The Holmes Sisters 3ABN Interview

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I want to spend my people Juanes man [Music] Lord let my [Music] hila heart on us [Music] then they will give people [Music] hello and welcome to 3abn today live I am so excited my name is Yvonne Lewis and I have co-hosting with me who really should be in this seat our president and founder Danny Shelton I'm happy to be here special program today we've got some special guests we can't wait to hear from we're gonna have some music in a little bit and thank you dr. Yvonne for what you do for the cause of God would dare to dream and your love for Jesus shines out and he says if I lift me up and he says I'll draw all men unto me so that's our our responsibility and our privilege yeah represent the Lord Jesus Christ doesn't mean any of us are perfect none of us are but we want to encourage you today that when Jesus was hanging on the cross you were on his mind and that amazing he could look down the stream of time and see if people that would be willing to give their lives unto death if necessary for the cause of God we get to be that that last generation people that can rightly represent Jesus given undiluted three angels messages and to all the world so that he can come back so we're not waiting on Jesus Jesus is waiting on us right he's coming back for a purified bride or purified Church I'm getting ready to preach so I got a quick I want to encourage the folks that this program is about lifting up Jesus and so the guest that we have today I mean they're incredible will come young they're everybody's young to me anymore so young girls but young ladies but it's the Jesus in them you're gonna love them but just the Jesus in them that you're gonna love because he definitely shines out and you'll see what I'm talking about you want to introduce him I do I do so first of all they are the home sisters okay and the home sisters are originally from New York and you get to tell us everything about yourselves but I've known them for years every once they were young girls I've known their mom their dad and I've watched them grow up and I'm just so proud of them so introduce yourselves let's let's hear from you because I don't know all of you I know your home sisters but you're married I'm not using through a little girl I don't know your last name so let's hear your last name so Kimberly hello I'm Kimberly homes James and I'm married to Terrence James we have two boys all right John John and Joshua hello Kai and we live in Cheshire Connecticut that's so that's tri-state area for in reference to New York okay and I'm just happy to be here it got is so good and worthy to be praised ain't a wonderful Amanda hi I am Taisha Holmes Fulgham and I am the middle and I'm married to pastor Orville Bolton we have two wonderful children Sarah and Samuel all right wonderful and he's pastoring where he is the assistant pastor of the linden seventh-day Adventist Church in Laurelton Queens New York okay wonderful hi my name is Janet Holmes Alfred and I'm the baby I'm married to Jude Alfred and we've been married for almost 18 years and two children Justin and Juliana and we live in upstate New York West town and I'm just happy to be here with my sisters and just we're so excited to be here with you know it's so funny because whenever she tells how long she's been married you know people said well it's biblical the last shall be the first shall be last bless you don't look so we want to get into who you are what you've been doing if we first have a song so let's let's do some music first okay and then we're going to come back and talk to you oh good we have the jim brady trio doing a beautiful song ageless song off of god they're wonderful yeah the love of God is greater far than tongue or tin could ever tell it goes beyond the highest reaches to the lowest [Music] [Applause] God gave this to [Music] and pardon from is [Music] every star [Music] [Music] [Applause] would dream [Music] all those stress from sky [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh beautiful I love them I love their music absolutely and that was that's Jim and Melissa Brady husband and wife and now Tim Parton is full time with 3abn tim is our new general manager of our new praise and music channel so we're going to have a 24/7 gospel music channel I'm sure the home sisters will be on there too yeah what a gorgeous song love of God and that arrangement that's our buddy and our friend Larry goes Ron and I both love dearly and he's now resting in Jesus yeah but incredible thank you so much Brady's for what you do yes so let's get back to our home sisters here and let's talk about where you came from yes let's hear about your journey because you've had an interesting life so and I know you have a slogan what's the slogan that you have from okay so Kimberly is the oldest right so let's start with you kimberly let's talk about how you guys were raised Wow yeah in a Christian home we were raised in a Christian home very very Christ centered we had worship every morning we had worship every evening poppy worked nights and we would continue the process with mother in the morning and and with poppy in the evening and then he would go back to sleep and get up for work it was a very loving and warm atmosphere the goal of my parents their dream was to have a heaven on earth and one day well I guess I should you can tell how they met but basically the concept was after they got married to read all the counsels and to read the Word of God and to pattern the family's life by that they've had in their personal lives and our life as a family I enjoy growing up I have such I have so many happy memories we grew up at the city's Harbor knuckle church that's our home Church in Harlem New York and where'd you live we lived in the Bronx we live so you were in the you were really living in every way did you have a sense of while we're living in the hood so to speak I mean we're like we're we didn't really ugly in here we didn't because yeah the way the atmosphere like Kim said the bad hammam it's not about was I'm sorry we always tease Kim and told because she's out of all three of us she's like get up properly she'll never just like my parents said you give your father your princess your principal your Princess Royal - yeah we're royalty and the Bible says that yes you are peculiar and so you must walk a certain way you must live a certain way that's what we're heirs to the kingdom and so we didn't realize that you realize that we really embrace that concept and growing up the environment in terms of our neighbors and our friends that they had a very high respect for my parents when they were smoking a cigarette and our dad will find they would put their hand dad hello sir hello Reverend they called him Rev yeah they always saw him walking by [Music] in it amazing how you can live in a certain place and not be of that yes and and actually show a different side of life even though you're in the midst of a dark place you are that light on a hill yes yeah and our parents always had a dream sorry dude it's to rise but just to for better you know they want to end the counselors you know it says to try to get out of the city and live the country country so that was the gold I mean obviously heaven is the ultimate goal but so we didn't real times they would take us out like we weren't allowed to go and play outside so the only we'd look out the windows when we had a chance because actually you know how the Bible says the idle hand is that it's the devil the idle mind is the devil's workshop so my mom kept us busy they would always going to school or walking out with I play the violin the flu we were always walking out with an instrument or coming in with the Bibles and things like that's what's all we were always been if not we had to practice right started singing in with spoons and knives so we're on our way the letters on the engine you know singing Sabbath school I have a picture like of us like staying in school and then one day they access this thing for I think Children's Day so it was a big Church City Tabernacle we didn't know and we didn't have a name like you know our parents we sang in worship every day we're sisters and it was a gentleman I'll never forget but the name of Robby Mills he's an excellent musician and he said the whole sisters okay and you know we'd sing the prayer meeting first at school and then it just grew from there as the years went on any brothers or just brothers it's very interesting because people will always ask to your parents saying yeah my mother had an excellent ear for music excellent ear for music so at five o'clock in the morning after worship we were each on our different instruments men she would listen and say okay stop play that again he was in the kitchen she was but mother had excellent air so between singing and playing it just all came together and poppy that's right can you imagine living in the projects playing instrument the piano the violin people would you would hear so at what point did you move from the hood to the wood and how about that we have to share Poppy's Jane because poppy and mother always said they had a vision and they dare to dream okay always said that this is not our home right here just like one day we're going to heaven one day we will live in the country so they spoke into existence the same way God said there is light speakin creation begun with speaking into existence so poppy and mother spoke it into existence and they had a faith yeah measure okay they taught his faith and he said one day we will live in the country okay in a big house on a lot of land now growing up hearing your parents say that and not seeing that it's relay but when it happened I said this is amazing and when it actually came to the bottom line and it was right in front of my papi and mother said well Kimberly Tyson Jen this is home this is the house but guess what we don't have the money and I said I reminded them of what they taught us mm-hmm papi and mother he said God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we may ask or think according to our faith so it's time papi and mother for us to get together and get on our knees and have the