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feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ebel damina [Music] hello family and friends on social media i want to welcome you today to the ever increasing world feast evil demeanor is my name you need to invite a friend a family member a loved one i'm telling you you need to tag some people share the video on your picture with all the groups on your page it's going to be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace always a pleasure and an honor for me to serve you the grace of god right here on this platform with the word of his grace you know brother paul said i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified that's exactly what you're about to experience today the teaching of the grace of god now listen quickly please i want to encourage you to order for my books the books are on the screen right now all of them have been written doctrinally to enrich your work with christ to give you robust revelation that brings you to a place of accurate precise knowledge of jesus christ our vision is to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you that's what this is all about building you equipping you so you two are able to do the work of ministry so that the body of christ is edified now listen very carefully those of you that are following my teachings writing on social media if you are in a place where you are not able to attend any local assembly either because the message of christ is not well taught or there is no church that teaches the gospel of christ the way we do right here in power city and you really want a family of believers to belong to all you need to do today is send me a mail asking for a place to identify with believers in your community you know god sets the solitary in families god wants you to be a member of his family two things will happen number one you will bless us with the grace of god on your life and we will in turn bless you with the grace of god on our lives it is called mutual faith you cannot afford not to belong to a local assembly so that's why it's important for you today to quickly quickly if you don't belong to any reach out to me send me a meal today and we'll be glad to respond to your meal let me also mention very quickly for those of you that want to be part of my mentoring academy or our bible school online we have an online mentoring academy and bible school if you want to join today all you need to do is send me an email it's a one-year mentoring class where i mentor you personally and i'm able to meet with you once every week to share with you and fellowship with you answer your questions and effectively pastor you and what you grow into the full knowledge of jesus christ i'm truly excited about this opportunity to make a difference in your life but listen carefully it's going to be exciting as we study the word of god today you know every day we're on social media twice a day 12 noon gmt plus one and six pm gmt plus one tell everybody about this and i'm looking forward to a wonderful time of studying together with you even now so fasting your seatbelts as i take you on a gospel adventure into the service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the healing ministry of jesus first corinthians chapter 15 verse number one moreover brethren i declare unto you the gospel which i preach unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand by which also you are saved if you observe the word saved there is already done that means the saved there is not dependent on any condition if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures next verse and that he was buried and that he rose again the toddy according to the scriptures verse 5 and that he was seen of kefa's fundamental then of the 12. give me verse 14 and if christ be not reason then is our preaching vain and your faith is also vain so brother paul was dealing with a people who came into the church at current duty teaching that the resurrection is gone there is no more resurrection and so brother paul began to establish the position of the resurrection as the basis and the call and the fundamental for christianity you cannot rule out the resurrection of jesus then you've taken away christianity and you cannot rule out the humanity of christ because it is a humanity of christ that gives credence to christianity the humanity of christ is historic that's why it says he was seen of kephas and he was seen of the twelve that means there are historical facts that confirmed that jesus was from the dead why is it important to know that jesus was a man hundred percent man as though not god and hundred percent god has done not man because the humanity of christ is a reason for why he died if he never came as a man he wouldn't have died he died because he was a man he was buried because he was a man he rose from the dead triumphantly on the third day as a man and today he seated at the right hand of majesty on high as a man there is one mediator between god and man the man christ jesus that's very important because that forms a foundation for our christianity so we began to look at the healing of jesus and we saw that the good news that was published all over was how god anointed jesus christ of nazareth the holy ghost and power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him so jesus is the lugos of god he is the thought the idea john 1 1 in the beginning was the word the word warrior is the word lugos he is the idea he is the logos of his person he is what he said in john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life romans chapter 5 verse 8 god commanded his love to us us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for us so john gave us a glimpse of it in john chapter 1 verse 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the begotten of the father full of grace and truth we beheld this glory we beheld his glory and his glory is full of grace his glory is full of grace and truth verse 17 for the law was given by moses but grace which is truth came by jesus christ if you look at the book of john carefully you will see the number of times john uses the word grace grace grace grace jesus is gracious jesus is benevolent