'The Green Grass' - A Secret Can Be a Dangerous Thing To Keep - Full, Free Inspirational Movie

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(gentle orchestral music) - [Woman] My life has literally been a roller coaster, a lot of highs and a lot of lows. Sometimes I wonder, who am I? What do it stand for? What do I want out of life? The truth is, I feel I've been playing the part of someone else's life. I've been taught to believe that other people's perception of me matters. See, I've been privileged to have some of the best experiences, visit some amazing places, and attend the best schools, but all for the wrong reasons. My dad prides himself in looking the part and let's just say, we have all learned to master that. I recently graduated from Harvard and despite this being a decision of my dad, I actually enjoyed my time there and accomplished a lot, one being, graduating top of my class. Now my time has come to an end and I head back home to face the demands of my family. Don't get me wrong, my parents are wonderful, but I'm not sure if they're happy. (softly chuckles) I'm not sure if any of us are. We are constantly faced with major hurdles, but hopefully one day, these hurdles will bring us to our true selves. (gentle cheery music) - [Chris] Good morning, Bryan. - Oh, good morning. How was your weekend? - It was great. Anthony and I celebrated our fifth year anniversary. - Oh, did he wine and dine you? - But of course. - Oh, that's my boy. You see, I taught him well. - Uh please, don't flatter yourself. - As for me, well, I had a fantastic date with a beautiful, educated, talented and did I say beautiful, woman this weekend? - Bryan, you need to slow down. I swear, it's like every weekend there's a new woman on your arm. - Yeah, but this one's different. - Yes, they all are. - So, Amber, what about you? What was your weekend like? - Oh me? Nothing. Just cuddled up on the couch, read a few good books. - That's it? Sounds like you need to spice things up, girl and get you a man. - (chuckles) You're absolutely right about that. I just need for him to find me. (clears throat) - (chuckles) Amber, I didn't realize you were, you were looking. Uh, you know, I always thought uh, you and I made the perfect couple. What do you think Chris? - No, not really. (laughing) - Funny, Bryan, but seriously, I have the career, the house, everything's checked off except for the man. I mean, look at Mr. Wade, he has the wife, the job, the house, the cars, the kids, his life is just perfect. - Yeah, he does have the life that a lot of people would envy, but keep in mind, everything that glitters ain't gold. You know, things can be deceptive and I'm not saying that his life is a lie, but you never know what kind of lies people are living behind closed doors. The grass isn't always greener on the other side. You know, Anthony and I may not be living the perfect lives and we may not be millionaires, but we're pretty content with what we have and that's all that matters to me at this point. - Well, you know the grass may not be greener on the other side, but how are you going to know if you don't go over and check it out? - Really Bryan? - Well, I'm just saying. - Eh, valid point. - Yeah. - [Mr. Wade] Morning everyone, good morning. - [Bryan] Good morning, Mr. Wade. (women greeting Mr. Wade) - Thank you all for meeting me this morning. - And here's your coffee, Mr. Wade. - Oh Amber, what would I do without you? Thank you very much. I promise not to be long as we all have a lot of work ahead of us. I have some great news to share, but first things first. I wanna commend you all for all of your efforts. You all show such hard work and dedication to TQE Global and for that, I am very grateful. If it weren't for the long nights and the late night sacrifices, we wouldn't have accomplished our goal of exceeding our projected revenue of $5.5 million in this first quarter. So with that being said, I have something for each of you. For you, Amber. - Oh, thank you. - [Mr. Wade] For you, Bryan. - Thank you, sir. - [Mr. Wade] And for you, Chris. - Thanks, Mr. Wade. - [Mr. Wade] You are welcome. - And let's not forget the best boss that like, anyone could ever have. (applauding) (agreeing) - Thank you, thank you. Now save that fire for our next project coming down the pipe. Now Sable Security is our next potential client. I want you all to take these portfolios and study them and we will connect at the end of this week to discuss a strategy to close this deal. - Sir, just a thought. - [Mr. Wade] Yes. - Um, Sable Security is very attractive to many of our competitors. If you ask me, this seems like risky business. Do you think the risk is really worth the reward? - Well, I certainly do and besides that, have I ever steered you all wrong. - Well no sir. - Then trust me on this, Bryan. And oh, by the way, dinner at my house next weekend. Nora has been planning this dinner for months so I expect to see you all there. (group agreeing) Okay? - [Chris] We'll be there. - Excuse me, Mr. Wade. - [Mr. Wade] Yes, Selena. - You have a call on line two from your wife. I tried buzzing in, but for some reason, it didn't go through. - Thank you very much Selena. I'll take it from here. - You're welcome. All right, everyone, thank you all for your time. This meeting is adjourned. Uh Amber, would you mind hanging out for a few minutes? I need to go over some numbers with you briefly. - Yes, sir, of course. - [Mr. Wade] Hey, is everything okay? No, no I can't. Remember I told you that I had a meeting after work today. Listen, Morgan is a big girl. She'll understand that I can't make it to the park. When I see you over there on (conversation cuts off) Yeah, me too. (phone clicks) (sighs) - I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but you have a beautiful family. I mean, you guys are like the ideal family and Nora is so lucky to have you as a husband. - No offense taken. And I know I'm a lucky guy, but I'm a go getter, Amber. I go after what I want and I always get it. - Is that so? - Oh, of course. I have a beautiful wife, three beautiful children. My oldest daughter, Taylor, graduated a year early from Harvard. My son, Tristan is currently enrolled and they're both home with a summer plan and their goals stop coming here. Now my baby girl, Morgan, she she loves the arts. - Aw. - We couldn't be more proud of her. I must say, I've created a great life for myself, Amber. - It's why I admire you so much. (laughs) Well, I can't wait for dinner next week. I'm sure it will be grand. - Well if Nora's name is attached to it, expect it to be nothing less than grand. Now, as I mentioned to you earlier, I wanted to go over some figures with you concerning this new client. Last year they spent this in marketing and advertising and we want to present them with an attractive offer which includes the services that they currently have as well as our recommended services that will increase their profit margin, there, as well as ours. Now I believe it's going to be a challenge, but I think we can make it work. - Oh, I know I can. (laughs) I'll have my recommendations to you by Wednesday. - Thank you. - [Selena] Excuse me, Mr. Wade? - Yes? - Your 10:00 is here. - Thank you, Selena, yes. Uh, can you take 'em to my office? - Sure. - Appreciate it. Oh, Selena, before I forget, this is for you. For all you do around here. - Oh wow. Thank you so much, Mr. Wade. I really appreciate this. - I know you do. You deserve it. - Oh and before I forget, this is the calender. - Oh yes, yes, yes, thank you, thank you. Um, Selena, what is this on Sunday? - Oh yes, uh, you told me to write that down in your calender last month. - You mentioned me going to church with you? - Right. Uh, my church is having a family and friends day and I would love for you and your family to come. - Oh, um, well uh let me get back to you because I believe I verbally committed to a golf game on this Sunday with a colleague of mine. You know what, as a matter of fact, I did, so I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel that or decline and um-- - That's okay, I understand. Um, the invitation's always open. - [Mr. Wade] Thank you. - And I'm going to go get your 10:00 situated for you right now. - Sounds good. I'll be right in. - [Selena] All right. - Church. (laughing) I can't even remember the last time I thought about that. - (chuckling) Neither, neither can I. Well um, thank you for your hard work. - Of course. - [Mr. Wade] I will see you later. Appreciate you. (sighs) (children shrieking) - Look at those girls. They're growing up right before our eyes. - (gasps) Paige, we're gonna be empty nesters soon. (laughing) But I am not rushing that process. I wanna enjoy these moments for as long as I can. - I hear that. So how is everyone? I know you said Taylor and Tristan are both home for the summer. - Yeah, they are here. We're having dinner tonight. I am so excited. Paige, I cannot remember the last time we were able to have dinner and sit down with everyone present. - I understand. John's schedule, is insane, but as long as he's bringing home the big bucks, I have no problem with it. - Really. So, John's traveling all the time doesn't bother you? I mean, it has to be a challenge, you being or acting as a single mom of two kids. - Yeah, some days are challenging, but I take it day by day. Look, don't get me wrong, John does spend a lot of time with us, but this was a decision we both made. In order for me to be a stay-at-home mom for Samantha, he would take on more hours at the office. But I must say with John Junior being a senior this year, and drama, now he helps me out a lot. - I get that, but, don't you regret leaving your job? - Some days I do, but then I'm reminded of moments like today. If I was still working a full-time job, Nora, I wouldn't have the same opportunities to spend as much time with Samantha and that makes the sacrifice worth it to me. - Mm. - Look, I didn't have this kind of time when John Junior was this age