faith to proclaim claim it ain't lame and she's a shame that house and I want you to know we did get that house but it was 43 acres without the beautiful your dad went back to school didn't he yes he said let's hear about him like what did he what was he doing before then and how did he end up going back to school well they met okay our mom she's from Guatemala Central America and when she came to this country she was young and she could not speak English my dad just came home from the military handsome sharp in his bowtie always well-dressed you know always dressed you know haircut just line just right you know and he saw her and he was like who is this beautiful black woman I got to get to know her and they they met a church and he said too when he realized she couldn't speak English she said well if you can teach me Spanish but he they got married young and I came said they had a vision and gold and dreams and he decided they first he was he was a janitor or super and so we lived in a building I think you Kim was born I have no idea and he became they didn't have to pay rent right at that time as a super and of course you want more for your family and for your life and so he decided to go back to school to become a respiratory therapist practitioner hmm so you know can you imagine okay now we are we're sisters and she is the youngest but we were like boom boom boom okay so my mom was fertile Myrtle so we're not too far behind three young babies you know one on the hip one at the day you know and so um our dad he you know was in school come home so we would go to Guatemala in the summers and he would finish and when he finished he became a respiratory therapist practitioner yes he was at NYU New York University Medical Center for many years and that's what he did and I mean aside from work he was in church elder in the church always giving Bible study with the can with the cans after school you know we were always it was it was always about ministry and soul winning you know it food was a ministry I remember as far back as when we were six and seven and my mom brought her dad over from Guatemala and he already had one he was an amputee and he had one leg and he he was diabetic so he started to get gangrene in his big toe and the doctor said we have to chop it off and he said I will die with this you know and my mom took him and applied charcoal change his diet and herbs and changed his lifestyle and took him back in like five to six months with the restored told grace and they said well what happened you know we've always been into natural natural yeah now it's very interesting because mother and papi before they were married they were not vegetarian or vegan okay they embrace the health message they decided they embraced everything when they said we would like to do everything whatever God says we will do so if that means eating differently and eating healthy we will do that so okay that's that's how the Ministry of Health began in our home yes and it could we grew up it and it continued we grew a vegetarian and one day my parents okay so people don't know this we grew up reading Adventist home capsules on diet messages to young and from there we just evolved in terms of our health ministry mother puppy said we're going to be one day we will become vegan they say one day the council said that one day we will not want to eat the food or just any in terms of dairy or you know because being a vegetarian you're a dairy we evolved into being a vegan we always said my mom was in dad or ahead of their time growing up you had to make the tofu experimenting so things didn't always taste so good you know cooking oatmeal with feel cuz I know you're different ages actually wait we have to roll back a little bit me they moved to Queens before getting run by Isis so so we moved to the suburbs they moved to then we moved attention so while we were in high school we went to a pilot anime Aventis boarding school and that's when we came home and they were in Queens so we're like okay we packed up from the Bronx and so we're getting a little step closer we at least had some grass in the backyard to the country he would rest sometimes and not come up and then we would go up to the city to the country no poppy but a brown cube which like oh my friends everything but Tyson I love the country and just gardening and just being able to we're in the country now continues when did you start cooking because that's I mean that's our viewers might not know you might not know but the home sisters are doing a new program on dare to dream a cooking program and we're going to talk about that and you've already been to three avian cooking where did you guys learn how to cook like you do in the hood in the kitchen from the age of like nine my actually had a little story we were we went to an elementary some day adventists elementary school Artie Artie Hudson elementary school and because our parent I went there to you're not any older and they are we why are you at our tea my mom we would go to living Springs I don't know if you've ever heard of living spring just like out places because that was how to learn how to cook natural because that was the sanitary when you learned lifestyle natural remedies we be in we'd be in the in the city one day at school and on the weekend we take our uniforms and we'd head upstate to the country to the Living Springs Wellness Center to learn how to make bread because my mom she it's like total immersion you know so we'd be at our church maybe the next Sabbath but this weekend we're like sitting on the rock like with the the crew that the host singing songs in the country I don't want to say the wilderness it seemed like it yeah grass and you know but it was beautiful and we loved it Kim went crying and screaming cuz she was like and we started cooking but we've started cooking they had a restaurant yeah that's when we were able to work right we were working in the kitchen but we did learn the bass at home at home mother was a great cook mm-hmm and although she may have started with the little gobby it evolved okay very quickly because cooking ran the bloodline yeah it's very strong on both sides of the family mother and poppy and mother evolved into this amazing everybody would want come over for dinner or just want mother to cook a dish yeah so she loved to host in part yes right so she wouldn't make us get in the kitchen and it would have to work with her right always scratch Wootton from scratch Oh tofu from scratch so she was so now we're very privileged to go to Walmart or to Kroger's and eat and buy our tofu and buy our milk like yeah but we used to make that and in those days people would laugh at you I mean even I mean I've been it's we embrace the health message but yes we embrace the health message but you know I mean we should tell us you would give us a week to come week that's right that's plan the menu and I'm we're gonna buy whatever you have in the menu and you're cooking this week so what kind of an answer is would you plan well back then it was like double stuffed potatoes yeah yeah like open-faced pizzas you know things like that you know like old Milburn what age you were doing this 79 later ninth it like very early we started you know one of the things that I'm noticing and I think this is so important because on on dare to dream we really tried to promote the family and support the family unit and we show how important the father is and and and giving values and what I see in your family was that early on your parents instilled in you first of all sense of spirituality you knew who God was and and how to interact with God and how to make Jesus your friend and then your dad showed you what it was like to be the head of the home and to love his girls and his wife and then they also instilled in you this really strong work ethic so early on you took on all of these responsibilities because that's how you were trained and and one of the things that I found is that the people who are most successful in life are people who have had a strong work ethic don't you find that absolutely now in most families you got at least one or two of the kids who get a little older kind of rebelled now that won't any of you you say this is not the life I want I'm here and as soon as I get 18 I'm out of here I'm gone or did y'all just kind of this is the way life was and you not to anybody's perfect but I'm I'm just asking like Yvonne's kids you know they were raised they raised some Christian home but they tell about Lee how they used to sneak out in the hood a little bit she didn't know about it now they're old enough they tell her mom we just sneak out and go do this go do that you know I mean I don't know I'm just asking but in general your folks kept you so busy you just didn't have time to think about another life I mean we were always we would get home and you know we talked about that because at a young age or like you said the work ethic and all of that we were going from school we went to music school right after school choir we were always we would get home tutoring eight o'clock at night to eight o'clock in 9th where did we ever do how how did we like because we were so busy all the time and we got things done and we were always like I said if you even I remember sometimes if we were just goofing off Jana and I are doing something because kim loves to read so she was always in a book you know and if we were good and my mom walked by the room and saw that oh you've got nothing to do like we were always busy you know but I mean you know I little child now they say middle child syndrome would have I guess we all went along we at some point in our life had to say okay why do I believe what I believe you know for ourselves and really like when I was in college I remember I said okay so wait a minute so why when you're not home and you're able to - I went to Oakland for a year and so you have to go to church on sabbath so you say wait a minute okay so i don't have to get up five o'clock in the morning yeah you know you already structured in there yeah I'm kind of but I mean that's what I think I came to the crib was like okay is this why and really came to the fore myself you know to understand