and jesus is the benevolent offering of god to humanity so healing demonstrates the grace of god grace which is truth is not as much authority over sickness much more it is compassion for the sick person compassion why did he have compassion why did jesus have compassion he had compassion for seeing us therefore he had compassion for people's conditions so because he had compassion for the condition of people he went about healing he went about healing now in matthew chapter 8 see the question he asks matthew chapter 8 verse 3. and jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying i will be now clean and immediately his leprosy was cleansed look at the pretext in verse one and two when he was come down from the mountain great motivators follow the universe too and behold there came a leper and worshiping saying lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean if it is your will you will make me clean jesus answered it is my will be thou clean now that's instructive it is his will so in the graciousness of god that is what god wants god wants everybody healed at no instance did jesus refuse to heal anybody at no instance every time remember what do you want him to what do you want to see fight what do you want to walk walk what do you want my child is sick out he's healed at no instance so in the graciousness of god healing is what he wants to do he wants to do it you don't have to convince him that is what he wants to do he wants to heal so if god is a healer then jesus is a healer if christ is a healer then god has to be a healer christ healed the same way god healed that's a vital truth because we beheld his glory and when they saw in his glory what they saw in his glory was not a designer shirt when they beheld this glory they didn't see his diamond wristwatch when they saw into his glory they didn't see his lamborghini when they beheld this glory in his glory they saw grace they saw graciousness so the glory is not cars and houses the glory is the grace of god if it comes to miracles actually in practical demonstration moses had more miracles than jesus and moses was a big boy man big boy you know jesus walked on water moses took three million people split the sea and used them and carried them to pass jesus wanted to do a miracle of bread and fish he had to get somebody to give him a point of contact moses just threw his hand to heaven and pulled bread down all over the city moses was a big boy man he comes to the house of a pharaoh they are throwing their little rods and becomes more small snakes he puts his underneath him opens his mouth all the snakes jumps in the road of moses swallows them he takes up the snake it becomes a road he looks at pharaoh and he let my people go how do you handle that guy and after all of this he cried out lord show me your glory there's something more than miracles is the glory of god and i have news for you christ in you caller bojack i thought somebody was your glory christ in you the hope of glory jesus is the complete expression of the glory of god he's the outrage of god's glory he is the express image of god's glory when you look into jesus what you see in him is grace that's why john said he's full of grace and truth full of it full of it every part of jesus you press what comes out is graciousness every part of jesus so he was grace for grace in glory the fact that he wanted to heal the sick and didn't care whether they attended bible study or not he healed the sick without condition when he healed he didn't ask them are you a believer or unbeliever he didn't ask them are you a sinner or a righteous man he just healed them no condition he didn't find fault even the man that said i don't believe help my unbelief he healed him he didn't find fault that's the graciousness of god that is the graciousness of god please pay attention that is the graciousness of god god made the offer and grace made the offer he was a healer by compassion he was a healer by compassion he was gracious about healing and he went about he didn't sit down he went about offering healing he went about offering healing he went everywhere offering healing that's the grace of god that was in his nature remember luke chapter 7 verse 46 my head with oil that is not anoint but this woman had anointed my feet with ointment 47. we are for i say unto thee has sins which are many are forgiving she didn't ask for forgiveness she didn't cry for forgiveness she didn't beg for forgive he gave her forgiveness as a gift of grace the woman came in and broke the albuster box at the feet of jesus poured it on him and began to kiss his leg and began to use her hair to wipe his feet and the other disciples say how can jesus if he were a man of god he should know that this woman is a prostitute how can a prostitute be romancing a man of god's legs because i was romantic you pop a few mornings like then you carry your hair and you're rubbing his legs and you're kissing the legs and jesus didn't remove his legs he kept it for her he kept it for her read your bible and the disciples say no something is not right if jesus were a man of god he should have known the kind of he's not even a sister in christ this one is a prostitute jesus minded he kept his leg the woman kept doing what she was doing he gave her the gift of acceptance then he said simon i have something to tell you someone say you better speak on now speak on is it since i came to your house water you didn't give me to drink my feet you didn't clean you didn't do any of these things to me but this woman has since had too many has not stopped to minister to me her sins are forgiven that is a gift she didn't say forgive me she only wept at his feet she only poured oil but jesus does not wait for people to ask for forgiveness because forgiveness is not a reward forgiveness is a gift of grace you don't ask for forgiveness to be forgiven you are forgiven before you ask you only receive what has been given am i teaching good here yeah that's why he told a woman her sins which are many are forgiven for she loved much but to whom little is forgiving the same beloved little her sins were many so it had more value to her that she was giving forgiveness now pay attention in luke