3ABN Today - Jaime Jorge Ministries International (TDY016040)

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I want to spend my people my [Music] Lord let [Music] hila hard that I wanna stand [Music] there [Music] and they will people [Music] hello friends and welcome to 3abn today my name is John Loma Kang thank you for tuning in you know I've done programs before that I've been blessed by we've met many interviewers this is gonna be an exciting program my good friend Jamie George is here with us Jamie I don't often introduce people this soon but I can't ignore you good to have you here today thanks for being here I'm really excited I know that you're gonna be blessed by this program today music ministry testimony how does God find a young man and you'll find out where the Lord found him where the Lord led him the changes in his life his music how God has taken this violin set it on fire with a heart that's also on fire for the Lord that's the kind of program you don't miss if you have children or young people that are thinking about music I believe this program will definitely inspire them to consider that God could use them as a vessel of honor whatever the instrument the Lord wants to use hearts that are willing and Jamie George does have that willing heart I want to thank you also for your prayers and your financial support of this network 3abn believes we're going and growing doing all that the Lord places on our hearts getting ready for the coming of Jesus and as you pray for us in partner with us it makes it possible by your prayers and surely your financial support and I must say we deeply appreciate whatever you do for the cause of God and for this network we're gonna dive right into the interview since we are not gonna introduce the music right away because the musician is here Jamie so good to have you here thank you it's great to be back the studio looks great yes and you look nice and casual today you kind of well you know at some point you have to you have to relax a little bit exactly after being here and doing some recordings and some work and stuff maybe it's just time to chill a little bit so you know inevitably there's somebody in our audience that might say they're excited about this but who is this guy so kind of give us a summary of your humble beginnings in and what you do well since the age of 5 have been playing the violin I grew up in a communist country Cuba the government offered me a scholarship when I was nine years old to go to Russia and study there in Moscow at the Conservatory of Music they said it's the best music school in the world hmm you will be famous you're your fan we will have a better life all you have to do is renounce your faith in God and I've told them no and so they said fine you're never going to amount to be anything hmm good luck so my whole life in many ways I've been told by different people no you can't no you can't and one of my favorite verses is Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me amen and it's not just anything or all things it's all things that God wants me to do that's right because when we do what we want to do but it's not God's will we're not really better off for it that's very good point my desire is to do all things that God wants me to do because he's the one that strengthens me mm-hmm at the age of I think it was six or seven I was diagnosed with rheumatic fever back then it was a pretty serious thing the doctor said he's never going to grow to live past the teenage years my family came to this country when I was 10 I was diagnosed in 1990 with a very rare disease at the time 90% of the people who had this died and yet I was in the 10% and so my whole life in things that have happened and certain people that have said to me no you can't know you won't mm-hmm and I say we can do all things that God wants us to do through him for his honor and glory I like the way you put that because it is if we're not doing the Lord's will then we're just using that text to accomplish our own well exactly right that's amazing that's the difference Wow continue praise the Lord for that now I have the opportunity to continue to share music and you know how powerful music is a musician how music breaks down barriers how it reaches hearts in ways that words can't that's right times I have people come to me in churches and say I probably would have never come to this church to hear a sermon but somebody invited me for a concert that's right and I've given my heart to Jesus Christ tonight some music opens doors it breaks down barriers that builds bridges and and used the violin an instrument that sounds like the human voice right to share the love of Jesus and I've been to countries like you know Russia Ukraine Czechoslovakia Romania China communist countries India India as well but I've been to some of these places where you can't preach the gospel it's illegal or highly discouraged and so we do concerts with classical music hmm but then halfway through I start sneaking in the old amazing gospel song that's right and people have never heard these songs they're mesmerised I remember playing the Hallelujah Chorus for the first time in Moscow in 1993 people had never heard it they were crying and then there been times when I have just felt you know I've got to share my testimony I've got to share Jesus hmm and then I make an invitation and people come forward and I talked to them and I find out some of these folks are undercover police officers that the government sent to make sure that nobody talked about God yet the Holy Spirit had touched their hearts and they had come to Jesus Christ so music is very powerful music is a language it's an avenue it's a way to reach people and I'm so excited about the opportunity to use that medium to share Christ with others you know you've been an ambassador I could use that word oftentimes the word ambassador is misused but ambassadors one who is sent to represent a country and really when