The Helmet and the Sword | Full Service | Redemption to the Nations Church

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up what's up everybody hey yeah i think that you're having a fun morning where you are at yo i'm hoping y'all got the fam together getting ready for church today come on now it's it's raining here but it is a sun shiny day today listen i'm excited you know we have so many people watching from all over the world all over the country we can do shout outs like for all 50 states like texas new jersey we're like all of the state all the states hey dude's a favorite we want to know where you're watching from come on drop right now in the comments where you're watching from maybe who you're watching with that would be great listen it's sunday but yesterday was college football day and listen i'm all about college football so if you want to drop your team in there or if you're an nfl fan because like our northern people yeah nfl nfl southern people sec let us know who your team is and let us know where you're from because it's happening yeah it is it is in the middle of just football season it's incredible i love this time there's always a game going on there's always something to watch it's incredible so like you said drop in the comments we want to know where you're watching from also do us a favor and share this please listen there's no football game going on right now no there's nothing going on right now so how about if you do be an evangelist right like a communication evangelist share it say yo this is my church i want you to join in before your football game before you do anything else pastor walmart let's let's just challenge them a little bit okay seven people that's all you got to do all you got to do is is share and tag seven people right now whether it's in the comments whether you're sharing whether you copy the link i want to see it scrolling let's do it maybe put it on your instagram your facebook say hey join with us live church is going on right now yeah be like you said be an evangelist this is a way out but you can actually just share the stream share jesus with somebody and you're inviting people to church it is true and i know that you're at home and we just encourage you as you watch us online don't just sit back and eat your breakfast although have fun with that but make your place a place where jesus can inhabit because he can come through the lens i know you guys are experiencing this there's been miracle after miracle we want you to post that on there like the presence of the lord is so strong of carpal tunnel last week praise god so we want you online community online church to let us know how are you setting your atmosphere hey listen we have a room we go to the basement we have put us on tag us on we're knocking your neighbors on instagram tag us on facebook and let us know like you know hashtag rttn house party housewife invite your neighbors get your neighbors involved say hey church is going on right now you want to come over i think i saw someone in the comments uh about two weeks ago they were like hey i invited my neighbor and they came and watched church together and i was like what i'm talking about that's incredible wherever you are whatever season whether you're in another state or you're here local and you just can't come we want you to know that that sign because the lord is so faithful to meet us where we're at all of our other nations that are watching with us uruguay guatemala bulgaria all of you in africa they're watching us from everywhere we want you to know that we know you we might not see you but we know you and your comments help us get us excited get the rest of the world excited too that's what i'm talking about pastor mario we have a huge week coming up this week this week women of fire is coming up this week man it's going to be incredible we have so many great speakers we have amazing we have pastor amanda crabb is coming um catherine mullins is going to see mr devin pastor listen y'all i don't even i mean come on don't do y'all she's and she's our girl but every time we're like star stream we may be buying it even though we see her all the time but you guys wave after wave is a theme tsunami is a theme and you know what it's not too late to join us in our prayer we've been fasting and praying join us if you cannot be here tell them about it mike yo if you can't be here there is an online option for everyone that's watching you can actually register for women of fire online and you can experience everything that god's gonna do in this building through that lens and right and listen invite people over yeah buy the stream invite people over and and make it a watch party hey women at fire conference party right there wherever you're watching you can almost have a mini conference watching women of fire it's incredible get together with five of your friends going on the cost it's not even that expensive and literally order in some uber eats and dinner delivered and you'll have your own conference there and we want you to know that this is going to be a place of encounter this is like not normal women's conference this is encountering god we think it's amazing to have fun and but we want you to come out of this going i got what i need right hey pastoral mario yes here at rttn whether it's online or or in main campus or athens or bulgaria or uruguay anywhere we believe community is an important part so this is so important so why don't you tell a little bit about house fires coming up yeah so house fires and interest groups are just meetings with people of the same like mind and house fires are people's houses and basically we fellowship you know because food thing it just ties us all together and then we just go over the sermon of the week and then interest groups are based on that interest whether it be hiking bowling golfing all those things and uh sign ups are open online we're excited to have i mean we even have uh debt busters get out of debt and a dave ramsey curriculum and it i mean it's so exciting and so what we are encouraging in the house is exactly what we're encouraging with you guys so join a team let us know and uh be a part yeah hey also if you're a young adult and you're in the area i want to tell you about forage going on tonight 6 p.m doors open listen these past these past couple weeks have been incredible so i don't want you guys to miss out on forge if you're a young adult if you're watching maybe from lee utc wherever you're at and you're in the area get to rttn chattanooga and be a part of youtube follow them online rttnforge that is where you can get the most information videos i'm telling you it gives me life yeah i'm not technically in that age group but i might slip in here tonight because the videos just give me life so but anyways george we love you we're excited about what's about to happen here yeah it's going to be incredible hey real quick too we have all nation sunday coming up october 24th it's going to be awesome we're celebrating diversity listen i just love our church because we're such a diverse church there there is so many different nations so many different cultures listen we want you guys to be a part of all nations sunday yeah listen we're getting ready to jump into prayer we are we're getting ready to jump into service i'm so excited for what god's gonna do today hey we say it every week make where you are and alter yes get prepared get your family together yeah get your kids together and and get ready to worship god and hear a word from our very own pastor kevin hey we love you guys i love you guys we'll see you a little bit later be a leader at all times this is the psalmist 34 his praise shall continually be in my mouth my soul shall make her boast in the lord the humble shall hear and be glad o magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together i sought the lord and he heard me and delivered me from my fears they looked unto him and were lightened and their faces were not ashamed this poor man cried and the lord heard him and saved him out of his troubles the angel of the lord encamps around about them that fear the lord and delivers them and the last verse is verse 8 and it says old taste and see that the lord is good blessed is the man who trusts in him this morning if you have not tasted the goodness of our father i will tell you that you are about to feel and sense his presence in a way that you never have if you don't walk in that every day all you need is one taste and we're going to pray this morning that the spirit of the lord will come down and he will touch you and he will awaken your senses to a god and a king who is powerful and for you that has your back and that loves you dearly oh precious father how we love you how we honor you this morning oh father we have tasted and we have seen that you are good in every aspect of our lives you have been there when we were down in the depths of despair you have been on the mountaintop when we experienced the heavens you have been in our mediocre normal compromised state oh but we've tasted you and now we hunger and we thirst for you and your presence oh lord stir in us a desire a desire to seek you to find you that god you would encamp about us and you would keep us and protect us in this time that we live in father we do not know anyone better than you there's no one better than you no one greater than you and no one higher than you so that we know this morning we expect that when we come in we will meet with you and you will be here you have already been in every step that we've taken even if we didn't even know that you were there lord you have always been there and now we bless you and we praise you we honor you and we give you glory because we know that our steps have been ordered by you we will not walk into a trap or a snare we will not go off the path but god you will direct us in the ways that we know are good and righteous so i ask in the name of jesus be with us this morning in jesus name we pray i want you to come to the front as we begin to worship i feel a sense of urgency for the people of god to hunger and to thirst so that we can say like the psalmist said oh taste and see the lord is good [Music] for taste and see that the lord is good for taste and see that the lord is good [Music] for taste and see that the lord is good the lord the lord is good that the lord is good [Music] what takes that the lord is [Music] and see before me in the presence of my enemies [Music] [Music] the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good the lord is [Applause] the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good so lord we declare today we come with a hungry heart and an open spirit fill us up from the depths god is anybody hungry i hear the lord saying the table is ready are can we just take a moment and lift our voices and make a sound of hunger make a sound of thirst come to the table this morning we're hungry for your presents [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the glory is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] quake and strongholds break over every grave hear the us the glory is yours forever [Music] look at oh he's just getting started [Music] came to celebrate you [Music] give him high praise give him high praise give him high praise give him high praise [Music] we give you the highest price [Music] the glory is yourself the blood of the lamb has overcome [Music] he's just getting started [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's worthy he's worthy of highest praise is [Music] [Music] glory he's worthy he's worthy of highest praise who else