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[Music] feel the power welcome to righteous invasion of truth with dr ibel damina hello family and friends on social media i want to welcome you today to the ever increasing world feast evil demeanor is my name you need to invite a friend a family member a loved one i'm telling you you need to tag some people share the video on your picture with all the groups on your page it's going to be an exciting adventure in the world of his grace always a pleasure and an honor for me to serve you the grace of god right here on this platform with the word of his grace you know brother paul said i commend you to god unto the word of his grace which is able to build you up and give you your inheritance among the sanctified that's exactly what we're about to experience today the teaching of the grace of god now listen quickly please i want to encourage you to order for my books the books are on the screen right now all of them have been written doctrinally to enrich your work with christ to give you robust revelation that brings you to a place of accurate precise knowledge of jesus christ our vision is to reintroduce jesus to this generation equipping the believer to know who you are in christ what you have in christ and what christ can do through you that's what this is all about building you equipping you so you two are able to do the work of ministry so that the body of christ is edified now listen very carefully those of you that are following my teachings writing on social media if you are in a place where you are not able to attend any local assembly either because the message of christ is not well taught or there is no church there that teaches the gospel of christ the way we do right here in power city and you really want a family of believers to belong to all you need to do today is send me a mail asking for a place to identify with believers in your community you know god sets the solitary in families god wants you to be a member of his family two things will happen number one you will bless us with the grace of god on your life and we will in turn bless you with the grace of god on our lives it is called mutual faith you cannot afford not to belong to a local assembly so that's why it's important for you today to quickly quickly if you don't belong to any reach out to me send me a meal today and we'll be glad to respond to your meal let me also mention very quickly for those of you that want to be part of my mentoring academy or our bible school online we have an online mentoring academy and bible school if you want to join today all you need to do is send me an email it's a one-year mentoring class where i mentor you personally and i'm able to meet with you once every week to share with you and fellowship with you answer your questions and effectively pastor you and what you grow into the full knowledge of jesus christ i'm truly excited about this opportunity to make a difference in your life but listen carefully it's going to be exciting as we study the word of god today you know every day we're on social media twice a day 12 noon gmt plus one and 6 p.m gmt plus one tell everybody about this and i'm looking forward to a wonderful time of studying together with you even now so fasting your seatbelts as i take you on a gospel adventure into the service where the spirit of our god is already moving happy viewing the healing ministry of jesus name reading from the book of first corinthians chapter 15 verse number three for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures now the background of this is verse one moreover brethren i declare to you the gospel which i preach unto you which also you have received and wherein you stand verse 2 by which also you are saved by which also you are saved so the salvation has a closure you are saved and you consider tense his past if you keep in memory it's not a condition to you are saved because you are saved you're already saved now if you keep in memory what i preach unto you unless you have believed in vain all right so brother paul now is dealing with false teachings that came into the church at current how that some people were saying that there was no more resurrection of the dead in verse 12. all right so what that means is that if there is no more resurrection christ didn't die and if christ didn't die then you are yet in your sins that's why he said what he said in verse 3 pay attention he says for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures pay attention to the use of words same words he used in first corinthians 11 23 for i have received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread i received he uses that for an eyewitness account i received is used by brother paul for an eyewitness account and with the same tone he speaks here in 1st corinthians chapter 15 verse 3 and 4. for i delivered unto you first of all that which i also received how that christ died for our sins according to the scriptures verse 4 and that he was buried and that he rose again the toddy according to the scriptures so he combines those who saw jesus die with the evidence of scripture so it's a combination of two things that brother paul calls i received first of all the eyewitness account he received from those who saw jesus died was buried and rose then he took their eyewitness account and combined it with the scriptures and concluded i have received of the lord jesus paul is combining those witnesses because those witnesses now become the fulfillment of the prophetic scriptures because the scriptures of the prophet spoke about it and the eyewitness account saw it so a combination of the two is the fulfillment of the prophetic scriptures his gospel was not just the prophetic scriptures the gospel of brother paul was not just the prophetic scriptures it was confirmed by the eyewitness account look at it in verse 5 and that he was seen of kephas then of the twelve see that the eyewitness account he was scene of