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guys today i'm here with a dear friend of mine brian guerin i met him back in bible college in 1999. he has been an influence in my life tremendously uh not just because of our friendship but because of the depth of relationship he has with god and the manifest presence that is with him and in his ministry i say two separate things there the presence of the lord is with him personally and also there's a manifestation of the spirit when he ministers publicly so both of those things have tremendously touched my life and i'm super honored to talk to him today and share what he is with you guys if you don't know he's got many books out i know the newest one is called bridal company right yeah yep there's also god of wonders and there's also uh modern day mysticism there's one more right yeah there's contemplations of character yeah like that one yep yep and so he's got a bunch of books out you can check him out on amazon also he's got a bunch of online schools that he does that people all over are taking them and they come to me because they know i'm friends with him and they're like this class was insane there's like school of all kinds of different things school of the spirit school of the word school of christ school of the trinity school of intimacy uh it's pretty amazing you can check him out um on on his website bridalglory.com right that's what it is yep yep fantastic also the academy's been going pretty good huh yeah you rocked it the other night man so grateful you were you made the time to be with us that's going really good though yeah they're super hungry so yeah i've met a couple of them and they're special people man wow yeah and it's it's cool to see that they become friends with each other via internet totally man that's a small world out there like when you kind of travel and see it's really wild so yeah so i have a couple of questions i'm just going to ask brian and just turn him loose on you but i wanted to start with the scripture that reminds me of brian when i read it it's in jude chapter 20. sorry chapter 20 verse 20. there's only one chapter jude and it says this it says um but you beloved build yourselves up on your most holy faith praying in the holy spirit keep yourselves in the love of god waiting anxiously for the mercy of our lord jesus christ to eternal life and have mercy on some who are doubting save others snatching them out of the fire and on some have mercy with fear hating even the garment polluted by the flesh now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory blameless with great joy to the one only god our savior through jesus christ our lord be glory and majesty dominion and authority before all time and now and forever amen come on man so my first question to you is i mean you've walked with god for many years over 20 years now what 25 years 22 years yeah so 98 whatever that would be i think yeah 23 or something yeah so what has been the a key for you personally that has helped you just stay consistent with god yeah no great question first off like thank you so much for letting me be honest with you man you know i love you to no end and honor you bro beyond what you can really convey in words and just being able to run with you you know all these years and just know you man my goodness you've rocked my world but um yeah so with me i think you would say the same just a whole lot better you can explain it a lot better the uh is man and it's funny because i think when you have said this i almost feel year in and year out because you know we're so grace to be able to travel and just minister and see different facets of the globe i almost sometimes feel like i'm saying the same thing every year to people in a different way it's just new verses and to answer a question that's helped me stay with him of course i've made plenty mistakes and all but um his man being with him you know just loving jesus the great i'm so thankful he kept it so simple just spending time with him of course through his word uh praying in the holy spirit all the different facets of being with him but man just loving him it to me it's like so far superior the highest pinnacle of all of life the reason for living why we get up you know it's like i just see from that everything flows you know what i mean and i can tell when that's not clicking on all cylinders even being with him it's like ministries dull and flat like i can't even you know i can't even do anything without being with him so it's really precious yeah you know here's the section i read of your book i pulled it out for this because it really touched me you said in a season of waiting you you have countless hours to just be with him to be consumed in his presence to bask in his voice there's nothing quite like being with him in deep intimacy with no agenda or plan just 100 percent in relationship and knowing his love you said it's just you and him one-on-one knowing his thoughts his heart his concerns we should obviously maintain a loving relationship day in and day out but there is something special about spending weeks and months and on end loving and being loved for hours upon hours of a day it has changed my life that's from this that's from uh god of wonders wow you say yeah it's true though it's so good so so just uh these times you know that you've taken to just kind of block out and be only with him what kind of things do you see happening what what kind of happens to you on the inside when you when you make this decision to separate yeah man it i feel like everything aligns back to the whole reason why i'm alive you know and um man you've been a pivotal part in that because as you all know we get busy and i'm grateful it's such an honor you know the call and the goal of the gospel which we noticed just as valid in its own right you know the great commission and and a lot of people don't know this about you but i've run with you for years and it's just i i think and we're similar in that we we see such a value and there's so there's everything