The Importance of Purity in the End Times | Brian Guerin

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let's all stretch our hands toward brian say brian we honor you we honor you we thank you for serving the lord and we thank you for coming amen father we just we receive the gift that this man is and the giftings that you've put in him we receive those tonight we receive him as we would receive you jesus because you sent him here and we thank you for him and we love him he's precious to us in jesus name amen amen all right let's give a big thank you to brian for coming [Applause] here wow so good evening everyone how are you good to be back yeah i heard it's been really uh powerful so um i don't know where we'll go but um just again so honored to be here pastors john and linda if we can give them a hand they're amazing and uh i want to say man justin you have no idea i haven't got to officially meet you yet but you're a hero of mine man so i uh let me see i got born again in 98 and went to bible college i was over in pensacola from like 99.01 and we were starting to hear about you guys in in ihop we're like who are these guys just radical you know and then i graduated and there was a season many of you that follow our ministry know i was i had taken about a year off and kind of really went after the lord and i kid you not you and uh john thurlow you know i'm sure you're close with him i would wear your guy's stuff out man just dug a trench and literally in my carpet praying in tongues and uh anyway just love you man honor used to know him you guys got to get all this stuff i hope i can scoop up an album or two but um but literally i don't know i forget but how ihop you can find the leaders you know i would literally scan and be like where's justin bam you know and then uh john thoroughly not that you should pick favorites we need the full body but but i'm just saying it it is anyway just such an honor i love you man um so yeah let's jump in and um we'll just see where we where we end up really since the holy spirit here so so rich and intimate so should i stay here camera i don't want to mess up the i can walk around okay i see the the fancy setup and didn't want to mess anything up yeah but anyway since the holy spirit and would love to make room for him to move here in a little bit we'll keep you long and i love to pray for you guys how many of you know we serve a god of encounter and uh he loves to touch his people you know he still heals today works miracles you all know that and um anyway so i believe he's going to move powerfully here in a second and just want to talk to you from my heart zoe you want to stand though i know they said hello already but proud of her yeah she's 19 pretty much runs the house now you know yeah we've been running pretty hard we were just in arizona yeah two nights ago and then got to got home late last night able to do some laundry pack the bags again and we were on a plane this morning but my son judah he's he's at the house and says oh he holds all the responsible stuff you know she literally made him a list didn't you like feed bullseye we have this english bulldog he like he's something feed him you know and all this stuff and he destroyed the blinds yesterday a uh the who was it fedex guy came and he's trying to say hello he just doesn't realize he's super he's just big english bulldog he's trying to say hello to him but he's tearing up the blocks so anyway but but super proud of her she loves the lord and and you know if you have anything come and share and hopefully she'll pray with me later and we'll just let the holy spirit move so but i just want to encourage you guys does anyone have healing in their bodies just raise your hand healthy folks up in here okay so if you do um you know we've really been seeing the lord move powerfully it's really all the lord we love to lay hands on people that's super biblical but jesus does what he does and he's been healing people and moving in powerful ways you want to raise your expectancy whatever it is we've just been seeing it all how do you know kovid didn't really kind of throw a kink in the lord's plans at all he wasn't like oh what are we going to do now you know whatever it is really i i remember the first time out of cover i was here with you guys yeah that was awesome we had we had hopped off of a ship um in no yeah march 2020 this this cruise thing we do and we didn't know what happened we were out there oh yes don't you talk about eric or did she already you did an amazing job or are you okay i'll forget so um eric was on the ship so i was reminded but anyway dear friend eric gilmore how many women are going to come to the conference amazing some men are oh i see and then you kind of put them on the back row and sort of no that's awesome but no eric's a dear friend we we went to bible college together just deep well in the lord we call him the sage he's uh there's no one like him you know and uh just you're gonna be rocked that's all there's just no one like him he he walks in the lord and displays him like nobody else and you don't want to miss that so we're on this ship and uh covey had hit or whatever it did i don't think i even know what it all was really it's not biblical so i don't really i don't really get bogged down in it a whole lot you know i just do the word you know something doesn't line up with it i don't it's kind of like charlie brown's teacher to me just you know