CatGhost: Animated Webseries Deep-Dive

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on October 1st 2017 I upload in a new installment in my night vision series on a young and unique project title cat ghost a humorous and horrifying animated project with a quirky cartoon cast cat cursed appeared with an approach we hadn't seen yet for an online mystery webseries not just at appearance and style but through its dedication to go above and beyond what we expected every new upload for catco's came with its own game you could download straight from the video description leaving a deeper mystery while providing viewers with more content to puzzle over at the time of my coverage there were only four episodes birthday knock window and circle since then we've seen the series grow to include seven more episodes two teaser videos a Christmas live stream and a speedpaint by the animator Tony Cry night that was hijacked by an evil spirit that cursed has been very busy since we first covered it and with all this new content on display it's about time we paid a visit for a deeper dive if you haven't seen cat ghosts yet believe me it's worth your time well it might perplex you with some of its horror and mystery bits it has a surface storyline you can absolutely keep up with and it's every bit as funny and endearing as it is creepy take a moment now to watch the series and browse some of the games if you like I have a playlist for you with everything in order in the video description or you can hit the icon in the upper right corner that should be appearing now once you're done come back to me here and we'll start explaining what you just saw since we've already been through episodes one through four let's do a rapid review on what happens and what viewers discovered in the Associated games cat goes one birthday released June 15 2017 we're introduced to Elan the cat noir the ghost and Gideon the Hedgehog with an immediate impression of their group dynamic because the baby was so fat and ugly no one would ever love him oh geez Oh awesome it's you - what do you want rise and shine birthday boy it's time for a surprise I'm sorry I think you've made a mistake it's not my birthday now go away please explain what party country is it's a magical wonderful land filled with bumper cars arcade games and laser tag well it'll be finish mine up and I'll get right on that Gideon isn't allowed to finish his nap as the two whisk him away to enjoy a nasty-looking cake celebrating Gideon's 48th birthday then they heads a party country an arcade cabinet that transports Gideon into a pixelated forest and shows him three characters it's all red skeleton who says it burns I can't feel my skin a mysterious rock that will be later known as key and the bust of a man that says let us reunite in this episode there's a hidden frame showing a character that will appear much much later a sock puppet that resembles a snake or some other reptile the game happy birthday is essentially party country but allows players to go through the rooms as Gideon and encounter more objects and people all of which have three randomized quotes except for the bus Gideon meets the big stone and a chair hanging on rope these new interactive objects include a small blue skeleton that can't breathe a piece of mirror a shovel and a bone pile the big stone which we come to know is key has the most interactive capability asking who the characters are provides titles Gideon is the judge Elon is a tres and Nara is the proselyte a proselyte is someone who has converted religions or beliefs narayan elan both side in the year 1650 while ideon died in 1672 gideon is in a dark place Elan is in a jar and Nara is immersed Nara died because she was evil gideon died because it was time an Elan died because of the council asking who the council is produces the answer the keepers of balance there have also been live sessions with ki in which it seems possessed and players have received custom responses with the spirit on the other side I even had one during my first research attempts when ki asked if she sent me I asked who she was and was told liar I asked who the cat was in key said thief there were also plenty of answers regarding a woman listening or knowing I was there which made ki scared the final touch to the game was a special prompt type the word murderer and you'll be shown two jump-scare for the blue skeleton who couldn't breathe most of these games have that trick programmed as a running gag actually catco's tunak appeared on July 7th featuring a door with a horn decoration called the horrible beast in the number 33 Elan and Nara are trying to tell gideon knock-knock jokes we achieve doesn't think are funny and he's forced into a chamber locked by the demon tour where he spends two years trying to figure out the perfect knock-knock joke so he can escape he succeeds and is traumatized by visions but makes it outside in the company of Elan and Nara this episode featured literal writing on the wall sing megalith is key while parts of the world and showing a lot of years in Roman numerals while parts of the world is a quote from the book remembering Jamestown in a passage talking about remote and primitive territories where Satan reigned colonists did not dispute the assumption that early 17th century Virginia was one of the wild parts of the world taking that clue and trying to cross it with the list of years does bring about a result some of the years elicits match dates in the history of Virginia's attempts to hold trials on witchcraft reading in the episode is also revealed to be in fleeben alphabet known as the witch's alphabet this episode also has hidden frames that keep consistency with what's found in the birthday game here's a podium which signifies a judge