Crow 64: The Lost Nintendo Game ARG

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Welcome to the Catastrophe Crow community, Night Mind viewers!

If you haven't already, check out the document of findings which is a thorough document of everything we have found on Youtube and Twitter. It also has a playlist of all the official videos, which I cannot recommend enough to watch.

If you want to engage more, the Discord is much more active. Check it out!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/abuggyreplay 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome back to nightmine friends and welcome to the first video of this year now i know the holidays are behind us but there was one hot gift this past season a lot of you asked for so belated as it may be i'm delivering that's right tonight we're covering the newest non-fiction game catastrophe crow also known as crow64 also known as adam butcher's biggest craziest thing since internet story for those unaware this was a short term on fiction project that arrived on october 15th of last year portraying itself as a documentary about a long-lost nintendo 64 game as mentioned it was the creation of adam butcher who previously brought us internet story 9 years ago an excellent piece that went viral for a bit and still thrills new viewers to this day if you'd like to experience internet story it's just under 10 minutes and well worth your time it will also set you up with some familiarity to butcher's work and give you knowledge of what came before chris 64. as for the catastrophe crow video i highly highly encourage watching that before continuing on with my video you will not get the same experience as you would if you had sat down for the original presentation and honestly it's sitting around 240 000 views at this time of writing and recording which feels like a total injustice it should be at 500 000 or higher by now seriously you'll see why in a short time but for the moment go on go see what all the fuss is about if you want to check out internet story first i recommend it but at the very least watch the video what happened to crow64 i'll put a link in the video description for you and the pinned comment experience this short youtube documentary and come back to me here [Music] all set told you it was worth it now before we explore the full scope of catastrophe crowl i'd like to point out what probably impressed you at first just as much as it impressed me the setup while the rest of the videos on this channel show absolutely no ground to being based in the video game realm of youtube coverage the facade is dressed up perfectly as if butcher's character has been operating in this fashion for a while it's a very polished video that fits right in with the likes of mad big mcmuscles nitro rad and other video game history enthusiasts on the platform that kind of commitment to establishing the setup is always thrilling to observe in a project and it creates a foundation for belief in the audience even before butcher presents us with an old magazine featuring an article on catastrophe crow the dedication went above and beyond what was expected and very well could make any unaware viewer firmly believe in what they're being told that's the sort of immediate reality confusion we often strive to produce in people through unfiction storytelling and butcher sells the act flawlessly through the aesthetics of his video editing the magazine articles the game footage the video clips the wikipedia article on the apparent developer genius manfred lorenz and of course the development cartridge found on ebay there is also a subtle touch of brilliance during the gameplay half of the video when recording begins we're pulled away from the screen able to see the whole tv setup the game everything along the timeline of the playthrough the screen tightens and darkens obscuring everything except crow64 you don't even realize what's happened until late in the process because it was so slow and your attention was hyper focused on the game that attention is unbroken until the end when the documentary eye catastrophe crow crashes to a halt leaving you to wonder what kind of horror cliffhanger you just witnessed if we approach the video with our prior experience in mind and digital storytelling forensics kid in hand we'll find ourselves in a position that's actually pretty familiar catastrophe crow scenario is nothing we haven't seen before there's a haunted or creepy video game it's obscure corrupted or lost to time a potential evil presence is lurking inside it has a tragic backstory glitches freak you out and the creator is shrouded in mystery we've seen the setup used before by a few stories already that knocked it out of the park and made it a popular concept but why does something that's been used a few times and made popular just as many times work for catastrophe crow the same reason those prior haunted game projects turned out excellent and created gripping experiences it took what's old and made something new and exhilarating that hasn't been done it's another haunted game story yeah we've seen that idea before we've seen it a lot but this is a story using that idea that we clearly haven't seen in a way that no one's ever done it the angle introduced by butcher is an approach that hasn't been used by other storytellers and the effort taken to create the reality of the tale and lay out a foundation of belief is extraordinary it goes well beyond this video catastrophe crow is a full-blown arg incorporating gameplay videos across youtube on different channels while it seemed like butcher's character was the only one around to find a copy and record it for youtube this clearly is not the case an investigation of these other uploads produces results for any attempt to dig deeper into the mystery of manfred lorenze's