kephas then of the 12th in forgive me verse 6. after that he was seen of about 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part remain unto this present but some are falling asleep the witness was so clear that jesus was buried he died and he rose again so brother paul took the eyewitness account and combined it with the prophetic scriptures so the prophetic scriptures talked about it and the eyewitness account saw the fulfillment of the prophecies now pay attention so paul here is validating the experience of those who are with christ he is saying he was seen and this is the proof that the prophetic scriptures have been fulfilled look at verse 14 of the same chapter 15 and if christ be not risen then is our preaching vein and your faith also vain so if you subscribe to that false teaching that there is no resurrection then there is no basis for christianity our faith is very our preaching is vain look at verse 17 he further gives you know strength to that statement and if christ be not raised your faith is vain you are yet in your sins that word vain is the word kin on it means empty what it means is this that what gives power to the preaching of our gospel is the resurrection of christ so the resurrection of christ is what makes the gospel powerful that is if he didn't rise from the dead our gospel is empty our gospel is vain our gospel is useless now he uses two words the word kinon and the word metanos means useless is empty vain and useless which is how brother peter speaks in first peter chapter 1 verse 18. so what did you believe if christ didn't rise from the dead where is your faith what is the basis for faith if christ didn't rise from the dead so our christianity is built on the facts of his resurrection in other words the evidence of the eyewitness account is fundamental to the truth of the gospel if these evidences can be contradicted or be called false that means all the prophecies of the old testament which sums themselves up on this facts are futile things if anybody can contradict the eyewitness account or if anybody can render their eyewitness accounts as false then it means the prophetic scriptures lied to us that is why a combination of the prophetic scriptures and the eyewitness account is what gives credibility and power to our gospel i mean pay attention back in that first corinthians 15 look at verse four and five again and that he was buried and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures verse 5 and that he was seen of kephas then of the 12th next verse after that he was seen of above 500 brethren at once of whom the greater part are still with us the greater part who saw him they were there when he died they were there when he was buried and they were there when he rose from the dead when brother paul was writing the letter to the church at corinth he said a greater part of these witnesses are still here with their evidence what we're preaching is not history it is what we saw the people who were there because brother paul didn't see jesus so brother paul relied on the eyewitness accounts and the prophetic scriptures to form his apostolic teaching he said some of them are still with us some have slept but a greater part of them are still around now follow me because i'm i'm taking you somewhere but dealing with the healing ministry of jesus now that is the moment we cannot substantiate the eyewitness account of jesus his life is dead and vitally that he rose from the dead at any moment we cannot substantiate that our gospel becomes vain see that because that's the basis for our gospel his resurrection the moment we cannot substantiate that fact that he rose [Music] then we are just wasting our time we are not better than motivational speakers once we cannot substantiate the fact that he rules we are not better than motivational speakers we are not better than history teachers we are not better than chemistry lecturers once we cannot substantiate the fact that he rose then there is nothing special about us but the crux of christianity is christ's raised from the dead that's the crux of christianity christ raised from the dead you cannot take that away and still have christianity jesus rose from the dead and was seen of men and the man who saw him never said he died again he lived he died they saw he rose they saw and they saw him ascend they didn't see him die again the eyewitness accounts who cannot be contradicted or refuted historically it's detailed with evidences to prove that jesus rose from the dead now so that's the claim of christianity that jesus christ is alive no other person ever had such claims not buddha not guru maharaj not muhammad nobody else has that proof and that history that he died he was buried on the third day he rose and was seen of men in different places different classes of society and witnesses who saw him rise from the dead can i hear powerful amen and he is not going to die again he's alive forevermore acts chapter 1 verse 8 come back to belike but you shall receive power pay attention after that the holy ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses on the line the word witnesses you shall be witnesses unto me both in jerusalem and in all judea and in samaria and onto the anonymous part of the head you cannot make a claim that somebody died and rose without proving that before he died he was alive you cannot make a claim that somebody died was buried and he rose without establishing beyond a shadow of doubt that he was alive before dying so it is the incarnation that gives credibility to the dead burial and resurrection historically and prophetically pay attention the incarnation now you shall be witnesses what it means is you will tell people that i am alive you shall be witnesses you will tell people that i died i was buried and i rose and i am alive luke 24 48 please pay attention because this is the crux of christianity and you are witnesses of these things you are witnesses of these things you cannot be a witness