without having my parents around at Oakley yeah for a year and then came back and went to NYU you know but we never really we never rebelled I mean we've rebuilt I mean when you start students you know we didn't leave the church we did we never left and say you know put behind everything he's ever trained it was just really something we embraced something that we loved and now we're passing on to our children you know and another passion that kept us very busy is singing we've been singing since we were little girls we've sung in many places churches all over the world so when you have a passion and a ministry and a calling and you're told that and you believe that you don't have time to think about other things but it is fun yeah because we've been axed over the years the thing you know secular song right like Whitney you have recordings do backups like you know complete album or yeah commercials or and we just we would come together and we pray and say you know what that's not what we're gonna do we're just gonna stay with you know gospel music and so that was that was very I mean the challenges have been presented right Brandon the temptation have yes yes it sound like their parents went to the same school my parents with this thing about oh you need something to do we finished her work can we go down the block you ended up just okay would be quiet I mean we were happy we're very balanced you know Trina summer mother and poppy tennis places especially mother more but you're always away to museums we explore it great we have such wonderful memories so great I'm thankful for the life that we had and and I'm so thankful to poppy and one of the things that poppy said to us before he died he said listen I will see you again mm-hmm okay and you must promise me that you will keep singing okay and papi died of well we lost puppy to pancreatic cancer mm-hmm and it was very unexpected and around this time where he was very very critical we were lined up to attend General Conference the thing we had our clothes on the bed Tyson Chandler he and we just kept going back and forth or should we go should we what should we do and finally papi when he realized what was happening he said go I will be here when you return please leave now and packed our bags and we got in the plane and we went to GC he we fulfilled our mission I guess to a degree and we did sing it at General Conference I'm just still feeling very uneasy and the holy sprit and pressed is strongly now when you teach your children to obey parents it's very important to teach your children to obey from young mm-hmm when Ellen White says start from the womb that is a very serious calling and when I look at my children I have two boys and when I realized by the time he was three okay this is not cute anymore because they can obey your voice they will hear the voice that's right okay and the voice of God said leave no now mind you we had another engagement at General Conference and this is something it happens every five years we had to sing mm-hmm two more times we spoke and I said Tyson Jenn I'm just feeling this strong message if there was no hesitation we looked at again we said let's go changed it and we flew home and it was the best decision that we could have ever made yeah I'm so thankful that was our last Sabbath with our Father yeah okay it was our last Sabbath and he died that day he died tell us what what led up to that with him how he was doing and and how it happened and all that we didn't even you know the we are say the enemy is so busy because like because our mom has been in health and helping people all her lives and teaching them alternatives you know he's a slender slim man so we didn't see any we just saw him just losing weight a little more you know and maybe getting a little tired Jane coffee yeah it happened so quickly we I think we had three deaths that year our aunt died my mom's sister died in April so we our dad was there and I'm coming from Michigan cuz I was in Michigan at Andrews with my husband and children and Jan called me when we were on our way to the funeral poppy just looked at me and in Walmart and said I'm looking for my daughter and I said oh just to double back a little bit my dad was in the war so a lot of people say well hot you know so he had and he was in Vietnam or Korea and they said like maybe 15 or 20 years ago they found out that he only had two beta cells and that's what controls their insulin it was in the pancreas so we can live with two but we can't you know we're supposed to have three everyone is born with three so I guess right before our eyes we didn't realize I guess what was happening he had issues with his you know pancreas and whatnot and he just asked to check his sugar because that made him have issues with his sugar you know make sure it's not too hard too low she checked it you know so anyhow make a long story short he just started losing weight and getting weeks I said take him to the emergency room they did a full workup he worked at Orange Regional Medical Center before he he retired because he just retired two years prior to passing and so everyone loved him there to know him was to love him when they saw him coming they were like John like you know they just rolled they did everyday work to work to Monday they were not leaving that room until they found out what was going on with John mm-hmm and came back I remember I was work that night I was working down at Monty fury in the Bronx and she text me and said you know it's not looking good they say they've seen a mass and I'm like fast like you know and they said it was you know on his pancreas and they were like you're not in pain John and my dad was like no he was I mean let me tell you until he died to his last breath no pain and anyone in the medical field knows I'm a nurse so you see people die every day of cans of painful yeah and so they're saying that it must have been his diet that caused because with the with what happened with you know the beta cells and whatever the mass going and he his sugar was like right before he passed it was like we kept checking his sugar you know there was 30 and I was like you should be in a diabetics know your sugar is tell her he took his last breath he was he was talking even so you know I never had yeah during commands isn't coming I mean meaning he was still trying to win souls on his death you know when you're dying so he was calling out he it's a burden for the world message to his niece right before he who was just you know what when he loved Andrea he raised actually a lot of yeah it was like the dad to a lot of them Uncle John Lee yeah John Lee and he was still tell tell them what happened exactly how poppy raised up at that point oh he was just he was so weak at this point in it lost so much weight and he just stood up and called out her name and but she was already there because she had been lying down you know oxygen on he you know he was very good and we knew he was slowly going by and he just got strength from you know just God has to say to just say her name and she told she was already impressed to come see him you know she didn't go to church with us you know we take it to church you know and he was always taking somebody to church everybody know you going to his house you going to church I remember growing up in the projects you know you had the guys I thought you were cute you know what is grow enough and they would say so you know we're teenagers you know 13 14 and then you know we just walking in it's a one guy called himself like and me and coming to the house I mean we didn't have any relationship or anything so he knocked on my dad's door and my dad oh what's your name thanks to me - you ride it you're right on time people's doors you know y'all scared right before he died and he was just speaking he said take care of your mother keep singing and I would see you again and people would always say well why didn't he ask God to extend his life so then I chose a car like Hezekiah and Pappy said I am a patriarch of God just like Abraham and just like Moses and at their appointed time God said go to the mountain Moses there close your eyes and he said I will walk in their steps and this is my time and I receive it I embrace it and I will see you again so he died with all of us around him singing his favored him it was just one of the most it was the most wonderful experience experience that you know to remember to have the memory was just beautiful so yeah yeah it's absolutely incredible because think what what do people do that don't really believe in God you don't have the hope of the Resurrection I mean how do you get yeah I in this sinful world where nothing is fair nothing as you know like you think it should be and yet he was this Hebrews 11 he's a stranger Sojourner but he was looking afar off I'm just I'm just here on this earth that's my my home but as I'm passing through I'm gonna reach everybody I can for Jesus and you know I mean incredible so we see what gives you girls strength that's why the words gave us that said go ye therefore and teach oh that's our motto baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and the Holy Ghost and we not we do not have the credentials to baptize people well we do have the credentials to speak just to sing now we have the credentials to cook and whatever way we can reach people we will do that yeah in the second half we'll talk about we got about 1214 minutes but we want to talk about because people a lot of folks say Adventist you always worried about food what's a big deal about food aren't you worried about you know that and I want to understand maybe you can give us understanding what's important because why do people like yourself spend so much time cooking food I mean food is food isn't it and really because we have most of our viewers are not seven to having us figure dining probably 95% of our viewers around the world are now seven to having as Christian so some write and say what do you spend so much emphasis on health and I know that you you be able to explain that to us a little bit later but what we're finding out so far the home sisters I'm sure if we go through each of your lives you have problems like everybody else whether