final game we have videos uploaded from 3d platformers nz childhood memory 64 and 64 long lost lore a little bit on the nose with that one huh 90s retro gaming fred n64 excavation man and ultra 64 forever the videos all reveal different segments of the game which put in the same spread as the footage from adam butcher's character creates a puzzle board we can use to answer questions about the game and make external movements for story progression let's begin our decoding work by laying out the oddities observed in the original documentary playthrough some of these will come across as immediately clear matching what we do know of manfred lorenz the game's creator the first sequence after the title screen is a message he's not been home for days maybe he'll talk with you judging by reports of manfred's behavior throughout his work on the game especially toward the end we can guess this is a statement alluding to him main more blatant by crow entering a building very clearly labeled work we hear typing phones and find a computer that can transport the player into a massive toyland at the top of this world the player can encounter a bigger crow working on a computer receiving bits of code from the floor and typing the same the working crow turns and says something that's been encoded this sequence fits the idea of manfred trapped in the world of catastrophe crow at work barely able to register someone else coming into his office the game crashes showing an image of a home but then redirecting to the player crow before can be reached butcher directs crow towards a figure t posing under one segment of the broken archway it looks like a scarecrow on approach the scarecrow disappears and a bigger crow can be seen heading into work when the player enters after them the building seems empty much in the same way lorenz's workspace became empty at the end of development leaving him alone at the office much of the hardware is gone as well which correlates with the appearance of the office when the project was about to be shut down butcher noted that lorenz was nowhere to be seen for the very first time when the debt collectors came to take what remained of the office equipment but he also hasn't been seen at home this correlation is clear through the absence of the world hopping computer that takes the player to manfred it can't be found like much of what was in the office a moment before blocking access to him but when the player crow enters his space between filing cabinets they encounter a surprise the big working crow standing on a boat with their computer the worker leaps into the sea and drowns just like manfred lorenz did in the wake of the project's termination following him down leads the player crowd to a fresh grave where another crow cries alone the player attempts to jump into the grave and the phone rings it's here that we recognize and need to start finding our way without the help of adam butcher's narrative the player tries to find the source of the noise going down a set of stairs they just ascended to visit the grave the game glitches out sending the crow mile to the floor where it spasms with the rest of the world and the t-posing scarecrow figure glides up from behind accompanied by something crawling towards it the house interior is shown again closer now almost within reach and then the players once again reset now in a corrupted version of the overworld work is inaccessible and the lorenz home is seen behind the player they enter and explore revealing this is the interior we've been seeing the crow model has changed now showing a larger bird with glasses and worried eyes who heads into a child's bedroom on the floor we see a pile of blocks a chessboard a teddy bear and a toy boat we know where the boat is from but the other objects resemble the game world where manfred's crow could be found at work this platforming intro level is a direct relation to the bedroom we're seeing on the wall are children's drawings which bear resemblance to the drawing manfred's daughter created the origin of catastrophe crow on the bed lies a very sick crow who appears plugged into the same device that was beside manfred's computer in the platforming level it looks like your standard iv but those aren't meant to hook into desktop office computers the crow on the hospital bed in this room has very labored breathing and even appears headless we watch the player unable to do anything as the room fills with water and the sick crow screams as the two figures from the staircase appear to drag it away into darkness so what can we make of all that and what can't we piece together we knew from the beginning that manfred composed the game off of his daughter's idea it was essentially a game for one person it just would be open for playing by other people if this is his daughter it very much appears to be the case we can understand the peculiar statement lorenz made to a worker when he said the player is gone though catastrophe crow was designed for manfred's daughter she would never get to play it having died at home while he was at work trying to craft a game so intensely personal to his child that incorporated toys from her own bedroom now what don't we understand first the phone call we're unable to answer the phone and it rings on more than one occasion due to its timing it might be on the right track to think it was a phone call to the office that told manfred his daughter had passed or she was passing but we'll hold on to that idea in hopes of more evidence second the staircase crash while it may be symbolic more information could help our understanding when it comes to this the third item we don't get again relates to the staircase those creepy figures who appeared to take away the player crow and later to take away the sicro that most likely represents manfred's daughter