The History Of Minecraft On YouTube

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in this video we'll cover the entire history of  minecraft here on youtube joined by some very   special guests i advise you buckle up because  we've got a decade of content to explore more   videos dedicated to one game on one platform than  any other in the entire world and well we have to   be honest with ourselves here minecraft is a game  unlike any other it has not only monumentally   transformed the gaming industry but has also  helped shape the very video platform we use today   youtube and minecraft go hand in hand in many  people's minds and in this time of new wave   speedrunners live tournaments and introspective  video essays i figured well i've been around   the community for 10 years i've actually been  there in the background behind the scenes for   so many of these projects and events so why not  start at the beginning and go over everything 10   years of content creation 10 years of incredible  relationships events and changes for the gaming   and video industry this is the entire history  of minecraft on youtube welcome back to queen   connor my name is connor and today on this  development circle special i'm going to break down   the most iconic creators significant events and  major content trends that made up the past decade   of minecraft since its initial rise to popularity  in late 2009. if you're looking for a specific   year you can find timestamps in the description  for each if you're looking for a specific new   gaming platform well you can download play and  create pc games on core for free right now and   they're sponsoring this video i mean creating a  documentary is tough but making a game on core   super simple first of all it's powered by  unreal engine and secondly it already hosts   a wide variety of genres games made by players  just like yourself which means there's always a   surprise around the corner i signed up and browsed  a few games before spotting farmers market a cute   farming simulator style game that sees you plant  and grow your own crops to sell and expand your   plots spider bite was another that got my heart  racing with a classic multiplayer murderer dynamic   taken to a whole new horrific level and more like  it are being published every day for you to play   on with your friends especially with community  hosted events and dev jams like the dungeons and   dragons competition that just finished and paid  out 20 thousand dollars in prizes we talk a lot   about design and game platforms here on this  channel so if you've ever wanted to get into   it core is an amazing place to start best thing  you can start right now for free using pre-built   systems package sounds thousands of music tracks  art assets models and no coding is really even   needed just drag and drop create your own game and  even travel to others and customize your avatar   through the social network of ever-growing titles  make sure you get ahead of the curve i'll leave my   link down in the description and pin comment thank  you core for the support now let's talk minecraft   to understand what the community and youtube  space were like each year from 2009 to 2020   i'm going to show you a montage of clips from  popular creators on notable videos of the time   before elaborating on each if you watched back  then this should give you some nice nostalgia   and if you didn't it'll act as a nice snippet  or snapshot of what the ecosystem was like back   then expect input from prominent community  figures and creators throughout as well ah to set the stage the year was 2009 i had just  entered my first year of high school and youtube   was getting pretty big mmos late runescape and  world of warcraft dominated the gaming space   call of duty commentary was amongst some  of the most significant genres that found   an early footing in the youtube space what  originally started out as simple tutorials   guides and showcases of gameplay quickly evolved  into what we now know as commentated let's plays   no longer were you just watching to beat that  hard level you are watching entire segments huge   stretches of the game experiencing it and growing  closer might i add to the quirks and personalities   of those recording in hindsight it was no surprise  that when a chirpy swedish developer 29 years of   age by the name of marcus person uploaded a video  to showcase his new in-development block building   game it caught some eyes titled cave game tech  test the video received little attention compared   to the behemoth numbers the game pulls today you  see minecraft was a combination of inspirations   dwarf fortress's base building mechanics mixed  with the isometric 3d gameplay of rollercoaster   tycoon and infiniminer's first person block  visuals notch's previous work on a range of   game styles allowed him to form essentially an  accumulative mixing pot of a vision and early in   2009 notch left his workspace and over the span of  a single weekend created the base game setting it   public on may 17th as a developmental release  it didn't take longer than a day for youtube   footage to be posted of someone playing the game  whap as the channel was known posted this great   clip showcasing some of the earliest mechanics  still deep in development with only the basic   code in place minimalistic textures no physics  it's remarkable to look back on but to this day   you can still note the charismatic charms that  this early version provoked it was an inviting   open world of potential there's plenty of footage  out there of this very original version but the   first minecraft video with actual commentary  arrived not long after on the 21st of may 2009   four days after the game's very first playable  release hey guys this is the carlson again once   again just showing you the carl's law has spoken  in his comments since the upload noting that i had   found minecraft because the very early version  was shown on a website like indie game blog or   something and after trying it for a while for some  reason i found the ability to build with blocks   in a tiny little world to be so compelling that  i just had to make a video to show other people   little did i know that there'd eventually be so  much more to the game and that did it turn into   the massively popular thing it is today a user  by the name of hypnotoad also released the series   in late 2009 one of the first if not the very  second to do so thus re-emphasizing this idea   of minecraft commentator but as many videos from  back then probably have it's now been deleted and   his second series didn't begin until early 2010.  individual videos popped up here and there mostly   friends messing around making jokes and just  generally meaning there wasn't a specific end goal   with minecraft yet there was no agenda it was a  lot more like a playground where people could just   express themselves and their creativity freely  and in its simplest form could be understood   by players of all ages and the best thing all of  those ages began to take notice no one really knew   just how much potential there was at this point of  course heck no one could have ever predicted just   how special this game would end up being to all  of us not just a financial success but emotionally   tied to the hips of many of us creators here  on youtube and the audience watching along hello welcome to my tutorial for minecraft now  this game has a bunch of cool little elements to   it i mean the game itself is called minecraft  first it is my honor to present to you the   completed greenhouse of harmony it's beautiful  it is made by single man it became quite obvious   quite quickly that minecraft was the new kid on  the block not just a game but a popular game at   that it pulled in a ton of views with the bare  bones playthrough style and a fast open sandbox   to leave your unique footprint commentators  were left with ample time to integrate their   own personalities and those who didn't tended  to suffer minecraft was never and still is   never an instant success it was always about  the people playing the game and the ones who   let their personality their creativity and their  authenticity shine they were the ones that rose   to the top you'll notice here the first of many  interesting intersections between minecraft and   youtube many people's first youtube video was a  minecraft one it goes to show just how in unison   they were even from the get-go people started  their channels just to make minecraft content to   share their adventures with the world and yes of  course youtube had already been well established   for five years at this point but the gaming  category in particular was debatably still lacking   a face a poster child a game that all gamers could  rally behind however during 2010 with the release   of minecraft that all changed during this time  not only did lots of existing channels switch to   minecraft content but a large majority of creators  began their channels altogether a response to the   popularity of this new open comer many even  inspired by the likes of pioneer creators like   the three legends we'll be discussing today  x pulsar's junior and cnns regarded by most   as their first minecraft youtubers if you were  active online at this time your first minecraft   video was likely one of these three one of the  most popular of them all paul sores jr uploaded   his first minecraft video on the 29th of july  2010. he was one of the first to truly serialize   the format of minecraft commentary let's play he  would proceed through the game giving the viewer   tips and running into surprises along the way  considered also by many to be the origin of their   minecraft enjoyment is xenanus who created his  first commentary video on the 25th of august 2010.   over time his likable personality and funny antics  had his audience growing and as more eyes looked   to minecraft scene as would go on to dabble in  multiplayer with then unheard of captain sparkles   hello everyone my name is not seananners it is  jordan or captain sparkles but of course i am   here with adam and we're going to be going  on take three of our minecraft boat course   x was my first minecraft youtuber i had caught  glimpses of minecraft on the home page and upon   searching for the game i found him he wasn't too  far along in the series if i remember right and   it caught my interest so i stuck around and  watched my pc gaming history at 12 years old   was nothing much more than world of warcraft  and random cd roms i had lying around the   home i wasn't big on runescape and up until that  point i'd really only consumed youtube for funny   animal videos dancing stormtroopers nian cat and  a handful of simple playstation game walkthroughs   shout out to lego star wars by the way i've always  loved the english language and writing stories too   i used to want to be an author so when i saw  x's intro cards that each had a poetic quote   semi-relating to the open world freedom and  survival aspects of the game i was taken aback   and drawn in i was engaged and ready for a story  a journey and that that's something so special a   magic that so many creators captured in their own  ways a new minecraft let's play was like watching   a different person open the same door each time to  find something completely different on the inside uh what got me started with my minecraft content  journey goes to you know how i initially found   minecraft a friend of mine showed me minecraft  in november of 2010 and because i was playing   runescape so often i i remember telling him and  i even said it in my second ever minecraft video   that i didn't want to get addicted to another game  um i first heard about minecraft probably back in   i'd say it was probably 2011. i think that i  became aware of minecraft back in 2009 that   that was the time that minecraft that was this  just weird program that was on a forum somewhere   i think my initial sort of interactions with  minecraft and where it started for me i think was   pretty much like everybody else's just like all of  a sudden on the trending page yogscast the ogscass   yogscast it was just the thing that everybody was  watching it was kind of the the momentary let's   plays just before shadow of israel really kicked  off um so i i wound up hearing about minecraft um   from you know all my friends in the runescape  community so they all switched switched over to   minecraft when i took like this six month break  because i had 99 agility in in runescape and uh   if you know anything about runescape if you get  99 agility and runescape you're probably fat irl   and so i was really fat irl i wound up um leaving  youtube for like six or seven months to go focused   on my health and when i came back everyone was  blind and they were all playing minecraft and i   was like what's minecraft and then there i looked  into uh x and then i was like oh i like minecraft   dude just something about x was so charming it  was like the most simple uh let's play ever and   that's actually what started you know sky does  minecraft seananners um was a big influence of   this let's play series that i watched that made  me uh first get the game i'm not sure if this they   may have been a little later but yogg's cast was  one of the big big early people um that i remember   with at least their in-depth let's plays that  didn't just seem like they were playing the game   the first minecraft creator that i ever watched  was davidangel64 otherwise known as x from x's   adventures in minecraft because i actually i  played it for probably about a month just on   my own and then i just completely fell off of the  game because mostly i didn't realize how much fun   it could be uh you know when you play multiplayer  with your friends once one of my friends started   filming minecraft another youtuber named asian  canadian he was like hey like you know you should   try this out you know you could play multiplayer  right and i was like all right i'll i'll   put the game back on i'll try it again uh and i  fell in love with it i was actually introduced   to it by a friend of mine a real-life friend of  mine blowing up a castle and i was like oh that's   cool i'm gonna try and buy that game of course  minecraft looks the same to everyone a creeper   explosion will always be a creeper explosion but  to experience how individuals dealt with that   explosion how they dealt with surviving that very  first night that was part of the ride minecraft's   survival elements also lent itself very well  to the episodic progressive adventure content   the random worlds and infinite possibilities for  generation provided a completely unique experience   for every channel and it was relatively easy to  record chunks of gameplay then upload them as part   a format that would lend itself very well to the  minecraft and overall gaming genre on youtube in   2012 and 2013. building structures allowed players  to construct their own narratives and with there   being no streamlined pathway to an endgame the fun  came from trying to survive the then much tougher   night time without items like beds or random  villages to protect you i started making videos   showing off uh the progress on my map um inspired  by people like cnners like uh davidangel64   like hutch uh you know a lot of those machinima  guys from way back in the day i got inspired by   their commentary style and i sort of started doing  the same thing and uh you know on my own channel   so that's really what sparked the initial sort  of birth of my content journey with minecraft   i think it was just a small friend group uh we  start talking about it and we're like oh wow did   you find that did you see that thing that people  are talking about i can't remember what how we   shared it or how we found it i think over time  as the block palette became a little bit more   extensive because i think at the beginning you  maybe have like three or four blocks and then and   when i say extensive i'm talking it got to like  nine blocks it was creative mode but i don't think   you really had a much of the functionality that  we have in creative mode today like i don't think   there was like you know you couldn't middle click  on something just like select more of it the the   the palette and the actual block varieties were  just so minimal as well it was it was just bizarre   and i don't think it ever actually saved if i  remember correctly so you build all this wacky   stuff and then if you happen to refresh the page  or close the browser and then open it up again   it was all gone like it was just a new build every  single time there's no brightness slider in the   old versions of the game there's no sprinting  in the old versions if you're being chased down   it takes a lot longer to run away from something  than it used to so the game is actually much   easier today than it was back then back then it  was a lot harder plus there were no enchantments   back then so you couldn't buff yourself out  with protection for everything and it started   to appear as this game that was like wow you can  actually kind of create environments and worlds in   it and i personally saw it as an opportunity to  create cool little videos and sequences in them   i enjoyed x's content specifically because  he started the episode by pitching a plan   and then somehow some way it would always go  wrong i vividly remember his large mine shaft   with the glass skylight which today with creative  mode would take two seconds to build but for him   quite a few episodes and that was okay because  every step was still enjoyable what would appear   to some as dead space filled by imprints of  personality random anecdotes and unexpected   moments i highly recommend you go and check out  his series in your spare time it's a time capsule   an ode to what minecraft was of course there's  one particular channel i'm failing to mention   here and that's because while their first video  on the game was posted in late december of 2010   like many creators i'm going to discuss  today they didn't really take off until 2011   when their channel blew zephos or the oxcast and  what everyone believed at the time to just be   another survival multiplayer series turned into a  monumental narrative known as the shadow of israel