it just has got to be the word so uh so anyway we hopped off the ship though and i was like what hit the world because we were out in the caribbean we didn't know what was going on and you get out whenever there's mask and fear you could cut it with a knife fear in the airport i'm like whoa and um but it was awesome we were rocking y'all didn't really care we just i was back over here in no time we were traveling but um the lord has still been moving powerfully so i want to encourage you guys we were just um a couple of meetings ago at the pentecost you were at which by the way your blessing meant more than you know do you know she read it to us oh my gosh especially coming from you guys because i just honor you so much and we have that on film so it meant so so much and um but right behind you linda there was a pastor i didn't know but we were just kind of letting the spirit move that we'll hear in a little bit laying hands on people and i knew i saw the power of god hit him he kind of flew back and didn't know what happened though we just kept moving along and come to find out he was in a car accident and his spine was all messed up and he was healed immediately just the other night a lady's hip got healed she needs to run things like this um you name it all over just wherever we travel how many you know it doesn't like geographical spots don't like increase the glory or something it's just jesus so i want to raise your expectancy he's going to move powerfully i love to share we were at a baptist church later or earlier this year i forget and uh with my son powerful pastor he's holy ghost filled and powerful just miracles girl's leg grew out shoulders i think it was either deafness in the ear or something like that so whatever it is just want to raise your expectancy to let the lord move and um and we'll go for it so i want to talk to you briefly from my heart and we'll hop around i was in revelation 3 this morning but i don't know if i really want to go there yet um revelation 3 but i may do that tomorrow morning we'll see and honestly how i roll it's like i may never go where i thought i was going to go anyway so just follow the spirit but um let me go here first we'll see if it if it you know if that's the way we want to go uh i just know this this has been on my heart and the lord's been highlighting it a lot lately is the purification of the bride i love that justin was highlighting this i just really feel like he's preparing his bride but she's also preparing herself and i think this gets mixed up sometimes i've clearly missed you know messed it up and grown over the years and just trying to theologically understand it but how do you know there's there's positional righteousness and relational righteousness and they're both both really really key they they really matter and i feel like the lord in this hour um is amping up the standard if you will in a good way by his loving kindness not in a religious way but really wooing his pride listen if you're about to get married the level of relational your eye becomes a lot more single on that you know who how many of you are married in here okay a lot of people but you know it's just right before the wedding days not when you're still just kind of mixed about your emotions your choices your desires you follow me and i believe we are nearer to the lord's return than ever before you know obviously you can sense that and that being said the lord's wooing his bride but she's also starting to prepare herself you know in revelation it says the bride prepares herself makes herself ready and and i don't want you to mishear me there's not like you know this religious thing we can do it in ourself i know it's all done by the grace of god but i think often the grace of god is misconstrued and we lean heavily upon the positional righteousness verses the righteousness in christ and he has all done it you can't do anything in and of yourself start striving to be holy it'll never happen you'll backslide probably you know so don't don't mishear me but there i'm learning there's these there's this pliability this yieldedness these choices we make that he's really after in this hour and uh the narrow path you know the cost of the way taking up your cross i'm really just loving this stuff the not so popular things they're more and more becoming i could just sense oil on them the straight gate that i was doing a study recently on at that narrow path good thing you guys already took up the offering because this is not the happy stuff but well listen this leads to life i get excited about it you know how many you want the fullness of life well listen you have to find the straight gate it's a narrow very tiny the bible says few find it broad path it says everybody goes that way you don't even have to be found it's just pick away everybody goes that way and it leads to destruction which if you do a word study right there that destruction means to be cut off or severed from what could have been and what could have been is the fullness of life in that straight gate jesus the same life jesus says i'm the way the truth and the zoe life and so anyways this is this narrow path i feel like he's calling the bride to in preparing herself and even i was just recently i've been preaching this also lately out of joshua you see it i'm just seeing it everywhere in such a beautiful way this refining this yielding this um purity in revelation 3 you see it white garments