How to Live this Life

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al hamdulillah inna Maduro monastery no honest L feel when inaudible him in Shoreham Fusina was a year TI medina me Hilda who father Mobile Allah who I'm a yob little fella hadiyyah-lah shadow and allahu la sharika lah whatcha doin muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh sallallahu alayhi wa early he was a llama Tasneem and kathira yeah you alladhina amanu topological party he wallet emotinal 1 2 mostly moon yeah johanna suit orab become a lady ha deepika my nephew mahi de Vaca lapa minhas ah ha ha ha bottom in human region Kathy Rahman is what la holiday Tessa Luna be he well our ham in logic a la cumbre tiba yeah you Halloween a Minolta Aloha Mahalo : sadita useless alaikum our Menachem oil fill a kimono become one a yodeler allaha wa rasuluhu philosophers and edema and bad for in a stoppin hadith Akita below here as origin waka you're already had you Muhammad in sallallahu alayhe wa aalihi wasallam washable amore more data to her hakuna matata in vida Vakula bidonville allah all praise is due to allah we praise Him we seek his aid and we ask for his forgiveness we seek refuge in allah from the evils of ourselves and the evil consequences of our own actions whomsoever Allah guides none can lead astray and whomsoever Allah leaves to go astray none can guide I bear witness I testify that none has the right to be worshipped none has the right to our ultimate law and devotion but allah subhana wa ta'ala alone and i bear witness that muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam is his servant and his messenger o you who believe fear allah as he should be feared and die not except as Muslims in a state of submission to your Lord o mankind be dutiful to your Lord who created you from a single person and from him he created his wife and from them both he created many men and women and fear Allah through whom you demand your mutual rights and observe the rights of your kin surely Allah is ever and all watcher over you o you who believe keep your duty to Allah fear Him and speak the truth he will direct you to righteous deeds and will forgive you your sins and whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has indeed attained a great achievement the best words are the words of Allah and the best guidance is the guidance of mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa aalihi wasallam and the worst thing in the religion are the newly invented matters for all the newly invented matters and religion are considered to be innovation and ba'da and everybody is misguidance and every misguidance takes to the Hellfire the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his beautiful teaching style and as we said previously he usually seizes opportunities and he addresses everyone in the RAI in the way that it suits them in the way that elicits their curiosity and interest so they want to learn instead of just bombarding them and forcing information down their throat the prophets allah sallam would seek the magical or the best times for people when they are willing and interested to learn more and devour more of this blessed knowledge that the prophet saww salam came with so one day he approaches abdul ahad not on that Robley allahu an Homa the son of allah a hot tub abdullah and I drove all the time was a teenager he was it he was in his teen years the Prophet SAW Salam approaches him and he says baa-baa Rasul Allah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ayedee Here I am in kebaya the Prophet SAW sallam approached me and he put both his hands on my shoulders I want you to visualize this he's a teenager the problem approaches him he puts both his hands on his shoulders what a lovely gesture what a friendly gesture to such a teenager and the Prophet SAW Salim was at that time in his late 50s most likely late 50s or maybe early 60s the problem approaches this teenager in this friendly beautiful manner and this raises his curiosity and interest and it creates a relationship it creates an atmosphere where I have this connection this bond with this teacher with my teacher wahdahu la ilaha illallah wa sallam ala Hanuman kebaya were called couldn't fit dunya canonical re o haboro Seville like words of wisdom like words of wisdom that straight they go straight into your heart the Prophet SAW said obsessed to this teenager be in this world be in this life like a stranger or like a Wayfarer like a traveler that's it that's it very simple words the problem approaches this teenager and this thin ager takes these words and he transforms them into a lifestyle that he lives by for the rest of his life just a very simple statement convict dunya canonical Arab or abusive even be in this life like a stranger or like a Wayfarer because that's what you truly are in this world and in this life so I've beloved Muhammad himself later on in his life he comments he mentions this story then he come infinite Allah Abdul I ignore Omar either a spectacle attentive the real Messer well either M SATA fallodon tava subha Wahab means the Hetty Kelly melodic woman hiya T Kelly motek so he transforms this into a way of life and then he puts it in his own words later on the lognormal speaks about this incident then he adds a commentary he adds some kind of personal explanation and he says when you wake up in the morning don't expect to finish that day don't expect to reach the end of that day alive that means be ready for death and if you reach the evening the end of the day do not expect to wake up in the morning the following day then he says and take from the time of your health for the time of your illness and weakness and take from your life for your death he means basically sees the high times in your life when you are healthy you're strong do you have your senses and you have all your resources at your disposal