and I didn't want to miss this again. Are you okay? - Yeah girl, I'm fine, I'm fine. I just admire the way John and you come together and you guys make compromise and decisions that are right for your family. - Nora, you make it sound foreign. - That's because it is, Paige. Shawn never wanted me to work. He wanted me to stay at home and raise our kids. I just never had the option to want anything different. - But surely you can have a conversation with Shawn. He is a pretty reasonable guy, you know. - You're right. (chuckles softly) - Oh it's John. - Really? - (laughs) He is here. - Wow. (laughing) wow. - [Paige] Baby! - Ah, got you, didn't I? - Oh my goodness, what are you doing here? - [John] I wanted to come see my two favorite girls, of course. - But I thought you had a meeting this afternoon. - I did, but we ended up canceling at the last minute, so I took the rest of the day off. Is that Nora Wade over there? - Yes, it is. - Really? - Now come speak to her. - Okay. - Hi. - [John] Hi. - Well. - How are you? - [Nora] I'm doing good. How are you? - Good. - Good, nice to see you. - Nice to see you! - So what you doing, John, you playing hooky? - (laughs) No, I wish. Actually, I took the rest of the day off. Paige said she was bringing Samantha to the park so I wanted to come and surprise her. - Okay, well, that's very nice of you. - Yeah, you know what? How is Shawn? I haven't seen Shawn in forever. - Shawn? Shawn's fine. - Yeah. - He's busy as ever. - Really? - Yeah. - Yeah, I know how that can be. Tell him I said don't work too hard. - I sure will. I will let him know, but guys, I have to go. We have dinner plans, remember? Um, but it was good seeing you, John. - It was good seeing you. - Good seeing you, honey. All right, and Paige baby, I'll talk to you later. All right, love you. - Love you too. - All right, you guys have a great evening. - You too. - [Nora] Bye. - So good seeing her. - I know. - Guys, that was fun. (laughs) - Yeah, it was. I can't wait to show the other girls what we've come up with. - Yeah, I think they'll like it. Hey, why don't we ask my mom if you all can stay over this weekend and we can come up with more dance moves. - But, Lacy and I won't be able to. - Why not? - Well, we're going out of town this weekend to visit our grandparents. - Yeah, and there's no way our mom is letting us out of that. - What about you, Samantha? - I can't. My dad's taking me on a father, daughter date. - A father, daughter date? - Yeah, he says that he wants to be the first to show me how men are supposed to treat women. - Yeah, that sounds like fun. I wish my dad had time to take me on a date, but he's always so busy. - You should just ask him. - But yeah, it's not that simple. - What are you girls up to? - [Together] We're just practicing our dance routine. - Yeah, you know you girls are really talented. - [Together] Thank you. - You're welcome. - Mom, Samantha is going on a father, daughter date. Do you think dad will take me on a date? - Um, I'm sure he will, sweetheart, but we have plans tonight, remember? And we have to go, all right? Jordan and Lacy, I saw your mom pull up a few minutes ago. - Oh you did? - Yeah. - Oh, thank you. - You're welcome. - Bye, see you guys later, hopefully. - Bye. - Excuse me. (chuckling) - Samantha, your parents are standing right over there. - [Samantha] Bye Morgan. - Bye Samantha. - Bye baby. You ready? - Yeah. - All right. (kissing) - [Nora] Morgan, you know your daddy loves you, right? - Yes, ma'am, I know. - [Nora] And you know, when he finds time, he's gonna take you on that father, daughter date and I promise you, you are going to have the time of your lives, okay? - Yes, ma'am. - Come here. (gentle piano music) give me a hug. Okay, go brush your teeth and get ready for bed. Okay. (sighs) (gentle piano music) (keys jingling) Shawn, where have you been? - (sighs) I told you that I had a meeting with a client after work today. Did you forget? - You told me you would be home for dinner. - And I had every intention of being here, but the meeting ran over and was longer than I expected. You know what, Nora? I'm tired of this. - Shawn, baby look, we've been waiting, okay? I know you said that you had a meeting after work, but I just didn't expect that it would go this long. You could have called. - You could care less about my meeting or this dinner. What is this really about, huh? What? What I was out with someone tonight? Isn't that it? Answer the question, Nora. - [Morgan] Daddy, hey daddy, I missed you. - Hey, hey, there's my little princess. Come here. Oh, I missed you. - [Morgan] Where have you been? We waited for you for dinner. - I'm sorry. I was just running a little behind, that's all. - Samantha's dad is taking her on a father, daughter date. Can we do that too? - [Shawn] We'll see, but you know your daddy's a busy man, right? - Yes, sir. - Come on, give me a hug. I love you. - [Morgan] I love you too. - Morgan, baby, go to bed. Your father and I need to talk. - [Morgan] Yes ma'am. - See you later. I'm finished here. I have nothing else to say. - [Nora] Well I do! - Of course. - You promised to be here in time for dinner and yet again, you couldn't keep your commitment. Yes, here we go. And you know what else? I'm tired. I'm tired of you putting this family, putting me on the back burner for your company and anybody else that comes up. Don't you get it? This is not about dinner! This is about missed birthdays, missed anniversaries, you and your attitude or did you forget about all that? - Where are Taylor and Tristan? - Classic Shawn. Ignore the issue like you always do. - Again, I ask you, where are Taylor and Tristan? - [Nora] Well obviously they're not here. - S'cuse me? - When you didn't show, Taylor left with some friends and Tristan came home earlier and left right after and he has not been home since. - They both know where my office is. They've been here all this time and they haven't been to see me? That's unacceptable, Nora. - Well who's fault is that? - What? - Look, baby when does this gonna stop, huh? I miss you. I miss us, Shawn. And yes, your children, they miss you, but they're so used to you not being here until it doesn't phase them anymore. My God, I just, I just want my life back the way it used to be. Look, I love the life that you've given the kids and me, but I love you more and what kind of life is this if I can't enjoy it with the man that I love, huh? - [Taylor] Daddy! - Hey, sweet pea. Oh. - Oh. I missed you. - I missed you too. - Hey, I was very excited about family dinner tonight. We haven't had one in forever. - [Shawn] I know. - Where have you been? - Well um, I got a little caught up at work. - [Taylor] At work, yes, I know, I know. - So tell me, - Yeah. - How does it feel to be a Harvard graduate? - Amazing. - I bet. - Oh, um, I was talking to mom earlier, - Mmhmm. - and I applied for that accounting position at Nelson and Lewis. (sighs) Now let's just pray they call me back. - Oh, they would be fools not to call you back. - Well um, I was kind of hoping that you would come and work for me at TQE Global. What do you think about that? - Um, I think that's very considerate of you to think of me, daddy, but, I don't know, I kinda want to see what all my options are before I settle. - Settle? - Listen, dad, you and mom have been able to give me the best of everything and trust me when I say this, I'm grateful, but I don't know, I kinda wanna see what I'm able to accomplish on my own. - And I am very proud of you, sweetheart. And whatever you choose to do and whatever career you take, your father and I will support you. - Well thank you. Um, daddy, are you okay? - Yes, yes, I'm okay. It's just a little hard to let go. - Oh. - Come here. Sweet pea? - [Nora] Taylor, baby? - Hey. - Are you okay? - Are you all right? - Yeah, I'm fine. My stomach has just been acting up. You know what, it's getting late. I'm just gonna go to bed. - [Nora] Do you need something? - No, no, no, no, I'm fine. I'll just sleep it off. I'm good. - All right. - Okay. - All right. - Good night. - [Taylor] Guys, I'm fine. - Okay. - Good night. Good night. - You have a good night. - Oh hey, T. - Hey, what's up? Whoa, what's wrong with you? - Uh, nothing, my stomach is just hurting. I'm about to go to bed. Are you in for the night? - I don't know. I might head back out in a little while. - Really? It's kinda late. You'll be out on a Monday night. - What's wrong with hanging out on a Monday night? - I mean, do you. (laughs) I'm about to go to bed. - Uh huh. - Good night. - All right. (chuckling) Hey pops. - [Shawn] My boy. (laughing) Or should I say, hold on, hold on, Mr. Harvard. - Oh thank you, Mr. Harvard does sound pretty nice. - [Shawn] I'll bet it does, I'll bet it does. So how are things this semester, son? - [Tristan] Oh it's going pretty good. - [Shawn] Okay. - You know, classes are kicking my butt though. - Right. - I'm hanging in there. - That's my boy, that's my boy. Pretty soon I'm gonna have two Harvard graduates. I couldn't be more proud of you two, man. - All right, pops, enough of the mushy stuff. How's things going down at TQE? - Things couldn't be better, son, we proving to be very profitable this quarter. - Oh, profitable. So maybe you can hook your boy with a couple G's, huh? - (laughing) Oh really? I think I have. Did you forget I was paying for your college education and your meals and your lodging and you can stop me whenever you get ready, son. - You got me, all right? - That's what I thought. Hey man, why don't you stop by the office and maybe we can do lunch. - [Tristan] Oh, that sounds like a plan. - Okay. - Oh, well, I rushed home because I thought we was having a family dinner. - You can talk to your mother about that. - You're over an hour late, Tristan, really? - Well better late than never. - Exactly. - Seriously. - Well anyways, so, well, I'm actually about to go catch up with a couple friends and I'll be back in say, a couple hours. - You're leaving? You just got here. You