chapter 5 verse 17 and it came to pass on a certain day as he was teaching that there were pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by which were come out of every town of galilee and judea and jerusalem and the power of the lord was present to heal them can everybody say that with me two times and the power of the lord was present to heal them said one more time and the power of the lord was present to heal them what was he doing that the power was present he was teaching so when the word of god is being taught what does the teaching of god's word bring it brings power he was just teaching like i'm teaching now but the power was present because you see the power of god is not a feeling it's not a feeling oh i'm not feeling it you are still in the flesh it's not a feeling we walk by faith not by sight god's power is not a feeling sometimes you might feel it but it is not judged by feeling it is judged by the presence of the world it is the word that regulates the power where the word of a king is there is power so when the world is taught power is made of healing as i'm teaching that there's power so much power in this right now and across the world on television on facebook youtube all the platforms there's power everywhere because there is no distance in the realm of the spirit there are no walls there are no barriers as i'm pitching now anywhere people can access what i'm saying the same power in this building is available where they are the same power is available anywhere that's why people listen to me across the world their lives have changed people listen to me all over the world in australia china japan india america europe london even now they are watching me all over the same power you're experiencing here is the same power available where they are people watch me on television and they get healed of her condition people watch me on television cancers disappear people watch because the power is always present where the world is taught so as long as the world is taught and people are hearing it in hearing the teaching of the world is the unleashing of power it's not a feeling it's a knowing it's not a feeling it's a knowing glory to god i say glory to god i say glory to god so the power was present anywhere jesus is the power is and jesus is the word but those who come to argue those who come to the service to argue or to find fault can't access the power those who come to argue or to find fault cannot access the power they can't even order this power because if you look there luke 5 17 there were doctors of the law and pharisees sitting by sitting by the power was present but they couldn't access it they couldn't because they were not there to learn they were there to find fault they were there to see what he would say that they can use against him they were there to set traps so they were not there to be blessed next verse look at verse 18. and behold men a few people in the hall who had understanding of what happens when the teaching of god's word is soundly going on they brought in a bed a man which was taken with a palsy and they sought means to bring him in and to lay him before jesus next verse and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude they went up on the house stop and let him down through the the tailing with his couch into the mist before jesus they opened the roof when they couldn't find a way to come to jesus they used a ladder to go up on the roof they opened the roofing sheet and dropped their brother right before jesus from the sky now that is a desperate situation when you believe in something it produces a desperation to get it when you are still passive you have no you understood it when you really believe in something and you want to get it you get desperate look at the desperation here they let him down before jesus now watch the next verse glory to god and when he saw their faith on the line that he saw their faith he said unto him man thy sins are forgiven the demon acts forgiveness is not an answer to prayer forgiveness is a gift the man didn't ask they just dropped them and this man is sick and jesus looks at the man and says man your sins are forgiving thee now look at verse 21 you will love 21. and the scribes and the pharisees began to reason saying who is this which speaketh blasphemies they came to hear blasphemies they came to look for fault in his message they came to look for what he would say that they can use against him and he said what they were looking for man your sins are forgiven what what who can forgive sins but god alone and they didn't know that god was the one forgiving sin jesus is god who became a man to save man and that's why he must be revealed the humanity of christ also must be revealed to a man his revelation now observe 22 but when jesus perceived their thoughts he answered he said unto them what was in your hearts 23 whether it's easier to say thy sins be forgiving thee or to say rise up and walk whether it's easier both of them which one is easier forgiveness or healing next verse but that you may know that the son of man had power upon it to forgive sins he said unto the sick of the policy i say unto thee arise take up the couch and go into the house i both have power to forgive and in the same instance is the same power that heals so if you can receive forgiveness you can receive healing you don't need any protocol if you can receive forgiveness from what christ has done for you you can also receive healing without struggle without effort but observe carefully observe carefully the first one didn't require anything but the second one required something man your sins are forgiving is close which one is easier to forgive or to say rise up and walk but that you may know that i have power to forgive sins and not only forgive me sin you stand up carry your mouth in forgiveness he didn't ask you to do anything but in healing he said you have to carry your mat if the man does not stand up and carry it he remains there the man has a part to play in healing keep that somewhere we will get there shortly in forgiveness your sins are forgiven in healing stand up take your mouth and go 23 again whether it's easier to say there seems to be forgiving thee or to say