it's domestic problems financial problems physical problems you do all of these things but you have a piece in that peace that passeth all understanding literally it goes back to your parents they instilled training for child and when he's old and not depart from it doesn't mean they may stray in there but they'll know they'll come back oh yeah I mean that you said there's a piece cuz actually my husband wasn't always a pastor when we were when we got married and but he always had a burden for souls in the preaching he comes from a lineage of pastors three of his uncle's a pastor so when he finally decided to accept the calling and he left we were in business and he went to Mission college of advanced I don't know if you know that anyway when he went we lost it all like when he got there things were good money was in the bank every week I mean like really and one day they called him up here he was a contractor your two contracts too and they said if you don't come back tomorrow we will turn your contract yeah and he called me and he was saying hi you know I'm out here I'm at the homestretch I'm almost done and he said but you know I have a family you and sarahsammy wasn't born then and I have to come back and I said you cannot come back because the Bible says no man putting his hand so if God called you amen he's going to provide a way he's going to people you know but there was a piece that I had you know even though because he was like you know booked the ticket tonight you know what are we gonna do how are we gonna make it and we lost it all mmm we lost our home we lost everything when I see a testimony like and in but how long ago was this this was to this day this was in 2008 2008 okay this happened and he graduated and by that he's graduated November by January we were in Minnesota he became a Bible worker after that he sorts the pastor and we had lost three children you know I was pregnant with Sarah in between and it just kept you know and so they they called us out there to start it because we had a home delivery a health food store and a home delivery service and he had the trucks we closed it cuz I got pregnant and so they called us out there to open it I don't know if you heard of the Dan Buettner in the Blue Zone so we went out there to do the Blue Zone in Minnesota in Minnesota and we got out there and I became pregnant and it just so happened the lady who called us out her daughter-in-law was an obstetrician so she took interest in me because she knew my situation long story short when I became pregnant I was on bed rest because I had incompetent cervix and so I couldn't do the store and it wasn't planned you know so Orville said I have to do something he fasted and prayed for three days came back and said I'm going to Aaron juice I said you were it is now what was it like April the baby is not due until November he said well God told me to go I was like well I guess we gotta go if you know we just got here you know yeah and we went to Andrews by faith and Jason I thought I'd never forget we called our family to tell them and Jan and you know Jude her husband is a graduate evangelist but she also went and he said Andrews and he said God will provide away and he did we lived in a rented home my rent was paid every month and every you know and then after that I had the baby and then I became the catering director of Andrews University when I told you how god when that when that ended I went back to you know I'd already graduated from school and I've always had an interest in health I went back got into an accelerated program they had only accepted ten people out of thousands of applicants and I said so we have a planet goal by the time you're done I'm done we're done with you know I it was God God thank you for our viewers would you call that coincidence or accident or divine providence I'm sorry you see what you're seeing is what they're saying is and they're lifting up Jesus and doing it so basically folks watch on TV and they'll watch folks and they'll say well you guys don't understand you know they see is setting up there and you're pretty dressed up and in their suits you're like well you guys don't understand you've got money you got oh yes you've got that you don't go through these problems that's right but what what we're understanding what they're saying to you and sharing is your faith doesn't begin till your sight ends that's right so people say well I don't know a church want to have evangelistic series and I said well how much money do we have in the bank well we got five thousand why don't we wait till we have ten then we can write now you know so now is that faith or is that your own planning see so in your situation you say you know what we're not going to come back if we lose the contracts we lose the contracts we're just gonna trust God we're gonna tell you trust God all the way where you're going out through the pregnancies and now to Andrews University which is expensive well you know most universities are we came the catering director his tuition was 50% can you imagine your Joe out of how many what did you say you were chosen or accept oh and then I was accepted it was the only place I said lord please you got to do this because usually people out of like thousands of applicants music people you apply to different schools well I was like I gotta go here cuz this is the closest yeah so we just prayed and left it in the hands of God you know you can't lose when you obey God that's the if God tells you to come out from something and leave he's not gonna just leave it okay now you're on your own hopeless or helpless in your situation now all of a sudden you're accepted we look back over the years you don't regret what you did you know God God has fully restored the son because actually we say we have three children because I gave birth to Orville jr. mm-hmm prior to that so I had a miscarriage but then I was five months pregnant excited and two weeks before my sister's Kimberly's wedding my son I gave birth and our son passed away in my mom's and that was also a pinnacle my husband almost walked away because he pleaded to God do not let my son die like David and so when we stood around the hospital bed holding my dying son or my dead son he was dead by then I had a piece I remember I looked up in my dad's eye and he had tears coming down and I said poppy well I ever see him again you know you're I mean faithful and everyone was around my sisters my mom I did everyone was there and my husband he walked out he wasn't a pastor that see you see how the enemy comes in oh yeah you know brings in like a fact they said their enemy comes in like a flood oh yeah I think God raises up a state could so he couldn't pray then you know but it's okay you know we it's real you have a lotion yeah he's like God wait a minute like I prayed I you know can't you see that you know sorry good not mean but I wasn't thinking about getting pregnant yeah I have a son now fabulous God is fully restored and we're back in New York and we just purchased a home in the country you know able to do a garden again when we left we lost this one of my god to show you this one when you trust in God and lean not to your understanding like you said like you said it's Danny if you don't see it in the bank okay let's wait till it you know buy the ticket come back you know I like seeing that money in the bank it was weekly it was a weekly paycheck yeah and it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't a sneeze and you know the doctor all start because how he done for about six months when we couldn't sing because I had bells me yes yes it was a few years back and I woke up one morning my face was twisted and it was paralyzed and I said to my husband what's going on he rushed me to the hospital and they took all these tests and they said you know what's going and they said I had Lyme well eventually the tests came back I had Lyme disease you know we're in the country and we're like I was so thankful to God and you know there are a lot of Tears and yeah there's all Lyme disease and I was paralyzed for about six months one lockjaw couldn't speak couldn't sing we had an engagement we were lined up my mouth was locked literally but not sick tyshee moved into my house she helped take care of the kids because jewel was going to work she was taking care the kids now I mean we had we we have some tests oh yeah and I'm still my face is still paralyzed slightly but I sing I give glory to God just through it all I say three we learn to trust in jail even miles I mean twisted and I said but you know God is the healer I said you know what devil you will not sweat on ministry down metal we have to just push through and let the Word of God go forth yeah same song through bars just a couple of bars [Music] through yes [Music] [Music] home sisters and gas because I think every day and I must say - so sweet too trusting oh c'mon yeah that's the take him at his word yeah when I sing every time I open my mouth is an act of faith for me so we were just sitting here speaking to the audience and Yvonne said it once vote and I had to whisper too tight so tight I can't hear her and most people don't know that when I sing mm-hmm it's always a struggle because I can't hear I'm a hundred percent deaf in my left ear I hope most people don't know that I've never said that before so 3abn they know now right so many times unless if we don't do a solid sound check mm-hmm you don't know what circumstance that you're going to face so it's truly God so when we go up to sing oh yeah we just like many of the stars in the world they serve our God and they claim that God and they said there's a force that takes control of me when I sing oh oh there's a force the Living God all of me when I guess hey you good he allows me to hear what I need to hear okay and he covers whatever needs to be covered she was in borås the angels that sing with us and that's what we ask God make sure you say you weren't born like this and I wasn't born like that it's it was a city weighing on it we went to California when you came back remember it was actually Chicago okay we went to Chicago we went to a friend's wedding and he came back and she kept falling on the