is in glory he's worthy of highest is [Music] is is celebrate [Applause] is he says [Music] is [Music] [Music] he is [Music] is is is is [Music] is the glory is has overcome i want him to stay right there i want him to stay right there i'm gonna wait but i'm not gonna wait how many know we serve a prayer answering god and this morning we're seeing a worthy of the lamb i want to tell you what god did look at somebody say neighbor he's still moving he's still proving come on tell somebody he's still moving and i know it's a rainy sunday but the power of god is moving in this house already this morning how many remember last sunday they have come up and we prayed for uruguay and the power of god broke out i mean it was a glorious time in prayer i want to tell you what god did that night sunday night i went home and um i facetimed our pastors there and we'll be really honest with you i saw them in a place i'd never seen them before marcel and daniella are young they're vibrant they have the power of god on their life they got a lot of energy they're always doing something for god it's incredible but i saw them they were heavy and they have been fighting or they had been warring and i could just tell that the enemy was trying to wear them out i didn't know the half of it when we prayed last sunday but they've been having visitations in the night from demonic spirits trying to rob them of their peace it's just been crazy so we prayed last sunday and i messaged them i facetimed them last sunday night on monday morning somebody say the next day touch your neighbor tell them the next day the next day she messaged me and said something broke last night [Applause] this is crazy she said number one the lawyer told us they cannot shut our church down which is what they were telling them they cannot shut our church down the worst thing they can do is find us i said if they find you let us know and we'll take care of it come on somebody secondly secondly remember last sunday when we prayed and god gave us a word that a person in leadership the heart of the king remember that the heart of the king is in the hand of the lord the next day after that sunday the president of the national congress went on tv and said i'm not getting the vaccine because i'm immune and when they said that the lawyer called our pastors and said it's over if the president said they're not getting the vaccine because of religious freedom then you have nothing to wear and the crazy thing is this we didn't even tell people in uruguay not to get the vaccine the devil made up a lie on our pastors i want you to know in 24 hours we went from not knowing if we would have a church to now the spirit of the lord is moving victory came to our pastors and we're still building a new building in uruguay i want somebody's face to blow through the roof of this house [Applause] the greatest days are still ahead he's just getting started come on say that the [Music] greatest days is [Applause] somebody sat on that declaration of faith [Applause] this is just the beginning god's got so much more [Music] [Applause] we're here for you let your spirit move as we shout your praise from our hearts to your ears all the glory is yours now forevermore is [Music] [Music] we're here for oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a touch is [Music] this morning jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] us [Music] if you don't come [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] dance like david did i'll dance like david did dance like david did dance like david dance you'll say dance like this [Music] that's like like [Music] [Music] [Applause] like this shave it with a chance like this [Music] move your [Music] i'll change [Music] we praise you for the [Music] [Music] for the glory of the king [Music] [Music] i just feel like in this moment you need to do something that you've never done before to receive something that you've never had before and so you might say tori i can't dance it doesn't matter god doesn't care he just wants to see you worship so we're going to go back into this part and i just want to see you operate in something new jesus a dance like david dance dance flight david dance dance like david dance like david [Music] [Music] than this [Music] i'll change [Music] stay right there i just want to kind of take us back to the word of about what they're referring to and it's that wonderful little story where the glory of god is coming back to the camp of israel they've been through a really rough season where the glory had been stolen the ark had been stolen and they even tried to get it back but they tried the wrong way and and someone died and they had been grieving but they finally figured it out that david finally figured out what will bring the glory back to the camp of israel and it wasn't some fancy method it wasn't some man-made cart it was him it was the priest do you realize that the second time they brought the cart i mean the ark back to israel it was preceded by priests who every seven steps made a sacrifice a bloody ugly sacrifice it was a trail of blood representing jesus and then it was david it was the king it was the head himself as the sacrifice of praise so i want you to see this while the animals are being sacrificed there's a king who's being sacrificed what did it cost david it did not cost him his gold it did not cost him his crown it did not cost him his wealth what it cost him was probably the most valuable thing to david it cost him his dignity he got in front of the ark and the lord let him know you're not going to be wearing those robes today you're going to strip down to a linen ephod and you're gonna dance like a foolish man in front of all of israel so much so your own wife is gonna criticize you what did the glory cost david it cost him himself and so we're in this moment where we're encouraging everybody to dance like david dance and i have such a vivid imagination it's hard for me to not imagine king david coming down this altar and i'm trying to think what would he be doing this morning in a house filled with glory what would king david be doing well i know he would halel praise what does hillel praise mean pastor devin it means you spin in a circle and you act foolish before the lord he would jump he would shout so let me just tell a story i know i'm taking a minute but here's the breakthrough for today some of you are waiting on pastoral prayer and you may miss your breakthrough because it might be right now i preached a sermon several years ago at a conference it doesn't matter where or when about the ark coming back and the glory coming back and i got to this part in the sermon and the lord spoke to me and he said there's a woman here and she can't have children but you say this word of knowledge if she will lose her dignity before this crowd of people i will fill her womb and i release that prophetic word and this woman came out of the back to the front dancing like david like a crazy man and i want to tell you six weeks later she found out her wound was full and she was pregnant because of her active obedience what are you saying pastor devin i feel like the atmosphere has that same anointing in it right now and somebody's breakthrough is contingent upon you dancing like david dance so whatever you need from the lord take off your kingly robes and strip down to the garments of a worshiper and dance like david danced in this place it's like dave intense dance like david dance like david [Applause] chance like [Music] dance like david [Music] like [Music] like [Music] lift up your voice something oh [Music] when you don't have the words to cry just cry out [Applause] [Applause] [Music] we cannot skip past this wave right now there is a wave of miracles in this room right now some of you may not grab it but some of you it's like an open door a portal into the miracle you have been praying for because god decides when he's gonna do it and some of you missed it pastor tobin just started dancing with that picture it's a baby in the womb so i'm just gonna prophesy it and declare it somebody in this room or somebody watching on live stream i don't know what other miracles are being done but somebody's believing god for a baby and i just believe the lord has prophesied by a picture and prophesied by his word today and i want to release you to start rejoicing like david that your miracle is being released and if you need that miracle you can run up to this altar i need some people who have faith to agree with them you can raise your hands at your seat but right now i release awareness gospel miracles in this place if you need healing whatever breakthrough you need it's in the atmosphere just receive it right now just receive it right now soon it's breaking something shifting something's moving something's breaking something shifting something's moving something's breaking something's shifting something is [Music] i'll change it's like david [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody give it up [Music] is [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] we're just gonna roll with this wave i'm gonna tell you what i heard the lord say there have been other people in here praying for a baby through adoption and right now with genesis in my arms i just release a grace for adoption in this house if that's you stretch your hands up all over this place you've been waiting for a breakthrough for the alignment of god you can even come to this altar if you want to i'm here to tell you there's a wave of adoption god's about to line it up he's about to line up the circumstances he's about to line up the provision if that's you i want you to come to this altar i need some people with faith to agree together with me right now not only is he feeling wounds in the natural but i declare a gate of adoption is opening in this place somebody prays like david prays in this place right now [Music] so [Music] [Music] miracles [Music] [Music] miracles are breaking out [Music] [Music] miracles are breaking out [Music] miracles are breaking out if we declare we declares [Music] here comes the breakthrough here comes the breakthrough here comes the breakthrough here comes the breakthrough here comes the breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes the breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough here comes a breakthrough your tons of breakthroughs will break through you're concentrating here comes the breakthrough here comes the breakthrough [Music] breakthrough the breakthrough can you [Applause] can you build the time is [Music] everybody me can you feel the earth shaking [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] jesus i praise you come on baby let's just pray right now for people who need miracles i want you to lift your hand if you need a touch from god today lift your hands we're not i just want to add an opportunity to what god is doing in this moment for people who need a miracle in their life there are miracles happening i'm [Music] would not be surprised if next week seven babies get adopted i wouldn't be a bit surprised [Music] i wouldn't be surprised if next week six or seven families testified that the womb that was closed has been open and god gave somebody a baby [Applause] [Music] go ahead sweetheart go ahead just lift your hands and worship just lift your hands and worship step in god we thank you for your presence thank you for the move of the holy ghost just somebody praise god for the move of god thank him for the move of the holy spirit we bless you today father we bless you in this room today i don't want to go to a dead church i don't want