so inferior to being with him and loving him that i think sometimes they don't realize we totally see and walk in the value of the great commission i remember i was just with you in california some time ago and i had got there a little bit after your conference we were speaking at together and i i came down the hallway and there you are man witnessing to the waiter just showing the love of jesus give her money pray for it like that you're you're always in that you see healing's miracles pray for people but as i think we see being with him is so far superior you know it's like you're just there's nothing else and um but sorry what was the the question sorry uh yeah what kind of things you do you see happening yeah so with me it's like everything gets back to the whole reason why you know i'm alive and then from that of course he speaks and there you know abide in me and you'll bear fruit and so it's so helpful to hopefully obey him accurately out of that place and do what he tells us to do but it's just everything aligns back to the my thoughts are clear the cares of this world fall off the the things that in the natural seem like they're a big deal get back to where they need to be and they're not a big deal at all you know the meaning the worries the concerns the provisional you know concerns the what people think is a really big one um insecurities competition you know all that stuff it's like it just melts off and uh because you know as we get busy these things they almost seem like the increase the naysayers the arrows that fly they just fall off you know as you fall so in love with him and you're just back in the place i feel that you were born for and there's just nothing else like it and that's what i was gonna say earlier you've been such a pivotal part too like even a dream you had recently your vision i think was so helpful to me man just because the busyness and i remember a dream you came to me and you told me to read in a prophetic way that book am i all for him you remember that and bro lo and behold i had it you'd given it to me years ago and signed it read it and rocked my my globe and even realigned in a season of you know we're trying to do right and things like that so um but i just feel like being with him is is everything as soon as we get away from there it's yeah everything gets off you know for me personally and i believe you see it really clear in scripture you know everything's just being with him is the whole point of living really so you know some people they watch us say things like this or they're hearing you right now talk about being with him like they would immediately say what does that mean like what does that even look like when you say being with him what do you mean yeah are you hearing these text messages i don't know how to stop them i hope it's not messing anything no i can't oh good praise god i'm not i'm technically challenged over here um yeah man with me like like a great example just because it's fresh in my mind this morning you know i'm just being with the lord and for me i don't know if you still i'll still deal with this at times if i don't watch it you know almost like i like to sometimes think is our soul or our mind as a kite and if we're not careful it can want to drift on you and just with thoughts to do's and they're all kingdom and great often but they can veer off and just like you just mentioned i know you hammer it better than anybody i know and you read it from my book so awesome i forgot i wrote that but but like keeping it back on him and so a lot of times i'll find myself like this morning thinking this i was able to get a good good few hours and i could tell i just had to keep bringing it back to him and uh and i would i'd catch my thoughts it would veer off on stuff for him that he's telling me to do you know yeah but it's like as i was able to keep locking in on his eyes with him you drift off into this place and come out so much more fruitful anyway and the idea is and he the way i'm bent prophetically he'll start speaking things that i have to kind of watch too because i want to be obedient that way but um yeah it's just precious everything's just and locking back to him intimately so you just you just said the way that you're wired uh prophetically there's a lot of people that are watching this that feel that kind of thing like a prophetic natured calling or a prophetic natured interest and things i mean you've been around this thing for a long time what kind of advice would you give to a prophetic inclined people yeah no great question man and i do want to mention i i love to point this out that i think it's freed me up and been really encouraging like when i'm out about teaching or whatever it may be q and a's and things like this when people ask questions of how do you spend time with the lord what does that mean to you and how does that look i think it's beautiful to note that i think you would agree that we're very different to even kind of springboard off of this topic that i love i watch you you remember we were together recently orlando i was picking your brains like what's your time with the lord look like it just so stirs me man it was just awesome to hear you're greater leaning in at these hours and how you go about heaven and but how say you are with the lord me daniel like a lot of the guys you run with is so different when you say yeah and how we hear from the lord with our assignments and graces and i think that's freeing because i think if we're not careful sometimes we think you know like you you know there's a window where i was really felt a grace on like the fourth watch and it was very productive and fruit wise but that's not always the process of somebody else in their journey so i'd love to point it out to be free and who they are but um prophetically um i mean that can get quite complex but the simple breakdown of obviously even that word is to pro beforehand tell like foretell and it can look like just hearing things in that way and i'll just notice for me and i have been over the