Prayer at Noon (September 21, 2021)

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[Music] [Music] praise the lord we thank god for his presence today and we are grateful that you have joined us for noon prayer on tuesday and devin will be joining me in just a few moments and so today we're going to pray and seek the lord and welcome him into our lives and make our requests known i want to read a psalm regarding the power of prayer and the power of answered prayer you know sometimes as a child of god it's good just to know that he heard us that he hurt us when we pray sometimes my children growing up they would just say my name or devin's name over and over again and sometimes it was because they needed something sometimes they kept on saying it to make sure that we heard them and when when we finally look at them and say i heard you then then it seemed to bring a peace to them and i just feel like today god wants somebody to know that he heard you he's going to hear you he's been listening to your prayer and the psalmist david wrote about this in psalm 28 that's where i want to begin today and then as the students and all the people that are coming into prayer join us we're going to just go into prayer but the psalmist said in psalm 28 verse 6 blessed be the lord because he has heard the voice of my supplications the lord is my strength and my shield david said my heart trusted in him and i am helped therefore my heart greatly rejoices and with my song i will praise him hallelujah the lord is their strength he is the saving refuge of his anointed people save your people and bless your inheritance shepherd them also and bear them up forever this is psalm 28 and this is the word of the lord and david is encouraged in the lord because he says the lord heard me the lord heard me the prophet isaiah said the ear of god is not too heavy that it cannot hear psalm 34 verse 1 says this poor man cried unto the lord and the lord heard him and delivered him out of all of his trouble and i feel like today we just need to pray with the confidence that god hears us when we pray he hears us he hears us and you don't have to you don't have to get loud we don't get loud because god is deaf we often get loud because of our desperation and today whatever it is that is in your life going on on your heart that has you burdened or it's just faith that he's put in your spirit to pray for something specific i want you to know as we pray today god is going to hear you as you lift your voice today your supplication will be made known to god his ear is not too heavy that it cannot hear so i just want everyone here everyone there to get into a posture in a position of of prayer it doesn't matter if you bow or you lay before the lord or you stand or you walk around but it does matter that your heart is now focused upon the lord and i don't know what might be going on in your world that would distract you or try to take your attention away but if you'll just lift your voice up today i have confidence that god is going to hear the prayers of the upright he's going to hear the cries of the righteous you don't have a problem so big that god can't fix it you don't have a problem so big that god cannot take care of it i was just walking into the sanctuary this is a reason for us to praise the lord today i was just walking into the sanctuary and one of the dear sisters was testifying to me about her husband he had been healed of cancer and through chemotherapy in the past and treatment he had been he had been touched and his body didn't have cancer anymore and just a couple of weeks ago they found cancer in his liver and we prayed and they prayed and they took him back to the doctor for the test and the biopsy on his liver and they got the the the oncologist on the phone they got his doctor on the phone and they said we don't understand we came in to find the cancer in his liver we saw it in the pet scan but right now there is no cancer oh i think we ought to be able to praise him today we ought to be come on we ought to be able to praise him for answering our prayers today can we just start this by giving him glory for what he's already done there is no one like him there is no one beside him there is no one who compares to him who is like the lord who delivers us from our trouble forgives us of our iniquity heals us of all our diseases somebody just began to thank him this afternoon somebody just began to praise him this afternoon there's nobody like your god there's nobody beside your god we give you praise today we give you praise today come on not only does he hear our prayers but he hears our praises somebody let praise rise up in the house hallelujah we give you glory hallelujah we give your honor i feel the anointing i feel the power of god working on your situation today we give you great praise alba we give you great glory come on let's worship him tori let's worship him matthew and parish let's give him glory today hallelujah hallelujah [Music] you're my god you're all together [Music] [Music] and here are you [Music] you're all together all together worthy all together wonderful to me [Music] oh know how much it costs to see my sins upon [Music] [Music] to see my sins upon [Applause] [Music] me [Music] i just want to go back to what pastor kevin just said i'm going to ask the students just to join me in rejoicing so many times yeah stay right where you are so many times we hear of a miracle but we don't really process what was just said the lord just healed somebody of cancer and i think of all the times we've marched through this sanctuary and prayed for it to be a cancer-free zone i think we need to stop and realize what tori is singing how much did that healing cost it cost jesus the stripes on his back and he paid a price for our healing and that deserves gratitude so i want us to praise the lord students i want you to make it personal this is crazy but this is what i do