart it's in the soul it's in this world that's what a son is that's what that's what taqwa is that's where kosher is that's where the sweetness of Iman is because by the way in your mind in your logical mind even scientifically explain to me how do you get sweetness of email in your mind through thoughts thoughts give sweetness not at all so the spirit is the soul sweetness comes from the spirit comes from the spirit that's what a son is that's where a son is and that's why I am and Leila helps a lot why because a matter of taste kiyaah Malave is a matter of taste more than anything else more than anything else it's a taste you're entering into X and experience with the invisible to your eyes and you're investing time and nights and hours and attention in something that is invisible so you are exercising your spiritual side when you exercise the spiritual side you activate it the more you invests you invest more in the invisible in the invisible this is why you had a good point when you said you engage with deeds that don't pay off willfully pay off kind of kind of thing you do something that that is completely spiritual to pay off his spirit there's nothing that could come your way that is worldly no payoff in this world why because with this you guarantee hey I'm not exercising my mind I'm not exercising my social aspect and recognition I'm not exercising my my even intellectual like intellectual side of Hawaiian because by the way intellectualism is very is it's very satisfying right ideas processing our ideas that's why philosophy is very captivating why because it's exercise of your mind exercise of your mind no you do something where only your heart engages with the emanate is a very special one by the way tell you what one of the keys to the hut engaging the heart something if you do consistently somehow somehow it's like it's like an electric shock that that jump starts your heart brings it back to life sugar gratitude because gratitude is not a matter of thought it's a matter of soul it is so selfless it's so deep by the way it is so deep we we don't we don't appreciate thankfulness by the way we don't appreciate thankfulness enough you know what Allah says the only people who see the signs of Allah and understand them Allah says in Nephi that akela I got in liquid Lisa Behrendt Shakur the only ones who truly see the signs of a last month are the ones who have two things Sabo and Shakur so sometimes you cannot just something you do it changes who you are inside it changes your makeup inside makes you completely different person but tomorrow we're going to talk about sugar by the way that's a way to slip it in yet tomorrow we have a full day on sugar on sugar so this is actually one point we're going to talk about so yeah so the reason why we try and we're not getting a Sun is that we are trying to form religious matters religious engagements knowledge only here you need to get this activated you need to get this engaged you need to let the Quran connect with this that's when the Quran does it's magic by the way so that's the way to get to ascend I know you might say give me steps I'm doing there's no steps connect realize there is something inside of you there's a spiritual aspect it has a life of its own where can you find it no one knows but you how no one knows but you I'm telling you it's a very personal experience that's your essence that's who you are and you know what you can but you don't want to at some level you don't want to lie to me but I want to on the surface I'm honest with you you know why because the moment and this is what we have Norma had one of the greats of Italian he said people will come to your cover which is Awakening which is basically the soul you awaken the soul when they die the more when we are dying now we're ready to connect to our souls when it's too late but we can we actually connect to our source so throughout your life you could well why now because now you came face to face with your mortality if you decide it's a matter that's why they are when somebody said sincerity yes but it was not presented was not framed right sincerity is that I'm sincere I want to know what my heart is I want to know what's in this hard or know what this soul is about I want to connect to it and just like you you had to experience balance and imbalance firsthand you have to experience what you what it feels to be connected to your heart and when it feels to be out of tune with your heart no one can tell you I can't you know if I tell you if I explain that to you be like me doing push-ups for you who's gonna get the benefit it was gonna get muscle mean you can by the way pay me to do you push-ups for you and I will get the benefit on a benefit I will get the money as well that's exactly so if I tell you that's how the soul feels that's how the heart feels and when when you weighted more in your in your self side in your ego side that's how it feels okay that makes no sense you this is a territory you have to go into to feel and to know what it means who has ever been to Taiwan okay okay okay you have an idea of what Taiwan is right have an idea what Taiwan is etcetera another fine but you don't even care about how like how many times in your life Taiwan even came up maybe a handful of times right but if I tell you hey let's say you work with the company and they want to give you a promotion it's a huge promotion you're gonna get three times your salary there's a huge kind of like payoff from that but you're gonna be stationed in Taiwan for the next five years how do you feel about Taiwan now you wanna learn everything about Taiwan you're gonna go into Taiwan you're gonna learn about you probably even learn the language you'll now when you go to Taiwan you feel what you feel what I want is but if you read about our won by the way for years you would not know what I want really is until you go and live there same thing you would not know about San unless you are ready to go to the land of a Sun the land of a Sun is this this your heart most of us we feel unsafe going there if you want we want to still be here why because here you can calculate here you can have some level of certainty but unless you let go of this you can't go here that doesn't mean being done by the way no it means striking a balance again that's the closest I can go in this short term short time yeah like jacques neau here may allah reward you for your patience that these topics are not easy to to listen to I understand Bharathi homo Salam is no Mohammed Ali Abdullah Saleh her for the Masjid Richmond and for the brothers here and for the committee Oracle Murphy come for this opportunity
Channel: As Saff Foundation
Views: 6,452
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Allah, Quran, Islam, Hadith, Prophet, Muhammad, Moutasem Al Hameedi, Ihsan, Iman, Achieving Ihsan
Id: w5ScsHsxoWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 29sec (3989 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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