to go to a predictable place i need to go where the river of god is moving and the devil is always on his toes because he doesn't know what might happen next god moved by your spirit in this place today i pray right now you'll shake out of its place every religious principality every religious principality as we were worshipping this morning i heard the lord say to me i want a house where there is freedom and i'm going to tell you something being in the bible in the buckle of the bible belt sometimes you and i think we've seen it all and we think we've experienced all that there is to experience but i'm going to tell you there's a wave of glory coming to this region and there there's going to be a tribe of people somewhere who don't just get with the religious flow they open up gates and swing doors open with worship [Music] lift up your head all your gates be you lifted up your ancient doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord god strong and mighty the lord god mighty in battle lift up your head oh ye gates be lifted up you ever do you understand what the psalmist was saying city had not seen the king in a long time and the gates had took on the the disposition of a broken hearted person who hadn't seen the king and the psalmist said to the drooping heavy closed gates lift up your head all ye gates the king is getting ready to come through i just want to make an announcement in a religious city in a religious region that the king is coming back and the gates are gonna be lifted up and they're gonna see the glory of the lord [Applause] [Music] and everybody in this place i hope you understand what i'm getting ready to say but when you when you feel the burden of trying to take people where they've never been before and you see the people what is all this dancing and what is all this about it's about one thing the king of glory [Music] we're not sweating and losing our minds so that we can say we have a cool church we're sweating and dancing and jumping and running because the earth is dying and there is a king of life in this room and we want him to be glorified [Applause] my children need the king my marriage needs the king my school system needs the king my city needs the king somebody worship the king of glory in this room somebody worship the king of glory give him the worship in this house today we give you praise over hallelujah we give you praise over we won't stop until we see it we won't stop until we see it till the heavens are open till the mountains drop down new wine till the river flows somebody lift your hands somebody open up your mouth let the king of glory come in this room today we worship you o god we worship you o god we give you the glory in this room jesus we give you the glory in this room jesus hallelujah here comes another way come on sing that topic um [Applause] somebody [Applause] can you feel me [Music] it comes another way [Applause] [Music] there's just a wave of healing in this place right now so if you need healing in your body or your mind your heart would you just raise your hand you came in here in need of healing would you raise your hand all over this place jesus we love you and i would just ask that if those your family gathered near you the body of christ gathered near those whose hands are lifted and please i want you to stretch all the way to the back don't forget the people in the back some of my students from the front can move to the back i want everyone with their hand and lift lifted to have someone agreeing with them i'm telling you there is miracle working power in this room right now i would not raise my hands in doubt right now there is a spirit of miracles and revival in this place jesus is here and right now he's about to heal and restore i just keep hearing this in my spirit somebody needs a medical miracle a medical miracle and the great physician is about to perform a medical miracle in this place right now he's gonna heal every hand lifted but somebody is desperate for a medical miracle doctors have said without intervention impossible and jesus is here as the great physician to meet that need so let's agree together father right now wave after wave of miracles in this room right now father every need that is expressed by hands lifted i pray lord jesus for your miracle working power to be released through your body right now as we touch and agree we release faith and we cast out doubt and we declare you are able and we grab hold of you we grab hold of the hem of your garment right now and i declare healing flow in jesus name healing flow in jesus name and father i come into agreement with your word medical miracle right now in the name of jesus someone is receiving a turnaround from a report a medical miracle is being released right now father do it i want you to to pray now as the body lift your voice touch and agree right now he's moving and he's moving through you showback jesus jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus we praise you this morning come on just about 60 more seconds of prayer the lord's doing things right now jesus we praise you if you're not praying why don't you just give him thanks jesus we thank you we praise you we love you jesus we honor you holy jesus we bless you hallelujah hallelujah i am the god that he left thee i am the lord your healer i sent my word [Music] and healed your disease i am the lord your healer jesus thank you i am the god that he left me i am the lord your healer i sent my word and healed your deceit just lift your hands the lord is touching lives i am the lord now if you believe that just sing it back to him and say you are the god come on see that part you are the god that he left me you are the lord my healer you sent my word and heal my disease you are the lord [Music] thank you father for your presence in this room right now i pray your holy spirit would seal the work that is happening in this place i thank you now for the shield of god that has been put all around us an impenetrable shield that you are protecting your people today pushing back on every work of darkness that has come against our life healing us bringing us life bringing us hope we thank you holy spirit for what you're doing in this house right now hallelujah [Music] sweet holy spirit sweet heaven hallelujah stay right us with your love oh for every blessing somebody put that hand up in the air and thank him we lift our hearts in praise without a doubt that we have been revived when we shall leave [Music] without a doubt we'll know that we have been [Music] somebody thank god for the holy ghost in this room right now somebody thank god for the holy ghost come on i know you can't see him with your natural eyes but somebody knows he's in this room right now somebody praise god the father somebody praise god the son somebody praise god the holy spirit and for these blessings we lift lift our hearts and praise without a doubt without a doubt we'll know that we have been somebody's coming back to life right now somebody's coming back to life right now somebody's getting revived right now i saw death run off of you and a spirit of revival come on here right there without a doubt we'll know [Music] we're going over but touch three four people tell them i declare live live live live live no no no say live live live live live you're going to live and you're not going to die and you're going to declare the works of the lord somebody shout live live live live [Music] we're moving on but look over at your neighbor tell them i told you to live live give him one more praise as pastor richard comes let's give him glory all over the house this morning hallelujah no no we're not filling in a spot somebody really giving praise right here clap your hands on you people somebody shout out to god with the voice [Music] lord you can be seated if you can i'm gonna go ahead and recruit somebody else to do the announcements after the move of the lord anybody want to follow that and come up and talk about the church wow what an awesome awesome first hour of worship today thank you worship team you guys are phenomenal we're so honored thankful for them if you're visiting or it's the first time that you're watching online we ask that you would text the word guest to 423-200-4933 let us know where you're watching from online folks let us know where you're watching from we've got 17 or 18 different countries last week that tuned in on live stream can you give the lord praise and i have to celebrate this because those of you that aren't on social media i'm not real good with it but i do know this we had 31 people give their heart to jesus last week right here in this offer that's all that matters everything else is a bonus so we're so thankful for what god is doing in our church somebody say all nation sunday celebration will be october 24th if you have uh some historical other nation that you can represent we want you to be a part of this we want to represent all nations that are under the house of rttn those of you online we want you to participate as well we're looking to get shirts we're looking to do all kinds of different stuff we're going to set up lee roberson avenue out here it's going to be epcot on roberson we're going to have all kinds of food all kinds of cool stuff and you will not want to you got to mark your calendar because that service is going to be crazy you want to be here for that on october 24th but if you want to participate text the word nation to the same number that we gave you earlier 423-200-4933 and women of fire [Applause] that's this week and with all that's going on the last two sundays i would not miss women of fire because we're in revival right now amen this week registration has ended but live stream is available you still need to register for live stream go to how many are in house fires or an interest group you've already signed up for a house fire or an interest group or you're hosting one that's what all that is in the lobby out there so if you want to get to know other people in the church if you do if you have an interest that you have that we've got motorcycle riding groups we've got uh single moms groups we've got all kinds of different groups that are getting together that just have something in common and you can get involved in that by signing up in the back or you can go to the website to get signed up and get plugged in how many are ready to give [Music] i'm taking notes of who responded and who did not i want to read something to you i was reading in the new living translation the other day it's a very popular passage and everybody who's ever come up to do the offering talk has used it before but i want to read it out of the new living translation luke 6 38 luke 6 38 if you're turning there put it if you have the bible app click over to the nlt it says this give say give and you will receive your gift will return to you in full press down shaken together why it says to make room for more he was faithful the little can be trusted with more running over poured into your lap and then this is the new living translation the amount you give will determine the amount you get back the amount you give will determine the amount you give back and i learned three lessons through that and i like i love to listen to pastor translate things into the greek and the old language and all those things i like to look at synonyms and antonyms and things that don't go together and things that do go together so when i see that word give i looked it up and a synonym in the english language is to prepare or to present so here's what happens when we prepare and we present our gift then we receive his promise