rise up and walk easier that word easier means easy label you will see it implied in matthew 9 5 and matthew 19 24 you will see that word used what's easier or what demands work easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a new do easier he is saying it doesn't take much to say your sins are forgiving it doesn't take much in the other instance he tells the man rise up take your bed so which is easier both of them both of them same way he forgives in the same way he heals none of them requires crying none of them require us but you please no which is easier man your sins are forgiven the man hasn't said anything man stand up take your man get out the man carried him and he left both of them are easy he uses the world to communicate the graciousness of god because both forgiveness and healing are products of god's grace but forgiveness and healing are products of god's grace so if his humanity unveils to us god's character to address sickness and disease in his humanity he unveils to us god's character to destroy sickness and disease so number one he heals out of compassion number two he heals us an unveiling of god's character to destroy sickness and disease so it is god's character displayed when healing happens when people are healed it is a display or demonstration of god's character and that character is consistent every good and perfect gift comet from above from the father of light god is a good god out of his goodness proceeds healing god's character so healing what jesus went about doing was a definition of god's character and honey you know that's very important because before jesus came people went around with different opinions of god he killed it he make it her life he give it he take it blessed be his name he give that job children he kills the children he give a job a wife then he strikes job with sickness can evil happen and god has not caused it can disaster befall a people and it is not god shall a trumpet be blown and god is not behind it if i be a man of god may you not die a commander here the ground open people enter and they are buried if i be a man of god let fire come here fire comes down so now we have an agitation of god's character so in our mind he's a killer he's a giver of life so maybe i am sick because of the other side of god i may have done something wrong so jesus had to eradicate all that impression and clearly define god's character as only gracious in forgiveness and healing god is not responsible for disease but he heals it out of his grace no matter how bad you are god can never afflict you with sickness rather when you are very bad he lavishes you with his grace because it is his goodness that leads men to repentance god doesn't compel you to come to him he was you by throwing at you good things when you think you should be destroyed god's goodness protect so healing is an outflow of god's character defined by the incarnate christ because the reason for christ coming was to define god's character because it's been murdered in the old testament by people who didn't know god well they murdered his character so there has to be a redefinition of god's character that god is good all together lovely altogether beautiful all together gracious that's all that comes from him hallelujah matthew chapter 10 verse 1 and when he had called on to him his 12 disciples he gave them power against unclean spirits to cast them out to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease he gave his disciples he is sending his disciples to go and preach and he gives them power over all demons and devils and sicknesses verse eight heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out devils freely you have received freely give freely you don't need to pay consultation fee there are churches where people pay consultation fee for healing and counseling is fraudulent did you hear what i said what did i say is fraudulent freely you have received freely give once you start charging for what god gives free you are mutilating god's character god gives out of grace what is grace grace is what i do not qualify for is a merited grace is unconditional favor of god unearned on earn so it became an integral part of what he was doing because you cannot call jesus savior and not call him healer this is vital look at luke chapter 9 verse 1 then he called his 12 disciples together and gave them power and authority over all devils and to cure diseases to cure diseases in math chapter 6 verse 1 and he went out from dance and came to his own country and his disciples followed him verse 2 and when the sabbath day was come he began to teach in the synagogue what was he doing teaching what am i doing teaching critical for church and many hearing him were astonishing from whence had this man things and what wisdom is this which is given to him that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands next verse is not this the carpenter the son of mary the brother of james and joseph and of judah and simon and are naughty sisters here with us and they were offended at him they were offended familiarity familiarity brought dishonor and dishonor brought offense and offense blocks them from receiving the power it's familiarity after describing his family history they said god forbid how can he be the one but grace cannot be duplicated and you cannot photocopy grace if it is not given to you it is not given to you i am what i am by the grace of god this insight that i have from the word of god is as a result of the grace of my office for the equipping of the sins a christian does not need revival why are you reviving the living revival is for the dead but you are begotten to a lively hope by the resurrection from the dead a believer is alive to god hence does not need revival you only revive the dead oh pastors became angry dr damina very stupid how can you say there's no revival it's because he doesn't know the power of god he has not experienced the power of god that's why he will say there's no revival is he trying to tell us that if we've been beaten before his father was born is not correct we will continue to do revival well i kept quiet no argument one white man in america one white man in america white man colonialism is