floor Munir is what it's called oh yeah I want us to explore that even further because it's a rich testimony and so we have to we want to hear more about it we do but look at this time as we do now well you're the HOS it's great testimony folks we're gonna come back and we have another hour we're gonna be sit watching this video we're gonna be maybe hearing some more music more testimony I don't know about you but I'm having church so state yes be back in just a moment [Music] [Music] welcome back to 3bn today live with the home sisters and my co-host dan show what a blessing this has been as this first hour I hope you were able to watch the past hour if not you can look at our schedule will repeat this program some but what a blessing that to know that God is in control I mean we live in a dark world yeah girls oh yeah a dark world if we look around us everybody you know and there's people that literally take in their own lives every day because I have no hope but we have hope that's your only hope for this world today is Jesus Christ and what an honor and what a privilege to be living in these closing moments of Earth's history and to see God at work in people's lives absolutely and that's why we're so blessed to have the home sisters with us today and people look at you and think everything's perfect and we begin to hear hey you have problems like everybody but the difference and a lot of folks you know where to turn to that's to the Lord Jesus Christ because he gives you peace in the midst of this storm and so what a great testimony I'm so thankful that you all are here Thank You Yvonne for letting me to be in an all-girls he says I could be with her on here so why not let's try whatever so what a great testimonial ittle bit we're gonna get back to more testimony and we even got a little video and then we're going to talk to us about about some of the programs she'll come and say you want me get bringing some of that vegetarian was macro you know so sure I'll get some roundabout hanging around I guess that's cuz she's producing the program yeah we're going to talk some more about that and that food but we have a song for you again from the Jimmy Grady yes Rio God of what's to come [Music] while to summon up the courage and the faith Lord I knew I heard you calling me took a step away from the familiar and the safe followed you into uncertainty even that the best is yet to be [Music] of us to come [Music] dreams one so I can trust you [Music] stage is never easy even for the bravest hearts especially when you can't see what's in store but all the lines are all the pages of my life so far testify how you are faithful or she will be with me and you [Music] I can trust you god [Music] elastica [Music] treefon [Music] oh I'm at that sound I love their blend beautiful their voices are wonderful and what a blessing the music god of what yes yes yes and it fits so beautifully with what we're talking about yeah because we know that God's got us each of your testimonies really has shown that God has brought you from this point to this but he's so faithful yeah he's such a faithful guy and we were talking to Kim about her testimony and it's yeah I know it's uncomfortable because you haven't done it before so it's got to be kind of uncomfortable but what a blessing it is Kim because this has been a faith walk for you it has been tell us when you were originally diagnosed and what this is all about 10-15 years ago I was diagnosed with the Meniere's and with my nearest comes to vertigo so I came home after playing I was normal I walked in the door and the next morning I woke up and I couldn't I kept falling to the ground mm-hmm-hmm and I'm a very healthy person I drank my wheatgrass and I literally had to crawl down the stairs and crawl to the kitchen mm-hmm it's my parents cuz you couldn't stay cause I couldn't stand up I couldn't walk and I was crying because I felt helpless and my parents they rushed me to the hospital and they diagnosed me with with veneers and veneers is basically you lose your hearing so I lost my hearing on my left side they ran all these tests they suggested operation but it was only a 50% chance of me getting my hair and it was my hearing and mm-hmm I felt it would be more of an experiment so I said I'm not taking that chance I'll rather live with one ear and just Lord if you blessed me I will praise your name can okay and so I've done that and I've never considered myself to be challenged in any way I mean I don't think about it really I just live the only time I really have to be a little bit more conscious is when I'm singing hmm so every time I every time I go on a stage to minister with my sister's the prayer is God you are able to do expediently and abundantly above all that we may ask or think according to our faith and I stand on the Word of God with bigger aid and I just want you to know that legacy that my dad left behind yes a faith it was a faith walk putting us through Christian school that big faith mixing we were in the office the principal office minute like when you didn't pay your tuition they would embarrass you and I was like oh so I get to be out of class for a little bit all right big faith school all right see Hudson we went to Kim graduated from Northwestern Academy and I Forge Academy I went to Andrews they went to Oak were so you know just not only that instruments music lessons oh yeah I was in Orchestra as I play for the is orchestras private lessons in the US the Girls Choir of Harlem so it was expensive oh so our dad was working two and three two and three jobs and they would call him horse it was an Indian name horse you know horses are very strong and they work and they would call them horse cuz he was a hard worker so that when his family said why are you doing this why are you driving mercedes-benz poppy and mother poppy and mother took us everywhere in this in this car my friends will Thailand but look what happened god bless and got his dream my parents dreams came true okay they dare to dream and Tasha and I we are living that dream and we are continuing to dream and taking it to the next level with our families yeah can you imagine you understand yeah pouring into them everything that they gave to us and more and that's it that's what it's so important we have a legacy to pass on to our children yeah and your parents they deposited into you these values and and now you're doing it with your children yes because we were talking before about what you're doing right with them tell us what tell us what what about your kids what they do with their lunches cooking and all that oh well I homeschool my two children they've always been homeschooled all their life and so that affords me the opportunity to be home with them and to they can cook like I said full spread and my daughter both of them actually a full meal on their own and how old are your children they're now 14 and 12 okay my daughter's education cookies in her cinnamon buns and they just love so I spent a lot of time with them at home teaching them to cook and they they also play instruments my son plays piano my daughter plays violin and my daughter is now starting to sing solos in church and so we're keeping them pretty active I'm trying to continue because we know the times that we're living in today these are rough times and you're competing with social media and you're competing with you know television and just so there's so many distractions that's right so my husband and I we just pray we dirty our knees that's the key with Yvonne her story's not like your folks with you all like she had two boys that that she did the best she could and I'm a single parent and raising these boys and then they both you know left left the church arrives they left the Lord for a while he doesn't leave you but then a few years ago here's Jason now absolutely dedicated totally mark [Music] about a month ago I was doing program with Tim Parton here and I was saying that I had you know one one son is walking with the Lord and there was another one that wasn't but I knew that God was going to save him and the Lord has been so faithful and he brought mark here and now my older son is here too and do it for baptism he's gonna get baptized and praise the Lord because this woman I'm sure through the days and the night but every day if she's new around here or lunch we're doing whatever she said oh that's 12 o'clock we gotta pray for mark he's been praying and now you know Marcus 40-ish now so you don't give up on these children you continue to pray and God were set apart from that society the changes in their lives is amazing to see her like living this and that's been her dream your folks are able to see that your father before he passed seeing that his daughter's what you know what you put in comes out you know what she sees what you what you that's what we tell young people what you watch is what you you know you behold become so it's important for parents that you keep your kids busy yeah and I love this because my dad it's not exactly the way in the Bible but it idols workshop the principle is there scriptures there I think because I made sure that no one just had nothing to do or you're right Lord that if you got unhappy or antsy he called it son you looking answer you must know I'm okay okay well why don't we just you know but your folks doing that and a lot of folks to parents today they don't want to I mean tell their kids no they don't say it's not you know nobody's doing it at school the kids around us it seems like sitcoms and things the kids make the parents look stupid I can't hardly watch the kids are always smarter than my arts and then all the stuff that they do and and so your kids have a whole lot more things to distract them as you mentioned then they did you and in ours now my grandkids that's age and older than some of some of your children they have all of these distractions so the devil is out to steal kill and destroy but Jesus says I'm coming to give you life and my mother was a stay-at-home mom and that legacy continues but it's a sacrifice to in this day and age mm-hmm to become a stay-at-home mom mm-hmm so most people don't know that Jan is an engineer by trade an engineer was in the she was