and pay a price you know a lot of us don't like the price paying talk you know what i mean we want everything free but it's just not biblical and uh and so anyway this purifying of the bride we really want to emphasize and pray at the end we'll see where it will go let the holy spirit move but this positional verse relational is is uh you know it's often misconstrued like i was saying earlier and the relational side relies upon you and i you see it all throughout scripture james 1 27 says perfect religion is this look after the widows orphans in their distress and keep oneself unstained from the world and listen they're all over the place second timothy 2 paul's running to timothy and you guys have heard me probably preach this before but he's writing basically to timothy the gist of it is if you want to be a special utensil use for special occasions in the kingdom of god do you guys want to just be used for everyday use just common you know no nobody does you want to be that's i liken those to sporks that's like they're cheap they're just good for the trash you can't do anything with them you can't you can't eat soup with them you can't really poke stuff they're just useless that's the cheap utensils that paul writes about but the special ones the only prerequisite he tells timothy is you've got to keep yourself pure keep yourself clean you know and i'm just loving this again in the grace of god by his power totally it really comes from intimacy um intimacy enables and sustains purity it's by his grace but i just think sometimes those positional verses we love to camp out around while we keep making choices that aren't yielded to the spirit you guys know what i mean and they keep us out of line of the fullness of god and so just trying to yield more more so anyway i was in joshua i've been preaching on this recently and you see these purity checkpoints is what i call them and i feel like the lord's doing this in this hour over his bride because really i see it travel all over it was going to be real frank with you i see the call upon people's life prophetic promises but it usually comes down to this right here deep deep intimacy and purity or the lack thereof these two things when they're set in place i get resistance i get all that but when these things are neglected it hinders the full will of god over your life you can have promises that were prophesied hovering over you but they won't come into fruition until that yieldedness is in place and so you see joshua uh chapter three verse five he's about to go into the promised land you all remember moses is passing the baton joshua's moving on and right out of the gate he says purify yourselves for tomorrow the lord will do great wonders amongst you you guys remember that so you see a purity checkpoint right out of the gate even to cross over into the promised land listen there's again new testament lens would be if we want to step into the promises of god there's a throwing off of things from past seasons of baggage and it happens again when they cross and i just want to encourage you guys i feel the holy spirit doing it more and more within the lives of people he's like no just give me that these little foxes and things like this just just straight up mixture sometimes it may not be blatant sin it's just mixture the bible says this about the word of god the the cares and riches of life just simply it's not even blatant sin they they're like thorns that take out the word of god and especially now man the way things are getting more polluted you guys can sense that it's just you know if you read the word it's times are going to get darker i don't know if you guys believe the other way hopefully if i'm stepping on toes or something but it's pretty clear matthew 24 it will be as though it were in the days of noah times will increase of darkness deception will be an all-time high matthew 24 jesus kicks it off with take heed lest you be deceived you guys remember that meaning deception will be at an all-time high and you see it right now if we're honest i'm like i'm having a hard time believing or seeing how people are believing some of this stuff i'm like that makes no sense like how do you even but it's an anointing of deception that's why i was in in revelation 3 2 the church of laodicea that i think is an end time picture it says you've got to have eyes anointing to anoint your eyes to see because the blurriness the darkness that the you know not to highlight that because the glory of god we know will shine brighter than ever before on you and i but basically there's a separation that's happening if you're caught in the middle right now listen i'm seeing people caught in the middle and you can disqualify yourself nobody likes that kind of preaching but again it's in the word and uh i just want like why even be near the fence right now by the grace of god no condemnation look we've all fallen short made mistakes but i mean from right now this evening starting forward jesus wash me help me yield fully to you you know i don't want to go another day back in the wilderness like going around mountains until on delay because god's covenant and promise to you watch i'm about to share with you in joshua you'll see it purify yourselves for tomorrow the lord will do great wonders amongst you basically split the jordan promised land access and i believe often give me a little room here we we do this in our christian life thank you lord that