haven't even eaten, Tristan. Let me fix you something to eat. - [Tristan] Oh no, no, I best be on my way. - Sweetie. - It's all good. Love you. - Love you too. - Good night. - Just be safe. - I'll see you later, son. That boy never keeps still. - [Nora] Hm, I wonder where he gets that from. - Now what was that, huh? Or better yet, why is it that you continue to come against me when it comes to me and my children and their future? You and I both know that Taylor should be working at TQE Global. - Really, Shawn? - [Shawn] Yes, really. - This is Taylor's future and she has every right to freely choose her career and you know that. - No, what I know is that you know absolutely nothing about this business, so I suggest you stay in your lane! - [Nora] My lane? - Yes, your lane! Cooking, cleaning and whatever else you halfway do around here. - Don't you dare insult me like that! - Oh that wasn't an insult, sweetheart. I was just speaking the truth and by the way, who were you texting earlier? - Really? - Yes, really. - Who was I texting? (laughs) You can wine and dine whoever you choose, wherever you choose, - that's right - And you have the audacity to ask me who I'm texting? - See, that's it right there. That's why it's hard to deal with you, Nora. Yeah, I know I messed up, but that was over two years ago. I regret the fact that I hurt you, but when are you gonna get past it? - Get past it! - Yes, get past it! - Really, Shawn? How am I supposed to let it go when everyday you make me feel as if you still are cheating? Look, it's not my fault that you decided to stay here instead of going gallivanting off with your little mistress. - [Shawn] Watch your mouth. - But you have no right to dismiss my insecurities. You've got to make more of an effort. - It's not my fault that you can't see my efforts, Nora! - What efforts? I'm the one who asked you to go to counseling. I am the one who tries to come up with every opportunity for us to get away, Shawn, and you ignore everything that I do. It's obvious, you don't want to be with me. So why are you here, huh? And what does it matter who I'm texting? - Really? - Oh yeah. I get it, you can't imagine me doing to you what you did to me. (laughs) Is that why you're questioning me, Shawn? (sighs) - Try me if you want to. (vomiting) - Oh, hey baby, you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. My stomach is still acting up, so I got some water. - Okay. - Are you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. My hormones got my emotions all over the place and I'm just happy that all my kids are here. You sure you're okay? - No, I'm good. - Okay, well, I'm gonna go to bed. Well, good night. (gentle orchestral music) - [Bryan] Well, the grass may not be greener on the other side, but how are you gonna know unless you go over there and check it out? - Well, this is a nice morning surprise. So, um, what brings you two by? - Well, we just wanted to check in on our beautiful daughter. - Mmhmm. - And to make sure that you and family are doing okay and of course, your great big cup of this special blend coffee you're known for. - Mm, of course. And you guys know how to make your baby girl feel special and you're always checking on us to make sure we're okay and we're fine. Taylor and Tristan are here for the summer. Morgan's at summer camp and she's doing great. - So, how are you and Shawn? - We're okay. - Why just okay? - (sighs) Look, I really don't wanna talk about this right now. - Well, care to talk about Calvin? - No. And I really wish I had not mentioned him to you. - Well you did. - Daddy, nothing happened between us, nothing. He's just a friend that I confided in. Oh my God, he's Shawn's former employee for God's sake. - Emotional affairs are wrong and just as dangerous, Nora, and we want you to be careful. - Don't make the same mistake I made with your mom. - Daddy, do not compare me to you. You had a full blown affair and it nearly destroyed mom and any trust we had in you. - Exactly. And learn from that. I mean, I don't want you to cause your family that same pain. Nora, how do you think it all started, huh? Two innocent people carrying their frustrations on their shoulders, finding comfort in one another, I thought she was the only one who understood me and what I was going through. She validated my concerns, made me feel wanted and needed and before I knew it, everything had spiraled out of control. Listen, I am a blessed man to have your mom keep me around after what I put her through. - Baby, we see the signs and we don't want you to go through the same turmoil that we went through. - But it's not the same. And besides, the three of us know it was Shawn who stepped outside of this marriage, not me. Now I have tried to be the wife that he wants, that he needs me to be, but I, I just don't know what else to do. - We are well aware of what Shawn did, but you two decided to stay in this marriage and work it out and I must say, confiding in Calvin is not the answer. If you truly want your marriage to work, you will fight for it. - Daddy, what do you think I've been doing? - Well keep fighting, sweetie. You two are stronger than this. Do you want your kids to experience the same pain that I caused you? - No, of course not. - Listen, we love you and I can't bear to see you lose everything like I almost did. You pray for direction and I promise you, your prayers will not go unanswered. - I know. I'm just scared. - I know you are, but don't let your fear take away from the strength that resides inside of you. You can handle this. (sighs) - You're right. You're right. Thank you, mama. Thanks daddy. - There's no need to thank us. That's what we're here for. We love you, baby girl. - I love you too. - [Man] Uh Wade, got a package for Shawn Wade. - Leave it here please. - [Man] Just need you to sign this real quick. - All right. - There you go. - And I will be sure to give this to him. - [Man] All right, thank you. - You're welcome, have a good day. - [Man] You too. - Yeah, check it out, this guy knows his business. Okay, TQE is-- - Sorry to keep you gentlemen waiting. Dave, good to see you. - [Dave] Hey Shawn, good to see you. This is my partner, Paul. Paul, this is my good friend, Shawn. - Paul, pleasure to meet you. - Ah, it's good to meet you, Shawn. - Yes, yes. - Your friend, David here, has nothing but great things to say about you and TQE Global. - Appreciate it, brother. - Yeah. - I must admit though, I was a bit leery. - Uh, why is that? - I have a lot of associates I'm accustomed to dealing with and trusting new faces is a bit of a challenge, but David assured me it was a good time to change things up a bit. I certainly trust David, therefore, I trust you. - And I will not let you down. - [Paul] And I'm gonna hold you to that. (laughs) - Hey listen, just like I explained to you the other day, what we're trying to do is open up a new division in our company. We're looking for a great campaign so we can just kick that off. - Well I can assure you, my team and I are more than capable. - Well that's good to hear 'cause this move could certainly give us a strategic advantage in the marketplace. - Especially in this dog eat dog world, right? - Well strategic advantage, welcome to my world. - I like him. Okay, partner. I'm gonna head over to the office. I have a few meetings. - Yep. - Great to meet you, Shawn. - [Shawn] Pleasure to meet you. Look forward to doing business with you. - Likewise. - Uh, my secretary will see you out. - All right. (sighs) - Paul's a great judge of character. I knew once he met you, he'd be sold. - It's 'cause I got the magic, brother. - (laughs) Yeah, well you better put away the smoke and mirrors for this one, all right? You gotta pull through for your boy here. We got a lot riding on this. - No smoke and mirrors, man, what you see is what you get. - Hey, why don't we celebrate? You and Nora come over to the house, I'll have Leslie cook up one of her special dinners. Besides, it's been a while since we've all been together. - I don't think it's a good idea man, it's not a good time. - Why is that? I thought you guys were doing good now, since your incident. - We're not, Dave. - Have you all tried marriage counseling? Look Shawn, as much as I despise talking to a stranger about my problems, it really helped Leslie and I. - I don't know man, I just wanna put the whole incident behind us, but, and I wish Nora would do the same, but she just refuses to let go of our past. I know I made a mistake, Dave, but it's like she makes me relive it every day. - Listen Shawn, if you really wanna get past it, first you need to face it. Then you need to deal with it. I mean, if you think your marriage is worth it, you need to find out what's best for her and what's best for your marriage. You continue to push her away, you're just gonna make it easier for yourself to make that same mistake again. Or worse, she does it to you. That's not worth it, Shawn, trust me. I know. - Your father is wrapping up a meeting right now. Is there anything I can get you while you're waiting? - Yes, you sure can. - (laughing) Not right now, what if somebody walks in and catches us? - I don't care what anyone thinks. I love you. I don't know what the big deal is. - The big deal is, I don't think it's right that I'm involved with my boss' son. Listen, do you remember when I asked your dad uh, for you guys to go to church with me, which would have been the perfect time to tell your parents about us? - Yeah, he agreed, right? - No, I thought he did, but he canceled. Tristan, been doing a lot of thinking and really, I love it here. I see a future here and I don't want to jeopardize that. Plus, you are away at Harvard and I know you have plenty of options available to you and you know what I mean. Besides, I don't want to be involved with something that has no future. - Are you serious? You are my future. You're all I think about. That's why I dropped out of Harvard so I could be near you. - What? Are you crazy? Does your