Fake News | Dr. Matthew Stevenson

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Matthew 28 and one early on Sunday morning this is the New Living Translation early on Sunday morning as the new day was dawning Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb and suddenly there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven rolled the stone away and sat on it his face shone like lightning and his clothing was as white as snow the guard shook with fear when they saw him and they fell into a dead faint then the angel spoke to the woman don't be afraid he said I know you are looking for Jesus who was crucified but he is not here He is risen from the dead just as he said it would happen come and see where his body was lying and now go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead and he is going ahead of you to Galilee you will see him there and remember what I told you verse 8 the women ran quickly from the tomb for they were very frightened but also filled with great joy and they rushed to give the disciples the angel's message and as they went Jesus met them and greeted them and they ran to him grasp his feet and worship Him then jesus said to them don't be afraid but go tell my brother's to leave for Galilee and they will see me there our thought is here verse 11 as the women were on their way some of the guards went into the city and told the leading priests what had happened a meeting what the elders was called and they decided to give the soldiers a large bribe they told the soldiers you have to say Jesus's disciples came during the night while we were sleeping and they stole his body if the governor hears about it we'll have your back and stand up for you so you won't get in trouble so the guards accepted the bribe and said what they were told to say their story spread widely among the Jews and they still tell it to this day I did this morning it's coming from the subject fake news I want to talk to you a little bit about fake news the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most controversial thing that had ever happened during his three-year ministry tenure and what is ironic is that he foretold his own resurrection the entirety of his three years it was almost as if he was attempting to prophetically prepare his students on how to handle what would happen first observation if God's going to allow it is cuz he's going to use it I'm I said again if he's going to allow it he is going to use it if there is no interruption if there is no intervention it's got to be an instrument you ought to thank him for what he allows because what he allows he intends to use for your benefit if it happens it has to work for you and the Messiah continue to tell the disciples about what would happen and he would say things like this when you destroy this temple in three days I will raise it up and great fear would hit the entire culture cuz they feared he was talking about the literal temple but he was referring to himself in another location he says even as Jonah was buried in the belly of the whale so will the Son of Man be belied in the earth after three days so this was not an unusual setting for him to do what he said he would do he prepared them all the time I find it very interesting that even though you've been prepared for something you still respond in disbelief when it occurs it's interesting that the Lord will start to talk to us conditioned us make us aware of the possibilities of certain things and yet we still get hit with the brunt of their reality when they are on the way which is why Matthew 28 it's feel not with the rhetoric what but would repeat revelation on the things that happened around the death of Jesus Christ first of all the primary energy is placed here it would have been physically impossible for Jesus to do what was done through the resurrection as a human being and there is great wisdom in this for you and I because you got a boulder on the mouth of a borrowed tomb these grades were not ground-level had he been buried under the ground he wouldn't have been lord over the earth so he had to be buried in the ground it was in the wall it was not 8 feet under he was still God he was so bad he was feel fulfilling prophecy even in his death the Bible says not one of his bones could be broken that it would be full filled of the prophets saying and so you've got this man behind these this this Boulder in the wall and you realize that it was one way in there was one way out there was no opportunity for any assistance to be had and yet in still somehow it got moved this is the wisdom in it for you and I what is in you it's always gonna be stronger than what's in front of you I've got to repeat that and the devil loves for Christians to be offended by distracted by and afraid by what's in front of them because it's a distraction from what's operating in them the only reason why Jesus was able to move the stone is because the power that was within him was more powerful than that that was holding the stone in the way now that was a word for about a hundred of you I believe what God wants to remind you up on this resurrection on the power that is within you got more in you than you realize and I prophesied to you you are about to become acquainted not just with what God is doing with you externally but the power that isn't working you internally come on baby girl don't you sit here behind this Boulder and be afraid to get out of here it is bigger than you it's supposed