that somebody died and that he's alive if you never saw him alive before he died these people saw him from the baptism of john remember john said i am come to baptize that i may show him to israel are we on the same chapter here yeah i am come to baptize that i may make him manifest to israel so these eyewitnesses saw him knew him from the baptism of john and they followed the events to the resurrection and ascension pay attention so one of the evidences you must say that the person that is risen has actually risen is that you were there before he died acts chapter 1 verse 21 we are four of these men which have compened with us all the time that the lord jesus went in and out among us the lord jesus did what he went in and out among us next verse beginning from the baptism of john and on to that same day that he was taken up from us must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection the only person that can join us in witnessing must have been there from the baptism of john i must have experienced the lord coming in and going out he must have known that is the only criteria to be an apostle there are two classes of apostles there is the apostles of the lamb this is the class that jesus selected by himself these are the people jesus called one by one there were 12 of them they first came as disciples from disciples they became apostles and out of the 12 one gave up one fell out by the name of judas iscariot then they now wanted to replace him and they said the criteria to select anybody that will be a part of the apostles that are witnesses witnesses the person must have been there from the baptism of john till jesus rose from the dead that was the condition in fact he will ascend it that was the condition and the only person that fit in their condition we know was matthias now you must prove that somebody was alive before he died on rules that is why to be a witness you must have been there you must have seen him you must have been with him you must have seen him go out and coming so there is the apostles of the lamb and there are only 12 of them nobody can join that group no matter you are anointed nobody only 12 of them were with christ and they were the ones that were entrusted the account of his resurrection death amberia they wrote the books for us to read those are the witnesses and nobody on earth today is a member of that group so when you hear some people on social media who didn't read well standing up to say that there are new revelations to the bible they are agents of heresy they are agents of illiteracy and they are products of bad pastoring products of what bad person there are only 12 apostles of the lamb and when 12 of them died that was the end the only other class of apostles we have today are the ones that after he rose he gave gifts to men these men giving gifts are to teach what the apostles of the lamb have laid down our job today is not to look for new revelations is to take what has been laid down and explain it for the edification of the believer and for the equipping of the believer 12 of them apostles of the lamb they are also called foundational apostles that's why brother paul said i have led the foundation let every man take heed how he builds upon these were foundational apostles apostles of the lamb i'm going to explain a little further of that you know those realities as we proceed in the course of this teaching so in the book of acts they affirmed this particular function an office strongly they affirmed it in the book of acts acts 2 32. this jesus has god raised up whereof we all are witnesses we saw it we were there they said this after verse 22 of acts 2 ye men of israel hear these words jesus of nazareth a man approved of god among you by miracles and wonders and signs which god did by him in the midst of you god did it god did wonder signs and miracles in the midst of you by him we are all his witnesses that is we we saw him we experienced him this was the testimony of the apostles in the book of acts give me another scripture acts 3 13 so in other words they saw him before he died the god of abraham anova is the king of jacob the god of our fathers had glorified his son jesus whom you delivered up and denied him in the presence of pilate when he was determined to live all these are evidences that he was alive and that he had interactions with people and the interactions are evidenced look at the next verse 14 but you denied the holy one and the just and desired a moderate to be granted unto you verse 15 and kill the prince of life whom god had raised from the dead whereof we are witnesses so these people saw it look at acts chapter 4 verse 20 for we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard things which we have seen and heard this was when they threatened them and told them no more to preach in the name of jesus in acts chapter four after the healing of the lamanna they get beautiful in chapter three they say we cannot but speak the things this thing is so real you can't threaten us out of saying what we know we cannot lie to ourselves this man you are beating us not to call his name what we have seen in him there's no beating that can keep us quiet we saw him move among us we saw him say he will die we saw him say he will rise in our presence he died in our presence he was buried on the third day he rose and he didn't disappear he appeared to all of us there's no beating that can shut us up we cannot lie to ourselves so we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and the things which we have heard this is what makes christianity christianity this is the fulcrum of our christian journey and christian experience these guys died honey what was not real stephen will not die for it do you know how peter died he was crucified upside down if these things were not real it would not be what anybody giving his life for it look at how paul died look at how james died look at how the apostles died it is further proof to the fact that their