you go to a communist country and you are a Christian you have to find a way as an ambassador to not to not hide your anonymity you do not hide your identity I should say you're you're you're under cloak but you're clearly visible to all those who are listening to the music when you mention the Hallelujah Chorus I thought to myself I wonder if she has her own recording somewhere and we're gonna talk about that in a moment but you have tremendously but you've worked with amazing facts Asian aid we had an opportunity to work with Jim Rennie there I know you went I saw the program was fantastic and we want some of the same streets in India together but it's just been a blessing I'm touched by the music ministry that you have and I've seen you grow through the years and it's hard for those who are listening and watching well those who are watching particularly on this next reference to miss this violin that's in front of us talk about this violin for a moment because that is the voice and not only do you play but you're a very good spokesperson I listen to you talk to audiences between your songs and your appeals about Jesus but just talk about this violin for a moment this instrument that the Lord has chosen for you to communicate the gospel well when my family arrived in Chicago in 1983 we went to somebody that was recommended to us by my violin teacher to buy a violin and so we bought a $1500 violin which was a lot of money for us that's true now people may hear this and say well that's a lot of money period and it is but not for a violin violin when you consider that some of the strata variable ins are selling it for upwards of ten million dollars these days Wow $1500 is not a lot but when you've been in this country for three years like my family had to come up with $1500 for an instrument you know was quite a bit of money oh yeah and then a couple years later I upgraded to one that was about double that amount and then I was in high school I was in a college Orchestra while I was in high school and we were doing an orchestra rehearsal and I had a seizure in the middle of a rehearsal mm-hmm and I fell forward and I crushed my violin I mean it was in a thousand pieces that the violin was in and we didn't have insurance so we lost the entire thing and then I began raising funds for a new violin and this was a huge huge improvement sacrifice jump and price everything else but you know I think God wants us to dream big dream try it again not for our glory but for him and when we do he opens up the doors and he opened up the door I've had this violin now for close to 30 years Wow it's like a part of my family you know it's my companion when I go on trips you know and you take care of a very I mean I've watched you you know when the room is full of people and you know where your violin when it's you're acclimating to room temperature you keep your eye on that and make sure that nothing happens because really when you become one with your instrument it's it's it it doesn't have a soul it's not alive but you can feel the nuances you have become one with that board the strings and and just I could only imagine when I see you play that instrument I equate it to a really really good singer that you know there's some dynamics things out in the world but you could really make that instrument sing and both for those of you watching the program you're gonna be blessed today to hear at least four songs four songs you're gonna be blessed here so don't go away but tell us about some of the people that you've worked with I mean you've I mentioned you know amazing facts definitely the 3abn family Asian aid but talk about some of the artists out in the broad Christian world that you've been blessed to be able to work with well I've been able to have the opportunity to collaborate which is as you know for a musician it's the one whole thing and there are people that are I consider close friends others that are just friends other than then that are just acquaintances but people like Larnell Harris who in my opinion is perhaps the greatest gospel singer of all time one of the best tennis out there period for sure somebody like a John Stoddard who can do so much on another plane I've had the opportunity to be in the same stage with a guy like David Foster Law has produced some of the greatest you know musicians and recordings and our artists out there and then somebody like a Michael card oh yeah has written so many meaningful songs that focus on Jesus Christ those are musically and artistically of course highlights yeah you can imagine of my life to be able to work with some of these musicians that other people Sandi patty haired his singers me so many John Loma King we did a remember we did together all that's right in touch of a master's hand that's right years ago the Roy Rogers auditorium yeah yeah so these are just highlights that feed you as a musician to be able to work with other very talented individuals and people that have dedicated their talents for God's honor and glory which is very important I want to I want a segue into one of these songs that we're gonna know introduce to our audience talk about that song El Shaddai and the person that's going to be both of you that are gonna be playing together because he's such an accomplished musician it would not be appropriate to say accompanying you could talk about opening him okay but you know El Shaddai is the most popular contemporary Christian song of all time and I truly believe that Michael card was inspired by God in the Holy Spirit to write that song that reminds us of our wonderful Savior you know we are here by God's grace and the gifts of salvation is free to anybody because of what Jesus did for you and me Wow and this song was part of a concert that I did a couple of years ago now to celebrate 25 years of music ministry yes and I invited some of these friends and and wonderful musicians to come and be a part of it and so I'm excited that we get to