Full Episode: “Everything to Everybody” (Series Premiere!) | Delilah | Oprah Winfrey Network

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["Work That" playing] Work your thing Out, out, out Work your thing Out, out, out Work your thing Out, out, out Work your thing out, out There's so many girls I hear you been running From the beautiful queen That you could be becoming [cell phone vibrating] They'll never be happy 'Cause they're not happy With themselves Work what you got Don't worry 'bout Who's saying what - Work what you got - Work what you got Working hard Working all night [Marcus] Come on, just put it on, Dion. [Dion] You gotta help me, Marcus. [Marcus] Mom! Dion won't put on his sweater. [Dion] Help me. [Delilah] Marcus, if you need me, come here. I can't be everywhere at once. Honey, can you hold still just this minute, while I finish this? Marcus, I know you want your room back. It's been a hard five months, I completely get it. Six months and five days. Six months. Dion, you have to wear a sweater, baby. Okay? You know what would happen if I showed up at the VA on Sunday and your mama sees that I let you catch a cold? -Do you know what she would do to me? -Mmm-mmm. Maia! Let's go. I'm talking 'bout things that I know Yeah, work what you got [Delilah] Come on, you guys. Let's go. Did Angie see the affidavit? Good morning, Ms. Connelly. Oh, good morning, Ms... -Are you getting your steps in? -I'm trying. -You gotta get those steps in. -I know, bye. -DId she sign it? -Um, not yet. Tell her that we cannot get that restraining order filed until it's signed. -[Delilah] The world is real. -Mmm. The world is real, got it. And if anyone calls about a new case, any new case, -I'm too busy. -Oh, apropos of that, you've got Demetria Barnes coming in at 2:00. Demetria Barnes, who is she? Uh, just some woman who called, wanting an informational interview. Want me to cancel? Yeah, do. I've got lunch with Tamara today and the last thing I wanna do is come back across town just to have someone looking at me like I've disappointed them somehow. I get enough of that at home. Really funny. [Harper] No problem, I'll cancel. Actually don't. That's rude. She's arranged her day. Well, I can totally reschedule. [Delilah] No, I'll do it. Thanks. Bye. Oh, thank you. -For what? -Buckle me in. Oh, you're welcome. -Okay. -Can I please call my dad? Uh-huh. Oh, work what you got It's okay Show yourself some love Work what you got -Are you psyched to be going home? -[Dion] Yeah. I drew Mama a picture of you, too. I can't wait to see my picture. No Jefferson Park after dark. [Dion] Daddy, I got a joke to tell you. Oh, you know I love your jokes. Dion, let me talk to that brother of mine for a second. Does Christine need me to do anything to help her get ready for Dion? Should I check in with her? No. She's all set. You sure about that? Yeah, D. She's all over it. Guess who texted me. Leah Davis. Hey, if she's looking for me... I dunno what she's looking for. She checks in every year about this time. It's probably about the alumni fund. I'm not gonna respond. Yeah. Don't. That girl is seven different kinds of crazy. -Mmm... -[Dion] I wanna tell my joke. Sorry, baby. Tell your joke. Knock, knock. Who's there? I'm dinking. ["Work That" continues playing] Work what you got [music stops] -Good morning, again. -Hey. -Oh, thank you. -Mmm-hmm. So, we finally got that check on the Haynes settlement. -Want me to go ahead and dismiss that case? -Yes, thank you. Nona Benson called with another pregnancy discrimination case. -She wants to know if you'll-- -No, no, no new cases. I can't do it. Okay, and Leah Davis is in your office. [whispers inaudibly] [whispers] Oh, I hope it's okay I let her in. She said that she dated Nate once and that she lived with you and Tamara. She did. She did date... Nate off and on and she did live with me and Tam for like a year. But she was a freshman, we were seniors. -Oh. -I dunno what she's doing here. I'm sorry. -I...I don't know. -Okay. [Delilah clears throat] Hey, Leah, what's up, girl? Hey. When Harper said you were here, I was like, "Oh, is it alumni fund time already?" I can't do it this year. No, it's not about the alumni fund. Good, because this is not the year I'm gonna be giving. Not after last year, know what I'm saying? -You're