i'm not sure if this they may have been a little  later but yogg's cast was one of the big big early   people um that i remember with at least their  in-depth let's plays that didn't just seem like   they were playing the game but just the whole  concept of that game i think initially started   to pick up momentum on youtube when people  start to see a storytelling tool when   simon and lewis really started to like do  something extra with it but the game had been   buzzing around for a little bit like i was quite  active on a lot of like forums and lots of indie   games i played so many mmos over the years like  everything from you know runescape to wow to guild   wars like i even played little ones like fantasy  star online that used that kind of like rpg maker   element so i was just like a fiend for new games  and like up and coming little projects so at the   time the channel had only amassed around 20 000  subscribers and the lead duo of simon and lewis   covered world of warcraft for the most part their  background in rpgs and role-playing of course led   them to try out minecraft when the alpha version  began supporting multiplayer connection via player   hosted servers these two british gamers had an  iconic chemistry viewers fell in love instantly   and were watching along from the first night  right up until the construction of a base or well   their cave and to be honest they were already  receiving some really good attention for their   delve into multiplayer minecraft people clearly  seeing right potential in the multiplayer systems   however they were garnering a lot of views because  it was more than tricky to actually get it all set   up and running at the time especially for younger  kids while the nether had been in single player   for a while at this point multiplayer had to  survive without it due to a persistent issue   over the course of a few months the survival  series would evolve and begin to play on the   rising creepypasta of herobrine that had become  popular amongst the minecraft forums of the time   as moyang began to promise a multiplayer nether in  the future they drew herobrine closer and closer   as they finished building their nether portal  subtly integrating multiple roles played by   their band of friends acting as random npcs and  adding new builds and extensions randomly off   camera between episodes and then reacting to them  the og's cast slowly built on what was possible   in game and more importantly what was expected  of content creators narrative against the norm   by the end of the year the yogscast would  go on to garner a total of one million three   hundred thousand subscribers and would rise to  become the most subscribed gaming duo in the uk   but we're by no means done with 2011.  in fact we've barely even started   what's up homies my name is slyfoxhound and we're  playing something hey everyone it's cupcake and i   am playing minecraft here is the the friendly  chaps at hot ventures we've taken on a new map not long after december of 2010 minecraft began  beta as notch started working full time to develop   the game clearly understanding at least a fraction  of the magnificent scope on offer and while paul   x and c nana's continued making content and  inspiring younger viewers their builds were   by far the best to show for that time i mean they  had great adventures experiences what they made   was really cool but there were hundreds if not  thousands of users now taking to the lego-like   blocky landscape to create incredible builds  we all remember the giant starship enterprise   i believe the cast even did a video on it  themselves lewis being a big fan and all   in fact they were really the first to start  buckling down on custom maps and mods from   the community in general too many items  inventory editor big trees and timber even   the good old planes mod and we can't forget  the pyramid map with professor griswold shout   out to another british minecraft duo also that  regularly reviewed mods game chat and bertie   i see what happened some [ __ ] scheme chev  and bernie yeah he is indeed i would say united all the mods that kind of originated in those  early days were so genuinely mind-blowing because   we at that point didn't realize that minecraft  was really as flexible as it ended up being in   the long run like back then we felt as though the  developer made the game it was not making it and   that was it like whenever people added these  little extra like caveats on top of mods like   it was just such a mind-blowing technical  advancement like it was almost like going like you   know from being cavemen dragging knuckles around  to suddenly having stone and wheels and everything   it just felt so monumentous and huge that's  something like i played particularly the adventure   craft mod and a guy from france called uh gary  520 that she created his own unique zelda story   but using adventure craft and that introduced  things like uh cut scenes which was just insane   like the fact that he was able to manipulate  some form of camera in order to fly around   i've literally never seen that before i think  that's why it was so exciting back then is because   every mod that came out was the first of its kind  people were really starting to get to grips with   this game and beyond grand scale single-player  builds and constantly expanding multiplayer   dynamics this is also where people began to  customize the game at first it was a tweak   here change there but soon customized world files  begin releasing on forums for download regularly   then more 10 more soon there are enough to  begin categorizing them most were challenge   maps to begin with survival islands and  planetoids being particular maps of note   playing minecraft back then was a much simpler  time like custom maps weren't even all that   common back then and if you did play one they were  like very very very basic i think the thing what   drew me to things like adventure craft and even  the kingdom of the saplings pack that i did was   i felt like i'd reached my limitations with the  vanilla version of minecraft i knew i didn't have   a team to create something like the shadow of  israel series but i wanted something that would   gently guide my narrative along and even just give  me a little bit of direction because back then   i don't even think the nether was introduced at  that point so there wasn't really any kind of end   goal like you know the goal at that time the best  thing you could do was collect diamonds and that   was it like imagine minecraft where you can't go  to the nether you can't go to the end so actually   having additional goals to strive towards actually  gave you almost like a checklist for each episode   and also would allow people to almost like  set you like miniature challenges so i think   the game was a little bit too short length in  terms of its you know progression at the time   which is why these mods were so appetizing  like for everybody sort of like thirst   adventure maps also became popular around this  time placing the user in a more linear narrative   that saw them going up against a wide assortment  of themes whilst completing challenges or quests   i i can remember distinctly there was this there  was this world file that i booted up and it had   this small little cliff face and it was night  time and i put some torches down and i was like   man this is so atmospheric i'm gonna record it and  i think this was back in the time of like fraps   so i recorded it and um stuck it in sony vegas  and put the uh gymnopity uh piano track to it   with just like a moving and i was  moving the camera i was moving myself   just very slowly to try and get this like nice  pan of the night sky to the gymnopody soundtrack   and i was like man you can make like cool little  um atmospheric uh videos in this game it's so nice   and i was like showing my friends i was like  look at this but that was that was the start   of me sort of using minecraft as a creative  platform eventually somehow we stumbled across   the minecraft forum and that was when i discovered  the adventure map category and there was this one   map called professor griswold and the adventure  of the pyramid and it was very simple it was   very like you got a clue at the beginning like  hey uh you're kind of following this professor   and within the pyramid i remember you you found  the diamond crystal thing and you're like wow   that's the thing i've been hunting this whole time  and you take it from the monument that it's stuck   in and the entire roof explodes and lava just  comes like falling down and i was with a friend   at the time and we were we screamed so loud and  it felt like we were playing like an action film   and that was the first time i realized that  like wow you can actually create these sort of   emotional uh pulling experiences in minecraft by  making adventure maps yeah i've been working with   the knox crew i think since when was my first  paladin's quest episode i'm just looking now it   looks as though it was in july of 2012 so yeah  we're coming up on like eight in a bit years or   eight plus years now and everything they've ever  done whether it be something more simplistic like   an adventure map with like the cutscenes and kind  of the character dialogue boxes and things like   that they've always done everything to such a high  caliber like they sort of reach the ceiling of   what the limitations are and then they just smash  through it every single time and like back in the   day the knock screw game show was i think entirely  done with redstone bear in mind back in the day we   didn't have things like command blocks or data  packs or anything like that we'd be looking to   slap a texture pack on something but the ingenuity  that they demonstrated was just unreal um we   discovered the first minecraft youtuber that we're  familiar with called in the little wood um he we   made we made and released an adventure map called  paladin's quest in 2011 and in the littlewood was   one of the more notable youtubers that picked  it up and did a series on it and this was our   first time experiencing as a crew like like a  youtuber doing a series on one of our things   and we became good friends with him and through  him we discovered um people like variety i think   was at the time there was at god uh bashar verse  and i don't remember it was a very small community   at the time fire uk was a was sort of like a  build team youtuber because they were releasing   uh time lapses i think i've always worked so well  with them because i have that same uh production   value kind of like threshold myself because where  i came from a radio background i think i already   had a certain level of expectation for myself  of how slick the products could be at the end so   i think they provide the content i provide  kind of an entertainment aspect and i've   always tried to stay on par with them and that  still extends now to the minecraft championship   parkour maps redstone puzzle maps fantasy sci-fi  minecraft became a canvas for the paintings of   colourful minds naturally watching your favorite  creator experience new maps in the game became   routine and a nice break between regular survival  videos as players would wait for more updates and   gameplay features it would always be nice  to see a creator return to their survival   world after a while to add to it build on their  creations explore new features if their world   hadn't corrupted that is and this is also when  creators began to really diversify their content   the most popular channels by the end of 2011 no  longer just running an ongoing survival series   but also had adventure map run throughs and even  multiplayer series challenge and role play videos   we'll explore some more of those creators  but first i'm sure there's another genre   of minecraft content that started somewhere in  early 2011 that i think i've failed to mensch captain sparkles or jordan marin began making  content way back with synanas in august of 2010   but he really began to dominate the scene after  the release of his now hit single tnt a parody of   tayo cruz's dynamite this went viral following the  success of dead workers original song in search of   diamonds a few months earlier was part of the  first wave of the minecraft parody genre that   would eventually blow up revenge came in august  and formed this way from in the little wood was   also a popular one that year it was about this  time when some of the biggest names you'll have   ever heard of in the community started making  content or their content really started gaining   traction at least toby games with his comedy  antics captain sparkles with his music and   fun puzzle map playthroughs tom syndicate and  his minecraft project in the littlewood and the   zelda adventure craft series the creatures with  their group collaborations bashaverse rising with   machinima and server projects and venom searching  for a golden apple the first minecraft monday ever   with bebop vox hat dorms in their quest red  stoning with seth bling varida and his team   unspeakable gaming even minecraft czech aka lydia  winters of mojang we had lakeland chimney swift   p-bat sly fox hound husky mudkits log dot z i has  cup quake ld shadow lady vintage beef posted his   minecraft application back then caveman films many  of the hermits even pews posted his very first   video around this time and yup it was minecraft i  spoke with ant venom and aviator gaming who first   started uploading their content around march 2011.  on the map making side jesse cox started his show   rpg makers vex published the first three super  hostile maps on the 4th of march 2011 and deep   space turtle chase one of the most advanced maps  for its time released in october of the same year   created by the vauxhall box in partnership  with captain sparkles all providing a myriad   of content for youtubers to cover and explore  with their audience one of them was a guy named   no tux this guy was a one-man wrecking machine  builder in minecraft he was probably one of the   one of if not the single greatest builder who's  ever done any work in minecraft so there is him   there's the voxel box they did uh captain sparkles  deep space turtle chase map which was at the time   a breakthrough map that was one of the very first  maps that had custom voicing that had a storyline   that you know used mods and whatnot to you know  help advance the story like i mean it's not   talked about much these days but that adventure  map that that one project i would say redefined   what adventure maps could be it was around this  time that more players began to collaborate and   share ideas more players were making smp servers  together shows were being conceived the build team   and channels were becoming incredibly skilled  with their ever-growing block palette and as   moyang continued to pump out updates during beta  we saw minecraft boom from a personal standpoint i   definitely need to uh acknowledge the music video  projects that i worked on with various animators   there is um nick nickim there is a bootstrap  buckaroo who i did a bunch of animations with   and then working with uh pedro music by pedro  get you know working on those so from a personal   standpoint those are some big projects that i  remember insurgents unlike anything gaming related   seen on youtube before not only because of the  game but because of how it acted as a vessel for   our imaginations buildings towns societies our own  custom worlds that we could invite our friends to   basic survival role play and even creative based  server worlds would be advertised left right and   center on the minecraft forum players would use  mods like townie and economy to add currency and   all sorts of world building features to make their  servers into more of a community all of this was   showcased and even advertised to an extent on  youtube modders even began showcasing all the   prominent youtubers who had played their creations  bigger and better builds were forming and with   bigger and better groups too at this point it's  safe to say that minecraft was looking promising   so promising that it caught the eye of a big  up-and-coming company known by the name of micro   no no we're not there yet never mind now this  company beginning with an m was actually called   machinima you see machinima was the mcn not just  the one to be with it was your only option back   then as a creator if you wanted to earn money from  your content a machinima rev split was your best   deal of course nowadays that's not the case and  we could speak on machinima as a company forever   point is they took a turn away from fps related  titles after seeing minecraft with a branched   company called machinima realm this largely  focused on the big mc creators and productions   many of the creators you've watched got  their start here or at least an initial   burst of new viewers while uploading their own  content they would also become regulars to the   realm home channel creating a cult of fan favorite  creators animations such as the noob adventures of   minecraft began here too garnering significant  audience in the earlier days unrelated to realm   a popular mc animator called slamakao's first  uploads were in late 2011 too as were element   animations i think probably the most standout  piece of minecraft content for me in terms of mods   or servers obviously you can't deny how incredible  hypixel has been and obviously that's now   evolving into what will become hightel in the  future but i think the one that really stuck   with me was the aether because there were a lot of  mods floating around at the time they were adding   lots of different items but they all kept you  within your current dimension and then we started   to have things like the twilight forest which was  sort of stepping into that boundary of creating an   alternative portal and going to a different realm  but it didn't really feel like that added too much   in terms of a gameplay aspect it was some gigantic  trees and some you know different colored rivers   and it just didn't feel like it had much to offer  at the time but the aether mod was just next level   it really felt as though that ether was a complete  and done product like it felt like