The Monument Mythos: Alternate Timeline of Terrors [Season 1]

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wouldn't you know it everybody it's time for another cap and fever dreams night already and i'm betting that there were a lot of you waiting to visit this project it's a doozy that's been making waves and it feels especially right for this time of year yes the monument mythos series is quite the story and because i know you'll be looking for more stories once we examine the history of this world i'm happy to announce that our friends at audible are here to help you out call me crazy but i have a suspicion there are a whole lot of you nightmind viewers who like listening to amazing tales rather than sitting down and being glued to a screen for them and i can say that because a whole lot of you have straight up told me that you listen to nightmine while doing things throughout your day in the comments of basically every video i've ever made audible understands just how excellent it can be to get a story fix in when life is so busy especially as this year has come to be one geared towards 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one of all the autobiographies audible has available seriously check it out thanks to audible for sponsoring tonight's video and the offer tonight mind viewers now about the story we have ahead of us for this emerging spring evening on september 12 2020 a youtube channel named alex kansas brought an unsuspecting audience a glimpse into a history that both intrigued and repulsed them with some surprises here and there that would be greatly enjoyed liberty lurker was the beginning of the exploration of a timeline from what seemed to be another universe one in which as you might have guessed there was a lot more to us monuments than one might expect at first glance alex has divided the monument mythos series in two seasons both of which are in separate playlists i'll provide the link to those in the video description below and as always i highly encourage that you watch the series yourself before proceeding with my video it's a great project it deserves your views and you'll get more out of the experience than my shot for shot run through we're going to be connecting the dots a little here and there and making bullet points for the action not going through the whole thing end to end on continuous play so really if you want to enjoy monument mythos and really you want to because it's quite enjoyable then go watch the playlist first and then come back to me you know the drill i'll give you five seconds and then we're off and running [Music] ready cool alternate timeline history class let's go 1889 an interview with the designer for the statue of liberty described how then president grant kept asking for the pedestal to be made bigger to the point that it ended up being taller than the statue itself later in 1949 it underwent extensive renovations and thanks to an official blueprint that was classified for 36 years we know what the renovations were provide entrance for sustenance install engine to assist with eventual departure this engine was installed at the very base of the pedestal and the entrance and stairs are clearly pointed out leading into a chamber just above the engine with a drain to waste storage something living was meant to be put in here and the size of the pedestal was designed with that in mind during the summer of 1954 thousands of immigrants passing through ellis island described a foul odor one immigrant elenora bramante said this ellis island was awful the whole place wreaked a flesh like a slaughterhouse there were also dead birds everywhere my sister even found one in the toilet the evenings were so hot i stayed mostly awake even though the rest of my family slept soundly i remember looking out the window each night and seeing lines of people being led to the liberty statue by officials after they would go into the pedestal the officials would leave and nothing else would happen the following morning would smell so much worse though like a slaughterhouse the ellis island immigration station closed the following november august 1985 brought the first sighting of the liberty lurker the statue of liberty shifted sideways on the pedestal allowing something to creep out just before the footage cut away upon investigation local authorities likened the waste storage compartment to a mass grave we're informed that anybody with family members last seen at ellis island between 1949 and 1954 may be entitled to compensation and now a curious item found in the video description archivist note it's believed that all surviving audio recordings of the 1889 liberty lurker interview or fakes produced by american publicists at the turn of the 20th century why would the audio recordings be fake that's a question we'll have to hold on to for a while in the meantime it's easy enough to understand the mystery of liberty lurker since the early days of its construction the statue of liberty's purpose was changed from being celebratory to well horrifying something horrible was placed inside and the ellis island immigration center held a dual purpose processing immigrants and choosing some of them to feed to whatever massive thing was being kept inside in the years between 1949 and 1954 this fact leads us right to the decades later backlash of rushmore revenge august 7 2003 mount rushmore national memorial is found vandalized the u.s government can fund mass murder if it's labeled a national monument every day executions occur in 2600 american landmarks the blood of liberty will be avenged the souls of lincoln will be freed august 14th more messages are found i will introduce infection next week monday to sunday 10 12 to 10 13 pm watch the symptoms august 18th national park service assigns patrols for the next seven nights who are told to videotape all anomalies during the time slot from the message on monday a peculiar light appears in the sky landing somewhere behind the monument on tuesday another light this time blinking in between the heads nothing appears to happen on wednesday but on thursday a small sort of spike can be seen friday's video shows what appears to be a second spike growing in the same spot as the