ANGRON | Eater of Worlds

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how far up do you want to go I'm not breathing well up here the plum brandy from last night could be to blame oh quiet tell me what are we doing up here you saw the same thing I did we're not turning back now the slavers ascended The Frigid snow covered range searching for what could have caused the blinding flash of light above the desel ridge that they saw hours before I did see it but I'm starting to think that whatever it was it wasn't worth the trip stop what is that as the slavers continued walking they saw what appeared to be a pile of nearly 50 corpses in the distance the slavers Drew their rifles as they Advanced what what are those they're dead whatever they are well look is that uh boy look at the size of him we're going to be rich these are uh Zeno's corpses did he uh kill him who who is he our biggest payday ever if he survives [Music] [Music] the slav has returned to Desa the young Warrior contained in a net he was sold to house thalir one of the most powerful Cent aneria this clan was part of the wealthy Elite known by the slaves of the world as the high riters they lived behind their walls in lavish palaces while the rest lived in poverty the high Riders of neria being the Tyrant rulers that they were orchestrated violent skirmishes that took place within the many Gladiator pits in the capital city of Desa these barbarous contests took many forms the Gladiator slaves were often pitted against each other other times they were thrown into the pits to fight abhuman beasts or witches more often than not a battle would end with one side conceding defeat as this would allow the high Riders to keep an ample inventory of Fighters sometimes these fights were large group battles other times they were one-on-one du no two pit fights were the same but what was consistent was the crowd of roaring nans that turned out to watch the brutal in Humane contest unfold these poor downcast people would flock to the Arenas and wager what little coin they had on their chosen Warriors when angron was introduced to the Gladiator pits he was confused and afraid he found himself unable to comprehend what was happening standing on the first step of a large P mid shaped platform with nearly 100 others he was surrounded by a thunderous crowd of chanting humans metallic spheres known to the slaves as maggot's eyes flew overhead and emitted sounds and unusual voices to the uneasy Gladiators below which one of these Warriors possesses the strength needed to endure the devil's tears place your [Applause] [Music] wages suddenly angran heard a collective gasp from the other slaves as massive doors on the pit walls open and a foul smelling liquid began to pour into the pit angron did not understand what they were saying but was quickly beginning to comprehend the words that the slaves were speaking quick boy grab my hand he watched in horror as someone made contact with the black liquid and screamed in agony there's no room a woman slipped trying to make it up to the next stair and Unleashed a gut-wrenching Scream the acid continued to fill the pit and submerged the bottom steps with less room to stand those remaining on the platform begin to panic desperation began to overcome the remaining slaves as only a few steps remained they stopped helping those around them and started to fend others off so they could survive angron maneuvered the quickly sinking pyramid flawlessly a man charged at angron and attempted to shove him into the acid but it was to no avail angron was simply too strong it wasn't until no other options were available that angram began to physically overpower the remaining slaves he countered incoming punches and sent his attackers scrambling into the ass of the roow one of the flying spheres idled above the Frantic Gladiators and seemed to taunt them fascinating grown men being outmatched by a young boy who will remain standing near the top of the pyramid only angron and a hulking man covered in scars remained the man threw a barrage of powerful punches but angron absorbed them like they were nothing and stood unmoved like a rockr wall understanding that death was imminent angron's instincts took over he punched the man in the stomach with unimaginable force and sent him into the acid the crowd erupted into a deafening Applause behold people of Desa for your coin and happiness we have a Victor we present this boy who has won the devil's tears my child what do you call yourself although angron was rapidly understanding more and more of the words he was hearing he was unable to speak not sure how to form words himself no name boy we shall name you ourselves then angron th here child of the mountain the crowd began shearing and screaming once again in angron's first trial he stood Victorious though he was soon to learn that this was only the [Applause] [Music] beginning after surviving the devil's tears angron was promptly brought to his new home each day after the rockus raving crowds filed out of the Arenas and the ruthless exhibitions had concluded those that survived the fight were escorted by armored machines out of the pits and into the caves below the Arenas it was here that angron would be kept with the other slaves and where he would remain until he was summoned once again to combat I didn't think you had it in you you made the falky clan Rich today angron looked around the dimly lit cave observing the others who were kept captive these people were battered and broken both physically and mentally a man with dried blood all over his body and dark purple bruises on his arms and face stood silently with his head against the wall he looked at angron staring directly into his eyes you should get some rest boy angron looked at the with an uncomfortable gaze you're the boy from the mountains Ain I yes I heard them up there cheering and screaming for you I always hear the crowd but I never heard them so loud before the caves were shaking so hard we all thought it was an earthquake where am I I won't worry about that I'd worry about getting some rest if you're able to get to sh that entranced on your first battle then you're going to be spending a lot of time on the hot dust which means he needs a rest hot dust close your eyes boy the man heeded his own advice closing his eyes and slumping back against the cave wall ingr looked around at the others everyone was in some state of pain or discomfort some appeared to be having nightmares their bodies shaking even though they didn't seem to be conscious others simply stared at the ground quietly talking to themselves their inaudible muffles fading away under their breath it was never truly quiet down in the caves Arena guards were always loudly moving about rattling chains and yelling at the captives slaves would be shuffled in and out whether they were being summoned to the pits or new prisoners had arrived he closed his eyes lost in his own thoughts his mind r faing throughout the night the mental toll the caves took on one psyche was dangerous to most men angran didn't yet know it but he was not like most men you over there you two get up now three armored machine guards stalk through the caves rounded everyone up and proded them with a long electric tip pull Mountain boy get up you're going to the hot dust the selected Gladiators were lined up and marched into a small anti- room this room was completely empty with the exception of a wooden table and some racks that held a variety of weapons those that were aware of what was going on immediately swarmed the table eager to get their hands on a rusted axe or a battle worn knife all that remained when angron went to the table was a helmet with remnants from the last battle still inside everybody line up the three armored machines stood behind them nudging them closer to a gigantic door the door opened and angron was blinded momentarily as piercing sunlight poured into the room they were pushed out onto the Arena floor by the armored machines the surface was covered in dust that would blow across the arena with each gust of wind the hot dust who will survive place your way es and choose your Warrior wisely unlike the devil's tears there would be no acid flowing through the arena no jumping to platforms to survive this contest was all about combat the fighting began with Gladiators swinging axes and spilling blood across the arena working the crowd into a frenzy Ang gr thou K dominance is on all display the boy of the mountain continues to dominate angron's first test on the hot dust was nothing short of Mastery fighting with the skill of a seasoned veteran while only a boy his physical strength was overwhelming his agility and speed unmatched by any of his opponents always knowing where to be when to strike and never leaving himself vulnerable to enemy attacks after his first battle on the high dust angron was the last man standing and in subsequent fights he would be the last man standing over and over again angron valkia has conquered the Gladiators angron has done it once again he is the winner angron is Unstoppable can anyone best the boy of the mountain in combat weeks turned into months and months into years and angron's domination of the Gladiator pits continued by the time he had reached the age of 10 tan years he had grown to a massive size each time he stepped onto the hot dust the crowd was stunned to see how large angron had become he was the most revered Warrior that had ever stepped foot on neria and the wals who came to watch named him the lord of the Red Sands the violence within the Gladiator pits had shaped angron's life and through this combat he and the other Gladiators held a mutual respect for each other they had true camaraderie being walked away in Chains together they understood each other's pain they felt each other's suffering as a prisoner to the high Riders angron forged many relationships with the other gladiators but none of them were as significant as that with anus anus was a veteran of the slave pits having survived over a decade of combat trials and imprisonment he wasn't quite the physical threat that angron was but he was incredibly strong and agile in his own right and over time he became a mentor and a father figure to angron you did well out there angron angron sat quietly with a blank ression I know what you're feeling I'm tired too the new one that was out there with us today his first time on the hot dust I knew he wouldn't make it out alive I saw everything go dark for him and I wished it were me I don't believe that angron it's true onus he's free from it all now no Chains No being made to fight suffering ing men no more highr of scum or being taunted by the damn maggot's eyes he's free the only life