see it tells us to give and you will receive we present our present he gives us back we receive and then here's what i want you to understand this is a principle for life this is how we live our lives when we give we know that god is going to provide a return on our investment that we could never have provided for ourselves because it's all his anyway amen so today i challenge you to do something i challenge you to give better than you've ever given before not because we need it necessarily but because you need it give and you will receive and it says to make room for more can anybody trust god for more today amen let me pray for you lord in jesus name peace protection prosperity promotion productivity over every person in this house this week over everything that your hands touch in jesus name amen you can stand and come and bring your offering to the front let's stand and worship as we get here we [Music] i'm go them down [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go here we go [Music] persecuted not [Music] come on i'm training everybody say yes lord cast the lord [Music] [Music] i like that part that goes like this i am pressed but not crush persecuted not abandoned struck down but not destroyed i am blessed beyond the curse his promise will endure somebody say his joy will be my strength though sorrow may last his joy comes in everybody [Music] says oh yes i'm training my sickness come on let's say yes lord put a yes on your lips and say yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] family [Music] now give him a yes and a shout and a praise all over the church don't it feel good to say yes ephesians 6 ephesians 6 remains standing for the word how many are thankful for the word of god ephesians chapter 6 i'm going to conclude our series this morning that we have been in for some time now on the armor of god we call this series battle threads last week we didn't get to preach the holy ghost preached and i pray today he preached again through me and in me [Applause] you know sometimes if you were a first time guest last week and you wondered what in the world i actually think we ought to be able to go to church sometimes and leave with wonder i mean i like leaving with a nugget i like leaving with principles i like leaving feeling good but sometimes i want to leave saying man what was that lord because i don't know about you but in this day of scripted polished packaged neatly kind of church i just believe hungry people are looking for something that makes them wonder jesus will make you wonder when he got through healing people and left the synagogue the bible said they went home and they were wondering what manner of man is this and today i just want to thank god that there are those things happening in our midst that they defy our explanation they defy our taking the credit for it people are being healed got a message on friday of this week that a man we prayed for in icu on covet that family had been called in we prayed for him how many remember that tuesday night prayer meeting we had for covet or monday night it was from monday night and it was specifically targeted for people with covet we prayed for that dear brother his name was on the altar prayed for that dear brother they sent me a message they brought him out of the ventilator and he went home without any therapy i know a name higher than kovalev i know a power greater than covet [Applause] hallelujah ephesians 6. and take verse 17 today we will preach on the helmet and the sword the helmet and the sword and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god and take go back for me and take the helmet of salvation look at someone tell them you have to take it you have to take this armor of god it's available but look at somebody and tell them take the helmet of salvation and take the sword of the spirit which is the word of god father today i cannot preach without your help and these people cannot be changed without the transformative power of your spirit working in us as the word is declared we thank you for the washing of the water of the word it cleanses us and as we preach today i pray there would be a cleansing in the house of souls and minds a renewing of our thinking may we not be conformed to this world but may we be transformed by the renewing of our mind let the preached word bring renewal to the mind today i thank you today god that people who have been in church and even been in religion for some time are coming closer to you and recognizing that there was more to you than just a religious sunday morning experience i thank you that you're alive and well and you're living inside of us we have this treasure in an earthen vessel so today god i pray you would preach and that the power of god would move while the word is being preached and we ask it in jesus name and everyone said amen look at your number neighbor tell them take the helmet and take the sword amen amen we have endeavored by the help of the lord to preach for the last number of weeks on the armor of god i will remind you that the armor of god was given to us not for the seasons of life where everything is happening like we want when we want and how we want paul said the armor of god is necessary for a specific kind of day it is called the evil day and i don't know how much worse it has to get in your life or in this world around us i should say i don't know how much worse it has to get in our periphery before we would come to the conclusion that we're living in an evil day it seems that everywhere we look there is this attempt of wickedness and attempt of darkness to enforce and and insist upon us this direction away from god this direction away from the things of god it wants to lure us into a place of of idleness into a place of hopelessness into a place of giving up and paul is clear that when that day comes the evil day comes that there is a certain kind of outfit and a tire that we are to wear and paul takes the time while he is in a prison to articulate the battle threads the armor of god that we have at our disposal and available to us and we come to the end of this today we're going to talk about the helmet and the sword and this is the last piece of protection that a soldier would put on is the helmet of salvation say the helmet of salvation it's the greek word perry cafelia and it is this idea perry means uh about or the circle of surrounding something and then catholic the head the surrounding of the head the helmet of salvation is that piece of roman soldier equipment that protected the most vital and necessary organs of the body it protected the eyes it protected the mouth and the ears and the actual brain and without this piece of equipment in the day of battle in the time of warfare the roman soldier would have been completely exposed to battle axes and to swords and to hammers and they fought i mean they were these old brothers back in the in the days of the roman soldiers they were vicious and they just swung mercilessly and whatever they hit they were trying to kill and the helmet of the roman soldier was incredibly important it surrounded the most important part of the soldier's body and that was the central system the eyes the vision the ears the hearing the the the the sight and the brain activity and so when paul says put on the helmet of salvation take the helmet of salvation he's talking about that where's that helmet at chris he's talking about yes that impenetrable heavy made out of iron kind of thing that the roman soldier would wear so that he would protect himself yes i don't know what that is but he would protect himself in the heat of a battle you said does it have that red thing on it it actually did have that kind of thing coming out of the top because one of the things that they uh that they would do with this helmet is they would it was almost like bringing bling into the game it was like bringing um a a statement they were trying to make a statement it was like almost like trash talking it was it was beautiful it was flamboyant and they wanted to know not only are we not scared we're bad to the bone and and so they had this kind of paraphernalia and this helmet and i'm not going to put this on because i like my hair and i want to keep it nice today but the reality of it is this is heavy if you came and lifted this this weighs a number of pounds it's it was made out of iron it was impenetrable it was absolutely vital to their protection and too many warriors too many warriors in the kingdom of god have attempted to go into places of battle without remembering to grab the helmet of salvation i'm very concerned for the church and and i i i have to be the one sometimes to teach because if the people of god don't understand their salvation i don't care how many gifts you have the devil can deceive many people he has deceived many people many gifted people into confusion and deception because they don't know the truth about their salvation and paul said if you're going to fight in the war that you're in and when you got to know that you have on the help come on tell somebody next to you take the helmet of salvation take the helmet of salvation one of the places in scripture where i believe paul writes about salvation i'm going to ask chad to put this up philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is a beautiful scripture that we most most all of us can quote this but i want you to see this because this is paul talking about a conclusive and a holistic salvation and it says this being confident of this that he who has begun everyone say began a good work in you will carry it on say carry it on to completion say to completion there are three things that i want you to see in that verse right there and i want you to underline these three things in your bible because this speaks to a holistic and complete salvation a salvation that theologians would understand as a past present and future past somebody say past present somebody say present somebody say future you have been saved i'm teaching y'all this morning you have been saved you are being saved and you shall be saved you have been saved you are being saved and you shall be saved somebody say i have been saved now this is the salvific work of christ in your past now i don't want to get anybody nervous but if we put an unedited film footage of your past upon this screen in the middle of this sanctuary people would be crawling under the pew running to the back door and you would never dawn this house again if we could see some of the stuff in your past and y'all sitting up here acting like you came out of gertrude's belly speaking in tongues and you've been saved all your life but i came to tell you that all of us have a past and the and the thing about it is every christian has a past and every sinner has a future because when you come to jesus he doesn't go looking in your past and say well that was real bad that was sort of bad that was unbelievably bad that's so bad i can't deal with it no jesus said all you got to do is come and confess that i'm the king of your life and you've got to turn from that whole life you've been living and you don't even have to go back and remember all your mess all i need to know is that you want me to cleanse it and then i'm able to take your black heart wash it in red blood and make it them wider than snow how many are thankful this morning that your past as ugly as it is can't be found anymore [Applause] [Music] watch watch you have a pass and it's under the blood chat put the next slide up on the screen for me please the next slide say i have been saved let me teach you a word that some of you know some of you never