"Dangerous Obsession" - A Chance Encounter Turned Obsession - Full, Free Maverick Movie

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(slow piano music) (footsteps clocking) (plastic crinkles) (heavy breathing) - Oh God. (keys rustling) (woman screams) (slaps cracking) (woman screams) (melancholy music of intrigue) (smooth upbeat music) (crowd chatters) - We leave tomorrow night. Yeah. (wine glass clinking) - Okay, okay, okay, settle down, settle down. First of all, I want to thank you guys for coming out. I am the best man, Lee Sumner. - And I am Anita Ferrell, the maid of honor. On behalf of both Neil and Brandi, we want to welcome you to this, their wedding rehearsal dinner. - We would like to thank you guys for coming out and celebrating this very joyous occasion, and I know that each of you are here to wish them the very best of luck. - Now I've known these two since college, and have watched their relationship grow into what is today one of love and commitment. - So without further ado, I will like you to join me, or should I say join us, in welcoming the future Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Brandi. Give it y'all. (audience claps) - Wow, first I'll like to thank you all for coming out this evening. I knew when I first met Brandi that God had destined us to be man and wife, and this is truly a very special day for me and once again I just wanna thank all of you for coming out and for sharing it with us. You wanna say something? (audience claps) - Hi, where do I begin? Wow, so much has happened leading up to this day. Each one of you has supported us, come out tonight to be with us, and I just want to say, I can't do this, I'm sorry. (audience gasps in disbelief) - Brandi. - Folks. - [Neil] You keep telling me you need this but I want you to know how much I need you. They're just not the same. - Neil, I just need some space. We've been together since we graduated college. - [Neil] So what's wrong with that? - Everything. I mean, I just need some time. Lately, I just been feeling like there's something missing. You understand, don't you? - [Neil] Now you want to talk about these things after the fact? I hope you got a good reason for all of these. - I do. - [Neil] Ehmm, all right. - Look, it's five and Anita's about to leave me. We'll talk another time, okay? - [Neil] I'll meet you at seven. I really hope you'll tell me what this is about. - I will. - [Neil] I love you. - Neil, bye. - Girl, why do you always get into some soap opera phone call at quitting time? - I'm sorry, that was Neil. - Oooh, I see. - [Woman in Black] See what? - Everything. - Stop. - [Woman in Black] Who are we talking about? - We, Neil. - Mr. construction worker, your man? - He's not my man anymore. - You wouldn't know, as it's much as he still calls you. - Wait, that man wants to marry you, has a good job, and yet at home he's living with his mama. Do you know how many women wish they had that? - Well Toni, if you like him so much, why don't you date him? - What's his number? - Brandi, Neil is in love with you. - I'm just not sure if I'm in love with him anymore. Hi. - Hi. - I'm surprised you came after what happened. - Yeah. - I brought you here to tell you why I did what I did. - What did you do? - Neil, you know what I did. - I don't, let's see. Was it when you-told-me-that-you-love-me Friday? Or wait a minute, maybe it was at dinner when you stood beside me and whilst we rambled on about how God brought us together so we can be married? Oh wait, maybe it was when you stood in front of my family and friends, and canceled our wedding. Which one was it Brandi? - All right, it was all of them. Neil, since college, I looked forward to the day we were gonna be together, be married. For the past five years, all I've dreamed about was us having a house, a family, and spending my life with you. - So what changed? Was it me? - No. - Is there somebody else? - No, no, there is no one else. - Then what's the problem? - Me, I'm scared. - Scared of what? - I don't know, I just might not be ready to get married. It's only things I haven't done, places I've never been. - People you haven't seen? - I don't know, maybe. - So I guess the real question is not about you getting married. It's about you getting married to me. - That's not what I said. - I'm trying to understand you, Brandi. - I just feel that marriage is for a lifetime. I just want to be sure. - You know, a week ago, we called this garden, our place. Guess not anymore. (knocks) - [Brandi] Yeah. - Hey girl. - Hey. - You got a minute? - Yeah. - Look, I wanted to apologize for today. - Today? - Yeah, for giving you such a hard time about Neil. - Girl, don't even let that bother you. - Well no, I thought about what you said. About whether or not you're still in love with him. - Yeah. - And I guess I just never thought about that before. - Well, I've been with him for five years. Lately, I've just been feeling like there's something missing. - No, all you're missing is a lot of drama. There I go again. - Girl, don't worry about it. - No hard feelings? - None. - Good, well since we've taken care of that, I have a confession. - Okay. - Remember when you asked me how I met Lee? - Yeah. - Well it wasn't exactly a party like I told you. I met Lee on Partyline. - On Partyline? You mean one of those 1-900 numbers? - No, it's not like that. Okay, here's how it works. You call this number and you hear this