i want to praise him like i was just healed of cancer i want to praise god for the miracle he just did as if it was in my body as if i had received a report of cancer and death and all of a sudden the lord just removed that from my body that deserves thanksgiving so let's just shred this atmosphere with thanksgiving right now whatever you got to do to get in a position of praise i don't want this to be the only miracle of cancer in this house in fact i believe if we just saturate this atmosphere with gratitude we might make this house a cancer-free zone if we praise him for this miracle maybe multiplied miracles of healing of cancer will come to this house so right now i want you to rejoice like that was your miracle thank you jesus that cancer still bows to the name of jesus thank you jesus that the blood of jesus is still enough and you are a healer and we rejoice for your miracle working power we rejoice that you still heal then you still cancel reports of death you are faithful now you release your praise you release in light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me see the light of the world you sit down into darkness open my eyes let me see [Music] [Music] and here i am to worship here i am to bow down here i am to say that you're my god you're all together lovely [Music] here i am to worship [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what i want us to do i just feel the gift of faith it's rising up in my heart as i give praise and i just believe this testimony pastor kevin started with is on purpose because i believe the lord wants to heal of cancer today now you might not have the faith for that and that's okay you can just ask for it in this moment faith is not something you work up faith is a gift god will give you so you can take the next few moments and start asking for the faith for what i'm feeling right now but i believe on live stream maybe even in this room cancer is going to bow to the name of jesus all we need is faith the size of a grain of mustard seed and a mountain can be displaced i believe i have faith in my heart for you watching right now who has received a report of cancer that that cancer every cancer cell will bow to the name of jesus so students this is what i want you to help me do and those that have gathered to pray i want us to start walking this room right now you can walk past chairs you can walk down always i want you to start to declaring that this is a cancer-free zone i want you to start declaring that when people who have cancer walk in these doors that cancer cells dry up and die that tumors fall off that in this atmosphere it is charged with the healing gift for cancer do you have faith for that because i do and if you do i want you to start marching with me and i want you to start saying in this house it's a cancer-free zone in the name of jesus father we declare every person who sits in these seats who comes to this altar in the name of jesus release the gift of healing for cancer in this house in the name of jesus lord let this be a place tumors fall off their body in the presence of the lord let this be a place people who have received terminal reports can receive the gift and healing of life let this be a place where brain tumors are healed father where cancer in the bloodstream is healed father in the name of jesus we declare this becomes a cancer-free zone and right now father as we begin to intercede kevin and i begin to pray over every person watching my live stream father every son and daughter of god who is watching right now who has received a report of cancer we declared the healing is the children's bread healing belongs to them i thank you father that healing is the inheritance of your children and by your stripes they have already been healed they have already been made whole and so right now father we plead the blood of jesus over everybody that has been invaded by cancer and we declare the blood of jesus is against you you infirmity and we pray the healing virtue of jesus christ would flow across these airwaves and touch every son and daughter of god who is wrestling and fighting cancer i declare they won't fight it one more day for jehovah is fighting against their cancer right now in the name of jesus father let cancer cells die and dissipate at the root let tumors dissolve in the name of jesus and let faith arise in your people that cancer must still bow to the name of jesus if you need prayer you can message in right now students let's just pray for a gift of healing from cancer [Music] and your name is [Music] your head i pray [Applause] your head [Music] jesus [Music] somebody lift his name up this morning come on the bible said he's got a name above everything we keep your glory [Music] i want to say this the bible said in the book of philippians the second chapter that god gave jesus a name that is above every other name and there are some people that have diseases that have a name i i just feel like god said this to me a moment ago i don't know what the cancer is that you have if it's uh carcinoma i don't know if it's melanoma i don't know what kind of cancer it is whatever can't get the name of the cancer get the name of the disease it's been pronounced over you the doctors gave you the report it's it's what they told you that's that's the facts but the truth is god gave jesus a name above that cancer name and i want you right now just to see in your heart that cancer that name and i want you to see the name of jesus above it that's what philippians said god gave jesus a name above every other name somebody just began to crown that name jesus with praise all over this room and began to declare that net name is higher than the kind of cancer whatever your whatever your disease is whatever your cancer is just begin to say jesus is above the carcinoma jesus is above the melanoma jesus is above it i'm telling you i believe cancers are going to disappear today we don't