witness was not sentimental their witness was substantiated by what they heard and what they saw nobody just dies because somebody is a nice guy no people will appreciate you but when it comes to debt they will excuse themselves but these people these apostles of the lamb because of what they saw and what they knew it was too real that they gave their lives for it these are the things that forms the basis of christianity yeah this is what makes christianity christianity beyond every shadow of doubt all right pay attention somebody said you know somebody had a discuss with some professors who are trying to prove that jesus didn't die you know and the person asked the prophet said do you believe that if jesus didn't die arise from the dead a number of people be willing to give their lives to die to die for him the prophet said could be an illusion and the guy said to him this must be a real illusion this illusion must be more real than real no matter what an illusion a number of people will not just give themselves to die for what they never saw they saw they said this is what we saw and this what we said and then you take what they saw and what they said and you laid it on a framework of prophecies that were ahead of them back in time prophecies that came from different people in different times at different cities you know compiled by different people from different walks of life in different times farmers doctors kings fishermen who never met each other all of them putting the documents together and by the time the books are collated the message is one my brother this is beyond coincidence because even coincidences have question marks but when you look at this one there's no question mark he's alive and i have news for you he lives inside me glory to god i said glory to god somebody shout hallelujah acts 4 20 peter said we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard how can you ask someone to deny his experiences look at acts 4 13 now when they saw the boldness of peter and john and perceived that these were unlearned and ignorant men they marveled and they took knowledge of them that they had been with jesus they had been with jesus even the kings of their time confirmed that the way they are functioning is as a result of spending time with jesus so they gave credibility to his existence before death burial and resurrection all of these are eyewitnesses to confirm the credibility of our gospel i'm not ashamed of the gospel it's the power of god unto salvation look at acts 5 30 the god of our fathers raised up jesus whom you slew and hanged on a tree next verse him as god exalted with his right hand to be a prince and a savior for to give repentance to israel and forgiveness of sins 32 and we are his witnesses of these things and so is also the holy ghost whom god had given to them that obey him we saw it we gave evidence of these things here is peter in the house of cornelius acts chapter 10 verse 40. him god raised up the third day and showed him openly next verse not to all the people but unto witnesses chosen before of god even to us who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead peter established that after he rose a few of us selected we are opportune to witness him we act with him and with branquity it was not a figment of a man's imagination it was so real that we ate he had fish he had bread he act with us so he was not like a ghost he didn't rise as a ghost he rose as a man bodily he said to them handle me a spirit does not have flesh and bones so he rose with a physical structure they could touch him they could feel him they act together that is how real our gospel is hallelujah that is why our gospel carries miracles it is real that it carries with it miracles it is real that the sick are healed it is real that the dead are raised queben this fork saw jesus physically alive before he died and saw him physically when he rose they are meant to go to everybody to prove this resurrection by preaching you shall be witnesses unto me in jerusalem in judea in samaria and until the uttermost part of the earth i thought somebody would shout hallelujah now so whatever therefore he did in his earthly work before he died if you claim he has risen whatever he did in his early work before he died if you truly claim that he has risen from the dead he must have the capacity to do the same after he rules hello he must have the capacity to do the same after he he rose that's why whatever peter did in acts chapter five cannot be the spirit of god and i'm talking about the killing of ananias and saphira cannot be the spirit of god because before jesus died he killed nobody so he couldn't be killing people after he rose if he's the same person he couldn't be yeah he couldn't he couldn't have been doing that in mark 16 15 jesus name emphatically told them after his resurrection and he said unto them go into all the world and preach the gospel preach the gospel this is after he rose from the dead to every creature the gospel is jesus christ is alive he's alive amen he's alive jesus is alive forever he's alive that's gospel he's alive let all the world rejoice he's alive glory to god these guys were with jesus three and half years to see what he did and to see what he will do after he leaves after his resurrection they are within three and a half years to see what he did and they were with him after his resurrection to see what he continues to do these are witnesses apostolic witnesses they were to be witnesses of these things before he died and after he rose they could never have known what he will do if they never saw what he did what he did has to be the same with what he will do after he rose from the dead so look at mark 16 17 and this sign shall follow them glory to god this sign shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues next verse they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing he shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover that is what he did