Ranking Minecraft's Rarest Occurrences...

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minecraft is known for its randomness almost everything you find in this game is by random chance meaning some things are a lot more rare than others so today we'll be taking a look at some of the rarest occurrences that have ever happened in minecraft's decade-long history and rank how likely each one is this is minecraft's rarest occurrences as you can see our buddy steve here is in a wide-open plains biome during a harsh thunderstorm pretty dangerous what are the odds of our buddy steve being struck by lightning well let's say he has a chunk render distance of 8 which means there are a total of 16 384 eligible blocks that can be struck by lightning around him and every second there's a 1 in 5 000 chance of lightning striking one of those blocks if you multiply that by the total eligible blocks it leaves us with a chance of 1 in 81 million of steve being struck by lightning per second 181 million but steve walks it off like an absolute champ and only takes a few hearts 81 million is still child's play though because we're just getting started when you load into a new world usually the first thing you take note of is the biome you've spawned in biomes are randomly generated and some are a lot more rare than others if you spawned in a biome that looked like this believe it or not you just stumbled across the rarest biome in the game which is called a modified jungle ledge for a biome to generate like this you would need a jungle biome to border a swamp bomb which would turn into a regular jungle edge but because of random chance the biome can be given a modified feature when generating which doesn't do much except make it more hilly it's pretty much a jungle biome but the trees are like cute mini oak trees on average this biome will cover just about a millionth of the entire minecraft world which means about 1 in 370 000 biomes will be a modified jungle edge making it very hard to come across in the rarest biome in the game biomes and lightning aren't the only rare occurrence in minecraft though the different features a mob spawns with can also push the extremes of rarity youtuber rayworks posted a video in november 2020 of him catching one of the rarest zombies ever captured in all of survival minecraft this is that said zombie and it may not look like that much but with all of its accessories put together like its armor it can increase its rarity exponentially for example the chances of one having a pumpkin on its head is 2.5 on halloween and the iron shovel has a 5 chance taking all of these different attributes into account the chances of this exact zombie spawning are 1 in 149 billion those odds may seem a tiny bit impossible but considering this mob was captured using a fast innovative mob farm a find like this is totally plausible with the right amount of time the next rare occurrence involves world generation but it isn't necessarily a biome this right here is a strange structure found in an old 2010 alpha version of the game it's a giant bulge sticking out of the world surface and looks like everything just got pushed upwards 100 blocks that's not all either underneath is a giant water pool that goes all the way down to bedrock and if you swim too deep you'll fall through and into the void according to minecraft professional ant venom something like this happened due to special circumstances in the world's generation while the terrain was being processed and the chances of something like this happening are one in one trillion something like this probably wouldn't happen in today's version of minecraft though so because this is exclusive to alpha it makes it even more antique there's nothing more luck involved in minecraft than speedrunning trying to beat the game as fast as possible one of the most time consuming things to accomplish during a speed run is acquiring enough eyes of ender to fill the end portal which is usually done by going to the nether risking your life trying to get blaze rods trying to get ender pearls from piglens and then finally going to the end portal or you can bank on a 1 in 1 trillion chance at finding the end portal already completely filled the reason for this number is because each end portal frame has a 10 chance of containing an eye of ender so that would mean you'd have to beat the odds of 10 to the 12th power or 1 in 1 trillion for a seed to have this which a few actually do of course you could have won the mega millions 3 thousand times but hey at least you got the world record for random seed glitchless this next rare occurrence involves natural spawning snow golems that may strike you as odd because the only way snow golems can spawn is if you place two snow blocks together and then a carved pumpkin on top well surprisingly this wasn't the only way snow golems could spawn back in older versions of minecraft like 1.8 carved pumpkins used to spawn naturally in the world instead of regular pumpkins if by random chance a carved pumpkin happened to generate a line next to two snow blocks it would spawn in a snow golem without any player interference there's also the very small chance of an enderman picking up a carved pumpkin and bringing it over to some snow to give birth although carved pumpkins don't spawn naturally anymore the chances of something like this happening in the versions possible are approximately 1 in 5 trillion if you thought the giant