3ABN Today - Amish (Andy & Naomi Weaver) (TDY015090)

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I want to spend my can he fall I wanna spend breathe moving Lord let mine hila heart that her wanna spare and people hello and welcome to another three Abyan today program thank you for joining us and dr. van lewis thank you for joining thank you for having Graham this is gonna be a great program today I know I'm excited absolutely thanks jesus said go ye into all the world and while we sometimes think about and we should going overseas and going you know to Russia and to all these different countries which we've 3abn is done and and to New Guinea the Philippines and you know around the world and go into Europe and all these places sometimes we need to think about home - absolutely and there's a lot of people around us that need to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ and about his saving power yes and today we have some some folk that are in ministry and we're going to talk to these folk and see where they're from you excited I'm excited I am - I have a feeling you have some questions I write I do okay all right we have Andy and Naomi Weaver right all right it's so good to have you here thank you for inviting us in and now you all where you from I'm from North Central Ohio okay now if I didn't know any better I would think they were Amish because I have a little background with the Amish when I was a young kid or my family my uncle öhlins they had a lot of kids and we had a lot of kids and my grandma and grandpa Shelton we would go up in northern Indiana in the summertime and we would pick tomatoes so we lived with the Amish either in Amish houses and with no running water electricity and and Evon we even lived in a barn for time or two and we'd put cardboard between us to petition off the families and so we know a little bit about Amish lifestyle and I have some Amish friends now but you guys almost dress and look like Amish you are we just seeing things or are you are you just very you dress very conservative now we're Amish we grew up Amish we grew up like this okay very much like this we just well we're seven seven is now but I guess we consider ourselves I mean 7 7 us okay yes is is it I'm under the impression that the Amish that it's a religion right is it a religion is a a culture like what is it I believe it started out as a culture but it has definitely become a religion because they will they will shun you if you don't hold the culture and you know if shunning is I mean shining shouldn't be have anything to do with culture only so yeah it's obviously a religion banner okay alright what do the Amish believe in what are some of the tenets of the Amish faith well their their main their I mean they they believe they're Christian I mean they believe in Jesus but they very much believed that it's Jesus Plus Amish if you were our Jesus plus however you were brought up because if you read in and second Timothy 3:14 I think might be 3:16 Paul told wrote Timothy and he said that he told him to keep all those keep the things that he was taught from his use mm-hm and that is their gospel I mean that is their own by okay that's how they control that people say well well this may be the seven states the Sabbath but you were not taught like that and Paul told he's Paul teaches that if you were not brought up like that you cannot change that's how they well that's that is they're hoping if you talk to the Amish that's what if you show them truth that's what that that's going to be their response while you were not brought up like that and that's what they're referring to I was always surprised because I do some dealings with Amish here you know we're in a farming community and southern Illinois out of country but I'm surprised how much they really have changed since I was a kid and in and lived in northern India Indiana on the summers Portland area redkey little areas up there how much they've changed while they still seem very very conservative we use the term backwards but you know doesn't mean anything except it's not like where we are they live like you think 150 years ago or 200 years ago I'm surprised that a lot of them used batteries they some of them can use a Evans diesel engines like people that I know they actually use diesel to run their machines to do leather and all kinds of stuff and I say is that okay and they said well yeah it's okay and I say well do you I asked them now they said we're going to Wisconsin to see our relative and I say oh and this weather that's probably tough with your horse and buggy you know different they say well we don't use horse and buggy I said well how do you get to there and they said well we're in a car and we have somebody take us so I give them a hard time now do this on purpose but then we're friends so I say well let's say you can rent a car but you just can't own one or you can't drive one well yeah so I say well how come that's just the way it is and that's the answer so it's very interesting they just say that's the way it is so it's really deep in tradition and we're going to find out a lot about that but we're going to find out how you guys became seventh-day adventists and the work that you're doing now is most amazing and so it's going to be a great time it's going to be a fun time a learning time and realize that we have people right here in our communities all around us not only those are Amish but people who don't know the Lord that we should be witnessing to but different people have different gifts they're in different situations where you can minister to other people maybe better than someone else that's right so that should gift right now speaking of gifts we have pastor C amery and pastor C Emery has many gifts he not only preaches but he sings and so he's going to be singing for us right now my faith has found resting place not in a man-made green I trust the that me for me will clean i need no other evidence i it is enough that Jesus died and rose again for enough for me that Jesus is this ends my fear and die our sinful soul I he will not cast me I need no uh Oh me