years ministering that the lord will speak in this way often and i need to pay attention is all because he's trying to use me profits like a mouthpiece often you can be used to to bring the current word of the lord whether it be like word of knowledge or futuristic things and so as i minister in travel i just have to kind of watch that and and but honestly i would say as i've watched over the years like for instance we were just kind of mentoring this person recently um that even the prophetic i would be careful you know it's so biblical we know that paul says earnestly covet the gifts even that you may prophesy he writes do not despise prophecy so it's really really big i think sometimes if we're not careful i even myself can get to where it's like look especially in this season we've seen a bunch of prophetic you know interesting stuff going around and um i think if we're not careful we can want to just shun it that's either strange or weird it's not for me a lot of people missed it i'm tired of it you know and throw it out the window this way or the other pendulum i've seen is people get so caught up in that and i believe it it it can cloud what we were just talking about that pure just undiluted devotion to him intimately you know what i mean he who is the man and the brother like meaning you could be going towards the lord for what he's going to say and why and it can start to cloud up your pure intimacy with him um you know what i mean for the prophetic and you it still sounds biblical and so would watch that i almost like to look at it as his presence his manifest presence his word his eternal word the bible and his current voice to you intimately or like the three strong pillars relation like everything goes through that door of knowing him intimately and then from that which we still notice his voice in the prophetic i look at those as strengthening rebars that would they strengthen and emphasize but i've seen where people often they'll so hinge on the prophetic or prophetic word that it becomes their guide more so than the word and it's pre you know what i mean relationally and it's like i kind of you know i think it's very valid from scripture but i almost look at it as like a strengthener to what's you know should be the main thing in him if that makes sense yeah totally how can a person tell if they're prophetic yeah yeah great question i think you know the is pretty clear that we can all be a prophetic people like you know we can all prophesy i believe joel 2's pretty clear the spirit upon all flesh yes and daughters will prophesy paul says eagerly desire the gifts so i think we can all you know flow on the prophetic which is the nature of the spirit of god but like the office of a prophet i think is is vastly different you know what i mean that you see ephesians 4 11 a prophet by nature i believe helps teach and train sanctuary and and that's i think um you know sometimes if we're not careful we we want to adhere to it i believe it has to happen organically by the spirit meaning there's a lot of people that will put that title on themselves but you see the fruit happening as such you know not to get critical and point fingers but i think often authentic prophets they um they flow on ephesians 4 11 meaning they teach and train they raise up the saints for the ministry but also it happens organically it's not just a name and then there's like no fruit to back it i've seen a lot of interesting stuff like that too and i i try and stay away from the title honestly i don't really claim you know what i'm saying i'll get caught up in all that although i don't have a problem with it but yeah yeah so um you've had god speak to you in dreams right met for years right yeah yeah quite a bit yeah and you've also had god speak to you in visions right you can you maybe give me an example of how someone can tell if god is speaking to them in a dream or if god is speaking to them in in a vision could you maybe either just talk a little bit about it so help somebody who knows nothing oh yeah yeah yeah for sure so dreams um i think most often and especially again going back to scripture you see they come in like parables often they can be literal but often they'll come in like symbols and be prophetic by nature i don't know why god does that i wish it was more literal more often but it seems to be that often it's symbols and things like this we have to watch for um you see with judges chapter seven i mentioned this recently where even the enemies of god's people were given a dream of this bread loaf rolling down the hill and somehow they knew it was gideon you know it's like how did they put that together you see the seven cows fat and skinny for the dream to pharaoh and the sheaves of wheat and it would just come in these you know even the sheep three times with peter visions can be very symbolic and so when we get them i would say steward in them is really key which can practically look like journaling them and praying through them and seeing how that could come to pass and how we can just best align with it and um vision's the same you know you'll be sitting there i mostly see internal visions i know you can also see like open eye but um the same the vision is more like mobile it can be you know like a picture or scene you you begin to be taken into the foresee or know something in a moment that's that's very helpful you know it's just how god speaks so yeah so a person may be praying and while they're praying even as peter was in the midst of prayer and he saw the sheet coming down with animals and it's acts 10 right uh i believe so so a person may be praying and they they are you said the words taken into so that that is kind of like you're starting to see something inside of yourself right yeah yeah totally i mean yeah that's probably the best way to put it because i remember early on i you know i had no uh grid for it yeah but it just i would begin to see things like and what i think helps over time is trying to learn for me it's just that that sense of him and his presence