the sort of   thing you would get with an actual expansion pack  from the studio themselves it had a beginning a   middle and end it had set biomes it reset you to  zero so instead of you know having a diamond axe   or pickaxe that was useless that was equivalent  of the wooden equivalent inside of the aether   and the fact they had like these cool zelda style  dungeons inside of these massive kind of you know   coliseums and things like that um it absolutely  blew me away and it doesn't surprise me to hear   that the developer of that the initial developer  obviously expanded that team slightly then dropped   the project after a couple of iterations but now  literally works for mojang i think they recognized   the potential as much as the players did really  the only like minecraft was so addictive in   its nature back then i would even argue more so  than now just because back then it was all about   surviving and thriving most of us who were  making content about the game were genuinely   very very very invested in actually playing the  game and we were just sort of sharing that with   the outer community i think videos back then  were way more personal in nature you could   really feel how much someone enjoyed playing the  game especially during the 2010 and early 2011   era so the like the desire for making the content  was just naturally it naturally existed in our   desire to play the game briefing where one would  destroy another's buildings or abuse them in game   this was common hacking less so but there were  many clients out there that provided god tier   abilities the likes of which really couldn't be  combated in the early days of minecraft with the   game receiving updates so commonly with growing  groups of users all with the single aimed to   troll we were bound to eventually see one of these  groups take off by showing their antics on youtube   q team avo team abolition ran riots across  servers all around the internet in their pursuit   of deserving ice cream the group would go all out  establishing completely unseen hacking methods and   crazy client tactics to pull one over on server  owners that called them out blowing the hours   of work in some cases completely obliterating  servers and in other cases just stealing a few   boats here and there while denial of service and  other abusive behaviors were wild and uncalled for   this is internet history it's there for you to  go back and watch right now even at the time   as a child i enjoyed the mischievousness of it  all it felt like a true wild west and funnily   enough the team ended up working with half the  people they originally griefed in the first place   while team [ __ ] are long gone now due to the  anti-cheat explosion of mc exploiting and general   disinterest on their part we can save them in  the history books from the most meta of minecraft   content to the most immersive machinima was an  mcn but the word machinima is also a terminology   describing machine cinema in general recording  footage in-game editing voice acting applying   cinematography practices you were creating a real  production almost completely void of the classic   first-person perspective offered by almost every  single other minecraft channel out there and it   makes sense by mid-2011 minecraft youtubers were  popping up everywhere and while it would still   take another two years for any of those names  mentioned today to really get any significant   numbers it was apparent that something needed to  change some creators needed to be different enter   legend of hobo widely regarded as one of the most  fun machinimas this series captured the entire   community for a very special moment while creators  had uploaded short machinimas or even single   videos without a specific narrative no one had  ever really challenged the medium in such a way   that attempted a full series let alone one that  made use of naturally swaying entities like grass   professional voice acting and cool camera  effects that required custom plugins and mods   the legend of hobo created by team bashaverse  set a new president that there was big things   possible in this game big stories to tell that  people were willing to take seriously the basher   community exploded more or less overnight and  he soared to the top spot with his team as they   worked hard to produce more episodes however when  it became apparent that things were not all going   to plan behind the scenes and with a failing  multiplayer server and huge amount of time   invested into a secret minecraft mmo project  called roon the legend of hobo went on hiatus   but the damage was already done now people knew  there was a taste for cinematic content fun fact   i actually wrote a large set of books for their  own project and even worked under the bashful team   to help him film legend of hobo you can actually  see me there i was one of these zombies i promise   i was only young but i was ambitious and really  wanted to get into the scene as a body actor a   job profession likely unheard of by anyone that  hasn't filmed an in-game machinima you guys are   incredibly organized you're telling me yesterday  about your texture packs yeah yeah yeah yeah   yeah okay like for every single scene we have  about 13 texture packs but every single shot we   have to change the texture pack for every single  angle so we could get it perfect every single   frame yeah the dirt on the road is totally not  there if you have normal texture pack it's wool   it's because dirt turns into grass and we can't  have that happen i think this was at the time that   legend of hobo was a thing from bashar verse and  that was quite inspirational um because there was   there was some really good cinematic stuff going  on in legend of hobo he i think he really mastered   how to tell a story through like a video game  like that and and really good voice acting as well elephants aren't native to this part of  roon you [ __ ] what you've seen an elephant   yes melon here near our city no me lord when i  was a small boy i saw one at the circle me too   what does that have to do with him finding an  elephant here maybe there's a circus in the palace   i joined a server with over 60 people we were  all orchestrated to apply different skins we   would hold bows with no textures so it looked  like we had our arms out like zombies and were   shown a map with locations to where we would  be during shooting my interest for bash averse   eventually died when rune was announced as never  happening but we're getting ahead of ourselves   machinima not just legend of hobo now but  the likes of crafted movie had platforms   as aspiring movie makers exploding tnt started  minecraft videos in 2011 and he quickly switched   to machinimas gaining 5 million subscribers he  had characters like pink sheep who would have   their own spin-off channels exploding tnt's  content was aimed at a younger audience with   simple premises his videos would gain millions  of views with the most popular being 17 million   the the ones that i i feel like really stood out  to me would be like people who managed to to make   such a name for themselves without even dropping  a single word and that would be exploding tnt   the reason exploding tnt sticks out to me a little  bit more than anyone else was just because of how   hilarious um it was that he had you know  never talked and and it gave me this open   opportunity to make like memes at conventions  i would i would introduce like a random person   as exploding tnt like every party that i went to  and i don't know if exploding tnt even knows this   with realm at the helm hosting events and  fueling collaboration like never before   you can see why people at youtube or even the  algorithms themselves started to think a tad more   highly of this alien block game beta continued  with more and more new features being added   youtubers would cover each update as it dropped or  continue posting their let's plays which at this   point were getting fairly long some creators  even found it fun starting again from scratch   a way to refresh the series for new viewers and  include newly updated features a little website   called was also garnering some  attention around this time and before justin tv   or even twitch creators were streaming together  here and playing minecraft naturally with the   rise of communities live events and a myriad  of youtuber marketing beta's slowing release   schedule of updates but a bulkier amount of new  features each time meant a big release was finally   arriving and what better time to push the button  or i guess i should say leather as november of   2011 came around for minecon in las vegas but now  for the moment that you have all been waiting for   there was one in 2010 but it wasn't a largely  advertised event and only had about 100 people   turn up but this one was much bigger and even saw  notch officially released the game with modded   content adventure maps community collabs and now  machinimas to add it's safe to say viewers were   satiated with content now of all types not just  let's plays all of this excitement all of this   content the youtube homepage itself covered with  minecraft youtubers and movies hundreds of kids   started to notice play and discuss the game it  was about to boil over and reach the masses it   wasn't quite at its peak yet but it was about  to experience the biggest year so far 2012. hey guys and welcome to some minecraft  edition of all the more pistons modeled   by monty pylon what's going on switches shimmy  swift here and welcome back to the minecraft files   with the treasure trove of new content from the  prior year a whole wave of creators knew and   all began to rise up each with specific niches  show ideas and communities it was at this point   that the scales began to tip in minecraft's favor  pointed out by matpat in one of his game theories   and widely recognized by the community at  the time was a change in value for youtube   a switch towards watch time now engaging  long-form content was more profitable than   ever and youtube made sure to push that practice  makes perfect as they say and before long rookie   minecraft players were growing into professional  youtubers and broadcasters able to begin investing   in higher quality content and this wasn't just  happening in english-speaking countries either   of course this was happening globally  obviously not as global as when mojang   added the language support and eventually  bedrock would inevitably come along globally   but there were plenty of international creators  the thing is no creo que tenga la experience   para cominta sobre los espacios extranajeros  de minecraft youtube por mas grandes 2012 was a time for people to come together it was  a time to tackle some really ambitious projects   i didn't know that they were called machinimas  back then it was just it was just some cool   like sequence of video and and you put it  together with some music we're trying to find   commentators for the knoxville game show back  in 2012. machinimas like the fable hunters and   arkhan chronicles with highly detailed renders  voice acting and well thought out plot lines   began premiering i was actively involved in the  making of quite a few of these early machinimas   either as a writer or body actor maps like  paladin's quest 2 by the knox crew were also   released around this time incorporating signs  that matched with links to unlisted videos with   edited voice acting from the characters of the map  essentially creating a questline narrative blue   monkey another animator was learning 3d rigs and  this genre of minecraft animation exploded soon   after he started uploading content with increased  collaboration it was also fairly obvious that   some creators would start working more regularly  with one another large groups like the creatures   started to form this organizational skill of  creators of the time began to shine through   specifically when i has cub quake co-gathered  together some of the biggest minecrafters of   the time to go head to head in a battle royale  in the vein of the recently popularized hunger   games i i was never too too much for collaboration  i would say the first real big scale collaboration   probably was actually the survival games in it was  like april or may of 2012. that was one that but   that was also one of the very first big like more  than two other youtuber collaboration like sir the   survival games back in uh early 2012 was brand  new like we take for granted that every single   server has a survival games plug-in now but back  then there are no plug-in based servers so doing   mat like big group things and all youtubers  being introduced to all other youtubers that   was a brand new thing back then is cupcake  asked me to be a part of the survival games   she and machinima realm um hosted that first  one actually the first two of them and like i   i remember that because i knew i knew going into  it that i was an underdog you know like they're   they're big names like syndicate and captain  sparkles and even sly's name was still like a lot   a lot more well-known than mine at that time um so  and and you know the survival expert paul soros jr   was in that as well so you know it it felt like  i had a lot of competition to stand up against   yeah really the big thing at the time was  just survival servers mini game servers   weren't really that big i think mcsg was was  the first actual mini game server that really   got big besides mine z and shop and all  that of course so in terms of my favorite   minecraft mini games builds maps mods the whole  enchilada if you will uh 100 hunger games will   always have a special place in my heart i mean  me and my youtube friend beijing canadian filmed   that i want to say near daily for almost like two  three years to this day i still have people bring   up to me the old what they call the quote the old  hunger games days um where if you're unfamiliar   with that it's essentially battle royale um before  it had that title of battle royale it was uh oh my   gosh it was just so much fun it was it was the  kind of game that i had my real-life friends   that would be asking to play alongside us and like  play in recordings simply because they wanted to   the event marked a first were not only one of  the most influential maps in minecraft but also   began the idea of creator tournaments and even  others like it such as seth bling's olympics   minecraft survival games as they came to be known  were hosted with a map built by team varieta   and were played multiple times before a server  came along and decided to automate the process   i'm sure more than a few people had this idea but  mcsg were first to the punch varieta and his team   began producing more and more maps for the ever  filling lobbies and creators continued to create   fun fact skyblock was first released this year  and in a large scale comparison nox crew also   created a live game show inspired by takeshi's  castle and the crystal maze known as the knox   crew game show and now mcc for you newer viewers  this series matched creator teams against one   another battling through challenges for a chance  at glorious victory so when we originally started   working on knoxville game show we were trying to  make a tv like thing it kind of it kind of took   off but kind of didn't i don't i don't we just  weren't very intelligent we were young at the time   and we made an event that took an unbelievable  amount of work to put on um we made it like as   full hour-long kind of videos which at the time  was really funny because everyone was telling   us like oh yeah hour-long videos that doesn't  work like no one's gonna sit there for an hour   watching which is funny because now we sit in a  in a position where it's like people are watching   something for three hours and they're okay  with it because it's live and it's not a video   i think it's really weird how if something is  not live you're less likely to watch it for three   hours but if it's live you're gonna watch it three  hours it's almost because you don't know what time   commitment you're committing to before you start  watching i guess i don't i don't know i don't know   what the psychology there is we tried a number  of different formats we tried to make them into   20 minute videos and stuff but the same thing  kind of happened all the time where it was like   we weren't making them consistent enough and  we weren't particularly making lots of game   show in a very repeatable way either because some  games once you've played them you just can't play   it again because you know exactly how it works so  eventually we dropped knoxville game show because   we found our forte in minecraft adventure maps  again which is funny because we started adventure   maps and then we went machinimas and then we  went back to adventure maps uh that's where   we found a forte eventually and that's what made  knoxville into a business which now like there are   40 people working for knoxville fire uk were  now one of the biggest build teams on the site   regularly posting time lapses that had never  really been seen before they took the community   by storm and won very memorable moment was  when they created an entire city for tom   syndicate's minecraft project surprising him  and providing him the world file to react to oh that is so freaking cool look at that it's  a big arch uh oh what what no no way no way no oh my god i was a part of the uk  for quite a while um which was really   cool it actually got me into minecraft uh  blockception was kind of like an after for   several years afterwards uh on top of that  i also joined the team called team varieta   we essentially produced some of the official  survival games maps at least that's what   the team was mainly known for this showed  people that now builders could earn money   their work could be worth something undoubtedly  minecraft build tutorials and building idea videos   have always been popular too it's one type of  content that really hasn't seen much fluctuation   over the last eight years minecraft parodies were  now in full swing seeing fallen kingdom drop along   with a whole bunch more complicated puzzle and  redstone maps releasing to creators to play and   obviously i had to throw this in