angron had ever known one of pain violence and suffering was starting to break him he's dead that isn't freedom freedom is outside of these walls the high Riders rule today will they rule tomorrow or one year from now no one knows we could see the other side of these walls one day anus was right for as empty as he felt hron would not give up hope of finding Freedom the bond between the two only grew stronger and they made easy work of anyone who faced them on the hot dust they was such a formidable Duo that the high Riders decided one day to push them to their [Music] limits after defeating a group of mutant beasts with heads that resembled an animal more than a human angron and anus face their gravest challenge yet people of the angron and Honus have survived their first battle today will they survive their second this battle I assure you is not to be missed angron had faced countless foes in this Arena the devil's tears witches with psychic powers monsters but nothing he had battled before compared to what was next as the arena doors opened two metal cages were brought out into the dusty Arena surface and as soon as they laid eyes on their opponents anus was immediately overcome with Dread two ogan monstrosities roughly the size of angron himself were slowly let out of their respective cages Mama Lo it wasn't their iron armor or even their sheer size that terrified on him they were both wearing a remiss which indicated that they were too aggressive and unpredictable to be kept with the other slaves as the remiss him was only worn by those who had received implants known simply as the butcher's Nails cross the little on the fight commenced and it was quite possibly the most fierce battle that had ever taken place in the arena both sides attacked each other with unprecedented strength exchanging brutal and unforgiving assaults and while this was the most challenging fight angron had ever encountered it was the first time that angron wasn't fighting only for himself he was fighting for anus many times throughout the 17-minute brawl angron sacrificed a wide openen attack on the ogens to prevent anus from suffering a fatal blow in the end angron's strength and skill in battle proved to be too much as the Skirmish was punctuated with one final swing of angron ax decapitating the last remaining ogan angron the unbeaten and anus the bear of ulam have done it again what a magnificent performance now for their final test the most treacherous match yet in a fight to the death angron versus onus VI was all that angron had ever known from the moment he emerged from the warp surrounded by zenos who wanted him dead to the very moment where he stood in the arena set the face off against the only father he had ever known his entire life had been one of savagery but this was too far for angron no I'm sorry this is not to request angr you and anus are to fight to the death there not an alternative option anus understanding that nothing good would come from angron's refusal pleaded with him but angron was Resolute anus was like a father to him and he would not take part in his execution the crowd suddenly burst into laughter humiliating the high riders in the process refusing the orders of the Highborn are we well K Grant th here we have a way of handling this Behavior people up to how shall we deal with this insubordination and in that moment a chant from the crowd ensued one word that would change the fate of angron forever [Music] in stark contrast to when he was being pulled out of the caves he was heavily sedated now and the surgery could proceed as [Music] planned one can assume that if angron knew what the technomancers were about to do to him and how it would shape his future that he would have swallowed his pride and killed anus on the hot do but there was no turning back now the origins of the butcher's nails are a mystery dating back to the Dark Age of technology these cybernetic implants are a technical Marvel some view the butcher's Nails as a mortal curse others see them as indispensable enhancements regardless of perspective the nails are incredibly effective empathy morality Joy love any emotion that is not anger is pushed aside degrading over time until it eventually Withers away completely angran was suddenly jolted from his sedated State his eyes opened so wide that he felt like they might bulge out of his head Split Second flashes of colors and long dormant memories perplexed him these are a zenos Corpses he had never experienced a sensation like this an evanescent chill ran through his body before it suddenly changed course and his blood began to boil the pain in my head is unbearable why are you looking at me like this you people are [Music] monsters why is it so hot in here why are these lights so bright what did I do to deserve all this look at the size of it the high Riders are going to bleed for what they have done to me my fair people of Desa the wait is over the legendary battle that you have been anticipating angron and hus will battle to the death it was an honor angron to battle alongside you for so many [Applause] is angron nearly killed anus with the first punch that connected and in the first instance of many more to come angr was lost to the nails the pain he was inflicting upon anus and the blood that was staining the sense red was the only thing soothing the pulsing pain from the nails his vision went dark and all he could hear was the Earth shaking Roar of the crowd chanting his name when he came out of the comike state he was in from the n he was somewhere completely different gone was the hot dust and the screaming deance in the crowd angron now found himself in a dark cell his hands and ankles chained to the cave wall his memory was fragmented with everything after his refusal to fight being blurry the butcher's Nails throbbed inside of angron's head so badly that it almost drowned out the conversation from the arena guards down the hall ha I made more coin off that one fight than I've made from the past three years of work ah Glo some more why don't you we're all dying to hear it as you wish is someone disappointed that they wagered on the wrong brute yeah yeah get a good laugh I'll admit it I expected more of a fight than that and if angrong would have lost I would have been twice as rich as you right now H you didn't really think that old man was going to survive did you I don't think the had even gone 20 seconds before angron caved his head in and it was at this moment when reality Came Crashing Down onto angron the only father he had ever known was dead and he was the one who had killed him for the first time in his life he began openly weeping his cries were so powerful that the cave walls began to violently Shake he sobbed uninterrupted for 3 days and when when he finally stopped Only One Singular thought remained Vengeance angron vowed that he would escape from his chains and make the high Riders pay for the death of anus angron spent the next number of years teaching the Gladiators in the pits how to fight the bond between angron and the remaining slaves grew so strong that he began to look at them as his brothers and sisters angron wasn't only teaching them to fight he was also plotting their escape in on one momentous day angron and his Gladiators put their plan into action here stands 100 Gladiators of Thea prepared for battle how many Will Survive place your wages and enjoy the festivities this is it jakura the day has finally come I'm ready angeron we all [Music] are as soon as the horn blared the Gladiators began their escape the deshanes were in attendance to see angron thalir Slaughter his opponents but to their complete and utter horror they bore witness to a far more chilling event the slaves in the pits hoisted each other up into the crowd allowing them to scale the barriers and run freely through the aisles of tiered seats angron and his brothers and sisters were revolting and the members of the crowd were their first targets as they began attacking the retreating civilians the rest of the crowd was completely enveloped in fear they ran as fast as they could screaming at the top of their lungs the new Syrian kard attempted to regain control and the Gladiators in the stands were met with a barrage of gunfire but it was too late the evading Deans running for their lives created a stampede and many of the king guards were trampled while the Gladiators in the crowd continued sowing chaos and butchering all who stood in their way angron and those who stayed in the pit forced their way back into the caves and freed the remaining prisoners armored guards rushed down to the caves to stop the Revolt firing laser weapons and rifles but angron overcome by the thumping of the butcher's Nails Unleashed his fury on them within the arena and the caves below it the ground was littered with the bodies of the dead and injured angron and his Warrior Spilled Out into the streets of Desa and waged war against any of the high riders that were foolish enough to stay in fight with sticks rocks and anything else they could muster they viciously attacked those who had enslaved them for so many years they butchered the high Riders collecting their skulls and leaving their corpses in the streets these Gladiators raised the cities of new Syria and set fire to the rubble that remained in one n Syrian day 31 Teran hours the Gladiators faced their well equipped and heavily armed slavers head on and one they were no longer malnourished defenseless prisoners they were the Eaters of cities by the time the harsh winter arrived the Gladiators had suffered significant casualties from the Relentless High Riders the Eaters of cities were forced to retreat to the treacherous mountains of Desa when they had first escaped there were thousands of Gladiators who were eager to set fire to thisara over time attacks from the kinguard in the unforgiving conditions of the desel r reduced their numbers to hundreds and by the time they arrived in the cave that they now called home only 56 remained we won't be able to stay here forever you know this they're going to find us eventually and when they do you think they can defeat us angron and his Eaters of cities were free from the chains of the high Riders but their situation was no less precarious the freezing temperatures and lack of food proved to be a detriment to all of them angron had not eaten in weeks saving any source of nourishment for his brothers and sisters no but this mountain is slowly killing us jakura angron spoke through gritted teeth and the pain of the butcher's Nails I've been seeing more High Rider Scouts appear searching the area it won't be long until they find us if we die fighting the high Riders so be it I would rather die fighting alongside you