Pentecost Now | Kevin Wallace | Redemption to the Nations Church

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hey redemption family thanks for tuning in today we hope this message encourages you be sure to tune in live on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. at martyt and I'm praying you leave so full today when your Cup is running over you get out in your car and go to the restaurant and people look at you funny because they see something good happening in your life how many know God wants to do something good y'all didn't say Amen I said how many know God wants to do something good why would he do something good because he's good all the time God is good and today we thank God for His goodness and I'm not going to take long today I'm going to say what I believe God told me to say because I feel like what he wants me to say is supposed to start something today and I'm tired of I'm tired of us being infatuated with saying something because sometimes we say something but don't start nothing I believe the word ought to say something to start something I believe God wants to start something in the nation of America I said I believe God wants to start something how many believe God can't begin something right here on Pentecost Sunday in fact what better Sunday would there be for God to start a revival that turns a generation all the way upside down what better Sunday would there be for God to bring an awakening to a sleeping drought a messed up nation this is the day when the spirit moved and the spirit breathed and the spirit birth the church 2000 years ago and on this Sunday where we remember what he did back then I'm believing that there's a rebirth happening right now and as something good is getting ready to come out oh yes oh yeah there's a reason why we're seeing all we're seeing hell knows we're getting real close to something we've been waiting on and it's trying to make sure we don't get there but I feel a push from the Holy Ghost that's getting ready to help us okay father Haggai chapter two Oh Lord I've been in Acts chapter two for weeks preparing to preach but this morning had got to got all over me and so we'll see what happens with acts 2 and we'll see where we go with this but I want to preach so here we go look at your neighbor's smile at him one more time say neighbor we need Pentecost right now y'all said that but like a bunch of Presbyterians look at your neighbor with some urgency and say to your neighbors say hey neighbor say I need a pity cause right now now y'all got to shake off this garment of heaviness I know what we're dealing with but some good it's on the way holler at your neighbors a name so we need Pentecost right now how many believers say man Haggai chapter 2 verse 1 in the seventh month on the 21st of the month the word of the Lord came to hacked out the prophets say speak now to zerubbabel the son of shealtiel governor of judah and to joshua the son of josedech the high priest and to the remnant the remnant the remnant the remnant the remnant I'm trying to find you the remnant of the people saying who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory and how do you see it now in comparison with it is this not in your eyes as nothing yet now be strong somebody say now see I need Pentecost now now be strong the rubble book says the Lord be strong joshua son of josedech the high priest be strong all you people of the land says the Lord and work come on air high-five somebody tell them work work work work fire and with you says the Lord of Hosts according to the word that I covenant it with you when you came out of Egypt look at this so my spirit remains among you I wish I could find somebody to get thankful for that do not fear for thus saith the Lord of hosts once more it is a little while I will shake heaven and earth the sea and the dry land I will shake all the nations and they shall come to the desire of all nations I will feel this temple with glory says the Lord of Hosts the silver is mine and the gold is mine says the Lord of hosts the glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the glory of the former temple and in this place somebody say in this place I will give peace since the Lord of hosts God in your name I pray sym pentacles right now send the wind of your spirit send the fire of Holy Ghost send the word like a hammer let it smash mountains like a sword let it circumcise the heart like a blanket let it bring comfort like a lamp let it bring guidance like bread let it feed our soul I pray the day for a quickening in the house of the Lord may the holy spirit breathe on people today and I pray in these next few minutes of saying something that you would start something and father as Devin said we take our seat in heavenly places and we do not operate from a diminished inferior point of view but you called us up into heavenly places to see from Heaven's point of view and today my heart is in nodding a good matter and I recognize that there are reports of negativity pain hate all around us when I pray for the courage today to speak from Heaven's point of view and while you heal our hearts fill our soul with the Holy Ghost why you touch our hearts price strength would rise from the Spirit of God in Jesus name and everybody who loves him said a man can be seated in the presence of the Lord the book of Haggai is a book written by what theologians