the fourth piece is the coded message shared by man fred's crow when spoken to at work that will take some clearing up hopefully through the use of other videos what might seem like a mystery is just what's happening at the grave this is most likely manfred lorenz at the grave of his daughter which would explain the sudden ringing of the phone again the moment the player crow tries to jump in this being the funeral for manfred's daughter would also follow the timeline of events perfectly we happen to see the cause of her demise for ourselves after leaving the cemetery but this scene comes after the phone call informing him the last touch of mystery is more like a set of clues i suspect will come into play later the drawings on the bedroom wall one of these is clearly the original drawing for catastrophe crow which inspired the game this seems like all we'll get out of the original documentary footage what do we have in the scattered uploads across youtube in the wake of the crow 64 video eager viewers came together and formed a google doc that chronicles their investigation of the story and in their efforts they put together a playlist of the scattered videos major major thanks to them for doing so an excellent job to all those who have recorded information pertaining to the story it's a very thorough document that makes gathering the puzzle pieces a much easier task before we get to the other videos let's see the translation work players put into manfred's final message found on the boat marta you were always in the right and remain it till the last day it's impossible to look into people's heads to decode their behavior to find out why we are so cruel to one another we both did what we thought was right and yet we could accuse one another of insanity you have only taken from me and i from you so the world can remain open my path is set in place i have finally gone home man fred the numbers on the top didn't go unnoticed those have been solved it just took one of the external videos to do it we'll proceed with them now and see what unfolds in the first video the player crow is at work and jumps on the table where the phone is this appears to be manfred lorenz's office not only because of the photo of his house on the wall but because of the picture on the desk that shows him with his family a wife and two kids the player jumps off the table to move forward creating a real blink and you'll miss it moment the family photo changes showing a big crow a smaller crow and the two monsters we've seen one monster has taken the place of manfred's wife the other has taken the place of one of his kids the player heads into the elevator next and explores a higher floor where they become trapped in a hallway with a filing cabinet and a computer making odd noises a tried and true classic morse code the result however is as unintelligible as the quote from manfred as a crow further decoding will be needed there's another video from the same uploader this time exploring whether the crow can jump from one half of the broken arch to the other the results are interesting [Music] in the tunnel the crow player encounters several blocks that sound off different noises when picked up eventually they come to an open chamber [Music] ability to decipher what we're being given will come with further exploration thankfully the next video provides some insight the first from the channel childhood memory 64. the player messes around in a bunch of leaves and discovers there's a way to disappear inside oh what [Music] what you might have already guessed these are the sounds heard when the player picked up blocks in the previous video and you're correct this computer keyboard was the guide and we'll get to that but we aren't done with the scene yet [Music] nothing to be said about the head glitching out inside the computer monitor for now as for the keyboard while that does provide a codex for the previous video the result is again unintelligible since another cipher was needed this keyboard sequence also provided another message to be decrypted through the flashing of green keys it didn't take long for investigators to find what they needed to finish the decoding process the next video from n64 long last allure provided an image of the paws menu in straight english and then a coded version outlining enough keys in the cipher to begin description of what had been uncovered the first message we received came from mad fred's crow in the documentary play through when he was at the office decoding it from the state investigators referred to as crow language reveals that he tells the player i am in hell the morse code result from the first external video when decoded seems to follow the product statement by saying one i made myself the sound cubes in the tunnels that relate to the keyboard when decoded said this is only for your little brother now and the green flashes on that keyboard came out too please forgive me both of you in 64 long lost lore provides another video showing off the menu which allows controller testing a series of strange noises can be heard while exercising this option but that's not what we're meant to pay attention to instead the focus was on the movements of the controller which spelled out a code to decipher revealing the message i was too afraid that doesn't mean there wasn't something to do with the noise according to the investigation doc the sound that plays in the video was decoded to binary then to base64 and finally to an image of the face that appears on multiple of the creatures that secret was hidden deeper than most would expect another channel rolled out the next few videos starting with a 4 minute upload that begins in the overworld the work building is alive with sound and objects this time but the family photo is missing from manfred's desk his chair provides