The History of Butcher Rose - Borderlands

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having made her debut in borderlands 3's 3rd dlc bounty of bloody fistful of redemption butcher rose is quite an intriguing character her family has lived on the planet of gehenna for at least three generations her grandmother used to work for the jacobs corporation when they were on the planet for the project known as endless horizons the intent was meant to be revolutionary gehenna housed a substance that came to be known as core it's a neon green crystalline like rock which held a surprising amount of versatility it was the fuel that made all the ideas jacobs came up with here come true it was infused with the flora and fauna of the planet mutating both of them but also more importantly it could be used to help with their weapons development the beasts that were infused with core were able to be controlled to a certain extent interrotus regina or the ruiner was meant to be the apex of bioengineered weapons the problem came when the company realized they couldn't control the beast they had hatched one of the eggs but unlike the much simpler fauna this one was too wild rose's grandmother figured out a way that she could rein it in but it was far too late those working on project endless horizons packed up and bombed everything they could hide this ruiner was dead but there were other eggs rose's grandmother chose to stay on the planet flipping off the cowards who left and she was caught up in the bombs as well when the company shut down the facility and abandoned gehenna they bombed what they could and left but my grandmother couldn't leave her work behind when the last shuttle hit orbit she was right there flipping at the bird and shouting at cowards it seems the way her grandmother figured out how to control the devils was through their birth the story is very vague about this so i'm going to try my best to fit things in where they make sense so keep that in mind i think rose's grandmother figured out by whistling a specific tune to the eggs of these devils once hatched they would recognize the tune as their sort of mother and obey what they commanded company claimed their owner couldn't be tamed but they were wrong dead wrong my grandmother was smarter than any of those empty suits she knew exactly how to control it and so do i she passed this knowledge down to her daughter and her daughter down to rose now you try not quite concentrate rose this is important you have to get it right your grandmother taught this song to me when i was a little girl and you know what she used to say to me what'd she say mama this song it just might save your life someday rose as she grew up formed quite the hatred for the betrayal of her grandmother and sought to a venture by proving her hypothesis was correct that the ruiner could be controlled this would obviously take a few decades to come to fruition after jacobs bombed the planet a group of outlaws known as the devil riders had plundered the stolen company tech and began using it to their advantage to tame devils and the such the devil riders were actually curious what it was the company had been doing and so they tried to dig up the past but the residents of the town wanted to leave everything behind and move on this caused conflict and war between them especially since a large piece of core sat in the center of their town obviously rose wound up aligning herself with the devil riders as their curiosities aligned but with the knowledge her grandmother had passed down unlike any of the devil riders yet rose didn't just ride the devils she controlled them by finding feisty eggs before they were hatched she would steal a devil's egg and whistle to them teaching it her tune so once hatched she could command them and it worked a notable devil she had raised was named toge she joined the devil writers as a member initially but quickly killed her way up the ranks the devil writers follow their own code the strong live and the weak die type and to climb up the ranks it involves killing those above you careful rose you startled my devil ah what do you want i want what you've got oh you want to lead the devil riders do you and what makes you think they'll follow you hmm just a feeling fine then let's do no thanks times are changing [Applause] see the devils follow my orders now the devil riders will too that's right togay let's go tell the others the tragic news as tradition big kills are rewarded with tattoos the ink is infused with core as almost everything is which is the cause for the devil riders glowing green we learned this is tradition from one of carson sato's travel logs killing the strong though now that's how you move up the ink that's only for the big kills by the sounds of it however by the time rose killed her way to command she changed things it seems the devil riders used to largely attack towns for supply rates but now rose started implementing killing obviously at some point within her story of killing she got the nickname butcher rose she also came to be acquainted with oletta an old company employee who used to work with her grandmother rose initially goes to her for something it's not explained where oleta tries to heed her a warning i smelled you coming a mile away rose wasn't trying to hide it you know why i'm here then i've heard you've got away with the devils but it won't work with the one you're after how do you know if it did the company