utilize this because when you are ill and sick and incapable you can't do much so seize these beautiful opportunities when you have the energy you have the youth you have the focus you have the power you have the time and take from your life for your death that means use this life seize this opportunity that we call life to do enough things to build enough credit with Allah so after your death you have paved your way you have a your way paved to paradise so he's summarizing what the meaning of this life has become to him after hearing this advice from the prophet sallallaahu syndrome so the Prophet SAW salam gives and this advice is not only directed to abnormal it's a universal advice to everyone and it's not something that tries to take us away from life like some people like to deduce from this hadith if they want to interpret this hadith in a very negative manner in a way that takes them away from life away for reality on the contrary everything in the instructions of Islam and the in the Quran and the instructions of the prophets all lives in them you will find that it directs you to live life fully live life fully get the full experience of life and the full experience of life as it really is can only be ethical and according to principles those who take life in the wrong direction are abusing it they're not using it so the Prophet SAW Sodom gives him two options and this shows as well this space that Islam gives us the process gives him two options be in this life like a very a stranger or a wayfarer like a traveler and there's a difference between two although there are similarities but the problem acknowledges that one way or one example might not suit you so another example would suit you because there are personal differences and it's unfortunate that sometimes we have devout Muslims people who really want to do good but they want to get everyone to follow their example and their specific understanding when there is more space in Islam in the Oren Anderson of the Prophet SAW Salem so someone knows one thing and they want everyone to follow that just because he or she is unaware that there is also something else there are other pathways within the framework of Islam and this is why you'll find some differences among the Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu Selim no more than that you find the Prophet SAW Salam at times increasing in fast and be a malaise to a point where is shadow be allowed and I her wife she says the Prophet Salim sometimes fast until I say he never breaks his fast he never leaves off any day without fasting then he gets two points where he doesn't fast where I say he doesn't fast any any days that's the balance that we spoke about over and over and over again that's in the life of the Prophet sallallaahu is in him so be in this life like a stranger who is a stranger a stranger is someone who lives in a country that's not his home he sees and he resides in this country but he knows some sage is gonna go back home that's a very stranger so when he lives in that country he recognizes that's not my home that's not my home that's not where I belong I'm gonna go back to my country I'm gonna go back home because that's where I belong but I came here to do some kind of business I came here to study I came here for medication I came here for any purpose and any reason but I know my family's back home my house is back home my people are back home my memories are back home my future is back home everything is back home so we are in this life are strangers because essentially we humans the reality of the human being is their heart is their soul and this is why this soul feels as a stranger here it knows it belongs to the world of the unseen we humans at some level in our fatah in our hearts we know that we are created for the mercy of Allah in Jannah so we want to go there and this is why one of the scholars of the Muslims remember Allah Allah Allah he says in in some poetry lines that are very powerful when he talks about the Islamic rápida and the Islamic Creed and believe he says faiien a Jannetty I didn't even mana zero can allow a filmer him when lacking a nebula I don't we were lacking the nasibi will I do with a hellotara no no do either al-thani na mono cell Lama he's saying come on let's move on this let's go back home let's get ourselves ready to go make the journey back home to where we belong to where we originally came from because these are our this is our first home mana 0 Cal Ola this our from our first home this is what we belong Rafi helm of IMO and there should be your eternal abode that is the plan for you to go back there and live the rest of your time there which is eternal but he says we are captives now to our enemy because chiffon managed to get us out of paradise we are captive to Shaitaan so we're going through the test of this life so he's then wondering are we gonna make it back home or are we gonna stay stuck so that's why we are strangers in this life truly as a Muslim we don't belong but that doesn't mean I don't engage with life I engage with life fully and I build something in this life and I have a contribution and I worship my Lord and I connect to people and I'm good to others and I and I have something to present us something to contribute as something to give and something to offer and I have a lot to learn and I have a lot to do to grow as well this is how the life of a Muslim should go but yet I still see my final destination so I see everything in this life as an open field as an open opportunity for me to engage with to learn from to grow with to build my faith more to build my knowledge more to build my wisdom more to help people more to offer others more to create more contribution to make this world a better place because all of this builds assets for me with allah subhana wa ta'ala and that's the very nature that