share it now Wow so be blessed as you listen to the song El Shaddai [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay if you clapped you have to sing no should I well you're not age to age your students see by the plow [Music] well she does come come we will praise and [Applause] [Music] your love save the son of Abraham my the see into to the really see to set your [Music] leads to a two [Music] come come we will praise and lift you through the years you made it clear that the time of Christ was near though the people's failed to see what Messiah or to be though your word they just could understand your bows was done through the fruity of yours well should I [Music] leads to a juice by [Music] we will praising the Jew yes [Applause] you will praise and lift [Music] isn't that a wonderful song by the artists collaborating together Michael card what writer and Jamie was blessed to be able to accompany him you not only did that with the studio here and the concert but you played together in the same venue that's amazing and in the background you saw a young man which you'll get to find out it but his name is John Stoddard we were talking about that Beach where we listen to the song an accomplished musician in and of himself and one of the things we talked about when people are geniuses I like that point you know there are some master musicians that they can they can be in a dark place with just them and their instrument and the sheet of music but don't put them in a societal setting because they don't function very well that's not the truth about John Stoddard what a balance man John is amazing and I think it's because he has dedicated his life for God's honor and glory I have no doubt Pastor John that if John was doing what he does for God for the world he'd be making a lot more money you know he'd have a lot of fame all this stuff but God has blessed him regardless and he has made and is making a huge impact in the lives of people and that and that's what it's all about you know we can't take our money we can't take our possessions can't take what what will what will we leave behind you know if we're not around when we're not around anymore if Jesus doesn't come back it's more important to me anyway to leave a crop of young violinists who are excited about using their talents for God's honor and glory and it is about creating a certain amount of fame or fortune of this and that the other because when when when you're gone that's all gone too you know unfortunately just recently this a very popular secular artist Prince of course who had so many religious influences early Adventists and Chavez witness and and when they close their eyes and death they could leave an anthology that's just will go on for decades and you know however long the world last but what you what the seed you sowed in your life are the seeds that are gonna as the Bible says of a rest from their labor speaking of the Christian and their works to follow them thrive that's the wonderful thing about and that song else you die getting back to the song that was just done Amy Grant was the one that we all remember singing or she might huge she made it a powerful song talk about this next song meditation you know we live in a world I know it's like that for you as it is for me where we are constantly plugged in our phones our computers the internet the sounds the buzz is all of that stuff and I don't know I can imagine your days like mine from the moment we wake up to the moment we got asleep there is something to do and it doesn't stop and if you have a you know things to do list with 50 things by the time you've crossed out three or four you've already added another 2000 and it just it just never ends and one of the things that I think is so important as Christians is for us to take time away from the busyness of all of that and connect our power cord to the power source well and spend time and study in prayer in meditation and in song mm-hmm know people ask me do you you you still like to play the same songs over and over again I I still have times when Iced I just sit and play by myself to praise the Lord right it's part of my worship time you know and we need to take that time and so this song the classical piece called meditation from tyese is almost like a take a deep breath and relax and just time out you know unplug disconnect and spend some time with the Lord is anyone accompanying you on this is anyone playing with you on this one John Stoddard okay you're gonna be blessed here's a song meditation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] that song takes you to places that you did not know existed until you heard it you know I went through a number of location changes during that song I was first in in a beautiful setting where the Sun was rising and to do is still on the grass it was a beautiful morning where only nature was singing the trees and then when you know you took me to Germany during a cold time of the year during the oppression that that country experienced in Poland and and then you brought me back to a wedding ceremony it's amazing tells talk about that song who wrote that who composed that song a French composer Jule massenet wrote it as part of an opera and this is probably the most popular and well-known of the pieces meditation from theis speaking of what you just said music is very powerful that way in in in allowing us to travel all over the world basically and yet we're right here the first time I recorded that song was 1987 hmm and or that piece I should say we were in in Long Island New York and I went I went to a studio where most of the stuff they did was rock and roll music and the engineer was pretty much you know kind of that guy with long hair and all that stuff and so I think he he had a hard time with classical and gospel songs and to what we were recording and back then you you can remember and appreciate this they had reel-to-reel tape oh yeah and you know if you messed up