father know about this? Hey there, (mumbles) - Uh, hi Mr. Wade. I did not know. I was just wondering if you knew that Tristan was here, but you know now so I am just gonna go get everything ready for your conference room and if you need anything, just let me know. - Hey, Tristan. How you been? It's been a long time since I've seen you, right? Hey, soon you're gonna be taking over your dad's company with that Harvard degree in the works. - Yeah, we'll see about that. - Hey Shawn, look, thanks again man. I really appreciate it. - Oh anytime. - We'll talk soon. - All right. - Think about what I said. All right. - I will. - Is Selena all right today? She seemed like all over the place. - She does seem a little frazzled. Son, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I just had to finish up a meeting with Dave. Hey, you remember Amber, don't you? - Oh yes, sir. We met before. It's nice seeing you again, Amber. - Good to see you again too. You're growing into a handsome young man, just like your father. (laughing) - Well thank you. Um, Hey pop, I'm gonna make a quick phone call before we head out to lunch. - [Shawn] Okay. - And I'll meet you downstairs in the lobby. - All right, I'll be out in a bit. I'm just gonna wrap up things with Amber, okay? - [Tristan] Okay. - Great job today, Amber. I had the opportunity to read your report. I trusted you to come through with crunching those numbers and you did just that. - You doubted. - (laughs) Of course not, but now I just need you to get with everyone else and prep them on what to expect in tomorrow's meeting. We have to win over this new client. - You got it, boss. - All right. - Is there anything else I can do for you? - Think that's about it. I'm going to head out to lunch with Tristan and I'll be back shortly. If you need me, you can call me. - Is that invitation open any time? - Uh, sure. - [Bryan] Hey boss, I have a quick question. - Yeah, you can run it by Amber. I'm gonna head out to lunch. I'll be back shortly. - All right. You have a good lunch. (sighs) (clears throat) Amber? - Mmhmm. - What are you up to? - What are you talking about? - Don't give me that, I know you and I know that look. - What look, Bryan, you're crazy. - No I'm not and you know it. That look is the look women give me. Must I go on? - Leave me alone, Bryan. - Look, I know I'm the last person that should be giving you this advice, but you don't want to go down this road. Okay, trust me. - So what, now you're the relationship expert, Mr., how would you know the grass is greener if you don't go and check it out for yourself? - Oh give me, give me a break. Okay, that comment never referred to breaking up a family. Mr. Wade is married, okay? He's got a lovely wife and kids. Why would you ever want to come between all that? - I'm not trying to come between anything. I have nothing against his wife and kids, but I can't deny my attraction for him. He's smart, powerful, successful, handsome. What woman wouldn't be attracted to that? - A woman with morals. Amber, look, please let this go. You're playing with fire. - Don't worry about me. I have everything under control and besides, a little flirting never hurt anybody. - Yeah, well we'll see about that. (sighs) - Uh, Taylor, you're gonna have to eat something. You have not eaten all day. - I'm not hungry. I'm fine. - No you're not and I'm gonna call Dr. Monroe. - Oh God, mom! I said I'm okay. Look, there's nothing wrong with me. I just don't feel like eating. Look, I don't need to see Dr. Monroe. I'm fine, okay? So can, can we just, just drop it? Just leave me alone, please. - Okay. Okay, Morgan, would you like to have a snack? - No ma'am, I'm gonna go in the back with Taylor. - Okay baby. (gentle piano music) Hello, Dr. Monroe, please. This is Nora Wade. (knocking on the door) (heels tapping floor) Oh my God. (heels tapping floor) Calvin, what are you doing here? - I had to see you, Nora. - No, no, no, no, no, this is wrong. You know better than this. I told you I would call you. - Look, I know I was taking a risk by coming here, okay, but I had to. I mean, it's been almost two weeks since I've seen you, Nora. - I know, but I'm sorry, you have to go. Both of my girls are here. What if they see you? - Okay, you're right, I'll leave. - [Morgan] Mommy? - Oh, hi baby. - Can I get my snack now? - [Nora] Uh yeah. You remember Mr. Calvin, don't you? - Yes, ma'am, he's daddy's friend, right? - [Nora] Yeah, (laughing nervously) he is. - It's good to see you again, Morgan. - [Morgan] It's good to see you again too. - All right. - [Nora] Here's your snack. Look, take it to your room and eat. - But you said I can't eat in my room. - I know, I know, just for today. I have to walk Mr. Calvin out. Okay? Okay. - That wasn't so bad, now was it? - Look, no. No, you have to go. I can't risk Taylor seeing us together. - And? I've missed you. - You know? This has to stop! - Is that why you've been avoiding me? Huh, you thought if you just ignored me, I would magically disappear? Nora, this is not just a fling for me, all right? I love you and I know that you love me. - No, no. Look, look, I know that we both have said some things and we both made promises, Calvin, but we both know this will not work. I mean, it's like I told you the last time we spoke, I wanna make my marriage work. This is my family. This is my home. I can't abandon my family. I can't and I won't. They need me. - And what about me? Because I need you too. And you need somebody that's gonna cater to your every need and not be emotionally abusive to you. - I have that. - Nora, please stop lying to yourself. I mean, did you forget about what Shawn did? Yeah, he cheated on you. - No, I didn't forget what Shawn did. Look, both of us made some poor decisions, but that doesn't mean that our marriage has to end because of them. Now look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I dragged you into this mess, I am, I shouldn't have, but I'm asking you, please respect my wishes and allow me to mend my marriage before it's too late. Please. - Oh, so that's it. You just use me to get everything you want out of it. - Calvin, please. We were both used and manipulated by Shawn at a very low time in our lives. We, we saw comfort in each other. You are just as much to blame in this as I am. - Yeah, you're right, Nora, I am. And I cannot disagree with that. We were both in a vulnerable state at that time in our lives, but that does not dismiss the fact that I fell for you and I tried not to. Trust me, Nora, I tried to fight it, but I can't and that's because I love you. - Stop. Why are you doing this? - Because you and I both know that Shawn has proven time and time again that this family is not his first priority. He eats, drinks and breaths TQE Global. You think that has changed? - So did you, when you worked there, remember? I get it. You're still upset because Shawn dismissed you from the company, right? - You gotta be kidding me. - That's why you're here, to get back at him, but guess what? It won't work, so you can just go, now. - What do you mean it won't work? Huh, is that another lie you're trying to convince yourself of? Because this right here, this ain't about Shawn, all right? And you keep telling me these lies, trying to convince me, that's what won't work, Nora. I'll leave, okay? Because I love you very much. But this won't be the last time you see me, I promise you that. (crying) (sighs) - Why aren't you returning any of my phone calls? - What are you doing here? - Just answer the question, why have you been avoiding me like this? - I haven't been avoiding you, I've just been really busy. Besides, what you did to me put me in a bad space. You dropped out of Harvard. Why would you do that? Your father is gonna be so disappointed in you and me. What were you thinking? - Just listen, I'm not giving up on college. I just think that maybe I can enroll to Grant University here in the city until I figure things out. And my father, he'll be fine, trust me. - Trust you? How am I supposed to trust you, when you're making stupid decisions like dropping out of school? Tristan, I love spending time with you and-- - And I love spending time with you too. So why don't we do something about it? - What are you talking about? - Why don't we get married? - (laughs) Married? Tristan, what is really going on with you? Are you using me to cover up what's really going on? What are you running from? - I'm not running from anything. Look my parents did it, only why can't we? - I can't. I'm sorry. I'm not ready and neither are you. Besides, Tristan, I know you and I feel like there's more to this story than you're willing to share, but when you're ready, I'm here. - Son, what are you doing here? - Well I just stopped by to see how you was doing, that's all. - Okay. - Sorry for coming unannounced. - No, no worries, no worries. Well you're here, so let me introduce you. I know you've met Amber, but this is Chris and this is Bryan and this the rest of my dream team. Um, this is my son, Tristan, everyone. He attends Harvard and he's doing quite well, I might add. (coughing) Selena, are you okay? - I'm okay, just need to grab some water. - Sure. - [Tristan] Oh please, let me get that for you. - No, I'm good, thank you. - All right, pops, again, sorry to intrude. - No problem. - Uh, catch you later on this evening. - All right. - All right, nice meeting you all. - Nice meeting you. - It was good to see you. - I'll see you later, son. Well everyone, I, I think that presentation went well. I believe we have ourselves a new client. - I think you're right. I mean, they can't pass up a deal as good as that. - I mean, let's hope not. They still have some time to consider our offer. - I'm not worried. I think we nailed this one. - Yes, yes. - Well can we talk more about it over lunch? I'm starving. - That's a great idea, Chris, I'm famished myself. How about we meet down in the lobby in 10 minutes and somebody please, let Selena know that she's welcome to join us. - I will