a jar of ashes and a hanging chair we have a shot of a graveyard and as we discovered in our night vision episode on cat ghosts a message from a bird shaped character called the skinwalker saying they'll see us all soon The Associated game joke features the tour gideon has to escape through and players need to type in phrases using tap code there are five answers and the first is more or less confirmation of how the game is played type mek'leth and you'll receive an image of the Keystone megalith is key and tap code is how to get results in this game one of the hidden frames in nock says excruciating to have that in to see a burning snake like you'd find in earlier periods of history proselyte gives us the image of a drowned skeleton and a chair Trinity shows us two females and a male on the sensor with a tri-corner hat and if you type libation you'll get Gideon's cake so now as early as episode 2 we can begin tying things together with the information found remember the description of the characters we got from key who was the proselyte Nara where is Nara immersed as we see a knock the proselyte a religious convert is drowned at the bottom of a body of water alongside a chair fully immersed in this lake or ocean the small blue skeleton and birthday told us it's called here I can't breathe and of course in the game we have the hanging chair put it all together and what do we get Nara is the proselyte a religious convert dropped from a chair into a body of water and drowned she is the small blue skeleton she's called she can't breathe and neither can the skeleton at the bottom of the water by virtue of this connection we can take the answers from key concerning Elan and match them to the red skeleton a frame from nock and a reward from its game Elan is in a jar right well here's the jar full of what looks like dirt or ashes and we have the excruciating Lee painful snake for burning criminals the red skeleton tells us two very interesting things it burns I can't feel my skin and trap like a fly in a jar ilan and nara both died in the year 1650 we have allusions to Virginia's wild parts were singing holds power and a list of years which reference Witchcraft Trials some of them in Virginia anak we have two instances of fleebin alphabet written by Ilan and nara and going by the solving method we use for info on Ilan and Nara with Gideon the judge what can we put together first it seems pretty obvious they are the figures from the Trinity picture but we can also conclude is just who and what Ilan in our are there women convicted of witchcraft and somehow Gideon was involved in their demise from a position of judgment Nara was executed during the act of dunking a trial to find and punish witches the accused was placed into a chair or cage suspended by rope and then lowered into the water if they were innocent they would sink but if they floated they were guilty ironically this had a guaranteed outcome no matter what death as for Ellen's fate that's very clear burn the witch Gideon's place as judge in this context really ties a picture together of what's likely happening here the group is in a very strange form of purgatory or hell Gideon's here because he supervised the death of two women accused of witchcraft and they're here because well they were witches allegedly what we don't know is the nature of this purgatory or why we're even seeing it let's keep moving and maybe it'll get clearer cat goes three window appeared on August 13th and open with a clip we understand a little too perfectly now the title of the show on the ocean floor Ilan is brushing her fur when she hears a noise outside someone leaving a pocket mirror with a message in Theban for word Ilan a terrifying woman appears inside scaring Ilan who runs in Sonora asking if she found anything special outside Ilan gets upset and Nora blames Gideon who's chopping wood Ilan threatens him for using her craft against her and then transforms into a demon which pretty much answers the question of whether or not she really was a witch inside he LAN finds his picture of a red tall woman and a blue shorter girl with a message from nara to bestest best friend if we couldn't guess who the red and blue skeletons were before we sure can now alone takes the cloth off the mirror sees the apparition levitates has poked in the head and then we get elan and nara in-game how can we tell it's all red head small girl with blue tinted hair the game associated with this episode is quite simple way for 3 a.m. the witching hour to see that scene between elan and nara unfold [Music] so when is it Nora's crying about the clue can be found by waiting in the window game for three minutes and which point a painted image is shown of a dog in a sacrificial altar this appears to be in line with a picture now remain see the small shape next to the cabin in the background sure it looks like a Dalek silhouette to me no word yet on the promise now remains a Elan but we do have a good guess why she's upset now cat goes for circle is the best conformation in the series of the nature of a LAN and Nara which appeared September 27 2017 Elan and Nora sit at a campsite where the pentagram set up lighting candles and what is it they're doing here no no no more we've got work to do you know no you promised you were gonna help me stop the bells of evil from leaking into the sanctuary today sorry come on stop complaining just sit in the circle and hold out your Oh seriously sorry maybe we could try something else what if we put our foreheads together oh okay you ready waters of either voices of the deep dwellers of an ancient plane awaken from your sleep so yeah they're witches or they were long story short Gideon ruins everything nor gets possessed and Ilan has to fix it during the act of