a coated prompt which breaks down too i dreamed of you playing this one day a computer is found on the upper floor of the building that transports the player to a forest level the crow can cross a bridge over a lake here where all the fish have the skeletal face that's been appearing the most intriguing part comes after this bridge however foreign foreign oh study of this video revealed the only shape bridge was composed of letters to be decoded this time with a message of but you never will the flashing scenes upon touching the mirror show the location where the player crow fell at the bottom of the stairs in the documentary playthrough the quote from the crow with glasses is odd but its meaning becomes apparent to investigators later the next video introduces a few game mechanics we haven't seen c c okay [Applause] so the image that appeared upon interacting with a space containing the teddy bear needed some editing but the message was uncovered i am sorry i could not be with you in the end the audio that played at that moment was also broken down to binary code seeing how that binary code shakes out reveal this image of the egyptian ankh a symbol known as the key of life the video that follows appears to be the oldest uncovered so far and follows the player exploring a much more complete intro level they ascend to the top of a tower of alphabet blocks where secret is [Music] discovered [Music] wait you can already tell why the camera turned around can't you decoding the blocks reveals the message please forgive me my little crow investigators of catastrophe crow were sincerely rewarded for their persistence with the next video the first major observation came here when the player crow with a bandage on its wing approached the mirror witnessed the crawling monster coming out and changed into another crow character with functioning wings keen observers might have already caught the player character hadn't been consistent through these videos the healthy smaller crow the bigger crow and the bandage crow have all been seen in the player role add in the glasses crow and we have enough to correlate to the four members of the lorenz family the new player finds a mound of dirt with a cartridge icon over it and a lot of strange background noise touching the cartridge noticeably shaped like the crow headstone from the documentary playthrough sends them back to the overworld where they find they have the ability to fly after jumping from the archway they fly to the roof of the work building where a key sits waiting for them and it asks for a name this reveals a major codex grid an absolute jackpot for investigators who are able to perform additional decoding but that's not all for this video oh hmm an ankh a pyramid a dead child the possibility of what occurred here is certainly shaping up now isn't it among the batch of external gameplay videos an additional secret was found the end credits music for manfred's previous game ocean quest discovering the meaning hidden here was apparently a process madfred put the first names of each of his family members and himself inside using musical tones as a code and then gave thanks to the listener for playing the game this informs us that his children are named nils and thea the name of his wife marta was already presented through his last message on the boat finding the names was a necessary step in using the cipher presented in the previous video since it asked her name before doing anything the method of operation in the cipher is most likely being hinted at through the words of the crow wearing glasses from this video whenever a series of numbers are seen in the project this cipher can be used trying different names for different results the first sequence of numbers spotted was on the final message from manfred before he drowned himself using the name nils revealed nils i'm alive thea's name decrypted the numbers too is not for you trying crow even worked sending the message for other kin kin in this sense meaning family after all the decryption work done at this point followers of catastrophe crow were ready to tackle the first challenge issued to them which appeared at the very beginning of the playthrough in the documentary video this image appeared on the screen showing crow language and presenting multiple lines of empty characters taking the crow language messages and counting out the characters in each presented a match for a line where they could put it and reassemble the note manfred left at the start of the game now they had an ability to look at the bigger picture dearest thea i am so sorry i could not be with you in the end i was too afraid i ran and now i am in hell one i made for myself i dreamed of you playing this one day but you never will please forgive me my little crow please forgive me both of you dad this is only for your little brother now and now the majority of the circumstances surrounding the game come together at the time of catastrophe crow's development manfred lorenz and his wife marta were at odds it's not quite clear why or what came of it but they both did what they thought was right according to manfred's note they had two kids caught in the middle thea and nils thea the daughter was manfred's inspiration for catastrophe crow during development of the game which was clearly being created as a gift to manfred's daughter thea became sick and wasted away she either died while manfred was at the office or he just made it in time and it was the one phone call he never wanted to receive he buried his daughter in despair then avoided home entirely focusing on the game and directing his team to start developing strange assets when confronted about getting the game finished already and to think of the player he remarked the player is gone because the only player in his eyes thea had died there