surface bulge and the alpha version of the game was crazy just wait until you see some of these broken seeds with repeating structures several seeds were found that repeat world features in a straight line across an axis some going all the way from spawn to the world borders the cause of this repeating feature is simply due to a bug in the game's code when generating worlds and personally i'm a big fan of this bug because if i come across one of these infinite mine shafts you already know i'm gonna be walking out with a stack of notch apples people like matthew boland have found several broken seeds with this repeating feature but if you were to try to find one by loading up a random seed yourself your odds are 1 in 140 trillion of doing so alright so this is where these occurrences really start to get insane and unlikely usually when you're mining in a mountain biome you'll find a solid emerald vein of one maybe you'll find another one nearby hey that's pretty lucky now if you somehow managed to find a vein of 14 emeralds now you're talking odds of being struck by lightning 1.3 trillion times in real life this huge cluster of emeralds was found by user dutchin who says something like this has a 1 in 20 quadrillion chance of generating in a world 14 is such an absurd and rare amount since most veins are usually only one orange size and on top of that the max amount of emeralds that can generate in one chunk is 11 but as you can see here it splits between two different chunks to make a combined total of 14. also for comparison an average vein of diamonds is 5 orange size so that means that this is a vein of 70 diamonds alright so this next one is possibly the craziest occurrence on this list in terms of world generation this bad boy is a quintuple pig spawner cluster in a mine shaft five pig spawners that's right surrounding a chest where a cave spider spawner would usually be now i bet you're wondering how the [ __ ] did this happen well what happened was a cave spider spawner generated in the mine shaft first but when the world was generating some last details a chest ended up spawning on the same block as the spawner which due to reasons in the game's code resets the cave spider spawner's data to that of a pig and causes five more spawners to be placed around it taking in all the right circumstances like the biomes cobweb formation where the chest and spawner are actually placed the odds of one of these generating in your world is one in 36 quadrillion easily making it one of the rarest world generation occurrences too bad you can't actually open the chest but if you remove the gross blocks from underneath the spawners and replace it with a fresh layer of sod the pigs will actually spawn and you can set up a quick fast food chain yeah so these occurrences i've talked about so far are very very rare but before we get to the final rarest occurrence in minecraft here's some things that you actually have a decent chance of finding in your minecraft world a pink sheep has a 1 in 642 chance of spawning and you might even find a baby version which has a 1 in 12 000 chance there is a 1 in 1 000 chance of a brown mushroom being born after breeding two red ones that isn't the most probable odds but if you get yourself a fully operational pita approved farm you can pull it off easily killer bunnies that actually can damage you have a 1 in 2 500 chance of spawning thankfully this abomination could only spawn in a few snapshots of the game for every 50 pandas that spawn one of them will usually have some rare jeans that'll make it a brown panda you want to know what else is 1 in 50 the amount of people who are subscribed to me so it'd be pretty cool if you could subscribe all right now it is time for the number one rarest minecraft occurrence so we've talked about rare mob spawning like the zombie from earlier and that its odds of one in 149 billion was lucky but this next mob puts that one to literal shame the most terrifying mob in the game nickname 4.3797 e minus 75 is theoretically the rarest mob that could spawn in all of minecraft it's a baby zombie villager chicken jockey with full diamond armor and has the best in chance you might be asking why does this mob's name sound like something elon musk would name his kid well that is the chance of this mob spawning in scientific notation with all of its attributes 1 in 163 quadrillion a video posted in march 2020 by creeper lol supposedly showcases them finding this mob in their survival world it starts with them doing their usual business murdering an innocent chicken until they turn the corner and there it is from the outside this seems to be a very close version of the mob we're looking for but is this clip fake well the only thing leading me to believe it is is the fact that it's daytime creeper lol had to have been in the area at night time for it to spawn then the zombie's helmet protected it from the daylight the only thing is we can't see any other signs of night mobs like burn drops and spiders which makes me a bit skeptical other than that in the incredibly unlikely odds we can't say this clip is fake since there isn't any outstanding proof and that's that so wait there's actually one more um the last rare occurrence is your chances of getting a girlfriend
Channel: Sipover
Views: 5,613,716
Rating: 4.8511467 out of 5
Id: HpGiXdNrQ6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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