before he died and when he rose he gave the preachers and everybody who believes in him the ability to do the same there's only one new thing added to the list only one new thing added to the list that he never did before he died new tongues they shall speak with new tongues because that will only become a reality after he is glorified but casting our devils he did before he died healing the sick he did before he died you know drink anything and he shall not hurt you all that happened before he died but new tongues was a promise of his resurrection so today these signs follow us he did it before he died and when he rose because he's the same person it continues and i have news for you today it continues inside the born again believer lift your right hand and shout i heal the sick i cast out devils i raise the dead i cleanse the lepers and i speak in new tongues i thought somebody would shout hallelujah this sign shall follow those i believe the word sign is a greek word simeon it means an indication like you run a test on someone you check the vitals to confirm his health status these signs these are the things these are the proofs these are the proof of me being in a believer this will be the evidence that i am inside a man this his grammar is not enough this will be the evidence that i'm inside a man that man will cast out devils that man will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover that man will speak in new tongues and if they throw charm on him it will turn into favor if they call his name in a in a in a diabolical setting a dimension of his name there will be disaster in the account why this man is in christ this man is in christ this man is in christ this one is what he's in crisis somebody said i mean him he's in me i heal the sick i cast out devils i raised the dead i didn't get powerful amen this sign shall follow the believer this sign shall follow the believer why because this is what jesus did another is alive he continues doing it however through the believer he lives today in the believer in luke chapter 10 19. behold i give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall buy any means hurt you somebody shot the gods are dead yeah these are the proof that he's alive hallelujah he says now that you're saved because i'm alive in you what i was doing before will be done through you glory to god how many of you are sincerely saved in this building if you know you're sincerely safe with your hand and shut i am saved now say very loud jesus lives in me whatever he was doing before he died continues to be done through me today glory i heal the sick as a proof that jesus is alive i cast out devils as a proof that jesus is alive i raise the dead to prove that jesus is alive and he's not just alive he lives in me so he does it through me i thought somebody would shout hallelujah these signs shall follow those that believe john 14 12. verily i say unto you he that believeth be the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than this shall he do because i go unto my father he will do greater works than this because i am in him next verse and whatever i shall ask in my name that will i do that the father may be glorified in the sun hallelujah the works that i do shall he do also i yield he will heal i cast out devils he will cast out devils why is proof that i'm inside him that's the proof that is inside you the works that i do shall he do also because i'm going to be in him he lives in me i live in him so that means therefore there's more to look at in the incarnation of jesus john 1 14 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glorious of the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth and then verse 18. no man had seen god at any time the only begotten son which is in the bosom of the father he hath declared him we beheld his glory and that glory is in you and i the glory of jesus is in you and i we beheld this glory in his earthly ministry and that glory that we saw in him today is in the believer doctor glory will be held as doxa it means a display of strength resources like showing yourself to show yourself to display your glory to display your strength to display your resources john 1 17 for the law was given by moses but grace and truth came by jesus christ 18 no man had seen god at any time the only begotten son which is the bosom of the father he had declared him the word bosom means intimacy the only begotten son which is in the bosom that is the only begotten son who is intimate in the chest the bosom the chest of the father he's intimate with the father he had declared him exceeding my to declare he has exclamation to declare him so jesus's life explains god to declare he means to explain him i and the father are intertwined into each other to see me is to see the father explained the life of jesus explains god so jesus's ministry therefore a third of his ministry statistically was healing everywhere he went it was healing that means healing is a vital way to show the character of god the character of god is displayed when the sick are healed we talk about forgiveness we talk about the fact that jesus was open he accommodated everybody we cannot take away the fact that healing was the same way the same way he healed is the same way he he forgave the same way you forgive is the same way you healed jesus heal the sick the same way you forgive people so the healing ministry of jesus is not a show of authority as much as is a show of god's character god's character in display he is a healing god and if he's a healing god then christ reveals to us a healing christ and in the healing christ we see the healing god made manifest so the healing ministry of jesus if you look at the whole book of acts is a display of the healing ministry of the resurrected christ the major part of the book of acts is healing and miracles acts chapter three miracles the lame manner they get beautiful chapter four miracles chapter five miracles of healing chapter six stephen