guy. - Was he have a sexy voice? - Well, yes but he's just a recording. That's not the point. - I'm just teasing. - Well he directs you to this menu, and from the menu you can choose to speak with a group of people or listen to other callers' greetings. - Greetings. - Yeah, kinda like a dating service. Everyone tells why they're online. - I don't get it. - Pass me your phone. I'll show you what I mean. - No way, I don't want any of those perverts calling my phone. - Well they don't get your number, and you learn to ignore the perverts. - [Partyline] Welcome to the Partyline. You must be 18 years or older to use this service. If you're under 18, please hang up now. - So this is really how you met Lee. - Look, I'm showing you this for your own good. - My own good? - [Partyline] Press one to go to the party. Press two to go one-on-one. You're one-on-one. Three rules, never give out your name, never give out your phone number, and have fun. (phone beeps) - Oh, you have to make up a name. - Make up a name? - [Partyline] At the tone, say your name. (phone beeps) - This is Chardonnay and Cristal. - Cristal? (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Now, tell us why you're here. (phone beeps) - We're looking for guys to speak with. Leave a message. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] If you're satisfied with your greeting, press two. (phone button beeps) - I can't believe I'm doing this. - Shh, just listen. - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Hello, this is Calvin. I'm a 28-year-old male, and I'd like-- (phone button beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] What's up, looking for the party girls. To them freaky ladies-- - Like I said, perverts. - Look, you've been trying to find a way to meet people right? - [Brandi] But not on a Partyline. - Look, I know it sounds crazy but it really works. Okay, look at the good side. You can call anytime you want, stay anonymous, and it's free. - Anita, I don't know about this. This is really how you met Lee? - Yes ma'am. - You are such a freak. - That's okay, Lee likes it. - Uh, I don't want to hear anymore. - Well hear this, the number is in your phone. Don't knock it 'till you try it. Good night, Cristal. - Good night. (pillow thuds) (melancholy music) Yes, I'm getting married. - [Anita] We want to welcome you to the wedding rehearsal. (crowd claps) - [Neil] God wants us to be man and wife. - [Brandi] I can't do this, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Brandi, Brandi, Brandi. (slow music) (phone dial beeps) - [Partyline] Welcome to the Partyline. You must be 18 years or older to use this service. If you're under 18, please hang up now. Press one to go to the party. Press two to go one-on-one. (phone beeps) - You're one-on-one. Three rules, never give out your name, never give out your phone number, and have fun. At the tone, say your name. (phone beeps) - Cristal. - [Partyline] Now, tell us why you're here. (phone beeps) - I couldn't sleep, was just looking for conversation. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] If you're satisfied with your greeting, press two. (phone beeps) Next. - [Partyline Guy] What's up, this is Calvin. 28-year-old male, looking to talk to all those sexy ladies out there. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] This is Domino. Looking for those hot, hot girls, those freaky ladies, those-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Hola chicas, this is Enrique calling from the south side. Looking for those mamacitas who wants to let-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Good morning, this is Dre. I just got on from a long night at work, and I was wondering if there's any intelligent, sophisticated, classy African American women online tonight, who's just looking for a nice conversation. - [Partyline] Press one to connect. Press two to send a message. Press three to repeat. Press four to move on or press five to block. (phone beeps) - Hi this is Cristal. I heard your message and was wondering if I can find out more about you. If you can, please send a message back. - [Partyline] Your message has been sent. The caller has 12 messages waiting. - Oh, it figures. - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Yo sweetie, you sound hot. Why don't you connect with me one-on-one and I could put you to sleep that-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Yo, this is Magic, coming at you from the west side. I'm looking for that dear brother who wants to come over and wax the gang. Maybe drinks-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Man, I swear man. Listen, if you're fat, man, if you ain't got no teeth. Man, if you got body odor, man don't be trying to connect with me man. Don't be pushing that-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Hello Cristal, this is Dre. ♪ Check out the bob, yeah - [Partyline Guy] I got your message. I'll love to speak with you. If you're free, press one to connect. - You can find nobody if you do on the manners, then we'll follow on, not at the door. - [Partyline] You are now being connected. - [Dre] Hello. - Hi Dre. - [Dre] Hello Cristal, how are you? - I'm fine and you? - Oh, you don't even want to know. I am tired, I had a long day at work. Oh man, but I must say your greeting was a breath of fresh air. - Really? - Yeah, I mean, normally all I hear messages from hoochies and from young women out here that