do this every tuesday but there's a gift of faith for god to heal cancer and it's not just some wish or some whim it's a principle jesus is above it all and i want us to give his name the glory and to give his name the honor as every disease bows to the name of jesus christ come on and lift him up one more time tory come on and lift him up sons and daughters let's just worship him hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i is [Music] [Music] [Applause] is jesus is above leukemia jesus is above leukemia somebody put a praise on that right there we shout because jesus is above leukemia in the mighty name of jesus somebody worship the lord somebody give him praise heal leukemia now in the mighty name of jesus we give you glory [Applause] right now this is what i want you to do stay right there jeremiah if you're watching on livestream don't stay right where you were if you're watching and you need healing from cancer from a particular type of cancer i want you to message in right now pastor kevin and i are going to start praying students and anyone in this room i want right now if you are dealing with a report of cancer or someone in your house is dealing with the report of cancer i want you to throw your hand up in this room right now if you represent someone in this room anyone at all if you're in this room and students i want you to look if someone near you has their hand lifted i want you to go to them now and begin to pray for healing you can ask them is it for you is it for someone in your house anybody else that needs to lift their hand right over here right over here i need some people to agree i believe a wave of healing is about to come across this sanctuary and travel right through those airways and cancer is about to bow to the name of jesus students if you're not praying for someone i just want you to begin to intercede for all those who are on live stream right now who need healing from cancer go ahead kev god i pray for pam heal her of breast cancer now i pray for marsha with stage four colon cancer touch her by the power of your holy spirit in the name of jesus we pray god for a child named jude with retinoblatoma that has already lost one eye and has cancer in the other we pray god that you'll heal that precious child now of cancer satan the lord rebuke you infirmity the lord rebuke you we bleed the blood of jesus over this baby and we pray for the healing power of god to come upon him now in the name of jesus he'll corbin god of neuroblastoma in jesus name touch rachel we pray god that the power of your holy spirit move upon josh cooper who needs healing from a tumor and a spot in his brain healed by the power of god we curse the cancer and we rebuke it in the name of jesus and we declare healing for the glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the healer [Music] sickness [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] sure [Music] is [Music] is [Music] sickness [Music] let's do this why tori is just prophesying that into this atmosphere first of all jared i want you to stand in for this little boy named jude who needs healing of cancer and i just want some brothers to gather around him i just feel a quickening in my spirit for jude right now students you can go ahead and get in your prayer circles if you want to those who have just gathered to pray i believe this wave of healing tori said it's the name above cancer and then she just went into it's the name above sickness because i believe healing can flow even beyond cancer today so i want to start agreeing in prayer with those who are watching live stream and begin to minister to needs and in this house if you need healing of any kind this is the atmosphere to grab hold of it so you are welcome to come to this altar to raise your hands at your seat students you can get in your prayer circles and pray but right now i want tori just to begin to prophesy that and let's just agree for a wave of healing in this place in the name of jesus a wave of healing over live stream in the name of jesus go ahead torrey [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we celebrate the name of the name above our names [Applause] [Music] the name of our name [Music] there's just a wave of healing and ministry flowing in this place right now students you can start asking each other what you need in prayer and ministering to one another i just have to obey the lord i just keep getting a word of knowledge that the lord wants to heal someone watching who is suffering from aids aids you have received aids at some point in your life and you thought it would be your death sentence and i even hear the lord saying you learned to manage it medicine has managed it but the lord wants to remove it and there has been a guilt and a shame from you even asking for healing maybe lifestyle or activity brought that in your life and you feel like you deserved it the enemies told you you deserve it you're gonna live with it the rest of your life and i've come to break that lie of shame off of you and i heard the lord say right here in the middle of this wave of healing i want to heal my son or my daughter of aids so whoever you are i want you to grab hold of this word because like we learned sunday every word contains within it the power to accomplish what god is saying and as this word goes forth a wave of healing comes over your body right now and we declare aids must bow to the name of jesus and we declare this yoke to your past breaks now in the name of jesus and he renews you and he strengthens you and i declare every trace every residue of a former lifestyle is removed from you right now son or daughter as aids is removed from your body be made whole in the name of jesus can we give him praise in this place thank you [Applause] [Music] and healing reigns in this place [Music] there is [Music] in this place [Music] showers of mercy and grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] there