you know that Jesus and rose again for me the Great Physician heals the sick the Lost he came to say for me his precious blood he shed for me his life he came I need no other evidence I need no other Lee it is enough that Jesus died and rose again for me my soul is resting on his word Oh God salvation I said you vation through his blood I need no it again Oh amen thank you pastor CA huh hey man what a great song to Pastor CA all right well we're talking to Andy and Naomi Weaver and y'all from Ohio which is known as Amish country that's right a lot of Amish folk is there in Ohio and the Indiana I know southern Illinois and I guess many places around the country Wisconsin and so if you're just joining us these folk born and raised Amish someone gave them the message of the Bible message in the seventh-day adventists we're going to find out about that and so you all become seventh-day Adventist Christians amen and now you've been exposed to allow the preachers and teachers and it's right now 3abn and on your phone you can get it now with the app you know so we're looking forward to see how all this goes we want to talk to you about okay give us a little bit of your background so you were born and raised our mission you were to write okay were you from the same areas yes we were not born in this in the same neighborhood but okay both of our parents moved to nama community that we ended up being neighbors and we went to school together okay and there was nothing romantic about it had no idea what was going to happen but after we grew up we eventually got married and my dad was a bishop and her dad was a deacon in the church okay so in the Amish do they help pick the wives and husbands or do they allow the Amish young people to pick their own now you can you can choose your own as long as you stay within the denomination because there's a lot of different armies denomination that's is like old order new order and so and so on so as long as you stay within your circle you can choose your own pretty much now if you if you get it really you find a real bad girl and then your parents might do their very best best just like anybody else would say yeah terrible but they won't stop little to stop you can't choose okay you're giving us a real glimpse into the Amish lifestyle which you know which I know our viewers will be real interested in in sharing and finding out when you are growing up is it your very insulin right your very you stay within your own culture for everything that's right there's not much interaction outside of that culture well you certainly have your own culture you have your own little world you have your own education system you have your own church you have your own dry goods stores and everything and so that's one of the things that makes it really difficult to break away from it because you are really losing everything and everything is at stake although we did interact with the non-amish a lot it's just like you know here in local Amish you mean sure we internet I mean that's basically how the Amish make their living is to the not Amish P how do you feel about as Amish someone like me comes into you what you do woodworking I come into your shop and I buy you something how do you look at me do you look at this person because we're not Amish obviously you say well these people are way out there they don't know the Lord or they should dress and act like us they should be Amish how do you how do you grown up how to make people look at us there is there's no one rule some Amish are very very distant from what we know as English people when I talk about English that means non Amish so some Amish are very uncomfortable with English people and then some of them are obviously very comfortable with English people and belief that they are going to be in the kingdom as long as you stay where you were brought up as Paul told Timothy yeah I think that you were telling how it stayed away you were brought up so which is a distortion of the Bible but they even the leaders they don't know they don't honor they really think that's what that is saying so basically they believe if you were brought up English then you should remain there you should be a Christian you should go to church if you were running abolish and then you should stay there although they do allow English people to come into the Amish church if they agree to keep all the rules but that seldom happens especially among the conservative armies not among some of the more liberal um issue where they have less rules and they have a lot more gray areas and then what sometimes what happens you get an English boy that finds Amish girl at a restaurant that works at a restaurant and he just can't help but I got a cup become I don't want this girl and that happen just made a situation like that here a couple months ago oh really like yeah well you're gonna you're getting yourself into something I have no idea what you're getting in that's right so now you all have children yes we have seven children seven seven dren and and one on the way yep yep yeah I think oh here we go look at this there's pictures of it yeah look at that the oldest one is she's Mary and she's ten years old ten years old Wow yeah we have a beautiful family nothing like him huh no nothing nothing like them yeah we have seven looks like we're gonna have eight my grandmother on my mother's side she had 17 children in less than 18 years oh my though I tell Naomi we're halfway now easy for him to say yeah easy for him to say my Aunt Mildred had 12 my grandmother had I think she birthed 14 yes so that that's quite a few Wow we weren't even Amish yeah that's a lot of them yeah well go ahead oh I was gonna ask you Naomi what was it like growing up as as an Amish female are the what role do women play in Amish culture they help in the house with housework and they also help some on the farm depends on if they're enough voice there if there are plenty boys and the women don't help as much but they do help other people quite a lot if like if my neighbor had a baby they would come to my mom and ask her for one of her girls to help as a hired