allah designed me according to that's why we humans have this belief in helping others and in creating a contribution that's when you see someone who's contributing you feel the sense of jealousy and envy you want to be there and sometimes your heart aches if you're not reaching your full potential and sometimes some tears roll down your cheek because you know i want to do this because i'm designed for this that's our fertile so that that's what it means to be a stranger I'm here but my heart is in paradise but I don't disengage from life and run run away from life I don't hide from whatever happens in this life I don't bury my head in this hour and this in the sand and that all the problems accumulate over me because if I do this I won't be able to worship Allah properly but if you materialize this if you can't go through this life with this kind of attitude the prophets or something gave another way and it might be harder for some people but it might be easier for others I would have bureau Sabeel be like a Wayfarer a Wayfarer is someone who travels keeps traveling traveling he never settles in one place he travels from one city to another from one country to another he's a traveler keeps traveling through the world he never settles he never buys a house he never rents a house and he might sometimes sleep in the street and they're open and he he doesn't buy any of the daily needs of a human being oh they the the the needs of someone who has settled he doesn't buy furniture he doesn't buy stuff in the kitchen it doesn't buy any any anything like that why because he's he keeps moving he keeps moving and he wants to keep his burden light so that's a Wayfarer so that's another way another attitude to go through this life if you find being a stranger is not for you maybe a Wayfarer is for you and that's the power of metaphor and you will find this often in the Quran Allah Samantha ADA says well doable law holiness in FL and Allah strikes metaphors for people's for people symbols because with a metaphor with a sim with a symbol you learn so much in very simple words so the problem gave us the metaphor of being in this life like a stranger or being in this life like a Wayfarer like a Wayfarer there is no much attachment to this life and this in a minute there are people who have this in them they don't want to engage so much in life they grow and they prosper more when they are by themselves more when they mind their own business more when they focus on their small niche and they go through this life quietly and that's how they achieve and contributes so the profit system recognizes this variety in human beings so he's giving two different attitudes to life and I'm not only allahu anhu he understood this very well and he just took one lesson that could be shared by everyone he said make sure because both of these metaphors give you the very strong indication and the message that you don't belong here you not created for this world you're not gonna live in this world forever one day you will leave one day you will depart and you will leave everything behind so islam teaches us to be future-oriented because that's your real future and life doesn't end with death we know that death is just a transition from one stage to the other but while we're here on this planet in this earth while we're living this life allah has given us a gift that he hasn't he hasn't given to other creatures and that's the gift of choice they give the gift of choice we can choose how to be we can choose how to light how to live we can choose how to deal with this life we can choose other to do good or to do bad we can choose to be ethical and principled and obedient to Allah or you we can choose to be evil and bad and disrespectful and disobedient to Allah subhana wa ta'ala we have the choice Allah has given us this ability to make a choice but once death comes upon you there is no more choice the game of choice is over it's over but the consequences stop there and that's why Abdul of Nam mother says take from your life for your death so use this choice in this life because after death you have no choice so choose your choices make your choices wisely so that after death and you have no choice you've already created enough for you to make it to paradise hump to prosper after death it's just like when you know that I will be laid off for the next three months I'm not gonna have a job so I have some savings I know the last few months now in my job I'm not gonna spend a lot I will be very careful with how eyes why because this money that I save has to last me for the next three months it's the same thing it's just it's called planning we call it planning as simple as that so what he's saying plan plan wisely have a vision don't be blinded by this life just like yeah yep no more either Rossi or him out loud to Allah he says AB duniya humble shape on this dunya if you let it overwhelm you and take you over and you lose control in it it is like it is the alcohol it is the intoxicant of Shaitaan men securom inhale a me Aslam you fill in laughs he asked almota Malka Saleem if you drink from this alcohol and you get intoxicated from this dunya from the pleasures of this dunya that are Haram for you if you get in if you drink from them you will get intoxicated you will only wake up when you join the dead and then you would be a loser so in this life plan forward be future-oriented your real future is with Allah smile to Allah death is not the end the fact we don't see it with our eyes doesn't mean we don't know it in our hearts we know there will be life after death we know what every human being knows that deep in the heart they might deny it they might reject it in their brain it doesn't make sense to their intellectual brain but the spiritual brain and intellect in the heart knows it very well and Allah said about the biggest of the disbelievers