on it uh is the best you know it's hard to explain things in the carnal of the spirit but because if we're honest man you could close our eyes right now and imagine like a blue hammer you know and we could you can see one so it's i i feel like it's the same projector on the inside but your soul can throw it up on that inner eye but when it comes by the holy spirit your spirit projects it on your eye and it comes from the holy spirit and there's a different substance to it it's like it comes out of nowhere and it's sometimes very clear sometimes vague but i've known to watch those through time and sure enough that normally the fruit of them coming to pass really helps yeah but in prayer sometimes most of the times with me it's in prayer you know you see often in daniel 7 i think where danger says i looked and then i looked again and i looked and so sometimes it's the simple posture of of course looking through him but looking a lot of people say how do i see more it's like just look you know and it sounds simple but it's it's really the case at times you know that's incredible man so uh but what before i have you pray uh for the the people that are watching maybe you can just kind of give something from your heart just take a couple of minutes just there's people watching this right now some of them are doing their dishes some of them are maybe in the construction vehicle listening to it maybe somebody's on the side of the road waiting for some their wife to come out of a you know out of a store or something and they're looking at you on the phone right now what would you say if you have the ear of the the viewers that will watch this video yeah man i would say above all things while yeah a lot of the stuff we talked about is so valid biblically and vital for the kingdom and how he works through a lot of us but to me man when i have like one shot at somebody it would be man above all things that i i would hopefully leave with you you know the the desire to man go after jesus in a loving way to know him you know recently i've been in i've been in philippians 3 8. i had this recent experience a couple weeks ago that messed me up bro you didn't know this um but it's one of my lock-up days where i was able to you know told my assistant i'll be getting back to emails after a while to really take a chunk away so it was already building with this presence and then you texted me in the middle of it the clip you recently did it's the the ones your partners get hold to which if whoever's listening to this you gotta do that you gotta jump into the patrons i think is what it is and uh and i was blessed to have that clip but um bro and i'd already seen him from an inner eye type thing an impression of seeing it him was often this little nook and you know how it works in these dimensions you just know by the spirit best way i can describe it is like a nook of knowing him and bro he's sitting back in the back so meek and humble bro yeah i had not seen him like this yet before but wrecked me man i was i was so grateful but i hope to never uh and it wasn't even so much what i saw was just the what would hit me in the spirit from him and dude i was and so what happened was it was already building you text me that i jumped into that truck kept going and i saw it more fully bro i was weeping so bad because he was he was had his legs crossed kind of just so meek and humble and looking out of this nook into the broader scope of kingdom and the busy of what everybody does wow that matthew 7 preaching in king and you know we love all this but i know he was longing that somebody would just come sneak off back in that nook to be with him and and i i'm calling it like the nook of knowing him you know best best scriptural basis i can give for it is philippians 3 where paul's like bro everything else is worthless you know when compared to meaning these things have great great work but when compared to knowing him it's really garbage and uh so i would just encourage people however that looks in your life in this season to have everything looking and searching and going for that door he's within you of course but intimately to know him you know and i've been seeing more and more like at the end that's what it all comes down to matthew 7 preachers he said i don't know you i never knew you the bridesmaids i don't know you the ones with you know no oil it's all about knowing him in a deep intimate way and from that place thank god if you're a prophet of the prophetic that stuff will just happen abide in me and you'll bear fruit but man i would say all the chips in the basket of this hour of knowing him and intimately and if you you hammer that better than anybody know but uh yeah i would say that for sure man bro that is would you would you pray for us all yeah yeah of course man yeah god thank you so much for um eric for this time such an honor to be with him and all the listeners and viewers and yeah above all jesus i pray you'd please pull us back um into that nook or whatever you want to call it of knowing you in this hour very narrow so humble and so desiring to be with us us with you i pray you would possess us in such a fresh new way of the whole bridal paradigm to become one with you uh in jesus name i pray such a fresh grace upon the word of god that it would come alive like never before um oh yeah one of the things i saw this morning too i think could have to do with this but ears to hear increasing ears to hear in the spirit just hearing knowing his heartbeat like never before we we love you jesus your everything in jesus name amen amen bro well thank you so much man for taking the time to to do this and uh i know that people are going to get touched by it i can sense the lord already come on fred's got such an honor dude i want to ask you all the sit same the other end but love you man yeah i love you too man god bless
Channel: Eric Gilmour
Views: 13,654
Rating: 4.9601989 out of 5
Id: DBFrgb5eBwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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