girl till the baby's about oh it depends from three to six weeks old so we did that a lot I never did as much because I was one of the youngest and I I guess the oldest ones would say I was spoiled but yeah that's just kind of the help out and they teach school a lot so the young girls help with raising the children they added the neighbors and a toboggan yeah up until they're 21 years old yeah yeah because in the English world when they turn 18 they can on their own in an hour circle it was 21 so we could if like if we had a baby we could go to an Amish family that had girls and say can we hire one of your girls and we can hire a girl for eighteen or twenty dollars a week mm-hm and so it's just okay yeah well so roles are very defined if fun that's that's the world thank you roles are very defined within the Amish community so I would imagine that this is a this is a really I probably provocative question but divorce is probably very low no it's unheard it it just really doesn't happen it's totally not allowed in the average there's a very for strong family structure within the communities it doesn't mean that all the all the marriages are strong they're not sometimes but you got into it you promise and you're enduring it yeah for the most in some cases what happens one of the spouses will just leave and not be Amish and then of course the other one can't you can't do anything about that but she would know she would never get remarried they never go through a divorce chaos they would not sign a divorce or anything Karia okay under any circumstances wow that's amazing it is so in in the women would you say the women have equal rights like are they the church services they all men to the men do all the church services do the men make the decisions as far as the community's concerned as to if we're liberal if we're conservative or the women have input in though you know I would say the men have the lead on that Oh Wi-Fi bar yeah by far yeah okay you'll never hear an Amish woman preaching yes you think that is pretty far can we preach it by herself well well they do preach sometimes not in church hey things don't go well yeah don't go well they can for your chest so then so the policies and things are made by men are the women and the men is education stressed within the Amish community that depends a whole lot on the community some communities are very much about education but usually more conservative Amish cultures Amish denominations if you want to call that the education it's not as much stressed not at all but you know the Amish where we came up it's not like the it's not like the guys well I guess I should let her say that but it's not like some people get the impression well the ladies they just have to sit back and shut up and the guys that men do everything but it's not really the case he's dead looking no no no we had our chance yeah they the Amish totally believed that you know a woman you know the man is the head of the house he has the final decision and he doesn't always understand that you know there's always guys that will take advantage of that position but they do believe they do teach that you know the lady has sometimes many times she has a good opinion in it and that it should be they should be listened to okay all right that's great what do you think that helped you it did a little bit ready to come a much now no just the dress would get her there's no way she's gonna he's gonna dress that way with I couldn't see her dressing land that way and probably a lot of our folk around here yes but it's all what you get used to yeah that's right a clean no you know what somebody looks is very good and very very nice we you say her son to go meet and close it all is in the eyes of the beholder that's right right now our Sabbath go meet and close but it's all in the eyes of the beholder that's right but we want to talk a little bit because since I've had a lot of connections with Amish over the years and sports reaching them with the gospel they're not usually open that's right out to that like I know some who told me well I'm not allowed to read you know anything I think but the Bible and the literature that they're put out by their church so we can't we can't watch anything of course on you know television we don't have televisions or radios and I said well what about YouTube because I noticed sometimes friends will come over and they'll watch YouTube stuff but they say well we can't own it we don't do it but I talked to some of them of course about the Lord I was surprised to find out that I figured that the religion part played a lot bigger role yeah as far as the Bible goes but I found out some of the folks that I know no hardly any scriptures in the Bible when I I quoted John 3:16 to a very wonderful Amish friend of mine and he just looked at mass of course you know John 3:16 he so well we kind of leave that up to the elders and we go to church now something is very interesting I don't know if you aware this most Amish have what you and I might call an accent though they're born and raised here in America mm-hmm you probably can tell us why because they don't just speak English yes our primary language is our main language is Pennsylvania Dutch yeah and then of course we we go to school to learn the English language and also the German language because our Bibles are in the para tí Martin Luther German Bibles and the a mystery strictly read the term my Bibles now I say strictly and there's the more Liberals they will allow you to read like the English versions also especially the King James Version mmm and then so yeah if you if you talk to na mele it's an Amish person in English and you notice that his accent is different and that is because it's not his primary language I mean it is kind of a bend over from if you want to save it that way from there Pennsylvania Dutch so it's all there raised speaking Dutch in the house right right and in church that's right preaching in Dutch it's a government in German I'm sorry they abandon the children learn the language Dutch yeah absolutely do it yeah in English come second yes probably second