is healing [Music] right now i just believe there's a grace for the healing of the mind i know we prayed it last week i just feel that wave i don't believe i've ever prayed this but i just hear the lord saying he wants to heal someone of schizophrenia that's watching me right now it is the result of severe abuse and rambo yet right now in the name of jesus i declare the lord jesus places his hand upon your mind and he speaks a peace to the storm within in the name of jesus i find every demonic principality that has been sent to torment you have felt trapped in a cage trapped in a prison within your mind and i hear the lord saying that he has come to set the captive free i see jesus ripping open those prison bars of your mind right now and calling you forth in life and i declare healing over your mind in jesus name and i declare schizophrenia must let go as the lord jesus takes a hold of your mind and brings healing so receive it and receive your healing in jesus name and every person who's watching that you're dealing with the mental issue whether it's depression whether it's thoughts of suicide and self-harm whether it's anxiety panic attacks whatever it is i just see the lord stretching his hand out to touch the minds of his sons and daughters and giving his peace right now in jesus name receive it as they worship receive healing and restoration over your mind in jesus name [Music] jesus [Music] jesus i see jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] see jesus jesus [Music] [Music] see jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] jesus [Music] i'll see jesus [Music] [Music] jesus jesus [Music] i see jesus right now in this wave of peace that just entered this room i just heard the lord say i want to heal someone of trauma trauma i don't know what you experienced whether it was a loss in your life a circumstance that was life-changing you know one of those days you wake up and something happens and it changes your life forever you can feel in the blank and it produced a trauma in you and the symptoms of that trauma are coming out in all areas of your life but the lord wants to put his finger on the root and i just see him speaking peace to a storm of trauma right now not only is he speaking peace but his arms of comfort are just embracing your soul right now peace my child it's what he keeps saying it's peace my child and i just pray a healing from the residue and the result of trauma right now in the name of jesus healing in the heart the emotions healing in the process of the mind healing father make them whole as if the trauma never happened father make them whole restore what was stolen through trauma in the name of jesus i know your eyes are like flames of fire know your hair's as white as woo i know your voice sounds like waters jesus you're beautiful i know your eyes flames are fire i know your hair is as white as your voice sounds like waters jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus you're beautiful jesus your beautiful come on there's a fresh revelation of jesus coming in our hearts today i know that your eyes are like flames of fire i know your hair's as wide as wool i know your voice sounds like waters come on tori singh i know right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus [Music] jesus you're beautiful jesus jesus [Music] is [Music] there is [Music] there is [Music] there is no one like [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] on the earth is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] jesus you're beautiful [Music] she's such a beautiful us [Music] i just feel like there's a deep healing taking place right now god's still touching trauma right now the only way i know how to describe what i'm sensing in my spirit is i feel like the atmosphere of our nation has somewhat been infected like a fog of fear has saturated this nation and it's touching god's people and manifesting in many ways trauma anxiety worry depression fear sleeplessness night terrors panic attacks and it's all the same route and and i just feel like the lord just wants to shake it off his people shake it off his people what is taking place in the atmosphere around this nation number one we've got to contend against it but number two we ought not let that enter our hearts or enter our minds and i just want to pray for a wave of healing to push back on this blanket of fear that has infected the airways and the atmosphere of this nation in the name of jesus father we contend for the airways and the atmosphere of this nation and father we identify we expose we call out a spirit of fear that has blanketed this nation the gate was opened for it father over this nation and father right now we begin to identify where this fear is manifesting within the sons and daughters of god in different forms god and our sons and daughters dealing with fear of the future anxiety about tomorrow insecurity father right now in our own hearts surface it father remove it lord in the name of jesus heal it father touch the minds of the hearts of your people start with the sons and daughters in this room and i just declare a wave of purification would come across these airways and break the yoke break the deception break the bewitchmen off your people in the name of jesus we will not be ruled by fear we will not be ruled by uncertainty instability insecurity i declare we have been built upon the rock jesus christ he does not move he does not change he cannot fail he will not lie he is the same yesterday today and forever and we speak to this blanket of fear and we declare be removed in the name of jesus may light push back on this darkness over the minds of our sons and daughters over our homes over our church buildings in the name of jesus we declare the ruling of god would breathe now against that cloud of darkness breathe now o breath of god and push back on this cloud of fear that has controlled your people and may