heard of it's called justification justification happens the moment you repented of your sin and asked christ into your heart somebody said what in the world is justification to make it simple i don't want to be too elementary but to make it simple justification is just as if i had never done what i did justified just as if i'd never done what i did did i do it yes how many can say you did some stuff come on don't lie you go to hell right how many can testify you did some stuff anybody done some stuff you regretted anybody done some stuff the devil tries to remind you of anybody done some stuff the devil tries to incriminate you and shame you for absolutely we all have but justification is not that god ignores it it's that god looked at it and said yes you did it but the work jesus did by shedding his blood on the cross is greater than the sin you committed when you were committing the sin you want some bible let me give you some bible but god who is rich in mercy because of his great love with which he can we take a five second praise break for the love of god right there somebody tell him thank you for loving me even when we were dead in trespasses jesus made us alive together with christ by grace you have been saved and raised us up together and made us sit together well i like jesus how many thank god for jesus watch watch this threefold blessing that has already happened it's spoken of in the past tense he made you alive he saved you and he raised you and then he made you to sit down in heavenly places this is all spoken of in the past tense in the original which means it's a it's a done deal it's a done deal so when something comes into your mind reminding you of something that you put under the blood it is not god and it is not jesus it is the enemy whose only hope to destroy you is to remind you of a mistake you made and condemn you for the sin you committed and try to shame you into hopelessness but paul said what is under the blood cannot be retrieved in a court of law and used to condemn you before the throne of god if jesus is your lord his blood has justified you and if jesus saved you and forgave you it's already been dealt with in the past somebody say man [Music] secondly say i have been saved secondly go to the next screen i am being saved i'm getting ready to make some people real nervous if past tense salvation is being justified presently then what is happening in me that is the work of sanctification my past is forgiven so i'm justified in my present i'm becoming more and more like him thus i am being sanctified you know go come over here and teach some sunday school class this morning we don't talk about sanctification in the church no more the old saints all they preached on was being sanctified all they preached on was becoming more and more like jesus now we preach and it's about uh a new thing or another season or a new wife i got some people real nervous right then just woke you up out your sleep turn somebody tell them i am being saved [Applause] i have been saved my past is under the blood but in my present i am being saved he's sanctifying me let's read some bible here first corinthians 1 18 for the message of the cross is to them who perish foolishness but to those who are but to us who are being somebody say being being being saved i am saved i'm as saved right now as i'm ever going to be you can't get more saved you know some churches do this they got a safe crowd and a more safe crowd and a most saved section and the same people sit in a certain section and the more saved people sit in another section and the most saved people sit in a special section but in the kingdom there is no more saved than say you can't get more saved then i'm thankful that although i'm not what i'm going to be i am not who i used to be [Applause] i'm saying this for some people in this room who feel like you're not where you are to be yet let me help all of us understand something none of us are where we should be none of us are where we could be but all of us saved are not where we used to be so sister yay you and your judgmental self pointing your long religious finger at people who don't look as holy as you and act as righteous as you sit your hips down and let the grace of god work on the rest of us because what we need in this hour is a church that loves people enough to tell the truth but loves people enough to let the truth have an opportunity to work in their lives [Applause] my dad is here this morning he says on the second row when we go fishing we catch the fish and then we went down to florida me and the boys and dad went down to florida we got on a boat we caught the fish i mean we caught the fish but i didn't clean the fish me and daddy and the boys took the fish to the cleaning market and the people with the right tools i'm getting ready to do something right here the people who knew how to clean the fish took the time to take the fish we caught and cleaned them so that we didn't waste what we caught i wish i had some help in the church and what we got in today's church is a lot of people who want to catch fish and clean fish but look at your neighbor tell your neighbor say neighbor you are not the holy ghost i love you and your suit looks cute and your hair looks nice but you are not the holy ghost the last time i checked it is the holy ghost that will make a man or woman live right it is the holy ghost that'll straighten out a crooked marriage it is the holy ghost that'll knock the alcohol out of the alcoholic and the rebellion out of the rebellious if you're gonna get some people cleaned up you better quit trying to clean them you just catch them and let them in the boat let the holy ghost but the holy ghost clean he cleaned them he cleans us with the washing of the water of the word and this word here sanctification let me let me hit it and move on i'm going to teach some more on this the rest of this year sanctified means set apart from and set apart too and i am continually being set apart from for the express purpose of being set apart too now growing up we talk sanctification mostly on one way one side and most of the time we talk sanctification that's coming out from sin y'all weren't raised like i was raised [Applause] and i'm thankful for house race wouldn't take nothing for it but i'm gonna tell you right now we didn't go to the movie we didn't go to the beach and if we did we put on blue jeans somebody said you was holy no i wasn't holy i was hot and ugly uh-huh i i want you to understand something i believe in running from sin job said is stew evil and do what is righteous the problem is sanctification cannot be understood or grasped simply by denying flesh and sin sanctification is partly set apart from sin but if you don't set yourself unto god then while you're running from sin you'll eventually run back to it if you don't run to the lover of your soul [Applause] in order to break the sin cycle you can't just hate sin you got to get closer to the heart of god and fall deeper in love with jesus so i'm being saved and here's what i need to tell everybody we're growing i'm gonna tell your neighbor say we're growing don't beat yourself down or let the devil beat you down if you don't get all your mess straight overnight y'all i'm gonna i'm gonna share my mess with y'all this morning some of my stuff can i tell y'all that there are things and attitudes and stuff in me that god is still working on me y'all can't handle this you're not gonna put me under pressure i'm gonna tell my story all by myself i want you to know there are still attitudes ways thought processes and thought patterns that i continually have to put under the blood and i find myself walking in greater measures of victory the more not only i deny myself in the flesh but the more i spend time in his presence hosting his spirit loving his spirit you and i are growing you are not there yet i'm not there yet in fact we don't graduate until we pass or the trumpet sounds okay so watch this i'm gonna hit this and i'm going to to to go to the next one so i i have been saved that's justification i'm being saved that sanctification number three i will be saved that is glorification one day i'm going to see him and john said i'm going to be like him my soul gets happy when i think about it i have been saved i am being saved and i am going to be saved and let me give you some scripture uh romans 5 9 much more than having now been justified see i told y'all so i say justified having been justified by his blood we what shall be saved from wrath through who jesus so christ was sacrificed once to take the sins of many away and he will appear a second time not to bear sin but what to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him here's what the writer of hebrews is saying the first time he came he came and they put him on a cross to pay for sin but the next time he comes lord have mercy the next time he comes to him ashley they won't tie him to a roman whipping post they won't march him up a hill called the via dela rosa the next time he comes they won't put a crown of thorns in his head the next time he comes they won't smack him on the cheek and pluck his beard and mock him as the king of the jews the next time he comes he's not coming to bear sin because he already bore sin and he took the sin of humanity put it on his back nailed it to a cross and three days later he rose from the dead and i came to report to you that according to acts 1 8 this same jesus who was taken up on a cloud is coming again a second time and the next time he comes he won't be paying a sin death the next time he comes he's gonna roll up his sleeves and he's gonna look every enemy of the saint in the eye and the last enemy that is going to deal with is the one called death all death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory somebody thank god for the second time that is covered now this ain't in my notes but i feel like praising god that he's coming back again i want to tell you that the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shot with the voice of the archangel and the trump of god shall sound and the dead in christ shall rise and we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with him in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord slap three people tell him he's coming soon he's coming soon he's coming soon and the next time he comes he's not coming for a roman cross he's coming for me and you he's coming to give us victory i feel oh god i want to praise him and while i'm at it let me tell you this the antichrist can't stop him the left king stopped him the right can't stop him democrats can't stop him republicans can't stop him they sit in their room and they conspire against the holy one of israel but god sits back and laughs at the plans of man because at the end of the day i'm gonna because i read the back of the book we will win slap somebody tell him we win i feel like we ought to praise tonight we're gonna win i feel like we ought to give him praise i feel like we ought to shout yeah with the voice of triumph [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and say hey neighbor i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you feel like but put on the helmet of salvation you're gonna win this fight god's gonna give you victory somebody shout yes [Applause] i got my helmet one sit down [Music] taking my time [Applause] he said put on the helmet of salvation past present and future there is only one other time in all the bible where paul talks about the helmet it is in first thessalonians chapter 5 8-9 look at this let me go on but let us who are of the day look at