and then that in German kind of comes together because they go they yeah English would be first because yeah it's in the later grades that they learned a German language for the okay Bible so that happens and I noticed it like on some of these friends I've told one of them they had several babies and they get older so the little one and I said I said that's a cute little girl and they said that's a boy yes wearing a dress I said the boys wearing a dress and they said yes they wear dresses the first year so what is there a reason behind that yes there is you know that's very interesting we were in Battle Creek Michigan here a few weeks ago and they were showing when taking us through the Allen white house yeah and they sit and they pointed that out they said for some reason back then they little boys wore dresses until they were about two years old but it's a mystery why and I said well we know why because we still do it it's just because it makes it easier to change the diapers and everything but if you know it the boys they the girls were hit Co rings and the boys don't owe a bender that way you can decide yeah okay boy or a girl and also the boys have their hairs cut and the girls don't but sometimes if they don't have a lot of hair then it doesn't really show up yeah so let me ask you so when you have these different you mentioned liberal more liberal Amish and more conservative does everybody coexist or do you have a liberal sect over here in one state and a more conservative or are you all together in in one place the Amish try for the most part they try to have you know had to have a one they call it settlement one settlement of more liberal like they might be a new order or old order and then this warts and tubers I mean if they want to settle in that general area they will stay away of a certain amount of miles and they have like a highway that will divide to where right but what happens frequently in the Amish is the church will split because there's just like any other Church there's always conservatives and liberals within every Church and so sometimes and and that this happens quite often anymore is they split and then you have to do you have the two different denominations within the settlement in our situation it's three different denominations and so you end up with more and more you go to what is known as Amish country in Ohio you might have 12 different in there are many different denominations but you really can't told that and usually there's a lot of tension when that tremendous amount of tension I went through that twice growing up with my dad being a bishop and there's a lot of tension but that eventually kind of dies down and they they continue having school they have their schools together and everything but they wouldn't you know they cannot share church like any what goes on in a church or church angles and stuff good what we wanted to ask you we really want to Center in on this you of course being born and raised never changing you know tradition but somehow someone reached you that's right if your mind because a lot of folk I know they're not open apparently your mind was open why something reached you tell us somebody came into your shops you met somebody in the community that was able to become friends with you was able to present you with what they feel with Bible truth and you accepted why well that's a good question I would say that I was not open at one time because I totally believed the Amish religion I totally believed everything and I was I didn't I and I believe that if you left it you're going to be tortured for all eternity and so you just don't dare even think about leaving mmm but the one thing that I could I would have to say about myself is I wanted to do what's right I wanted what's right and God knew that sure and I as a result I I heard about the Dark Ages and people being martyred for their faith and and and so I went and I bought myself a book it's called martyrdom martyrs Muir it's like kind of like the Fox pokémon yet and I read it and it just shattered the whole foundation out of honor me as far as being the Amish religion really man because the same arguments they had because some of the same arguments that we is the things that we we told people that left our church the Catholic Church told the people that left our church like we had a controversy over brown shoes they shouldn't be brown they gotta be black I found the same argument in the martyrs mayor mmm and I found all these same like we had the big argument you should not use your everyday language at church services german german is known in the Amish community as a sacred language that should be a church service that should be a different language because it's sacred and so that was also going on in the dark ages and those that left that we admired at the same are complicit no you should have your everyday language there so people can understand the gospel and so it's just I just I couldn't believe it and I thought wow this is this is this is bad news something something's wrong so my big I just I just started talking to my dad which was the senior bishop of this certain denomination and I told him I said you know we need to really step up to the plate we need to make possible for our young folks to understand the gospel I said we don't even know our young folks don't even know why Jesus died they don't it's just like a fairy tale and it was obviously very upset about that he thought well it's just way out there and there's no way we can talk in our own everyday language that's natural minded and then the other thing that I saw in our culture we had to confess our way if we our sins if you want to call it sins we like keeping the church rules we had to confess it to the preachers and the bishop or a lay minister or a deacon and then they will tell the whole church and the church and then yeah and then church would decide whether you're forgiven or not you know but guess what I came across that martyr smear yeah you did but we're very they're very opposed to that and all of this just I was so confused it wasn't funny so I started following