at world trade she had the testimony about right she was at the second time when we were in the room Jan used to work what was the first place that you worked that when you graduated from school total network oh it told her network solutions yeah she worked within the network solutions and basically basically she was controlling Wall Street you know with her supportive in supporting the network give us the right word but supporting the network and computer network the computer network and when so she was very interested in with I think his name is Tim when they were talking about the controls and all that but she was in 9.1 she the short story pretty much that morning my husband and I you know we parted he went to work and I took the train and we were newlyweds and I went into work and when I arrived the first plane had already struck the tower and I didn't know what was going on when I went into the building yes the Train the traffic's caught right underneath so I when I went up the the escalator and I just there was debris everywhere and just close and just close articles shoes just debris just all over the place and people running and I didn't know what was going on and so I continued to try to go to my to my job and my at that time we had pagers and my people just start going off and everyone's trying to get in touch with me and pretty much I was started headed up headed up to work and they turned us around and they told us we had to leave so as soon as I got outside the second plane hit so I just heard this huge sound and it was just it was just a sound that has never left my mind and I ran for shelter and you just heard this explosion and so at the time I didn't know what it was and I remember calling of state because I was you know I just huddled in a building and I called my parents and I said I don't know what's going on but something's going on at my job and I'm safe I just want to let you know that I'm okay and my dad was like well are you okay you know they turned on the news and I went back outside because they told us that they had to secure the bank I ran into a Bank of America they said we have to secure the bank you guys have to leave and I went outside and it was right after that that the building collapsed oh and she was and falling out back to her the building collapsed towards her I don't know what happened you know I just remember that I couldn't move and she was I remember whispering a prayer and I thought it was my last friend I said god yeah I just want to see you yeah when I opened my eyes you were covered in the buried all that white you saw yeah and also to the story is even more powerful because it started Kimberly when she saw it she called me because I was working in Manhattan at that time and Kim said this when I was living upstate in Monroe and I took the cheats at the Train I took the bus so when I came out into the Grand Central Station it was on every camera and I said well what's going on there when I saw the building I said Jan that's why I thought off right I couldn't get the phone to work you know maybe the signals but I somehow when I got upstairs Kim called me at my job into Tysha you have to get Jen you have to go to you because I was on 42nd and then I was in the middle of Manhattan and she was down in lower Manhattan so Kim was in Harlem in city sure whatever you do now they're taking people to the hospitals everywhere you have people you have to find Jay and I'm like okay I have to find you and I couldn't get Chia and her phone so Jan called my job as well got through my cell wasn't working and said I'm safe praise God I don't know what's going on this before the cloud at least I heard her voice right I said okay Jan just start Kim said to me cuz Kim had a friend Michael mentor who worked as an administrator at Bellevue Kim said Taisha go to Bellevue holy spirit Bellevue Hospital I'm saying Bellevue I said Kimberly Wow how do you know Janet Bellevue she said just go there maybe Michael can find her at any other Hospital just in case she's gonna just go didn't know whatever I told that meter there we would all meet we would all nuts so Janet already called and said so I said Jan when she called to said I'm okay I said Jan just walk towards Bella meet me in Bellevue just start and by that time the second plane hit and she was in the rubble and I didn't know so I went left my job and I said I see you later I'm going to find my sister so there's a mass exodus going uptown and I'm walking against the grain downtown to go to the trains that stop by right buses were packed people were hanging on the sides the back trying to get up and in people are walking and so by this time I didn't know she was under the rubble I just who I spoke to her and let me tell you how awesome and amazing God is he's so faithful but when I got to build we finally got to 14th streets you know how long from 42nd to 14 but I was on a mission I couldn't get in because the lines were wrapped around the hospital because everyone is getting the blood everyone is looking for their family members everyone is you know it's it's you know something but how am I gonna get inside cuz they're not letting us in we have a cousin so when he saw me he said he said Todd God what are you doing down here I said Oh cousin Tommy I'm so happy to see you I spoke to Kim Kim told me to come and get Jane here and she have you seen it you know and he's like well let's go in and look so I will pass that all those [Music] right under the do not cross and when I tell you the favor of God you want to do it cuz Jan got him but can you finish it well ambulance picked around somebody I just say it's it was my angel my angel that literally dug me out right from the debris and you know I was bruised and I still have burns here no burns on my hand and burn but they laid me on a church step and the ambulance came eventually I don't know where and I don't know I don't remember the process but I just know that when the ambulance went to when the door is open they said we're gonna get her and we're gonna get it take her and we're at Bellevue and I'm here in Bellevue I'm saying you know they walk and take you to Bellevue he was like man wherever us happy I said you're right you're right I said I need to go to Bellevue I just need to go to Bellevue that was that was nice he said man wherever you end up because they were taking people to three why you though you said wherever you end up just be happy but we ended up in Bellevue and as soon as the ambulance doors opened the first person there was Kim's friend Michael Menna straighter over the hospital at that time it was it a favor it was just God with my cousin we're like page Michael manna please and he comes down and says he hugs me and says Taisha I have your sister imagine we let me saw each other and I saw my sister covered in that suit like that was so yes yeah forget to tell you was because eventually under the debris and she was late for work because they decided to have worship all of my co-workers at the time I was a consultant an engineering consultant at the port of it they were starting a new project no one made it out that's why you see these tears they didn't make it out she was the only no one thought I shouldn't why were you just getting there I figured by Satan for that morning my husband and I said you know we were I said well let me wash my hair before and I took a later train and I didn't go in as early as I would have mm-hmm and tell you it's God and I just said my work is not done yeah it's not done because no one on that floor made it out so we we we we just praise God everyday yeah just know that we have a testimony that's right so this day she still doesn't know who dragged her out it was covered and she liked her blacks all she heard was what did I gotten you got to get out of here yeah and they were dragging her about one hand so when I saw her she was bloodied all on her knees and this one hand here because she was being pulled by one hand just through the rubble and then somebody else came and just poured water all over her face when they laid it on to the other side so she could see again and you know all of that can be cleaned away and washed up and the burns can heal look at y'all sitting here today and our poor mother on the other end my dad's a pastor Janet I'm sure they'll call Jan called and I don't care but Janet they've closed the bridge well I'm walking across they want to go over they got to the bridge and they're like man let anyone in I thought my mother said well I can walk my daughter is on the other side and I have to so my father's like honey my daughter so he's like all right well let's go and we came together that night I'll never forget it and we had a reunion of think that's a sample of the reunion you all will be placed in men amen looking so bored yes we can just tell them where things are going yeah the Lord's gonna be coming and we just have to know what this tells you it tells you that the devil hates you yes devil hates you because God you've been dedicated to the service of the Lord and the devil you are on his you know I always talk about the devil in his emptor whatever they want to call them but they don't know everybody by name but they know the home sister out there so the devil himself is saying we're gonna try to destroy but look what guys don't it runs you through it all her homing robbed us of her automobiles even Eden Roberts of her health but it can't rob us of our soul [Applause] here we are guys that's why we pray for folks it's out in ministry a special hedge about them yeah God has a work for you and so you already know it you've been through so much that you know God has something so it you have it as somebody said to me you shouldn't say the word but you ain't seen nothing speak in a church I think made 12 to 14 we're going to be it you're in New York grand conquering concourse Church you know and we're inviting the home sister so we hope y'all come it's in the Grand Concourse Bronx New York may 12th I think we have Friday night Sabbath morning Sabbath afternoon and maybe a Sunday morning and so if you guys come and do a little music love be singing there and so no telling who else have a group of us and we'll be