all than to slowly wither away on this mountain rest now and if we have to face our last stand when the Sun rises that's what we'll do as the sun appeared Over the Horizon the next morning angron and his e of cities stood at the edge of the cave I can hear them coming angaran good let's make them pay for what they did to us the sound of the high Riders approaching was getting louder with each passing moment and when they finally came within view the nails and angron's head pounded like Ward drums it's rather cold up here angron why don't you come back to where you belong WR we don't take any of this personally now I can assure you if you return to your rightful place you have our word that we will forget any of this ever happened the high riters were adorned in ridiculous outfits wearing expensive Furs and exotic animal skins but it was the man's voice that Drew angron's ey the maggot's eye this was the voice that had haunted him for years the voice that flew overhead and goat Ed him and the other Gladiators never we will never go back you're acting like a child angron don't make this more difficult than it needs to be this doesn't make sense why are they talking to us there's so many of them looking down at the hundreds of kard surrounding the Eaters of cities everything began to make sense in angron's head they didn't want to kill angron they needed him alive the wealthy and technologically advanced High Riders had rebounded from the Eaters of City's attack but without their standout warrior in the arena to fight the desan populace was no longer engrossed by the arena battles and there was nothing more dangerous to the high Riders than the desan people focusing on their own poverty if you want me you'll have to take me with your bare hands well then you've given us no other option just remember that this was your choice angron not ours the high Riders opened fire on the Eaters of cities and 20 of them died in an instant angron watched his brothers Fall by his side being overpowered by the deadly nerian Weaponry he had his eyes fixated on the man who barked orders Through The maggot's Eyes he launched himself at him and ripped him in two angron was unhinged ready to throw himself at every last High Rider that dared to face him when he was suddenly taken back by a blinding flash of light the Emperor of mankind appeared angron was frozen in place unable to move the psychic energy from the emperor caused torment in angron's head [Music] I'm not leaving this mountain I'm not leaving my brothers here to die angron hit the ground violently shattering the tiles beneath him he opened his eyes and struggled to understand what he was seeing his battle brothers were gone as were the high Riders more curiously he was no longer on the snow covered to Shay and Mountaintop his eyes darted around the room taking in the luxurious AR pieces hanging on the walls and the Warriors in golden armor towering over him as he struggled to his feet as one of the Warriors approached angron ripped the spear from from his hand and impaled him with his own weapon before he could move to neutralize the other golden Warriors he was Dazed by another flash of [Music] light no my brothers are dying I cannot abandon them you don't choose my destiny let me out of this place I know nothing of this Legion you speak of nor do I care I need to stand and fight on new Seria in one final flash of light angr opened his eyes and was suddenly somewhere completely different this time he was all alone he was surrounded by dark stone walls and massive blue and white banners angron didn't know where he was but he knew it wasn't where he was supposed to be he should be fighting with his brothers and sisters on the deela ridge everything happened so fast that his brain couldn't comprehend it and the nails hammered away in pain as he tried to make sense of it all who was this Emperor and what was this place that he had taken him to as his mind raced and his emotions washed over him a door at the top of a staircase opened light poured into the room and the silhouette of a man walked in closing the door behind him my Lord my primarch it's an extraordinary honor to stand in your presence I must admit I feared this day might never come gear slowly descended the stairs approaching angron as he spoke we have traveled the stars for many many years anticipating your arrival as gear continued his slow March towards his Primark angron began to rise to his feet I have acted as the legion commander in your absence sire but you are here now and your legion stands before you angron stared at gear clenching his jaw like an iron grip we will honor you my lord we are here to serve you serve me yes my Lord we are here to serve you in the name of the Emperor as gear muttered those fateful words angron's blood boiled the nails pummeled away in his head and angron snarled at gear as he looked down at him in the name of the emperor [Music] the warhounds captain of the eth assault company approached the door to the hall where angron remained in an act of Rage that left the entire warhounds Legion baffled angron had executed gear shortly after he entered the hall at least six other warhounds met the same fate as gear after they reluctantly followed their former Legion Commander K stood outside of the door and quietly spoke to himself under his breath my Primark I assure you that we mean no disrespect or harm in the name of the emperor if you would be willing to listen to what I have to say to you we are your legion we are at your command K opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs it was so dark in the room that K's eyes had difficulties adjusting even through the darkness it was obvious that his Primark had left the hall in shambles the smell of blood was overpowering and nearly every light in the room had been broken or ripped out of the wall my Primark I assure you another Warrior that enters the arena with no [Music] weapon babbling nonsense is this how all of you prepare to fight K couldn't see the Primark but he bellowed so loudly that he could hear him perfectly to fight no my Lord I am not here to fight in the name of the emperor no the emperor killed my brothers and sister s is down there refuses to show himself to me my Primark I don't why why are you all like this talking about this paper skin Emperor enough get to your feet and fight me now S I am not here to harm you you are my honorable leader our honorable leader we are your warriors no none of you are warriors Warriors don't walk onto the hot dust without a weapon speaking softly and my Warriors are dead now I should have died with them on the mountain but this Emperor took me from my Warriors why do you call yourself Warriors if you enter the hot dust and refuse to fight K stumbled to his feet and attempted to catch his breath as he collected himself my apologies sire I do not know what you speak of this hot dust nor do I know of your battle on the mountain I'm sorry for the death of your warriors my brothers and I we have waited for many years for your arrival you are our Primark our leader what are you saying what is this primarch why are you wasting my time I'm sorry Z primarch leads a legion of Warriors you are a primarch you are one of the sons of the emperor what did you say to me I am no son of any emperor the only father I ever knew anus died on Desa a wave of emotion washed over angron with the thought of anus K was having difficulties breathing and could feel at least one broken bone in his leg he was taken aback by angron's complete lack of knowledge he pondered whether he was truly unaware of who he was or whether this was a ruse what I am saying to you sire as a primarch you you are our leader you were chosen to lead us I choose nothing I did not choose to lead any of you I was taken away from those that I chose to lead I understand as your warriors your servants we do fight when necessary but we will never fight you we will fight for you we fight the enemies of our EMP no the enemies of our Legion tyrants zenos zenos yes yes aliens impure creatures anyone that threatens Humanity the enemies of you our Primark angron stood quietly pausing before he spoke again what is your name my name is KH KH [Music] KH where are we right now KH we are in your Triumph Hall sire on the adamant resolve the warhound ship your ship we constructed this room upon learning of your impending arrival if we leave this room if we walk through that door what will happen you will be saluted by Warriors more like me who are ready to serve you as you see fit warhounds legionnaires who will fight and die for you if need be angron said nothing he looked at K and extended his hand to help him up from the ground they walked up the stairs together and threw the door into the flagship Corridor the hall outside of the chamber was lined with the warhound estares they stood neatly in order a looked of stunned shock on their faces as they stared intently at their Primark warhounds our Primark has arrived he has spilled the blood of hostiles on new Syria he led his brothers and sisters the Eaters of cities in the mountains of Desa he is our commander the leader of the warhounds all of the warhounds saluted angron at once placing a fist over their chest angron looked around slowly taking in the sight of the lines of aartis standing before him sire as your warriors we will not be Eaters of cities will'll be the Eaters of Worlds angron stared directly into drager's eyes and a smile slowly formed at the edges of his mouth World eaters yes you will be World eaters prior to angron's Discovery the warhounds are one of the last remaining Legions without a Primark they watched with silent Envy as the other Prim marks slowly began to surface witnessing firsthand how the legion changed for the better as there respective Gene fathers appeared and then the day finally came after Decades of waiting there Primark had arrived the excitement was palpable at last their true Commander was there to lead them to shape their Legion into one in his own image the story of angron being the only primarch who had refused the order of the emperor quickly spread knowing that angron would rather have died with his army than joined the emperor's Crusade only added to the warhounds enthusiasm what primar could better understand true Brotherhood than the one who rejected the emperor to stand with his brothers even after the death of gear the warhounds were euphoric in their excitement and completely devoted to serving their Gene father angron on the other hand was feeling much different than his new Sons and struggled to accept his role of serving the emperor he quickly became acquainted with his Legion in life outside of neria no longer was he leading a group of