a ministry a Baptist minister out of Tennessee and there was a lot more light I was I was sure I found the truth I thought well I just can't bring this into into the Amish and just shoot how much more light and will and my big thing was we need to reform I just I did not have any intentions to leave the Amish church I just wanted to bring light in and reform it and but the devil was against me it was quite obvious but Naomi how about you how did you feel about him it's kind of a renegade I mean you know we use that term he's out there a little bit I mean did this your family or did you say you know hey a nd we got a you know you need to relax um actually I think I kind of mentioned that too he kind of slow down and take it easy I had I thought she might I had the impression for sure what she said it a nice yeah well I wasn't so much of a reader that he was okay I didn't hit the time to read with all the kids okay and but he he read most of the time and kind of told me what he's reading and what it is talking about and it inmate sends to me but I tried to ignore it as far as I could I okay I knew this is gonna be a big big problem be a big problem Saturday I Evangel I couldn't do anything except just follow it and accept it and whatever Christ okay that's wonderful so you received the Baptist you started reading some of their literature that's right then at some point you must have said okay I'm open the Lord knew that so who did he send you away well he sent a person that moved in our community he was the seventh-day adventists and the one thing that I was very interested was the mark of the beast I was desperate I want to know what that mark is because I was just beside myself what if one of my children turned sick and we end up in the hospital they in check this this computer chip and she'll be tortured for all eternity for without our control and I was out I was a seeker and so I I bought this commentary from this Baptist person on the book of Revelation because I wanted I wanted to know and then as I came to the end of went straight to revelation 13 and it was a mystery he didn't know what it was he believed it was some political in a literal thicker and K it was and I thought wow I guess that's we just don't know but then my Adventist friend shared literature with me from Whitehorse media which is a little booklet from Steve Walberg yes which is it says I think it's decoding the mark the answer some basics and that little booklet is great every Amish family in the world needs that booklet because the Amish are very they are very worried and concerned about the mark of the beast and I think was that little booklet it's not a big book you conceded that you can read it in one setting and you know it whether you like it or not you just know it it's right out of the Bible yeah and so I read that and also like a commentary on Daniel revelation from amazing facts and and then he gave me a spirit of prophecy books as well of course and I mean there was no question my mom my mind we found the truth well we just kind of drug home for a while and eventually I was this how did you meet this person he he moved in this person moved in a home that an atheist used to live that I used to work for growing up okay and that's where I got hung up with coffee and all kinds of bad habits and he moved in and I heard he was weakened I thought well that is strange maybe we can and do any work and you gotta have that protein and so I met him and I couldn't believe it he looked so healthy I was I was just awkward to the name Phil haken he's only listen Phil hey all right and so he shared some literature with us and and after a while we realized that this is going to cost way too much we have I mean in order to follow this and we knew for a fact I mean who else believes that that all Scripture is profitable for doctrine for reproof for correction and instruction righteous and that is a big mouthful from Paul yeah Genesis to Revelation nobody else believes that we tried every religion I mean we didn't want to be Sabbath Saturday keep that strange it's all we want to be suddenly keepers yeah we want to be politically correct but we had no choice and who else believes that you know we should go into all the worlds everybody but the two book to teach everybody to observe everything that Jesus taught us don't worry anyone should I met saying that in an unkind way but that was it's just it's just it's just a fact and so eventually we just took all our books we burned them with like we can't no really yeah because we can't give we know everything's at stake our attention every our home world is at stake and but we couldn't rest I mean we were we were miserable and eventually we eventually we just decided well one day I was I was so miserable I couldn't work I was in a workshop and I got this book great controversy and I started reading and it was talking about and this book by the way was thrown away in the barn and I forgot that it was there and I remembered it that there when I needed it and it was all the answers all the questions that I had the answers were right there was like God talking to me and I just made up my mind I'm gonna follow the truth life or death if my wife wants to follow it she can follow if not I will follow it because I think we're here and somebody come in I think you got one of the babies here yes gonna be mama I think we should bring mama yeah come over here say mama oh here let's see mama he's supposed to be sleeping but there all right no this is a family time he was sick there he's gonna go right over to mama there you go buddy okay yeah there you go well he has an unlimited amount of energy so good I said yesterday it's a good thing we own 54 acres yeah absolutely well he woke up and was one to see mama so anyway we'll go back to to your story so you burned the other the other literature you felt like that when you read this you didn't really want to be a seventh-day Adventist oh but you felt you had to be I I wanted I wanted I wanted to choose because I always admired the people in the Bible like Elijah stood up for him it was so politically incorrect