first on saturday some idiot left the lens cap on and we can assume they were promptly sent to ellis island on sunday the monument is revealed to be covered in spikes growing from every head and the heads themselves appear blurred or softened on camera suggesting that a growth is covering the faces or rapid deterioration has occurred smoothing out the features a quote at the end of the video reads mount rushmore smells just like baby powder nowadays i think it comes from the stuff that the workers put on the heads yeah i see them do it all the time they go from washington to lincoln every night powdering it like a baby hannah mcelroy local photographer now we know that executions were occurring at the statue of liberty but this informs us that it wasn't just there there are many monuments where people are being sacrificed to things that we can't see alcatraz attack is a slight change of pace from all the mass murder the island is shown two days before therapy a title card is presented informing us we're about to see a map the first few items seem pretty standard for the island but then we're shown a detector shed which is a little peculiar followed by the main prison with a strange organic looking site inside almost like a spot of bacteria we move on to a spot with a question mark ruins the map goes over the tennis courts and then stops on another odd almost organic looking shape before blinking out one day before therapy the footage shows us the main prison where unknown elements are interacting with the bacterial-looking image what occurs is something reminiscent of cell division resulting in two of the organisms radiation therapy occurs on the island and we're shown projected movement of the island itself starting in 1950 it rotates through the years into 1975 then begins moving in the san francisco bay heading towards land with a projected impact with the city in the area of aquatic cove in the year 2000 it remains there for 10 years then does something to the entire city the effects spreading throughout the years to engulf the area while the island grows in size feeding off the population maybe one day after therapy the island is shown and then its duplicate and its duplicate and all of their duplicates it's reported that as of 2020 the alcatraz zone extends to west texas the implication here is terrifying alcatraz island is a living organism capable of self-reproduction and it wants to get close to land and now for something much lighter in tone 1967 to 1968 dean democracy a look back at america's 37th president during abc evening news host peter jennings spent a week in forming viewers to look out for an upcoming special report the most unprecedented announcement in recent history millions of citizens tuned in all speculating what it could be the title dean democracy appeared over a 10 second countdown leading to the announcement that heartthrob actor and confirmed bachelor icon james dean was running for president with a promise to end the vietnam war as reported by the documentary loads of viewers burst into tears of happiness and celebrations broke out across the nation due to popular demand the evening news was canceled the next night replaced with a half hour loop of dean's announcement most of his campaigning following this was consistent with that approach special segments every friday night on abc as america's original pool boy fantasy with nothing to lose james dean absolutely crushed his competition putting nixon's campaign in the dirt before the debates even came and his approach included inviting nixon to spend the day with him at a race car track at the end of their racing nixon basically conceded saying he would vote for his opponent dean wasn't without opposition though anti-teen groups hijacked radio towers to spread propaganda just a few days before the election and cut power lines that shut down his tv messages as a result dean met up with electrical workers to literally help them fix the wires he did this every day up to election day and won in a landslide 75 percent of the popular vote with a blowout of 395 electoral votes he celebrated by inviting nixon to race at the track with him again and as for his much anticipated inauguration speech i have a speech and it has the watson that you people expect to hear but that's not fair no that's not fair at all i'm here for all of you [Music] it's only fair that you speak for yourselves my words shouldn't be louder than yours so i've wrote many other guests to speak they're just people like you and i in the same time that many other presidents have spoken by themselves america will speak thank you dean then introduced many groups to the microphone in his dead including several minority and civil rights leaders like mlk who had survived an assassination attempt nine months before which ties into a quick fact we need to raise about james dean by the year 1967 he was very very dead in our timeline having been killed in a car crash in 1955. likewise martin luther king did die in the assassination attempt before president dean's inauguration so there's two facts regarding people in the monument mythos history that make it very different from ours august 17th 2003 air force one makes an unannounced trip across the u.s civilians claim to see it draw packages on various national monuments including mount rushmore something in san francisco around the vicinity of the golden gate bridge and ellis island when the plane landed something was seen inside but not enough of it to guess what or who it was white house officials later disclosed that the unusual flight of air force one was unauthorized and unmanned the lone figure seen inside the plane dubbed the air force one angel has yet to be identified by federal authorities according to the archivist's notes it remains a mystery how the angel bypassed the anti-burglar doors of the plane there were peculiar distortions in the plastic doorway of the main entrance as a clue however all existing photos of the angel were taken at stops during the flight and the plane was shot down when it re-entered washington now here's where we begin playing connect the dots the air force one angel made three stops two of which are definitely known as for the area of the