ravenous alien Gladiators who were armed with only sticks and rocks the meticulously trained Genetically Enhanced a startis of the world eaters were killing machines on a level that angron could have never imagined killing machines that the emperor had deployed to conquer worlds that were lost during old night K had introduced angron to the campaign of Liberation known as the great Crusade and found himself toiling to overcome angron's hesitancy to participate again with this compliance talk I already told you KH I don't understand it I don't care about it I don't know why you insist on living as a slave sire I feel as if there is a misunderstanding we embark on campaigns to bring worlds into compliance with the Imperial truth worlds where zenos dwell creatures from the warp worlds where humans have been LED astray and have not accepted the rule of the Imperium rule of the Imperium this Emperor is just another High Rider keeping Humanity in shackles unless they comply with his word I want nothing to do with this with all due respect sire I believe you are mistaken compliance campaigns don't enslave worlds they free them bringing a world into the Imperium doesn't keep people in shackles it breaks them and what if a world refuses to join the Imperium then we take the necessary actions to ensure they comply why are you speaking in riddles Khan tell me of these necessary actions we assault the those who reject the Imperium sire we strike the planet attacking it from our ships we invade the planet and engage in battle on the ground often times worlds willingly join the Imperium and there is no need to strike but this is not always the case the nails were pounding in angron's head the thought of doing anything to support the emperor was an idea that angron loathed but he was suffering from the a Relentless Agony brought on by the butcher's nails and he started to think of the Bloodshed that the emperor's compliance would bring blood shed that could soothe the pain from the nails tell me Khan how long are these compliance campaigns a campaign continues until the world willingly joins or until it is completely liberated the length of time differs in each campaign hron paused for a long long moment before he replied to K 31 hours I'm sorry s 31 hours was all we needed in Des to defeat the high Riders no explosives no bolters no ship bombardments we fought with rocks we fought with our bare hands the world eaters will have 31 hours to bring a world to compliance angron what you accomplished on new Syria is remarkable but I'm not sure 31 hours is enough time to take an entire world some worlds perhaps but others if tens of thousands of Warriors such as you with powerful weaponry and armor cannot take a world in 31 hours then they don't deserve to stand on the battlefield no excuses if I to lead them there will be no other way by your word angron and so began the rebirth of the warhounds reemerging under angron's leadership as the world eaters luan's participation in the great Crusade was more rooted in angron's needs than the Emperors and as the great Crusade carried on this word took on an entirely new meeting compliance a compliance campaign now meant killing every last Soul on the world that was being invaded in less than 31 hours if this was not completed angran would enforce a new mandate decimation angron sought to root out the weakness of his new Legion and failure to meet angron's standard did just that each time the world eaters failed to take a world within 31 hours one out of every 10 in the legion was to be killed the consequences of decimation were substantial and the unease of facing it started to loom over the world eaters like a dark cloud over the next number of years the legion transformed itself under angron's leadership as the warhounds became the world eaters and the flagship adamant resolve became the Conqueror the once honorable and strategic compliance campaigns of the warhounds devolved into ruthless bouts of Slaughter the world eaters continued to change and their image and reputation in the eyes of the other estaris Legions also began to shift as the great Crusade continued on even some within the world eaters began to quietly question their new Direction the dreams of serving under a tactical Genius Like rabut Gillan or a heroic Warrior like sanguinius slowly started to wash away the world eaters couldn't truly understand the pain that angron felt from his genetic implants but they saw how they affected him when they were engaged in battle angron was a force to be reckoned with the nails turned this already Fierce Unstoppable Warrior into a complete embodiment of War he was impossible to contain slicing and tearing through every enemy that dared to stand in his way it was when the legion wasn't in battle that proved to be problematic angron was impatient short-tempered and completely devoid of empathy he would fly into fits of Rage out of nowhere smashing cators to Mere fragments of circuitry and leaving gaping holes in the quarters of the Conqueror many world eaters had gone years without angron ever acknowledging their existence as their primarch would frequently stalk past them without even making eye contact the world eaters continued taking worlds in the name of compliance but they frequently failed to do so in less than 31 hours then during one particular compliance something happened that changed the fate of the world eaters forever angron had vanished K had ordered every officer aboard every ship to search for angron but each report came back the same angron was nowhere to be found after comparing the results of a deep aspec scan to the inventory World eater ships it was discovered that one was missing descending Edge not wanting to derail the current campaign K left it in the hands of his trusted officers and set out with a small team to find angron K comb through the Galaxy for two years in search of his primarch although he would never admit it K began to lose hope after years upon years of waiting for his Primark to surface he Finly did only to disappear Without a Trace shortly after taking command of the Legion K swore that he would either return of angron or he would not return at all he was prepared to spend the rest of his life searching for him but then the ship crew spotted something in orbit floating silently above a dark world something that resembled the long missing descending Edge K didn't need to step foot on the ship to know what he would find or more specifically what he wouldn't find the small escort ship was gone too long and too far away from feasible resupply points to have any survivors on board as the officers who journeyed through the stars of K board a descending Edge K made planetfall to the world below to search for his primarch unbeknownst to angron K had Mars Forge transponders installed within his power armor as time went on and angron's behavior became more unpredictable K correctly assumed something like this may happen and while they weren't designed for long range tracking K knew that if angron was on world he would now be close enough to locate him he cut through thick jungles in a seemingly endless amount of trees following a path that had been created as he followed his aspects indicated that angron was nearby he walked for 6 hours and as the sun set above him he stood at the entrance to a massive cave K's aspcs beeped again telling him what he already knew angron was here he entered the cave walking slowly and looking thoroughly in every direction after only a short time in the cave K heard a low deep voice Bellow out from the darkness You Found Me KH angron KH leave me alone sire you know I didn't come all this way to leave without you we have spent 2 years searching for you I don't care KH your sons are without their leader angron I don't have any sons my sons died on neria they died without me you the legion The Crusade none of this was my choice none of this was my destiny your pathetic Emperor ripped my destiny from my hands when he put me on your ship and left my brother brothers and sisters to die I don't want to hear about my sons or what you or they or anyone needs from me I was finally free finally in charge of my own destiny and in the blink of an eye it was all gone you may call me your father your sire your primarch but I'm just a another slave to the High Rider Emperor living out his Destiny it pained K to hear this but he understood from the moment angron landed on nria he had not been in control of his own fate and what will you do here hide in this cave forever I'll die I'll stalk this world until something kills me the way I should have been killed on New Seria [Music] I acknowledge your pain you can never understand my pain they never stop there is no peace come back angron we can continue fighting in the Crusade and the pain will subside no none of you are strong enough the campaigns have been riddled with failure KH you are all focused on the wrong things when I look at you your brothers I don't see Warriors there is too much talking too much planning too much diplomacy then we can learn from you angron you can train us no I can't you could never do what I do in battle you don't feel the pain of the nails you don't hear them sing as you fight pushing you to butcher your enemy you don't have the butcher's Nails KH KH looked into angron's eyes and stepped closer but what if we did he may have been fighting the emperor's Crusade and he wasn't leading his true Brothers the ones who died alone on Neri but for the first time in decades angron felt invigorated this this is what was missing the butcher's nails were the missing link the link that would finally build the bond of angron and His World eaters he had ordered Gan CAC a seasoned World eater's Apothecary to replicate the butcher's nails for mass production and he made it known to the world eaters that when they were able to produce them he expected every everyone in the region to undergo the surgery many of the world eaters shared angron's enthusiasm for the butcher's nails they believed that if they were to receive the implants they would finally be able to relate to their Gene father they would only concentrate on What mattered they were supposed to be the weapon of the emperor leave the statesmanship and World building to the ultramarines leave the care and compassion to the salamanders the world eaters would be the bloody axe of the Imperium Sirac was brilliant and proficient in everything that he did but he was mystified by the Butch's Nails the technology wasn't terribly different from other augmentations that he had seen but getting it to interface with a living brain proved to be extremely challenging and his attempts at duplicating the nails failed miserably he made