was something manfred did to the game in the end while working on it alone that can't yet be discerned but he planned it well enough to leave behind as many clues as possible to spell out the opening message for his son nels even though it was addressed to thea he also informed nils on his boat message that he was alive as he said goodbye to marta and drowned himself in the sea carrying his workstation do we have anything else we can look through for external pieces of the tale thankfully we do the same channel that uploaded the ocean quest audio brought us four videos of unusual gameplay the first two are day and night shots of the same thing a crow standing in the forest area in the second a message was found in the audio that breaks down too i remain in the midst of all this came some unexpected new activity a former employee of manfred's company uploading to youtube and speaking on twitter after renewed interest in catastrophe krell i found several documents from my opus days maybe some of you find them interesting the youtube videos contain precisely the same content ulrich aderman shares on twitter through two document drops in the first he presents a list of known issues for the devs to work on enemy models to build a model of a tree with an eye in the trunk and some coding for the work building in the second we view models for the heads-up display the coins a bizarre color image compression algorithm some screens for the computer models chess pieces a debugging node and a build map that seem to be awaiting approval ultra 64 forever released two final videos one on november 23rd the other on december 5th the first presents the large crow presumed to be manfred lorenz standing in front of an object that produces a teddy bear study of this video reveal the symbol of a key and binary code hidden through sound the message all things live on somehow in the video tags and a quick frame image of the teddy bear replaced by a crow and a chess pawn the second video features a return of the teddy bear and it's actually better to show it than try to describe it [Laughter] the tags on this video when arranged properly read out and you have so long figured the leap completing the message started prior all things live on somehow and you have so long feared the leap so what exactly happened here and how many channels even exist in such a form that we could receive information as if the game itself was providing it the answers came through not looking at the videos again but the information surrounding them the channel titles and about tabs the end segments and four of the channel names spelled out a message n64 excavation man 90's retro gaming fred n64 long lost lore 3d platformers nz man fred lorenz one channel left out of the name code was used to convey a deeply needed message through the about tab remember this cheat code decrypting the number string using the cipher grid and catastrophe crow reveal the instruction join emails in order this concerned the emails listed for each of the youtube channels that composed manfred's name when placed in the correct order and sent a message a response came from a contact named ml asking who was asking for them only one reply nils returned a message my dearest boy after all these years i have much to say your birthday is not too far from now i hope we can meet the day after in the place we holidate every year i will be there em now a new challenge was issued discover the birthday of nils and where the family used to go on vacation while some went about the task immediately others kept trying to disturb the apparently alive manfred lorenz whose tone shifted in a reply to someone else i wish to believe you but can no longer make the leap i understand now that this has met many more eyes than those for which it was intended i can only hope the true recipient is among them i will be waiting despite the alert that manfred could be scared off others persisted in emailing him attempting to portray nils manfred sent replies making it clear he saw impostors emails from those pretending to be the owners of the youtube channel's manfred was operating from were met with sarcasm noting how it seemed his creations were now running outside his control with no immediate clues from careful inspection of the article seen in the documentary video or external videos it appeared players were at a dead end but then a truly unexpected drop occurred on december 5th ulrich aderman succeeded in uploading his entire workstation from an old drive used during his time developing the game unfortunately it required a password a bit of work went into cracking the folder but at the end they succeeded dumping a whole unity project that made up the game but wait unity project that doesn't make any sense for a nintendo 64 game does it players thought so too which is why they rejoice when they discovered a text file in the project settings labeled opus license elicit unity as a development tool and game engine available for use with nintendo 64 and catastrophe crow's reality there was a lot for players to study first off the game contains 64 scenes if you imagine one singular level in a platforming game with no room transitions that's one scene in this project at 64 fm so want to go through it together a few downloads installs and assorted waiting periods later here we are the findings are quite a sight indeed there are a lot of rooms to explore and it's shocking how much has been loaded in the first is simply called boat features a much bigger much more detailed boat than we saw manfred lorenz take out to see as a crow in this world we can observe some other objects left in the space that have been hidden from view it wasn't clear at first why this was but in going through each world it struck me that many of the worlds are copies of each other with new additions