first love and we step through and we step over into it and you think we've arrived you know yay here we are right away the lord's like all right now circumcise everybody the baggage from the past it's like another purity checkpoint circumcision all flesh from the passage can't go here promised land living is a whole another ball game things from past seasons things that were even permissible in last season they're not beneficial anymore and i'm telling you right now the lord's it's like it's holy ground we're coming into that excites me really because again it's by his grace he'll totally empower you to live this way but it's certain choices and things we're holding on to that just won't uh they won't go there while his covenant his promise to you remains he uh is this too heavy to some of you guys sorry okay i can tell a joke or something and uh joy and we'll go holy ghost here in a second but but i love this this stuff too and um and it just excites me man because i'm i'm sensing his leading and i find myself more more and more just simplifying in life and it's a it's a freedom i don't know what's going on anymore i don't want to so we live in atlanta now i'm originally from louisiana and uh they recently had some gas shortage or something i just don't we cut off from everything i don't to me anymore and again walk in your grace okay i get it some people have to stay plugged in and marketplace and go for it i'm just telling you from my little world but to me what's relevant is the word of god his manifest presence and voice and anything outside of that i just you know it's just noise to me i'm just being honest so there was apparently a gas shortage in atlanta but i figure if it matters enough i'll he'll tell me in prayer you know sure enough he didn't tell me anything so i didn't care and uh so uh so sure enough we're like man all these cars lining up at the gas stations and they got some really good boiled peanuts or something i don't you know no not really but um but sure enough it worked out glorious the whole thing that happened we had to get a a u-haul we had just got a building like she mentioned in hauling stuff and i just like the day it happened we got a u-haul with a full tank of gas that we were driving all week anyway i didn't need my own and then the shortage stopped and we got back in our car and we never felt it but uh but anyway the point is i would encourage you guys again you pray about it but i would detach so so far in this hour i don't care what the voice you know what i mean just detach you you're not going to be relevant brother that's what they want to say the only relevance is manifest glory bombs in the earth right now that's what's going to shake the earth you may not be able to talk about the latest whatever but they're like what's what's on you what's a little different about you why do you never get sick but people just get healed when they get around you i don't know i just know i really love this man called jesus christ he's my bridegroom king and i just all i want is him and you'll be a little strange but the bible says we're like a peculiar people i'm not trying to fit in you know i don't you know whatever and so um so this detaching in this hour is beautiful i think the lord is calling his bride to do it again by grace you know what you walk in for your assignment but you see joshua they cross over you think sweet we've arrived the lord's like nope now circumcision everybody from the wilderness that still has baggage from the past loves you look but he's saying with a big cheesy smile in his goodness his loving mercy he's his loving kindness leads to repentance he's not condemning at all love jesus you know he's so patient merciful and true but so they have that checkpoint there's these purity checkpoints and i just want to encourage you because how do you want to walk in everyday promised living promised land of living sorry yes so do i and you see the standard that kind of resonates with it so they hit this period checkpoint circumstance and go to move forward and joshua gets to the next plot of land they're going to conquer jericho first land they're going to take out he gets near it angel of the lord of hosts we all know that encounter drawn sword sure enough take off your shoes you're on what ground holy ground it's another like holiness just purity checkpoint so he does that walks in the impartation from there then they take out their first you know land or territory you serpent for the lord jericho and we all know aiken hides some of the precious things meant to be devoted to the lord like a robe some silver things like this in his tent and so now there's there's a hanging on to something that should not have been and listen what happens the lord just hits the pause button on destiny so you can even be in your christian life step through think we're here get into the promised land but your whole destiny can be put on paul's and i see this happen a lot i've been there you guys can relate you've been there the lord said yeah been waiting for that whatever it may be and um so joshua doesn't know about it this kind of reader's digest version real quick and he thinks man lord told me everywhere my soul on my foot hits we got it so let's move on boys he goes over to ai the next town they get totally defeated and listen what the lord says joshua's crying out josh was like lord i thought you t what's going on he goes get up stop crying sin's