would still be here i can control it i know it it's in my blood i remember that melody your grandmother used to sing it while she worked in fact but that was a long time ago you be careful out there rose in my experience you can't really tame a devil best you can do is turn its attention to something else for a time but if it gets hungry it'll eat you all the same now in command she eventually came to learn that the stone in the center of the town of vestige was actually the ruiner's egg she wanted to get a hold of it but since the sheriff of vestige outlawed company tech getting their hands on it proved quite difficult encounters often resulted in the exchange of iron and blood she eventually grew too tired of this and enlisted another one of the devil riders juno nicknamed the hatchet to ride in with her gang and kill the whole town you wanted to see me i did boys around here say that when you want bloody work done the hatchet's who you call now listen close we're gonna make another run on the town and i want you by my side when we do all right what we going for got plenty of munitions food stuffs don't seem short on supplies oh this isn't a supply raid that's the old way of doing things i want you to take the town and i don't expect there to be any survivors you understand me that's bloody work i'm the butcher and you're the hatchet frankly i don't see how it was gonna be any other way juno had a big problem with this despite her nickname she didn't like the senseless slaughter and so instead of going to town to kill everyone she warned them this prevented the downfall of vestige and pissed off rose immensely she put a bounty on juno for anyone that could kill her plus a bonus if they could do it with her own hatchet unfortunately for rose timing couldn't have been worse bloodshed between the city and the devil riders had gone on for long enough that the sheriff of vestige decided to put up a bounty of blood he would pay anyone who could come in and kill the devil riders and this is where the events of dlc3 takes place the four vault hunters come to the town and are initially greeted by rose not knowing who she is and vice versa she tells them a thing or two about how things work on gehenna and initially thinks about inviting them to her gang but the devil riders don't take anyone who's searching for a payday toge winds up getting injured so she puts him down and instead takes a new egg to hatch she later appears in town with her gang in tow causing a ruckus where she has a standoff with the sheriff and wins she and the rest of the devil riders manage to use some old company tech to teleport the egg back to the facility so she can hatch it she also takes a man only referred to as the wanderer prisoner due to his musical talents she has him play her whistle tune on the guitar in front of the egg to get it used to the sound when she does it now you [Music] good very good you're a quick learner now just keep playing that melody for how long until i say you can stop but i gotta sleep sometime i i mean i can hardly keep my eyelids open as it is i'm so damn tired i wouldn't stop if i were you because if you do i'm gonna come back here and break every one of your fingers now let's hear some music just beautiful but to hatch the egg she needs a boatload of core which she has her gang start excavating from the mines throughout this whole endeavor the vault hunters are in tow killing some of her best lieutenants and even prime devils she'd come to tame the vault hunters managed to chase them all the way to the company facility although rose manages to teleport enough core to a station the company had out in space and moon shot it down directly onto the egg this core bomb was enough to hatch the egg exactly as she wanted but before she has the time to enjoy the spoils of her labor she's forced to fight the vault hunter to which she loses but is not killed she instead uses her whistle to command the ruiner successfully the ruiner however is killed but as for rose she disappeared she used the cover of the debris the ruiner caused to make her escape and no one knows what happened to her but one thing's for certain she was right without her the rest of the devil riders fell apart in the planet of gehenna didn't have to worry about the gang anymore but for now that does it for the history of rose like i said not everything was explicitly clear in regards to her ability to control devils there could still be something else like something literally in her blood i just tried my best to form a cohesive story in a way that made sense if there are any other characters you'd like to see me do the history of then be sure to let me know in the comments below and until next time i'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: EruptionFang
Views: 83,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eruptionfang, anime, rwby, rvb, redvsblue, borderlands, borderlands 3, bl, bl3, pc, guide, tips, tricks, let's play, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, theory, animated, rt, roosterteeth, 2k, gearbox, history of, rose, butcher rose, dlc 3, bounty of blood, a fistful of redemption, history of rose, juno, tidus, vestige, devil riders, history of borderlands, eruptionfang history of rose, ruiner, jakobs, the company, gehenna, vault monster, toge, devil, western, sheriff
Id: 9JhpAAjBH-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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