or rearranged objects the key to finding anything of substance is uncovering what isn't just copied over from a previous position there's a lot to find so much in fact that i eventually settled for taking screenshots instead of running a whole recording i would like to show you this from my first screen capture exploration however the monster is revealed in the hierarchy of the scene that is the inventory of objects in the game world we see true scarecrow this is the true scarecrow model which is used later in certain scenes joining it is the crawler another ugly creature with sona byes but what's really fascinating is this money bag an object with a custom texture that resembles a scarecrow head this object is placed over the heads of the crawler and scarecrow to create the crow 64 monsters we also find moments in which the scarecrow has a model variant labeled crucifix and indeed it's on a cross in my screen capture exploration i also found the room setup we kept seeing with the scarecrow seated by the wall we can also find the original chro 64 boat off in the distance here checking the hierarchy list throughout the scenes reveals which chrome model is which here we see the crow with glasses labeled father crow making him man for lorenz you can find the others as well but the only true group shot is in the underground giving us father crow in the middle mother crow to the right and brother crow who doesn't have a broken wing this means manfred's daughter thea is the crow we normally see in footage thea's room is eerie to make visible again object by object but there's something far more disturbing to be found in it a wallpaper texture of manfred and his daughter when she was a baby that also covers the floor other things of note include the world title players consisting of one object also named players a teddy bear in the world labeled credits you're shown a lineup of chess pawns which is a very clear statement about who the developers in this endeavor were to manfred there are plenty of pyramid depictions like this world container for the initial level an arch can be seen in the side and we have the ability to get a closer look with its official name in the hierarchy labeled arch stone it reappears in this world pyramid six which is covered in iconography related to ancient egypt the pyramid that might be most striking to you however is labeled resting place here we have the arch but also a cardboard box with a label titled nils care of marta so what's inside if we turn off the visibility of the box we see it's the crow 64 cartridge manfred has left the project in a box meant for nils his son there are plenty more discoveries a cat tannic circle graphic that's part of a set close-ups of the drawings in the bedroom a redesigned with a work building that looks like an evil hospital a hidden graphic on the floor of the building manfred's crow was working and scarlet teddy bears placed on the tips of four arches in a world titled eventual but what i'd like us to leave on is a bit of mystery particularly for the code enthusiasts in the crow 64 crowd while exploring i came across not one but two codes in the assets folder titled elements you can find an image asset named n234 the graphic shows a code clearly but it's backwards another exists in the elements folder that's named wall code found under the office subfolder know people must still be looking for whatever nell's birthday is and the location where they're supposed to meet and if these codes aren't solved yet they may help provide the answer crow 64 has about four different ciphers that have been used so far and those who've utilized them would know how to handle these findings best all that remains for us now are the articles shown in the documentary video which could hold clues to the game and its mysteries browsing the first stone the crows reveals this a surreal plot about trying to save your father's business from a corporate takeover by the sinister sir cat at least now we understand the connection to cat tannic circles the monsters being shown with money bags on their heads also might be part of the equation if the game's story was about finding a corporate takeover the article also mentions that manfred's eternal revival system would keep things changing every time you play an odd statement but it shed some light on what it was meant to do in terms of the game the next article from n64 future look has more for us acknowledging the game is hiding something larger cryptic clues in character dialogue a strange code found in forgotten corners of the levels even a bizarre sci-fi pyramid filled with hieroglyphics manfred lorenz has long hinted he's been making something perhaps more kin to miss than a kid-friendly platformer remarking that games are made of code but they are also codes there must be a gap and a leap of faith between player and designer manfred's subversive touches were in place long before he took his boat to the water if interviewers could see them and ask questions his willingness to speak on this side of the game in fact carries over into the next article to the player the actual feeling of movement and freedom is nearly infinite i needed to do justice to that feeling so while we will ground players with the action and platforming the larger design must allow players to truly explore in truth i believe what we are creating is beyond a game perhaps a portal of sorts in catastrophe crow one can explore worlds but also explore within finding meaning within the gameplay the crow is the cleverest animal so the mind must be required throughout the thought began with the idea of game overs now that the player is presented with a real world they wish to explore and solve having lives and dying felt too cruel so we created something else something where in the event that you die your soul