removing the weird spirit from Nora we experience a game cutscene we have the figure of a judge a blue haired woman in a pink dress and a woman with gray hair in red white text appears accompanied by an odd sound The Associated game unholy circle is the most fun yet and there's opportunity to appear in play as one of three characters the woman in red the woman in pink and the redheaded woman Ilan this game is simple but multi-layered keep the ghosts from attacking the village by casting spells while collecting candles here's a good ending in which you collect less than five candles before the ghosts destroy the cabin and an unlocking condition for the bad ending which reveals the full pentagram and its candles if they're collected before the Kabat is destroyed if the bad ending is unlocked a player can run to the right of the screen and go down a secret path which turns them into the blue haired character this character has been labeled VB sprite in-game according to the files and runs all the way to the right flying off a cliff to her death but who exactly is this in the game if you get the red haired character the sprite is labeled e obviously this is Elan the gray haired character with the red dress is labeled N and while we might think the blue haired character would be nara if we compare the sprite label to n with the pixel seen in the game before it we find a match Nora's character here is in red with much more gray hair than blue so if this is Nora and this is Elan who is the sprite labeled B our only clue comes from the same place we found a hint for getting refilled bad ending a circle episode which tells us to go east and bad times during a hidden frame in the credits special thanks are given to Beth at this particular moment we can temporarily associate Beth with sprite be regardless of identity however this character doesn't have a very happy ending and if we compare to the message shared in the video we catch something I'm trying to be strong but I can't that's why I flew away do you ever wonder where birds go when they fade from sight in a very morbid sense we can see the blue haired character flying at the end of unholy circle there's also only one illusion we have so far to a bird in the series and it's tied up with the skinwalker a bit confusing at the moment to pull apart but luckily we're just getting started on content for clearing things up final note the judge character here would make sense as Gideon since he's labeled the judge and seen in proximity to Nara this pixel scene also plays out during nars possess attack on Gideon kind of makes you wonder if he possessing spirit was the blue haired woman dancing in November 28th 2017 saw the release of catco's 5 banana the premise is simple is the noise in the woods the trio go out to investigate and they find a cry banana who just can't get over the fact that he's a banana the banana recognizes Elan which is a very unexpected and she promises to take care of his problem downplaying the recognition her solution is revealed the next morning banana pancakes for breakfast we follow elan to the attic which is filled with cages revealing a sinister secret there have been other characters appearing here the whole time and Ellen's been hiding them in the Attic the game for this episode also tell banana is a new play style you are trapped in Ilan zanuck looking for jars while trying to avoid Ilan herself who will crash the game with a jump-scare each jar collected comes with a message and a colored light looking at a list of jar messages and the associated colors it's difficult to determine just which ones belong to what character as they seem to be quotes or several some of these quotes are pretty telling giving us birth and death years or characters while also highlighting this curiosity first I lost my daughter now my husband all I want is my daughter back we also have quotes that seem related to Ellen's execution with death of a dog warnings about witchcraft and the names of characters we haven't met there's as much info here as there seemed to be creatures Ilan trapped in the Attic cacos six-hole arrived on January 14 2018 we begin with a wall of fire than watch a launch ranking away from a growing prison which turns to a computer screen accessing a program dark cavern the game associated with this upload what follows is quite odd but still somewhat coherent telling a short story next up Ilan appears woken from sleep on a table by a wormhole gideon informs us that he's been throwing garbage into it and nora scares everybody by flying inside to explore the next moment might have been directed by David Lynch Nara the egg and the other Gideon appear through the portal thanks to Ilan and the - Gideon's are unaware of each other for a moment before touching hands at which point the universe seems to explode and then credits roll usual can't go stuff you know the game for this episode cavern is pretty unique your character has a long hair and is naked running around to talk system of caters many different objects and rooms can appear randomly generated prompting different bits of dialogue and multiple endings each ending presents an introduction to type a word initiating an action which will reward a player with a poem there's a red baby a tree a shovel a wagon and what seems like a broken camping tent the poem retrieval instructions are as follows type steel to take her warning this action cannot be undone you are a monster type darkness to slip into the night see you soon type dig to bury yourself no one will miss you save will to abandon your family you can never go back type camp to start a meeting let us reunite the steel poem concerns remorse over circles and ovals that undid someone's life and how they're in a chamber where they carry their