golden gate bridge alcatraz island is sitting in the bay the bridge is built over so the angel was purposely making stops in locations where anomalies are being kept or monitored by the us there's also the timing of this event august 17 2003 the vandal at mount rushmore swore they would introduce infection between monday august 18th and sunday august 24 2003 so the angel leaves on august 17th and what's the first place it's spotted in mount rushmore what happened on that monday august 18th just a day after departure an unknown object flies over the monuments there's a very good chance that this is when the infection occurred it was the air force angel on its way to locations it wanted to cause damage to now remember the message on rushmore about the souls of lincoln being freed lincoln looker is a video using interviews to inform us of a very cruel and unusual punishment secretly dished out by the president of the united states every term the sitting president can choose one person no matter who to be abducted and trapped inside the lincoln memorial literally inside of lincoln they're kept alive being fed a weird sort of soup but it seems they don't stay that way for long as testimony from a visitor indicates hey eunice it's howard i don't know what i just saw i was at the top of the steps reading the inscriptions and talking to visitors i started to hear a faint scratching sound i didn't think much of it at first but when i got close to the chair i realized that the scratching was coming from inside the marble so i went to a guard and asked whether she could do anything about animals that could be trapped in there she told me not to worry about it and that they'd take care of it once there were fewer visitors a few minutes passed and the scratching became much louder i went back to the garden asked what kind of animals usually got stuck in there and she said wild animals the sound started to make visitors anxious i remember one boy pulling so hard at his mother's hand begging to leave a blind girl one of those canes went up to the chair and pressed her head against it to listen and she started crying her parents tried to pull her away but she just began to hit the chair with her cane that's when the guards asked everyone to go back down the steps i don't know why and it's gonna sound crazy but i felt compelled to help so i went to the blind girl and joined her and hitting the marble the guards tried to pin us down but the scratching became too loud for even them sounded like someone was shaving down a chalkboard eventually the marble began to crack and a few more hits caused the crevice to expand all the way to the top of the chair there was a sudden burst of air from the damage and the head suddenly turned toward us i was afraid it would fall so i picked the girl up and went down a few steps the head slowly rotated back into place and when it started to be pushed upwards i took out my camera it was no wild animal [Music] howard's recording shows us a familiar sight the head of a memorial sliding out of place allowing something inside that isn't human to emerge this is another spot where the expendable are fed to monsters in the rushmore vandal knows about it speaking of here's the next video washington wormhole it begins with a poem this special tree the forest fell swiftly as the lumberjack swung except for the special tree which could not be stung she missed her friends and the hymns they sung so she started a tune that broke the man's lung this video is pretty straightforward thanks to the timeline of events were given 1840 first photograph of the special tree is taken 1848 construction begins on the washington monument around the tree 1861 to 1865 construction halts due to the civil war prisoners of war seen being led into the unfinished tower 1888 construction is completed 1910 the monument becomes a major tourist attraction advertisements say visit the washington monument and listen closely hear the music within its walls 1910-1971 20 people disappear while visiting the monument and are labeled washington absentees 1972 news agencies leak a classified film called washington standard operation showing how visitors can be led inside the center of the monument placed in an elevator and taken to the top where sound waves echo up through the floor affecting the stability of the person and causing them to fall to their death 2000 the monument is vandalized with a message the infection is nigh the music of washington will end 2003 footage reveals the special tree that's alive inside the monument which we understand has been knocking people unconscious with its music when they reach the top it breaks the monument in half bending all the way over forming an ark and produces lightning and blinding white light after the spectacle all 19 washington absentees are found unconscious at the base of the monument but that can't be right because there were 20. the archivist note in the description tells us 20th washington absentee has been identified there is a very strange discrepancy here but i'm sure we'll find out the meaning of it later did you also notice when the monument's true nature was revealed 2003 same year as the air force angel in rushmore revenge events someone was very busy during this time the video delaware double takes the form of an evening news report in 1976 from a small program the facts are short so we'll be quick two fishermen discover the frozen body of george washington in the delaware river that would seem to have drifted away from where he might have drowned if he had drowned more evidence that this is one whacked out timeline this also occurred during the presidency of james dean the program reporting this news was shut down a day after airing the story alright so rockefeller tragedy this is a long one but it's definitely the most revealing and by far the most creative we have an event discussed from two different perspectives john d rockefeller and a little girl named virginia during the first winter of the construction of rockefeller center workers put up and decorated a christmas tree a site which inspired rockefeller the following year he went to babylon in search of a tree to bring for the center wishing to start a tradition virginia