remains constant but the world around you inevitably changes i confess this element is still a work in progress is it possible this is why so many scenes in the unity project are copies of each other with elements moved maybe the objects weren't there as leftovers maybe they're being recycled and placed in new positions as part of the eternal revival system by the way if manfred's comment about making the game a portal seems to on the nose check out this quote i think that many months ago three teams set out to create their vision of a 3d platform game miyamoto-san went free-roaming nakasan went for the feeling of flight and manfred lorenz tried to enter the 3d realm and never come back with everything we've witnessed it's fair to guess catastrophe crow was meant to be a transformative work for manfred in a literal sense invoking ancient egyptian beliefs and symbolism here he seems to be outright telling us this was the point you might also enjoy this answer regarding puzzles in the game i have always thought of games as the ultimate expression one in which the player lives through the experience of the creator since the first cave painting there has been an impossible but crossable gap between the audience and the artist like two points made of rock or stone a precipice with no bridge between to put it another way games must be made of code but they also are codes there must always be a gap and a leap of faith between player and designer this may remind you of the message found in the video tags earlier showing crow 64 footage all things live on somehow and you have so long fear the leap it also brings to mind the archway from the overworld and the ones that we see in the game room eternal the final word in the article feels like a period on the sentence regarding manfred's intentions the interviewer asks what his plans are after the game and he says i cannot imagine anything after catastrophe crow after reading the information from the articles and thinking about our findings it's quite clear that manfred lorenz was set on creating a game that could shape death and not just for himself or his family he wanted players all general players to know about it to read between the lines and live his experience a game you can literally enter problems may have arisen on opus interactive with upper management prompting the storyline about an evil corporate takeover threatening the father of the crow who is hard at work coding moneybags over monster heads are a pretty clear statement too manfred loren saw his game as one thing but the company must not have shared his vision probably regarding him is another lunatic who claimed a higher station for their work than was generally accepted you could make the case that it was their interference beating the office or by keeping lorenz working all the time which ruined opportunities to be with his daughter before she passed this event would have taken him over the edge in his effort to do something about the acne of losing a loved one and now though his body might be dead manfred loren speaks and maybe daring his son to take a leap of faith although we do have evidence that he might very well be physically alive especially if he's willing to meet with nils [Music] another possibility with a narrative we have to raise concerns moments that seem to relate the monsters with the living members of manfred's family i don't think he saw them as actual monsters but the money bag could suggest their need for him to provide all the income was torture when all he wanted was to complete his work a major financial success didn't matter to lorenz a successful portal did so where do we find ourselves now not much further on than we were when manfred lorenz reached out thinking he'd made contact with his son if there's further discovery to be made it lies in weight friend of the channel and fellow unfiction fan inside of mine made an excellent video on crow64 that i also encourage watching and i'm going to follow his lead by putting the google doc for the project investigation in the description below if you'd like to explore chro 64's related media yourself you can do so through the document it might even help solve the birthday mystery surrounding nails but it's time we eject this cartridge and call it a night catastrophe crow was a fantastic storytelling venture that took very clear effort from the creation of the game assets to the fake materials like articles and old videos it's a thrill it's inspiring a non-fiction effort we love to see i salute adam butcher and everyone else who helped make catastrophe crow possible i salute all of you too for watching and supporting nightminds and major thanks to my supporters on patreon who empower not only my videos but the nightmind index for unfiction projects if you're looking for new stories to engage with and mysteries to obsess over take a look at the creations currently logged in the index you won't just be finding something new to enjoy you'll be supporting creators who are just making their way in this field or might have recently completed hidden gems there are just over 80 published to the site which is phenomenal and some of them have even popped off and gained coverage on other channels and that will be all for tonight everyone thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening happy new year by the way and welcome to 2021 once more i'm nick nocturne and i'll be seeing you again real soon sleep tight [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 594,325
Rating: 4.9566336 out of 5
Keywords: crow 64, catastrophe crow, night mind, nick nocturne, webseries, arg, internet story, inside a mind
Id: Nf31hhUwbPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 25sec (2665 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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