killing africans heads a white man in america came out and repeated what i said and all these nigerian pastors began to they began to share it and began to confirm it because a white man said a black man said it few years ago this is a stupid man see some people's anger is that why must it be me it's not that what i'm teaching is wrong is why must it be him grace cannot be photocopied you can photocopied you cannot photocopy greece you can copy my style you can copy my movement you can copy the way i talk but that is where it ends but beyond what i talk and how i talk there's something that follows it that is what makes it effective that i will say one thing it will go all over the world it is called grace say say grace it is called grace and everybody is giving grace that is what happened to jesus when they saw him speak and they saw the miracles from whence has this man they didn't even call him jesus they say this man this one this one this one is he not capital speaking is he not captain dan's bomb boy are these not his sisters no what he's doing is not correct he's alive they were offended they were offended now see jesus didn't get angry he didn't look at jesus response to them verse 4 but jesus said unto them a prophet is not without or no but in his own country and among his own kin and in his own house next verse he could dare do no mighty work save that he lays hands upon a few sick folk and healed them the moment you get into familiarity you shall secure yourself from the flow of god's power it's not that jesus didn't want to heal them but they put themselves in an environment where the healing power could not reach them now watch the next thing jesus did to see to see the heart of jesus he marveled he called dishonor unbelief he called familiarity unbelief now when he saw that there was unbelief and their familiarity was too much he didn't give up on them that's the graciousness of god he didn't give up on them rather he went round about their villages teaching because teaching is the cure for familiarity and unbelief he brought the cure to cure them of that disease so his blessing can still reach them that's the heart of god he didn't mind their behavior he went through their villages teaching because teaching cures unbelief you think jesus joseph i gave up on these people they are very useless people no he went around about the villages teaching so if there is a man sick i don't care how sick that man is if you can just sit him down and patiently teach him the word of god is just a little time he will be healed the cure for unbelief and the cure for sickness is teaching teaching teaching because when teaching is going on the power is present we have had people in this church who were critically ill in the hospital very critical on admission they told me i prayed for them then i said get him a cd player by the hospital bed keep playing my messages in the hospital day and night non-stop that's all he needs four or five days the man is discharged three four days they've discharged them why the word of god is the best medicine that anybody can be given let me tell you even when you are sleeping play the world it's your body that is sleeping your spirit is still awake spirit don't sleep play the world while you sleep while your body is resting let your spirit be bunching let your spirit be hearing let your spirit be receiving jesus went to the villages teaching to kill them of unbelief to cure them of familiarity he kept teaching if people don't get healed the compassion of god is that we stay with them and keep teaching them and keep teaching them and keep we are not in a showbiz we are not in a showbiz we are not trying to heal you so we can use you to advertise our church we are not in a showbiz we are that is why we don't display miracles here we are not in a showmanship the healing power of god is compassion and love when you love people you don't display their weakness in public you are sick we pray for you we believe god for your healing you are healed we thank god for you we don't make a show out of it there are people jesus you he told them shut up don't tell anybody go and show yourself to the priest jesus never did show manship with healing he never did because it is his compassion it is his grace and you know what grace does grace preserves your dignity you didn't hear that grace preserves your dignity imagine the prodigal son the prodigal son would have come back with a lot of embarrassment with a lot of shame but the father's love in heart went out of town and received him before the city saw him and kept him there send for clothes send for shoes send for everything because the primers have been looking minus himself when poverty has tormented you to a point where eating with pigs is a breakthrough you don't understand this boy was eating with kicks and it was a breakthrough at least there are people that are not eating me i'm even eating with pigs it was a breakthrough but suddenly his senses came back how many hired servants does my father have who have enough to eat and even to spare what am i doing here i will arrive i'll go back to my father i would tell my father make me a servant it is better for me to be servant at home than to be a servant abroad the bible says he stood up and he was coming and the father's eyes were on the road steadily looking for the son don't forget the father has servants but two sons he's not looking for more servants he's looking for songs the father ran when he saw the boy jesus was giving a parable of the father's heart towards his family the father said my son he didn't say this boy he didn't say this rascal he didn't say this idiot my son feel the emotion of your loving father my son that was lost he is still a son even when he went away he is still a son because sonship is not a title sonship is dna he may go far but my dna is still inside my son that is lost is back hey kill the fatted calf throw the party in the house we are coming home and they came home and there was a party that is why listen carefully the loving heart of god towards you nothing can separate you from his love nothing he has loved you and he has loved you finished is too late for you to change his mind you didn't