somewhere parkour  began to increase in popularity once sprinting was   added groups like hermitcraft and mind crack began  to grow quickly and build teams also became more   established while most of it was all still fun and  games 2012 was definitely the year where business   reared its head a little more not a bad thing of  course creators were being paid to make videos   server owners were being paid to host great stuff  and the builders were being paid to create this   setting and scenery nice trifecta one that  would create a content dynamic that ensured   there was always new things to watch always a  new project to look out for new mods to showcase   i think the most memorable event that occurred  to me personally in the minecraft community was   um minecon 2012 that was the first minecon that  i went to with a couple of the knox crew people   as well i don't think there was many of us maybe  like eight yeah i mean minecon 2012 was a huge   event really that was the first time where  i think anybody actually knew who i was   because i remember the year prior in vegas at  the very very first minecon um i was just kind   of like a bit of a tag along with the ogs cast  like i just started to get to know them because   of the form this way song but then fast forward  a year i kind of established myself as a creator   and then all of a sudden i was going up on the  main stage with captain sparkles like i was   hanging out with the developers i literally  had to wear a steve head in order to   get away from people and be able to like actually  get back to my room unscathed sort of thing uh   minecon was interesting uh i won't wound up um i  want an opening in minecon and uh that was uh that   was pretty fun i wanted to sing a new world and uh  minecon was just kind of nuts though like i'll be   honest they the first minecon i ever went to they  had like no no security or anything for any of   the youtubers so like we would get mobbed and then  stuck on on walls for like two hours while parents   would like not let us leave um and it was really  funny too because they were like the most passive   aggressive about it ever they were just like like  like when we tried to leave they're like oh no no   here's a sandwich there's some water they're just  like feeding me i remember minecon 2012 being this   weird realization there's always this part in your  life where everything just changes your perception   of everything just like completely switches um  in a moment and that was i think that was minecon   2012 for me it felt like i went to heaven for like  three days and then came back um because it was   i think as a gamer you there is an element of  feeling lost in the in society in in a kind of   bigger social space and minecon 2012 was the first  time i've ever experienced going to somewhere   where everyone there is just like you  and they share the exact same interests   and i've never felt more at home and because  it was only two three years into minecraft's   existence i don't think anyone really knew  what this community was and um there was it was   everything just felt modest and and and genuine  there were so many names there that were kind of   they weren't famous enough to be big names  so it was all like you had fame but not as   it wasn't creating like a huge uh kind of  social hierarchy as it may do in in these days   um and everyone's just very open and friendly  and it's just great um but i think literally   everybody that i met there i still talk to  to this day whether that be like the knox   crew guys whether that be back in the day it was  kind of like dennis for rider who obviously ran   a lot of the um the cool cinematic stuff that  was a big genre back in the day and even made   the official minecraft trailer um i met them  all at that event and it was it was unreal like   the amount of money they must have thrown at that  was absurd like literally for the evening on the   first day there they shut down the studio portion  of disneyland and had only minecon attendees go   in there so i literally rode the aerosmith ride  like five times in a row no cues just straight   on straight off and it's just i'd never heard of a  game or a developer doing that for their community   and i just thought it was just something really  special to be honest and i've been to subsequent   minecons and they've obviously lost a degree of  that personal charm which is to be expected when   it expands so massively but yeah like that paris  one was just something really special because   i think it was the beginning of a lot of people's  friendships i think so many people met each other   for the first time in person at those events and  it kind of broke that stigma of like oh no i only   know you for teams oh no we only talk to each  other on skype i think it was so good for the   social aspect of um of gaming really for youtube  um i didn't really know of any other events other   than light packs that were really trying to do  that at the time i mean right off the bat uh   minecon you know i mean i miss those early minecon  days i mean as far as like memorable memorable   events like i think any minecraft youtuber  who has been to a minecon will agree minecon   is actually a really good convention um i i've  gone to a lot of conventions um like a ton and   i don't enjoy most of them to be honest there  it's a lot it's a lot like when you're there as   a creator it's a lot of uh a lot of work a lot of  times and i feel like minecon just had a much more   chill atmosphere it was just a bunch of people  who enjoyed the game and kind of whether you were   a creator or just a player or a fan it didn't  really matter everyone's just kind of there for   the same thing so it was kind of it just had this  different atmosphere to it um you know so i would   say all any of the mine cons were definitely  i specifically i went to the uh anaheim one   i would say in terms of big events that i  look back on fondly over the last 10 years   it would definitely be the old minecons that uh  mojang used to throw together i had been to the   one in orlando uh back in 2013 and then i was at  the one in london i want to set one was in 2015.   uh both of those were just absolutely incredible  experiences i i loved them it was such a good way   just to get to meet fans get to hang out with  them and also just get a good chance to really   branch out and meet other youtubers like i met  some lifelong friends back at minecon 2013 there   were just other youtubers in the space or perhaps  they worked in the business side of the space like   james bohm from mc pro hosting you know he's  a very very good friend of mine and has been   since 2013 uh and that wouldn't have been possible  really without mind cons so i i i dearly miss them   i know they started doing the the i think they're  called minecraft earth or minecon earth um but i   don't know it's it's just not the same i i miss  those a lot we'll say i i met some of the coolest   people there and like i mean i i talked to you  know half mao gizzy a lot of people that were kind   of like already in my community but wasn't too  close i was kind of close with gizzy but i barely   knew half mao and her team it was really cool  to see and meet them and see how their all their   stuff worked because they were at the time um from  an rp youtuber standpoint they were making some   of the best production stuff that was out there  period um and so everyone who was in rp watched   and looked up to aphmau as a creator like wow like  if you you know if you can make these stories good   enough if you can get that team together you  can create something that is basically a tv show   you know and so um being able to see that and just  get a little information just talk about how their   operation worked was one of the coolest things  and i learned a lot just from that conversation   the first minecon i went to was the 2012 one and  i've met i went with a bunch of phi uk guys but i   also recently joined the team uh team bryder back  then um it was actually fantastic a lot of really   cool stuff yeah i think minecon strengthened a  lot of bonds but there were i mean i met um alex   bellavita from blockception at minecon honestly  i think the person that i'm still friends with   from that event is probably stefan from the  knox crew or also known as knox 8. of course   once announced to be set in paris minecon 2012 was  guaranteed to be a hit all your favorite youtubers   were at this event and what a show it was i assume  many additional collaborations friendships and   business partnerships spun out of this one event  alone youtubers in 2012 were definitely spoiled   for choice when it came to defining their content  and viewers themselves were spoiled in what   content they watched after this collaboratively  inspiring minecon it was bound to be that the   ball would keep rolling through to 2013. hey guys  what's going on it's benjamin or beijing canadian all right what's going on dudes and welcome to  hexit hey what's up guys it's preston here and   welcome to minecraft a new year rolled around and  even more up-and-coming creatives were inspired   to begin their journey sky does minecraft preston  plays vic star beijing canadian jerome asf caveman   films sgc barbarian deadlocks husky mudkips s  sunday minecraft universe gizzy gazza beck bro   back they all took off around this point modded  content custom maps adventure maps droppers and   even mini games like the survival games and  cops and robbers so i think the main reason   that let's play style videos became so popular  especially in a group commentary uh situation   is because it kind of provided something that i  could only really express as the friend experience   where more or less you got to tune in first hand  and watch a group of friends just play a game have   fun and just you know have a good time in general  and i think something about that is just so   appealing especially nowadays where a lot of our  time is spent online not really in person hanging   out with our friends it provides the viewer with  an experience where they can hop right in and feel   like they're part of something feel like they're  part of this this group of people um and i i think   that's so important and and i really do think it's  so special but i would say that's really what made   minecraft group let's plays as a genre grow um i  think it's just being able to provide that friend   experience for people a group called team crafted  were actually formed and they dominated the space   for a long time with skydesk minecraft leading  the charge with lots of content and butter shoes   they were referred to by some as the makeshift  avengers of minecraft this power crew took youtube   by storm and pushed youtube even further into the  forefront of parents minds as their kids consume   video after video memory after memory laugh have  to laugh actually i i have a theory um and i think   it was because this was like the first team that  came together um of the of the minecraft community   that was just all super positive vibes on the  scene when team crafted died like it was a it   was kind of like a shattering thing when it comes  to youtube a lot of the times people like to   aggregate into groups and i've definitely not been  shy of that i mean over the years since i started   youtube back in 2008 i was part of a group that i  started filming minecraft with later on which was   called awesomesauce films uh i then joined in a  group called team crafted then went into the pack   then into a group called nice posture and now i'm  into a group called the buddies uh it's constantly   changing um you know what groups you record  with but that's just because the nature of the   beast really people sometimes have different uh  dreams for the way they want to take their channel   different directions uh but but overall i would  say a lot of my fan base grew from the pack and   the team crafted days i mean those were great days  when we had really at the time team crafted had a   huge market on youtube in terms of the minecraft  gaming space and youtube at the time was set up   that it would kind of reward people who recorded  uh with other people who were larger content   creators so basically created like a vacuum bubble  where we were able to help promote each other help   work as a team and really build each other up and  i think i would say team craft in the pack both   kind of had that appeal to it um and those were  very special days i would say for me just being   able to have people there that had my back like  i don't i don't even i don't even care if like   there's there's remade versions of everything from  like deep space turtle chase to to herobrine's uh   mansion fun time to all the epic jump maps i  think that they all withstand the test of time   because it's not even necessarily like that  you're you're playing the the map for the for   the map anymore like you're playing it for a time  warp like these things are like actual portals in   time at this point that come with all of these  different chemicals that explode in your brain   like when you're watching all these youtubers  play through these things and you play it through   it yourself you're going to wind up hearing the  laughs the jokes everything in your mind while   you play through i don't know if the content that  i made back in 2010 and 2011 was calm because i   wanted to be calm or because of my inexperience  i think you can go back to many youtubers past   and you'll see that captain sparkles is a great  example because he's been around for so long   and you can tell you know he speaks way more  professionally these days and i think that i'm   the same way in that regard um in 2010 and 2011  i was just making the content that i could make   because there really wasn't like there was a lot  to do at the time we thought there was a lot to   do but looking back there really was not much  the new creators of 2014 2013 2014 like scott   is minecraft those guys were very excited  and excitable and i sort of adapted to that   and that by itself is not a problem you know more  power to them if that's what they enjoy doing   the problem with me is when i would post those  videos on my channel i went from being this   calm collected you know informative sort of guy  to being super silly and i would say downright   annoying i can't go back and watch my old  videos but i keep them up because it's like   there's no point in getting rid of them soon  team crafted's momentum slowed down and another   group called the pack came about and as with  everything drama friendship issues and groupings   can cause chaos but growing pains networking  and collaboration shifts were a fundamental   part of minecraft's lifespan servers continued  to expand mcsg being taken over by the hive as   the top played server released in february 24 2013  it had many games like survival games trouble in   mindville one in the chamber block party splag  death run and hide and seek soon players were   coding single player mods to work on servers want  more creatures you could have it one multiplayer here we go boom let's do this straight in all  right straight first battle okay this is gonna be   tough look i'm standing minecraft viewership truly  peaked this year and with all of the creators i've   mentioned so far still pumping out videos you  can imagine things got a little clustered and   it wasn't stopping there because as successful as  those other mods were they pale in comparison to   the incredibly successful tech it and feed the  beast mod packs each had large masses of series   covering them on youtube at the time they were  now adding hundreds of new blocks mechanics mobs   and recipes people were furthering this game  far more than anyone had ever thought possible   many creators started new let's plays with  modded additions these shows became all   the rage for a short time and helped bring back  some stagnating attention to the game on youtube   besides mentioning the redstone god seth bling  himself we've not really touched on a certain   side of youtube while famous creators had  millions of subs many smaller channels   were getting by showcasing their own mods or even  their spectacular builds that utilized all the new   blocks that were added over the years soon players  even began creating redstone tutorials from simple   bass entrance mechanics to devious traps and  even a working computer yeah you heard me right   built by lego master 99 a 13 year old minecrafter  on november 19 2013 showed the absolute limits of   redstone in minecraft the build was an incredibly  low spec pc and the computer only had four bytes   of ram but knowing you could create something  like that seeing someone do it means a lot it   was a monumental step in showing everyone  that minecraft was more than a game and i'm   sure that it got plenty of redstoners excited i  think everyone can agree even existing creators   2013 was the year that we saw big influences  go from well influential to genuinely famous   minecraft was being exposed to a wider and  wider audience every day bedrock edition for   minecraft was spreading more commonly known  as pocket edition at the time and eventually   that would even grow on to become somewhat of  an alter ego to the java edition of the game 2014 marks a bit of a breaking point for  our timeline here while 2009 to 2013 saw   the ultimate rise of minecraft on youtube  from here on out things started to change   i'd like to call this the beginning of  the second generation minecraft creators   existing creators began making second  channels for overflow content or to appease   the algorithm or audiences by not having  too many different shows on one channel   hello everybody my name is markiplier many gaming  creators that were already in the space covering   other games also began catching on and moving over  to minecraft content let's talk about hypixel for   a moment originally released on april 13th 2013  it was opened by simon aka hypixel originally it   had adventure maps but added mini games so that  people could have something to do while they   wait it has since become massive with almost  20 million unique players visiting i honestly   maybe later on down the line when the high pixel  servers are getting