miracles signs and wonders chapter eight philip miracles chapter nine miracles chapter 12 13 14 15 miracles you can go on and on the entire book of acts is filled with miracles chapter 16 cast out devils that's why i call it's called acts is called action of the apostles is a book of action christ in you produces action not a passive christian life an active christian life don't be passive gentle make a mild you should be active heal the sick cast out devils preach the word raise the dead cleanse the lepers proclaim the good news about god demonstrate god's character wherever you're found if you find the sick heal them without apology zebra dagger zebra dagger you cannot have the book of acts and deny the healing ministry of jesus anybody that argues that jesus no more yields doesn't know jesus whether i say theologian or apologia whatever is anybody that denies the healing ministry of jesus doesn't know jesus how can you have the book of acts and be arguing that the day of miracles are over acts was after resurrection the same thing he did before he died when he wrote see it all over the place and he's actively alive today i thought somebody would shout hallelujah we healed the sick somebody said we healed the sick said very loud said like you're not afraid infested marriage of the three verse 15 but if i carry long that thou mayest know how thou art has to behave that self in the house of god which is the church of the living god the pillar and ground of the truth the church is meant to be the mainstay of truth and of course you know that in the church our greatest assignment our main stay is no medical outreach i hope you know that the church is not the mainstay for medical outreaches i mean every nothing is wrong with doing medical outreaches but that's not our message hey are we together here that's not our message medical outreach is good and a lot of people already doing that but that's not the focus of the church neither is welfare the focus of the church feeding the poor there are organizations there are governments doing it better than the church can do it but there is one thing governments cannot do and there is one thing the medical outreach organizations cannot do they cannot deliver the message of christ that is what the church is for and should be about there's nothing wrong with medical outreaches but in the church we heal the sick we heal the sick in the name of jesus what did i say we do in the church we heal the sick in the name of jesus in in organizing america outreaches you can't beat people like bill gates bill gates alone has donated 1.6 billion dollars for eradicating polio in nigeria here alone 1.6 billion dollars a dollar is 350 naira so 1.6 billion times 350 that's how much of bill gates money alone in nigeria for eradicating polio no church with all the tight and offerings no church are you hearing what i'm saying here now no church can boost of that that is half of a trillion given by one man to eradicate polio alone look at it there are people who have the assignment of the medical outreaches not the church our assignment is to witness his resurrection and when we find the sick we heal them in the name these signs shall follow those is there a believer in this building lift your hand and say i heal the sick in jesus name i didn't hear your amen we heal the sick and if anyone passes by this church by mistake we claim of his sickness whether he believes in jesus or not karataba lift your right hand say these hands are loaded they are not empty when i place them on the sick i offload healing i feel like sending all of you to hospitals go and empty those worlds lay hands on the sick and get them out of their place just walk in there and just clear the hospitals the master is here the master is here you see people jumping out of sick beds say i yield a sick see i believe in healing say i have the power on my inside to heal the sick can i hear powerful amen i mean we thank god for medical science but the church's ministry is not talking medicine the church is nowhere to discuss commerce and industry whatever you teach in the church must have a global acceptance must have a global acceptance he must be accepted everywhere the gospel affects everybody it affects the sick and the healed that's why it's called the pillar and ground of the truth the mainstay we preach one truth how many truth one truth our truth is one so god has trusted us to preach this truth the mainstay of the truth the mainstay the main the church is the mainstay of the truth what is that truth first timothy 3 16 that is the truth we are called to preach and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness god was manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit seeing of angels preached unto the gentiles believe on in the world received up into glory without controversy great great is the mystery the word controversy is the greek word homologue you may know like homologio homology may know it means to say something that is we have this common affirmation we have this common message we have this common truth that has come to stay that's why the early church fathers called it the creed the creed i believe in god the father i believe in christ's son i believe in the holy spirit our god is three in one the early church fathers after looking at all the details of the gospel picked out certain elements and called it our common confession every believer in jesus must believe in the father the redemptive sacrifice and the indwelling of the holy spirit every believer must believe in that every believer must believe in the death barrier resurrection ascension glorification that's what makes us believers we believe it commonly those are the things that makes us believers there are essentials and there are non-essentials non-essential like you say whether you cover in our church we cover our hair that is non-essential it can pass for a church culture it does not affect salvation the reason why i say non-essential