hear what he said he has loved you we can ever ever ever lasting love that's god's disposition that's the grace of god grace preserves dignity grace does not embarrass grace does not disgrace no grace dignifies grace dignifies see that's why when you come to jesus you don't confess your sin you didn't hear what i said see when you come to jesus you don't confess your sin because grace does not disgrace grace dignifies what do you confess when you come to jesus you confess jesus as lord you don't come to you and say i was uh jesus you know man i'm robber i'm a thief i have killed 55 people jesus no he doesn't care about that he knows you did all that and he paid for you to be free from that now that you have come he's not interested in the history he is interested in what he offers you for your future a brand new man grace does not embarrass grace does not disgrace if we don't keep teaching them quietly until they get healed if we get offended because they didn't get healed in the service it means we're just trying to use them for a testimony show off grace will patiently follow you it's not everybody that jesus prayed for that was healed instant some were healed instant some were healed one hour after some were here the following day in fact there was one guy jesus had to pray for twice he said what do you want sight be healed look at me can you you see i see men like trees you say close your eyes you never see so sometimes we may have to pray for people two times four times six times so it is love the love of god in our hearts the compassion of jesus that keeps us with the sick until they get healed but you know some people when they pray for you don't get healed they get angry say one disgrace me take him away take him away take him away take him away take him bring the next one don't bring anything that looks serious bring to his dad one guy i used to know when he's doing his miracle service when they bring something that looks he would do the ushers like this that is take him away i was the one of the crusades as a speaker he invited me to preach for him i preached after i finished preaching he now pushed me he said now we will see the power of god so the one i preach is not the power of god okay no allah will see the power of god so he now said they should bring all these sick people they gathered them blind death dumb people on wheelchair then he prayed pray prayed after i prayed he moved he left them one side then he went to where people that didn't have obvious conditions where he said i can see you are healed now i can see you are healed so i told my friend let's go and carry the other ones and bring for him which one is easier you are not the healer jesus in you is a healer so remove your mind let jesus do what only he knows how to do let me tell you sometimes miracles have happened me i didn't even know when they happened because i'm not the one he's the one through me at work jesus said the works that i do is my father in me that do it the works my father in me it is he walking in us so when we lay hands on the sick we expect them to be healed because when jesus touched the sick they were healed and it is christ in us touching them say with me i heal the sick say it again i heal the sick by the compassion of jesus i didn't hear your amen so when it comes to goodness god is longsuffering because of the healing ministry of jesus they call him elijah some say you are elijah because elijah did miracles they saw the healing ministry of jesus it's a vital fact of his resurrection his humanity the humanity of jesus is a vital fact he is gracious to the sick and he heals sickness so you cannot have the ministry of jesus today without healing the sick he's a healer he sacrificed for sins he's a high priest of our faith and he's a healer of sicknesses and diseases he's the same jesus hallelujah in the same breath he forgives sins in the same breath he heals john 1 18 no man has seen god at any time no man has seen god at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he had declared him what jesus meant was nobody has beheld god as eyewitness the only begotten is the greek word monogenesis the monogenesis that is the one that is uniquely born of god nobody else is born like that mono mono the only the monogenes the only begotten is in the bosom bosom there is a greek word called pus used for something close to your chest or intimacy bosom jesus is in the chest of god or jesus and god are intimate in one another the only begotten son of christ is in the same place as the father or jesus is found where the father is found that is to say jesus and the father cannot be separated we are the father is jesus is where jesus is the father is so the appearance of jesus is the appearance of god jesus reveals god jesus defines god jesus defends god he uses a peculiar word here exaggerated is used for relaying an experience that is jesus has shown the experience of the father he has shown the experience of the father or the humanity of jesus is an experience with the father the humanity of jesus is an experience to the father of the humanity of christ gives us an experience with the father no wonder he said he that has seen me has seen the father he that has seen me has seen the father so jesus reveals the father what jesus does the father does what jesus doesn't do the father does not do what he's saying is the experience you have with me is the experience you have with the father what he's saying is the healing ministry of jesus is not an addendum the healing ministry of jesus is an experience with the father that's why the woman with the issue of blood experienced the father she experienced him healing gives you an experience with the goodness of god when you lay hands from people that are in discomfort in distress and you pray and you pray the healing power of god comes on them they are having a direct experience of god's character that's when jesus preached he healed he preached he healed because healing is experiencing the goodness of god and friends i don't care how sick you are in this service you're living it here you're going home whole today and if you're watching on television this is your day oh hallelujah somebody shout i believe that