you have to start from the beginning none of this stuff today were you just saying a phrase and you back and you just had to do the whole thing all over so you'd record it and if you didn't want it you know go back take two and take three until you got the right one and it could take hours you know anyway when we did this piece the guy fell asleep the engineer did and when the piece was over I said Bob I want to do this again and you know he kind of jumped back up into a seated okay let's do it medication take to the peace put him to sleep so he associated not meditation met with medication Wow but it can be medicating to listen to something so beautiful and relaxing when we're so used to just go go go you know I commented how a song like that it in the subway of New York City with a nice pair of bose noise-canceling headset it's not a commercial for Bose that's right but um could really transport you to a different place and what do you need in the city like New York you need peace so did you record this by the way is it on interview projects yes I like that 25th anniversary DVD ok el shaddai was part of as well ok good so some of the songs you've done as far as on that one project yep and and obviously we recorded in the studio right here the violin part and then we go back and forth between the video footage and the live studio mm-hmm now these two songs El Shaddai one of the most popular Christian songs this French composed song medication no medication I'm not gonna forget that for a long time but then turn your eyes upon Jesus now the song that it's in the hymnal we've sung up for years but what impact has that song had on you because I know that you don't play things that don't minister to you either right talk about that um you know that song helps me to remember that what we do what you do what I do isn't for our own glory and gain it's for the glory of Jesus and the honor of God and his kingdom and as you know being a musician and being up front you can sometimes lose your focus because people mean well they come up and give you a compliment but there have been many times in my life when I start to let that go to my head hmm and I've started to think well I am pretty good you know I'm alright and and you start to look at yourself or focus on yourself more than than God and this song is just a gentle reminder you know look at Jesus Christ he is our focus he is what we need to be fixed on and when we do everything else will fall by the wayside everything will grow strangely dim and we will be able to appreciate his magnificence his grace his power and glory okay and so that song does that to me and for me all right so that's why I wanted to share well turn your eyes upon Jesus allow the Lord to speak to you through this wonderful meditative peace [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you once again Jamie for that song turn your eyes upon Jesus you know you made a very good point as a person who's always in the public eye and we all have that blessing of being able to minister for the Lord but I said disability as well the responsibility is amazing a professor down at one of our schools in Tennessee Southern Venice University gave me a book about how to handle compliments hmm because you know sometimes people will complement us and instead of balancing the glory back to God truly you have to make sure that our heads can fit through the door with our bodies right but that's a very good point reflecting the glory back to God because the instrument both of you are instruments in the hand of God you're involved in a in a number of organizations but before I get down to the Healing Music Foundation talk about your wife Rochelle well you know all of us go through things some of them are more public than others some of them are more private than others and one of the the greatest heartbreaks and sorrows and and negative experiences of my life was getting divorced over 12 years ago now and for people who have gone through that it can seem like you just rather die you know it's so painful it's so destructive because there's so much damage associated now I understand why in the Bible over and over again it says that God hates divorce hmm now it's not a death sentence but because when a family is split so many people are affected by it that's why there's so much damage that can take place we didn't have any kids but it was still extremely painful for the both of us and and I got to the point where I said I'm never getting married again I said that to my mother several years ago mm-hmm I said to her mom I'm just gonna marry my violin mm-hmm I said look she has nice curves and she only talks back when I tell her to what I said to my mom and she said son you can do whatever you want but don't limit God if he wants to do something different in your life and I got to the point where you know I had gone through so much pain and I had such a void in my heart and I looked to fill that void but it was when I learned to allow God to fill the empty spaces in my life and in my heart that all of a sudden he brought somebody into my life hmm and I met her in 2000 in July in Washington DC hmm nothing really happened actually for nearly three years and then all of a sudden in November of 2012 we reconnected and nine months later we were married Wow so we're going on our third year of honeymoon in July but I had a hard time making that decision to get married because where shall used to be a professional women's football player Wow and I didn't even know that the sport existed when I met her you know and then I saw pictures of her and I and I looked up her career statistics she'd been a running back and a linebacker Wow in fact she was recently voted in to the Hall of Fame football yeah did the women's Hall of Fame of her team that's her running the DC Divas yes Wow and her signature move as you see in these photographs was the stiff arm oh I see it yeah the stiff arm wasn't just on the feet on the