to be it is stronger than you it's supposed to be it is dangerous in front of you it's supposed to be because if you don't realize what's in you you'll stay behind here but I declare you are endowed you are filled with strength and courage and here's what's so bad about it it did not come from the herbs so in calpads it can't stop it what's in you is from heaven and it's more powerful than what comes out of you in the earth well is in front of him was not as strong as what was in him something in him was more powerful than what was after him now we go into another angle of the meat of our test because we see something our traditional understanding is that the devil is afraid of miracles actually he used to them satan is used to miraculous happenings he's not nervous that something supernatural happens because he was also a part of supernatural school mind you not only was Janice and gem breeze in the book of moat in the book of Exodus expert with the dark arts you find it in the Book of Daniel the devil had a whole squad that did dark arts you also find that Judas who the Bible says was the son of perdition from the beginning he cast out devils with the eleven and had the same training so the devil is not afraid of supernatural activity it's not the miracle that frightens him it's the moment after the miracle because the miracle in and of itself is not enough to have real impact but if you start talking about what happened in the miracle then what's gonna be born is momentum I see a science now the real reason the devil hates your miracles is not cuz he don't want you he'll he don't care about you getting free from disease what he cares about is you trying to go and free others so then our miracles become the premise of our ministry this is why you can be called it has nothing to do with what you know and everything to do with what he did and if Jesus does a miracle for you it's the platform for a ministry so then if the devil came fool with the miracle he's gonna try to stop your momentum throw your hands up say I'm unstoppable oh I didn't hear you throw your hands up say I'm unstoppable so through this word I'm gonna cause you to say a lot of things out of your mouth about you because God is trying to deck your world out with some fresh decrees he's trying to deck your reality out with some fresh auctions over you the last season sentences have expired you need some new things on your tongue because God is about to do something new lift your hand say case stop me cuz it didn't start me oh yes there is momentum born from every miracle if God heals what happens after is most important if dark delivers what happens after is most important one to you who get a miracle and try to make it stay in that one space you selfishly appreciate and propagate that miracle as if it was a personal issue when everything God does for you is public matter he's not doing anything for you personally just for you to have it personally he does to you personally is supposed to become a weapon for you this is why I've been teaching you listen to me you are sitting on weapons in your story alone this is oh yeah a lot of smoke a lot of stuff what the man I used to be the woman are you severe went down with him and I got up somebody Detra [Applause] we need more of you to go public we need more of you to look at the devil and say you seem Barris me and it used to bring shame to me but you can't kill a dead man twice dr. Hyde - my reputation and by - your expectation and die - your definition and by - your measurement and now the miracle is about to move it's about to move touch the people say it's on the move it's on the move your deliverance must be mobile your provision must be mobile your story must be mobile and the reason why some of you are not even prospering it's because of your consolidation of the story come on yourself open your mouth certainly there is not power on the testimony the power is in the miracle it's in the fact that without God I still would be a crackhead and without God I still be a truck the problem is we share our stories as if it was a matter of personal power and decision like I just made a decision one day just stop eating it to stop sex you know you didn't you didn't have it in your flesh to stop what you were doing and if truth be told you were madly in love with and wickedness I it took for the power of Bhavana to make you hate what you used to love make you stop what you used to do make you walk away from what you used to run to thank God for its power I want to hear you praise them make a forest power it took power to pull you out of that purse power to pull you out of that hotel I wanna pull you out it was not a personal decision it was the power of God so I'm intrigued now and the reason I'm intrigued because I always thought that the devil ain't want me to have miracles I always started that was the point you mad at my miracle but no he's mad at the momentum if you have a miracle in one place fine it's not going to bother me in the grand scheme of things I'm concerned about when the miracle goes on will because now it's gone from a miracle in one place to a miracle in several places but you realize that you're going to work it's a miracle you're so bad you ain't even gotta tell your co-workers about how you almost had a nervous breakdown all you got to show up is in perfect peace I'm in protection of that peace and men will say how are you living through all of the stuff going on around you but what's the