call a post-exilic prophet a prophet who wrote prophecies after the exile exile were the people of God went for seventy years and took the captivity of Babylon Nebuchadnezzar walked in and raised the city destroyed the temple he took the holy items out of the temple and he took them back to Babylon and he chained the people of God in a chained and drugged them mercilessly like animals through the streets of their cities back to Babylon they hung their harps on willow trees they quit singing they stopped the melody of the songs of Zion they were sitting hopeless on the river of Babylon longing to go back home their temple destroyed their way of life having come to an end they are now slaves and vassals the Jewish people slaves and vassals of the Babylonian Empire under the evil reign of Nebuchadnezzar yet God raised up prophets in the land to remind Israel you're not staying here forever I'm gonna bring you back to your place I'm going to give you back a home I'm even going to let you rebuild a temple and after 70 years of bondage they came back to Jerusalem under the leadership of Ezra and Nehemiah they came back home and began to try to rebuild a similar tune of what home looked like in life there and when they come back home they recognize we cannot be the people of God without a temple to gather in so they began to be the people of God and they laid the foundation a new temple the problem was that the new temple didn't look like the one that had been destroyed the foundation of the new temple was much smaller than the foundation of the temple of Solomon that had been destroyed and there were a group of people among the exiles who came out of Babylon and went back home and when they laid the new temple that was a confusing noise that came about from Israel one generation the younger generation who had never seen the temple they were not alive when the previous temple was destroyed that new generation saw the new foundation of the place where God's people would gather and they got excited because they could not wait to come to the house of the Lord but there was an older generation that looked at the foundation of the new temple and because it wasn't as grandiose and great because it wasn't as large and big as the old temple the Bible said they began to mourn and they began to weep that the new temple did not look like the old temple and so you see this generational dissonance dissonance that is happening the young generation is excited that God has a place to meet with his people and the older generation is upset that it doesn't quite look like what it used to and so there's this there's this generational dissonance that's going on in the day of Haggai and because the people of God could not get on the same page they stopped working on the temple for 16 years the foundation was laid but the building did not get finished how would you like to start building a house for you and your family to live in only 16 years later to walk out in your yard and look and the only thing late after 16 years is some concrete no walls no light fixtures no roof nothing in the kitchen nothing in the in fact there is no bedroom all that's left is a foundation after 16 years how many no that's a hopeless feeling when Devin and I built how several years ago I felt like ten months was an eternity maybe it was because for a portion of that ten months we had to live in a 700 square foot apartment with the doll bigger than my two girls with another little dog that bit everything that walked through the door and we have four kids and they laid their bed their bed side by side by side by side for four five months we lived in 700 square feet how about Devils I lose angels I rebuke hindrances and nothing was happening quickly after after 10 months and we're still knocking y'all looking at me funny I'm just telling you that they're supposed to be progress when you build something but I want you to know that every time you get close to progress Satan understands proximity as you get closer to your promise through the process of progress Satan always sends a hindrance to try to keep you from finishing what God has started this is where we are in the book of Haggai they started something but they were not able to finish the thing and whenever the people of God lose sight of the purpose and we lose sight of the promise it always takes a prophet to come back to get us refocused on the assignment to stir us out of a place of apathy and to get us moving forward in the things of God I will tell you what the nation needs right now it's not just another voice we need the prophetic voice of Yahweh to speak to our hearts that are discouraged some people are overwhelmed with fear and if you're not careful and I'm not careful we'll get our eyes on social media and off the Holy Ghost and we'll start becoming hopeless and feel like there's no solution today to tell you that what God starts he knows how to finish what God begins he knows how to complete what the king junior started some in 1960 he died prematurely but what he started God is about to raise the prophetic people who know how to finish the job I came to tell somebody it's time to heart it's interesting to me when God begins to speak he speaks to Zerubbabel and Joshua somebody saves the ruble bill feels good to say it so ruble makes you feel like you're talking in tongues zerubabbel you've got to understand when