still hanging with Tamara? -Yeah. Uh, look, Leah, I've got a Zoom meeting in about seven and a half minutes, so if you wanna tell me what's going on? Yeah, I... I'm just kinda in over my head. How so? I dunno, D. I... I tried to do the right thing at work and got myself into a mess of trouble. I need your help. [theme music playing] Okay, just start from the beginning. Uh... I was working as an assistant to the CEO at this company over in Gastonia. -Mmm-hmm. -Um... Osborne Tactical. We make equipment for the military. I should say "they." They fired me. Is this about a wrongful termination? -Totally. -Mmm. All I did was ask my boss a few questions about Gary Shea. He was this software engineer who got fired a few months earlier. Hmm. Gary had been trying to get a sit-down with Fred. Fred was my boss. He's the CEO. Um, it... he was saying there was a... a major problem with the C15, -this radio that he had designed... Whatever. -Um, I'm... I'm gonna stop you right there. I am not the right lawyer for this case. [scoffs] Well, I thought this was what you do. You right wrongs. It's part of what I do, yes. But I am... I'm not taking this case. But, D, you're all I've got. They're watching me. Who's watching you? Osborne. It's not only that, things are getting really bad. I'm getting evicted, and I'm behind all my car payments. But you just got fired. 2020 was tough. You said so yourself. I'll let you know tomorrow about the case, Leah. And we'll get your answer filed in the meantime. My answer to what? Uh, that's what the form's called, we file to make sure your landlord can't evict you today. [sighs] I can't pay you. -I... I really don't have-- -I know, it's all good. Thank you, D, so much. -Bye. -[Harper] Bye. I thought you said no new cases. I'm not taking that case. Just for fun, though, have Mace look into a guy named Gary Shea, see why Osborne Tactical let him go. And see why they let Leah go, too. -Sure. -[phone ringing] Connolly Law Office. Yes, Ms. Barnes, she has you in her schedule for, um, 2:00 p.m. today. Sure. Yeah, I can, uh, look up the bus schedule for you. Just gimme a second and I'll pull it up. [Delilah] Her performance is Friday, Gordon. You can't miss it. [Gordon] I thought it was a public practice session before state. It is and she's your daughter. -[Gordon] I'm having dinner with my editor. -Change it. He's just in from New York for one night. I'm asking him for an advance, D. Okay. -You have to tell Maia. -D. Fine. I'll see what I can do. And I haven't gotten your child support this month yet, have I? Well, if I could take this dinner, I'd probably be able to pay it. Gordon, it's $200. I'll see what I can do. How about you stop seeing what you can do and start doing what you should. [line disconnects] Welcome, ma'am. [Tamara] You are not taking that case. I said I'm not taking the case. Yeah, but that's you getting ready to say you will. I know you. D, what do you think the chances are that girl getting her ass fired had anything to do with injustice? -It could have. -Leah Davis? That girl is a magnet for trouble. She's like one of those people that calls you from the side of the road with a flat tire and her spare is flat, too. Talking about life's not fair. You gotta fill up that spare, girl. Life is fair, you just lazy. You are so bad. [Tamara] And that is the skankiest move ever. Playing like she's Erin Brockovich when you know she went to work one too many days with vodka breath, walking funny. -[giggles] -What do they make anyway? At Osborne? Radios for the military. What could go wrong with a radio anyway? You can't get the top 40? [waitress] And for you. -Thank you. -Moving on. Mmm. How's Casey? Oh, he's taking me to DC next month. Some big conference on reparations. -Mmm. -The deputy mayor finally gets a trip. This is y'alls first trip away, right? Except for that weekend at Nags Head early on. But this is our first public appearance, yeah. Things are moving right along. And how could you even consider taking that case when you know she stole your boots back in college? I'm not taking the case. That girl stole your boots, wore them every day, telling us all that they were hers when the box still had your damn name on it. Gimme her number right now. I don't have it on me. You started this whole story with her