multiple attempts but none of the world eaters who were subjected to the surgery survived the great Crusade continued for years and Gan continued tweaking his prototypes he tried new methods of implantation different incision points but nothing worked at the same time the world eaters continued to fail in bringing worlds to compliance in 31 hours and as angron's patience began to evaporate their next campaign proved to be a Tipping Point an imperial World known as 9315 had gone quiet it and Tera had not received any communication from it in many years the call was sent out to investigate and it was the world eaters who answered following a brief investigation the world eaters determined that the humans on 9315 were killed in their place Zeno life forms masquerading as humans settled on the planet referring to it as Genna upon being notified of the situation angron ordered the compliance campaign unlike other campaigns however angron stayed on the ship and left the fighting to his Legion and the consequences that came from what happened on Gana are still being felt to this day thousands of world eaders descended upon Gana and marched towards the city Gates led by Centurion majo they were prepared to fight Z Xeno resistance but they were surprised to find no enemies at all instead the people of Genna walked towards the aartis with their hands at their sides they had no weapons no Shields nothing no emotion Shone across their faces as they walked towards the world eers the world eaters were more confused than alarmed but that would soon [Music] change as the gons marched towards the 12th Legion of startis they quickly found themselves overwhelmed they went attacking but there were so many of them that the world leaders started to get with we down by their sheer numbers realizing that they were soon to be trampled by the millions of gons that were flooding the streets they made a decision and for one of the last times a world eater would utter these words Centurion Mao spoke into his Vox unit for the emperor and for angron the aartis Warriors began butchering the gons in the street attacking them at will Bolter fire LZ rifle blasts power Spears they brought forth the full force of their Arsenal but it made no difference there were millions of gons marching upon them and there was nothing that they could do to slow them down 31 hours became 15 15 became one and eventually a tone sounded within the helmet of every aartis on Genna's surface time was up they had failed to take the world in 31 hours and were once again faced with decimation the world eaters stood silently in front of their Primark no one dared to utter a word the air in the hall was thick with nervous tension hron spoke but it wasn't necessary everyone knew what was to come next one out of every 10 world eaters was to sacrifice their life for their failing it was a formality that the world eaters had become all too familiar with but in a moment that left everyone in the hall utterly stunned Centurion Mao stepped forward and spoke no the tension in the room was now suffocating everyone in attendance was in complete disbelief angron stepped closer to Mao and stared down at him with a fiery gaze what did you just say I mean no disrespect father but we can all do this we have already suffered greatly on this Crusade we cannot continue killing our own hron took another step towards Mao you're brave Meo speaking your mind refusing your Commander's orders I doubt anyone else would have the courage to speak so freely Ain Grant turned away from Mao and slowly walked away you and your warriors are responsible for this suffering you speak of I will say it again one in 10 step forward father we cannot angron kept his composure the first time major spoke but he did not the second time angron picked up his axe Widow maker and stomped towards the neatly assembled World eaters the nails were screaming and angron swung Widowmaker in a perfect harmony with the nails he was blind with raids and striking indiscriminately at anyone and everyone decimation was one thing but angron had lost control of his body he was overcome by violent Fury the world eaters Librarians feared that angron may kill everyone they made a split-second decision to use their psychic abilities to stop angron's Rampage by channeling a memory within angron's mind they hoped it could subdue him long enough to end his violent Outburst memories of angron's past flickered throughout his mind a long forgotten vision of a young angron standing in the snow of the desan mountains was enough to end the slaughter the world eaters watched in horror as angron fell to his knees and collapsed to the ground angron wasn't dead but the psychic interference from The Librarians had rendered him unconscious with their Primark in a psychic coma the world eaters were safe from angron's Rage but the cracks within the legion's foundation began to show themselves the 12th Legion were never happy to fail their primarch but the Fallout from this defeat was different a divide was forming within the Legion on one side there were the stars that wanted the butcher's nails they believed it would strengthen their Legion and allow them to become what they were supposed to be on the other side there were those who believed that the butcher's Nails would spell Doom for the world eaters they argued that if they were to become as mentally and emotionally unstable as angron that the legion would completely collapse majo believed the nails were a curse KH believed they were a savior and this was the primary topic of discussion as the two aartis Clank their axes in the dueling pits of the Conqueror you are lucky to be alive after challenging angron the way you did this Legion is coming undone KH it's evolving evolving into what exactly thousands of us have been killed by our own blades and all because the world wasn't taken in 31 hours it's what our Primark demands Meo who who are we to question him every Legion has its difficulties its quirks don't forget how long we went without a commander angron is laying the groundwork for the 12th we had a commander and then he was murdered almost as soon as our primarch arrived gear was a placeholder he wasn't a primarch now I have no ill words to speak of gear but I don't think you're giving angron enough time I'm concerned for the future of the 12th we are slowly dying from these decimations and now this talk of giving us all the nails it isn't talk it will happen they're getting closer to a prototype that can be implanted in all of us then they should be rejected by all of us look at what angron did earlier today do you believe that we would benefit from being more like him I believe that we should have been Victorious on GNA I believe that if we had the nails that so many of brothers that you lament the loss of would still be here I'm not arguing that we wouldn't be powerful forces in battle KH it's impossible not to admire what angron does in combat but there is a life outside of combat and the nails will destroy that our reputation amongst the other Legions would be tarnished we're not here to maintain a polished reputation we're here to wait war to be the sword of the emperor whether we have the nails or not our mission remains unchanged our Primark believes that the nails will Aid Us in achieving that mission and I agree with him with the nails the only thing I see is an existence where we abandoned who we are and become something else physical incarnations of rage and maybe Meo that is exactly what we should become it had taken G and sulac years to get to this point but he was finally on the verge of a breakthrough after the failed compliance of GNA K had brought Apothecary sylac one of the Zeno corpses so he could study it and after dissecting the body and inspecting it he earned that the genon corpse was not a Zeno after all it was a machine after running a series of tests Sirac had determined that the gons were wired to receive a signal which meant that the millions of genins were not marching upon the world eaters by their own free will they were being controlled remotely by human Minds cac's Discovery prompted a hypothesis if the gons were not operating under their own control and their actions were being dictated by human Minds was it possible that there could be a connection to the butcher's nails with angron still in his psychic coma Sirac was able to study the primark's implants more closely than ever before he spent the next several days pouring over the data he had acquired comparing the information obtained from the dead gon's body to that of angron's nails the results were astonishing the archotech utilized in angron's implants was nearly identical to the genon technology that Sirac had been studying this was it this was the discovery that he had been hoping for a missing piece that can ensure his replication successfully interfaced with a living brain he wasn't 100% certain yet but if his theory was correct if the genon technology was in fact based on the same standard template construct of angron's nails then the code had been cracked Sirac immediately went to work carefully constructing his new duplicate nails to the specifications of the genon technology and after days with his head down working in his lab his prototype was finished all that was left was to test them on a live subject Sirac understood that there would be hesitancy amongst the legion dozens of world eaters had already died from previous versions of the nails and there was no guarantee that it would be any different this time he summoned the legion to the Triumph Hall of the flagship Sirac had waited years to make this announcement the Butch's Nails had arrived all that he needed was a volunteer a voice in the crowd of the world leaders spoke and walked through the Gathering of the startis Sirac smiled as his volunteer stepped forward K removed his helmet and smiled back at Sirac he was ready for the nails with Carn laying on an operating table in the apothecary's lab a nervous excitement began to build up within G and cleck he was surrounded by medical equipment and buzzing cators the surgery was almost complete a casual eye would not be able to differentiate between angron's nails and those that K was receiving Sleek silver cabling wrapped around the back of K's head and connected to the nails inside as the last connection clicked into place his eyes opened he was disoriented unaware of where he was beads of sweat formed at the top of his head slowly dripping down his face a voice was speaking in the background but K couldn't make out the words he looked down and saw his hand Shackled to the table he was on whether it was pure coincidence or a Divine event I'm unsure anyone will ever know but as the nails began