field it was off the field as well she was a legend she played 11 years rushed for 14,000 yards Wow and when I saw this picture man I said is she gonna run me over if I do something she doesn't like so before we got married I made a promise to God mm-hmm which is that I would always do everything she says okay you know as a result it's worked out wonderfully that's wonderful she said to me honey can we get married at the beaches and of course and when I'm home during the week and she says darling the floors are dirty the dishes need to be watch the trash knees baby I got it you know or because you know I believe in the expression happy wife happy life and she has a passion for health and fitness mmm she has continued to exercise and workout and and our eating habits at home are great we eat organic and healthy and raw foods and hmm and she has a way of making healthy food taste fantastic that's good that's kind of a knock on healthy food as well you know you're eating a bunch of herb cardboard yeah you know no no she can make this stuff taste like filet mignon you know and it's all healthy it's just been a great blessing we're a team when we travel together sometimes we'll share our story together and encourage people so when we go through things in life and we go through these negative experiences we need to continue to trust in God because even though we go through these issues these challenges God doesn't just have plan a he's got all the way to plan Z for our lives we can we can mess up God's plan that's right he can he can do he can he can do great things you know with us and for us anyway that's right Jeremiah I know the plans yes I have for you hmm and that's amazing when you think about what happens in your life after you've been do how many years have you been in music ministry as a violinist 28 okay when you think about those 28 years you think that God saw this and then orchestrated your life and in through difficulties through hardship through successes through failures and and it pleases God to see that he has thoughts that he thinks towards you not of evil but a peace to give you a future and a hope and that it's not just a new music of ministry but to bring somebody as wonderful as Rochelle and into your life any more pictures of her not this time around will do it for the next time how's that maybe I can bring her and she can I think that'll be wonderful you know the you know you made a very good segue point there being a football player running back the stiff arm and that's good I'm sure you're gonna make sure that any touchdowns you'll be on the on her team that's right that's that's a good thing because you're both and it fits here pressing toward the mark for the goal a mentor the output call of God in Christ Jesus and it's so good to have a mate to do that my wife and I have that what a blessing praise Allah we three years you said right 33 years of marriage and and she also has that wonderful skill of making vegetarian food with that Jamaican flavor in gamma you know so well we'll have you and and you do everything she says to write you know happened thirty three happy years then your your smart man praise the Lord praise the Lord I we are smart men we you know certain things do come with experience yes before we go to the the last song you have talked about the healing music foundation you know one of the things as we've talked about before that I think about because I've been at this 28 years yes by the way if if I could have looked twenty-eight years ago to see what would happen if God would let us see the future I don't think I could have handled it wow you know all of the challenges all of the disappointments mm-hmm so God is isn't he does he knows what he's doing mm-hmm the way he has set things up he leads us by the hand and he takes us there and as I start to think now I mean I'm 45 but I'm not 25 anymore you know so one day I'm not gonna be able to play the violin anymore you know and I think what what is Jamie going to leave behind is it gonna be money is it gonna be Awards is gonna be recordings I I desire to be able to empower and excite and encourage and inspire young people to do things that I never did or I will never do for God's honor and glory try and so about four years ago we started a foundation called healing music and we called it healing music because of the power that music has for good by the grace of God in in which through this foundation we're supporting all kinds of missionary projects around the world and we do a music evangelism I like to call myself a musical evangelist wonderful and one of our projects is to support gifted and needy and worthy young people if they want to dedicate their instruments their lives their talents for God's honor and glory so we're setting up a scholarship fund to help young people that are serious about using music ministry as a way to reach people for Christ to support their education mm-hmm and so um in our concerts we talk about that but we just came out with these wristbands okay remember those rubber ones yeah they're they yes that have a message music is love music is universal music is hope and music is life okay and people can get these for an insignificant amount of money the money is not the issue but all of the proceeds from these wristbands go towards this scholarship fund okay and as young people contact us and we want to encourage them if there are some that are watching that's right are interested in needy and worthy and gifted we have a process to be able to help sponsor some of the education and the lessons and even the instruments of some of these young people so I'm very excited about growing that in fact I am talking with John about doing a recording with young people duets mm-hmm not just violinists young people that sing that play other instruments and we want to then use the proceeds from that recording that CD or DVD to put in to this scholarship fund so again if there are young people that