God gets ready to do something he starts talking to leadership zerubabbel is the governor of the city and Joshua is the high priest you can't get people motivated if leadership don't get motivated I can't find no help in this room today I need some leadership yes Lord I'm talking to some preachers watching me on Facebook laugh right now and you're trying to figure out an answer what if I told you you are the answer you are part of the solution get up off your blessed assurance the work of the Lord in one hand the devil angels he started talking to leadership because if leaders are paralyzed people are paralyzed because people follow leaders Saru pible isn't even really that spiritual he's just a governor and a leader but God understands if you're gonna get the people moving you gotta get the leadership moving and he doesn't just talk to the municipality he talks to the people of God he talks to the leadership of the people of God Joshua I will say this any ounce of influence yahweh has entrusted into my life should not be used for my soapbox or my platform you don't have to say Amen take it receive it God doesn't give us influence so that we get more followers on social media I've seen more preachers trying to get more attention it's nauseating to use this we can some kind of platform for you to grow your crowd ISM bananas it's sad morning in people do not exploit the pain to try to grow their ministry the anointing on my life this week is not for me it is for you God didn't all preachers for themselves to get the glory he taught preachers to stand up and point people to the risen now scar the hands of Jesus so that they can see a picture of victory looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross despising the shame and is sat down on the right hand of God keep your eyes on him leaders have got to lead if you're a leader I don't care if you're a mom you're a leader a dad you're a leader a business owner you're a leader how they helper you're a leader a preacher you're only whatever you need whoever you lead use your influence to motivate the people have gone forward look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor it's not time to get stuck there's a lot of stuck people if I were the devil I've got a sermon I preached I might take off and preach it right now since I don't know what I'm preaching I'm gonna preach what comes to me hallelujah if I were the devil i torment hearts I'd use social media and the news agencies to spew all kind of evil and bring hopelessness to the hearts if I were the devil have poison demand of the people of God and tell them there is no hope if I were the devil every preacher and tell them their preaching was in vain if I were the devil I put hate in the hearts of humanity so that they turn on himself and self-destruct if I were the devil Joey out of the journey of every home if I were the devil I fill the streets with hopeless kids who because they believe they have no future if I were the devil but since I'm not the devil and I know what he would do I came to tell you about a god who's already one step ahead of the devil and what the devil meant for evil gotta turn this you gotta help me on that argument this Sunday I've been waiting on this for 12 weeks I might reach through my lunch break I feel the Holy Ghost on me right now he talked to the leaders and here's what he asked them who among you is left that solved the temple than its former glory and how do you see it now I'm gonna talk to some older Saints for a moment you've been around for a little bit papaw many I'm thankful this morning we're a multi-generational Church I'm grateful for all the Millennials we got to have the young people in the room but in this moment I'm thankful for some white hair brother Terry wave at me I see that white hair back there oh yes I'm thankful for some white hair why am i thankful because they're still here and every now and then we've got to have a testimony rise up in Zion that win hell breaks loose and the devil says he I feel the Lord on my neck right now when hell says it's over and there's no hope for your generation I mean somebody to walk into the house of the Lord that says that devil is a liar we've stuff we've been through hell the whole Saints and Haggai to the Prophet said you saw it in its former glory if we're not careful we'll get real nostalgic when we start talking about Pentecostal you start talking about being Pentecostal and people start summoning the memories Loreena god I remember you'd be amazed at how many messages emails phone calls I get throughout the week brother Wallace how long for the good old days well the Holy Ghost moved her knee I don't know where you been cuz the Holy Ghost now sir can't stop moving I don't know what bucket you bounced out Albert rain you fell off us but if you think God is not moving in this how're you late then in the right place the god ah service moving in my generation and I just want to tell you the king has the net smooth and he's not finished yet [Applause] they started thinking about the old temple and the good old days and how God moved in the previous temple and when they started looking at what God was up to here in this new generation their hearts got heavy and they said it ain't like it used to be and there's nothing that will slow down the work of the Lord or the move of God like a mentality in the atmosphere the