to pulse in K's head for the first time as he lost control of his emotions ripping the shackles from the bed with terrifying force and angron suddenly woke up and this was the moment that the divide in the world eaters deepened Beyond repair with a reliable production of the butcher's Nails ready for implantation the world eaters on one side of the Divide stood ready waiting for their opportunity to receive the gift of their Primark while those on the other side of the Divide organized a [Music] coup Centurion Mao understood that it was the technology from the dead gons that led to the creation of the nails and he believed that there could be more information on Genna information that could lead to the removal of angron's nails if he could get there in time it was possible that he could save his broken Primark the news of angron's Awakening and K's successful surgery spread across the world eaters like wildfire majo knew he didn't have much time he needed to make Planet fault to Gana but as he was soon to learn it was too late the world eaters had passed the point of no return angron and his new warriors were already on the ground as more of the genon machines poured into the streets they were met with a violent death nearly 1,000 World eaters with silver cables dangling from the backs of their heads rampaged again in machines there was no discipline in sight no plan of attack the world eaters their heads freshly equipped with their new engines of Madness were Berserkers angron KH and gallon Sirac hunted down the humans that were controlling the genon machines and in a Spire in the middle of the burning Capital City they found them when they entered the Spire they found hundreds and hundreds of small machines they were stacked on top of each other and each one housed a human G and CAC theorized that the humans Onna had built these machines to keep themselves alive and using the technology that was now responsible for mass production of the butcher's nails they controlled the proxy humans on the world angron looked around the room in disgust kill them all I don't want a single one of them to survive and with that order Mao's hope of saving his Primark died Mao and his supporters walked down from the ramp of their gunship and steep foot on Genna they couldn't believe their eyes the world eaters were unrecognizable destroying everything in their path he watched in disgust as one of his crazy Brothers swung his sword over and over at a genning corpse that was long dead they headed into the city center and found it in shambles buildings were on fire dead gons lined the blood soaked city streets and in the distance major saw his Gene father standing outside of a crumbling Spire he slowly approached him and felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach as his eyes fell upon k tables from the nails now dangled from the back of his head the Bloodshed and destruction surrounding him was not a compliance campaign it was a Civil War World eaters with the nails were pummeling their brothers that rejected the implants mercilessly slaughtering them and then searching for their next victim as they screamed into the air con it didn't have to be this way K laughed and turned his head to look into Mojo's eyes it did have to be this way there was never going to be another way there is no saving me angron your primarch died before you even knew he existed he died on new Seria all that's left is the murderer the bloodthirsty killer that the high Riders created I've heard enough of your voice Meo so if you have any last words you want to say to your pathetic Emperor speak them now he never had a chance to reply K's act struck Mao at the neck and as his life was Body Hit The Ground a new chapter of the world eater story begin after what is now refer to as the second compliance of GNA the world eaters were never the same the butcher's nails were being produced at mass and those remaining that did not have the cybernetic implants wouldn't be without them for much longer as the world eaters continued on the great Crusade their compliances became more and more ruthless and as Mago prophesies prior to his untimely death the reputation of the world eaders had indeed become tarnished the constant decimations the erratic behavior of the world eaters after having been implanted with the butcher's Nails attacks on Imperial allies during Cooperative campaigns it was concerning Behavior and the other Prim marks became disgusted with angron Leeman Russ feared that angron was spiraling out of control and that he was taking his Legion down with him and in a bold Act of intervention Leeman Russ confronted angron about to continue to trust ities the world eaters were committing some theorized that the emperor ordered Russ to intervene While others believe that Russ took the confrontation upon himself regardless of who made the decision it came as quite the surprise to the conqueror's bridge crew when their aspcs detected unusual warp activity surprise turned to alarm when the aspects readouts confirmed that the activity was a ship emerging from the warp the ship that was approaching them was the rankel the Space Wolves Flagship and it wasn't alone it hadn't been long since the genon city of macoya had been ravaged by angron in the 12th the city's wounds were still fresh blood and debris still scattered throughout what remained of it and in the fields just outside of the destroyed Capital Ross and angron met each flanked by their Legions EST startis brother I could no longer sit on while you destroy your own Legion murdering your own sons in the name of decimation murder eliminating the legion's weakness is not murder and who do you think you are to tell me what I should be doing I don't take orders from you Russ what you're are doing is wrong comply ience is one thing angron but you are committing genocide slaughtering entire worlds of civilians who are attempting to surrender is not furthering the emperor's cause your implants are fueling this lunacy and it must be corrected all of us the world eers and the space wolves are to return to Terror so that these implants could be removed you act as if the emperor himself hasn't ordered genocide you all lie to yourselves and call it compliance but is there a single world that you or I have liberated during this Crusade that had a choice comply with the word of the Emperor or die that is not a choice that is slavery but these are the emperor's orders brother you disgust me angron go on your way Russ and know that you ever talk down to me with this unmar dream of authority again there will be consequences both the Space Wolves and the world eaters could sense that the situation was about to escalate and the primarch could feel their tension Leeman Russ spoke through gritt teeth I'm leaving but you're coming with us we're closing the chapter on the butcher Nails I'm going nowhere you and your rabble of moon howling cowards are less than an afterthought to me you lead your legion and I will lead mine why don't you make yourself useful and return to the emperor's great enslavement Crusade your disloyalty is shameful angron you've spoken enough Russ Now you listen to me you are no more loyal than I am I have slaughtered countless innocent Souls just like you the only difference is that I do it in service to the nails to ease the pain I follow the emperor's orders Russ but I don't do it under a false pretense of morality maybe if I was as principled and righteous as you I would have taken our bastard father's skull nean Russ couldn't hold back any longer he threw himself at angron swinging his chain boy with Fury the two Prim marks parried each other's vicious attacks Russ was winding up to strike angron but he was overpowered by a blow from angron Widowmaker as the two Prim marks stood across from each other snarling in Anger their Legions were suddenly attacking each other whether the first strike originated from the Space Wolves or the world eaters is unknown but it didn't take long for sheer chaos to ensue the two regions erupted into violence around the dueling primarch Russ was fully aware that he was outmatched in combat against angron he was too strong too fast and angron was so unhinged that he didn't care if he killed his own brother he didn't pay any attention to what was going on around them and that was the point that Leeman rust was attempting to make do you understand angran look at what's happened to your sons as angron took his eyes off his brother he found himself surrounded by Space Wolves in every direction the sons of Russ had their bolters aimed directly at angron past them the world leaders were still engaged in combat and were getting the better of the Space Wolves you should be more concerned about what's happening to your sons Russ angron look at your sons they're so deranged that they don't even realize that you're about to die Leman Russ was correct at any moment the space wol surrounding angron could rip through him with a storm of Bolter fire they're too busy winning the battle to worry about that Leman Russ was trying to send angron a message he was trying to show him that the butcher's nails weren't the advantage that he thought they were that blind rage is actually a hindrance and as lieman Russ lie on the ground blooded and bruised from his brother he realized what many others would soon come to see for themselves angron was slowly wooing himself to the nails abandoning what but little remaining logic and reason he had left Russ howled Towards the Sky rallying his sons by his side and they fled towards their storm Birds the world eaters were so caught up in the nails fueled bloodthirst that they didn't even realize the battle was over until the Space Wolves were gone hron laughed believing himself Victorious and as the rankel sailed into the Stars Leeman Russ sat alone coming to the sobering realization that angron couldn't be saved as fate would have it angron wasn't the only Primark headed down a destructive path lar Primark of the word Bears was pushed towards the ruinous powers of the dark Gods after being publicly humiliated by the emperor and rbout gilan and following the events of Davin Horus the warm and Primark of the Luna Wolves was also tempted by the powers of chaos lorgar used this opportunity to manipulate Horus and the seeds of betrayal were sown after the corruption of Horus the warm sought to overthrow the emperor and these traitorous Ambitions gave birth to the Horus heresy as the heresy began to take shape Horus was able to convince half of the other other primar to join his cause there were some Prim marks that needed a fair amount of convincing angron was not one of them it wasn't that angron stood with Horus it was that he hated the emperor and