bane empty halls and walls with no guests around there were four people or creatures before one was too scared and soon ran away one felt too tired and never came to play one was too small no hope it would say when didn't bother and inside I'll stay the darkness poem is much simpler warning a loved one against venturing into the forest where they'll be lost forever the poem that comes from choosing to take the canary song describes the fate of someone trapped in the cavern it may be called the canary song after the phrase canary in a coalmine the wheel poem is about a traveler for sure with a home that sits on wheels there a loner unfit for company made for one goal traveling always away from faces that I've deemed unkind this hits the image of the wagon very nicely finally the camp poem this describes a place over and over a secret place that's very special but will never be found by others it's on no map but it's a trap and you'll never leave the best case of connection that could be made about this game lies in the canary song and the story at the beginning of the video is grabbing a girl who loved to dig and was sent somewhere deep where she died whether this is a memory of a lhans because she was that girl or she knew about her isn't clear but we have more than just her wraparound appearances to go by the story ends with two sudden shots of Elan the second of which shows her going up in flame kakko 7ki arrived on March 5th 2018 this episode concerned a lot of viewers due to its ambiguous ending and started as usual with a fair amount of mystery the catco's cabin is in a snow storm and there seem to be constant earthquakes Ilan Nara and both of the Gideons are inside having dinner with their space AG in the background we find out the earthquakes are happening because the Gideons keep nearly touching which is threatening the world even more than it did last time fed up with them nowhere goes outside and celebrates the snow while Elon sits on the staff sensing that things aren't quite right narcos the show where that everything's fine by tasting the snow but hands up choking on the taste Ilan presses ahead with her worries and goes to consult the megalith key but why [Music] what can I do we tried our best I don't understand [Music] Elon is transported to a cliff where Nara joins her and she shares what ki said Nara concerned ask if it's really the end alone asurs her the universe never truly ends it merely changes together they sit and wait for the collapse of the universe which is predictably caused by the Gideons Yolanda Nara gets snapped into oblivion by Thanos has some sweet music plays and we get full confirmation on the sprite characters they really were Elan and Nara this episode's game key wasn't much of a game but a promise it held the countdown to March 20th 2018 on that day a message appeared Beth has arrived in our world but she is not allowed to pass this is also when the video void one was uploaded confirming the identity of another character sprite [Music] following this declaration that bath the woman here jump from the cliff was now in the Kakos world the Earth's decided to give Kia visit in person through the birthday game it was here discoveries were made regarding paths starting with the appearance of her skeleton and three dialogue prompts the wind blows softly ice or I have returned asking key who Beth was gave the answer Widow going back to the key game a new countdown was discovered bringing up April 1st 2018 this was no joke as a new message did appear saying Malone has arrived in our world she is allowed to pass the video void - then appeared [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] so this video is very interesting we have the red skeleton Ilan and a newcomer who we can assume to be Malone talking down to Ilan in a position of knowledge and power when I found you she says you were starving sick and dying I took you in and gave you the key but you still turned your back on me Ilan says she doesn't need her and can do things on her own is that why you ran from the wagon Malone replies and now we can tie some things together the poem wheel was about Ilan and the wagon belonged to Malone who she was traveling with judging by the setup of the dark cavern sequence and game we might also guess a LAN was the girl in the cases to enjoy digging even if she wasn't Malone found her in a similar state starving sick and dying the final message from key with a countdown came on June 21st 2018 and said fibers of metal conduit rods primitive tools open a temporal portal speak now this was an instruction to head to the cactus website which had directions relieving recorded questions for Ilan Nara and Gideon which were then answered by the characters in the awesome episode aid judgment there's a lot of gold in this purely for the ways the characters interact with fans and there have never been more jokes in a catco's episode as well as more answers we learned that Ilan doesn't trust Malone and she doesn't want you to trust her either Nora and Ilan became friends after Nora found her campsite in the woods and then wouldn't leave her alone the council is also revealed by Gideon to be a way to keep the town safe from the gypsies which immediately angers Ilan we've also got confirmation that Nora did indeed drown but she has some pretty good humor about it also someone asked about libation Gideon's cake Ilan and Nora are immediately disgusted but then we get a pretty good punch line of Gideon eating the cake which now says 49 instead of 48 an excellent easter egg because this video came out just after Kakos first birthday so technically a year really had passed and before we get to the really juicy bit here's the nightmare fuel response to somebody asking about the skinwalker [Music] as the questions go on the characters begin making remarks about how they've been here answering viewers for years and suddenly Elon realizes something isn't quite right during this time we have a visualizer playing across a computer screen in a random pattern and when the void returns everything begins to break down after another classic everything starts melting cat goes moment we come to find 3d miles of the characters on the table alongside the recorder so what was that all about anyway why show this video clip seemingly related to nothing viewers puzzled over this for a bit until somebody realized you could almost make something out as the shape moved over certain segments and after what I can only imagine was a monumental effort of screenshot layering a major secret was found this image showing a bargain bin for value games 90% off with copies of party country inside starring Ilan Nara and Gideon what on earth does this even mean this feels like a secret worthy of the effort it must have taken to uncover it and how long it took in the series to appear after all this episode counts as the one-year birthday upload fork a toast so this would be considered the gift and if this means something in a story sense and it absolutely must then it's quite the gift indeed this would explain why every episode comes with a game this would explain why there are so many moments of glitching and code and allusions to old technology were these characters from a bargain bin video game have they always been characters from a bargain bin video game how does that even make sense with their backgrounds as people who died in the 1600s during Witchcraft Trials what kind of game was party country is it possible that everything we've seen was part of party country after all and that's why I ended up in the bargain bin did someone make a game with a crazy underlying narrative like this and it was just too weird for consumers answers have to be on the horizon and the only way to find them is by going forward the Christmas lies we mentioned earlier apparently ran for just under 12 hours and had a few secrets inside in the form of numeric messages which seem to be questions of the characters posed by the skinwalker who would sometimes appear as a version of Nara this activity is similar to the events from the Tony Cragg stream during which the skinwalker appeared to haunt Nara saying things like you can't hide from the truth and she never loved you it ended with Nara reliving the memory of her death by drowning the next public video and caicos was titled warmth which puts our characters in the middle of a blizzard Gideon can only complain about how cold it is while Elin looks for shelter she manages to find another portal which now flies into bringing forth a meeting with key what follows is the best announcement of somebody saying hey we have a page Ron now that I have ever seen as ki says the story may end prematurely unless the characters find paper notes followed by Gideon warming himself on a pile of burning money the crew of characters that announces there are six more episodes left of the season and due to some financial difficulties a patreon is the only way to balance a life work schedule for finishing the show in a timely fashion it's delightful to say that Kaos has more than reach their goal on patreon ensuring prompt continuation of the series and even some cool rewards for higher tiers including physical gift boxes I'd also like to highlight the images and descriptions for the individual patreon tiers are dark and hilarious keeping perfectly in theme for cat ghosts the patron was announced on March 4th 2019 and Kakos came back swinging on April 1st with the upload welcome home featuring a major surprise brand new forms for all three characters Gideon is now his favorite item would Nara is a jellyfish and Elan has gone from a cat to a bat we also have an appearance by a new arrival who ill odd warned us about Malone you're still trying to control everything again aren't you you surprised so nice to see you again to love it's been far too long why do you think she'd leave like that I wasn't trying to make her upset with my route comment I was just telling the truth truth hurts sometimes not always but just sometimes my kids stop talking I actually didn't feel good at all we sure have been wondering a long time are you sure we're going the right direction oh my what's that it isn't to me I like the ability to feel fear look it's a genetic disorder [Music] really familiar in some way I don't know I don't remember anything what are you doing here I told you I could handle this on my own it's fate you have finally arrived what is that even supposed to mean life is just a series of random events no life is what I make of it my choice I'm the one running the show now you're trying to control something that is far bigger than yours then you're just going to stand by and let this happen you can create and change anything but instead you hide your face I hate you I was trapped because of you that's why you ran away isn't it when you stop swimming against the current Eli you will realize that same rivers trying to take you to a beautiful place that you never even knew existed you created this and now you must be the one to deal with it your time is a bright light flows from the monitor catching Gideon Inara and in its glow we witness a crack in the egg that came from space this episode's game is titled midnight with a very revealing premise you play as path sneaking into a village in order to steal a baby after picking it up the screen spells out the command run and a new minigame takes over forcing you to run from the inhabitants of the village armed with arrows and Spears if you escape you're given the reward screen