power of the Almighty God I didn't deserve this I didn't ask for this but the Lord taught me and perfect me mobile miracles now you've never paid attention to the first reactions to the resurrection we've been so enamored with all of the dramatic surrounding the story the moon coming out the earthquake the other dead men that rose and all of the more obvious angles of how the world and creation responded to the resurrection I saw a response that I had never paid attention to and I've been doing Easter speeches all my life talk about the devil's guardians oh yeah for your kickin the devil the devil has a team of guards what they want to do is post themselves by your dead place to make sure if you want dangerous why would they need a god I think something in them Negroes knew he was gonna get up there ain't no security at no cemetery the devil know the truth about you boo come on here in the name of Jesus every demonic God assigned to your low place to keep you behind that barrier and keep you behind that Boulder he cut down in Jesus flirt slap somebody say the guard is coming down [Applause] now I had to do my research cuz we fresh outta preach and I had to make sure I had to do my due diligence to this text this word Guardian here in this scripture is the exact same word for teacher or mentor it's the same word that means one who guides somebody who is immature and ministers to them in their immaturity I think the devil thought if I posed if I can trap a guard right here it'll keep him in this one phase listen the devil is afraid of your evolution he's not afraid of your way closer he's not afraid of your marital status he's not afraid of you saving money he's afraid of your meta more about the moment that you're about to change and what that means is with the power the Holy Ghost comes upon your life and you yield your sales change you don't just become a new creature symbolically no literal DNA changes you got to fight God to not change the Holy Ghost comes on you to make you evolve now listen I gotta go to my next point but I feel myself oh look at me right now because death to selfie has come and I've been filled with a brand new power and I'm getting rid of the chair the guard to guard we heard Peters version but we didn't hear the guards we've even preached some of the other apostles we've talked about Thomas but nobody pays attention to what the guard did because the guard could not explain what happened behind that tomb he went to the media he went gathered the elders and said listen I know you ain't got no script and I know we all got questions about Hine the heck and why in the heck and who the heck but I'm gonna pay you I have a warning for you I'll pay you to take my story line and they'll never find out and they'll never find out because if the truth comes out we'll have your back we'll all lie together he used the power of a bride here is my warning to you you've got to recognize that all of us are all the time always when you are I'm not taking no what-what-what-what entices you at the expense of your ink your character what entices you at the expense of your dealings I love this the he offered a bright and they took the bribe it seemed like at the end of Jesus's death there was a bunch of bribes going on remember they bribe Judas and now the guard is brighting up bribing other people with fake news news that had no premise baseless evident lists real good you know why ask me why the devil wants your story to make sense you see when I consider what you are and where you came from and what's after you and what's active in you and what you think and what you say and what you are afraid of it does not make sense for you to be evolved like this I need a storyline that makes sense because the devil hates the fact that you got to be explained so what he wants to do is walk up to your testimony she's sleeping with but some of you are about to be so favored that you ain't gotta drop your drawers no more you did that when you wasn't sold out now that you sanctified you ain't gotta strip come on Church it's just the favor of God and when you dealing with the favor of God not make sense you won't be able to explain it you won't be able to justify it it will be what it is I want you to know it's the devil's way of trying to quarantine you fake news I want you to know it's the enemy's way of trying to keep you insecure fake news it's the enemy's way of trying to get you to reject yourself fake news maybe you are an agreement with the news can I do this am I going really the one don't you buy the fake news this is why I'm trying to preach you into a new decree because in the last season of your life you were mad at fake news fake news about your marriage in your career about your money and your health even about your mental state some of you had a bad day losing your mind I'm here to tell you this morning it's fake news some of you had a rough season uh in one semester and the devil said walk away from this degree you'll never make it anyway I'm here to tell you it's fake news some of you have a child a son or daughter that's just going through their own process and because you can't parent them through this process the devil's got you looking at yourself like you're a failure but if God is true the seed of the righteous will be delivered don't you believe fake news come on you had a real fall you came out of years of addiction uh you were a sex addict a drug addict alcoholic for 20 years you've been saved for