have nothing going on. I've never heard you on the line before. - Well, I'm new at this. My roommate Anita introduced me to it this evening. - So you're blaming your roommate already, huh? - No, no, I'm not like that. - I know, I know, I know, I was just teasing you. So tell me what's got you up at this ungodly hour anyway. - I don't know, I couldn't sleep. - [Dre] Sounds like someone's got something on their mind. - Hmmm, not really. - Oh come on now, you said you wanted to talk remember? - I did, didn't I? - [Dre] Yes, you did. - Okay, let's see. Ah yes, I'm feeling the after effects of a breakup. - Go on. - Well, I was seeing a guy for about five years. We were engaged, and I recently broke up with him. - Was he treating you badly? - No, that's it, he loves me. - Wait a minute, so what happened? - I don't know, I just felt like we need to put some space in between us. Now I'm here. - Well, I can tell you one thing, I can relate to that. - What about you? Why do you call the Partyline? - To be honest, I don't know. At one time, I hope to find someone special. - [Brandi] Emm hmm. - No, no, wait really. You see, in my profession, I work all types of crazy hours and days, and it's very difficult to maintain a relationship with someone who doesn't understand that. - Aw, so what do you do? - I'm a doctor. - A doctor. - It's something I wanted to be since I was a kid. - Oh really? Why is that? - Well, my mother was a very attractive woman and my father, let's just say he was the jealous type. And he would hit my mother and other times, he would just say horrible things to her. - I'm sorry to hear that. - One day they had this huge fight, and when he left, I can see how he had taken a knife and cut her across her face. I wished, I mean I just wished I could do something to help her, you know, just take the banging away. So when I got older, I wanted to help people, you know, like my mother. Look I'm sorry, I guess I just got a little caught up in on that. - It sounds noble but I'm sure your mother wants you to be happy, and find someone to share your life with. - (chuckles) Yeah, she would. Look, I've met a few people here and there but never love connection. So I just call to pass the time these days. - I don't think I can ever be that blatant to meet someone. - You know what, if you call this Partyline long enough, you'll be amazed at what you might do. - Brandi. (phone rings) Brandi. - Oh my God, don't do that. - Girl, what is up with you? You have been dozing off all day. You're not on the pipe are you? - Stop it. I woke up late last night, and I couldn't sleep so I called that Partyline. - What, you called? - Shhh, I don't want anyone to know. - I won't say anything. So who did you talk to? - What made you think I talked to someone? - It is obvious, you have been up to the crack of dawn talking to someone. - Well, his name is Dre. He's 28, he lives up north and he's a doctor. - Girl, in Partyline talk, that means his name is probably Ralph, he lives at home with his mama, rides the bus, and works at a fast food restaurant. - Anita. - I'm serious, they are really that good, sweetie. Trust me. - Okay. He has this great sexy voice. - Okay, tell me more. - Well, there isn't much more to tell. We're gonna talk again tonight. - Really? - Yes. - Brandi, I don't want you to get your hopes up too high. Like I said, they're really that good. - Don't worry, it's not like I'm in love or anything. - Good, oh, and one other thing I forgot to tell you. Never give out your real name or phone number. - Why not? - Trust me. - But you met Lee. - Yes that's true. Just get a better feel for the line, and the people that are out there. - Okay. - Okay, it's ladies night and you two promised that you will go out with me this week. - Tonight? - [Toni] Yes, tonight. - We did promise. - Alas, we could out the charm except for this fat guy who kept trying to buy me drinks. - Come on, Toni, he couldn't be that bad. - Hmmm, girl that man was so fat the back of his dick looked like a peck of hotdog. (ladies giggle) Five o'clock, be ready. - Oh. - Right. ("Party Over Here" by KTEM) - So tell me about Mr. 1-900. - Anita, you told her? - Well. - And he's not a 1-900 man. - Okay, okay, Anita didn't say much. She just said you met some guy over the phone. - See. - So, aren't you gonna tell me about it? - Well, his name is Dre. - [Toni] And? - He's 28, he lives up north, and he's a doctor. - Too good to be true. And you believed all that? - He has no reason to lie. - And he has no reason to tell the truth either. How did you get hooked up with him anyway? What, a wrong number? - Well. - Not that Partyline thing. Anita, you bumped her up to that? - Well I had to find some way to get her to meet people. - Anita, if you want her to meet people, this is the way to do it, real people. Not some crammy way through the phone. - Toni, I know this seems crazy but I'm being careful and he's really nice. - See Brandi, look over there. Oh, now that's a nice guy. His name is Luther, and he's been staring at you since we came in. - Oooh, he is cute. - Lastly, you see that look? He'll be over here soon enough. - Toni, I'm not ready for all that. - Ready or not, here he comes. - Toni, how are you ladies doing tonight? Pardon me, I was standing over there outside the bar. Your face looks familiar. - Really? - Uh huh. - You know, if you'll excuse us, we just need to get another drink. - Enjoy yourselves. - My