big if i were to play games   high pixel games you're always kind of the the  more fun ones playing maybe mineplex a little   bit way back in the day too so when it comes to  servers and machinimas and things that kind of can   keep the the community alive and have aged really  well i think that there's certain things that have   aged i think hypixel has aged uh immaculately  um i think that you could take a high pixel map   uh from from when they first started their career  and you could play it now and it would still be   amazing i i think their servers uh with the test  of time as well i think mineplex did as well   if they're still around but i'm just i'd never go  on minecraft servers anymore other than check out my rs and vdot back in the  day servers were definitely much more simple um   bungee cord which was the software that came  out um i think shopo was the first server to   use it that's kind of what really invented  what now is known as server networks it was   that was the first thing that let people move  between servers without having disconnect and   type in different id before that if you  were to have like a survival game server   um you would have like literally 20 different ip  addresses like if you ever played mcsg way back   in the day you'd go to their website server list  there'd be a list of 50 or 30 servers or however   many it was all with their own different ip  addresses and that that's how you connect   and join games there was no lobby system there  so things then were honestly just much simpler   when phi ek kind of shut down um was when i  started looking to doing my own team we worked   on several projects such as christmas adventure  and in partnership with in the little world   xi lubes and that was a lot of fun uh that  was kind of a volunteer project that we did   every year and i actually had several communities  actually helping out it was the first time i'd   worked with a lot of these several communities  that included like back in the day a team called   heroin team ryder knox crew for uk as well as  well as a few other people that i knew in the   community yeah as far as big collaborative  projects on youtube are concerned i mean   it's tough to forget just how revolutionary  mini game servers felt when they were brand new   so for mini games i i have i have a confession  to make i i am actually uh or was addicted to   quakecraft on hypixel like the old game the  really old game that no one plays anymore   i had an addiction to that game i i don't know  how many i have but i think i had over like   60 000 kills in that game and so that was probably  the one i clocked the most time into so i would   say that that probably sits at the top of my  favorite mini game of all time i would say   that's actually one of the reasons i have a lot of  really good aim skill in games today is because of   quakecraft because it kind of taught you to just  flick to people like really fast and accurately   and i got really good at it fast so i think i  just like that hypixel was a quickly rising mini   game server that is now the most successful on the  platform but at the time euler changes that were   being made had a significant impact on the player  base and various outlets server devs could make   money from and at the cost of stopping a server  selling a diamond sword for a 10 subscription   they also underhandedly removed a lot of the  hierarchical payment features in pre-existing   mini-games once mojang themselves reinforced the  euler microsoft's purchase of mojang lines up with   both the company's mobile ambitions and the need  to cultivate future customers for the windows as   well as its cloud properties the purchase  agreement was for 2.5 billion dollars and   was announced on the 15th of september 2014. the  acquisition was finalized on the 6th of november   and mo yang became part of the microsoft  studios label that day jerome asf despite   starting two years prior in 2012 really took off  in 2014. he made minecraft survival game videos   in the hundreds with beijing canadian and the two  would see insane channel growth in this time with   their views going from the tens of thousands to  hundreds of thousands after having been briefly   a part of team crafted they gained an even larger  following during this time they picked up other   friends into their videos such as vikkstar husky  mudkips lachlan preston plays and waffles after   a while playing together they gave themselves a  name the pack the pack would do uhcs mini games   and various other challenges together all while  developing role play-esque personalities and   relationships with one another this combination  of fun content and exaggerated personalities made   them some of the most prominent faces in youtube  for a long time roleplay machinima hybrid shows   became all the rage people you'd see in the early  days with even you know what yogg's cast did could   be considered an early day role play because  they had stories built into their let's plays   um and so that was kind of what started it all  and if you even look back i have let's plays from   way back when that i would put stories into it as  well and so it kind of made sense that when that   role play genre put calling in a minecraft  role play started really like taking off   that making that transition to just going  into minecraft role play just made sense   so over the years minecraft trends patterns styles  all of the above have changed dramatically and   they change on almost i would say a yearly basis  uh it's very hard as a content creator to keep up   with um but the main goal always is especially if  you're doing this as a career is keep true to your   style of content but somehow incorporate these new  trends that are popping up that way it's still you   it's still your vision it's still what you want  but at the same time you're able to keep up with   the pack because so often in this space people  don't change their content and then they start   falling behind uh it's a real problem it's it's  definitely a struggle but that being said i would   say i mean dating back i'm this is the best of my  memory here because we're going back a while ago   but 2013 is 100 the year of the let's play and  year of like group mini game style videos after   that point 2014 there was definitely channels such  as popular mmos out there and other ones starting   to pop up in the minecraft modded space people  wanted to see minecraft but in a different way   and then you went all the way up to 2015 after  that point where i would say role plays dominated   the space well through 2016. and so i made that  transition into the minecraft roleplay scene   um and then i created two shows that well i  create i've created a few but my two biggest are   definitely minecraft life and minecraft daycare  um and minecraft life was kind of just like this   superhero show at the time i think um it was  around the time i was watching i was really into   anime and so i uh minecraft life is very like  oh anime high school-esque superhero role-play   it's just kind of how it is and then  minecraft daycare was actually supposed   to only be a show that lasted a week uh or two it  was supposed to be actually a middle show between   because in the early days there was this trend  that popped off doing role play with uh who's   your daddy it was like this people would do it was  it was a game on steam but people were doing it in   minecraft and it was really popular and i started  doing that but i after doing that for like two   months i i didn't enjoy it anymore and so i wanted  to take that audience and be able to convert it   into doing just any role play i wanted so daycare  was supposed to be that middle like bridge show   um but then it ended up being the most popular  show on the channel and is still going today   there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes that  like i would say a lot of people don't realize   with roleplay like it's not as straightforward  as everyone thinks it is things that really   like role play has is it one has to do you have  to have the idea you have to create this story   and so the first stage is writing and it's not  just a little writing it is months of writing and   getting your entire season of a show ready and  then once the script is ready um you gotta then   you know send that off to your cinematographer  while that's going on you're also gathering   all your voice cast um so you have to make  postings online hire voice cast keep it all   organized and you know so that way you don't  have any problems later um and then once you   have you know all that taken care of it  start you start getting filmed and then   they have to edit it together and  it's hours of footage because you take   you end up taking like it's not just one shot oh  we filmed this line okay next you'll take five or   six shots sometimes just for one lot and so the  the recording sessions can take all day something another youtuber to change the minecraft scene  during this time was popular mmos otherwise   known as pat while he started as an mmo channel  for things like runescape and world of warcraft   he eventually found his way to modded minecraft  in late 2013 but gained popularity a year after   starting first with mod reviews and then moving  on to some of his series such as epic mod battles   where he would have two powerful minecraft mobs  fighters out in a battle of who would win another   series being his lucky block races where he and  his wife jen would open lucky blocks and compete   in a final battle that usually had a gimmick he  popularized minecraft modded challenge maps by   using things like lucky blocks and lucky blocks  themselves became a huge part of the minecraft   content meta bigby stats i see started to take  off more around this time and with youtubers and   groups like team crafted and popular mmos we  saw a rise in challenge map series in general   and aside from challenge maps many adventure  maps began to gain a footing the my night   series was a fantastic thing as well for a very  long time um actually kind of like bring in smp   uh minecraft server style with a bit of a story uh  and a slight role-play element to it as well maya   night was another huge collaborative project that  started up around this time led by 16-bit deck   and joined by jericho captain sparkles and the  syndicate project amongst others the variety of   colorful cast members would live stream themselves  on various trips across the customized modded   world a story was written without their knowledge  taking place around them as they interact and play   this was by far one of the most successful series  of the year spawning not only a sequel series but   years of fans asking for more in fact recently  maya knight has even started back up again   when it comes to youtube groups i think everyone  will say team crafted was huge at the time   um they definitely had a huge impact on  kind of minecraft content in general then   so the minecraft community turned really  businessy around like i want to say 2015-ish how's it going my name yeah is tree hello is anybody there oh my god   what have you dressed up i thought  that i was doing good decisions that we have to jump past the pool really 2014 was indeed a continuation on the growth and  expansion of the game within the gaming industry   being recognized as the biggest success of the  decade articles from mainstream media outlets   across the globe were covering minecraft gaming  conventions began dedicating entire segments to   minecraft some conventions were literally just all  about minecraft conventions continued minecon 2015   took place on march 27th weekend with development  of the 1.8 update being pushed from the prior year   to this one held in london this was the first  uk-based minecon and allowed for lots of new   creators to meet and collaborate at this point  i personally moved on from writing scripting   and shows to working on more machinima based  content and also helping to produce an attempt   at a minecraft mmo called mithril unfortunately it  never came about and while i only did a little bit   of lore writing on that project we definitely  had our eyes on another mmo-style server that   was up and coming wincraft released in 2013  but popularized in 2015 wincraft pushed the   boundaries of what was possible for minecraft  vanilla servers they introduced custom ai   custom models custom textures and turned the whole  game into a proper mmo youtubers began covering   wincraft and its updates more heavily and other  larger servers began to become established at   this point the large grand scale servers dwarfed  the basic roleplay and survival servers of old the   evolution from just 4 years is truly incredible to  see and it was even crazier to behold first hand   goud boulderfist started a minecraft server in  2010 with a group named mindcrack simmering in   the background they soon rose to fame in 2015  with the likes of 29 youtubers who joined in   over the course of seven seasons many leaving and  returning at various stages the most notable of   those being vintage beef ethos lab pulsars junior  and seth bling they would play things like uhc and   do modded servers aside from their main vanilla  multiplayer world and of course we can't really   get past 2015 without discussing hermitcraft  originally founded in 2012 and active all the way   up until the modern day many youtubers that people  have come to know and love such as korean xyz void   mumbo jumbo and iskall85 all became popular around  this time and the explosion of hermitcraft would   see people like corrales ethos lab and doc 99  find a new release of life they ran seven vanilla   seasons where the hermits would participate in  a role-play-like world and work on dominating   minecraft each was a genius in their own right  with great builders redstoners and artists alike   the group quickly rose to fame and continued  from here on out minecraft was growing as a   brand it was no longer unusual to see giant  groups and communities of famous creators   huge teams were working on grandiose servers  and build teams were as usual still making   incredible builds for a whole array of clients  private companies brands and various other   government entities also began to take interest  in the game but as an educational tool and so   began the production of minecraft education  edition there was this whole weird youtube   like agreement between like all of the  larger creators that we were gonna kind of   tame back our content after we uh we went to  conventions and saw that you know the entire fan   base was like super young and then parents were  like yelling at us and saying just stop swearing   and you know so we we caved moving on to 2016 i  wanted to draw another line in the sand at this   point with microsoft looming over moyang and  a more kid-friendly attitude being adopted for   globalized marketing the next wave of creators  soon discovered they would be catering to a   younger audience especially with youtube  and its troubles small things like oh you   know the adpocalypse ensuring the content had  to be safe and directed to a younger audience   so that it would be promoted more or at least  likely to be more eligible for ads this caused   an entire third wave of minecraft creators to  come about and while many had already existed   they are classed as the next generation because  they rarely tweaked their content to appeal to   that kid-friendly frontier players like dantdm  would see immense growth up to and through 2016   eyeballistic squids stampylongnose and many more  just like them seen a large boost in popularity   some even played the xbox and bedrock versions now  able to relate to children who most likely had the   console or phone edition not the pc one dan really  was a leader of minecraft modded content and he   also did lots of role play as he took a hold of  the young audience and skyrocketed in views and   subscribers he started youtube on july 14 2012  but he hit 10 million subscribers on july 30th   2016. a huge map also came out around this time  called terra swoop force which was released by   the knox crew and widely considered to be  one of the best adventure maps ever created   thermal resistance gel application complete  the terra swoop force map by the another screw   for the time period that that map  was created the tech involved like to fit with speed running potential galore the map  saw you electric glide down three increasingly   steep and dangerous tunnels as you approach the  center of the earth the map was praised for not   only its sound structure but also the special  surprise scene hidden at the end make sure to   go check that out by the way microsoft's attempt  at integrating minecraft into classrooms released   on november 1st 2016. the education edition  included many things like npcs chemicals from   the periodic table and even helium balloons  a coding bot a dialogue scripting function as   well as other tools to allow for guided learning  to take place in minecraft just in addition but   in 2016 hypixel also truly began to take off  and despite being a refuge a platform and an   outlet to players of all ages there were of course  many who did take advantage of the online space   security privacy and safety they're all huge  things due to echo chamber platforms like   twitter and shows like dramaalert it became an  almost stigma around being a minecraft creator   sky does minecraft stopped uploading minecraft  content not long after that and that combined   with the heavily stagnated updates from the game  and well minecraft was showing signs of slowing   momentum a concern that could surely be heard  around the world already at this point some   mc creators had branched off to start covering  new releases and games as the gaming bubble on   youtube grew minecraft became less and less of the  golden child it was diluted down and became more   of a structural backbone to the gamey flesh that  everyone recognized and knew even if they enjoyed   playing at the time or not bigger and bigger game  releases and even the rise of the platform like   roblox meant that there was now new competition  literally hundreds of minecraft creators either   switched to making roblox content because of  the