one and you have a slip and when you have a slip you run from God cuz you like I was doing good I had a pristine record and the devil says see you ain't change for real but you can be changed and still tried you can be changed and still tempted I is News if God is giving you the power to escape then you can still get out there's about 15 of you and you ain't gonna tell the truth cuz you think you're cute but they're 15 of you in here that think you are a lost cause if your mind you like I don't think about ever change I would just be like this for the rest of my life somebody say fake news fake news ask me why the Bible say of any man be in Christ he is a new creation up and behold all things are passed away and everything pay attention to what the Guardian is in your life attacks on your life and story I'm not gonna have the same strength you will conquer the weakest ones first you will get down to stuff like sensitivity you know her village instability but there are some Guardian standing in the place of your resurrection and they're misconstrue the story I want to challenge you in this season of your life to get to God God is calling you to get the Guardian because the many devils don't have storytelling power it's them guardians that's gonna try to misconstrue the story but when you realize you're ready for this video that you're not getting out of this in your own strength then you not scared of the Guardian I'm a witness that God will allow you to feel exhausted I allow you to feel overwhelming just to bring you to the point where you are realizing I can't do this and because you cannot physically psychologically or emotionally spiritually do this up then the Holy Ghost starts to move the rock out the way move Zaraki says the angel of the angel kills a guardian I'm gonna tell you hi I won't the Guardian and then when you get to guardian I'll get that ten thirty once the guardian is dealt with Jesus shows up to Mary Magdalene he deliberately does not appear to the Apostles I'll get there ten thirty but it goes to Mary Magdalene after the Guardian was that the Guardians motive was to get the followers to be free to be free too many people know who you used to be thank you he's releasing you into your resurrection hallelujah [Applause] you you don't even know you yet what I'm learning in my whole life is sometimes we are the last ones to see us for real they're people who understand all God this ain't just another person this ain't just another story this is a once in a lifetime once in a generation type of thing and there are moments where we don't even realize it ourselves so the devil wants to insulate your world with fake news in your heart in your mind sometimes in your friends sometimes in your opponent's sometime in those that want to be here those that didn't be the story it comes around all the time you got to pay attention who can be bribed around you hear ye the word of the Lord if you can do something to make your squad leave they're not your squad if they can see your humanity and stumble because you have a moment they were not bad for you they were there for what you could do for them and sometimes it takes for the God to tell you the team the most important lessons are the painful ones but you better pay attention to what's going on and stop buying to fake news you may have made a mistake but so what you may have missed a moment but so what maybe maybe maybe you're not in your right idea of what you should do in this age but so what all around the world dr. joy is our minister to people I found the Lord talking to me about their birthdays and at first it was really weird but you know what I since come out of Hell a new terror around birthdays where people instead of being grateful that they were getting older were being immersed in deeper regret concerning what had not happened have you seen it I've been in random restaurants having the spirit of grace would say look at this and the waiters would be happy and singing and whoever's birth it was what would for the devil to take your right away to celebrate that you are the recipient of coveted oxygen and coming in here and ransom breath you need to celebrate your birthday this is a rebuke don't you sit at home this year on your birthday get your lazy and a bit nick grows those celebrates you host your party by old tape gets old restaurant chef Holly I'm gonna see the without rules to myself I'm just I do not require you to understand what it took depression for you to drag the arrival of your birth how dare you be so self-absorbed [Music] don't you know who you serve depression on a birthday is blindness about what God you serve when you get sad on the day you came alive it's a form of worship to Satan as long as you are not in the brain you still got grace coming to you as long as you are not on your mind as long as they nobody washing you up as long as you can feed yourself up God's gonna make sure that you got everything you need all the time to do what he call you to do look at somebody say happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday you can't wait to see you [Applause] when you cut your cake the tabloids the demonic guards are kind of gonna come are you dirty or you 40 or you 50 and more you're 60 70 and the devil let's say look at all you didn't do look at all they happy the tabloids will come and start snapping pictures of you look at your classmates look at your frat brothers look at your sorority look at what they're doing