it wasn't funny they just stood up forgot and I always wanted to be like that and I knew I found it and so it just cost so much more than I thought it would and what was your dad's reaction as a bishop what was his reaction when you told him about the truth that you were he was very very much humiliated and I felt sorry for him because of his position that was very humiliating because I had a very good relationship with my dad his knee he's Andy Weaver senior and I'm Andy Weaver jr. and we had a good relationship and yeah he was very upset about it but he's come a long ways well okay so he's he's more accepting of right now yes I'm goes yes we went and saw him this last this a couple days ago and Thanksgiving was incredible it was better than we ever thought it was really yep the they made popcorn for us but they went they got coconut oil to make it instead of lard and oh it was incredible yeah my dad was so happy to see me and we were praising God I mean it was good yeah cuz we never thought we thought we'd live with our family forever and Lord is a big thing because they raised their own you know the pigs and the hogs and a lot and so you you eat the pork and you eat the cow because that's part of it and you they raise it also it that's right and that was neat that they were willing to give to coconut oil that's right and instead of the Lord for you it was so wonderful it's amazing testimony now your your burden now both of you your burden is to reach other Amish other other folk that's when you're doing something about it you have a ministry that's right well we want to know what the ministry is it's West Salem ministry but we want you to tell us about it and we've got folk at home that I think are going to want to help absolutely absolutely so tell us about West Salem mission how it started why it started and where it is right now yes well let me just start to say by say that you know I we were baptizing we became member members of the seventh-day Adventist Church in August of 2013 and at that time we felt so defeated I mean we we had gone through so much we didn't expect anything in life but accept the cross I just I just wanted after life and I had given up in life but the Lord was not done with us okay it was quite obvious and right after that so I'm having to start coming and seeing us on Sabbath and they spent time with us and we had this one couple came by he was just converted from the Catholic faith about three years ago and he was quite well-off financially and he said come on we need to we need to do something here and so we kind of looked around and it kind of in turn in a nutshell we bought this fireworks property that was I used to work for when I was growing up okay I never had an ID that we would have church services there but anyways we bought this fireworks property and there was a there was a newer like an office building on it that's kind of like a wrench wrench type home mm-hm and we took as a wall out we build a small sanctuary where we could get together in Sapa stand at least you know try to type to have a new normal mm-hmm and reach our people and one of the things that was such a great relief for us is once we with just one of the things that made it so hard for us to step out and become 7/7 is because we sell well we're not going to have horse and buggy anymore everything's going to be different and so finally we realized Naomi told me one day she said you know we can be Amish and b77 and say that's a that's right we could do that and David then it became a no-brainer of course we would do that you know too in order to reach damage in order to honor our parents why would we dishonor our parents to keep the Sabbath that makes no sense we were and part of that was because we were living with my mom at the times right hmm and I could not see to for my part I couldn't use her like that because I knew she sure she's gonna think it's horrible even more horrible if we go out and take it change clothes and dr. Karen okay yeah all right so anyways then we had this this other Amish man stopped at my house and he said you know I went I was in churches I'm in the Amish church here lately and he said they were seeing some stuff about you Andy they and he said they were saying you know that Andy Weaver says that that true church is gonna preach the gospel into all the world whereas the Amish don't believe in evangelism mmm and I forget there were some other things and it was gossip but he's he was standing there and he's like well I get that that makes sense so they lost his family over gossip came and saw me and he dealt well this abbis makes sense to me and I'm going to embrace it so and his wife was not ready and so the Amish took his wife and his his children away and they ran him out of the house and actually took him to a counseling center and trying to put him on drugs because they thought was crazy in his head and stuff but there are a lot of drugs are something new they should not use new stuff yeah well you gotta be kind of they're Amish yeah I got to do what you got to do to keep keep people from going crazy so you know nutshell that he was crazy yes yeah okay she's converted today and they're taking Bible stomach taking Bible studies and they're applying to be baptized oh that's wonderful absolutely that's incredible so you have this place yes facility and you're meeting on Sabbath that's right right yeah we have a school there okay here we go all right yeah are these some of the folk who come there yes those are that's my family in the front row and then yeah we can hold about 60 people but this last opposite was crowded with most of them are not we're not Amish but you know the Amish like you shared earlier it's very difficult to reach them yeah but we know they're going to be reached because they are part of the tribe I mean they will be reached and one of the great ways to reach them is its literature through like mail yeah that way okay they're comfortable so that's what we're working for we hope to work with different evidence ministries to you know to get meal and there's also there's already a ministry known as