in the camp just mixture really the new new covenant lens i just liken it to mixture and listen the lord's really getting mixture out right now just any kind of noise things listen right now uh and even my my kids we do this just you know the holy spirit's within you how many of you were born again in here awesome just wanted to check and uh but the holy spirit's within you and literally anything you know that you can be just being entertained by looking at with your eyes taking in your ears relationships that are there i'll just say cut people off love them bless them but if they're you know what i'm saying like anything that's quenching the holy spirit that's not good for church growth sorry but but anyway you know what i mean just um that yielding to him and anything that can quench the holy spirit the bible says quench not the holy spirit allow that mixture to get out so the lord tells joshua he says there's mixture in the camp and listen to this he says as long as there's mixture in the camp you'll never stand before your enemies and this happens far too often we allow these things in our life that again may have been permissible in last seasons but and it can sometimes be just so disobedience just because you aren't doing something fully that the lord told you to do that can be mixture you guys know what i'm saying uh whatever it may be and so it comes down to like lord help me just i want to be that pure bride ephesians 5 27 without spot or wrinkle i don't even want the the tainted realm of the world upon me the ideologies just the mentalities whatever it is the mixture and so the lord tells joshua as soon as you remove the mixture and i love this about joshua listen to what stands out about him to me more than anybody it's kind of his legacy if you look at the end like joshua 24 somewhere in there so joshua had this thing on him that i love so much he just had no time for mixture and it just so happens he's the one that was called to lead them into the promised land all the days of their life and listen what it says about him it says at the end it says israel served the lord all the days when joshua was ruling he had something on him that like their heart was so pure there was no mixture they always just served the lord he's like me in my house we serve the lord he had that on him he told him at the end he says listen i'm going on now but i tell you right now testify against you if you start to mix with other foreign gods that's on you because me and my house he just had no time for it he goes wait there's sin in the camp aiken find him burn it to the ground which is not new new testament but but it's like lord wash me you know yeah no mixture he just burned it all to the ground no time for it and then bam ai they just move on again god's like thank you paul's button removed okay move move now in the in the promised land and i think far too often i've seen it we even shift our theology thinking why we're not progressing you know i've just i've seen it and um when we think we well god's just teaching us stuff or whatever it is and he's up there going up i meant for you to be way down here taking out promised land and gaining and usurping and this and the other but there's mixture and but with joshua at the end it says israel all the days of joshua served the lord and then it says even the elders under joshua meaning he carried such an impartation on this it got on them that even as they outlived joshua even as they were still in in leadership the people served the lord but as soon as they passed on their mixture got back in and it kind of did what it did um i was even reading lately with uh in judges i'm kind of all over the place i would encourage you guys get a healthy diet of the word just jump all over the place i can't you know it's just a fall in love with the word again you know what i mean just shut the other voices off dive deep in this thing pick a version you like but i was reading gideon the other day i saw this fresh i'm judges like um i think chapter six and then maybe seven but gideon incredible leader of the lord we all know took out the midianites and all this but at the end i saw something really unique where they took out some kings and it says gideon took the gold necklaces from off the camel that's a random verse why'd that make that lord you know like why how'd that get into the inherent word of god you know that it's just a random verse he took the necklaces off the candles i'm like okay keep reading and that people were so just intrigued and you know just amazed that gideon honored him so much for for the power they walked in taking out the midianites deliverer that it says they try to make him king over them and put him up and elevate him and he had a heart still after the lord he says no no the lord is your god but then if you read closely he says but give me the silver and gold and earrings and things from that they had just looted and i was like there it is again there's mixture there and i'm telling you this company this last day bride there is no they're going to be so freakishly blinding light and uh i'm telling you man it you know you're just in the world uh i was recent sorry i'm all over the place but i think matthew 17. jesus the mount of transfiguration i think is one of the most beautiful end time pictures of the bride i believe jesus modeled it for us he ascends to a high place living in that high place of deep intimacy detached from the