somebody tell them i'm not of the dark if they didn't say that get your purse your wig your toupee get it all get away from them tell them i'm not from the dark tell them i'm from the day i'm not a child of the darkness i'm a child of the light paul said that us of the day be sober putting on the breastplate of faith and love watch this the only other time he speaks about the helmet he said and as a helmet the hope of salvation this is why we can't give up in the day of battle that one little four-letter word right there hope look at your neighbor tell the neighbor hope hope hope it means a confident expectation of a good outcome a good outcome when i was 10 years old i gotta go i feel like preaching today when i was 10 years old i got in the car with some of them old prayer mamas in my church and they took me to a camp meeting and back then we put sawdust on the ground i was 10 years old i still remember the shirt and the blue jeans i was wearing i got in the i got in the car with sister doc sister pat quinn sister pat quinn her hair went down to the ground now you didn't know that because most of the time she had it in a bun but when the holy ghost got would get to moving her bobby pins would start shaking loose and before that service was over the hair that was up on her head was underneath her feet she played the maracas the tambourine and the harmonica all at the same time she had a maraca in one hand she had a tambourine in the other hand she put this head thing on her head and had a harmonica and when she got under the anointing her hair would shake loose and it looked like cousin it playing a harmonica and they packed me up in that little van one night and they took me down to brother swagger's camp meeting and they said there's a 10 year old boy in this church tonight under the tent with sawdust on the ground and they said we understand that he's got a song to sing and so i went up to the microphone and the tent was packed saw dust all over the ground they said what are you gonna sing preacher i said i'm gonna sing i've got a feeling everything is gonna be all right i want you to know that was 32 years ago but i still got my helmet of salvation and i still got a confident expectation of a good outcome i've got a feeling everything is gonna be all right slap your neighbor tell your neighbor say hey baby i wish you would tell them like i told you to tell them say hey neighbor i've got a feedback everything is gonna be all right my family's gonna be all right my children gonna be all right my church is gonna be all right my future's gonna be all right my nation's gonna be all right god is gonna move in our situation somebody shout yeah i gotta go put on the helmet of salvation because it's a helmet of hope you and i are going to win i gotta go i for real gotta go but before i go paul said i'll go to that last verse that next slide maybe i'm wrong yes i have been saved from the penalty of sin that was my past i am being saved from the power of sin that's my present i will be saved from the presence of sin in my future [Applause] let me give you this i'm gonna get out your way the next thing that paul tells them is to take the sword of the spirit now i want you to understand something i'm a dangerous man how many got the word of god inside of you you might want to go to the courthouse tomorrow morning and register your weapon let me give you this let me get out your way the bible said take somebody say take the helmet of salvation somebody say take the sword of the spirit which is the word of god now let me break this down and teach to you because there are two ways of understanding and knowing the word i'm not trying to create an unnecessary division or you know let me give you something you've never had before that's not what i'm trying to do but i do think it's important for you to know in the bible there are two words used when we talk about the word they are not the same there is a difference on purpose and i i intend by the help of the holy spirit to explain the difference between the two meanings number one is logos everyone say logos l-o-g-o-s logos the logos is the very expression or written word from god to you and i everybody have a bible or something with the bible on it lift your bible up this is the logo say logos it's the expression it's it's it's the very it's the very heart of god communicated to humanity this bible is not just a collection of fables it is the written word of god the bible is the logo say logos it is the very word of god communicated to us through the pen of holy men who were moved upon by the holy spirit some understand this to be one book but the bible is actually a collection of 66 books which is called the canon of scriptures these 66 books contain history poetry prophecy wisdom literature letters and apocalyptic writings just to name a few these 66 books were written by 40 different authors these authors came from a variety of backgrounds some were shepherds who wrote this book some were fishermen who wrote this book doctors wrote this book tax collectors and tent makers wrote this book kings and prophets wrote this book they wrote it while living in palaces some wrote it while living in prison sales some wrote while roaming wildernesses and most of these authors never even knew each other personally of these 66 books all of them were written over the span of some 1600 years yet again this is a reminder that although these authors never knew each other they were inspired by the same spirit because this word lying upon line and precept upon precept is in harmony with itself say amen somebody this low ghost bible this word from god was written in three languages the bible we have was written in hebrew greek and aramaic the word of god this bible this logos was written on three different continents namely africa asia and europe once again it's a testament to although there are different varied historical and cultural circumstances of god's people who wrote it it is in harmony despite the various writers despite their various contexts from which they wrote over multiple centuries this word is harmonious it is in agreement it is current regardless of its age because it was written by the ageless one its prophecies are true its facts are accurate this is the word of god and i'm thankful for the logos because without the logos word of god we would not know god i found jesus because someone told me john 3 16. i found jesus because someone told me he was wounded for my transgressions bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace i found jesus because of what is written in this book its logos everyone say logos but there is a different word and there is a different word used for word of god in the bible it's not just what is written down but it's a greek word called rhema everyone say rhema logos is the expression the the written expression of god communicated to us but there is something in addition to this logos it's called rhema it's really not in addition to the word it's just the way the word works in our life understand this logos is god making his word available to you rhema is when god makes what is available yours it's not just available it actually is your word logos is a general word rhema is what is specifically yours people always talk about i want to reign the word you can't have a rhema word without having a relationship with the logos because if you don't know the logos there's nothing for the holy spirit to pull out of your heart and make available to you [Applause] that's like saying i want to speak spanish but never studying a spanish book some people want to hear god talk to them but they won't even read what he said to them how can you know what god is saying if you don't know what he said i helped her lord [Music] and we have people who want a deep spiritual i heard god and you ain't read the bible in two months you don't want the word what you want is some ooey gooey pie in the sky version of god and i'm gonna tell you this is where people get caught up in cults and follow deceiving voices say amen family if you want the holy ghost to talk to you read what he already said and watch how much he talks to you well you know i heard a preacher tell me one time i i've been preaching out of my book lately okay he said uh yeah i you know all that i went through to get this revelation i feel like they need the revelation of what god gave me and not so much of the bible now that sounds deep but it really is ignorant and anybody listening to that nonsense is ignorant and i don't mean stupid i mean you just don't know what the bible teaches because you can't have you can't have this experience with god where you don't apply yourself to the word and then all of a sudden get rhema rhema remember if god's talking to you he's confirming what he already said now what's this what's this i'm closing with this he said take the sword of the spirit which is the rhema so lo he didn't say logos he said rhema what's the difference here's what he's trying to say in the heat of a battle you need the quickened spoken word to your spirit how do i get a quickened spoken word it works like this if you have a relationship with the word you can have an encounter with god at any given moment where god highlights and speaks something from this book that belongs to you in the moment he was wounded for our transgression brutes foreign how many know that's in the logos uh-huh and we can stand on that promise alone because it's in the logos but when you're in the doctor's office and the doctor walks in and the doctor said i found a tumor you don't just need lo you need logos but you need him to quicken that promise and make it your word am i making sense how many have ever you've been in a situation and you didn't know what to believe for and god quickened a word to you and faith came when god spoke that thing to your heart anybody know what i'm talking about that's a rhema word when the bible said in romans chapter 10 i believe 17 for faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the lord that's not me preaching the logos that's that can happen but something happens when me preaching the logos becomes spirit inspired and it speaks to you in your situation and all of a sudden what i'm saying to a crowd becomes applicable to a person mark chapter 4 said the sower sows the word that's logos mark chapter 4 when jesus taught the parable about the sowing and the sower and the seed and the soil that's logos when he said and the sowing of the seed the sowing of the seed is the preacher preaching the word that's logos but when what i'm saying to everybody it becomes your promise personally that's rhema and i so every sunday waiting on somebody to say that was mine when devin ran up today and said she this is great how this works she went down here dancing will praise the lord we'll praise the lord she comes in the spirit of adoption is in this house i said what she said the spirit of adoption is in this house there's some people going to adopt babies now spirit of adoption is in this house when she said spirit of adoption is in this house somebody's going to adopt the child if that's you lift your hand i watch people put their hands intentionally in their pocket like this dude richie and steph were like nope not today devil not on your life right i'm just kidding but but but but but i saw some people tears tears i've been waiting i've been waiting on somebody to make me feel like i'm not crazy and when she said that faith blew up on the inside when this building i'm you're sitting in right now was on the market and somebody called me and said you know you want to go check that