let her know. - Thank you, Bryan. - Um, Mr. Wade, can I talk to you for a moment? - Sure Amber, what's on your mind? Let's go in my-- - Okay. - [Shawn] Office here. - [Amber] Thank you. - It's uh, so what's on your mind, Amber? - I just really wanted to thank you for trusting me with this account. It means a lot to me. - Amber, you are great at what you do. Why wouldn't I give you this account? - I mean, you know how it is, sometimes you just doubt yourself. - Yes, far too well, but don't let fear and doubt get in the way of your dreams and determination. One of my favorite Les Brown quotes is, "Too many of us are not living our dreams "because we're living our fears." Amber, there's a true leader inside of you. You have a bright future ahead of you and you should be proud of yourself. - Yeah, I guess I should be. - Yes, you should. - Well thank you so much, Mr. Wade. I appreciate it a lot. - Sure, Amber, anytime. - Oh um, Mr. Wade, there's one more thing. - Yes? (gentle orchestral music) (muffled conversation) - I'm gonna go, I'm sorry. (gentle orchestral music) - Hey, you're headed the wrong way. Still having lunch with the team, right? - Um, no, I'm gonna have to pass. I'm not feeling well. Um, I'm taking the rest of the day off. - Oh wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Well, I hope you feel better. - Thank you. Let the rest of the team know for me? - Okay, I will. (gentle orchestral music) - Mr. Wade. Mr. Wade. - Yes, yes. - Is everything okay? - Yes, I'm okay. - Are you sure? - Yes, everything is fine. - Okay, 'cause everyone's waiting for you, so-- - Yes, yes. Yes, yes, of course. I'm sorry, Selena. Something came up. Can you please, please let the rest of the team know that I'll be gone for the rest of the afternoon and that we can finish up everything tomorrow. - [Selena] Are you sure you're okay? - Yes, everything is fine. I just um, I just had something that came up and I need to take care-- - Well if you need anything, let me know. - Yes, I can handle it. Thank you. (gentle orchestral music) What are you doing here, Amber? I thought you left with everyone else. - No, I decided to hang back. I just wanted to catch you before I left. I'm gonna take the rest of the day off. - Okay. - I don't know what came over me and I'm so sorry. It just, it never should have happened. - You're right, should have never happened, but, seeing as how it did, (slow dramatic orchestral music) (glove thumps) - Right here. (glove thumps) There you go. Hook. (glove thumps) Right hand. (glove thumps) Hook. (glove thumps) Jab. (glove thumps) - Woo wee! What's up, Tristan? - Good work baby. (slaps glove) I'll see you next time, all right? - Thank you. - Yeah. - Sup, dude? It's been a minute, man. - Yes it has and it's good to see you, brother. - It's good to see you too, brah. - So what's been going on, man? I know the only time you come in here is like when you're about to lose it. - Question is, is what haven't been going on? - Man, didn't you just get into town? What have you screwed up already? - Look man, you remember Selena? - Yeah, I remember Selena, but I thought you two ended that before you went to college. - No actually man, I stayed in touch with her the whole time. I don't know what it is about this girl, man, but she got me all booed up. - Man, you gotta stop that. Really bro? - Seriously, man, she's different. I ain't never met a girl like her before, man. I asked her to marry me. - Marry you? Brother, for real? I know you better than anyone and you are definitely not ready for marriage. What has gotten in to you? - I don't know, man, I don't know. - What did she say? - She said no. - (laughing) At least one of you guys has sense. - Shut up, man. - So you're here going ham because she said no to your proposal? - Yes that and man I, I don't think this college thing is for me. I don't plan on going back. - Man, did you forget who your parents are? Who your dad is? - Look man, I'm tired of living my life for my dad. I'm only going because he want me to go. - So you go tell him it's not for you. - Man Chase, you know me and my family all these years. You know my dad ain't trying to hear that. - What are you gonna do then? - Punch it out 'til I figure it out. - Man, you better hurry up. Crazy. (knocking on door) - Thank you so much, Dr. Monroe for coming by on such short notice. - Oh that's okay. It's been an easy day for me, so it's no problem at all. Besides, the Wade family is one of my favorite clients. - Oh well we appreciate that, we really do. - [Doctor] So, tell me what's going on today. - Honestly, I don't know. I mean, ever since Taylor's gotten home from school, she's complained of stomach pains. Now it could be a virus, but I'm not sure. - Mom, what is Dr. Monroe doing here? - Taylor, where are your manners? - Hi. What is she doing here? - Look, I just wanted to make sure you were okay, all right? - God, listen, I told you I was okay. Why can't you believe me and let it go? God. - May I? - Please. - Taylor, can we talk, just you and me? - I guess. (clicking heels) (Nora sighs) - Hi baby. I didn't expect you home so soon. - Yeah well actually, I just need to talk to you about something. - Okay. - Where's, where's Taylor and Morgan? - Morgan's at Samantha's and um, Taylor's in the back with Dr. Monroe. - [Tristan] Dr. Monroe? - Mmhmm. - Must be serious. - We'll know soon enough. So what do you need to talk to me about? - Look, I'm sorry my mom made you come all the way out here to check on me, but I'm fine. - Your mom wouldn't call me out here if it was nothing. It's okay, Taylor, I'm only here to help. So tell me, what's going on? - Mom, I dropped out of Harvard. - You did what? Boy, have you lost your mind? Your father is going to flip when he finds out. - Mom, I know this. That's why I came to you. - (sighs) Okay Tristan, what made you do this? - Well, I did it because I'm in love. - In love? With whom? - With Selena. - Selena? Selena who? - Selena that works for dad. - Really, Tristan? - Don't judge me. - I'm not here to judge you, only to help you. - I had an abortion. - I see. Are you planning to tell your parents? Taylor, I'm your doctor, but I'm also a parent and as a parent, I would want to know. Now your parents love you and they want what's best for you. Please don't keep this from them, promise me. - I don't know. (crying) This would destroy them. They would never look at me the same. - No one is perfect. We all make mistakes and decisions that we may regret. You're no different than anyone else, but you should not be going through this alone. You need the support of your family. Please, tell me you'll speak with them. - I promise. - Thank you. Now I'd like for you to come into the office to do an exam so we can make sure that everything is okay. - Okay. - All right. (gentle orchestral music) Oh sweetie, it's okay. (crying) - All right, so, how long have you two been in a relationship? - Oh well, we've been dating for a while now and things was going really great, took off pretty fast and I thought moving back home would change a few things if I was close to her, but when I told her I dropped out of Harvard, she pretty much told me I was stupid. - Hm, she was right about that. - Come on, mom. I really like this girl and I know she likes me too, but it's dad who she, she's afraid that, that dad won't approve of our relationship. You know, I know she loves working at TQE and all, but after her graduation, she's hoping to advance within the company and she doesn't want what we have going to ruin her chances. - Okay, I understand that, baby. I get it. You are in love with this girl. You care deeply for her, but sweetheart, dropping out of Harvard was irrational and unwise, okay? Now, if it's meant for the two of you to be together, time and distance will not make a difference. - I don't know if that even matters anymore. - What do you mean? - Told her I wanted to marry her. - You what?! - [Doctor] Is everything okay, Mrs. Wade? - Oh yes, Dr. Monroe, everything is fine. How's Taylor? - Taylor's fine. I scheduled an exam for her just to insure all is well. - An exam? You're sure she's okay? - She's okay, but I'll let her explain the details to you. - Ex, okay, okay, okay. - Well, Mr. Tristan, it's good to see you, sir. I am sure Harvard's treating you well, I suppose? - Yes it is. - You know that is my alma mater. - You mentioned that before. Well things for me have actually been a little interesting. - That's what I love to hear. All right, good people, I will see you later. - [Nora] Okay. - [Doctor] Mrs. Wade, I will be in touch. - Thank you again. I'll walk you to the door. (clicking heels) (Tristan sighs) (door thumps shut) - Marriage, Tristan, really? Marriage. - Mom, it was just-- - Who's getting married? - Tristan! - (laughs) What? Tristan, you're getting married? To who and why wasn't I the first to know? - Because I'm not getting married. - Then, what is mom talking about? - I told Selena that I wanted to marry her. - Dad's Selena? Oh, I like her. What did she say? - Who cares what the girl said? Tristan is not marrying anyone! - But you just said that he was getting married. - Just forget what I said! - Okay, now I'm really confused. - I'm not getting married, at least not anytime soon. What it was is that I told Selena that I wanted to marry her, but she basically said no. - Oh T, I'm sorry. - Sorry for what? That girl had better said no because telling your father that you're getting married and that you dropped out of Harvard would just be too much. Oh. - Tristan, you dropped out of Harvard? Are you crazy? Dad is gonna be so upset! You know how he prides himself on having two kids going to Harvard and graduating. - I know. - So what are you gonna do? - What is he gonna do? I'll tell you what he's gonna do. He's gonna tell his father what he did, that's what he's gonna do. - Tell me what? (gentle orchestral music) Tell me what? - Um, I don't think this concerns me, so I think I'm just gonna go. - No one is leaving