world way up there that the noise is not up there the busyness the world's systems the the it's not there it's pretty funny i we live backed up to these endless acres of woods and all this stuff and uh there's like a mini mountain back there it's really made out of granite it's pretty cool so i was locking up the other day out there and well at first a huda was totally destroying my secret but i was trying to wait by the creek who does i'm trying to wait in silence man isaiah 40. you know those who dials they're not eagles at all they're just oh ooh you know i'm like shut up but uh he finally he got along in the day and he stopped but went up there waiting uh wind was whipping up on the little mini mountain and uh and it's funny i didn't know this we had a lot of deer out there but i was i was in stillness for so long a deer got close to me it was just before went to arizona and i just made a movement i didn't know and he didn't know i was there i guess so all of a sudden i hear his hoof like scrape on the granite mountain and they run on them things with their hoofs that he took off i didn't know that i thought they could run on ground but you hear him scraping and sliding on the mountain he took off and uh and that was awesome but sorry rabbit trail but jesus ascended you know uh the mountain high place of intimacy living this this life caught up in the gaze of his father so much so that he begins to radiate first the bible says his face shone like the sun like the sun if you do a word study his face shone like the sun and its brightness and then from that the progression went to his clothes and it says his clothes began i believe it as a progression began to shine like the light of the sun so not quite as bright you can look at the light from the sun but the sun you can't stare at so i believe his face you could barely you couldn't even stare at she burned your eyes but his clothes which speaks of purity so and so much more but intimacy is producing purity in such a profound way and then obviously i believe the two great clouder witnesses revelation 11 shows up elijah moses the fear of the lord hits and all this stuff but all that being said there's such a purity upon the bride coming right now that they're just detaching they may not know what's going on in the world but they don't need to they're going to be like the lighthouses in the earth burning bright with the glory of god because they know his voice so clear and soon away gideon at the end though you could see the mixture still there and he took all this gold if you read just right at the end which gideon's a legend to me uh just a hero obviously my gosh but it even shows you if you read his initial story he was like very you know shy and like a coward remember you'd think no he wouldn't have that in his heart but right now you know how do you know you don't always know what's in your heart the lord does and that's why it's like just search me you know and purify me let make me like you which comes through intimacy first and it's produced by by purities produced by intimacy but often if we're not careful you can be hours in worship in prayer and seeking and this and the other but still consciously making decisions that are opposed to his way and hanging on to things that that you know he's not approving of and that's where the mix-up happens so gideon takes all the silver gold at the end and makes an ephod out of it to him basically like a kind of legacy thing you know about look what i've done sort of and the bible says right at the end it was it was a thorn it hemmed up him and his family the rest of the days of their life it was it was mixture the bible still says they had peace all the days when he was in rulership that they won dominated were in peace but there was that mixture there joshua little different they served the lord all the days of their life and he was the no mixture no-nonsense type guy and sometimes it's not fun listen i want to tell you make hard decisions you have to parents with kids or whatever ask my children we just don't play it in my own life the lord does this again sorry i can feel it going there but i feel like the the love of god in this hour is like no no time for games anymore you know just any kind of mixture that's not pleasing not pure not holy not isaiah 6 type encounter you know again not out of legalism not out of works but he's rooting it out and in the holy spirit's coming in such a more powerful way because he can fully reside upon that which he is you guys tracking with me he he rest upon that which he is and listen he'll take as much as you can give him let's say like a tenth of this water bottle is pure he'll land upon it and he'll reside and again i know scripturally he's still in us the kingdom's within us we're born again i'm not questioning any of that but there's i wish i had another bottle there let's say this pulpit is positional righteousness this water of bottle is relational righteousness oh yeah that's all right i already did the pulpit thank you though and hebrews 10 14 says god has forever made perfect that's positional righteousness those that are being made holy it's a very mysterious verse and so our spirit brand-new born again but our soul being renewed and and conformed to the ways of god not conformed to the world which means formed into the shape of this world conform means becoming like the mold and our mind has to be renewed and broken out of it and so