jesus is savior and jesus is healer and i receive right now from the ministry of jesus christ can you stand up and listen very loud as i pray for you certainly i receive right now from the healing ministry of jesus can i hear he said again very loud i receive right now from the healing ministry of jesus i didn't hear powerful amen you know the good thing about the healing ministry of jesus a doctor will have to either operate on somebody a doctor will have to cut you do trial and error and sometimes they make mistakes and sometimes they forget the scissors inside sometimes they forget cutting wool inside sometimes they even forget knife inside and the cover and then it will take time to heal and if there is a knife or scissors inside they will go prune again double torment and they are not even that that is what the matter is because suddenly a complication could arise and there was an infection that was mistakenly introduced the matters become complicated but when jesus heals you no operation no blood no jesus no scar no waiting for the thing to go that is the goodness of god and when he heals you he heals you complete he does not do trial and error and jesus healed them all how many were healed or lift your right hand and say to me right now in the name of jesus i receive from the ministry of jesus his love compassion grace healing right now in the name of jesus i didn't hear powerful amen lift your right hand to heaven father i pray for everybody under the sound of my voice people in this building people on television facebook youtube all our campuses around the world we address every sickness and disease medical reports medical concerns we speak to you mountain you infirmity you hold of the enemy your spirit of torment and you affliction in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus spirit of infirmity lose your holes lose your holes lose your hearts in the name of jesus body be healed body be healed body be healed now whenever you're hearing the sound of my voice receive your healing receive your healing from your head to the source of your foot be healed right now be healed right now in the name of jesus we rebuild every heart condition we rebuke every blood disease we command every virus and bacteria causing disorder in that body be flushed out be flushed out be flushed out in the name of jesus and we speak to everything that is malfunctioning in that body be corrected right now we command your liver be healed kidneys be healed we rebuke migraine we rebuke high blood pressure we rebuke sugar diabetes in the name of jesus we flush you out we flush you out we flush you out eye conditions be corrected hearing conditions be corrected in the name of jesus [Applause] wherefore god has highly exalted him and giving him a name that is above every name above cancer above also above disease the name of jesus and in that authority we flush out every discomfort we flush out every discomfort we flush out every discomfort in the name of jesus body be restored be restored be restored be restored i rebuke every mental condition mind issues mind issues mind issues be corrected corrected we rebuke depression we rebuke oppression in the name of jesus infirmity lose your holes in the name of jesus thank you father the prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the lord shall raise him up the prayer of faith shall heal the sick and the lord shall raise him up your body is healed right now and father we receive healing for people all over the world we receive healing for people on television people on youtube people on facebook in our campuses all over the world we receive healing for people right now receiving in the name of jesus we give you praise we give you praise and i declare the next seven days of this week it will be testimonies victories triumph celebration celebration celebration celebration things are shifting things are moving things are working in your favor receive it in the name of jesus thank you father it is dawn it is done in jesus precious can i hear that amen on a note of finality welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i know you've been blessed affected impacted by the word of god and i believe god that the revelation of jesus will grow big on your inside until nothing else matters in jesus name amen like i said in the beginning of the broadcast if you live in the area around anywhere in the continents of this world where you follow my teachings but there's no christ-centered teaching church in your community and you either want to start one or you want to identify with our own campus we call our branches campuses all over the world today all you need to do is to send me a meal and we will connect you with brethren in your area who follow my teaching so together you can grow with them evangelize raise disciples and build the kingdom of god if that's what you want to do or you want to start a campus in your community you don't of any you want to start one yeah we're committed to training you equipping you and enriching you so that you're able to effectively start a campus pioneer a work in your community and bring other believers together to be fed and nourished in the knowledge of christ if that's what you want also send me a meal today the email address is dr ibeldamina hey guys we love you you know god doesn't want you to be isolated so if you don't belong to a place of worship maybe because of what is taught there or you're not growing in that church and you want to really grow then i invite you tonight to adventure with us and identify with us give us the opportunity to serve you to feed you to equip you so that the purpose of god for your life will find fruition in the name of jesus we love you guys always a joy to share with you the grace of god i'm looking forward to connecting with you in the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of god and be blessed [Music] amen [Music] victory station
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,799
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: GCmaWl3w_Bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 35sec (3875 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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