The Fate Of Omegon | Warhammer 40k Lore Video

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why I'm Squidward what [Music] kind of fool do you take me for he's Squidward he's Squidward your Squidward I Squidward are there any other Squidwards I should know about meow I'm out of here [Music] [Music] now for all the confusion that goes on between which was omegon and which was alfarious and who or what was where at what time one thing is true somebody's dead hi I'm Chrono the Harlequin and welcome back to live from the black Library I'm a bit like an alpha legionary myself because I have a method to this Channel and even I'm not sure what it is now this is a video I've actually wanted to make for a long long time now initially I was hoping for it to be a podcast with another YouTuber but this channel has gone through a few revisions if you haven't noticed so getting right to it the whole mystery of what happened to omegon really goes back all the way to the very beginning of the Legion because we need to clarify who is alfarious and who is omegon and fact is it's a little hard to tell which one goes by which name originally but we can discern who is who very distinctly namely the first one whom we'll call alfarious so that this video can even come close to comprehensibility who has found the first by the emperor even before Horus and was present during such events as the reintroduction of Horus to the legions and even the attempted Palace coup by the head of the arbedes one of the primarks quote unquote of the Thunder Warriors named ushitan and Amir astarti herself the geneticist behind the astarti program he was there since the very very beginning since before the unification wars were even fully [ __ ] over but never revealed himself until all the other primarks had been found and the great Crusade was well and truly underway despite the fact that he had been leading his Legion for a long time up until that point and had already spoken to his brothers without them knowing now one thing I need to knock out here a lot of people talk about the book alfarious head of the Hydra where it states that alfarious was found first and he was there during the palace coup and the calling of the Thunder Warriors and the finding of Horus and all that and say hey no that's a lie that's alfarious narrating the book himself how can you trust it the thing is alfarious wouldn't know about the palace coup or the culling of the Thunder Warriors no one did it was kept very tightly under wraps and that information was buried through the floor the primarks never knew about that because if they did they would never trust the emperor at all also I know GW likes to [ __ ] around but they're not going to make an entire Primark book just complete nonsense just to mess with us or for the sake of a Mystique if it's a book that substantial a Primark novel you can at least trust at the very basis of it is true and then there's the second Twin omegon who was the one discovered far later during the rungdan zenicides wherein they lent their aid to Lionel Johnson and his Dark Angels not out of a sense of altruism oh no but because they had intelligence suggesting that the other half of their Primark was located somewhere in the area and he was but even after they found him they were still very careful to keep his existence Under Wraps until the right time yeah you know that story we all hear about how oh alfarious was found because a fleet of human ships attacked horus's Fleet and alfarious boarded the vengeful spirit and got all the way to the bridge before Horus recognized him and says I found the Lost Primark and received him as his brother yeah that happened but it was entirely staged it's here we can actually start to see the basis of how to distinguish them from each other because even though they switch names they do have distinct personalities somewhat now there are a few commonalities both are very serious in nature both are very secretive in nature and both have no problem sacrificing using anyone or anything in the aim of achieving their goals and they are both phenomenally arrogant and to my mind display a lot of the traits you would expect of somebody with covert narcissism or vulnerable narcissism and I'm not saying that is an oh you think highly of yourself and think other people are dumb therefore you're a narcissist no I mean it in the sense that the confidence they have in their abilities as well as this inability to perceive anyone as being on their level they just assume inherently they're the smartest person in the room and don't take too kindly to any slights toward that notion really does smack of vulnerable narcissism in an actual clinical sense as opposed to the very Hollywood sense that gets thrown around a lot today where it's just analogous for bad guy now the big difference between the two is the fact that one of them the one that was found later is a little more grandiose in his behavior he's more outgoing he presents himself more to people he likes to look down his nose more he's a little more out outspoken in his dealings with others while the one who was found first likely as a product of his upbringing is much more reserved quiet and tactical even being able to keep secrets from the other twin he's less of a doer and more of that hardcore schemer he's also not really the one who uses the pale spear because that was actually used by the one who was found later it's something he found when he was out and about in the Galaxy now the question arises who's dead and to my belief it's the one that was found later with the more grandiose personality who died because the way he tries to confront Dorne talking to him as oh brother I'm here to Grant you ultimate Victory I'm so smart haha and then gets immediately killed because he couldn't even perceive in his final moments he couldn't even perceive that he had thought wrong and that he had been mistaken and that he was not the smartest person in the room and had gotten [ __ ] for it that was the original omegon who was found a second and to my mind he's the one that's dead now one thing I should keep in mind is there is literally a 50 chance I'm wrong here but I also feel like it would be better if the one that was found later is the one that died because that is such a cool character to have alive the one who's a master infiltrator who invented the custodian blood games and who was there through all of it and was by the emperor's side from the very beginning and was always leading his Legion I think he's the more interesting character to keep alive in my opinion I think it'd be a waste if he just died on Pluto and an offhand book now one thing I should mention in the end of praetorian of Dorne when one of the twins realizes the other has just died and States what I will say now will lock me in Forever the cruel joke has now become the reality before going on to introduce himself with I am altharius to Horus what that's really about in my opinion is the fact that he can only ever be alfarious now he can no longer call himself omegon properly because you can't really keep the secret of one of the primark's death from the legion they'll find out now that that's out of the way and we have a good idea of which twin is which and which one I think is alive let's talk about the end of the heresy what we know so far at least and the scouring because these are the two big things you see early on in the heresy for those who don't know the alpha Legion would be reached out to and contacted by a mysterious Xeno organization called the cabal they would do this through the usage of human operatives namely John grammaticus who would go on to appear in the book Legion and guide alfarius and the alpha Legion towards the cabal in order to show them