added versatility or because they were just   straight up getting bored of creating minecraft  content this of course by no means meant the   game was dead though it was still the most popular  game of all time there was no denying that and it   would have taken a beast an unexpected miracle  of a behemoth to push something like minecraft   out of the spotlight fortunately there's no  such thing as a company called epic games   i think servers for job edition are exactly  what the marketplace is for bedrock edition   i think the entire aspect of minecraft is ugc i  had this theory well this kind of like idea that   there was a trinity that existed in the minecraft  community there was the minecraft youtubers   and there was the minecraft servers and then there  was the minecraft builders there was two parts   of that trinity that were allowed to keep their  creative integrity the other part of that trinity   the builders the little like crews and stuff  they had to just work for the other two parts   of that trinity they were you either working for  a server or you're working for a youtuber the   bedrock marketplace allowed that third part of the  trinity to find its own creative integrity and to   do its own thing and to make it a a job so before  we get to the galactus sized elephant in the room   let's talk about one good thing that came from  2017. while content was still starting to dwindle   microsoft announced the marketplace on april 10th  of the year it was a user-generated content store   that would partner with at first nine of the top  build teams and creative groups from the java   space and the whole thing was planned to be added  on the better together update it was then further   pushed to xbox and other devices as they joined  the bedrock edition lineup these teams included   knox crew blockception block works razzleberries  facts silverleaf imagineverse polymaps and query   the pi minecoins were used with each one being  worth roughly a penny it allowed users to buy   maps texture packs skin packs and other custom  community content while reimbursing the community   member that made it the marketplace was a change  it was a creative outlet that allowed existing   build teams to monetize their maps and pieces of  work something they had really never been able   to do up until now at least not on the platform  remember a large portion of all mods and maps   ever created for the java edition of minecraft  were completely free for some seeing microsoft   buy mojang and then suddenly slap a marketplace  onto the side it looked like a bit of a dirty   move and in fact a lot of creators in general  were alienated by the bedrock edition as a whole   i think without microsoft kind of intervening with  minecraft a lot of us wouldn't be here right now   it wouldn't have been viable the marketplace as  an idea is a fantastic idea it allows people to   get access to high quality products most of the  time without any issues of viruses just really   simple way and also a way for these creators to  finally get paid for their work there's always   things you can improve on for sure 100 but the  general basis has like risen the level of map   making in minecraft from hobbyists to almost  game studios in a way that i don't think would   have happened naturally at this rate if it wasn't  for the marketplace and microsoft's purchase of the maps are like if you haven't seen the  marketplace you need to go check out some   of the maps and not just the ones that we've  made the ones that the whole community have made   they are curated very well and you  can find some stuff in there that   you wouldn't even imagine like it was possible  in java it doesn't feel like minecraft anymore   minecraft is becoming more and more like  a gaming engine exciting to see how far   the game has come since its original launch  i think that's because of the marketplace   you know back in the day of trying to get a  java map installed was not the easiest feat   and it was full of its own problems and  viruses because of adfly and blah blah   the mc championship exists because bedrock  marketplace allowed us to make money   yeah i actually we recently um spark squared their  map design team sent us one of their bedrock maps   um and it was this zombie apocalypse map i  think it was simply called zombies but it was   really well done it was all on bedrock and we kind  of mixed it into one of our role plays because   we wanted to do like a zombie apocalypse little  story and so it just kind of fit that narrative   perfectly over 2017 more maps and awesome custom  adventures skins and texture packs were added   to the store and soon we saw the rise of some  fairly sizable bedrock creators like ibx toycat   hello i'm fbx's recap and recently this map was  added to the minecraft then after 2016 and 17 once   youtube started to adapt more of a live platform  there was definitely a good audience watching live   but really it started to i'd say 2016-17 was  really a weird place where there wasn't really   any one type of genre dominating the other in  the minecraft space a hundred percent 20 those   were some harder years now a lot of minecraft  youtubers jump ship during those years so   um i i actually think that it was a big impact  yeah i feel like the community felt like as a   whole everything was kind of going downhill  so everyone was kind of like time to go   and then obviously it didn't take long for it to  come back though so i would say there were two   really really notable shifts informative tutorial  style content that was very common and collected   to the minigame you know craze and then i decided  to shift back because again i wasn't liking the   content that i was releasing it was almost four  years ago to the day i knew that i needed to   make some kind of a change on youtube but i had no  idea what it was you know sort of escaped youtube   and the internet and life in general for like  a good month road trip to country just because   i had always wanted to do that when i got back  from that trip i knew that i still liked doing   youtube but what i had the the style in which  i did it had to change but i had no idea how   i wanted to change it i was thinking like maybe  i want to get into live streaming i don't know   you know some people may not be aware of this but  there is an old series i used to make called hunt   for the golden apple back in the old days of  minecraft and i in november of 2015 i decided   to live stream that series because i was thinking  oh if i do two to six hours at a time i could get   done 20 times as much as i can in one episode of  the series but i thought to myself like what if i   script every video and as soon as i asked myself  that question like that's when the wall came down   then one sweet september fortnight came fortnite  this new battle royale which you may have heard   of once or twice in the last couple of years  dropped harder than almost any other game we've   seen before yes rivaling even that of minecraft in  fact fortnite's spike in players directly impacted   minecraft's user base the biggest server at the  time hypixel yeah almost their entire player base   left the server nearly died the fortnite spike  was so heavy that it dragged youtube channels   with it too in some ways it was a reflection of a  player growing up or moving on to different game   styles but in all honesty you can see a lot  of similarities between games like fortnite   and the very first survival game map that  all those creators played back in 2012.   with fortnite becoming the main player for the  remainder of the year minecraft was essentially   dethroned and albeit not by much there was still  plenty of views in minecraft provided you had the   know how but fortnight was just too much of a good  opportunity for some content creators to pass up   some naturally moved on and some creators even  became twitch streamers full time thanks to live   streaming itself becoming so dominant by this  point in the decade another contributor to the   lack of minecraft hype was the 1.10 and 1.11  updates for minecraft that released on june 8   2016 and november 14 2016 respectively they  weren't received too greatly and were mostly   considered safe plays they were underwhelming and  lacked content other than that not too much more   happened in 2017 although admittedly i had been  quite distant as i was working a lot myself at the   time at the very end of the year having visited a  few uk-based conventions myself such as insomnia   i ended up working for jerome asf to create  a network of cool role play-based channels   see roleplay was still keeping  a fairly consistent viewership   and we launched farmyard friends and three other  sister channels not long after the start of 2018.   let's say as a kid you've got a box of toys right  that's minecraft during its infancy it's that   you know precious little box of toys that you love  so much as a kid and then you turn into a teenager   and suddenly none of those toys seem interesting  to you at all if anything they're repulsive   that's why in my opinion minecraft died  off for as long as it did for you know i   mean it never really died off completely but  like the interest in the game was a lot less   than it had ever been you know everyone was saying  minecraft was dead like that was a common phrase   even though it was never true um and then 2018  rolled around and to me 2018 was the equivalent   of being a college student and discovering your  old box of toys and while you never re you're   not going to look at them the same as you did when  you were a kid you're not repulsed by them because   you you by that point like you're too mature  you're too old to really be repulsed by such   silly things and with minecraft you know those  people are finding a new joy in the game again you   know so minecraft in a sense is uh it's an it's  not a game for adults but it's a it's a game that   has grown up and people have grown up with it and  now i'm not saying that all the people who play   minecraft these days are you know people in their  late 20s and 30s and whatnot like i am but um   i think that those who were like ashamed of the  game back then because oh it's just a kids game   i think they've grown out of that so now  everyone can enjoy the game equally plus   there's so many communities it's not just  survival in minigames it's not just survival   everyone can have their own niche corner and we  can all exist happily in our own niche corner   you know there there are communities that might  cater more towards a younger audience um and then   there are communities that cater more towards  older audiences i mean you could ask around like   if you were to ask a random like 10 to 13 year  old most of them anyways the intricacies of the   hermitcraft and prototech community they wouldn't  be able to tell you anything and that's okay   you know so minecraft is a very mature game in  that sense because everyone can enjoy it and   that's definitely i guess where the difference  is now versus where it was eight years ago   moyang were quick to push the boat out so to  speak by developing the aquatic update but at   this point it was perhaps a bit too late even with  a rising tide of pvp and mini-game interest with   fortnite dominating the gaming space not much  could actively be done in the coldest points   since 2010 minecraft was finally slowing down this  behemoth was coming to rest after everything all   that incredible content and growth what remained  were now few dedicated content creators and their   audiences excited and anticipating the next upload  of a game they were still passionate about left   to time the world moving on and changing as it  prepared to exit the decade the block game wonder   boy was about to take its final bow or was it on  the 19th of december 2018 just as the year closed   out hypixel the now biggest server network by far  on java announced they were creating a separate   studio in order to produce a new block game titled  hightail this fundamentally shook the community   and maybe you think this would be the final nails  of minecraft but that's definitely not the case if   your eyes weren't on minecraft anymore now they  had no choice but to be this was a huge move   and with 60 million views you can see why others  agreed the trailer skyrocketed reaching the eyes   of some of the biggest things creators out there  even world of warcraft creators were impressed you know the worst thing about this  is like what if it's actually good   the game was promising reminiscent of  an environment we all knew and loved   had grown up in reimagined reinvented  potentially the next step in the genre   and even gaming as a whole with this  promise of modding scripting a large   array of customization tools and a server economy  to come the spark for block games was reignited we're doing an s p where everyone streams you  can't play without streaming and also there's hits   it's an absolute honor to be here  i will eliminate the middle class wait why do you have all this  no oh no why didn't you do that that is what is that thing  that i thought that was a tree not gonna lie i i i kind of  want to kill somebody now all right good night gamer i want to show  you my furnace okay i've spent the last four   years looking for my ex-girlfriend's killer  microsoft took away girlfriend mods oh this   is disgusting i hate this every part of this  is wrong in the water nope that's the okay   oh my god hashtag pewdiepie release your seed okay  no that sounds wrong there's a dog thing hey dog   i love you oldest anarchy server in minecraft  whoa oh somebody helped me we're free   with no release date inside eyes were back on  minecraft for the time being however and despite   announcing hightail hypixel studios decided they  would still be running their minecraft server   in fact they doubled down from this point on  releasing more game modes that the community   went crazy for obvious comparisons were obvious  but amongst that were genuinely excited creators   looking for a potential future with content for  both games hypixel recently released their own   unique take on the skyblock genre so basically you  spawn on your own island you cut down a tree you   bridge over to the other island and then you log  into windcrest if i go check our balance we have   about 21 million coins if i were to ask someone  what the best weapon in skyblock is they would   probably say a 50mm sword um 50 million oh my  god my heart's racing thank goodness i'm just   dropping no no it was an accident i feel like you  don't understand how close the void is right now   and how cool it would be to do a 50 million  ml3 trick shot i'm addicted to hypixel skyblock   one million as i'm sure a lot of you guys already  know i did get banned a high pixel we're going to   sell everything i create the secret to making  unlimited cobblestone oh my god they're getting   flexed on what purpose do i have to play this game  my quest is to make the most powerful wooden sword   in high pixel sky block 82 000 when i first made  this grinder i thought that i was trapped in the   skeleton but now i realize i was only trapping  myself features were being compared criticized   conversations were being had again and just  like that minecraft was almost more or less back   it just took a little push from some of the  newer guys on the block you know just one or two   no really was that damage my guy oh oh this is beautiful they're already killing  each other freak say it with me gaming   a guardian farm else is on the move wait wait here we here we go sneak snag under i can only crouch like this jump like this   run like this and mine like come out  behind me it was jay the entire time 2018 and 19 was really a resurgence for minecraft  where i would say the content that really started   to take off was newer types of mods or data packs  things of that nature that you know people hadn't   seen before so like as a for instance uh in late  2019 we had the scramble craft mod pack take off   and that was huge for a lot of youtubers where it  basically took minecraft and all the recipes were   completely scrambled nothing was the same um and  there were many other data packs like this out   there that i guess created like a new entire  genre of content for people to make and then   after that point now in 2020 we're still kind of  in this era of data packs but people have taken it   a step further where you have genuine superstars  like dream out there who make their own data packs   play on them and push them out to a larger  audience and i would say right now we're 100   in the era of data packs and also there's another  genre in minecraft that's really boomed it's been   around forever like i remember making videos on  this back in like 2012 and 2013 where people just   make videos versing a bunch of fans like like 100  fans or whatever but now out of nowhere people   same thing rock stars like like skeppy are just  crushing it where that's the big thing for them   right now so i guess it's it's a divide it's  divided really between large scale battle or   challenge content and new data packs uh that's  really what's what's kind of the trends right now   like most resurrection stories minecraft's  rebirth is shrouded in mystery with many   debating the source of the resurgence and i agree  it's definitely hard to pinpoint a specific moment   but we can explore some of the biggest reasons  and how they all began to cascade into a larger   snowball effect that brought the game back into  fashion other than the added hype from hightail   call me carson created an event known as snp live  on march 1st 2019 a basic server where players   would stream their perspective when online this  garnered attention partly due to carson having a   large influence and in part due to minecraft being  a bit of a meme at the time despite this there   were still many hardcore viewers and fans willing  to watch along as he played with jay schlatt and   cooper dolendarg and grande can be thanked for  some of the amazing minecraft meme work that they   did during the desolate period and this guy here  gets a gold star for producing some of the best   minecraft parodies out there sky does minecraft  return to cover some more minecraft content with   his