name is Luther. - And I'm Brandi. - So do you come here often? - No, my friends brought me. - Well, that was nice of 'em. Can I buy you a drink? - I don't drink. - I see. So what do you do? - Excuse me. - For a living. What do you do? - I work for an ad agency. - Yeah, I like that. - A woman with her own. - And you? - I got a little business. - I see, so your business is in? - Some would say that I'm an entrepreneur. - Okay, so you have your own too. - That's right. Hey, music is kinda loud in here. What do you say we just get out of here and just go to my-- - Oh, go back to your place, right? - No, I, well actually I don't think that'll be a good idea. I live with someone, and I don't think that they would-- - Oh, you already have a woman. - No, I didn't say that. - You know what, you don't have to say nothing else. You better step off right with me. - All right, keep your panties on. Baby, you just totally paranoid with me. - Whatever, whatever. - What happened? - What was that all about? - Like you said, too good to be true. You know what, if you guys don't mind, let's just get out of here. I've had a long day. - Well. - That's all he said? - I can't believe you blew Luther off. - Toni, he has a girlfriend and he sells drugs. - You don't know that. All you know is that he said he had a hustle. - Anita's right, Brandi. Guys just say that just to say that they're working. He never said he had a woman, just that he didn't live alone. - What sense does that make? - Uh, you and Anita live together. Did you ever think that maybe he had a roommate. - A roommate, how do you know? - His roommate tried to get with me last year. - Well, he just said he had a roommate then. - Girl, I just hope that Mr. 1-900 is worth you dissing a good looking man like Luther and not some psycho. - Girl, I told her to be careful. He might be Mr. Right, look what I've got, hmmm. - Yeah oh, I know what you've got. Life, fingers, lip. I still say I saw his picture on America's most wanted. - [Anita] Oh, girl, I know you're not trying to talk about my man. - [Brandi] Bye Toni. (phone rings) - Hello. - Hello Cristal, this is Dre. Thanks for leaving your number on my voicemail box. - I thought I'll surprise you. Besides it's easier to talk this way. - I was thinking, why don't you meet me for lunch tomorrow. - Tomorrow? - [Dre] Yeah, I was thinking Che Palm, it's public. - Dre, it's kind of sudden, I don't know what to say. - Say yes. - Okay, lunch it is. - Note? - I'll be wearing a multi-colored dress, and a half haze slice. - Good night. - Good night Dre. - Good afternoon, welcome to Nuevo, how many? - Two please. - Would you like to dine inside or outside? - Outside would be fine. - May I offer you something to drink while you wait? - Water with lemon please. - Fine. (rap music) (tires screeching) (car engine whirring) - Good afternoon, welcome to Nuevo. How many please? - I'm here to meet someone. I think that's her over there. - Oh okay, follow me please. I'll give you some time to look over the menu. - Thank you. Cristal? - Dre. - This is a surprise. - You didn't think I will come? - Oh no, I was sure you will come. It's just that, let's say most of the women that I've met on the Partyline have just over-exaggerated a little bit. - Oh, in what way? - Well, some might say they are 5'6" tall when they're really 5'2" tall. Others might say they are 150 pounds when they're really 350 pounds. If you know what I mean. - I must say, you're not what I expected. My girlfriend Anita said you'll probably be fat with no teeth and living with your mother. - Oh I see. Well, your girlfriend Anita was right about one thing. - What? - I do live with my mother. - Oh. - I'm just joking. - Stop it. - [Waitress] Are you ready to order? - Yes, I'll have the shrimp alfredo. - [Waitress] And you sir? - Yeah, I'll have the chicken vesuvio, and bring us a bottle of that Candido Rosé. - Oh okay. - My name is really Alex. - And I'm Brandi. - So what do you think? - So far so good. So tell me Alex, how did you come up with the name Dre? - Well you wouldn't notice by looking at me but I'm a huge rap music fan. Yeah, I listen to guys like Snoop, LL, Dre. You know, so I adopt their names, and just how did you come up with the name Cristal? - I don't know. The night we called, my roommate Anita, she called herself Chardonnay and the name Cristal just kinda came out. - (chuckles) Okay but I must admit, I like the name Brandi better. I mean it's smooth, dark and known to keep a man warm on a cold night. A toast. - Dre, I don't really drink. - Oh, come on Brandi, it's already paid for. Besides this is something worth having one little drink for. - Okay, and what is that for? - To being in love. - To being in love. (smooth jazz music) - So Brandi, tell me did you enjoy yourself? - I had a wonderful time. I can't remember the last time I laughed so much. - Good then maybe we can do this again someday. - I think I'll like that. - Excellent, how about tomorrow? You know, dinner. - Tomorrow? - Yeah, I'm going to New York next week, and I'd love to see you before I leave. - Okay, well let me think about it. - Okay, well don't think too long. - Don't worry, I won't. - So you never told me. Is there a chemistry, you and I? - I'll let you know tomorrow at dinner. - I will be so glad when I'm finished updating this client list for Mr. Freely. (phone rings) - Hello, Remy's Inc. - [Receptionist] Ms. Seaton, you have a