what would happen now that Horus had been declared war master and was going to tear apart the Galaxy through a usage of something called the acurity they showed the coming civil war and that if Horus won the Civil War he would feel guilt at his fall to chaos and what he had done going on to tear apart the Imperium in a civil war that would lead to the extinction of humanity but the ultimate death of chaos as they would be starved of their main fuel human thoughts and emotions however if horse lost and the emperor won the emperor would be grievously wounded and upon the Golden Throne and then lead to ten thousand years of stagnation before the ultimate victory of chaos the alpha Legion would choose to side with Horus for this reason but would only ever do so under the guise of wanting to uphold the emperor's vision and his plans because they believed the emperor wanted the ultimate victory of humanity over chaos and what would be sacrificed wouldn't really be relevant in that goal Jon grammaticus for his part would go on to never appear in another book again now the alpha Legion would work alongside the cabal for a while going on to do such things as sabotaging The Raven guards plans to rebuild their forces during the Raptor project at the cabal's behest but never truly being a part of their proper command structure and always being this unwieldly element eventually the cabal would be wiped out and the alpha Legion would ditch their plan and by the time of the end and the death vol 1 we know that the alpha Legion higher-ups likely the living Primark would seek to activate sleeper agents they had on Terra who had several trigger words coded into them because the alpha Legion is really big on hypnocoding which would be used to guide those legionaries forcefully honestly to whatever eventuality was deemed necessary by the legion higher-ups this could be side with Horus and take out the emperor side with the emperor and take out Horus or side against both of them and focus on chaos directly just what have you or try and like seize control of chaos just everything was planned for and what we know the final decision was by the higher-ups even though we don't think it was properly implemented was called condition xenophon which stated that the alpha Legion was to side with the emperor and to foil horus's plans now this wasn't properly implemented because the legionary who was sent to do so in go pack a very important name to know in the alpha Legion was hijacked by octay who was a holy woman of the word Bears named Cyrene now her story is a little bit long and complicated but what you need to know is that she was a powerful psycher who read ingol Peck's mind and then forced on him a code word called Orpheus which meant to focus on chaos directly because she wanted to seize control of chaos because she was like a lunatic and just deranged another Alpha legionary named Matthias Herzog would be stopped by Ingo Peck but Matthias Herzog was meant to implement condition xenophon so we do know this it wasn't just Ingo Peck acting on his own the alpha Legion had sided with the emperor and were loyal at the end now I'm sorry for this starting to run a little long but I really feel like it's important information to clarify that whichever Primark is still alive be it alfarius or omegon they are a loyalist because the lead region would not move in this way without the expressed consent of their remaining Primark people actually had theories you know stating oh uh omegon turned against the Imperium because he was so distraunt at alfarious death maybe he seemed loyalist before then but he turned against them totally to try and avenge alfarious and because he was so disillusioned that's why the athletes in our traitors now that theory was completely cratered by the end of the death Vol 1. now we don't know where that storyline ends up and we won't know until the next part comes out and the siege of Terra is done but for what we know now Ingo Peck is immobilized below the Imperial Palace those sleeper agents are still asleep and for all we know alfarious slash omegon is not in the solar system they dipped out before The Siege even began so putting aside what we don't know now we need to talk about the scouring and this is the big thing that always gets brought up namely one specific incident called The Battle of eskrador this battle supposedly a occurred during the Great scouring wherein the alpha Legion lured the ultramarines into open conflict on the planet of escador and began to Ambush them repeatedly and used every underhanded tactic they had in the book to get the upper hand and keep whittling them down eventually though Gilman was able to corner alfarius and kill him in single combat burning him on a funeral pyre and getting ready to leave assuming no Legion could survive the death of its Primark only to be countered by a redoubling of alpha Legion efforts just as effective as before so disgusted with them he goes into orbit and starts bombing the planet believing to himself no this isn't gonna kill them because there's so many places to hide and listen it's the alpha Legion I know I'm not gonna get him sounds sick right well here's the thing one of alfarious's Primark abilities because he does have two main ones is that if one of his underlaying drinks his blood they basically turn into a near physical clone of him they look exactly the same and you know I know as an alpha legionary fan that's kind of a joke haha they all look the same but like really really become an exact replica of him even gaining a lot of their memories and as such the primarks will do this to someone before they send them on a suicide mission so I believe along with many others that it was a high-ranking alpha Legionnaire who died in their primark's place on a suicide run and yes this has happened before in a different story called The Serpent beneath but I will talk about that one in a minute furthermore you'd think oh Gilman would recognize his brother he'd know right well he only recognized him on the surface amidst a haze of combat and gilliman wouldn't know what it's like when a Primark dies he wasn't at istvon 5 he wasn't at the siege of Terra and he wasn't on Pluto anywhere a Primark has died Gilman has never been present he hasn't seen that Rush of spirit energy and the massive psychic backwash that occurs Gilman simply wouldn't know how could he know the only other people who have witnessed a Primark die would be vulgrim who isn't certainly going to give him the details and Dorne who kept alfarius's death a secret and you know that's why Gilman thought he killed alfarious despite the fact that he never knew there was a twin he didn't know furthermore the only book that this is accounted in is called the index astartes which was a series of short stories and passages published in white dwarf and then later collected and codified that sought to relay and explain the history of every Space Marine Legion but it is stated in the one about the alpha Legion in the index austardis that The Inquisitor who presented the information to the council and to Tara and to the arrest of the Inquisition was asked hey how do you know all this by the way because we don't really have any records for this battle of escador and the ultramarines don't seem to have many records of it either how do you know oh and then he basically pulls a Dave Chappelle where he's like uh well you know basically knocks over the water and just runs the guy disappeared and was later revealed to be an alpha Legion plant now the index of studies is like 20 years old at this point and anything that old you can sort of start to cast doubt on but the Battle of eskador is mentioned again in a book called sons of the Hydra from 2018. wherein a lord of the