until I find out what's going on here. - Dad, you might want to sit down. - Seeing as how you said that, son, I think I'll remain standing. - If you choose to. Um, dad, I've been dating Selena for a while and things are actually going pretty good. So good that I asked her to marry me and-- - [Shawn] And what? - To be closer to her, I, I dropped out of Harvard and enrolled to Grant University. - Excuse me, you did what? Dp you know how much money I'm forking out for your education, Tristan? And then you tell me you dropped out over some girl? - [Tristan] It's not just some girl. - Boy, I don't care who it is! - [Nora] Look, look, look, just calm down, the girl said no, Shawn. (sighs) - Now you listen. Now you listen very closely. Look at me, Tristan. I'm gonna make some phone calls and I can assure you, after this summer, you will be heading back to Harvard. You will graduate and you will get a degree. And if you defy my wishes, you will be cut off from this family. - Shawn, is that necessary? - Come no. - Do I make myself clear? (Nora sighs) I said, do I make myself clear? - [Tristan] Yeah. - Tri, wait. - Tristan, wait. - Baby. Why would you do that? - What do you mean why would I do that? That boy just told us that he dropped out of college over some girl and you question me? Don't you ever question me like that! (Nora screams) - Dad! (crying) - Go ahead, hit me, Shawn! Let your daughter see the real man you are! - Mom, dad, I I had an abortion. - I beg your pardon? You did what? - Taylor, what are you talking about? - I'm sorry, it was a mistake. I was trying to find a way to fix it, but daddy, it was a mistake. It was a mistake. - A mistake? Is that all it is to you is a mistake? - Taylor, why would you have an abortion? - And who was the scum that made you do it? - Nobody made me do it. I decided on my own. - So what made you think that you had to decide something like this before talking to us? - Because I knew how you would respond. I knew that daddy would make me get an abortion so I got one anyway. - So you knew I would make you get an abortion? What does that mean, Taylor, huh? - It means that what your colleagues, business partners and friends think of this family is what's most important to you, not us. - You know what? What you shoulda been doing instead of worrying about what I was thinking or what mattered to me is keeping your legs closed instead of getting pregnant! I thought so highly of you, Taylor. Why would you go and do something stupid like this? - That's enough. That's enough! She made a mistake! A horrible mistake, Shawn! And she knows we're very disappointed, but we've all made mistakes here. None of us are exempt. - I have nothing else to say. (crying) - [Selena] Tristan, are you okay? What's wrong? - [Tristan] I'm just tired of all this. - [Selena] Tired of what? Here, let's sit down on the couch. - I told my dad that I asked you to marry me and that I dropped out of Harvard so that I could be closer to you. Let's just say, that didn't go over very well. Just so tired of living in his shadow. - Oh wow. He's gonna hate me. - Who cares if he hates you? My dad had dictated my every move my whole life. I feel like I can't even think for myself. - Every child feels like that. - No they don't. No they don't. Because of him, my whole family has to live up to other people's expectations. My mom, she hasn't worked in years because he won't allow her to because it proves his ability to take care of his family without the help from my mom. And I always thought that was normal until I actually spoke to my mom and found out that she was miserable. She doesn't even have a life, neither of us do. - So, why can't your mom just talk to your dad about how she feels? - I don't know. Maybe she's scared, maybe, maybe she feel like it's been so many years that what's the point? All I know, is that I can't keep living my life like this. I can't keep living this perfect little bubble that he's created for us. I just can't. - So is this why you left Harvard? - Yeah, absolutely. - And is this also the reason why you asked me to marry you? - Look Selena, I really do love you and the other day, I acted a little irrational. You're right, neither one of us is ready for marriage and my quest to go against my dad's wishes, I just acted on anything that came to mind. I'm sorry I brought you into this. - You should be. I know I said no, but you had no right to play with my emotions like that. Tristan, what if I had said yes? Then what? - I don't know, babe. I really didn't think that far, I'm sorry. - So what are you gonna do now? - (sighs) Honestly, I don't know. - Listen, I know you are upset, but you need to talk to your dad. You need to tell him how you truly feel. Tristan, life is too short to harbor hateful feelings. (sighs) - It is not that easy with my dad. I don't know the man that you know, but the man that I know, he only allows you to listen, not speak. - I know. You've got to try. Promise me you're gonna try? - (sighs) I don't know. - Please, come on. - All right. - Thank you. Can you pray with me? - What? - You heard me, can you pray with me? I believe that God can and he wants to heal your relationship with your dad. So I want you to join me in prayer so we can make this request in to God. - All right. - Dear God, (gentle orchestral music) (elevator bell rings) (doors hum) (crying) (gentle orchestral music) (sniffs) (crying) (laughing) - Someone's pretty chipper today. - I guess. - So tell me, who's the lucky guy? - What makes you think it's about a guy? - It's always about a guy. - Okay, you're right, it is. (laughs) Well, for starters, he's tall, handsome-- - Really? Where'd you guys meet? - We've actually known each other for a while. We work together. - Oh, so this is an office romance. - We're getting to know each other better. He's going through a lot right now and I'm helping him through it, but he does have a few loose ends to tie up, so you know how that goes. - So, he's married and you're the mistress? - Excuse me? - That's the only logical reason for tying up lose ends. - It's not like that, trust me. - (sighs) Amber, don't get caught up in a scandal like this. You're better than this. Listen, know that your happiness shouldn't have to come by way of ruining someone else's. Think about it. (clicking heels) - Hey baby. - Hey ma. Listen, I really am very sorry. - (sighs) I know you are, baby. I know you are and it's gonna be very difficult to get past this, but I promise you, we will get past it. Okay? - Okay. - All right. - But what about daddy? - Don't you worry about your daddy. He'll be all right. (clicking heels) - Is everything ready, Nora? - Um, daddy, I really think we should talk before everyone gets here. - Absolutely not. - But daddy, I really think we should have-- - Taylor, mm mm. We'll do this later, okay? - Oh mom. - Later, please. (Taylor sighs) (knocking on door) - Taylor, don't embarrass me. (clicking heels) (Nora exhales) (people chattering) (heels clicking) Welcome, welcome. - [Nora] Please, come in. - [Shawn] Come on in, guys, come on in. - [Amber] Yes, we have been talking about this for quite a while now. - I just have to say, you have an absolutely lovely home. - Nora, did I tell you that Bryan here is a beast on the golf course? - Um, yes, you did tell me that once before, honey. Um, can I get anyone anything to drink? - Please. - Yes. - Thank you, Nora, thank you. Uh Taylor, I'm not sure if you've met everybody, but that's Amber, this is Bryan and this is Chris. They are the backbone of TQE Global. - Well that's great. Well we're very happy to have you guys here. - Taylor, maybe you can talk to Amber about our experiences at TQE. Did I tell you all that Taylor will be joining the team soon? - No, you did not mention that. - Well that's great to see you follow in your father's footsteps and it'll be great to have you aboard, Taylor. - Yeah, that's great. Daddy, I thought we were-- - Taylor, why don't you go and help your mother? Thank you. - Yes, sir. - [Nora] Come on, baby. (clicking heels) - Why don't you have a seat, Bryan. (clicking heels) - I can't stop thinking about you, about us. - Well, I can only imagine, but you do know nothing will come of this, right? Amber, we were just having a little fun. You are my financial analyst and that's all you'll ever be, but I'm sure you already knew that, right? Right. - Excuse me. (laughs awkwardly) (clears throat) Where is your restroom? - Uh, it's down the hall to the right. - Thank you. - Are you okay? - She'll be fine. - Um, Shawn, what's going on with Amber? Did you do something to her? Is there something going on between the two of you? - I'm sure everyone is famished. Nora, is dinner ready yet? - Uh yes. Um, dinner is ready and I'm sure you will enjoy it, but first, I just wanna say thank you for coming out this evening. Um, Shawn and I have been planning-- - Taylor, please. - Planning this dinner for a while now. We just wanna show you our appreciation. We know that you guys have done a fabulous thing for TQE Global and had it not been for such a dynamic team as you, the company would not be where it is today, so with that said, again, thank you. - Very well said, darling and on that note, I would like to propose a toast to our new client. - Uh, Mr. Wade, are you saying that we got the contract? - Not yet, but I have high hopes. - Well, that's good enough for me. - Hey, to high hopes. - To high hopes. (knocking at the door) Taylor, would you get that please? - [Taylor] Yes, sir. - Thank you. (heels clicking) - Hey Tristan, hey Selena. - What's up, sis? - Um, hey, um, you guys come in. Wait, does dad know you two are here together? And where have you been staying? - I've been at Che's house. And no, I didn't tell dad. We don't need to check to show up to a party together. - Tristan? Hi, baby. Oh, I'm so glad to see you. I didn't think you were coming. - [Tristan] Of course I'm coming, ma. - Selena, welcome. - Thank you. - [Nora] Please, come this way. (heels