building out my flesh said that's too big for me and chris will tell you i told this story 10 times we were standing in the atlanta airport i was on the third day of a fast i wanted to know if it was god's will for us to buy this building i did not think we were going to buy it i was this close to saying no this close because i didn't want to get into something too big and have an albatross hanging around our neck that we couldn't pay for and i didn't know what we were going to do and on the third day of the fest i got a rhema word from a train operator in atlanta you say that is not true god don't talk like that you don't know what you're talking about god can talk through a donkey he can talk to a train operator if he can make a donkey who speak who spoke he hall speak hebrew he can speak through a train operator yes that's right julian [Applause] i'm standing on the third day of a fast at a train i am sick i am tired i've been preaching and i'm hungry i wouldn't even feel spiritual and i'm sitting there about to miss my train and the woman's voice comes on and said careful doors are closing and will not reopen see some of y'all catching it right now and chris is jumping on the train and i dropped my bag and tears start flooding my eyes he goes what's wrong he's on the train i'm standing outside and said the lord just spoke to me he said what did he say i said he just spoke through that train operator's voice and he said careful doors so i feel the holy ghost on me right now he said doors are closing and they will not reopen he said oh my god that is the holy ghost we called we called the real estate agent in the atlanta airport i said get me an appointment in the morning i've got a word from the lord and we've got to look at that building i feel the lord on me right now [Music] we walked in this building the next morning devin and i walked in i looked up and i said this is too big for me and god said back to me it ain't big enough to hold what i'm getting ready to do in chattanooga i want to tell you slap somebody tell them you need a rhema [Applause] i wouldn't get married without a rhema word from the lord i wouldn't choose a neighborhood without a rhema word from the lord i wouldn't choose a church without a rhema word from the lord well i don't know if god will speak to me that's what religion told you but if you'll seek him in his word he'll probably come to the division his word on the inside so let me show you this open your bible let me give you a bible class and i'm done in two minutes yeah tune me up julian yes luke 1 open your bible to lukewarm everybody hurry we're going to sunday school class real quick come on open your bible pull it up on your phone i want you to get motivated to look into the word of god with me right now luke chapter one luke chapter one where is my bible yes i stole my own bible look at luke come on somebody say yes uh-huh luke chapter one some of y'all shout because you taste the chicken already yes well it's gonna get cold today hallelujah luke chapter one watch this the bible said that an angel showed up to a girl named mary am i in the book verse 39 pardon me verse number 26 now in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent by god to a city of galilee named nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was joseph he was of the house of david verse 28 and having come into her house the angel said to her rejoice highly favored one the lord is with you blessed are you among women and might i put a point right here and say i'm glad mary was pro-life y'all can get mad at me if you want to but when the angel showed up mary didn't say what's my choice mary said be it unto me according to your word [Applause] since i kicked half of y'all off let me keep going the angel said to her rejoice highly favored one the lord is with you blessed are you among women when she saw him she was troubled at what he said and considered what manner of greeting this was the angel said to her do not be afraid mary for you have found favor with god and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son and shall call his name jesus because he will be great and will be called the son of the highest and the lord will give him the throne of his father david and he will reign over the house of jacob forever and his kingdom there will be no end mary said to the angel how can this be since i do not intimately sexually know a man the angel answered and said to her the holy ghost will come upon you and the power of the most high will overshadow you and the one that was to be born will be called the son of god watch this now indeed elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age and this is now the sixth month for her who was called bearing look at verse 37 for with god nothing shall be impossible how many heard that all your lies nothing shall be impossible how many know that preach is good how many know we shout over that how many know that's true that nothing is impossible with god but can i tell you what it says in the greek in the greek it says with every rhema word from god there is enough power with the word to accomplish the word that has been spoken in fact in the greek it's a double negative which we never do in english but in the greek they permitted and literally let me read this to you literally what it says in the greek touch somebody tell me you got to find this place got to find this place in the greek this is what it said no word from god will not have the power to bring it to pass rewind wallace no word from god will not have the power to bring it to pass one more time no word from god will not have the power to bring it to pass in other words if he said it it has the power with him so that it will absolutely come to pass [Applause] guess what the word for word is rhema which this is what god is saying mary you getting ready to have a baby mary i know you and joseph hadn't hooked up yet mary i know you don't feel qualified for this but mary i told your cousin elizabeth she was going to have a baby zechariah said we're not going to have no baby and if we do i'm not going to name it what the angel told me to name it and the angel said if you're not gonna get with my program i'm gonna put a mute spirit on you so that you cannot conflict with my plan in the earth some of y'all ain't been shouting in a while because you're not with the plan of god you lost your ability to praise because you hadn't been able to praise him for what he already said but elizabeth said that promise belongs to me and even in her old age the one that they called baron all of a sudden started having a baby bump because god's word has the power to accomplish whatever god said in other words if it's barren by the time god gets through saying you're gonna have a baby that which was barren catches a hold of the power of god and begins to produce even though it used it was previously in a place where it could not produce when god says something stand with me when god says something it becomes a sword in your hand and the devil you ever gotten a promise from god you could not be shaken off of you know what i'm talking about i mean you got something in prayer i know i always tell stories about my babies when zion was born y'all heard me tell this story but what i don't usually tell is the dream devin had months before zion was born devon had a dream in the dream an old woman a little old angelic type kind of lady came to devin and said no matter what happens to your child i'm going to take care of her now devin woke up and told me that dream and part of me thought well praise the lord she's going to be all right and the other part of me thought what's going to happen [Music] what's going to happen and when she was born and dr curly knows what this is when she was born she was born with a prolapsed cord at 4 00 a.m in the morning no doctors in the hospital at 4am only the nurses the nurse who was real she was real spiritual in fact she came to church a couple of weeks ago your nurse came to the churches i met her out in the front i hadn't seen i hadn't seen her in a couple of actually all these years i hadn't seen her until last week she came and said remember me i said you're zion's nurse and she helped bring you into this world here's the deal when she was born she was born with a prolapse according the nurse said we have minutes or she gonna die i called my spiritual father at three a.m four a.m in the morning i said we need a miracle get up zion's born with a prolapse cord she gonna die and he was like and he started speaking in tongues and i hung up and never called him back true story [Music] all of a sudden out of nowhere i won't call his name but a precious doctor who to my knowledge to this day is still an atheist walks in the hospital room 4 a.m in the morning and he only came to check on a patient and he heard the nurses screaming cold cold prolapse cord pro that's core and he took her out of that room definitely out of that room [Music] and they wheeled her down the hallway and i laid on that nasty hospital floor spread out beating on the floor and while i'm laying there what did i remember the dream and what the angel said in the dream to devin whatever happens to your baby she gonna be all right i left a place of hopelessness suddenly i felt faith rising because god is not a man that he would lie or the son of a man that he would change his mind and what seemed like an eternity in a couple of seconds turned into screaming and i stood up with tears coming down my face i stood up and i said scream baby [Music] scream and i began to praise god do you know how many times it looked like the enemy was gonna win but the word of the lord became a sword in our hand and we said oh no devil you can't have that oh no devil you can't do that well i better quit it cause i feel like i'm getting dangerous right now i feel like i could cut some stuff down and just start speaking the word of the lord what do you have in your life that the devil been tormenting you about telling you you can't telling you about do you have a word from the lord then i came to tell you no matter how dark it looks no matter how bad it seems heaven and earth will pass away but the word of our god will stand forever hallelujah i wish i could find some praises in here it's bad eyes closed two people i'm praying for first if you're in this room today and you're lost without god last week 31 people gave their heart to jesus i came to tell you no matter how messed up screwed up no matter how horrible your life is and how many mistakes you've been making recently i came to tell you about a god that loves you just like you are he'll save you in the shape you're in we didn't bring you in this house today to tell you how messed up you are and to tell you how hopeless your life is we brought you in this room today we joined you in this room we wanted you to come to tell you that if you're lost god's got a plan and a purpose for your life you actually have a destiny and it's not a dead end there is hope in jesus uh-huh the word of god says that he knows the thoughts he has for you thoughts of peace and not evil so if you're in this room right now and you'd say pastor kevin would you pray for me i need to give christ my life i want him to forgive me of my sin and give me new new life give me eternal life forgive me of the mistakes and the sins i need him to save me pastor would you pray for me if i'm talking to you when i say three lift your hand and jesus is going i believe the lord's doing the work right now lift your hand if i'm talking to you one two three i need jesus to save me just slip that hand up in the air will