package at reception. - All right, I'll be right there. I'll be right back. - Good morning, Sanchucks Corporation. Hold on please. This came five minutes ago, I already signed for them. - Thanks. - You're welcome. - Hmm girl, Neil doesn't give up easy. - [Brandi] Toni. - Oooh, those are beautiful. - Strange, he usually sends from Birds of Paradise. - Well, I guess he really wants to get your attention. - Aren't you even gonna read the card? - Ehm ehm, she never reads them. - [Toni] And why not? - Because it's another card from Neil telling me how much he misses me, and asking us to get back together. - Uhmm, so you say it's over right? - Don't even think about it. - What? Pervert. - Anita, I met him. - Met who? - Dre. - When? - Yesterday for lunch. - What, and you didn't even tell me? Okay, what's he like? - He's intelligent, attractive and very nice, and I owe it all to you. I knew that Partyline will work. - Excuse me. (phone rings) - Hello. - [Alex] Hello Brandi. - Hi Alex? - [Alex] I hope you don't mind me calling your cell phone. - Oh no, not at all. - [Alex] Were you busy? - Is that Mr. 1-900? - No, not at all, I was talking with some coworker. - [Alex] I wanted to know if we were still meeting this evening. - Yes, we're still on for tonight. - [Alex] I was thinking we can meet at Cuatro around six. - Okay, six it is. - [Alex] Looking forward to it, bye-bye. - Bye. - So where are we going? - We aren't going anywhere. - Now girl, if you're gonna meet this man for the first time, you gonna need to have some backup. - Too late Toni, she already met him. - Girl, you're freakier than I thought you were. - Toni. - Girl, ain't nothing to be ashamed of. 'Cause everybody knows it's the quiet ones you gotta watch out for. (melancholy music) - Look, I'm not exaggerating. She really said she was four-figured. - Or 400 pounds. - Wow (chuckles). - What? - Look at your Brandi, you are so beautiful. - Thanks. - No, I mean it. I mean you're gorgeous, look at you. You just had this cold about you. I've never met anyone like you. - Well you're very nice to say that. - Is that all you have to say? - All? - About me. - Well, I'm still trying to get to know you. - Well I must tell you, I felt like I've known you forever. You do feel the same way, don't you? - I'm still just trying to get used to the idea of dating again. - Well you won't have to look anymore. - Will there be anything else? - Wow, I didn't realize how late it is. I better go ahead and get out of here. - You know what, keep the change. - Oh, thank you. - No, you're welcome. Brandi. Brandi, can I at least give you a ride? - No, that won't be necessary. I have to make a few stops before I get home. - I see, well can I see you again soon? Maybe next week or something. - Alex, you're really a nice guy but I just wanna take my time, okay? - I see. - Alex, let's just take our time, okay? - Well look, how about, you know, okay. It was good seeing you again, okay. - You, you too, take care. Taxi. - Hi, you okay? - Yeah, I'm fine. - Thanks for the tip back there. - No problem. - I'm Jay. - Alex. - So had that been me back there, I would have at least given you a kiss good night, at least. - Oh really? - Oh really. - Are you getting off? - Taking off. - Can I give you a ride? - Can you, I was hoping you'd ask. - My car is right over here. - Well, let's go. (funky music) Very nice. Your girl missed out. Just the way I like my hunk. Strong and black. (rap music) (soft sensual moans) - Oh Brandi. - Brandi? Brandi left you remember? It's Jay, baby, Jay. - Oh Brandi. - Brandi? I'm not your Brandi. (slap cracks) I'm outta here. (footsteps clocking) (muffled screams) (slow music) (phone dial beeps) - [Partyline] Welcome to the Partyline. You must be 18 years or older to use this-- (phone beeps) You're one-on-one. At the tone, say your name. (phone beeps) - Cristal. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Now, tell us why you're here. (phone beeps) - I couldn't sleep, just looking for someone to talk to. (phone beeps) - [Partyline Guy] Baby girl, get wild you're gone, and connects a week and get-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next, you have a connect request. - [Partyline Guy] Trump Dre. - [Partyline] Press one to connect. (phone beeps) You are now being connected. - [Alex] Hi Brandi. - Hello Alex. - [Alex] I just wanted to say I'm sorry about the way I acted after dinner. I guess I was just hoping I made a better impression on you. Anyway, I hope you you like the flowers I gave you. I wasn't sure what kind you like. I don't want to keep you on the phone. - Wait Alex, I mean, dinner was no problem, and the flowers are lovely but how did you know where to send them? - [Alex] (laughs) Well, you gave some clues. You mentioned you love shrimp alfredo, and that you went to Angelo's at least once a week. So with a little checking, I was able to find what ad agencies were within walking distance of Angelo's and your company was the closest. Simple deduction, Watson. - I see, Sherlock. - [Alex] (chuckles) Well, I won't keep you. I need to crash out. It was a long day. - Yeah, me too, I need to get some sleep. - [Alex] Hope we can talk soon. - Yeah, sure we can. - [Alex] Good night. - Good night. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Gal] This is a warning for any ladies out there who have met or thinking about meeting Slaver. He is on the line tonight. Some of y'all heard me talk about this punk. He's beaten me and attempted to rape several women on this line. My friend Sugar, was recently attacked by him. He's attractive and claims to have a good job like a lawyer or doctor. Even though he changes name, you can spot him because he always use a rap-- - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Yo, yo, yo, what's up-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline Gal] This is a warning for any ladies out there who have met or thinking about-- (phone beeps) - Hello, this is Cristal. I heard your message but it got cut off when you say he always uses a rap. Can you please go back to the message and finish it? (phone beeps) - [Partyline] The caller has hung up. Next. (melancholy music of intrigue) (phone rings) - Yes Rochelle. - Ms. Seaton, you have a package at reception. - On my way. - [Anita] Aren't we the popular one this week. - Girl, don't be heady. - So how long you've been working here? - About a year. - About a year, I've never seen you before. - Excuse me. Yes. - Mamma mia, Brandi Seaton? - Yes. - Your lunch. - My lunch? - Shrimp alfredo. - But I didn't order shrimp alfredo. - Well your name and address is on the order, and it's already paid for. So have a good day. - Thanks Rochelle. - Hey, call me sometime. - Your ordered from Angelo's, and didn't even tell us, sister? - I didn't order it, someone else did. - Who? - I don't know. (phone rings) Hello? - [Alex] Hi Brandi. - Alex? - [Alex] Yes, did you get your lunch? - My lunch. - [Alex] I wasn't sure what time you went to lunch. I figured this might be about the time. - Actually this is about the time we go to lunch but you didn't have to buy me-- - [Alex] Please, I just wanted to treat you. I know how much you love shrimp alfredo so accept it. Compliments of me. - Listen, I appreciate the gesture but please don't order me lunch and send it to my job. - [Alex] Why not? - Because it can become a problem. My bosses are really crazy here, and I can't keep getting called to reception. - [Alex] I understand, well I need to get going. I have to prepare for a client's court case next week. Are you there? - Yes, I'm here, thanks again. - [Alex] No problem, take care. - Bye. - So Alex sent the lunch? - Yes, he also sent the flowers, not Neil. - That's deep, what did you tell him? - I told him not to send anything else here. - What did he say? - He said he understood. - Well I hope so. Oh, don't forget, I'm having dinner with Lee after work today. - Okay. - Brandi, you gonna be okay? - I'll be okay, I'm a big girl. (melancholy music of intrigue) - Hi baby. - What's up darling. - Hey Lee. - What's up there? - Good. - Do you need a ride home today? - No, it's nice out, I'll be fine. You two have a good time. - All right, you take care. - [Brandi] All right you two kids be good. - We will, have a good night. (car engine whirring) (slow romantic music) - Hey Neil. - Hey. - What are you doing here? - Well, I was in the neighborhood and thought maybe I'd see if you needed a ride or something. - I guess so. - Okay. - Just a simple ride home right? - Just a simple ride. - No talking about us getting back together? - Okay, no talking about us getting back together. - Okay. - All right. (car engine whirring) So how was your day? - It was good, and yours? - It was good, busy but good. How's Anita? - She's fine, crazy as always. - As always. (Brandi chuckles) - What's funny? - Oh nothing. - Come on, tell me. - Promise me you won't get mad. - I won't get mad. - Promise? - I won't get mad. - Okay, Anita told me she met Lee through a Partyline. - Yeah I know, she used to call herself Hennessy or Chardonnay or something like that. - You knew? - Yeah, Lee told me. - I can't believe you knew. - I can't believe Anita didn't tell you but why would I get mad about something like that? - Uhh, not that. Anita had me call the Partyline. - What? - You promised. - I promised I wouldn't get mad, I'm upset. I mean why would she send you off on something. You know what, I don't even want to know. - Good. Look, Anita just wanted me see what it was like. I thought she was crazy too. - Well, now she's certifiable. You know it's good to see you. - Thanks. - Well, we're here. - Yeah, well thank you for the ride. - You know I was thinking maybe this evening, we can go out for dinner or something. - Neil. It was good to see you too, bye. - Bye. (car engine whirring) - [TV Host] Partially clothed body of 24-year-old waitress, Jay Thomas is found-- - What, no midnight phone rendezvous tonight? - I've decided to take the night off. - So I see, maybe I won't have to send you to Partyline we had after all. Okay, what gives? - What do you mean? - Mrs. Casablanca. - Yeah? - Brandi, you hate Casablanca. - I don't know, I guess I'm starting to feel like I need to put some space between me and Alex. I know this sounds crazy but that lunch thing today freaked me out. (phone rings) - Well, will you either turn that thing off or put it on silent? - Okay, okay. - [Line Operator] City of Chicago, night emergency. - Hello officer, I have a question. Let's say you met someone through a dating service, and you think that they're stalking you. Is there something a person can do? - [Line Operator] You will need to file a report at your district station. - I can't do it over the phone? - [Line Operator] No ma'am, it has to be done in person. - I see. - [Line Operator] Is this stalker someone you know personally or a