clicking) - Well, well, well, look who we have here. My son and his date, I presume? - Hi dad. - Hey Mr. Wade. - I must say, I'm surprised to see you two here tonight. - Yeah, well, we're here. - I see. Selena has Tristan told you that after his summer break, that he will be continuing his education at Harvard? - No, sir, he didn't. - No, I didn't because I don't plan on going back. - Oh, but you will. Or you can kiss your trust fund goodbye, son. - [Nora] Really? - So, Selena, I had no idea that you and Tristan were an item. Well I'm saying, they came together and like, I can ask. - Yes, we're dating. We've been dating for a while. - Oh, well, I'm usually really good at detecting these sort of things, but congratulations. - Really, it's not a big deal. - So Amber, how are you these days? I'm sure Shawn has been working you around the clock. - (clears throat) um, yeah things have been interesting in the office lately. We've uh, been working on a big project recently, so that's where our time has been. - Hm, I'm sure. - And soon we'll be having Taylor to join the team at TQE Global. - When did this happen? Taylor I thought you wanted to work for Nelson and Lewis. - I did, but dad didn't think it was a great idea. - Oh, I guess no one can have an opinion, nor a dream, unless they run it by dad first. - Tristan, that's enough. - No, no, no, Nora. Let the boy speak. What else do you think, son? - Oh, what I think? I think you should let mom go back to work. She has so much potential and so many dreams, but she's stuck here tending to your needs and not her own. - Tristan, I'm fine, honey. We have guests. - Yes, we do have guests and our guests should know that we're not perfect. We don't have it all together. I am so tired of impressing people and you should be tired of it too, ma. I only went to Harvard because dad wanted me to because it would look good for our whole family. I never had a choice. - Your dad did what was best for you. We both did. You know that. (knocking at the door) - I think I'll get that. (knocking) Calvin, what are you doing at my house? - Trust me, I'm not here to see you. - (laughing) This should be interesting. (door thumps shut) - Nora, please, don't act like you don't know what's going on. You know exactly what I'm doing here. - What is he talking about, Nora? Listen, Calvin, as you can see, we're in the middle of a company gathering. Last I checked, you're no longer part of this team. Now I know this may be hard for you to comprehend, but uh, but your services are no longer needed. Now believe me when I tell you, I feel awful that it had to come to this-- - Shawn, keep your sass speech to yourself and come down off your high horse. - S'cuse me? - Now if you must know? I'm doing very well. As a matter of fact, I'm the new vice president of Sable Security. (laughing) Yeah and we have a couple of great deals on the table. Come to think about it, one of those deals is that of TQE Global. (laughs) Look at that. Table turned rather quickly, wouldn't you say so, Shawn? Check this out, you fired me on some false accusations and now I have you in the palm of my hands. - Listen here, Calvin, if you're here to tell me that we didn't get the contract, well I can live with that. I got plenty more deals oh the pipeline, brother. - Oh, that's so good to hear because you're going to need them. But no, that is not why I'm here. - [Shawn] Nora, what is he talking about? - Well we all know how well you can easily put the people you claim you love on the back burner, especially your family. - [Shawn] And? - Don't you remember? I had to do all of your dirty work. Calling Nora and let her know you wouldn't make dinner, the family vacations, anniversary celebrations. So let's just say, that gave Nora and I an opportunity to get to know each other a little better. - Calvin, Calvin, please. - [Calvin] No Nora. - Please. - I love you. It's time for Shawn here to know the truth. So what are you telling me, that you slept with my wife? - No, no, no, no, no, no no, we never slept together. We never slept together, honey. - But I am in love with-- (Nora shrieks) - (grunting) Get off of me. Don't you touch me! Don't you ever touch me again! So you're telling me you're in love with this piece of trash, huh? - No, no, no, no! And I told him that, Shawn. I told him. Look, I made a mistake, a mistake even just confiding in him and I'm sorry, please! - I don't know if I can handle this! This is too much, Nora. First my son drops out of Harvard, then my daughter has an abortion and then my wife, you! - I know, I know-- - You're having an affair? - It's a lot, I know! I know, but look, look, please just talk. I'm willing to fight. I'm willing to fight for my family, for my marriage, please. - Really? - Yes. - Even if I almost slept with Amber? Huh? - You did what? - See Nora, I told you, nothing has changed. Why are you still choosing him? - Get out! Get out and I mean get out now! You get out before they carry you out. (gentle orchestral music) - [Bryan] Calvin, Cal, we gotta go, we gotta go, come on. Let's go, man. - How could you, him, of all people? - I'm so sorry. - I gotta get outta here. - No, no, no, no, no no no no, wait! Don't go, please don't leave me! Please, we can talk about this! (sobbing) (gentle orchestral music) - Dad, dad, get up. It's morning. - It's morning already? - [Tristan] Yeah, you've been here all night. - What are you doing here, Tristan? - I'm here for you. Ma's been worried sick. So I volunteered to come look for you. - Well as you can see, I'm well, so you can leave now. - I'm not leaving until we talk. - Talk, talk about what, son, huh? How horrible of a father and a husband I've been to you all? - Dad listen, it's not-- - No, you listen. You were right. I have ruled and dictated all your lives. It all started off with the right intent. I just wanted what was best for you all. But then somewhere down the line, my company became successful and I allowed pride and control to take over. You all mean so much to me and now-- - And now we can start over. - I don't know, son. There's been too much damage. And I don't know if I can fix all of this. - It's not just up to you to fix it. It's up to all of us. When I was talking to Selena the other day, know what she did? - No son, what did she do? - She grabbed me by the hands and asked me to join her in prayer. - Prayer? - Yeah. I don't know the last time I prayed, but when we finished, I felt lifted and reassured. Dad, we can get through this. I know we can. We just have to believe that God can fix it. - You sound just like my grandfather. He used to say the same thing to me when I was young. God can fix it. - Well look at that, life has a way of bringing us full circle. - Well I guess it does. - So you ready to go home? - I must admit, I'm scared, son. - But I'm here. You don't have to be alone. - You're a good son, Tristan, but you still gonna pay me back all that money you owe for tuition. - Come on, pops, let's go. (gentle orchestral music) - I love you son. - [Tristan] I love you too, dad. - Let's go home. (gentle orchestral music) - [Nora] Hey you two. - Hey. - Hey mommy. Mommy? - Yeah baby. - [Morgan] When is daddy coming home? - I don't know, baby, but when he gets here, I'll let you know, okay? Give me a moment so I can talk to Taylor. - Yes, ma'am. - So, how are you feeling? - Honestly, I, (chuckles) I don't know what to feel or how to feel. So much has happened. What has become of our family? There's been betrayal, disappointment, why do we keep doing this to ourselves? - I don't know. (sighs) this is so embarrassing and I feel so horrible. All I wanted to do was make your father happy and for years, I succeeded. But somewhere along the line, nothing, nothing I did made him happy anymore. Your father and I both made some horrible decisions in this marriage, but I love him. I love him so much and I'm gonna fight for our marriage and I will fight for this family. - Look what I found. - [Taylor] Daddy. - [Nora] Shawn. (crying) - Hey sweet pea. (gentle orchestral music) I just wanna say that I love you all and I'm sorry. I know it's gonna take a lot of work and counseling, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to restore our family. Children, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to your mother alone. - Sure. (gentle orchestral music) - Look, I don't even know where to start. I guess I'll start by saying that, that I'm sorry, that I love you. Look, I know that I've been doing a horrible job of showing it to you, but I love you over anything. What I'm about to share with you is not an excuse for my behavior. Well last night, I was trying to wrap my head around everything and I went back to my childhood. Nora, I was the poor kid. I was raised by my grandparents and they were amazing, but I always said that when I grow older that I will create a better lifestyle for myself and after a while, it happened. I believe that, that I got a taste of money and success and I loved it so much, before I knew it, it got the best of me. My grandmother would say that money wasn't evil, but that the love of money was the root of all evil and I stand her today a witness. I loved the control and the attention I got from my colleagues and before you knew it, those things mattered more to me. Look, as much as it hurts to say it, I understand why my behavior drove you to Calvin. - I hate this. All of this. But maybe it had to happen just to bring us to this moment right here. - And I agree with you. - So, what's going on with you and Amber? And why why would you bring her to our home and parade her around me like that? Why? - Nora, I'm sorry. Nothing happened, okay? I liked the attention. That's it. She was vulnerable and I took advantage of her. - Don't you lie to me. Did you two did you two (crying) - No, no, no, no, nothing happened. Look, I did go over to her place, the day we had the big blowup here at the house. (sighs) All right. We came close, but nothing happened. Nora, baby, you