kind of mentality that says oh I long for the old days I come to tell you right now what God is about to do is about is going to make some of you forget about what you were used to be infatuated with he said this thing that I'm doing now do you see it does it compare with what used to be and and what we're going to find out is that they felt like we don't need to work on this assignment because it's not as big as it used to be I want to tell you right now if you're taking notes write this down the enemy of greatness is bigness you're ready to say something here we put a premium in the last 10 years on bigness and we've lost greatness great bigness is about how many butts Oh forgive me people you have sitting sorry babe I hear about that one at lunch forgive me edit that out chat hallelujah bigness is about how many people you get in the seats greatness is about how many people you get in the streets we train it bigness for greatness I'm calling us back to greatness and on the morning that I'm calling you back to greatness we're experiencing bigness like we've never experienced dead before everybody wants to be big I want us to be great for God I talked about this last week on a podcast with somebody everybody's wondering who's essential if they shut your church down and your city doesn't know it you were not essential they've won the car at bay Mike don't beat they're ready for this one today hallelujah I said if they shut your church down and nobody knows you're shut down you weren't very essential what about my rights if the only thing that keeps your door open is a right and not muscle filming of a responsibility you have missed the call I think the people of God I'm not a censure because of my First Amendment I'm essential because in our in the name of the Lord there is power over every demon principality we're a censure because we feed the hungry and we clothe the poor and we pray for those in need and this whole thing and had got to I'm not even to where I'm going yet there's so thing and had got to it's about God having a place and a people know I've been rebuked before and I know that there are people who misunderstand what I'm saying when I say this gathering is important the building is not but the gathering is I mean I have heard all kind of unbelievable theological garbage coming recently God is getting us back to where we don't need to go to church find that in your Bible now I'm not criticizing people that we got my people part of our family who are who can't get sick don't need to get sick don't want to get in their home and I bless that I'm not talking I'm talking about the theologians who are creating a new normal well since I'm just don't care let me just go here Daniel chapter 7 says that the beast in the last day will try to change the times and the seasons the devil would try to change the times and the seasons do you understand that when people start talking about a new normal you're not careful you will allow a voice that doesn't come from heaven to speak into the earth to try to change the time and the season and I don't know about you but my house and my calendar are not lining up with a new season that has been dictated not discriminately Antichrist I need him more now than I've ever needed Jesus before and I'm making craziest I need you more now than I've ever needed you before Saint wants to change everything and create the kind of new normal God is not birthing there is a new normal coming it's not the one we've seen in the last seven days and this notion of I'm the church by myself not me I felt my strength rise today just because I've been in the room with y'all you might know what I'm talking about and in this text today they're building God a place so that they can gather together and God said something powerful he said stay focused get to work get to work be strong I'm not making this up it's what the book said God told his people he told the governor and he told the priest the people the priests and the governor he said be strong look at your neighbor tell him be strong it's not a moment for weakness this is not a moment for weakness and let me tell you right now if God didn't think you could handle the moment you wouldn't have lived in this generation you have the apparatus you have the warfare gear you have the weaponry you have everything you need you said I don't know where it is I found it it's in Ephesians chapter 6 having done all to stand stand that you may be able to stand in the evil day having on the feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace put on the whole armour of God that should maybe the state had a helmet of salvation having the sword of the Spirit the breastplate of righteousness the belt of truth the shield of faith you're not some weak spineless King getting run over by a culture living in chaos and that is out of control your daddy owns the cattle on a Thousand Hills your father has all power and authority let's time somebody ask you who do you think you are blessed in the city and blessed in the field don't be weak be strong you've got a job to do look at somebody tell them be strong tell them get to work well who's this who's gonna do this work we are if you think Washington is gonna fix this look at Washington why should you fix this it's dark it's dark how do you fix the darkness how do you fix the Washington can't fix this it's dark it's dark it's not