texting, I know you have her number. Give it here. Give it. Is this how you are at Lockley? Effective. Uh, yeah. They've got enough old white men playing "after you, Alphonse." They hired Tamara Roberts to get it done. Promise you won't take her case. I promise I won't take the case. I'm putting quotes on "case." I caught that. Mmm-hmm. Moving on. Is it just the one office? Excuse me? Uh, it's Ms. Connolly's office, the conference room and that's it? Uh, no, there's a copy room around the corner and a bathroom. No, okay, what's that? Back there? Dr. Baptiste? -Mmm. -She's a therapist. Oh, okay. Is Ms. Connolly tardy often? Mmm, ask her. Hey. -Here's the Davis answer. -Oh, thank you. -You must be Ms. Barnes. -I am. I am Demetria Magic Barnes. Recently of Georgetown University Law Center, and it is an honor to meet you, Ms. Connolly. I am so sorry I'm late. Are you? I didn't notice. Oh, stop. Would you mind if we took a walk? Uh, sure. Let's do it. Okay, for starters, uh, just basically, like, what advice do you have for a young black woman seeking to make her way in the legal profession? Um, don't have kids. That was mostly a joke. I'd say if you're doing it for the money, do it for the money. And if you're doing it for the people, do it for the people. -For me, it's all and only about the people. -Mmm, I know. Why'd you say it like that? You're why I went to law school. -I've never heard this one before. -It's true. It was about six years ago. I had just graduated from Howard with a double major in Spanish and African-American studies 'cause my mother's people are from Cuba. So you speak Spanish? [speaking in Spanish] [continues speaking in Spanish] Okay, very nice. -Very nice. -Thank you. And I was thinking I'd teach Spanish, but then I saw you on TV. You were suing the city on behalf of some girl... -I forget her name. -Jane Doe. Right, that's why I don't remember her name. And... she had been wrongly committed to a mental hospital for driving a nice car, basically. The officers who stopped her didn't believe a young black woman could own a BMW. That's correct. The way you talked about law, on the steps of the courthouse after you lost that case, which I do not know how that happened. But the way you talked about law as the first inheritance of every man, woman and child and how without equal justice, there can never be understanding... That is why I applied to Georgetown. [chuckles] Well, Ms. Barnes, whether that is true or whether you just looked that up online, I'm impressed. Then go on and hire me. I am available. -If I could, I might. -Mmm. But as you said back there in espanol, I do run a very small operation. And I do not have enough work to support an associate. Not one with the student loans I assume you're carrying. -[sighs] Yeah. -I'm sorry. That's your final answer? 'Cause with all the summa cum laudes I've collected, I am pretty much the golden goose. I'm sure that is absolutely true. -There's one thing you should know, though. -What is that, Ms. Barnes? That answer your assistant handed you, that's the old template. The state passed a bill last week, it's in the civil code, section 1951.9. Long story short, they will hand that back to you if you file it. Mmm. That was for free. Ah, there you are. Best of luck on your job search. I appreciate you. She is a real piece of work. She knew all about your case. -Did she know it was me? -No. But apparently it made quite the impression on her. So... There. Oh, I almost forgot. Yeah, she said there was a new template for the answer online. Check it out. [exclaims] [whispers] What new template? [Maia] You can't even call it a violin at this point. It's more like a neck banjo. Those strings are so loose. It doesn't sound that bad. 