gotta believe me. I'm I'm sorry. - This is too much. This is too much. Why do we keep doing this to each other? - I don't know, but I do not wanna lose you. - We have both made some horrible mistakes. - [Shawn] I know. - And it's gonna take some time to get past this and to completely heal. - I agree and I will contact Dave about his marriage counselor. - Um, Dave and Leslie have problems? - Yeah. But now they're better than ever. - Wow. They seem to always have it together. - I think we've all mastered that. - Yeah, you're right. - You know um, we would often laugh at Selena about her religious comments, but deep down inside, I agreed with her and I admired her boldness. She's rubbed off on Tristan. When he came to the office, he told me that she prayed with him. - Wow. - And that encouraged him and that encouraged me. - She prayed. - Yeah. - Wow, we, we used to pray like that all the time when we first got married. - Yeah, we did and I think it's time we get back to that. Dear god, we thank you right now for this moment that you have given to us, to say thank you. Despite all of our shortcomings and our wrongdoings, you are still loving and covering us. We are sorry. Please forgive us. Dear God, (gentle orchestral music) please help us to be the strong family that you've called for us to be. Please help us to love one another unconditionally, the way you love us. We want to walk the walk that you want us to go. Please heal our hearts and give us the strength to go on. In Jesus' name, amen. (gentle orchestral music) (clicking heels) - [Bryan] Hey. - Hey. - [Chris] Hey. - There you go. - Oh, thank you guys so much for bringing me my stuff. I really appreciate it. - Yes, no problem. - So, how have you been? - Um, I'm still in disbelief, you know, I'm really disappointed in myself. I can't believe I let things go this far. Started as a simple crush, but once it took off, it took off. (laughs) - Well, from that party, we can all see that their life isn't as glamorous as we thought. - Yeah, you were right, Chris, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. I just had to learn the hard way. - Now, now, don't go giving Chris here all the credit. I mean, I called it too, right? - Oh shut up, Bryan. (chuckling) - So what are your plans now? - Well first I have to find myself a new job. - Well I'm gonna be able to help with that. See, I have a friend of mine and he's owner of a company and he's looking for a financial analyst. I could put in a good word for you if you like. - Thank you so much. - Of course. - I can't believe you guys are still willing to talk to me and help me. - Judge not lest you be judged. Listen, none of us are perfect and we all have our issues, it's just that ours aren't on display for all to see. (laughing) - Okay, well I'm about to get some coffee, do you guys want anything? - Oh, we actually have a team meeting to get back to. - Oh. - Yeah, I'm sorry. - Okay, no that's fine, yeah. - But we'll see you later, right? - Yeah, for sure. - Okay, take care. - Thanks again. (clicking heels) - [Woman] Well what would it be today? - The usual. - Of course, one tall caramel macchiato coming right up. - Could you make that two and it's on me, that is if, she doesn't mind. - Well Amber, do you mind? - Are you married? - (laughs) No, I'm not married. - Then no, I don't mind. Thank you. - It's my pleasure. - [Amber] Uh Amber, my name is Amber and yours? - Brenton. My friends call me Brent. - Well, nice to meet you, Brent. - Nice to meet you, Amber. You mind if I join you? - No, guess not. - The progress you two have made in the past two months is something to be proud of. - Thank you, doc. - Yeah. - With everything you've faced, you could have taken a different route, but you chose to take a stand against divorce and make your marriage work. I commend you for that. Anyway, how are you two feeling today? Nora, let's start with you. - Well, um, I'm feeling grateful. I'm grateful that our love is blossoming, you know? - Yes. - Kind of reminds me of when we first met. (laughs) We couldn't get enough of each other. (laughing) That's still good. Um, I'm also very grateful for our time here. - Yes. - Um, here we learned that um, communication is key and that we can't survive off our silence. - [Therapist] How true. - Now some days, you know, um, we find ourselves, it feels like we're moving backwards because of the pain we caused each other in the past, but we push through, we push each other through and we look for the good in each other instead of the negative. - [Therapist] That's important. - Um-- - Yeah. - It's harder than it seems, but we are getting better, much better. And most importantly, I am um, I am grateful that I have my husband by my side. - I want you to look at Shawn and tell him that. (sighs) - Shawn, I am very grateful to have you by my side. I love you. - And I love you too. - Shawn, how do you feel? - (sighs) Well doc, I'm, I'm blessed. We know a lot of couples who have been in similar situations, but their outcome was very different. - Yeah. - God has blessed my marriage and I, I am grateful. You know, like Nora mentioned earlier, sometimes the pain of our past, it's unbearable, but we always, we always push through. - Yeah. - [Therapist] That's what's important. - I uh, I am learning to listen to her unspoken language and sometimes I still get it wrong, but at least now, I'm aware. I have become more thoughtful and more caring about her needs and her wants. And uh, it is positively impacted our children. - Yeah, it is. (laughing) - You know, they used to, they used to only communicate with Nora, rightfully so. She's they're mother, but now they, they feel safe enough to communicate with me and that makes me the proudest dad. - That's great. How are Tristan and Taylor? - Well, (sighs) after really talking to Tristan, you know, we've, we've come to a compromise. He has decided to take the semester off 'til he determines what it is he really wants to do. He's still seeing Selena. - Yes. - But she's a really good fit for him. Taylor was offered a position from Nelson and Lewis and-- (sighs) - [Therapist] (laughs) I know that's a sore spot. - Doc, you know that's my baby. We've talked. As tough as it is, because I want what's best for her, we want our children to be happy. - Mmhmm. - So to answer your question, she is doing extremely well. - That's fabulous. I wanna know how you two are both dealing with Taylor's situation. - Well um, it's been really hard for us, but um, it's been the most difficult for Taylor, so much so that we've, we've had to find a therapist for her. Um, she's taking it day by day and we're very proud of her. - Yeah-- - Yeah. - We are very proud of her you know, and it's just been tough as a family, but we are getting better. - We are. - Well that's good. I have to tell you both how proud I am of you again and I'm excited for your future. Although this is our last session, I would like for you to check in once a month, just as precaution, but please, feel free to reach out at any time. - Thank you. - [Therapist] I'm here. - Thank you, doctor, we appreciate you. - Amen, God bless you both and your family. - Bless you too, doctor. Amen. (gentle orchestral music) - [Taylor] The saying, "A family that prays together "stays together", holds true. Our family hasn't experienced this much love and unity in years. We've really been enjoying spending time together. We've even set aside having game night once a week where dad continues his losing streak at every game. My parents, I am so proud of them. The counseling they've completed helped them tremendously. Some days I find that they have snuck away just to have private time of their own. Seeing this gives us all such security. Daddy even took Morgan on that father, daughter date and Morgan was so happy. And Amber, well, she apologized to my mom and moved on with her life and the last I heard, she learned a great deal from her mistakes and is now in a better place. And as for me, (sighs) I've been taking it day by day. I often regret the decision I made, but I know that God has forgiven me and that it's okay to forgive myself. I realize that we all had to endure these hardships in order to be where God would have us to be and that's on a closer walk with him. I can now say that I am grateful for all the trials and tribulations we faced because now, we can say that our faith is stronger than it has ever been and that the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Sometimes all it takes is a little care and attention to your own grass that helps you find and appreciate the beauty that lies beneath. (gentle orchestral music) (cheerful electronic music) ♪ Simply amazing, that's who you are ♪ Some kind of crazy ♪ You make me laugh so hard ♪ You got me faded ♪ I can't let you go ♪ This love is blazing ♪ And I want the world to know ♪ It's simple like one, two, three, baby you and me ♪ We gonna take our time, girl let's do it right ♪ Come on and take my hand ♪ I'll be your man, the light ♪ Let down and bring love, love, love ♪ It's just the two of us, oh us ♪ Nobody can judge our love ♪ We celebrate love, love, love ♪ Love, it's just the two of us ♪ Our hearts are beating ♪ And we're still in love ♪ And every season, baby you fill my cup ♪ I'm never leaving ♪ I can't get enough ♪ And I can't believe it ♪ Pinch me so I wake up ♪ Oh baby ♪ It's simple like one, two, three ♪ Baby you and me, we're gonna take our time ♪ Girl let's do it right, come on and take my hand ♪ I'll be your man, the light ♪ Let down and bring love, love, love ♪ It's just the two of us, us, us ♪ Nobody can take judge our love ♪ We'll celebrate love, love, love ♪ Love, it's just the two of us ♪ Our love will last through any weather ♪ We've stood the test of time ♪ Embrace the changes together, just you (music fades)
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Length: 115min 9sec (6909 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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