what do you do when it gets dark [Applause] he said get to work be strong look at this and here's I guess this is Pentecost Sunday material how are we going to do this verse five I made a covenant with you when I brought you out of Egypt and the spirit that was with you when I brought you out of Egypt look at verse five that spirit remains with you and I felt like I need to tell somebody today we are not alone I might be able just to end this thing right there we I'm not going through but I could we are not alone look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor we are alone it's the plan of the enemy to get you and I to think that we're fighting this fight all by ourselves but I came to tell somebody you are not alone the fight against injustice the fight against poverty the fight against religion the fight against darkness the fight against evil we are not alone the same Holy Ghost that brought Israel out of Egypt and was with him when he parted the Red Sea and they won't over dry ground thousands of years later they're trying to build God a place and they feel like there are too many odds stacked up against him and they want to give up and they say there is no hope and God said fear not the same spirit and I fill them in here right now the same spirit that opened up the Red Sea and brought you over when I brought you out that sand is with you now [Applause] here it is this is where we are right here for I look at this we'll shake verse six I will shake heaven and earth the sea and the dry land and I will shake the nation's until they come to the desire of all the nations now don't miss this let me teach this let me slow down my head is on fire but let me slow down the nations actually have a desire oh yeah America has a desire this morning we desire some peace we're desiring some justice we're desiring some unity we're desiring some of the nations have a desire but sometimes nations lose their way and they become misguided by impure priorities so what God said I have to do is shake the nations to get the nations aggravated back to a place where they recognize who the real desire of the nation see because listen I want to tell some people in this room when I'm getting ready to say I hope you understand it with ears to hear but but but there are some people in this room right now who have captured the American dream some would call them privileged they've actually had the American dream and gotten opportunity and have lots of money and our still screwed up no they actually have a four car garage with five cars in the driveway and they got a Rolex on their hand that money in the bank and they got all that we think is the desire and they're still screwed up and sometimes God has to shake the nation's to remind the nation's then all that stuff you chasing and really what you're desiring because you can get it and still have no peace you can get it and still have no joy let me help some people who have just launched out in the race of trying to find desires and you're chasing for worldly stuff and let me just tell you some people get it and recognize it ain't what they thought it was and doesn't satisfy what they thought it would and every now and then God will shake the whole system he'll shake the whole nation it'll shake the whole earth he'll shake the nation's to remind you you can be in the middle of the greatest economy of your generation but I will shake you to remind you all that stuff will not fill you up there is a desire the nations have that can only be found when you find Jesus that's why I came to ask you what are you chasing what is your desire let me speak broadly what's the desire of this nation in a funny and sad and weird all that the same time that three months ago we were living in the most prosperous economy in the history of mankind and today people are waiting on checks to come from the government so that they can pay their bills shaken can't even walk into a grocery store without a mask shaken training and shake hands with your loved ones hug your mama like to used to because you're afraid you'll give her something what's going on shake it I'm still hugging my mama we're shakin and just when you think we might be ready to exit Ovid and get our bearings a helpless man laying with handcuffs on his hands in a street is killed in broad daylight and the pain and the fear and the anger of a generation who ever now and then gets a little bit of comfort sees that happening on live TV and also and it just incites us and we're sure God and we look here and we look there and everywhere we've looked at I feel the Lord I've been ready to close but we keep looking for someone to feel desire and just in case you think America is the only one shaken go watch your news cycle tonight China is shaken I see your list shaken Canada is shaken Russia is shaken riots in the streets Peyman homes murder in in communities everywhere we look we keep wanting somebody to fulfill the desire of the nation's have nobody can fulfill the desire of the nation's and just when we get satisfied and just when we accept a fraudulent desire a fraudulent fulfillment God said I love you too much America to let you get your eyes on materialism and let that become a fulfilled desire on all America I'm gonna let you be shaken until you get hungry for the one that came from Galilee out of the womb of a girl they married I'm not gonna let