alpha Legion Quito Carthage does claim to have been present at the Battle of escador and witnessed the Primark fall he uses this as his justification for why he's so ruthless in persecuting and Exterminating ultramarine chapters within the galactic East and remember the big plot point of that book is the search by loyalist Alpha Legion elements for omegon and they think they do find him granted it's actually a Shard of the deceiver tricking Alpha Legion elements into doing its bidding but still the search continues by the end of the book and it's very clear your Alpha legionaries themselves believe one of the twins to still be around so there is a conflict onto whether or not there even was a battle of escador but in the alpha Legion fandom nobody really takes the Battle of escador seriously I don't know any hardcore Alpha Legion fan or Alpha Legion theorist who genuinely believes both twins are dead it is Up For Debate which one died and which one's still alive but we're all in agreement somebody's still alive and with all the primarks returning it seems like pretty soon we're gonna get a glimpse now this is all really well and good but it really begs the question why why would you hide this long why would you just vanish Into Thin [ __ ] air when you could use your legion as an effective tool to direct events in the Galaxy where did you go with this well the reasoning in my mind is simple I do believe the Battle of eskador happened to a degree and I do believe the purpose behind it was scattering the legion and I do believe alfarius or Omega on faked his own death on escador in order to let the legion break apart under the guise of being defeated in some way as opposed to just Vanishing but still having everyone be paranoid about them as a unified body the reason for this is because if the legion remained unified they would never stop being harassed and never stop being hunted and therefore could never properly direct events here's the thing though in those intervening Ten Thousand Years a lot of alpha legionaries have according to Sons of the Hydra lost to their way and genuinely turned to chaos but make no mistake and I've got a whole video about this there are to this day no small amount of loyalist Alpha Legion elements still around and we don't know the fate of all those Alpha legionaries in stasis under the Imperial Palace they could still be there for all we know now in regards to omegon in the 42nd Millennium or 31st depending on what the calendar is like it's a little bit messed up look up the Chrono Strife there are a few possibilities and I actually did launch a poll about this on my Twitter wherein I provided four options the first being that he's dead no the second being that he is alive but in hiding the third being that he is alive but has been active on the galactic stage covertly and the fourth being one I will get into later now according to the poll there was a decent percentage of people who do believe that omegon is dead but again I'm not convinced and I don't think any of you guys probably are either if you are let me know in the comments below I'm sure it won't start any arguments so if he is alive be it active or hiding why what would compel him to stay active and stay in the game and keep doing things or lie in waiting for the right opportunity especially with how things have gone and everything that happened and the death of his twin well it would be because of his stated purpose from the very beginning you see when he was being brought up in the Imperial Palace as a baby malcador would tell him when they would meet because malcolor was his primary tutor and instructor while they were playing regicide and everything that you are to be the secret Shield The Sword in the darkness the weapon our enemies do not expect because their focus will be on us you will do what you must to preserve what we have built even without instruction even if and then malcador just sort of trailed off now he didn't get the words out but it's pretty obvious to all of us that what he was gonna say was even if the emperor and I are no longer here which to a degree they're not things like this are why altharius would take initiatives like siding with the cabal or even earlier on inventing the blood games in the Imperial Palace by trying to assassinate the emperor something he killed a custodian in the process of doing mind you that is the lengths he goes to that is what he's prepared to do and that's something that sticks with him through his characterization if omegon is still around or is active or isn't in stasis or anything that's probably what he would be doing fulfilling that directive that was his ever since infancy or quote-unquote infancy for a Primark but that again begs a question why would omegon let more than half of his Legion or the majority of his Legion fall to chaos and to treachery in his absence it's even said by a new prominent Lord in the alpha Legion Solomon akura leading the so-called ghost Legion that the original vision of the twins no longer matters and that the alpha legion's purpose in the 40th Millennium is to bring down the Imperium moreover why would omegon let the Imperial cult spread he could have just been assassinating and taking out Imperial cult leaders left right and center and keeping the Empire secular one way or another well the thing is omegon had to play both sides and he knew this and this all comes to a head in a short story that Alpha Legion fans have gone nuts over and pawned it over and picked over time and again called The Serpent beneath now whenever this short story gets brought up everyone draws attention to the fact that omegon went behind alfarius's back and thwarted whatever was going on for the sake of the loyalist cause thereby saying that omegon is secretly a loyalist and alfarious is the traitor that's why that theory has persisted so long because of this one short story what happens in the serpent beneath is that there is an installation in an asteroid called tenebrae installation and in it the alpha Legion have built a disrupter station that blocks all astropathic communication from reaching the white scars in their corner of the Galaxy thereby cutting them off if you're wondering why I took the white scars so long to find out about the heresy and get involved that's the reason the alpha Legion was deliberately blinding them with the usage of this station but the station would be destroyed by the alpha Legion in infiltrating itself so the white scars could find out about the heresy and then journey to Prospero then be confronted by mortarion and then decide to go loyalist how this worked was omegon had sent a crack team led by Sheed Ronco their Terminator Captain who often served as a body double for the primarks and who had been given a wine glass of omegon's blood so that he would become an exact replica of omegon with all of omegon's memories including the meeting with the cabal now no one in the task force knew this was Sheed ronko they thought they were being led personally by the Primark so they were surprised when at the end of the mission he took off his helmet revealed the effects had worn off and that it was Sheed Ronco and that they were all in fact on a suicide mission and weren't going to be getting picked up following by the station hurtling into a nearby star now I know you might be sick of hearing this but it begs the question but why why even do that what was so vital about this that you had to sacrifice your first captain and a friend and Confidant for it well in the book it stated that oh there was a security breach that we needed to plug and the station had to be destroyed to ensure operational security but what the fandom has interpreted as is that it was destroyed so that the white scars