plain people's ministry out of North Carolina that you can send all your if you have Amish friends or neighbors or anybody you can send your addresses and he will mail them all the Adventist literature all the doctrines in it he's been doing it for 30 years one but tell me sure there's there's a number of ometer that are waking up they're really starting to consider the Sabbath but the devil fights it I mean he fights it really hard yeah but anyways we we had about eight children and so we felt that we need to get a school started so we started a school and we have a we don't lady at a teaching school and she was actually her husband was a was a evangelist for a Bible worker for amazing fact for Joe Cruz okay alright and so she moved in and she's our schoolteacher and heard her daughter attends to school there so we have this we have everything she lives in this little building we have church there and we have school that multi-purpose multi-purpose in for yes and it's working out but that's all it means yeah it's very tough it's very hard very crowded yeah but there's other buildings there we're working we're going to start renovation and renovation on another building there that you was used to make firecrackers let's copy our school building and then we're working on getting on fundraising to build a multipurpose building bigger building where we can have where we can worship and have like cooking classes not many because people around there don't know anything about evidence and you don't want everybody else to tell everybody what they think about it and if you want to kind of game that's right are you finding that there are a lot of people who are seeking truth that they're really hungry for the truth yes within that community yes there's a lot of Amish that are hungry for truth especially younger folks and it's devastating deal the old folks are devastated they think the young folks if they believe they truly believe it's a great falling away that Paul prophesied about mm-hmm and so he creates a lot of heartache and there's nothing funny about it I mean to them it's terrible my my parents I mean my mother she literally got health problems I believe over me leaving the church because there's nothing it's it's very intense it's very I mean I think you're able to sit down and talk to them it was pretty rocky for awhile I just kind of I I did once in a great while but it just once in a great while because it was yeah it was pretty intense but um you tell her that it doesn't change your love for yes and she knows that by now I mean things they have gotten that the Holy Spirit has gotten so we pray for them all day every day anything during middle and night when I wake up first thing I do I pray for my parents that's because I know their grief and that's there's nothing funny about that I mean that's terrible it's very serious that's very serious yeah because they feel as though you your soul is in jeopardy that's right they are sure that we're going to be tortured for eternity and how could you bear that yeah and but I from our visit with my parents on on Thanksgiving I I am fairly I'm thinking I'm fairly confident that they're getting to the point where they believe maybe Andy neomi are will not be lost one thing they like is that we believe it in the law yeah they they think they believe in Allah but to them that's more they believe the Amish law yeah that's right they believe that you should not eat horse because their hooves are not split you can't eat horse it's unclean but it's alright the pork and you're weird if you don't eat pork or common and you know it's a very inconsistent but you know if nobody challenges it nobody nobody thinks about that's right now everybody is thinking and it's creating a lot of chaos yeah so we just try to you know do everything we can to keep everything quiet and normal and as we love these people we know all I want is them I want them in the kingdom I'm not looking for them to all swarm to this church in worship I just want them in the kingdom when we get absolutely say from my perspective from that this is really remarkable because people don't even know to be open because they're afraid to be open it's because I don't want to be that person to be because you're so within this closed community that if you do anything you're pretty well outcast so you can't even hardly have thoughts why of doing anything and your mind is not there but when you do business with within the English or you do business and somebody comes and you start saying well these people aren't so bad you know and then they start teaching a you know the Word of God but how much more effective you know is Andy and Naomi because they still have the Amish lifestyle and so it's not just the English that's out here but hey they're born and raised Amish wonder what's after the gossips over and the shock is over I think it comes down to it well there's still wonderful people we see them they raise in the family they they love people they haven't really changed that much so what is it that why did they do what they have done that's right and I think it will get their minds now they have a church and who knows someone may venture that start don't you have one family already that's me being a lot we've been so much trouble without the Holy Spirit you know I thought it's all up to the Holy Spirit but what but God wants us to go God just wants us to be instruments you know to get people to think you know get people to question and get you know to demonstrate I mean it's just part of God's love is to use his sinful people yeah we work for him and who better than from within that's right Danny was saying it's it's a much better witness from within than somebody from outside saying whatever you guys have that culture already and you're maintaining that lifestyle and yet you have reached out to the Word of God and you really you've really accepted the Word of God not tradition that's right yep and they understand that I actually had an Amish Bishop come me come and tell me he's he said you know Andy I want you to move off of this property because I'm in the