um anyway in this hour just wanted to highlight that i could go so many different ways with it but i sense and have been for quite some time by his grace his loving kindness his goodness and mercy he's calling us higher and some of us when we're making those decisions relationally to align with the positional righteousness that's already there god sees you in the blood of jesus there's this potency that's coming his voice is becoming way more clear and frequent and consistent sometimes it's just the other noise the lesser lovers you know and when we start to cut them out of our life and yield more like a bride you know even you see the tears relationally in scripture where jesus says i no longer call you servants but friends that's that's a tear level i know a lot of us think we're all equal and it's all just good and we're christians we are but there's relational depths you should even see it in the disciples with the 12 the three and the one you guys know what i'm talking about peter james and john always got in on the good stuff and then john even more and so i just would encourage you in this hour again not by works by getting lost in his gaze and then choosing and he empowers through that by intimacy help me lord and then choosing from that place and watch it sometimes it can be the smallest shift just a circumcision or just whatever it is and that shift will it can be just a little bit of something hidden in the tent of aiken in the camp and that can hem up and slow everything down you guys know what i'm saying and they couldn't move forward anymore but as soon as it's removed it's like okay now we can take the pause button off and and uh and move forward but anyway i just want to encourage you guys with that if the lord speaks um everybody run down here repent now don't do i don't do that type stuff but um but by his grace and goodness we'll pray here in a second but just wash us jesus help us uh yield more into your likeness by your great he does it all anyway you know it's by his goodness and and grace and i believe a lot of us will first and foremost to know him intimately in a deep deep way and be prepared as his bride but also walk in promised land living you know it takes a company with no mixture otherwise there's a lot of hang-ups a lot of you know stalling points pausing going around mountains and things like this and it's kind of like what's what out there is of any worth anyway other than the blood the power the presence and voice of god there is nothing else out there and um so yeah i just want to bless you guys with that if you want to stand and we'll pray here in a second do i minister again in the morning i think i do do i preach in the morning yeah okay i thought i did otherwise i was going to go for another hour and then i'll teach you you're like no okay yeah maybe with the worship team or if y'all have tracks or something i don't want to overwork you guys okay that'd be awesome if you don't mind yeah that'd be great thank you so much yeah thank you jesus yes if you want to focus on the lord and we'll just pray thank you lord i'm just going to pray over you corporately maybe put your hand on your heart and receive lord wash us in your blood everybody watching through the live stream or video wash us in your blood i pray for a fresh grace right now that joshua type spirit to come upon us there's no nonsense no mixture such a detachment from the ways of this world to come upon your bride a detaching from the world system the noises even the the entertainments that are lesser and don't point back to you that aren't glory filled detaches i pray from from uh from anything that's not of you and attaches to you in such a deep deep way lord do a deep work tonight in jesus name thank you lord thank you lord we got diamonds on the mic this year uh it's straight up upgraded did you see that that's amazing what is it oh it's her mic you got some serious bling going on that's glorious oh yeah yeah well i'm in it now so did you glue each one on [Music] oh no you don't improve on justin he said it's great it's bridal no that's awesome thank you jesus yes so if any of you guys want on prayer or just get back in the river and the lord i want to invite you to come or you can spread out and love to lay hands on some of you guys if you want prayer we're gonna just worship him again thank you lord i made chris you mind catch with me and normally have judah [Music] [Music] yeah so just begin to focus on the lord and um love to lay hands on you guys super biblical you see the healing in bodies with the laying on hands in scripture impartation of gifts even commissionings happen oh yeah before i forget um you guys can keep focusing on the lord man when i was in worship and i guess i was just my heart went towards you and thinking about you i saw i don't it would make any sense at all but uh a usa type stamp get put on an envelope in the top right corner so i don't know if anybody gets sent somewhere there's sending of something happening in the u.s or or what but it was a stamp you'd put on an envelope top right corner with the u.s type thing and i didn't know what that was so maybe it'll make sense but something with you and sending or something within the us but awesome so yeah focus on the lord and we'll pray and let the lord [Music] you
Channel: Linda Eckhardt
Views: 664
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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