you lay down at night until the king of glory is the king of your heart until your heart's in my heart hour filled with desire you free him along and on this Pentecost Sunday God said I will shake the nation's and they will come to the desire of all nations and I will feel this temple I felt that when she said that do you know why we need the Holy Ghost in the church on Pentecost Sunday in May of 2020 because the world is feeling the event of misguided satisfaction and misguided desires and now the stuff that we thought would make us happy has left us feeling empty and the peace we thought we found yes left us and eluded us and we came fine and I'm telling you God is shaking this thing one more time because he's getting ready to strip us of counterfeit fulfillment and giving us a heart to know what it's like to sit in the glory to feel his glory to come up under the influence of his glory until our heads are on par with the presence of God and our bellies are full of the goodness of God until the Holy Ghost feels everybody in this room I'm telling you right now that's a religious drive sitting in this church you've been going through motions for thirty years [Music] he said my glory it's coming I will satisfy the desire of all the nations before you can have the glory you got to have the shakin I'm done with this stand with me stand with me throw your hands up right now believe the Spirit of God is saying in this moment he is the desire of all the nations and the church has been shaken from misguided satisfaction and fraudulent satisfaction say I'm not telling you God won't give you stuff but we've been pursuing stuff and forgot the real desire of all the nations is a king who has a heart of love uh-huh that gives peace that passes understanding and sure that is unspeakable and full of glory we will never find peace until the Prince of Peace is resting in the hearts of the people of God and your Bible says that the glory glory the glory of the Lord the glory of the Lord he would come to his temple the temple is not the building is standing in the temple is the one whose hands are lifted right now in this place send your glory god [Music] send your glory sent you home [Music] I come against any distraction that would keep you from the moment we're coming into right now he shook the nation's to remind the nation's that what you thought was satisfaction is fragile show us that glory in Acts chapter 2 that glory came to a hundred and twenty of them this is that little sermon I was gonna preach I to acts too first of all it was for every generation young and old Oh men dream dreams young men see visions God said you're never too old to get a dream you're never too young to have vision but it went on just on generations the Holy Ghost being poured out in acts 2 was for all genders that would have made a Pharisee pass out when he heard it that a woman a woman a lady could be used by God I thought that's what man dear preacher that's the cult your Sunday school teacher did tell you the truth my Bible said sons and daughters what prophesied it wasn't just generations and it wasn't just all genders this move of God that came to the temple this outpouring of glory was for everyone no matter their genetics verse 18 of Acts to said we read over this and we missed this but this is profound he said on all bondservants one translation I don't like it but one translation said slaves now let me help everybody understand something because we primarily understand slavery through an American lens of the four hundred years of pain that we have experienced here but in that day there was no slavery like the slavery we know in America can I make you feel crazy many Gentile white people were slaves in that day and here's what God was saying nobody no matter their genetic disposition or the pigmentation of their skin nobody will miss out on the outpouring of my glory I'm gonna pour it out on sons and daughters old and young and every barn servant that don't even know their name they don't even know where they came from they have no dignity or identity God said I'm pouring out my glory this week has worked overtime to make certain people feel disqualified and I came to tell you that devil is a liar [Music] everybody under the sound of my voice has an appointment with glory God's gonna point out on women and men God you say I don't believe in women preachers gotta make you sit down and take notes while a woman shares the one of the law I don't believe in out him young people gotta make a Popoff sit down the tears coming down his eyes why his grandchildren dance can't help a baby outside then I feel the Lord for one straight 60-second period I want you to lift your hands and begin to pray God show us your glory reveal your glory come on see if you can pray 60 seconds without losing your focus don't lose your focus if your pray sons get ready to happen aha Reba hush small Tiger in my car Emma Cobra hitting by Santara bossy Gordy Halima Shire oh did he under a video see some of your getting filled with the Holy Ghost fresh right now gotta lift your voice out of a us some of you need to release you just need to release having a spirit growl you've been dealing with something this week release a groan the Holy Ghost will help you when you let him pray for you through you okay well god I've got a pair but no clothes Shia I feel like you're breaking st. happening