Beth her new baby and the man in the tricorder hat from the Trinity picture that picture Trinity was in a grouping of clues that highlighted the true nature of Elan and Nora with Gideon as the judge in this moment of someone very much looking like a judge next to Beth Inara it seems were being driven to a certain conclusion the real relationship between Nora and Gideon this puts major context to something that says during this moment from the episode circle when she first appears neither of us wanted to but he had to it was his duty the insinuation here is heavy Gideon and Nora knew each other before ending up in the Kakos purgatory because Gideon's wife Beth stole her as a child there are lines from the midnight game that appear upon entering a house that really highlight what's happening from Beth's perspective how can he love you you cannot provide why was I made this way I wish for an angel I failed him I will fix this I can hear crying in the distance this land has answered my prayers we will give her a better life I will not die an old maid the situation seems pretty clear from all these clues Beth Gideon's wife was incapable of carrying a child she felt like a failure unable to provide him with offspring questioning why she was made like this and knowing she needed a miracle he wanted a child and Beth question how Gideon could love her without one see no alternative she took full advantage of the nearby village of Native Americans sneaking in at midnight and stealing one of their babies telling herself she and her husband could offer a better life their home was the better option Beth wouldn't die an old maid if we go back to the messages from he had a game of which there are a lot admittedly we find a strong grouping under the purple light that fit together as expressions from one character first I lost my daughter now my husband all I want is my daughter back let us reunite I know you don't mean what you said Nora my love is more powerful than death see you all soon look at the timeline of death and you'll see it's correct Nora died well before Gideon executed for witchcraft in the same trial as Ilan if this is Beth speaking then yes she lost her daughter then her husband and having no one after Gideon's passing she chose to fly off the cliff at the end of unholy circle it also makes a ton of sense that Beth would be the possessing spirit of Nora in the sequence that introduced her in the start of her tragic backstory she changes nars color to dark blue the same as the sprites hair and becomes extremely affectionate towards Gideon even if she's not entirely coherent her feelings come through the picture this paints is very grim if we put everything we know together now the story of cat ghost seems to go like this ilan h19 was traveling the world in a wagon with Malone and studying witchcraft at some point there was a disagreement with Malone's plans or teachings and Elan ran from the wagon heading off on her own she established a camp where she was discovered by Nora who wouldn't leave and insisted on befriending the older girl Elan the temptress Eskie described her converted Nora to witchcraft making her the proselyte when witchcraft was discovered in the town or as gideon put it gypsies were found near by the town government went to work and the council which Gideon was part of had to conduct trials even if it meant putting his own adoptive daughter on the chair Beth pled with the council which we learned in her first appearance and Gideon couldn't help their case neither of us wanted to but he had to it was his duty no matter how many times I begged they never listens three times I called they decided now it's only one Beth did her best to sway the council and failed and Gideon was in a terrible position it's most likely he opted for the chair test because there was some measure of Nora possibly surviving whereas the stake was certain death but Nora drowned and while it proved her innocence it didn't save her life enraged Gideon and Beth sought the deepest punishment for Elan who put their daughter in this position and they had her burned at the stake several lines from the purple jars are cold in their description of Elan and her demise the screaming continued until sunrise asked me at the ground of which a soul had once existed bury her ashes and prevent the spread of her evil ways having lost her daughter Beth clung to the only person left in her life her husband Gideon and when he passed there was no happiness remaining and no way to keep the guilt at bay she committed suicide by flying throwing herself off a cliff into the sea below the story feels sound but there are definitely pieces missing and we know it because Malone's importance seems much bigger than just being Ellen's influence and we know the skinwalker is around also where is Beth inside the realm of Cat Coast we've been told by key she's on this side now but we haven't seen her let's continue on the cat goes ten reunion which appeared on May 5th of this year we open with a very premise following gideon and r's journey into the computer monitor nara is hanging out with a bird we first saw under a message from the skinwalker and it's barking meanwhile gideon gets a visitor of his own who needs closed captioning to understand it's the snake puppet we got a glimpse of all the way back during the first episode in a single frame it tells gideon it's so good to see you i love you so much and we need the closed captions understand on because the creatures way of talking sounds like this it tickles oh my goodness you're so affectionate like you too do you recognize that sound it should seem a bit familiar to you here's the first time we ever heard it the sound of the snake is the same tone used for best introduction relaying her