having Church there so if you're in the area and you watch it be sure and come if you know folks in the area that live and call them and say hey come and see city folk there and visit with us and worship with us so we look forward to that song about a month away or so yeah you know I'm too far away for sure okay now we got I can't believe we've got less than 30 minutes oh wow and we have not even started talking about this new programs and we got some video to show right Ivar yeah so whenever you want to I'm enjoying this what an incredible Tony for those who are watching to see that we serve a risen Savior yeah it's so inspiring to hear your stories and to see just how faithful God is here and what he's done and God brought you here some years ago to 3abn yeah tell us about your your journey here and then we have a video that we're gonna show okay when you came here before so Todd you get here how did you get to 3abn okay we were singing at a Women's Conference in northeastern it was Mary Ann was Congress but it was saying okay it was a conference in our conference and we were the praise and worship leaders and for the North Eastern Conference that's what we were from and so pastor Murray was there that that weekend and or that yeah and we've known pastor Murray you know from emphasis so he saw us all grown up cuz you know he's been gone and he's like wait a minute are these I am not hurt you ladies in years you know we just kind of we're looking he's like we connected and you just like we gotta kick you guys out you don't through the end you know and you started cut to talking and you guys cook as well yeah we could do it we have a program did a dream he told us about and then magna crying magnify him lessons magnify him and so we came up define and then they called us back to do the today with Jill that's what we do together if we're cooking I mean we get together so we have fun in the kitchen Jill you're our sister now pastor Murray invite you to come here sometimes people invites to come here doesn't ever leave [Laughter] now I interviewed her for the book so that's the history now and then dare to dream for this number of years and so be careful you country we got a lot of country we have a clip of you when you first came and a program you did so that's what okay okay okay we have our herb roasted vegetables that was fab and that goes with our pecan-crusted tofu we have a homemade tuna and our homemade baked pita chips and it looks like a fish it's me now we've moved on to our collard greens our raft colors and I'm sorry fiery red pepper sauce that's right zucchini boats fishy and then here is our fancy drink that's our lemon agua fresh in harbin to welcome back friends we're here with our delicious spread of desserts to be eaten in different hmm well we have our no big blueberry cheesecake we have homemade strawberry ice cream I was gonna say they're both fabulous I can't decide which is my face like one and we have our lemon glaze pound turn mood boosting cookies oh yeah yeah with bottles of mega threes mm-hmm a caramel popcorn I'm gonna try it in just a moment mm-hmm and our monkey bars oh yeah they should maybe be in any time of the day breakfast lunch yeah Oh wonderful and we have popcorn here some popcorn mmm wonderful delicious vegan homemade treats you know what I'm noticing as we've been talking about all the different memories that my sisters were centered around family music yes and we want to go out singing a special song yes don't yes we do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to tell us about some of the family there the family member to meet all those Wow all of our children were their [Music] [Laughter] babies you know what actually because as you girls they remind me your counterparts would be the the Mitch of sisters on three a very dedicated their parents and kept them busy and working and and literally sent them to the aventure schools and all of that but reason I said that is I don't know the ages of the other kids but like Sendas daughter when she was what 13 or so they started doing their own cooking for young you know for young kids for teenagers so maybe you're gonna have to do a program that your kids come their own what made you decide to get into cooking like I mean to do it as a ministry Wow growing up it's we just have we've always had fun in the kitchen yeah cooking was so it was successful and because of what how my mom had the health ministry was ministry she was always teaching people we just always saw her she would tack people over with eczema and put oatmeal all over their body like she would always take a special interest in someone in the church of someone's cuz she's helped so many people do God's grace you know God gives and she's still helping so one of the promises that was made my parents told God if we get this house we will make it a blessing okay and that 42 acre estate has truly been a blessings we've had wedding yes we've had camper ease we've had it and now it's the place where people come is a mini lifestyle yeah home yeah in her home in her home and she people come from all over the world and lives have changed and one meal at a time one meal at a time what I mean three people have left and you know gotten baptized went from her house to the pool yeah and you know so the the health was changed that lifestyle the whole life that was Jen and a big part of that ministry is cooking right yeah so we've always seen her cook and help and and then working at theis we call her the lead the lead chef this is her time al our bell that's right I grew up one of grandma Lara's house every Sunday poppy would take us to his mother's house every Sunday for the soul food dinner that's right and we had at that time we were vegetarian so we had the lemon pound cake and the macaroni and cheese and when we evolved to become vegans a different time all together Yeah right is it four times in a you know yeah but I'm attitude I just realized that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and hard bodies are the temple so to me that is the basis for everything right we take so much we take better care of our cars in our homes and we do the temple that God has given us you know we only have one life to live and God says to whatever we do whether we eat or whether we dream it all do it all over the Word of God so if it is not glorifying him you know we have to ask that question you know we go for our cars in our homes much you know more than you know keeping sacred that template Ayesha can take anything she can see something and she puts a twist on it or a spin she she makes a mean barbecue tofu rib I mean this man that's no for you to imagine what a lot of our viewers to think you have nothing on tell you we were doing the creative cooking program and you you're cooking the food and then we get to sample it oh my goodness see you weren't here the food was so good I can't wait for the backwards ready what in fact we have a sample clip of creative cooking Oh because I want the viewers to see and those who are listening by radio what's the new program this is a new program coming out on dare to dream and praise the Lord and with the home sisters put it on the parent to you oh the food is just incredible so let's take a look at this little video [Music] [Applause] I like healthy food they taste so good I like to eat good food when you say now [Music] in this potato that I'm holding I can just go in my backyard and dig it up and we make some potato sense right good yeah this food that we're sharing in these recipes collard greens yeah right outside cabin ring right in our backyard Swiss chard I tell you okay so we're just gonna take the recipes the ingredients to the recipe and we're just gonna throw it in Rikka which gives it the nice color smoked paprika please and then our olive oil just mix it around mix it around now you can use your hands we're gonna use a spatula today Tasha I'm noticing that the tosyl is not falling apart no extra firm tofu you want to make sure don't try this with a silken I mean it might get a lot a couple of little pieces that fly off and they're disobedient and then we'll just pour our triangles right on the tray give it a little shake all right now that we've shown you how to eat it it's time to choose alright so the juice we have today is a kale detox smoothie you need to like get the care for body lunch moving just let it then we can talk so important for us to really pay attention to the things that we put in our bodies and it's great to give it a rest sometimes to detox and when you detox you feel energized great you guys got me excited you're not gonna keep [Laughter] these girls later you did a lot of programs over the last few days yeah I've been doing a lot of well I mean that's a lot of work now for those of us watching it it's a lot of fun but I happen to know there's a lot of preparation that goes in and and work that goes into this but the fruit of your Labor's that's great and so again the mission seventh-day Adventist are known you know people say well we know that they go to church on a strange day they go to church Saturday and they eat strange food when the truth of it is going the day that the Bible says Saturday and we eat the food that God to eat but the importance of the health message dates way back into the early days the Adventist Church when an impression on Ellen White that that literally the health message is as important just as our right arm is to the body but people and we found that to be true here 3 a bee and they're people who they they don't want to hear somebody preaching they don't hear somebody singing but maybe they've got a bad report from the doctors their health as bad we've seen this over and over and over again and they hear mmm healthful cook well I'll stop and listen to that and you know what once their heart is softened to that then well who are they be who are these girls what are they let me hear about it and then you start talking about the Lord they see you're happy well I'm not happy why are they so happy and then pretty soon they're watching the other programs and we see people come we have seen people I personally saw someone in Oregon who was raised and her folks were and