you pray for me pastor yes i see that hand god bless you anybody else i need jesus to save me i see that hand back there god bless you friend everyone look at me this is the most important thing we'll do today this is why we come to church and this is why we do what we do it's because we believe jesus is a savior he'll save you from your past love you in your present and give you a future how many can say thank god i want you to look at your neighbor right now i don't care if you've known them your whole life or you just met them today ask them this question do you need someone to go to the altar with you right now and if you lifted your hand or you should have because you need christ to save you come stand with me in athens right now if you need jesus to save you i want you just to lift your hands and they're going to begin to pray in the altar there you're going to give your heart to christ there if you need jesus anyone that lifted their hand or you should have come stand with me right now i want to give my heart to jesus anybody at all before i pray for the second group of people don't i'll wait all day last week last week was glorious that was the assignment on the house last week can y'all help me praise god for the people who got saved last week but if there's anybody in this room right now who wants to get saved this week no matter what you've done anybody at all the second group of people i want to pray for are people who say pastor kevin i need the helmet and i need the sword and i want to put it on today is that you and i'm talking to you lift your hand right now i'm talking to save people i want to make sure my helmet's on i want to make sure the sword is in my hand i feel like the word of the lord is coming to somebody this week i feel like the promise of god is going to get quickened in somebody this week i believe the spirit of the lord is gonna make promises on those pages jump off the page and in your heart they're going to begin to rise up and faith is going to be begin to increase for what seems to be so impossible every word from god has the power to bring the word to pass how many have a situation right now you need the word of the lord the rhema word of god to speak to you lift your hand lift your hand don't be ashamed yeah you got a situation right now you need some divine direction on it you need a word for it lift your hand if there's somebody up got their hand up near you right now would you just reach over and lay your hand on their shoulder would you do that right now i want to pray for the word of the lord to come the word of the lord to come the word there's wisdom coming from god there's direction coming from god today not not just written it's going to start where it's written but it's going to become quickened to you it's going to become yours it's going to become your word somebody in here needs a business word the spirit of the lord is going to begin to give you a green light on what to do next don't be afraid every word from god has the power to bring it to pass you will not bring it to pass in your strength and in yourself you will see it brought to pass by the spirit of god who speaks it someone in this room right now is in need of a relationship word i want to tell you right now that god is going to give you divine direction a word is going to be quickened in your spirit and the lord is going to give you the direction you need yes lord we thank you for it we thank you for come on just about another minute another minute the lord's speaking the lord's moving we're not in a hurry we're not in a hurry speak lord speak lord speak lord speak lord somebody got a child situation they've been working on and they keep getting worse and you're trying to get a word on this thing the lord's going to give you a word he's going to i'm not talking about you a bible study that's wonderful but he's going to quicken the promise i felt that thank you holy spirit and the lord's quickening some promises to somebody about their children and i feel like there's a mama in here getting a sword back for her child i feel like the sword is coming back into your hand and the fight is coming back into your spirit the devil has told you it's too late but i feel the word of the lord rising for some mama and a daddy and you are not going to see the destruction of your child you are going to see the salvation of the lord as for me and my house we will serve the lord we will serve the lord we will serve the lord there's somebody in this room right now that need a financial word yes and i'm not just talking about you can't pay your bills although there's somebody in here that needs to know your bill's gonna be paid and that one's easy because the bible said if you seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness everything you need will be added to you but there is somebody in this room right now i sense that there is a situation it's a massive transaction i don't know who i'm talking to and you're wondering is it going to be bro is it going to break in our favor is it going to happen there's a word being quick into this family right now the spirit of the lord is getting ready to release supernatural increase over your house i come into agreement with you right now and that way when you pray about it this coming week you don't pray wondering you pray in faith because it's yours somebody say is mine jesus i bless you never family lift your hand and let me bless you before we go today this week father this week i pray for the people of god that the logos would come to life in them that the spirit of the living god would be quick unto them and become rhema i pray the abstract become concrete the nebulous become defined the intangible become tangible the general becomes specific i pray the word that was made available become my promise and their promise holy spirit i'm i'm telling y'all i if you got to go go but i got to pray in the spirit for just about two minutes because the spirit of god just said to me i'm unlocking things right now i'm unlocking things right now i i'm and if you don't know it i got to get on a plane so i can't just be a bad steward of time i've got to be smart but i'm telling you what the spirit of god just said to me kevin don't close this service without praying in the holy ghost because there's some things getting ready to be unlocked all over this house and if i'm talking to you and you receive it i just if you're baptized in the holy spirit i want you to pray in the spirit press into the holy spirit and i want you to get in that place where you pray in that heavenly divine spirit inspired language because he knows what you need and he's getting ready to unlock it for you for the next two minutes without anybody telling you what to do next i need a whole house to be filled with prayer shh [Music] loose it loose it lord break it open god set it free set it loose [Music] there's some stuff that was tied up it's getting loose right now i feel despair getting out of somebody's life hope is coming back to somebody right now pretty much [Music] come on 60 more seconds just pray just pray just lift your voice and pray jesus i praise you jesus i thank you for what you're doing quick in the word of my soul shonda pray in the holy ghost over women of fire there's a breaking that elusive coming to the sisters this week yeah there's a breaking and illusion coming to the sisters there's a fire coming to the women of fire shanghai he's renewing your mind while you pray he's losing the yoke and the burden while you pray come on jesus we thank you jesus we thank you jesus we thank you i hear the holy ghost saying i'm not through yet to pull that's the word of the lord over some of the women coming this week devin he said tell him i'm not through with him yet he's not through with them there's a hope coming back to the women of fire there's some sisters coming from all over this nation somebody lift up your voice and begin to declare the yoke will be destroyed the fire of god is going to burn we praise you we praise you we praise you we praise you god we praise you god now i want us to leave today with some thanks in our heart and some praise on our lips for the word of the lord that will not come back forward that's a patty cake i said somebody give him the kind of praise even before it happens that you know it's already done because no word from god will come back forth miracle signs and wonders miracle signs and wonders in the name of jesus [Music] i bless them father to have your words sealed today the enemy will never take it not one promise you've spoken will fall to the ground and we declare it done for the glory of god in jesus name somebody shout it's mine i love you see you this week pray for women of fire go in the peace of the lord as you leave today [Music] i've loved this whole battle threads theory such a good yeah such a good series and honestly i feel like we've just been in in a vein recently yeah that like god's been doing something just different rtt high expectation high anticipation on behalf of the people here on behalf of the people online yeah i know that sounds so weird but we truly believe it that god is just he is doing what pastor kevin said he's not done no with us come on uh he is going to another level with everyone we hope you have felt that if you have a testimony of that put it in the chat we want to hear about it yeah hey and i i truly believe that there are going to be doors that are opened in adoption for people online that have been wanting to adopt i believe that people that have been praying to uh get pregnant i believe that that womb's gonna open up even even now even now if it hasn't already i believe that it's gonna happen amen so like i i truthfully believe that what we've been praying here in chattanooga is going to touch wherever you're watching from online and we we want to hear about it we want to we want you to tell us hey even right now maybe maybe god's been doing something maybe maybe you have a need and god uh healed you during the service want you right now please put it in the chat we want to just celebrate celebrate yeah we want to celebrate with you and we want to just champion you on and just really we want to hear these testimonies because it gives us life it gives it it creates something new in us even when we hear the special things going on online y'all so i'm telling you that we have been in such a good vein such a such an incredible uh services has been going on and god's been moving here in chattanooga and i truthfully believe that he's moving online uh don't forget women are fired of fire this week this week hey sign up online if you can't be here join us over the course of three days you can make your place a women's conference invite your family um and just make it a place where the lord just comes wave after wave and that it just comes in with you like what he said he's not finished with you and uh thank god that technology helps us yeah that space and place is not a limitation so don't put your excuses just it's hot it's a it's a great investment it's going to be a great scene into your future we love you church yeah hey we love you we're so grateful that you decided to join us for church today thank you so hey we want to see you right here next week whether it's youtube facebook uh live stream we want to see you right here next week we love y'all [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 4,318
Rating: 4.90625 out of 5
Id: A931KZ6DFpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 15sec (9675 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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