is because it has nothing to do with salvation essentials is what affects salvation are we together here so what affects salvation is called the creed or our common affirmation or our common confession or our common truth that one truth great is the mystery of our approach towards god godliness yusufiyah it means our approach or our view of god great is a mystery of our view of god our approach of god our great is the mystery of the way we know god god was manifest god was what our view of god our approach of god our common affirmation as in regards our approach of god is that god was manifest that's our common confession that's our common affirmation that's our view of god our view of god that god god is manifest that word manifest is a greek word panero panero means to be naked that's why they must apply carefully theologians are always careful with the use of that word peneru means to be naked what he means is great is our common confession in our view of god that god has appeared naked in the flesh that is god stripped himself by coming in flesh so that there is nothing hidden about god anymore other than what we have seen in christ that god is manifest appeared naked that is god is demystified in christ that is christ reveals the totality of god that is when you see christ there is nothing about god that you have not seen means god never intends for you to know him outside of what he shows that is god's greatest revelation is in a man or god is naked in a man god is naked in a man that is god is not concealed anymore that's why his humanity was important before he ascended because he ascended as a man he ascended as a man we see his character we see who he is in a man jesus said whatever you see me do the father that lives in me he direct the works so whatever jesus did was the father doing because jesus and the father one jesus is god who became a man so they saw him heal every sick man that came to him so the healing ministry of jesus is a character of god great is the mystery our great is our common confession god humanity in christ is our bold confession and we defend it god is bare god has nothing left to see no wonder john said we beheld his glory we saw his glory so the healing ministry of jesus is the nakedness of god you didn't hear that the healing ministry of jesus is the nakedness of god in other words the healing ministry of jesus is the character of god so that's why the healing ministry of jesus has to continue because god's character never changes because if he did a lot of healing in his nakedness and we are preaching it now that he's alive there should be healing as a proof of the message there's no way you can say you believe the four gospels and then you say the healing ministry of jesus is over you're a joker if christ is alive today then god is healing today the way jesus healed when he walked the face of the earth if christ is alive today then god is still healing right now the same way he healed when jesus walked the face of the earth he's alive and nothing in christ was diseased he was never sick and he lives in me she didn't hear that he was never sick and he lives in me and he bought my body and my body is his temple i cannot be sick i refuse to be sick i can never be sick he rose he didn't lose his healing ministry when he rose so the healing minister of jesus cannot be behind us his healing ministry has to be with us mark 16 20 glory to god and they went fought and preached everywhere the lord working with them and what confirming the word with what size following amen he confirmed the word with signs that confirmation is a proof that jesus is alive jesus christ is alive in you amen he's alive where he's alive in you he is the healing christ when i look at the four gospels i see the healing christ and how healing can be received matthew 8 1-3 when he was come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him too and behold there came a leper there came one and worshipped worshiped him saying lord if thou wilt thou canst make me clean if it is your will you will make me clean if you want you will make me clean next fast jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying he didn't say before touching he touched before sin that's how eager he was before i even spoke to them dick i will i don't know where you need healing take i will be thou clean there was no thinking he did not hesitate as the man was still talking bam i will he touched him before talking i will be down clean and after two days immediately his leprosy was clenched immediately her fibroid melted out immediately the cancer dissolved immediately the kidney was fixed back i don't know what i'm talking to here immediately the asthma vanished immediately the migraine headaches disappeared i speak on the audacity of the reason lord whatever is not working well in your body i command you to be corrected be corrected body be corrected i didn't hear that man like thunder this is god manifested in the flesh in his nakedness he said i will be darkly if you will you will cleanse me from this precious pasture blindness i will be darkly he never jesus never sent anybody to the hospital jesus never sent anybody to the hospital neither did he stop anybody from going to the hospital [Music] liberty he never sent anybody to the hospital neither did he stop anybody from going but those who cared for his supply and jesus heal how many of them he healed them all how many can be healed today all is the same jesus this same jesus sato le bata the same yesterday the same today the same forever he healed yesterday he heals today he heals forever he did miracles yesterday he does miracles today he does miracles forever i will i will and immediately his leprosy was cleansed in god's nakedness he said i will the truth that we uphold today is that jesus is still healing his healing power is with us see i'm a custodian of the healing ministry of jesus say i'm the storehouse of the healing power of christ say i carry the