could leave the chandak system and get involved in the heresy on the side of the Loyalists but I don't think that's the case either I think people have misread it you see in the very beginning of the short story omegon is speaking with a psycher a former librarian who is at the installation and says hey you know it's really interesting being around these machines and this system has sort of made my psychic gifts become stronger I'm becoming more Clairvoyant and Lord Primark I'm not are we really on the right path here I'm not so sure he starts asking questions and starts gaining insight and that's when Omega decides he has to die it's to ensure operational secrecy within the legion and make sure nobody truly parses out what alfarius and omegon are really planning um other than just like a base level because obviously the legion does know about the cabal because they all say when they're asked oh we're doing this for the emperor we're doing this for the emperor but they don't really know the full scope of what alfarious and Omega are doing and at the end of this in the epilogue of this short story omegon goes back to his own quarters and says to himself sort of hyping himself hope he's like think the third route the third route the third route I feel like he's doing this to rationalize why he's lying to his twin his one and only true confidante because he does lie to alfarious alfarious doesn't know what happened he doesn't even know the station is gone omegon says something in passing about a security breach or whatnot at all it's been taken care of yada yada and then immediately goes to his room to Hype himself up now people have speculated on what omegon meant when he talked about the quote-unquote third path and I think I might know see the cabal offered two separate paths one being the alpha Legion sides with Horus and Chaos wins in the short term but is destroyed in the long term or one where they side with the emperor where the emperor is taken down chaos loses in the short term but wins in the long term around 10 000 years later the alpha Legion here is opting to play Both Sides the third path that's why Omega was lying to alfarious because I believe these two have an agreement to split their efforts alfarious being the traitor the public face while omegon still acting as a loyalist and weaving their way around each other you have to remember they're not just siblings they are one soul in two separate bodies they are literally the same being in a way although I have pointed out they do have a few differences but it is stated over and over again one Soul two bodies in my mind the only way they could not be on the same page or be doing things without the other's knowledge is if they agreed to do exactly that and it really does sound to be very in character this is why there were so many different encodings for those soldiers under Terra who had been placed there long long before because they didn't know in the end which way they would have to fall to maintain the third path and yes they did eventually opt to scrap the cabal's plan but that's nothing new to the alpha Legion plans change in the middle of combat how you executed or even what the end goal might be it's not anything new to them and it's safe to say that the alpha Legion had been plotting against the cabal or at least not directly in line with them since more or less the beginning because this all happened before the events of the book Deliverance lost where the alpha Legion would go on to sabotage the ravenguard's rearmament efforts now Deliverance lost is woefully overlooked when people talk about things going on with the alpha Legion and I'm really not sure why because a lot of big things get revealed here first of all we see that the alpha Legion by the end of the book does finally break with the cabal what alfarious does is basically take the cabal's Emissary that was with them this floating gas orb alien thing and basically tell it to screw off the reason for this is telling because they know that the Raven guard are gonna be on kevar trying to rebuild their Legion with genetic material from the Primark project given to corax by the emperor now what the cabal wants them to do is simply destroy it outright because the cabal wants alfarious and omegon and the alpha Legion in general two walk a thin line making sure Horus wins but that his grip when he does win is tenuous so that he's in a good position to immediately implode on himself though the alpha Legion doesn't exactly do this as you likely know what they end up doing is letting the Raven guard get the genetic material begin the project sabotage the end results and then make off with the genetic material and all the necessary research themselves alfarius is the one who orchestrates the plan to get the material and screw over the Raven guard yes but what omegon does is take that material and give false faulty data to The Emperor's Children and the war Masters Court which will result in significant losses for them them whenever they try to use it he explains this to that Emissary of the cabal the agent of the kambal complains about this saying you're being duplicitous you're proud of yourself there's something you're not telling me and this cabal agent is actually a supremely powerful empath that even alfarious omegon cannot block out so when it keeps saying there's something you're not telling me we have it on good authority that no they're not telling him everything that's why he airlocks the thing he takes it and just shoots it out of the airlock instead of just killing it so it can be responded by the cabal thereby letting the alpha Legion better pursue the third path it's even stated in the book that the alpha Legion walks a precarious Line quote as they had done so many times before alfarius and his Legion had stepped upon a narrow path playing a part to two opposing sides to achieve a third more desirable outcome one distraction one wrong step would see them utterly isolated and most likely destroyed again we can see it time and again one loyalist action one treacherous action action reaction keep the white scars at Bay but then destroy the station and let them come through also blocking out the guy who could possibly see through the whole Haze a very deliberate balance being struck everything really does come to a head though in the book praetorian of Dorne wherein we see one of the twins finally die to rogaldorn in combat aboard the Battle of Pluto now here during the Battle of Pluto alfarious which I believe to be the second one in this case because they do switch back and forth actually let me get into that for a second because I need to specify the first found one is not always omegon and the second found one is not always alfarious I know it can be confusing but sometimes the first found one is also alfarious you can kind of tell though because again as I've stated they have difference in personality you see the second found one is also more standoffish and aggressive with his brothers and more sure of himself while the first found one is a little more reserved and actually cares about people more because he did grow up around people and actually has led normal civilian lives to an extent we know this from alfarious head of the Hydra because in that book he does for a time live as a normal human laborer albeit a really physically big one because he wasn't too huge yet he was still young and used that as a disguise to participate in the blood games but he knows what it means to be a normal human and as such is a little more humble even though he is internally very arrogant the second found one though he grew up completely alone and as such is maybe not as well adjusted we can see this difference in two disagreements that alfarious quote