picks up the tale from here mr rockefeller disapproved of all the trees he was shown on his journey until suddenly hearing sweet music in the air as though the very wind itself had fallen in love following the noise he found himself at the base of a very special tree which we recognize it's the same kind of special tree the washington monument was built around and just as we were told in the poem it's musical rockefeller ordered his men to chop it down but when don came it was still standing they tried dynamite next and still couldn't shake it so rockefeller hired a team of gravediggers after a week of digging they told him the tree will be out in three years at this raid so for three years he let them dig and just used a different tree each christmas in the fourth year he had the special tree ready for the center virginia had saved up money to buy an ornament and she wanted to be the first to decorate the tree unable to reach the height needed to place the ornament she gathered 10 friends and they formed a human ladder virginia put the star at the very top and there was a strange sound the tree began shaking then slowly bent backwards when the top touched the ground it formed a perfect arc and lightning shot out from inside producing thunderous booms just as we saw kurt with the washington monument the lightning struck virginia and her friends blinding them with white light when her eyes adjusted she was in a field of special trees she saw many people around her and one of them a man ran up and whispered the trees are not trees the next page from virginia's tale has been redacted in a flash she returned to the street where she and her friends were struck by lightning the rockefeller building in fact the whole street looked a bit different than she remembered and the special tree was nowhere in sight the children and the adults all came to a world of confusion together at the hospital kids couldn't recognize parents parents didn't quite recognize their kids details of their lives had changed and x-rays revealed that the placement of their organs were backwards the children also revealed while answering questions about history that they didn't know rockefeller served two terms as president insisting instead that he'd always been a philanthropist the tale ends with a photo of the special tree in its original location and a statement many including my father believe that the 1934 christmas tree vanished this is untrue i have seen it wandering in the plaza on many occasions and it resembles a man far more than any tree john d rockefeller jr the final shot is of a building in rockefeller center at night with someone on the roof so the trees aren't trees they are people shapeshifters it seems they're also capable of transporting humans to other alternate realities which you know is kind of a big deal there's something else i'd like to point out the appearance of the trees have you made the connection yet that the infection on top of mount rushmore actually looks like a forest of special trees we need better details than we get in the footage naturally but it's hard not to draw that comparison just something to consider which we may get evidence for or against in the future i'd call this next video a windows movie maker presentation but the archivist says it's maze movie maker another difference between timelines presenting my crazy grand canyon adventure by lauren arnoldson we have plenty of pictures by a girl and her brother visiting the grand canyon with their father then i saw something really weird the girl says in a caption [Music] lauren later sees the weird thing again and has footage this time too hmm [Music] we did a little research and found out what we saw it's called a canyon gallon or canyon crown it uses vinegar to shrink its huge head back into its body my dad said the reason we went on this trip was so he could find his sister maya i think that was maya then we're given photos of people visiting the canyon who have no heads ending with a picture of two people walking towards head off trail this is uh yeah you know what i really don't have anything yet to tie this to or explain it this is just freaky file it away we'll come back to it later okay moving on freedom faller is the last episode of season one and composed of six parts part one consists of excerpts from a series of exchanges in 1858 between men in washington and italy discussing a statue called liberty which must stand on the capitol dome the engineer of the group promises to find somebody who can bring the statue to life and reaches out to thomas crawford a sculptor in italy he presents three designs and freedom 3 is chosen thomas crawford gets to work and his commissioner montgomery checks in six weeks later instead of speaking with crawford he's greeted by alfonso zafini a detective who informs him that mr crawford passed away freedom is apparently done however a ship called menarca will receive the statue and it should arrive in a month part 2 daughter nina the sculptor's daughter loves the sketches he made for freedom she says freedom looks like her mother if she was a queen nina asked if her father could make a statue that looked like her and he said yes crawford went to work on freedom and eventually wasn't heard from for a few days which worried his wife she went to visit him and when she returned she walked straight to her room the inspector showed up the next day asking about crawford he spoke to mrs crawford and a few moments later more men showed up mama was crying nina wrote she kept yelling she has his eyes she has his eyes scared nina ran to the docks remembering which vessel freedom was meant to ship out from parts of freedom were in each of the boxes she found and she crawled inside one hoping to be sent wherever her father was i feel his spirit around freedom she said nina is loaded into the ship and begins to starve after a few days soon she hears something big moving around the room and the rope around her box is cut she escapes from the box and finds some bread and fruit in the room next door then she sees her savior the statue which has her father's eyes at some point in the journey the statue escaped with nina holding her as it ran through a forest its sword cut hundreds