firown' and his people Allah said about them well jihad will be how was safe on a town for so home they denied it they lived in denial to it intellectually they rejected it but deep inside their hearts they recognized that they had a knowing about it everyone knows that a whole oh holy heather was tough Hollywood alhamdulillah lvl amino salat wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi ajma'in more bad so this prophetic advice is very simple it gives us a way of life it's a very powerful metaphor and it works if you wake up in the morning and remind yourself of these words this hadith is reported by Bukhari collected by Bukhari near Sophia and it's a profound way to live remind yourself every morning and every evening that I am in this life a stranger or a Wayfarer and I'm gonna live my life like this mind you a stranger finds it easier to help people out to extend help why because they don't have the expectations that the residents all the people who live in that country or that state he has more freedom he has less connections he has and this is why like usually travelers you know you can do stupid things when you're travelling why because no one knows you no one knows it gives you us it comes with a sense of freedom because relationships are very important and very powerful but relationships place constraints and expectations upon you they are a network you become part of this network you can become part of this web and it holds you it places some constraints some rules some expectations upon you but when you are a stranger your free style you can do whatever you want so this is why usually strangers if they are if they have this sense of contribution and help to others and kindness in them it's easier for them to extend kindness this is why you'll find sometimes it's hard to give a help to a friend why because there's a lot of politics between you and him or her that's human relationships but with a stranger you might be very willing to extend to help easier why because if you're rejected it's not a big deal I'm not gonna see this person anymore so it comes with an advantage when you are a stranger you're it's easier for you everything is easy for you you always have a fresh start with everything and that's it shows that you can always contribute you can always help you can always extend help and it also it gives you a very deep insight into what happens when things happen to you you realize you know when someone gets impressed in a foreign country they don't feel as bad as when they are oppressed in their own country because you knew oppressed home it cuts deep but who knew oppressed in a foreign country it's easy I'm just gonna get out of this country it's not my country so it's somehow I'm expecting this a certain degree so this metaphor is rich these are just elements and just insights into these beautiful words of the prophets of Allah use in them and one point here that's very important that I will conclude with the power of this metaphor the power of this prophetic advice is that it gives you a sense of responsibility over your life you're responsible you are responsible for this life and this is the trust the Amana that we are given you are responsible for your life how you think about it what attitude you have about that and this obviously you know has consequences how things unfold in your life depends on how you approach life and this is a topic for another hot but that we actually should speak about so at the end of the hope I just wanna mention a reminder that insha'Allah this Friday after the halacha we will have a potluck so everyone is invited and everyone who can contribute that would be really appreciated it's a time to gather and strengthen the brotherhood that we have among us so we'll have the halacha after Maghrib and then it shall Allah after the help out which is after Isha and Salah we will have the potluck it's a time to get to know one another a time to converse with one another just because we Muslims we have to preserve this Brotherhood and it really sometimes you there are people that you meet just by conversing with them and speaking with them well on your level of Iman goes up there are people that really ignite faith again in your heart so we ask Allah supplanted strengthened this brought a bond of brotherhood among us and increase our Eman alarm wilmemina well me not will Muslim anonymously man and here a minimal him what a llama feeling Ivanova now myself and a fee a marina with a bit of codominance or Norelco mid-calf Irene la banan 18f in dunya husana will herati hassan okay now had a ver now alarm Falana Wally Wally Deena what him in the hump up on Hellena long Bremen he had the aluminum rush to a Sufi he wrote our attic with a loofah hey Omar sciatic foramen ovale hypocrite be karasuna Tina Bek sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam ala Mukunda mustafa phenomenal mini nephew limacon lung kingdom our Lama su our Elohim alumni family Indian Humana Medicare imatra I mean a lama salli wa sallim wa barik ala habibika rasool allah muhammad wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in moments are all energy him o allah o Medine soup anaerobic our ability - a phone was Allen Marcelino alhamdulillah here below enemy
Channel: Abu Huraira Center
Views: 7,018
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Keywords: khutbah, muslim, Islam, Quran, Khutbah, Moutasem Al Hameedy, Reminder, Recitation, Muslim, Abu Huraira center, Servants, Most, Merciful, Lecture, Canada, Toronto, Abu Osama AL Dhahabi, Bilal phileps, Abdulhakem Quick, Yasir Aldosary, Wadi Alyamni, معتصم الحمديدي, Digital Mimbar, The Daily Reminder, Bilal Philips, The Evolution of Fiqh, Free Islamic Course, Usool Al Fiqh, مراد, السباطي
Id: Y8KaCMHtG8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2017
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