unquote had with his brother primarks at the conclusion of various campaigns the first being against gilaman wherein alfarious used his tactics of infiltration to bring down an entire town and a settlement and basically an entire planet resulting in like 90 casualties for the Defenders while Gilman said hey if you just did the more simple whole thing you could have avoided all those casualties this was quote a waste of The Emperor's bolt shells why didn't you just do the simple logical thing and alfarious replies that would have been too easy it was the reason those two hate each other so much now that doesn't really sound like the alfarious who cares about civilian lives and has stated before that if we don't care about civilians then there's no point to the Imperium that kind of alfarious the first found one in my mind is seen more in a disagreement alfarious had with Dorne wherein alfarious used such tactics as assassinations to bring down a planetary government while Dorne wanted a full frontal assault Dorne criticized him and says hey you could have still done the things you do by compromising their Network getting certain hives to Rebel when and utilizing your operatives in a different way while we attacked from the front because how we win does matter we need to show ourselves as actually beating them but alfarious said no how we win doesn't matter it's just that we do win and my method saved a lot more lives we just had to do a few assassinations it was easier that way those don't sound like the same alfarious because in my mind they're not that difference in perception does again to my mind matter because in regard to that relationship to Dorne keep in mind the alfarious who was found first observed Adorn longer and had an ingrained hatred of him because he viewed him as incredibly arrogant pompous a potential liability to the Imperium and never trusted him because quote how can you trust someone who never lies that's why when alfarious faces Dorne on Pluto and continually tries to convince him we're actually on the same side I'm here to bring you Victory and then ends up dying while he's running his mouth I'm led to believe that that was the second one found because the original alfarious wouldn't have been dumb enough to even try it also deals with the subtlety in what is being said alfarious is trying to bring Dorne onto his side wherein omegon the first one found would be trying to convey to Dorne that hey I've actually always been on your side now I know it would be really easy to write me off as reading too much into this but when it comes to the alpha Legion and especially their Primark yeah the devil really is in the details it's after this point during the book slaves to Darkness where omegon or an alpha legionary representative brings um a detailed map of the Solar System's defenses to Horus along with a dagger that was given to him and then it just crushes it in front of him basically signifying we're out you're on your own from this point now at this point for whatever reason omegon decided to side full loyalist either it's out of maybe bitterness for the fact that his twin had died for this plan maybe he was just continuing on as best he could as he saw fit with the third path honestly I'm not sure at this point if he even knew if the cabal had been wiped out or not especially since his method of contacting them was now floating somewhere in space there's just so many minute details and little factors everywhere but I think I've pieced together a comprehensive image of everything that happened and what omegon's game was and just what the Twins were doing the entire time and of course after this we know how the heresy ends and we do know about the quote-unquote battle at esquedor and the subsequent shattering of the Legion a lot of them turn in chaos some of them still being loyal some being heresy era Marines just getting out of the warp Now read the book shroud of night it's really good now all of this wasn't just a 15 minute long tangent for no reason I needed to explain everything that happened during the heresy in order to properly convey the mindset and character of omegon and what he would be doing now based on where he had been walking that quote-unquote third path and then eventually citing loyalist as well as his methodology and his characterization to explain why I think he is doing what he's do doing he's almost certainly not dead and if he's alive he's not just in hiding doing nothing or waiting because he is active by Nature he is supposed to be the sword in the dark I don't think he could truly sit idle by even if he's been operating at a lower capacity I don't think he would just be not operating at all just sort of sitting on his ass on the beach or somewhere if he is alive and active and not under the guise of a character then in my mind he would be doing what he was doing back before he made himself known to the Imperium carrying out covert operations in order to weaken traitor elements and possibly blunt black Crusades as well as bolstering loyalist elements even if that means attacking a loyalist world and killing loyal Imperial citizens in order to bring that world on alert causing them to shore up their defenses in preparation for a larger threat that omegon might know is coming it must be stated this is kind of what he was doing while the opposite of what he was doing doing back during the early stages of the great Crusade when his Legion was still a secret the alpha Legion would go soften up worlds before larger Legions would arrive so that they would be easier to take over they would so dissent instigate rebellions uh kill off potential enemy leaders or anyone who could oppose the Imperium they did this with the Imperial fists on several occasions they would go in mess things up get out then the fists would drive to a world ripe for compliance it would be classic Alpha Legion in the truest sense to facilitate from the shadows and make sure everything plays out the way it needs to doing the best they can while not being seen but how would he be doing that how would he do that alone well I don't think he would be alone there are loyalist elements in the alpha Legion we know about but it stands to reason there would be ones we don't know about especially since omegon is the one who made off with the Primark material and said says at the end of Deliverance lost soon our Legion will truly be Legion everyone just seems to tacitly forget the fact that he made off with this valuable material that was given by the emperor himself I think he would use it to at least make some Marines to assist him on his conquests or even more copies of himself who knows what he could do with it it's omegon and now with old heresy groups like The Unsung making their way with a psycher who serves as a mini astronomican through the warp again you really should read that book it seems like things would be right to start coming together and for that Legion to start exposing itself especially if they're gonna act in opposition to Solomon akura's traitorous ghost Legion not to mention people like the redacted from the book sons of the Hydra are still actively searching for him I think that would probably be the most logical way to go about this and likely the easiest but to me somehow it just feels a little cheap for him to just go oh surprise I was here all along and doing things you just didn't see me yeah it's likely and it would make the most sense but again it just feels a little bit cheap maybe I personally am just over invested in the alpha Legion and Omega on storyline but I think there is another theory that does hit a little closer even if it's a little further of a reach that being he's disguised as current Canon characters in my mind it could be one