story and the snake is overjoyed to see gideon it's so good to see you i love you so much this is it we found her Beth is finally here in snake puppet form this really is a reunion even if Gideon doesn't understand next we find Ilan turn back into a cat and hiding out on a wagon during a snowstorm inside of which are two frozen bodies back with Gideon and Beth we see her say she can provide happiness and produces a box with a totem inside then we switch over to Nora and the bird dog who suddenly gains a skinwalker I you have helped me so much since we met I want to give you something in return I can make them like you how see that blade pick it up I think I can do this if you do this last thing for me it will be finished and I will never ask anything of you again you made a promise do it Nara do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it [Music] this scene in the remarks made by the skinwalker Dog are reminiscent of the pixel cut scene between elan and a crying Nora from the window game Nora says I can't do this Elon says you are going to help me you made a promise Nora then relents I will do anything for you as for the bird being a dog and dying under command of the skinwalker we do have a call back to this from earlier in a much more subtle fashion again from the window game the painting of the dead dog on the sacrificial altar it seems now we're getting solid hits a backstory for these characters tying up loose ends of history from threats I began in the first few episodes best backstory is largely solved and we moved on to Ilan na Ryan the dog as Nora is made to relive a moment from her past sacrificing a dog as part of her new upbringing whether this included other members of the coven or not isn't clear but we do have a hint of additional facts on this event path might have seen the whole thing as usual again the company the upload and this one's titled leak it's quite simple but pretty stressful you play as Elan and Nora who suddenly get up from their campfire and start running from a lot of angry spirits the objective is clear avoid obstacles and outrun the ghost as the chase gets faster there are also arrow prompts in the game what successful matches affecting the outcome you can get one of five end screens one with a LAN as a mess laying in front of Malone in the woods Ilan and Nora sing in front of Gideon's cake surrounded by people which is very odd Malone key and a person short enough to be Nara in a hood surrounded by what I presume is a coven a shelf with a pile of Gideon's on it and they bloody sacrificial altar near a campfire the pile of Gideon's is the most mysterious item here to be honest our first impression you almost have to guess what they might be toys it reminds me of the scene at the end of judgment where the characters in 3d model cast on a desk they really were designed as part of party country a video game it's feasible there could have been merchandise though that certainly wouldn't have ended well and now for the most recent episode to roll out cat ghosts 11 confrontation we open with a stairwell some computer static and dialogue white intercut with quick flashes of rad so this is where you've been sneaking off to at night you are more beast than woman no sweetie please don't cry I'm not angry at you I will make you suffer harlot wipe your tears young lady I will take care of your mess don't let him see you cry it feels like a conflict of emotions and one person possibly Beth talking to Nora after finding out where she goes at night speaking of if we wanted great confirmation of the dynamic between Gideon Beth and Nora we get it right away in the next scene all three are seated at the table and even with Beth and Gideon's hideous skin Walker faces on display we can see what's being portrayed here really laying down the impression of the family image as now our lives a memory next we return to Ilana Malone with Ilan doing something that reminds us of the dark cavern game and her possible origin you know how this works you can't take without giving something in return I'll worry about that later I remember when I was your age I thought I knew everything about how the universe worked I thought I was going to be the one to change everything well you did it I spent years studying for this I was the top of the glass and now I'm weighed down with the burden of doing the same thing over and over again I'm not a machine I'm real don't waste my time with your lectures I'm not the one stuck in a new maybe you should look in the mirror the next segment lays out another memory relived by now round but she's not alone in experiencing the old trauma of the events Beth is here too playing her role I'll place the subtitles were Beth speaks notice during this how many ominous looking heads are staring at Nara the focus of attention in a violent red void you didn't care about me at all just yourself just go ahead and drop me there's nothing left for me life is a series of failures some failures set you back a few steps some failures put you in the ground the ones that are eternal are the ones that aren't forgotten this isn't a game anymore and you have no idea how good you have it here if you leave you'll regret it for the rest of your life but it would be the best thing that has ever happened to you well guess it's time to grow up Yolanda and heads off alone and the Sun rises in a painted background we witness her journey in the game that follows pertinence as Ilan were meant to travel to the left and only to the left going through day after day of travel sometimes elan is weary bent over and Haggard on other days she's hopeful and seems more energetic scenery changes and each room we Traverse feels like a single day on her trip but at the end she reappears in the dark forest