the heresy was the perfect opportunity to exact revenge on the man who left his brothers and sisters to die on neria on the planet of Ison 3 vardis BR the corrupt Imperial Governor had suddenly raised his Banner in rebellion of the Imperial order to prevent the uprising Horus still appeared the dutiful son and called The Emperor's Children the death guard and the world eaters to his side and though on the surface it appeared that Horus was fighting in service of the emperor he was actually preparing to fire the first shots of a monstrous and vile civil war thousands of loyal EST artists landed and set to work slaughtering those who had betrayed the Imperium never knowing that the true betrayal had only just be begun those on the ground at isvan had landed with the intent to honor their fathers their fathers repaid them with death in the form of virus bombs for a number of world eaters even with their brains distorted from the butcher's Nails this was too far they had been willing to abandon nearly all of their ideals but they could not go as far as betraying the emperor hron punished them for this refusal against the will of Horus angron landed 50 companies of world eaters to kill his remaining loyalist Sons the world eaters who had rejected the nails had been purged during the second compliance of GNA the second purging of the world eers occurred on Ison 3 when those that refused to betray the Imperium were murdered and the last glimmer of hope for the world eers died in fire along with the planet following the initial battles of the heresy it was clear that the Galaxy would never be the same and angron continued to slip further and further from who he once was as some within the legion would come to learn the butcher's Nails produced by Garland CAC were slightly different than angron's Originals the nails created at scale were simply lowquality copies of The Originals they rewrote emotional responses and caused deterioration in the ability to reason but they were not lethal the nails in angron's brain however were these marvels of Dark Age Technology were not designed for use in a primarch's brain and the implants were slowly killing angron this degreg was difficult to notice initially But as time passed the deterioration became more severe and angram became even more erratic unpredictable and violent the bond that the world eers were so eager to share with their Primark never materialized they had truly believed that receiving the butcher's Nails would unify them with their Gene father instead the already fractured relationship between the world eaters and angrong crumbled even further the world eers had damaged their own ability to reason and think outside the lines of rage and angron was completely broken a shell of his former self after the attacks on isvan angron and Lord orar set off together to execute assaults on the 500 worlds of Ultramar arabus and coron were to lead a sophisticated attack on Cal while angron and lurar were to coordinate a similar attack on armatura the journey from the Ison system to Ultramar was long and would take months to Traverse and lurar quickly learned just how difficult the journey was going to be while in route to Ultramar the two Legions Flagship stopped off on the world of turum to refuel and supplies the resupply effort moved quickly and within one week the word bearers had stripped all of the world's resources the world eaters however had no interest in the resupply mission instead they remained on world for an additional 10 days slaughtering the entire population and leaving a path of rubble and Ash in their wake not long after a similar incident occurred on the world of GN Prime lure guard sought to send a message to the Imperium by enslaving segments of the population and once again angron and the world eaters abandoned any thought of cohesion by swarming the surface and annihilating every living molecule angron delayed them three more times with off course unnecessary stops on worlds irrelevant to their mission lorgar's patience with angron was wearing thin and he reached his breaking point when the world eater Flagship broke course and began attacking a small group of alari ships the alari ships retreated and lurar made Cals with angron via his ship's [Music] holth angron why are you wasting my time the Conqueror was attacked lar do you expect me to let that happen you were attacked by a group of pitiful eldari dust mites that retreated as soon as you returned fire those ships are irrelevant pursuing them will serve no purpose whatsoever and will only set us back further let me remind you brother that we are already more than 28 days behind schedule because you cannot help yourself from engaging in nonsensical Expeditions that accomplish absolutely nothing then go on without me lar we will dispatch the enemy ourselves and reconnect once we're finished please tell me you are joking they are not the enemy you are actively avoiding the Enemy by chasing those ships gilan is the enemy the emperor is is the enemy angron I beg of you focus they are zenos lar and they attacked our ship they need to be killed if you are so concerned about this precious Mission and being delayed it would make more sense for you to Simply help us instead of arguing with me it took every ounce of self-restraint Within lard not to smash his palm against his own face but he realized that angron was right he would have more success arguing with a wall than he would with his brother very well angron I will humor you one last time and once we are finished there will be no more distractions no more stopping off to set fire to Backwater worlds no more more engaging Zeno gunships no more nonsense agreed angron smiled at his brother from the holic display sure brother whatever you say Lara sarin commanding officer of the Conqueror wanted to in pursuit of the alari ships we're wasting our time out here they had been searching for 5 hours and there was no sign of the enemy ships We've been wasting our time for the past 3 weeks the orex hasn't detected anything we don't see anything we don't know which direction they went these Eldar ships don't leave a warp signature how does he expect me to follow something that leaves no Trace Lara knew that abandoning the search would infuriate angron but she didn't know what else to do and then she had an epiphany unless we don't follow them at all they only attacked us once we were alone after we charged a head of fidelus slack maybe they thought we were vulnerable let's see if we can bait them into attacking us again with this theory in mind Lara decided that attempting to bait the xenos was a better plan than flying aimlessly around in space the Conqueror jetted out into the void alone and it wasn't long before the tarus plan came to fruition enemy ship approaching the three alari ships resurfaced and were now approaching the Conqueror the enemy ships flanked the Conqueror from multiple sides but their attacks failed to breach the void Shields unlike last time the Conqueror was well prepared for the zenos the world eater Flagship blasted towards the Zeno ship at full speed she was going to stop them in their tracks and angron to board their ship to deal with them personally in a nod to angron's gladitorial Heritage the Conqueror was equipped with a unique weapon the urs's cause spear-shaped lances the size of smaller escort vessels would be fired at enemy ships puncturing their Halles once they had breached the ship they would activate their strong magnetic elements preventing their enemies from evading Lara ordered her crew to fire the ur's cause that the alari flagship sh and the spears shot clean through the hole the zenos realized that they were about to be captured and attempted to flee but it was too late the magnets activated and the alari ship was locked in place as the Conqueror pulled the ship closer with its barbarous Spears the word Bear's fidelus Lex broke through the void and prepared to board the enemy craft and Lara smiled as she received vo's confirmation that angron and lurar had boarded the ship to no one's surprise the odari on board stood no chance against the two primarch as the two brothers hacked and sliced their way through the alari corridors they couldn't have been more different in their approaches lorgar was slow methodical and calculated as he surveyed his surroundings and identified his prey angron sprinted like an Unchained Beast bellowing as he swung his ax in the turbulent Ram lorgar could see momentary flashes of bliss in his brother's Crazy Eyes each time he ripped through another resisting Zeno yet these brief moments of Happiness would almost immediately regress into bouts of Rage as angron searched for his next victim lorgar had suspected it for many years but watching his brother up close and personal confirmed it hron was dying anytime he wasn't spilling blood or raising a city the nails would punish him by hammering violently inside of his head angron's eyes twitched and the blood ran from his nose as he stalked down the corridor the alari resistance was pitiful almost as if they had already accepted their fate their attacks barely made dense in the ceramite armor of the primarch and they didn't even bother retreating as the giant Warriors closed in on them angron and lar had cered out the ship in no time and all that remained was the Bridge these xenos make me sick the alari athetic was on full display on the ship's Bridge the Zeno inscriptions and the pungent alien odor was overwhelming one Zeno remained on the ship and lorgar stood by as angron approached him dragging his ax on the floor as he walked let us get this over with brother I'll take care of this one myself hron was within Striking Distance of the Zeno when he suddenly began speaking in low Gothic monai scum you may kill me but this is not over we will never allow you to reach your destiny upon the scull Throne the nails were thumping so hard in angron's head that he couldn't have heard the Zeno even if he was trying to listen lar was stunned he tried to speak but the words were stuck in his throat still trying to comprehend what he had just heard you will die monai before you can ever become the son of the blood God the blood God what did you just say those fateful words were the last to ever leave the lips of the Zeno as angron's ax fell and swiftly ended his life it had taken longer than lorgar anticipated but they had finally arrived the shadow Crusade was about to begin Cal was the first its planetary defense grids were bombarded with scrap coat leaving the world vulnerable to attack core Faron led the assault first crashing ships into the planet then bombarding it with void ship lances and storming the surface with word bear Titans and super heavy tanks