of two characters the first being Cipher and if you know about omegon and the alpha Legion community you've likely heard this Theory before about the mysterious Fallen Angel Cipher the root of it is basically that the thing Cipher does can be explained when you factor in the possibility that he's omegon namely Cipher's actions are really hard to parse out because it seems like he fights in some instances for chaos but in other instances he seems to fight for the Imperium it's really hard like he was the one who helped to bring back robot take element but he is also known as a traitor who has done some pretty awful things the Dark Angels have been hunting him for ten thousand years straight wherever he is mentioned in the Galaxy they are sure to follow and honestly if I was omegon pretending to be Cipher that would be a really good way to direct the legion's forces to places I know they should be but I can't directly tell them they ought to be it must also be noted that one of omegon andalferius's Primark abilities was to blend in they could basically alter the way they are seen by other people so that they either wouldn't be properly remembered or would be seen as someone else they've used this ability to great effect to do people to do Marines they were even a good enough disguise to get past Lionel Johnson that sort of thing and the other primarks so it makes sense that they could maintain a disguise like that for 10 000 years plus omegon has lived in Disguise for extended periods of time before 4 even as a mortal human back on Terra before the Imperial Palace was finished so if you're going to choose a disguise to live in for 10 000 years what better disguise than one you would be familiar with a solitary Marine who's basically On The Run anyway it's the easiest most natural disguise to slot into it should also be noted that alfarious omigon are depicted as wielding a mastercrafted Plasma Pistol and decipher is known to wield a mastercrafted Plasma Pistol and an ancient pattern Bolter so that's just a little something there furthermore if anyone was going to know about the existence of the Fallen yeah it's gonna be omagon and during the fall of caliban remember we don't know which happened first the scattering of the alpha Legion at escador or the fall of caliban into the warp there was chaos across the entire planet it would be the perfect environment for someone like omagon to slide in and steal someone's identity and the fact that Cipher has been seen across all four segmentums across the Galaxy he shows that he knows how to get around very stealthily a very Omega thing to do it could also stand to reason why he's so intent on getting to Terra to quote unquote see the emperor when in reality it could be to just get to the Imperial Palace to awaken those sleeper agents all the way back from during The Siege it should also be noted that the watches in the dark according to the short story of Dreadwing from the horse heresy are stated to have some sort of Greater Purpose with regard to the defeat of chaos they know about eldrad Ultra and even trying to warn fulgrim a lot of people have taken this to mean that somehow the Watchers in the dark are related or associated with the cabal I don't think so but still there is something there that like there's this hidden connection that omegon would have some kind of alignment with if he is actually Cipher another thing that gets cited is the nature of Cipher himself and that's not just being the fact that he acts so sneaky key and is this infiltrator and so slippery and you can't catch him it's because a dark angel I I think it's um azariel I think comments that Cipher is hard to look at he seems to weave in and out of vision in and out of reality like he's just almost incorporeal in a sense and that does seem like almost a development or a growth of omega's abilities with regard to being hard to perceive and hard to truly recognize like people will see him and not give him a second thought and just look away like they don't realize they just looked at a [ __ ] Primark though there is a few big problems with this Theory despite how popular it is one being why would omegon have such a connection to the lion sword why would it mean so much because Cipher has the lion sword on his back and never draws it the other big problem with this Theory comes from the fact that we've gotten more lore about who Cipher may be but since this theory has really cropped up namely in the end in the death where we get a lot of banter between the Dark Angels namely zahario who is the new Lord Cipher and course Wayne this is reiterated in the book Luther first of the Fallen wherein on caliban he sees corswain and zahariel in a duel to the death and remarks only one of them will make it out alive but he doesn't see which way it ends and it's pretty safe to assume that whoever won that duel is probably the cipher we see today unless omegon was waiting in the wings to backstab the winner and make off with the identity which would be a little cheap two Dark Angels players I mean because the Dark Angels have been getting more play as of late I think they're gonna have bigger roles in the 10th edition wherein the ultramarines had big roles in the 9th Edition so I feel like the reveal of Cipher as a character like korswing or zaherial is a given to sort of bolster that whole ongoing Dark Angel story with um Luther's body being gone and the lion returning and what have you it's a really cool Theory and people have stuck to it for quite some time it does explain a lot of what Cipher is capable of but I just don't think there's enough to really justify it and I feel like GW is sort of steering Us in this direction to Cipher being one or the other so if it isn't Cipher what other named character could omegon realistically be and it would have to be someone with some kind of reasoning behind it you can't just go oh surprise Dante was actually omegon all the time or Marcus calgar was Omega all the time like could you imagine if they just like crack open Bjorn's Dreadnought and aha surprise well no actually I think there's really only one person who fits the bill and it's someone who people have caught on to and do suspect as it is and I think would almost be too easy in a way but is honestly just kind of perfect that being altharius now I know what you're thinking that's a lame joke but alfarious as in the Marine named deathrow who is a compatriot of The Inquisitor Gregor eisenhorn now that might require a bit of explanation for anyone who hasn't read the beckwin books or the previous eisenhorn and ravener books I will try my best to explain without going too long because I'm not sure if I want this video to break an hour long but I think we might be headed in that direction I'm sorry everyone Gregor eisenhorn the once Puritan Inquisitor now turned radical xanthite and who's only really most consistent companion is a demon host as well as a few other people from his past but let's be honest it's mostly the demon hosts we're here for is working with an alpha legionary under the name of alfarious simply put a clone of one of his old compatriots named beta short for beckwen because her name was Elizabeth beckwen is an extremely powerful psychic null and is being pursued by the mysterious King in Yellow she was actually groomed for his creation to be one of his quote-unquote eight he and the eight are actually the leaders of an organization called the cognite which is almost like the heretical version of the Inquisition it's a big mess but it's really interesting and he's amassed many many enemies in his ultimate goal this includes several Trader Legions including the alpha Legion wordbearers Emperor's Children night Lords and the Thousand Suns as well as members of