old buds at this point and even the king of  content himself pewdiepie began a let's play much   to the adoration of his fans you can see why  all of this alone was causing a stir with more   relevant streamers requesting to join s p live  an smp earth server eventually went up later   that year a larger multiplayer version hosted  by chippledipple this whole thing took place on   a one to three thousand scale map of the earth and  there are many notable players that took part such   as captain sparkles call me carson technoblade and  venom filzer quack d voice over pete and tobuscus   it started on december the 1st 2019 fitmc began  blowing up due to 2b2t content itself created in   december 2010 2b2t was the second oldest server  and now oldest anarchy server in minecraft   while it had spikes in popularity throughout all  10 years it wasn't until 2020 that it had aged   like fine wine fit mc a veteran 2b2 player  and minecraft youtuber since 2015 recently   reached 1 million subscribers in may of 2020 for  covering 2v2t another youtuber who popularized   and documented the server was cell c1 he started  minecraft youtube in around 2013 and has recently   popularized calling out and crashing the economies  of pay-to-win minecraft servers using various   different dupes such as tree mc sal has currently  got 400 000 subscribers and with the village and   pillage as well as busy bees update adding some  fairly substantial game-changing stuff and also um   bees in one or more like 10 fell swoops minecraft  was back on the map perhaps then that was why on   june 21st 2019 felix aka pewdiepie picked up the  game after many years to do a one-off video for   gaming week however when the first episode got 41  million views it led to an almost 50 episode long   series with memes galore that pungently infected  the entire minecraft community culture tell me you   didn't hear sven or water sheep at some point in  2019. many of his fans began to flock back to the   game leading to a new buoy if 2018 was the pseudo  death of minecraft then 2019 was the rebirth   nostalgia challenge videos players streaming their  servers and having families join even some bigger   community tournaments the likes of which hadn't  been widely broadcasted in almost half a decade   i think the biggest collaborations that i ever  put together was like i put together one of   the youtuber hunger games and that was like the  biggest collab that i think that i ever pulled off   and then the average standard for for large  collabs was this was back in the day when   you know like when when we were going to be  doing a minecraft event it probably wasn't   keemstar hosting it it was probably someone from  the community it's safe to say that youtube had   experienced a few um advertiser issues in the last  couple of years too algorithmic changes were being   handed out left right and center monetization  signs were flipping like traffic lights and maybe   matpat from game theory can do a little bit of a  deeper dive as to why minecraft was bubbling back   up again in 2019 but after roblox and fortnite  brought a new wave of gamers in it was safe to say   that minecraft was actually ripe for a refreshed  playerbase filled with newly recruited gamers   from the other two goliaths let's talk about some  more pivotal creators from this year matpat began   covering some good old minecraft theories last  year and pewdiepie's playthrough had been causing   a stir as people attempted to uncover his world  scene lo and behold a certain creator named dream   first uploaded a video on july 14 2019 titled how  to get pewdiepie's minecraft world seed where he   talked about a method that could be used to find  the seed in his video here's pewdiepie's minecraft   seed he tells people to check his twitter for the  seed and sure enough it could be found there in   five months he went from 25k subs to over a  million he's now sitting at 10 million i've   actually created an entire video about dream's  rise to popularity so make sure to check it out   after this yeah that reminds me so much of like  when when i first popped off because remember   back in the day i was getting like a million  subscribers a month and so like i can only   imagine like just you know looking back at my  time like he's probably he's probably feeling   the pressure but it's probably still really fun  so like i remember back when um before everything   started getting like a little businessy on on on  my end like like right where dream is right now is   when it was the most exciting in my entire career  so um dream don't sign with the illuminati if you   were to tell me back in 2017 that speed running  would make a comeback in the minecraft scene but here it is you know what i  mean and so i just think that   with a game like this anything's possible and  people should be very careful writing it off   everyone's childhood heroes are here and i'm gonna  stab all of them techno blade considered by many   another incredible player in fact one of the top  pvp like ever he joined youtube on october 28   2013 but rose to fame after winning four minecraft  monday weeks and since he has also won a minecraft   championship too he has killed defect and hypixel  the owners of mineplex and hypixel respectively   and is commonly referred to as the best bed  wars player holding the win streak record of 1   400 matches he currently has 2.5 million  subscribers and counting loop the notable   began uploading his surviving for 100 200 and a  thousand day series an rt game shot open views   part in thanks to his community streams that saw  him invite viewers onto a live server buildbring   just flying around and observing the creations  was enough good luck skeppy had joined youtube   in 2015 but at 3 million subscribers now you can  see why his trends have 100 minecraft players   do certain things blew up revolving around his  position as owner of the server he would troll   players or allow them to all participate in a  single large event or challenge with the scale   of it all being the main entertainment all of  these charismatic people all playing minecraft   again all in communities and starting to band  together on snp servers it almost feels like   history repeats itself doesn't it and before we  talk about the return of tournaments let's discuss   fortnite because that still totally exists  thing is after 10 seasons and pushing on two   years some players were starting to get bored  fortnite launched its next chapter a massive   update that revamped most things in the game but  in a way this also acted as a bit of a jumping   off point for some players almost a deterrent as  we saw many players begin revisiting minecraft   during this time two large tournaments popped  up first was minecraft monday hosted by keemstar   it featured many popular internet personalities  such as ninja james charles pewdiepie call me   carson and mr beast it would feature many  different minigames with a scoring system and   teams would compete to hold the highest score  to win a cash prize minecraft championships   was another event that rose up towards the back  end of the year hosted by knox crew it featured   many of the creators from minecraft mondays  and the wider minecraft community acting as   a spiritual successor to their original knox  crew game show we didn't actually set out to   be a competitor like we actually really tried to  be something different so that both could co-exist   you could watch mcc on the on the saturday and  you could then watch mt mondays every week on the   monday right so we just wanted to make something a  bit more special and exclusive and and completely   different and that's why you know we we went  back and took things like the decision dome and   and threw that in and but i think minecraft  mondays had a really interesting format where   that was me discovering that there really is a  market for like live content like that and that's   the way that people are really loving to watch  it i was like damn that that's almost like an   esport right like how those are watched and i've  been there and kind of watched league of legends   worlds and stuff when that comes around every year  it's incredibly exciting so i felt like huh if we   take a little bit inspiration of that sort of live  format that minecraft mondays was doing very well   and we marry it with a lot of knoxville  game shows original ideas we can actually   create something completely like different  and unique enough that both could co-exist   and then obviously you had minecraft saturdays  which eventually came into minecraft ultimate   and that was you know its own unique thing and  that was really cool like i just love the idea   of a lot of what cool like different unique  minecraft events like that shout out also to   the amazing event called minecraft ultimate  originally titled minecraft saturdays the   event was found by pikaclix and his team  and is a minecraft hunger games tournament   that features over two hundred and fifty players  finally to top it off a huge mod pack called rl   challenging players to really become masters of  the hardcore and modpack alike many players return   to minecraft with an rl craft series and before  long the block game was truly back on the rise   and as we charge towards 2020 feeling more  invigorated than ever before i think the one thing   that minecraft presented youtube particularly the  gaming sector of youtube was the ability to do a   little bit more storytelling or creating long-form  content because back then there was either   storytelling in the form of machinima and that  was it and that was kind of like very scripted   very to the point it was all pre-recorded you're  gonna kind of really ad-lib content back in sort   of the 2010-2011 era um and it was either that or  you were doing montages and it was these crazy 360   no scopes you know monster energy cans flying all  over the place and lens flares galore whereas i   feel like minecraft kind of pulled everything back  down to its roots and kind of went back to almost   like a slightly vlogger tone i guess where you  were joining in every single day for 20 minutes   with your favorite youtuber and you were going on  this randomized minecraft world journey with them   so i think that was definitely influential for  minecraft towards youtube because that increased   not only video lengths but also like audience  retention and all the big numbers that nowadays   are so critical to youtube to try and maintain  advertisers to be able to drop in the middle   and all these pre-rolls and mid-rolls and things  like that and then also vice versa i think youtube   also gave minecraft a platform where creators  could actually share their content and get it   out there like i think it potentially spawned  like the gaming tab on trending because back in   the day training was a single tab and that was it  i think when minecraft started to really blow up   i remember there was a time when the yogscast like  all of the channels within the ogscast we were   dominating the trending page every single day and  if they basically flipped a switch and then all of   a sudden no yoga's cast channels appeared in it  anymore and that was actually something that we   really had to struggle and push back against for  a little while and say hey now that we've got this   gaming trending page can you now flip that switch  back off and i don't know if they ever truly did   if i'm honest so yeah so it's a real give and take  between the two i think both sides have benefited   massively from it um and i think the youtube  gaming space as a whole wouldn't be where it   is today without minecraft i think youtube heavily  heavily influenced minecraft's growth i think if   it wasn't for the early series of people playing  the game on youtube it wouldn't have nearly saw   the popularity that it did um as funny as as it is  to say minecraft is very non-new player friendly   as they've changed over the most rece or over  the latest updates back in the alpha beta stages   there was no guide to crafting beyond going  on a wiki and finding it and there was no like   help when you're dropped into a single player for  the first time there was no surviving your first   night information like you you just died if you  weren't ready you didn't know what you were doing   so i think youtube's just everyone making  videos on how to survive your first night and   showing off their bases all that kind of stuff  i think they really served as inspirations to   what other people could do in the game and what  other people could be could be doing and kind of   helping their own absolutely gameplay to the  success of minecraft so in terms of minecraft   and youtube influencing each other i think on one  end youtube has 100 influenced minecraft's growth   i feel like a lot of people including myself so  you can you could chalk me on the board there   heard about minecraft first because one of their  favorite youtubers was covering it or perhaps one   of their friends suggested hey watch this video  from a youtuber i think to say that youtube   hasn't served as a platform for promotion for the  game would be just entirely wrong i think youtube   really has on the flip side of things minecraft  has definitely influenced youtube's growth   i don't know to the extent of you know how youtube  influenced minecraft's growth i don't know if it   did that same way vice versa but it definitely  had an impact on it i i distinctly remember   back in 2013 where on the main page of youtube  it didn't matter who you were it didn't matter   what your preferences were like in terms of  content you watched you always got served   minecraft content on that front page or or near  always anyway it was all over the place the two   were inextricably tied where if you were going  to watch youtube whether or not you were going   to watch minecraft of course there were a  lot of people who didn't that you know like   our parents age or something didn't watch it  but they would definitely be served a minecraft   video that they could click on if they wanted  um minecraft definitely influenced youtube 100   definitely i think a lot of people have found the  start in minecraft a lot of relevant youtubers now   have come from minecraft and it's fantastic to  see that growth uh obviously as people grow up   as these youtubers grow they might transition  to other games or more mature content   and that's completely fine but uh know that a  lot of these very famous people have started from   youtube like from minecraft specifically i i  definitely think it's had an impact it is a case   of i think youtube and minecraft growing together  have helped each other in some sort of ways   but youtube being the platform is i think  it would have grown regardless i just think   it was a coincidence that minecraft helped  youtube grow especially for younger audiences   but without minecraft being in the scene i'm  sure another game would have been in the scene   and hopefully grow that way as well you can't deny  that minecraft hasn't helped youtube but would   have youtube been fine without minecraft i think  so as well i don't think it was influential but   it kind of was went the way it did it's so strange  that the times have changed and where video games   are now the cool thing i mean don't get me wrong i  love it um but it is mind-blowing like that's when   people say like they're like wow like you had the  foresight for this no i had no foresight at all i   got very lucky that gaming turned into what it did  um and minecraft specifically made it what it was   in my opinion but the fact is like gaming wasn't  always the cool thing i would say that anything   i've learned about the relationship between  minecraft and youtube dates way further back than   any of my recent informative content because  i've always been a statistics and data driven guy   so i like knowing like for example like why one  sort of thing might be trending especially within   minecraft so like why mini games are trending why  role plays were trending and the era after that   why the informative stuff is trending now why  dream and technoblade can pull a hundred thousand   viewers with their eyes closed on live streams  like why you know why all these things are popular   youtube would still be here without minecraft  would gaming be as popular without minecraft   i would say so i think some other game would  have done it if it hadn't gotten popular i   mean we could also question if fortnite would  be around if it wasn't for the survival games   like you know battle royale mode specifically  anyways maybe every other game is just one   giant chain reaction from minecraft and minecraft  was just a part of that because retro games were   starting to become popular again when minecraft  came around it really was the perfect game for   the perfect time i feel like youtube success is  mutually exclusive from minecraft success but   i don't feel like minecraft would be as popular  without youtube because back then people who were   finding out about minecraft there was no tutorial  mode even though minecraft alpha had a tutorial   mode button that never worked it never did  anything and that nothing was ever coded for it   so you had to go to youtube or the minecraft wiki  if you wanted to look up any of that information   whether i'm an insider looking out or an outsider  looking in it has been really fascinating to see   the past year of growth with minecraft like  especially i guess the the one example i   could cite really doesn't even have anything  to do with youtube it has to do with twitch   um and sort of when s p live came around like  minecraft really started to explode again because   then pewdiepie started playing it i think the most  interesting question and i don't know what the   answer to this specifically is why did it start  getting popular again i mean i would say youtube   plays the biggest role in how what trends pop up  for minecraft youtube and twitch in particular   um but you know i feel like every couple years  you kind of have a trend change within the   minecraft scene then you you know towards the end  it kind of has a slump and then people want to do   things on it so then that sort of picks up um  because you know like i mean you can