center of the community of over 300 families no I want you to move off of this property I want you to cut your hair I want you to change your clothes and I want you to move to the west coast and I want you to take that smile off that face I don't that like like your happiness you're condemned and that's a while it's working I know I don't want to be a threat to the Amish community I mean I don't really be it I want to be a blessing to them and and I I don't know why God is how God is going to reach these people right but I know for a fact that he will reach these people and I believe you will be through mailing a lot I think the ball will start it's going to be it's going to be through you all of course now what can we do our viewers are watching are you saying financially you're doing fundraising what particular is this for literature so that you can mail literature money for that is it for the your buildings for the remodeling expanding what is it our viewers can do tell us what the needs are well let me first say thank everybody that that contributed to the administrative even in just prayer I mean somebody has obviously been praying hard because things have been really moving on fast and we have gotten a lot of financial gifts which are very much appreciated and we want to thank you these people we greatly appreciate those all those financial help that we have gotten and there's one specific church that has helped us a whole lot of the Smith Mountain Lake seventh-day Adventist Church in Virginia okay have been such a great blessing I mean they busways you know as our things we need for communion and pastor Danny puff came up and he preached and they were at the work being met your chats but they have done so much for us and we want to thank you dollars okay and what can they do we're going to put up an address a little bit but so your biggest needs right now or what yes our biggest need right now is some financial help because we we are out of room and we want to build a multipurpose building for or for our for the mission to kind of get our feet under us and then we were just looking for open doors as far as who can we work with as far as getting literature to the Amish you know start working with the Amish because we do one of the people that is part of our group there is a thirty year he's been a Cole Porter for thirty years mm-hm and I'm mostly among the Amish so he no he's he's got a lot of contacts okay and so we don't know where this is all this going but we know we're there's no question that God has a ministry for us and then so you need volunteers to disseminate literature or do you is that what you're saying I think for them I think for the most part what works best is if we can work through somebody through ministries or whether we will be that you know the center of it we hope what we can do is we want to reach all the armies of plain communities and of course we want to reach Souls and we were not just a promise anybody but we're going to be geared toward the plain people and so we want to kind of be there like the headquarters of that you know to help other people in other areas okay and but the ministry is like Steve Wahlberg's and amazing East Africa we can work on stem to consider we have over we have like fifteen or eighteen thousand Amish addresses to play in people's ministry so what what one person has and I forget the name of this ministry boat they were just working on that now their take their adopting those all of those addresses and there's they're going to planning to send steps to Christ every one of those how wonderful so that is an example what we want to do and okay and it's just it's it remains a mystery know how will this all play out oh well what we is going to turn out it's going to play out good and be for the good all things work together for good right called according to his purpose what we'd like to do is we want to put your dress up on the screen so we want you to pray and ask the Holy Spirit what he would have you to do in support of West Salem mission yes if you would like to contact Andy then you can write to West Salem mission one four seven zero zero ricky'll Road West Salem Ohio four four two eight seven that's West Salem mission 1 4 7 0 0 r IC ke L Road West Salem Ohio 4 4 - 8 7 you can call five six seven three three four ten eighty that's five six seven three three four one zero eight zero or you can send an email to West Salem mission at gmail.com it's all one word West Salem mission at gmail dot c om wow what a great program our time is almost gone look at that clock I can't believe the time goes by so much yeah I was thinking how much courage it takes to step out in faith and to to witness to people who would be resistant to it ordinarily but we praise God for you and your witness well absolutely and to realize that the purview you know and for most of us we accept this and sometimes our folks or relatives aren't too happy but in this case it's like shunning I mean you've got actually it'd be like for us if our children went out totally in the world you're like oh these folks are going to be lost and here you accepted Jesus your accepting the word of God and then you still you know people treat you like that so God has called you for a special purpose for these closing moments of Earth's history Jesus was hanging on the cross you all were on mine he was speaking a great peace great peace have they which love thy law and I mama - he came back and what's his name Johnny Johnny Johnny ok Johnny we're glad you made the program to those of you at home we're sorry we have to leave you but until we see next time may the Lord richly bless you abundantly more than you could ever ask for thing
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 164,248
Rating: 4.6518826 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Danny Shelton, Amish, Adventist, Christian Network, Yvonne Lewis, Three Angels Broadcasting Network
Id: 1xPJeWiJnnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 30sec (3330 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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