are interested please contact us our information will be included later but I'm just really excited about empowering other young people to expand their dreams again for God's honor and glory and give them the opportunity to be able to do this and other things empowerment is what the Lord came to do he said you'll receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon you and legacy is something that we all should consider what's going to be said when my instrument is not played any longer by me or my voice is not heard as a singer or a speaker and those are things that are sobering because it lets us understand that only one that has longevity is God that's right you know he's eternal praise the Lord through the blessing of the resurrected Christ we look forward to eternal life and I thank God for that every day yes but um the power of Jesus's name set up that song all hail the power of Jesus's name there's no other name I could preach that sermon but I'll give you a chance to set that song up for us this is one of my favorite songs that I have recorded it is very big powerful majestic and and I think about in in this arrangement sort of came as as through this idea that I had of what's gonna happen when Jesus comes hmm you know we we talk about it we think about it but as a musician what I think is what will the music be like because there's no question in my mind that when Jesus returns there is gonna be some incredible music being played I try it and in my mind this is what I see you know the entire world maybe the universe will stop all of our busyness all of the stuff that we consider important and blah blah blah everything's going to stop and maybe tens of thousands of angels are going to line up and they're gonna play their trumpets Wow and it's gonna be a sound such as has never been heard on this old man and then Jesus will appear hmm and his children and his brothers and sisters will rejoice I try and every knee will bow including Satan that's right who will have to admit then God is love Wow that's how this song and it's arrangement came to be with that thought Wow I believe you play it with that passion I know it affects you and I know that this song when that day does come we will finally understand what the power of Jesus name is really all about listen to the song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow I'm stunned by I could just say well all hail the power of Jesus's name hey man I'm gonna go right to the address roll because right now I think is the most appropriate time to know how to get in touch with Jamie George if you would like to contact Jamie Georgia would like to support this ministry you may contact him in a variety of ways right to healing music incorporated 9 536 Mountain Lake Drive pool da'wah tennessee 373 6 3 that's healing music incorporated 9 536 mountain lake dr wahwah tennessee three seven three six three you can call for two three two three eight seven nine four four that's four two three two three eight seventy nine forty four to order his CDs online you can go to his website at Jamie George calm Jay a IM e jo rge calm you can also follow Jamie George music on Facebook Twitter and Instagram [Music] well friends as you know our time comes and goes so quickly this is one of the interviews that I will Ament because I don't want Jamie George to leave but since he does have a life and I don't want Rochelle coming after me I have to let him go today but Jamie it's been a indeed a pleasure to have you here today anytime you walk through the doors of 3abn I haven't had the opportunity of interviewing you before but we've had this camaraderie of music ministry and and just doing what God has called us to do as you said for his glory there's some young violinist some young musicians some young singing or watching this program some parents said sit down this is Jamie George see what he has to say what would you say to that person who's at the cuspid of thinking about what to do with their future when it comes to music well nothing takes the place of discipline of hardwork of practice of study I think we're living in an age now where everybody just wants it right now there is no substitute for hard work so put in that time mm-hmm I've practiced thousands and thousands and thousands of hours no I imagine and you have honed your skill speaking in front of people singing to them you know it's the same thing so we have to do something we have to get prepared number two if you really do want a ministry in music life number one know that you need to depend on God and number two know that you need to depend on God okay cause there are weeks you know even today that I don't know what it's gonna be like hmm and there are weeks that are disappointing but you know God will provide if truly he is calling you to do a ministry of some sort whether it's music or something else he will open the doors he will lead hmm but don't just sit around and wait that's right I've known people that have said I'm waiting for the Lord to give me a sign and they're 60 years old Wow you know take this the first step and God will then provide the footing and open the right door and close the wrong one that's right so please search your heart because this isn't about fame and fortune and glory and all of that stuff it's about God and about Christ well thank you Jamie that's very well said and Friends as you know for someone who's done this for 28 years those are not idle words we pray that as God calls your heart whatever you do sing preach whatever instrument it maybe make your dedicated decision to be an instrument to be used for the glory of God and may the Lord bless you until we see you again [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 2,612
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Jaime Jorge Ministries International, 3ABN musical program
Id: NXBXudmGyr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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