courage rise up in every heart in jesus name if you need freedom from anxiety patterns of worry sleepless night terrors and panic attacks whatever it may be in your life if you'll just lift your hands and ask for freedom i believe the spirit of the lord is blowing on lives right now to break the chains in jesus name if you need freedom from that in this room just raise your hands right now and i need some sons and daughters to agree fearing anxiety is being broken lift your hands high if you need freedom from it right now you know the enemy is attacking your mind raise your hands high all over live stream receive your breakthrough right now in the name of jesus for god has not given us a spirit of fear but he gave us power and love and a sound mind and today we thank you that love is casting out fear satan the lord rebuke you satan the lord rebuke you may the power of god break the power of fear may the spirit of fear be rebuked in the name of jesus loose every son and daughter loose every son and daughter i thank you that fear is dying and faith is rising in the mighty name of jesus receive the power of god receive the power of god receive the power of god be endued with power from on high gird up the loins of your mind with truth may the spirit of the lord break the spirit of fear now in the name of jesus every phobia every terror every spirit of terror we rebuke you in the name of jesus and we speak the peace of god over the sons and daughters in jesus name i just want to prophesy to some moms that are watching me right now your small children three five seven years of age some of them cannot articulate what they are fighting against but you have watched them lose sleep at night have nightmares deal with anxiety and worry and they cannot articulate what's happening and you have been pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to bring order back to your house right now in the name of jesus i come into agreement with some mothers over your small children and i declare that courage will rise up in them we break off every assignment of fear that has been sent to steal the peace in your home irrational fear the enemy has planted in their little hearts and i declare sleep will return joy will return and peace will return in the name of jesus i just yield my faith with you right now mother and i declare you have been given the holy spirit the power of yahweh rises up in you right now open your mouth and begin to release peace over your home and over your children in the name of jesus [Music] [Applause] now i just want us to release both in this room and wherever you're watching a sound of praise for the victory that belongs to those who belong to god jesus we praise you we praise you lord in spite of what we feel we praise you in spite of what has attacked our life we believe that you're greater that you're greater that you're higher and we bless you for victory in this place today in the mighty name of jesus oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want the worship team to prepare when kevin said that i just felt a shift coming to this atmosphere i just heard the lord say somebody's tears are about to turn to laughter again not only is he breaking a spirit of fearing anxiety that he is about to pour in the oil of joy somebody's joy is returning to their heart somebody's laughter is coming back to their lips joy is coming back to your home in the name of jesus i release the oil of joy all over this room all over the airwaves i declare the joy of the lord shall be your strength and right now the joy of the kingdom is running this place in the name of jesus rejoice in the lord rejoice in the lord take his joy over and over rejoice in the lord and receive it [Music] glory and power [Music] oh he is [Music] here comes the joy of [Music] the kingdom of god is this it's righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost i declare a kingdom invasion over your house over your heart and over this room righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost in the name of jesus we declare it now in the name of jesus [Music] peace and joy in the holy ghost peace and joy in the holy ghost peace and joy in the holy ghost peace and joy in the holy ghost receive peace and joy in the holy ghost peace and [Music] there's peace and joy is it's peace and joy it's peace and joy hope it's comes the peace [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] maybe you're like pastor devin how can we have joy how can we have joy right now in the middle of our circumstances i'm here to tell you joy in the holy ghost does not come from current circumstances whether they are good or bad joy in the holy ghost comes from knowing that in the end you win joy in the holy ghost comes from knowing that no matter what weapon is formed against you it will not prosper joy in the holy ghost comes from knowing that jesus is victorious and that heaven and earth may pass away but his word over you will not pass away so how can you have joy in the middle of that circumstances you gotta get your focus off the circumstances and get your focus on jesus christ the victorious one and know that it is his joy that will bring you strength right now so just turn away from your circumstances and turn your eyes to the one who gave it all for you and you are victorious in jesus christ today let's rejoice [Music] [Music] is [Music] my praise is [Music] afraid [Music] your praise is [Music] is [Music] my [Music] [Applause] your place is too [Music] grace [Music] how could i ever be silent when praise is the baby your praise is the bathroom my praise is to break you [Music] you
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
Views: 1,303
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 6HGd4t04L2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 10sec (3910 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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