and in conjunction with the attack on Cal angron and lurar were making planetfall on armatura lurar spent a considerable amount of time planning the attack on armatura but everything changed as soon as their drop pods crashed onto the planet's surface the word bears were organized tactical and communicated every step of the way as they begun executing the details of their plan the world eaters were a complete mess almost as soon as they had landed they became lost to the nails and separated from their assigned battle groups the ultramarines on armatura quickly realized that the absence of discipline from the world eers was a tactical Advantage they began baiting the world eaters into battle and then detonated buildings as they charged towards them crushing massive groups of them under the rubble the word Bears witnessing their brother Legion abandoned all discipline opted not to support them when they called for reinforcements fearing that they could be walking walking into a death trap the battle on armatura was eventually won but it came at a high cost countless World eaters were killed Titans were destroyed and even angron himself nearly died under the weight of a collapsed building now more than ever before it was painfully obvious the butcher's nails were destroying the world eaters with armatura now in Ruins lorgar's plan to destroy Ultramar was almost complete during the Battle of Cal arabus Unleashed a ruin storm a massive warp disruption the warp storm grew in size and strength feeding off The Souls of those that were slain throughout Ultramar aboard fidela dlex lorgar was revealing the final step of his plan to [Music] angron as we destroy gillan's Empire there is one last World that must be killed a world on the fringes of Ultramar once this destruction occurs it will feed into the ruin storm and we will have constructed a barrier a wall of dead worlds and warp energy the Imperium will not be able to save Ultramar no one will know how to get in or out except for us may I assume that you will get to the point and tell me what this world is oh angron your impatience never ceases to amuse me but of course brother lorgar turned back to the holic display observing the wall of dead worlds in the warp storm running across the length of Ultramar he pointed to a tiny sphere on the display just outside the edges of Ultramar the killing blow will be dealt here on neria angron was completely silent as he stared at the display then he turned his head and looked at lurar I am not going back to New Seria there is no other way to seal altamar off from the Imperium brother of course there is there are countless worlds out outside of Ultramar borders that could accomplish the same thing I will never return to new Seria these are the worlds you speak of they will not work for this purpose why won't they work you are just going to have to trust me angron no no no are you doing this just to torment me you know I swore never to return to neria tell me now lar why neria to save you to end your torment to free you from the nails it's impossible ler removing them will kill me maybe maybe not keeping them in your head is killing you all the same the nerian created the butcher's nails if anyone in the Galaxy knows how they were created they will be on neria you lied to me fed me this driel of building a barrier I did not lie to you taking neria will close Ultramar off from the rest of the Imperium it must be done but I am also going to save you angron at least I am going to try the Conqueror followed by a fleet of ships landed in the desel mountains it had been more than a century since angron was last on neria but even after 100 years they were still there the bones the remains of angron's Fallen Eaters of cities angron stood solemnly and tears slowly ran down his face in all the Decades of time spent together K had never witnessed angron shed a single tear but angron's moment of vulnerability was nothing more than that a single moment then Nails thumped in angron's head harder than they ever had before this is where it all began and where it should have ended you deserved better angron angron drew his chain swword staring down at Desa from the mountains the high Riders those bastards and our father he could have saved your warriors all of these bones they could have lived angron was shaking now the nails slamming in a deafening Crescendo Thea must burn lar this entire world needs to burn lorgar remains stoic but inside he was ecstatic everything was going according to plan the world eaters and the word Bears breach the gates of Desa kard soldiers watched as they marched through the city they were confused by what they were seeing and they conveyed this message to the prery of Desa we're not under attack no Lord but they are within the city walls there are thousands of them what are they doing I don't know Lord but I think they're coming here before the prer could respond the throne room door swung open the two primarch entered the room followed by ranks of world eaters and word Bears and the room fell silent forgive my ignorance I have been away for many years who is the ruling family the boy sitting upon the throne didn't say anything instead letting a kard soldier standing to his left speak for him the ruling family is house falia sir is there a matter which we can assist you with FAL all eyes were on angron as he approached the throne I haven't heard that name in many years who are you you the soldiers said in shaking fear the last time I stood on this planet I was also called thalir angron thalir angron that's impossible he couldn't still be alive he fed the Celica mountains nearly 100 years ago he ran away from the battle he left his army to die run away the soldier tried to speak but was overcome with Terror and couldn't form a single word angron grabbed the soldier by the head lifting him up with one hand left my Army to Die the nails had taken control angron squeezed the life out of the soldier the prer and his defense for gasp as angron tossed the corpse to the ground neria will be destroyed there will be no [Music] survivors the 12th and 17th Legions move quickly leaving each City on neria in ashes and wreckage they had spent 6 days ravaging the surface laras sarin was given Specific Instructions Not to bombard the planet angron wanted to handle this himself the Sha was the first to fall and they systematically killed the remaining cities one by one mayor was the only one that remained but before the final battle could even begin a warship broke through the warp and floated in orbit above neria courage above all was piloted by the ultramarines they were seeking revenge for the savagery that had been inflicted on Ultramar the world eaters and word bearers brought down the walls of mahor and began a devastating assault on the city those that weren't crazed by the nails took cover and established primary battle positions they knew it wouldn't be long before the 13th Legion drop pods rain down from the sky what began as a simple assault on the only remaining n Syrian City had quickly transformed into an allout War ultramarines flooded from massive Lander ships in the 13th Legion drop pods an entire fleet of ships had followed courage above all and a void battle was raging above the surface War the word Bears Fidelis Lex was killed and it crashed down off the neran coast sending a tide away four stories high crashing over the city as the ultramarines and the two Traer Legions engaged each other gilaman confronted lurar in a decimated City street traitor l guard drew the illuminarium the weapon that Ferris Manis had crafted for him long before the heresy and the two primarch battled the strength and ferocity beyond the comprehension of mere mortals Cal armatura erth 5 Gilman screamed the names of the Dead Ultramar worlds as he swung his sword you shouldn't have come here roboute you are going to die on this Backwater the world behind them Titans clashed and traded Cannon blasts gunships exploded overhead and the 13th Legion Lander ships avoided the flooded Coastline as they continued to provide support as the two Demi Gods fought angron threw himself into the middle of the battle with a Bandelier of skulls forming an x on his chest pitiful to see two of my brothers become Heretics I'm not your brother route I never was you landed on a paradise world with everything given to you I landed in a slave pit with everything taken from me I had my brothers and sisters ripped from me left to die alone you could have overcome your past built a better future for your sons but those hate engines in your brain ruined you turned you into this angron knocked gilan off balance with a forceful blow and Gilman recovered to match angron with a strike of his own as Gilman's fists connected with angron's face one of the skulls around angron's neck flew to the ground Gilman took a step and crushed the skull beneath his foot a skull of one of angron's Fallen Brothers this was the defining moment of the battle and lorgar knew it this moment here was why lorgar had come to neria as angron howled in Rage and swung his chain swword at gilam and lorgar began chanting in an ancient alien language the power of the warp became a tangible Force the sky went dark and blood rained down from the blackened clouds l God never stopped chanting a blinding ray of light beamed down from the sky and a deafening wall of sound washed over the dying City Gilman lie on his back bones broken and bloodied from angron's wrath he watched his angron began clawing at his own face screaming horrifically into the sky the blood poured down even harder where angron once stood was now a hulking mass of flames metamorphosis Ascension Beneath The Blaze angron's skin was gone nothing but inhuman mton Gore remained Gillan and the ultramarines that were now retreating were witnessing the death of a Primark and the birth of a demon Prince blood for the blood go [Music] is he in pain yes what did you do I saved him the man who was once the warhounds captain of the eth assault company approached the door to the hall where angron remained K stood outside of the door and quietly spoke to himself under his breath I've done this before he trusts me K opened the door and slowly walked down the stairs the sound of the Demon's breathing was all that K could hear con I need you to do do something anything you and your brothers gather 300 souls and take their skulls build me a throne [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Warrior Tier
Views: 176,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hglcLcQDJiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 0sec (7260 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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