witches and said she had seen a number of actual sacrifices as a as a child and she literally was in her 50s and her health was bad she was gonna die and she was at a doctor's office and someone said well they were talking among themselves the patient's and said would you watch 3abn know what's 3abn well they have a lot of good healthy food and this lady ended up giving her heart to Jesus we hitches sisters and others yeah literally she's a witch and she had determined to kill her son and her husband because she didn't want them when she died to become Christians so she was gonna make sure she took him with them but she gave her heart to Jesus and and it's an amazing story so powerful ministry that you all read it to me you know being able to tie all of your gifts together you know you're singing you're doing it and Jason came out with you yeah but tell us about the structure of the program how was it how is the program laid out and who did that why did you guys do it like that because I think it's a great idea how did we come out we were just actually we had a whole completely different we were praying and I remember praying and just trying to say God you got to do something I can just reach people and we don't just want it to be all right just because you know make it more that you know and then it was just like okay creative I eat it mcgarrick juice it cuz we juice every day so do what you do and we this is I mean eating morning we start we live in three different homes but we all start with a smoothie smoothie or something so we juice yeah we have smoothies and so this is just a part of our lives so the program is broken up into eat it juice it we're ways we can be created with the we're apart is our sister Kim okay she wears a juice it and never comes likely eat a juice it wear it wait juice it eat it she was doing it and then she the song she we call her like the jingle Queens because she's she can take anything she sings to her boys for everything haha Jambi good because she's oh because her song that she sings to her side if she came up with the song but she wears everything yeah what he made only me she wears it food in the kitchen Kim and she sees a lemon she's rubbing it on her face oh this would be good for my eyes my skin so you know it just came together like our life that we're sharing with viewers because we do eat it like to hear that jingle again why don't y'all say that once for it okay I don't tell people oh right I like healthy food it tastes so good I like to eat good food what'd you say now I like to eat good food I like to eat [Applause] [Laughter] got it all God inspired and God ordained and I will always be thankful to mother and poppy for what the sacrifices that they've made and for living the life that's the key as parents we must live the life not just go to church and take our children to church the children must see the life lived at home and that's different I made a difference so I'm sorry but I'm so thankful for our husband oh absolutely all married yeah and just we're always on the roll right you're singing or just cooking or and it's it consumes our life you know but we try I mean right now the kids at home with a hobby you know we get all the jokes and the stories but they were really they're really supportive and the children are very supportive as well and the kids are really so we have a lot to be thanked and you know who would knew my husband is a pastor now I didn't marry a pastor so now we're in ministry together ministry you know it's really amazing we really thank God for it and it takes the family to pull together to make it successful because if you were out here without the support of your spouse's and your children yeah it would be so difficult to do but it's so special when you're in ministry with your spouse it just makes to me it makes all the difference and then your children your children learn you know they learn firsthand how to do all of this and they all thing all of all things oh I'm playin straight that's my daughter played Sarah plays violin and piano and sannyasis on the piano da-jung plays a piano and joshua is following in this foot - mystery what do you want the viewers who watch creative cooking to know each of you speak just a minute or so into your camera and and speak to that viewer that's struggling with the health issue and talk about the relationship between health and food and spirituality and all of that but whatever it is you want that viewer to get from creative cooking share that with them please well I want you to know that just take it one step at a time okay hmm we try to make creative cooking very simple quick and easy and so just follow along with the program jump right in we try to make it fun and just very exciting and creative don't stress about it you know try to the foods are organic and they're natural but take it one step at a time have fun with it because it's good for your body it's good for your health and you'll see that the more you do it the easier it will become and we are fearfully and wonderfully made Rome was not built in a day so it's a daily step by step process and like Jen said take it one day at a time don't try to go out and just buy everything and say okay now what do I do you know just throw something in there every day just try something different every day okay I'll try because watching you all what you're doing take yeah you know I want to try one at a time exactly and our palan to our palate it's not gonna change all of a sudden you understand so if you're used to eating something old if you can't just turn it off and say so just slowly begin to add things and that's God for grace because he's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think I was literally going to say that yeah yes on this journey it is a spiritual walk it's a faith walk and just take out in your hand and say Lord I am aiming to live for you I want better health you created me and I'm willing to do as you have inclined so day by day step by step let's work together we're here for you you can write to us we're willing to support transfer lutely 3abn is here we thank you 3abn for this platform thank you we're able to share our wealth on health and our Ministry of music and just passion for Christ and letting you know that God is able yes that it's okay he will meet you right where you are that's right and there might be someone here who wants to invite the home sisters to come and minister saying cook give cooking classes whatever we have an address for it for them for you right now if you would like to contact the homes sisters then you can write to them at 83 Gru's Road West Towne New York one zero nine nine eight that's the homes sisters 83 Gru's gr us Z Road West Towne New York one zero nine nine eight you can call them at nine one seven six eight seven nine three one seven that's nine one seven six eight seven ninety three seventeen you can visit them on facebook at forward slash homes sisters or find them on instagram @ THS underscore sisters thirty three you can email them at the homes sisters at or visit them online at the homes sisters dot-com so man I know that people are gonna want you to come and minister and and teach and all of that because you guys are just you God has blessed you in so many ways in so many ways there's there's an anointing yes I've been sitting this seat for 32 years so after a while you you began to understand and and and and see people that come and you say you know God has a calling in their lives and that's why the enemy's been out so much to try to hurt to destroy and to discourage but God has been you've been victorious through Jesus Christ and only at home for just a moment no matter what you're going through you're not alone Jesus is with you no matter what is happening you today that's what I love about this church is a gift of prophecy because we can see the future as I always say we don't have to be discouraged no matter what you're going through because we've read the back of the book the back of the book says we win our testimony and so today we want to encourage you there they're a great encouragement to us be watching the programs and watch on 3abn we'll be announcing when they're going to be starting and I don't know if you know all that yet but there's a lot of programs and I know you're gonna be blessed by them and we're blessed and so blessed to have you all here today Danny thank you thank you thank you I'm so glad that you were here today to be a part of this all right I wouldn't miss this the the stories and the taiko is just a testimonies you know Ellen White makes the statement for those not over viewers know who she is but she makes a statement says our greatest asset is our own personal testimony what God has done for us you see I can go out and somebody's in need not can quote them Daniel revelation that doesn't feed our hungry but what you're doing with the health we feed them physically then we feed them spiritually but no one can argue with your own personal testimony yes so you they can say what they want but the world didn't give it in the world can't take testimony when you say Lord take me as I am I'm a sinner he says if you're confess your sins he's faithful and just to forgive us from our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness then it's a matter of go and tell it's come and go come to the foot of the cross and go and tell what Jesus has done for us and that's what you girls the girls to me you ladies are doing and so we're so thankful for that and and once again we're gonna continue to pray for you all and we look forward to the program's coming on the air and for those of you at home we want to thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support of three angels broadcasting as we endeavor to take this great gospel of the kingdom into all the world until we see next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask or think [Music]
Channel: The Holmes Sisters
Views: 11,217
Rating: 4.6896553 out of 5
Keywords: the holmes sisters, 3abn, music ministry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 58sec (6958 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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