his own cognitive organization who have turned on him and five Eldar craft worlds as well as elements of the ecclesiarchy and several inquisitors like Gregor eisenhorn and his former pupil Gideon ravener just to name a few it's bad enough to the point where there is a kill team composed of no less than a dark angel an iron hand a raven guard an iron Warrior a night Lord and a thousand Sun sorcerer all working against the King in Yellow that's where this level is that's how big this threat is and if you're wondering what the king and yellow's plans are he's only just trying to get his hands on the emperor's full name don't worry about it it's a no big deal because as you know in 40K names have incredible power to have the true name of a demon means you can give it true death or control it it's it's nuts how much that matters and how much it doesn't really come up so having the emperor's name giving you the power to control him he who is now basically a God could effectively tear the Galaxy in Sunder the consequences of that are impossible to Fathom and at the end of the book beckwen penitent we get a glimpse into what his name is not the emperor's name mind you the king and yellows it is found in a book that contains the entirety of his name the first being Constantin valdor yes that Constantin valdor Captain general of the custodian guard who's been missing ever since the end of the heresy now addressing that right away there's a common theory well kinda common I know I say that a lot there's a common theory there's a common theory but when it comes to Omega all theories are [ __ ] common that the King in Yellow is actually omegon and Constantin valdor's name is a red herring by him or a disguise of sorts I don't think that's true because it does line up with what we see at the end of the short story two metaphysical blades which deal with Lehman rushes and Constantine valder's departures from the Imperium as well as the end in the death vol 1 wherein malkador has a vision of the future of the emperor on the throne other various dark possibilities as well as quote valdor driven mad I do think he maybe has gone a little bit insane but that inclusion of valdor does kind of click with omegon because omegon in this tense under the guise of an alpha Legion Marine under the name death row who's been working for Gregor eisenhorn as part of his retinue sort of a back bench part on the periphery who's just been kind of working as muscle and as his eyes on the ground not really doing much or saying much to reveal what he as a character is like would be working for what he believes to be the emperor's benefit that is hard coded into his programming and we know custodians can't fall to chaos so if they can't fall know what happened on the vegetable Spirit does not count that was possession of a sort then valdor is even more like that it is in his nature to never be able to defy the emperor but with the emperor's guidance and direct will gone he has to interpret it himself doesn't that sound a hell of a lot like what omegon would be doing considering what malcador told him his purpose was all the way back when he was just an infant The Sword in the dark preserve what we have built even if we are not here do so from the Shadows if you have to hmm very interesting there is a very clear commonality between the two and even though eisenhorn is hell-bent on stopping the King in Yellow I believe if omegon is this Marine death row then I believe he would be working with eisenhorn another person who is doing what he believes has to be done for the Imperium despite the fact that it is heretical remember eisenhorn has a [ __ ] demon host with him as a means to get close to valdor someone who would understand and that he could be on the same page with and has a deep history and connection with remember they first met during the first ever blood games wherein alfarious almost successfully assassinated the emperor and actually did outwit valdor there is so much going on here it is such pandemonium and there has been so many deeply laid plans that have been going for decades upon decades in this one little corner of the Galaxy and so many forces are converging all at once doesn't it just seem like the kind of thing omegon of all people would have his hand in that kind of just has his name written on it I don't think he's the ultimate architect but I could totally see him having been a part of this in some way there's just so much Happening Here It must also be noted that the eisenhorn books and the current penitent book that's Yet to Come which will finally bring it all home beckwen pandemonium is written by Dan Abnet the person who wrote Legion the person who wrote the end in the death vol 1 the person who is responsible for the alpha Legion in its current Incarnation Dan Abnet himself has said that it is honestly nuts what black library is letting him put in the coming pandemonium book now the first beckwen book came out in 2012. beckwen penitent the second one came out in 2021 and Dan is going to be hard at work on the end in the Death volume 2 which is coming out sometime in 2024. well that's at least when we're gonna get news about it who knows how long it could take concerning how much of a large undertaking it is and then I think only then will we start getting more hints and more information and a possible release date for beckwen pandemonium and while recording this actually I just realized another thing that being omegon's Infamous gray suit of armor in the story The Serpent beneath omegon after doing all that he's had to do and lying to his twin goes to his quarters to steady himself and hype himself up about the third path and all that and in his room is a second suit of armor that is all gray now a lot of people at the time took this to mean that omegon is going to become the mysterious Janus the first Grand Master of the gray Knights because everyone always wondered hey why isn't Nathaniel Garrow the first Grandmaster of the gray Knights why is it this Janus figure we know now that Nathaniel garro dies but that's a very recent development and we now know who Janus is he was actually the loyalist thousand Sun revul arvida now it may seem like a small small thing but you have to realize the omegon was Janus theory was actually a pretty prominent one for quite some time before it really was debunked though that gray suit of armor something a lot of people just kind of dropped after the Janus thing as being a red herring or some dropped plot point or whatever has in my mind resurfaced because of that character death row that Alpha legionary under a false name who introduces himself as alfarious because deathrow is described as being one of the war blind someone who just lurks the back alleys of the city Elizabeth beckwen is in called Queen Mab these people's brains have just been burned out by combat stims and they're these former soldiers who just wander the back allies in some feral society and will basically attack anyone who gets too close to them or their little world that they fashion for themselves and the leader of them all the biggest and the baddest is a Space Marine called deathrow who wears unpainted gray arm armor now this would mean that omegon a kept that unpainted gray armor for 10 000 years and has been in the city under this deep cover of a feral Space Marine for God knows how long and for any other character in any other piece of fiction I would say no that's way too much that's too much of a reach but this isn't just any character this is omegon now do I fully ascribe to the death row is omegon Theory I'm not sure again I just can't parse it out it seems like it would work it seems like it would be cool especially since the eisenhorn series has been a huge Mainstay since