and here you are as a grown man a grown woman trying to live safe talk about you on a journey till your deliverer you ain't no CEO you ain't no CEO ho you're still making the same money look at you Renton you deserve to be loved marriage is in the mind is spiritual we all need to let him marry you it's in the heart and what will happen is the fake news will start to corrode your standards you'll start to come down like well maybe I don't need to live up because the whole vision of fake news I'll get that in 30 it self-doubt fake news wants to put you in the prison of self so you can be like why is this happening to me Wow me once you go there in your mind fake news is taking its toll but you realize that the guard can say whatever you want at the end of the day there's still no proof the body ain't a they looking for it today on the History Channel and it's not there let me give you a prophetic word God is about to visit you forensically he's about to clean the scenes of every crime you ever said everything that's ever happened in your low moments in your places uh the blood of Jesus is ruining the scene to make sure that the enemy has nothing to use against Shiva hail can do whatever he wants to do at the end of the day what God has done for you will be seen and the glory of the Lord will flood the earth through your life no more fake news resolved that you'll never understand what God wants with you why he called you if you want a permanent migraine try to pull out scratch paper and understand why he wants what he wants I'll never get it and that's the point you don't want you to cuz if you understand it you're still the glory but when you know it wasn't you that's reenactors for it you didn't volunteer for it all you did was yield to his wheel and his wheel started doing stuff to you he'll take care of the fake news I promise our renewal of your mind that you're not gonna have negative meditation lose a visitation of the Spirit of God on to your meditation that a man is what he meditates on a woman is what he meditates on and the enemy wants the victory in your thought life in your memories coz his goal is to get you resentful his goal is to have you with unrecognized bitterness but in the name of Jesus the roots of that stuff bury the dead out of your sight get that stuff away from you out of your mind out of your heart and protect your meditation that is a word of the Lord to you even if things are not going right and not going ideal this is the season of your life where it's extremely imperative that you lead your thought life you must get in control over what you're thinking about and what you are rehearsing when you wake up in the morning they choose to feel your mind and your mouth with prophecy and not with fake news focus on where God is taking you and you don't bring you out of heaviness it'll bring you out of regret it'll even bring you out of grief you've got to focus on the future what the past will swallow you let that minister to you for a minute [Music] it's your thought life the devil he's done trying to just get your body he's done trying to mess with your money right now he wants your mind he wants to loose you in a psychological warfare so strong that you don't have the energy and you don't have the faith to move into what God is calling you to do and what God is calling you to become a lift your hands all over this whoa lift your hands at imma give you about ten seconds on this Resurrection Sunday morning to surrender your meditations to him mmm in your precepts oh yeah somebody in here feels like they are about to go crazy I feel deliverance breaking out right now I feel deliverance happening right now in your mind the way you see yourself your perspective on life the root of addiction is mental the root of cycles are mental come on father I'm asking that you would begin to do something in the minor in the memory in the thinking of these people our Lord begin to even visit their study life until their mind is renewed begin to flood and wash their memory banks in the name of Jesus and let it be that even as you have thrown what they you should do and be into the sea of forgetfulness help them to no longer hold themselves to an old standard up to an old definition even though things may not have worked out how they wanted us help them to find great contentment they are in your will and if they are if they are in your will then they are safe they are protected they are provided for and no amount of the devil's lies no amount of the enemy's torment no amount of satanic slander no amount of insecurity no amount of inferiority is strong enough to stop the resurrection it's not strong enough to keep them down and i prop sighs a brand new habit of godly meditation of godly meditation is not just about you but about your brother not just about you but about your future about your career he's delivering you I feel this in the spirit prophetically he's delivering you from the power of pessimism whoo he's delivering you from the power pessimism he's delivering you from the power of pessimism that is releasing you interface interface interface it defend interfaith interfaith interfaith interface I hear the Lord saying what he's doing right now is imparting the gift of faith in very many of you there is a transfer a brand-new it's not just a lifestyle for some of you it's a brand-new gift of faith coming alive in your belly and this is gonna be the day in your life where you gotta believe God like you've