see in the   beginning like it started with like simple let's  plays and then people were like okay now let's   mod these let's plays and then people like let's  add story elements to these let's plays and then   the let's play scene kind of fizzled out and then  pvp was big you know and then rp's were big so   it's kind of shifted all around the thing and then  i would say now you know um it is kind of you know   we're in the competitive days now uh with you  know i'd say s p live was a big kicker for that   um pushing everything to this more um competitive  back to like how good can we be at minecraft you   know whether it be the speed running side of  things or even the more casual like minecraft   championship or not everyone's trying to just  pummel each other you know like every change   that has taken place has made the game better  in some ways and i think the people are just   going to keep doing that you know eventually speed  running which is the hot thing now isn't going to   be hot in a couple years something else and you  know the community will just shift with it it's   kind of it's kind of hard to predict what'll  come next uh i think when it comes to growth   between the two platforms i think it's 100 a  mutual exchange and they chose you know minecraft   to be the virtual eden of the internet uh it  can it's it can definitely fill the role and so   everyone used that as the as the i guess catalyst  and um as the uh as the central hub for creating   anything and everything they could possibly  imagine and sharing it with everyone else and so   when they did that you know they wound up creating  something that i don't think anyone could ever   possibly uh match and when youtube got to be the  camera lens for that entire you know world going   down um then like it was only natural that the  the two would completely build off of each other   um do i think that youtube probably would have  survived regardless without minecraft probably   would it have gotten anywhere near the level it  is now probably not um i think that the minecraft   community at one point in time was genuinely  becoming a full full-fledged pillar of the youtube   community and the issue with that is you know  when you when you create a giant skyscraper where   everyone can possibly have a cubicle i mean um you  uh you wind up with people who try to take over   full floors and i definitely was a person like  that when i went you know business end like at the   at the end of the day i'm not anymore like gosh  i'm so much happier holy crap i think what a lot   of people forget is that you know the internet has  been around long enough to where it's developed an   entire culture and so minecraft is undoubtedly  part of that culture now like if you if you are   a person who can confidently say that they grew  up on the internet which means now this is a huge   portion of your life to sit here and think for  even a second that minecraft hasn't become a huge   part of it like i mean remember like for for years  we used to call notch god remember we would call   him minecraft god so that's why that's why i make  the joke by the way virtual eating i it's it's not   like i'm sitting here like oh yeah minecraft  virtually no it's like i make the joke because   everyone used to call notch god because remember  it's all culture dude like there's whole lore even   in the minecraft sector of the internet culture  so like like all of all of this is is is like   is is wildly entertaining to watch and see  go down and then see like kind of minecraft   i guess solidify its area as the uh the block eden  it's crazy there's some questions that not even   science can answer and some we may ask ourselves  on a daily basis but there's one question in   particular that has been plaguing humanity and  gamers for over an entire decade and has yet to be   answered who is the best minecraft player leave me  alone i can't take all three of you he's so dead hello and welcome to the official update video  for nc championship 9. i have 100 minecraft plots   and 100 players hi these hundred contestants can  build whatever they want and whoever builds the   coolest most epic thing i'll buy it for them yeah  this could be the last game so they're they're   doing the titty tatty oh oh no hey dream reached  and dream got punished this week on hermitcraft   i think i'll die actually are you kidding me how  the hell did that work well i was gonna say like   we we learned a lot from knoxville game show  days and um we applied a lot of those learnings   so you know when you when you begin an event like  that you try and create a set of rules that you   stick by with each game that you do and one of  the really important things was that each game is   repeatable if we're going to play it every single  month it needs to be repeatable in some sort of   sense so you can't can't do a puzzle game you know  because then everyone's going to know the puzzles   and then it's just going to become like puzzle  speed run which can actually work there might be   something fun with that um but yeah differing to  knoxville game show we definitely took on a more   kind of repeatable approach uh you know set an  average time you know that each event should   that each game should start with um each game has  to be played with 40 players you know that's 10   teams of four rather than it's a 1v1 scenario but  we still managed to take that 1v1 scenario and put   it in in the end at the very end of dodgeball  i think dodgeball exists because one thing i   really disliked about the way that mcm ended um  was that you could always tell who was winning   um towards the end you know someone could  just steamroll forwards and i feel way more   exciting if it's all just if it all just  comes down to this one moment somewhere i'd say you have to be a lot more careful  because you are playing around with people's jobs   like you definitely want to to ensure that your  event isn't breaking because that's the people who   are streaming that's they're doing that for their  job so put on a damn good show one important thing   at the very beginning that we set out was that we  have to test thoroughly and there are entire there   are entire testing systems designed around mcc  um that go on there's there's a lot that goes on   behind the scenes to ensure that every single  mcc just goes absolutely smoothly obviously   there are a few screw-ups that still happen  here and then but you can't predict everything   i will i will say just on on the on the subject of  reliability and things running well and blah blah i do i do respect a lot of what minecraft mondays  tried to do because the faults that existed in mcm   were things that we were able to identify very  early in trying to ensure that we don't repeat   those right so essentially someone else's  fault inspired um the way that we do things   right as opposed to us learning  it those faults ourselves   minecraft to me is kind of  like a a diving board in to everything else that i've ever done and you  know minecraft being essentially just this   huge world that anyone can do anything in it's  this realm of possibility inside minecraft that   will never fully actually hit its capabilities and  ever fully be maximized which is an exciting thing   but for me also a little a little stressful  because you know i've i've personally like this   i guess the reason why i say it's like my diving  board is because i personally moved on like it's   not that i i don't um enjoy minecraft anymore and  that it doesn't hold a special place in my heart   but i just don't play minecraft the way that i  used to what it was for me was essentially the   the start of my entire career of meeting people  and making lifelong bonds and friendships and   to me minecraft isn't even about the game it's  just about like the entire culture and history   behind it at the end of the day there was so  many and there oh there's gonna be so many more   generations of new youtubers to come like one day  five six years down the line dream will probably   be taking an interview about how he was like like  the the first youtuber to hit uh 50 million subs   as a minecrafter like i was the first to hit  10. and like it's going to continue from there   and i look at dream like truly the pioneer of the  2nd gen well actually i guess i guess dream would   be more considered around a gen 3 because i would  say even x would be gen 1 and i would be a gen 2   of the minecraft community along with alongside  aunt venom and a couple other people like caveman   um and sparkles like i look at it like this like  back in the day the crown was made of butter gold   now the crown is literally made out of  dreams like what the hell is it going   to be next dude the the level that these  guys keep setting the standard is just sometimes i'm like are you guys even  human oj minecraft youtube is awesome   and what does the future hold like everything gets  bigger and better always so i i truly believe that   you know the minecraft community is is in pretty  good hands even like the the top the top dogs of   the uh the minecraft community like they don't  pull punches anymore so like that's nice to see   like um like if somebody if somebody  does bad then they're like right on them   so i truly believe that the minecraft community is  in really good hands now minecraft is absolutely   more of a game engine than a game and the day  that moeyang starts uh embracing that more than   they have in the past i think they're they're  gonna start seeing it flourish more and more   we're finally here 2020 dream has taken off with  flying colours along with friends sapnap bad boy   halo and george technoblade is the front runner in  any tournament tommy is being well tommy tubbo and   mr soot are even around for a bit of a laugh mr  beast has found a home here in minecraft mcc led   by s major and the knox crew is on its way to its  tenth event and creators new and old are returning   from all around the gaming and youtube space to  have another dig into minecraft with 1.16 dropping   a complete and total revamp of the nether as well  as completely kicking diamond to the wayside for   our new bad boy netherright there's more fun than  ever to be had in the community dream and others   like him have popularized minecraft speedrunning  by releasing many speedrunning videos in the 1.19   plus glitchless rune category on june 10th 2020  he broke the record of 22 minutes and 18 seconds   with a new record of 22 minutes and 6 seconds  dream also popularized the idea of trying to   beat minecraft with some kind of challenge his  first video in the series of minecraft but was   posted on october 14 2019 it was titled minecraft  but x-ray is always on and after this he published   many similar videos where he would play minecraft  with a twist this spawned hundreds of like-minded   content from many other channels following the  challenges and speed running trends that dream   had set out we've even started getting a bunch of  video essays and look back documentaries covering   the various aspects of the communities and  different creator groups minecraft is on   the up and up again and speaking of up i think now  we're pretty much all caught up no matter the year   we picked up minecraft or started watching we've  all been affected by it directly and indirectly   nowadays we have a wide space for all genres  of game here on the youtube platform with large   variation between individual creators and enough  room for everyone but hopefully now you have a   better idea of just how significant minecraft  was in paving the way for the creators of today   an open infinite sandbox world conceived by  one man made reality by a team a video platform   and the passion of millions there was infinite  expanse to cease and that's exactly what we did minecraft is a game full of infinite  wonder and endless possibilities   it's digital legos that anyone can enjoy  for any reason whether you're a builder   whether you're a survivalist whether  you enjoy the technical side of the   game whether you enjoy breaking the game  i mean there's so much there to enjoy i mean i'll just i'll be honest because as  a creator player and platform it can all be   summarized into one thing um and a few games fall  into this category but minecraft is one of the   bigger ones for this and it it kind of represents  freedom and and i mean this it sounds silly but   you can do almost anything in the game  there are very few limitations on the game   you know what i mean um you can build anything  engineer anything literally code anything now   um and so from a creator standpoint obviously  i can create almost any type of content i want   using the game as more of a as more of  a platform even or an engine if you will   um but i think it's just because the  game gives you the ability to do so much minecraft's like it's this video game  that accidentally caused us all to   release that inner creative child that we  all have and because of the accessibility   of minecraft and because of the accessibility of  the internet um we can all share it like so easily i get to hang out with my online friends i get  to meet up with them i get to meet up with fans   and play alongside them minecraft is just such  a special thing it's it's something that no no   other generation has ever had it's something that  i don't think is paralleled by anything even for   tonight like fortnite touches on a different  aspect of things and fortinet is influential   but it doesn't he doesn't fill that same void that  minecraft does minecraft allows you to be creative   free i mean there's literally endless amounts  of content in that game or near to it anyway   there's over 100 000 mods there's  probably millions of maps out there   there's tens of millions of minecraft skins  that people can apply there's i'm gonna throw   numbers like thousands of servers maybe even  ten thousand plus servers people can connect to   there's so many ways to play the game i don't  think in one lifetime you could play it all   i think minecraft for me just means expression you  can play it by yourself you can play with friends   you can play with strangers there's servers  there's mods like it genuinely is limitless   like it is the lego set of our generation um and  i feel like everything's had a knock-on effect   following that like i think having the survival  games and the hunger games i think that almost   definitely inspired the likes of fortnite and h1z1  they saw these people doing these hunger games   like the old dennis varieta maps um you know which  was like the third map i remember there was a huge   kind of like multi-channel thing that happened and  then that spawned future events and future servers   i just think yeah the expression that minecraft  allows you to have is unrivaled by anything else   i think it would take something really special to  try and take that shine away from it because you   can turn it into an fps you can turn it into an  rpg you can turn it back into eraser particularly   with things like the bedrock version now and  models and kodi becoming a lot more streamlined   it's just a sandbox that just continues to get  sandier like the waters are cleared we're on   the ocean bed and the world is just endless and  i just i think it's great i think it's perfect i think it's really simple and it just goes  back to the original minecraft trailer which   is let's go to a place where everything is made  of blocks and the only limit is your imagination   um i think that trailer really  embodies kind of what minecraft is   so where will hightail fit into this vast and  constantly evolving puzzle how will the new   block game compete or change the way in which we  think about the genre and how will we use what   we've learned from the past decade going forward  of course only time will tell but the promise of   modding full environmental customization server  hosting script writing filmmaking and much more   it's safe to say they've thought a lot about  it if you've took the time to watch this video   and are interested to see what will become  of hightail from here on out or even want   to see the occasional minecraft video then make  sure to subscribe to the channel we're shooting   towards 20k real quick and all that support so  far has been overwhelming i appreciate you all   for motivating me to create content and develop  a channel that i truly enjoy if you want to join   thousands of minecraft and hightail enthusiasts  such as yourself then make sure to join the quebec   corner discord thank you for liking subscribing  and don't forget to check out core it's completely   free just go visit or click my link  in the description and before we close out i just   wanted to provide a little quote i made up that i  think best represents what minecraft means to me   hearkening all the way back to those sweet poetic  quotes that once caught my eye in x's adventures   minecraft isn't just a game it's a platform that  represents our thoughts hopes and dreams it's a   staple of our history a display of our creative  integrity our world builds experiences are all   a hallmark of a brilliant and unbridled capacity  for connection the friends made companies founded   icons erected educational events maps memes music  movies merchandise collected all in blog form   minecraft is a movement an ever-flowing symbol of  a generation who wanted to explore and build who   wanted to mine and craft thanks as always for  watching quebec corner stay safe and keep free you
Channel: Kweebec Corner
Views: 2,001,344
Rating: 4.9287786 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft history, history of minecraft, minecraft documentary, the minecraft documentary, minecraft, history minecraft, minecraft youtube, minecraft youtubers, history of minecraft on youtube, minecraft 2009 to 2020, minecraft rewind, the rise of minecraft, the fall of minecraft, minecraft comeback, minecraft nostalgia, famous minecraft, minecraft championship, minecraft update, minecraft 1.17, story of minecraft, minecraft dream, history of mc, entire history of minecraft
Id: rN_Hu6To4-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 139min 37sec (8377 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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