stranger? - Both. - [Line Operator] Ma'am? - I don't really know, thanks. (phone rings) I think that's a great idea. We'll have our design team send the artwork to your IT people, and then they can start work on the website. That way they can launch everything simultaneously with the magazines, TV, everything. I'll give this information to Mr. Freely, and we'll get back with you by the end of the week. Okay, sounds good, thanks, bye. - Girl, who is blowing up your phone? - Take a guess. - Alex? - Yes. - Girl, are you sure all you gave him was a handshake? - Girl, that ain't even funny. Hello, Brandi Seaton. - Hello Brandi. - Alex? - Why aren't you answering your phone, Brandi? - I was on the phone with a client. - I see, your work line was busy but I knew if I kept trying, I'll eventually get through. - Alex, how did you get my extension? - When a man's in love, he'll do anything. I'll do anything for you Brandi. You know that right? - Alex, I told you, I think it'd be best if we be friends. I don't want to be tied down to anyone right now. - Hey, can I ask you a question, Brandi? - Yes. - Who was that guy that picked you up from work yesterday? Is he your boyfriend? - No, he just gave me a ride, and I can't believe you're following me. - Are you two back together? - No, he was just giving me a ride home. Look, I don't think I'm the woman for you. - I know you might've feel that way Brandi. But that's because you haven't gotten to know me. Gotten to know how much I can really love you. - Well, you can't love me. - Why not, Brandi? - Because I'm in love with someone else, Anita. - Anita. (Anita coughs) - Yes, see, she's just not my roommate. - I can't believe you love Anita more than you love me. - I have to go now, Alex. Please do not call my office or send anything else to me okay? Goodbye. - Girl, I know you didn't. - I'm sorry about that. - It's no problem, it was worth it but how did he take it? - I don't know but I think it got to him. - Brandi, how did he get your extension? - I don't know. (melancholy music of intrigue) (phone rings) (knocks) Come in. - Hey there. - Hey. - I'm surprised you're still up. - I couldn't sleep. - Is he still calling? - Is he still calling, every 15 minutes. 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, 9:00. 9:15. - You've got to be kidding me. You'd think he get the message. - Don't even mention messages. - He's left 10. - Look, why don't you put in for a new cell phone number. I know it's drastic but at least you'll get some peace. - That might not be a bad idea. - And to make double sure he can't reach you, we'll switch lines in the office tomorrow. - What if he calls? - I'll just tell him, I'm your replacement, and you no longer work here. - It might just work. - Good, then it's a plan. - Okay. - Look, I'm crashing, I'll see you in the morning? - Yeah. - Good night. - Anita. - Yeah. - Thanks. - Don't mention it. (phone dial beeps) - [Partyline] Welcome to the Partyline. You must be 18 years or older to use this-- (phone beeps) At the tone, say your name. (phone beeps) - Diamond. (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Now, tell us why you're here. (phone beeps) - Just looking for my friend. - [Partyline] If you're satisfied with your greeting, press two. (phone beeps) - [Partyline Guy] What's up, what's up, what's up. I'm outta here, you know, looking for you know, one of them, you know-- (phone beeps) - [Partyline] Next. - [Partyline Guy] Yes, this message is for those women who come on air acting like they want a good man. Then when you find one, you don't know how to treat the brother. I met this hole for lunch, I bought her flowers, even had lunch delivered to her gate. But no, that ain't enough. She rather be with a dyke girlfriend instead of a real man. But it's all good. All you holes gonna know, all y'all got-- - [Partyline] Next. (thunder rumbling) - I saw you looking at him. - You've been drinking again. - You ain't drinking. - Stop it. - [Brandi] Can't believe you're following me. - Don't touch me. - I'm in love with someone else, Anita. - I saw you looking at him. - [Alex's mother] Stop it. - [Brandi] I'm in love with someone else. - [Alex's father] Come here woman. - [Alex's Mum] Stop it. - Anita. I'm in love with Anita. - [Alex's mother] Stop it, stop it. (thunder rumbling) - There, all done. - Are you sure? - Yeap, they're switched. - Okay. - Now you'll get my calls, and I'll get yours. Just make sure you don't hang up on Lee if he calls. - I won't, thanks again Anita. - Oh, it's no problem baby. You're my girlfriend remember? You can make it up to me later. (Brandi chuckles) Oh, I gotta go to the bank. - Oh okay, I'll go with ya and grab a bagel. - Okay. ("Crazy" by Nahvee) - Brandi. Why are you doing this to me, Brandi? You can't just love me and then walk away. Why are you doing this to me? Yes, yes, I'll have you. You and your friend Anita. I'll have you both. (phone rings) - Good afternoon, Anita Ferrell. - This is your landlord, Mr. Davis. - This is Anita, Mr. Davis. - Oh hi, looks like somebody tried to break into your apartment this afternoon. - Oh, how did that happen? - Now I don't know all that. I just know you need to come on home. - Thanks, I'll be there shortly. - What was that about? - That was Mr. Davis. He said someone tried to break into our apartment. - Oh, okay, I'll go with you. - No you stay here. There is no way Mr. Freely is gonna let the both of us