never believed God before come on I divorce myself but fate Musa and alternate storylines I will believe God concerning my money and concerning my marriage and concerning my business concerning my ministry concerning my decision-making I will believe God I will believe daughter I will believe God come on if you believe the Lord is giving you a mental miracle give God some strong crazy come on give him some strong give him some strong place give them some strong place there is a there is a scripture there was Israel was going through a war in a time of death and it popped up in my spirit and meditation for this and for some of you it may be literal but for others of you it may be figurative the scripture says bury the dead out of your sight and what it means it doesn't mean to dishonor a disrespect today it means to stop looking at it sometimes when people and this is no disrespect don't be offended if so write a letter but sometimes with family members get cremated in and/or they have like clothes or stuff like that and they keep them around just for sentimental sometime it elongates a grieving process and and what you're reaching for is positive memories but what the devil will use it to do is keep you in a place of either survivor's guilt or self blame where you feel like I should have gone I should have done that or there was something I could have done you know that's not literally for you then consider how many reminders of personal failures or flaws do you look at how many times are you gonna still say well I'm the first one in my family to do this and let that be a source of discouragement for you how long are you gonna meditate on all of that before you use 100% of your energy in the direction of faith listen to my warning you cannot afford to have any area in your life not guarded by faith the just live they live your lives will reveal your faith level and if you got fake news you can't have strong faith he's after your faith or do it in the minds of these people especially those of you that have been in a place about your birthday I reverse the devil's lives I said I reversed the devil's lies against you I reverse the powers of hell against you you're gonna start meditating and it's gonna change your life I'm not talking about nam yo renge Kyo I'm talking about focusing on the promise of God that's the whole core of what I'm training you to do I know that's happening I know that's happy but I reserve the right to turn the volume down on the devil by focusing on the promises of God Hey focusing on the prophecy on the promises of God a perfect God makes perfect promises and there is no flaw and what he's going to do with you you don't have to understand it but you cannot not believe it I call you into the promise of God I'm talking to your inner man I call you into God's promise you will be accountable to them ah ha ha ha you will live up to them you will be measured by them you will be matured by them you will be stretched by them I call you into the promise of them and you will no longer live your life as if a promise is not over you the promise of God is protecting you the promise of God is providing for you the promise of God is even positioning you the promise of God is round about you and your house the Lord was dealing with me last night about family names he was dealing with me strongly about wanting to have whole families known for whole moves some of you have not understood why there is an intensity and things around about you but he's literally trying to do something for your last name I was watching a homegoing of an apostle and on the first four rolls were all Nell since they were all family members preachers and teachers and singers and bishops even the children and the thought hear my mind what would happen if whole families would embrace not they don't have that be in ministry but what happened if whole families your last name embrace the promise of God she the problem of very many of your loved ones is not that they want to be wicked they just don't know how to believe God all he needs is one person and you can't necessarily do something about everybody behind you but you can absolutely do something one of the things that break me is when I see old men worship I saw bishop at the same service they had to be like 89 and he got up and he said god bless you first of all I'm excited to be here and then he went up in tongues my eyes fill with tears cuz I told the Lord again I love you as an old man what I'm telling him is I'm gonna contend for your promise forever I will be 80 and 90 said I'm just glad to be here and my testimony will be that everything God said he would do I saw it in my lifetime I spent some time nervous about it but I've seen the promise of God come on Oliver Oliver he's been fight to perform oh come on I want you to believe that I want you to believe that you'll be older in a wheelchair talking to your grandkids about the wondrous works of God you'll be telling about delivery to you and use you to change lives and write stories yes it is the heritage of the state of doc it is the heritage of the sights alone you look see the promise of God for your life and God is God you will see the promise of God
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 28,291
Rating: 4.9232612 out of 5
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Length: 46min 32sec (2792 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2019
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