healing power of jesus say i heal the sick say it again i heal the secret ladies and gentlemen let there never be an ayat of doubt in your mind about whether god wants to heal or not i will be thou cleansed i want you your heart to come alive i want your conviction to come alive make up your mind no sick person passes me without getting it make up your mind when people come to you and say they are sick lay hands on them lay hands on them present to them god's character god's character god's character and once you present god's character lay hands on them and declare them healed amen in this building on television facebook youtube all our campuses every infirmity sickness and disease by the power of resurrection by the power of christ i command it cleansed out of your body right now flush out in the name of jesus every condition every condition those of you hearing my voice in the hospitals those of you hearing my voice in the hospitals i don't care what the medical prescription has been and what the miracle discoveries were i command your body be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus be healed in the name of jesus now receive your healing receive your healing from your health to the source of your food i shall receive your healing in the name of jesus thank you father baruch let's speak in talks for a few seconds together let's just pray in the holy ghost i'm not hearing your voice and jesus healed them all so we declare everyone sick connected to this service you are healed right now you are healed right now you are here right now in the name of jesus thank you father for your word confirmed among us your word confirmed among us with signs wonders and miracles those of you who need miracles in certain areas of your life receive miracles receive miracles receive miracles in the name of jesus thank you father that that issue is dissolved that confusion ceases that delay is cancelled receive miracles right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus can somebody shout at him and let thunder let me show you this i just saw this in this you know in my mind and i wanted to see it if you were close to me and i've been kind to you give your clothes give your shoes give you things give you money i've been very kind and you walked into a place where they are speaking ill of me what a wicked person i am what is stingy person i am what a very ever sticked hand i have a radited hand what will you do you go back to your house you carry the clothes and the shoes see if that man is bad like that he gave me these shoes these clothes he's been so good to me you are a witness what you're doing is you're defending my character when you go to where sick people are bring out your healing anointing tell them god is a good god close your eyes lengo rotaka what are you doing you are defending god's character have i explained something you come across sick people bring out the evidence god is a good god every good and perfect gift coming from above from the father of light we are his witnesses he has nobody to speak for him if we don't speak and hey guys we know what we are talking about i say we know what we are talking about he's a good god he's a good god he heals all the time glory go ahead and give him a shout and give him a praise in this give him a shout give him a praise if you were sick before do what you couldn't do if you had a condition before do what you couldn't do before celebrate healing celebrate healing celebrate health celebrate health glory glory glory glory glory those of you watching online get ready for testimonies all over the place all of you following us on facebook campuses god this week and heal the sick see i heal the sick said very loud i hear the sick say it one more time i hear the sick mangleable thank you father glory to god and jesus healed them oh amen welcome back ladies and gentlemen welcome back i know you've been blessed affected impacted by the word of god and i believe god that the revelation of jesus will grow big on your inside until nothing else matters in jesus name amen like i said in the beginning of the broadcast if you live in the area around anywhere in the continents of this world where you follow my teachings but there's no christ-centered teaching church in your community and you either want to start one or you want to identify with our own campus we call our branches campuses all over the world today all you need to do is to send me a mail and we will connect you with brethren in your area who follow my teaching so together you can grow with them evangelize raise disciples and build the kingdom of god if that's what you want to do or you want to start a campus in your community you don't have any you want to start one yeah we're committed to training you equipping you and enriching you so that you're able to effectively start a campus pioneer a work in your community and bring other believers together to be fed and nourished in the knowledge of christ if that's what you want also send me a meal today the email address is dr ibeldamina hey guys we love you you know god doesn't want you to be isolated so if you don't belong to a place of worship maybe because of what is taught there or you're not growing in that church and you want to really grow then i invite you today to adventure with us and identify with us give us the opportunity to serve you to feed you to equip you so that the purpose of god for your life will find fruition in the name of jesus we love you guys always a joy to share with you the grace of god i'm looking forward to connecting with you in the next broadcast and until then enjoy the grace of god and be blessed amen [Music] victory station you
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 1,537
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
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Length: 71min 46sec (4306 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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