right now horrible Chantal Adama but not go see him no no no moco sharp and abaya seven-year being filled with Holy Spirit right now out of your Nellie are flowing rivers of living water Racine in the holy gosh turns entire year coming terms of fire coming open up you know Church Kurama sector data ba-nay-nay of our she did he cannot really are no none of us sire the power of God is filling you now the power of God is receiving the Holy Spirit Oh this is my bones shake it off shake it until the nations come to desire you you are the designer of the nations somebody cry out to another level eight dollars four dollars shut up closer some of your main baptized in Holy Spirit right now lift your hands and receive Holy Ghost the fire of God is fallen on us see [Music] loop your boss rip your boss Oh burger burger burger burger result fire of dog fire of God holy spirit bergna power right through Holy Spirit open aware doesn't happen Holy Spirit cert the glory the glory [Music] I wish you'd pray like it might be the last Sunday you ever get to pray for glory to invade your generation you say preacher I'll see you next Sunday I hope so but I wish we pray like there is no next Sunday I wish we'd pray like shaking has been going on and we want our hearts to be hungry for the desire of the nation's Jesus Christ [Music] and whatever person in this room right now who needs to be baptized in the Holy Spirit you love Jesus with all your heart but you want to be filled with Holy Ghost and you want him to fill you to your overflow and you want in the fill you to your language that you know is becoming a language that came from heaven and they don't have to sound like a sound it's just gonna come up out of your spirit I want you right now if you want to be baptized in the Holy Spirit to lift your hands wherever you are there don't be ashamed we're family this morning is the morning where glory is invading this place lift your hands if you need the Holy Spirit to fill you oh my god Jesus oh my god Jesus listen to me listen to me carefully horrible today about Coomer Adamas son Donna Thomas she co raba ba da da Messiah I feel I feel him pilling the heavens back today he's peeling the heavens open he's rolling back the veil hindrances are gone if you lifted your hand keep it up I need to be baptized in Holy Spirit and I want him to fill me with this power I'm about to pray prayers that are for you no one is gonna put their hand on your mouth and make you say something hinata that's not how we do it I'm gonna pray a prayer unction is coming from heaven what is unction pastor the Bible calls it unction it means permission and a push it's that push and permission from God that this gift is for you you want to know who this gift is for well I heard it was for the Deacons and the elders and the preachers and the bishops that's not what my Bible says my Bible says in acts 2 verse number 38 and 9 the promise of the holy ghost is to you and your children to all who are far off as many as our God will call the Lord is calling you today and if you feel that calling and your long Holy Spirit to fill you throw your hands up put your hands up I'm about to pray a prayer and at the end of it I'm going to simply say receive you the Holy Ghost open up your mouth whatever you hear in your man or in your heart even if it's just stammering lips and one phrase or one silly I don't care what syllable speaking in tongues is offering like learning how to speak English or whatever language you speak Isaiah said with stammering lips and another tongue I will visit my people [Music] I need everybody already filled with Holy Spirit just to begin to pray in the Holy Ghost right now I'm asking you to do that because this atmosphere is becoming supernatural by the second by the second Oh Katara basha bacteremia sutulova this atmosphere is becoming supernatural by the second yes and if you lifted your hands to receive the Holy Spirit baptism I'm praying for you now father in the name of Jesus this is a gift this is not a lage we do not earn this we do not deserve your Holy Spirit but we're opening our hearts now to receive Holy Spirit cow send your glory to the temple now in the name of Jesus every one of you who lived in your hands receive in the Holy Ghost now wrists income Olivia Blois Church receiving the Holy Ghost now be filled with the Spirit of God we filled with the Holy Spirit just open your mouth and begin the release release the heavenly language right now [Music] [Music] the Holy Spirit [Music] [Music] I don't want to pray for anybody that doesn't move her but if you won't prayer while you're lifting your hands just wave wave them if you want me to pray with you in the name of Jesus receiving the Holy Ghost receive the Holy Ghost Writer cry Church glorious willingness place [Music]
Channel: Redemption to the Nations Church
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Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: chattanooga, tn, tennessee, kevin, wallace, kevin wallace, deven, deven wallace, highland, park, highland park, rsm, redemption, redemption to the nations, rttn, rttn church, church, God, Jesus, spirit-filled, spirit, Holy Ghost, pentecostal, love, athens
Id: by0JeM3UBiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 29sec (3509 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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