like the earliest days of 40K and is beloved and read by so many people Eisen the first eisenhorn book was my Gateway into 40K novels that was the first one I ever read so I think it would be honestly awesome but I'm just not sure I don't think it would be in the sequel to A Book Like shroud of night which some people seem to think because that was a small novel on the periphery everyone who read it liked it and it was great but they wouldn't bring back a Primark and have that huge of Allure bomb come out in a book that's mostly on the periphery that not everyone read but everyone has their eyes on the eisenhorn series and what's going on with beckwen everybody talks about the King in Yellow and knows about it and has speculated about it so it would be the perfect time to drop omegon while nobody's looking as a complete surprise since we have baldor's name already on the table it would be the ultimate rug pull now let's weigh that against the other possibilities that being alfarious is dead and I think I've said it before no well I'm I'm not sure if I've said it before because it's already been like a whole [ __ ] hour and I've been recording this over the course of several days would he be alive in the galaxy and inactive that would just be cheap now here's the thing the other primarks who have been revealed have been inactive in the Galaxy like Lionel Johnson and Gilman but we have good reason for that they were both either in state basis or asleep would he be alive in the Galaxy but somehow active for that we would need some kind of hint some kind of forewarning or something to suggest that it is him that it has his imprint on it some increased activity of the alpha Legion aside from things on the periphery that we've only been seeing more recently he as a character is such that he can't just be dumped on us out of nowhere and again I know that's what happened for Lionel Johnson and Gilman but they were brought out of stasis suddenly and primarks who are in the eye of Terror they are in the eye of Terror we know what they're doing we have a bead on them so when they do show up it's not this huge surprise that just comes out of nowhere we know they are alive and in some capacity active even before arcs of omen angron was at the third battle for Armageddon fulgrim had his incident with Rylan or Magnus has been launching attacks against Fenris every now and again he's still hurting about that a mortarion and percharabo actually came to blows and lorgar has been sequestered on sakaris both in meditation and hiding from corax and if you look at the loyalist primarks Gilman and lion were asleep coraxes in the eye of Terror hunting lorgar jagataikan is in the web way Vulcan we have the little something of his son searching for the artifacts to bring him back and the fact that he's just generally a Perpetual it's only Dorne and Russ Who We have basically no accounting for they've entirely vanished more or less so for Omega 2 return there would need to be either some kind of books or some kind of evidence something hyping it up getting us ready for that because it would be a huge deal or he's already on the brink of coming back and we just don't know it which would be pretty true to characters form which would be in my mind in the form of death row and now that I think about it even if it's not death row even if he's just some random alpha legionary or even if he could get to name dropped be some important Alpha Legionnaire from back during the heresy like ortalon score or even Ingo Peck then I think he would have retained some kind of connection to omegon and maybe at the end of pandemonium if omegon doesn't come back we could get some hinting at omegon something that could lead to that build up where he might come back along the line like after all is said and done and whatever's happened with the King and yellow happens that Alpha legionary death row goes and says Master it is complete Hydra dominatus and then it's good work my son and then it just like hangs up or something like that there is one more thing though and that's being what happens after omegon is back and say rejoins the alpha Legion and starts leading loyalist contingents more openly in a narrative sense a lot of people are worried that might kind of kill it with the alpha Legion like they wouldn't be as interesting anymore with a legion like this it's the mystery that makes them interesting it's that are they or are they not factor that constant Quest questioning but when you start adding more concrete elements like omegon being a loyalist who is alive and active it just gets harder to parse out well I think it could be managed if done correctly namely I feel like the coming Alpha Legion Civil War something I've predicted between elements led by people like Solomon akura purely traitorous elements and people like Omega on the other side leading groups like the redacted or The Unsung would provide enough Intrigue and lack of cohesion and constant questioning that would work to keep the legion cool and interesting and the tricky bastards that we all know and love they would still be unique because they would be the only Legion actively fighting itself and turning in on itself just it would be so confusing you gotta remember the serpent beneath is so good it's one of the most interesting Alpha Legion stories I've ever read and it literally deals with the alpha Legion infiltrating itself having that on a full Galactic wide scale in a like a total full narrative Arc of that could be interesting as long as it doesn't overstay its welcome or get drawn out too much but what do you guys think I'm sorry for dragging you on on this bit of a slog of a video I'm sorry it got disjointed in Parts I kept doubling back to make sure things were clarified truly this video is the essence of the alpha Legion incarnate but do you think omegon is dead and if anyone actually thinks that please let me know do you think he is you know just those options I listed earlier alive but hiding alive but active or named character and if you do think he's a named character other than Cipher or death row let me know because there is probably something I missed it's the [ __ ] Alpha Legion or do you think he should come back at all I know some people are just flatly sick of the primarks returning I think maybe that's why gw's gonna kind of speedrun it and get it all out of the way just rip off the Band-Aid but do you think his coming back would add anything to the setting would it just muddy things would it kill the Mystique and magic of the alpha Legion as we know it to have him back please let me know I want to hear what you guys think thank you so much for being so patient when this video was in production it just kept getting longer and longer anger I have never done a video that had to be researched this heavily you know the books I had to keep going back to and referencing were alfarious head of the Hydra Legion uh Deliverance lost praetorian of Dorne the serpent beneath Deathwing slaves to Darkness sons of the Hydra heromaster a shroud of Knight beckwen penitent and beckwen Pariah like [ __ ] at least the end in the death vol 1 video was about just one book that I could hyper focus on this was insane this was painful and with that I will hopefully see you in the next much shorter video thank you and I'll see you there
Channel: Live! From The Black Library
Views: 19,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer40k, 40klore, imperiumofman, horusheresy, chaosspacemarines, chaos space marines, spacemarine, the emperor, alpha legion, alpharius, omegon
Id: d-ZFcP-xdKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 2sec (3722 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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