off early. Besides, in two hours, you're off the clock. - All right, but make sure you call me when you get there. - I will. - All right. - Uhmm, good thing you came and saw that door busted open, son. She should be here in just a little while. Lucky these two work at the same office. Aw, now I need to call the police. - Neil, I'm sorry to bother you but I don't know what to do. - [Neil] Brandi, woh, woh, slow down. What are you talking about? - I've been trying to reach Anita but she's been gone over an hour, and I can't reach her. - [Neil] You know how Anita is. She should probably at Lee's house. - No she went back home because someone broke into our apartment. - [Neil] Did you call your landlord? - Yes, I called a few times but no one's answering. - [Neil] Well, I'm sure she's okay. You want me to come over? - No, that's okay, I'll be fine. - [Neil] Okay, I'll be here for a while if you need me. - All right. - Brandi, you okay? - No, I'm worried about Anita. She was supposed to call me when she get home. It's been over an hour and she hasn't call. - Well, did you call her cell? - Yes, that was what I was doing but she's not answering. - Well. Who are you calling now? - Mr. Davis, our landlord. Something's wrong, he's not answering. - The only thing wrong was that's a beautiful day out there, and we're stuck here at work. - Toni, can you do me a favor? Can I borrow your car keys? - Well sure but you gotta bring it back tonight. - Okay, no problem. Okay look, here's my cell phone number. If Anita calls, give her this number, and tell her to call me right away. - What you leaving this place? Like another hour before we go off-- - I know Toni, I know. Look, if Mr. Freely asked for me, tell him that you don't know where I'm at, and just remember what I told you to do. - Okay, I won't, see ya. (phone dial beeps) (melancholy music) - Anita. Anita. (door creaks) Oh my God, Anita. Anita. - Run, Brandi. - Oh my God. (Brandi screams) - Anita would've called you but she was tied up. - Alex? - I had to do it Brandi. Anita was the one thing keeping us from being together. - What did you do to her? - I had to see why you love her so much. But she wouldn't let me. She fought me, she spit in my face so I cut her. The same way you cut me. - Anita. - Don't you see Brandi? We can be together now. It's just you and me. - Alex, you can have anyone. - I don't want anybody Brandi, I want you. - Well, we have to talk about that. I mean, I really know you less than a week. - You don't want me? Is that it? - She was my friend, Alex. - Friend? It wasn't about Anita, was it? She wasn't your lover, you lied to me. - I was at then no where to tell you. You are a really nice guy but I trust in-- - You trust in what new? Is that it? - Yes, that was what I was about to say. - Yes, it is. You're just like all the others. - No Alex. - You lying bitch. - No Alex. - Teasing me, drawing me in, calling me on the phone, making me think you love me, and making me fall in love with you. So you can just laugh at me and walk away like everybody else. - Please Alex, I will never laugh at you. - I hate you. You made me love you. You made me love you, and I hate you. (kick thuds) (laughs) You shouldn't have done that. - Run Brandi. (punches and kicks thud) (knife swooshes) - Oh my. (Alex groans in pain) (phone dial beeps) - [911 Operator] 911, what's your emergency? - Hello, this is Brandi Seaton. I need someone to come to 1211, South Jackson. - [911 Operator] What's the nature of the emergency ma'am? - Some people have been hurt, please hurry. - The police and medics are being dispatched. (glass smashes) - I love you, Brandi. I love you, Brandi. (knife swooshes) (Alex groans) (Brandi gasping) - You okay, you okay, you okay? (Brandi breathing heavily) (police siren blaring) - [Brandi] Well ever since my boyfriend left me, I've been so lonely. So I called the line hoping to find someone who would come over and make me feel good about myself. - [Partyline Guy] I can't believe I could be this lucky. I mean, I mean this is my first night calling and I run into someone like you. - [Brandi] Yeah, I feel lucky too. - [Partyline Guy] This is all happening too fast. What did you say your name was again? - [Brandi] My name is Missy. - [Partyline Guy] So when can I see you, Missy? - [Brandi] When do you want to see me? - [Partyline Guy] What about tonight? - [Brandi] I was hoping you'd say that. - [Partyline Guy] Well, where do you live? - [Brandi] 1211, South Jackson. - [Partyline Guy] I can be there in 30 minutes. - I'll be waiting. (knife hissing) (melancholy music of intrigue) ("Partyline" by Premo Stallone) ("Roleplay" by Jameisha Trice)
Channel: Maverick Movies
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Keywords: dating matchmaker, matchmaking services, appealing woman, strong single woman, watch new free movies online now, Janet Williams, Jay Deep, Simeon Henderson, Jami Travis, Shanara Fornett, Chris L. Griffin, maverick movie, maverick, movie, movies, maverick entertainment, dangerous obsession, full movie, free movie, streaming movie, youtube movie, full free streaming movie, thriller, urban thriller, film, black cinema, urban romance, black love, #maverick, #maverickmovies, mo5ies
Id: 1hQomXcv9dQ
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Length: 78min 18sec (4698 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2017
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