and on her final day we find her sick crawling headed back to Malone side no you choose to answer the wagon at the beginning of the game it immediately closes the window which makes sense as it would cancel out the whole cat ghost story so where does this bring us looking back at the patreon video warmth we're told there are six more episodes before catco's hits the finale we've already seen three so that means at least three more on the horizon right now we can establish a great foundation for understanding the plot at least in the sense of who these characters are and why they're together there's still plenty we don't know after all of this we're not certain if Ilan was the girl in the cavern or if she was responsible for a girl ending up in the cavern we don't know what Malone actually wanted with elan and what price there is to pay for studying under her we don't know how the skinwalker fits in or why and finally we have no clue what all of this has to do with a party country or computers oh it's definitely a part of things is this really a purgatory for these characters or where they just ran that way in a videogame series that was way too odd for its time there is a hint of something twisted between technology and witchcraft happening here through this moment of speech by Malone in boy 2 there is a fine line between magic and science is there a way to channel cows through technology beyond just ESP what are we really seeing when we watch cat ghosts how much of the ghosts part is legitimate I suppose with only three episodes or so left we don't have very long to find out cat ghost is still every bit as one-of-a-kind as it was when it first appeared the determination to bring an interactive game element with every upload has never truly faltered and each time it's been something different ranging for more traditional ideas of small downloadable games to really playing with the concepts of Arg stories nobody does what cat goes to us and it would be very very hard to find someone who will ever match it in a lot of ways cat ghost has been the first of its kind and it's made its mark this is not just a fun cartoon series to watch with a dark and mysterious side this is an achievement in storytelling creativity and conveyance and it's no wonder the patreon succeeded with flying colors and numbers continue to roll for new episodes cat ghost is special special enough to have garnered all this attention and support and a dedicated fan base from those who make constantly revisiting the fan discord the viewers and players who submitted questions for judgment and the editors for the cat ghosts wiki which made it possible for me to put this video together without having to Drudge through every video and cat goes game frame-by-frame again just to catch all the material thanks to all of you who put that together and everyone who helped this is a really exciting time in the webseries field we don't get a lot of strong projects and actually have an ending let alone one that's going to come in a timely scheduled fashion a lot have giant unannounced hiatuses or dragged on too long without substantial updates spinning their wheels with no measure of storytelling that lets the audience know the end is in sight Kakos has gone the route of Daisy Brown it knows where the story ends it's going there and it's not going to miss a round on the way knowing when to ramp up and finish the movie as a skill not enough creators in the scene half but catco's has joined the ranks of the few who know when to leave on a high and I have no doubt when this is over we're going to be more than entertained we'll be satisfied and maybe with all good endings we'll want just a bit more and look back on the journey with the same hint of anticipation new uploads and game releases brought us in at the end we're still not going to be over are we the universe never truly ends it just goes through changes that's all for tonight everybody they're only a few Caicos episodes and games left before the story wraps it seems so if you haven't subscribed definitely do so now to catch it all when the uploads come and yes when it's all done we'll be having a post finale wrap-up special on the series and I promise it'll be very soon after I too am excited to see how the series concludes Caicos has never stopped impressing and entertaining me and I'll be joining everyone in the big finale atmosphere for sure if you've enjoyed this video do subscribe tonight mine for more content on web series a orgies internet storytelling another cool creative projects if that notification bell too so you don't miss any uploads since YouTube does occasionally like to throw things through a wormhole and hit the like button if you wish you had your own Gideon clone to enjoy dinner with thanks to all of you for viewing and major thanks to all my supporters on patreon whose paper notes keep me warm in the cold of winter and beyond stick around to see their names at the end of this video and remember joining patreon for any creator to support them is really as easy as buying a single cup of soda in the course of one month at a drive-thru but it's ten times as beneficial one dollar two dollars anything at all it goes a much longer distance than you may realize and every donation is appreciated thanks for joining me in the talk again this evening I'm Nick Nocturne and just like our freaky face friend the skinwalker I'll be showing up again real soon sleeve sides [Music] you are [Music] boy
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 477,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catghost, night mind, webseries, tony crynight, animation, games
Id: b7Ac32ixV0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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