of trees nina tells us freedom took her into a deep cave and started a fire then spent hours sharpening its sword on the rocks part 3 captain's log six crates were loaded at dawn on april 19 containing parts of the freedom statue this means that freedom had to reassemble herself during the journey the ship landed in gibraltar 10 days later there were many many holes in the storage room allowing a lot of water on board it may seem like the statue had been trying to sink them but when the crates were open for the customs officers they were empty freedom had simply been trying to escape part 4 commissioner report the actions of the statue cutting its way through the force attracted attention apparently it made its way up a natural monument called the rock cutting down hundreds of trees and creating landslides the entrance to an underground cavern was discovered at the top and within hours the commissioner and his men were inside in the middle of the cavern stood freedom surrounding her were the splayed remains of an individual a hollowed-out torso was stretched a quarter of the way of the statue the site of which compelled a few of the officers to exit the cavern the human remains were sent to the morgue while the sculpture was cleaned and lifted out nina's journal was found in the cavern as well part 5 craftsman this takes the form of a poem by philip reid and describes what happened when the ship finally reached the united states the plaster body of freedom was absent because it was now inside her freedom craved liberation so terribly she tried to take it for herself she was locked up freedom in chains the craftsman was told he had to take it out of her so hook rope peel and pull when it was done freedom stood motionless i see the final bronze woman the craftsman says and i feel as if maybe even hope she's only dormant now and will awaken again the horror of the situation is hard to miss when freedom arrived she was flesh her outer body was a body she hadn't managed to put nina's skin on successfully after all her torso only made it a quarter of the way up but somehow when she arrived her wish was granted and her body was torn away leaving only the statue part 6 sculpture at some point in this timeline a load of anti-d association zealots attacked democracy as millions looked on in horror during the assault the statue of freedom was shot down by random fire it's hinted at through the footage that follows that freedom was awakened at this moment and she raised her sword in the midst of the anti-dean attack delivering swift retaliation and that's it for season one i hope you were taking notes because you'll probably need them for season two or not because i'm going to be making the connections based on all of my own notes anyway so yeah you know what forget it just tune in next time alright it won't be a long wait i promise i'm excited to finish this up and see how it all shakes out especially because i've heard that the finale is wild and with everything we've seen so far that's setting the bar pretty high with all the elements presented already too i really will need that second season to draw some conclusions and answer some questions that have come up we know a decent amount to start but there's plenty more info we could use monument mythos really is cool and a very creative project with clear effort put into its design and attempts at authenticity for media it's kooky too of course i mean we're talking about a timeline where monsters and reality shifting trees are hidden inside us monuments and the original ambiguously buying icon james dean is a president who obliterated nixon on the campaign trail and the racetrack after making entire families weep with his announcement which is uh yeah yeah james dean way to go oh and let's not forget about perfectly preserved popsicle george washington of course i can't fathom where alex kansas is going with that one but we're going to find out i'm not sure it'll be as horrific as the slaughter of thousands every day under the shiny clean exterior of celebrated monuments but it'll be something now of course you could skip ahead of me and watch the season 2 playlist before my part 2 video instead of just waiting around for my upload if you just want to find out right away and i'm not going to hold a grudge about it i mean after all i just trapped you into doing it didn't i ha you see that do you see it i got you yeah just having a moment it's all good but yeah really you have at least a few days so go right ahead and hit that season 2 playlist then come back around to me here when my coverage for it is up that's all for now thanks to alex kansas for making the monument mythos thanks to all of you for watching and thanks to my supporters on patreon stick around to the end of this video to see the names of all these awesome creatures of the night and remember if you want to support nightmine directly you can do so for as little as just a dollar a month over on patreon this helps out so much more than you ever know it's extremely appreciated and it also empowers the night mind index which makes it possible for me to catch wind of crazy news stories the previous video i just uploaded moz flower pictures was actually an index entry and a fun journey and if you can't join patreon but you're not subscribed yet why not subscribe you're missing out on new nightmare content in your subscriptions feed otherwise and now you'll want to be subscribed to catch that season 2 video for monument mythos where we get to tie up all these loose ends and see what the big deal is behind a whole lot of our questions random chance on youtube under the algorithm is a lot more risky than hitting the subscribe button thanks for joining me in the talk again this evening once more i'm nick nocturne and i'll be seeing you again real soon like as quickly as i can i don't like dragging things out in the middle until next time sleep tight [Music] you
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 527,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monument mythos, alexkansas, libertylurker, night mind, unfiction, webseries
Id: bJhaVKRiuvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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