'Cause I'm working so hard, and even then, when I start to do my vibrato on that resolving D, it sounds like Grandma's bowel movement. You're crazy. I dunno what to do. We got this thing on Friday, then state. I can't play this thing at state. Well, maybe my uncle Ted can fix you up with something better? I can't afford anything better. Well, he could give you a deal. A little friends and family discount. It's worth a shot anyway. I dunno. Maybe. We'll see. Mace, I'm pulling up to Leah's, so what you got for me? [Mace] From everything I can find, Gary Shea was a beloved employee at Osborne and chose early retirement with a hefty gold parachute. So, he wasn't fired like Leah said? [Mace] Not according to HR. As for Leah, they told me they let her go for the same reason she told you. Lateness and insubordination. And I ran a background check, just for the hell of it. Never a bad idea. Turns out she was involved in a domestic dispute at the home of Fred Osborne, CEO of the company, little over a month ago. About what? Report didn't say. But a neighbor I spoke to said Leah and the wife really went at it. Over what? Over Fred? That's what the neighbor thought. [knock on door] -[Leah] Hey, girl, come on in. -Hey. So, uh, look, Leah. As I suspected, I'm not gonna be able to take the case. I'm just too busy. This is the answer to contest the eviction. It's got a couple other lawyers' names in there for you to contact. That's all I can do. That's okay, girl. Osborne HR called. -They did? -Yeah. They said if I sign this little thing and let 'em take my phone and my laptop, they'll pay me out. Why do they need your phone and your laptop? Who cares. Girl, they'll give me a year's salary. I'll get new ones. What do they want you to sign? Um, just this little thing here. They messengered it over. Here. This says they want the passwords to your email and social media accounts? And they want you to authorize them to audit all of those accounts. -You can't sign this. -But I have to, to get the money. That's what it says right here. I will open new accounts. Did they say why they suddenly decided to call and offer all this? I assume it's 'cause they knew I've been to see you. They were scared. They knew you came to my office? Yeah. They said I didn't have to bother you with looking over the letter, it was just a standard HR thing. How... how did they know that you came to see me, though? I don't understand. [sighs] Delilah, I told you, girl, they're watching. But that's not the point. The point is you scared 'em. You're good. So, these are all the emails -from Gary to Fred that you saved? -Yeah. Can I ask you a personal question? I guess, yeah. Were you romantically involved with Fred? Like, having an affair? [scoffs] What would make you ask me something like that? There's a police report that says that you showed up at his house drunk. That was the night of the day that Fred fired me. Okay, I got a little lit. I went over there, it just wasn't one of my best moments. Girl, he is 55 and white. You know he ain't putting it down like that. Um, what are frequency hopping radios? Uh, it's, it's like a radio that constantly changes channels, um, so that people can't hack into it or listen when you talk. And Gary thought these radios were faulty somehow? Mmm, not faulty. Dangerous. Dangerous how? I don't know. [chuckles nervously] Leah, if I paid your rent this month, would you hold off on signing that thing? Uh-uh. It says I have to sign by the end of the day. Today. Or no deal. They will wait until tomorrow. Trust me. Well, sure. Can I have Gary Shea's number? Yeah, I'll get it for you. [violin music playing] Oh, now, this is a heck of a deal. This is a Rovetta, from 1898. It's got this nicely figured opio on the back. -Yeah, that's beautiful. -Oh, listen to it. Most of the violins of this period were like nails on a chalkboard. Try this one. I don't wanna break it. Maia. [plucks string] Florence told me how you play. -[Maia] Mmm-hmm? -[both chuckle] [mouthing] -[man] Mmm. -Maia. It's so much better. How much is it? Well, that's not the cheapest. Well, couldn't she just rent it? That one, no. It's on a consignment. So she can borrow it? Well, what if something did happen to it, honey? Miss Virginia would just be out her violin? She'd have to buy it. Who's Miss Virginia? The woman who owns it. She used to be in the National Symphony in DC. -The National? -Mmm-hmm. You're kidding! How much is it? -$10,000? -It's worth a lot more than that. Uh-uh. Hands first. Hey, where have you been? Jefferson Park? And what did I just say this morning? Okay, I won't do it again. Maia, that one that you have cost us, what, 1,200? Yeah, and that's how it sounds. Okay, I can do maybe three. Can I just ask Dad? -You can ask, but... -Thank you. Can I be excused? Yeah, take your plate. God bless. [keypad beeping] Mr. Shea, it's Delilah Connolly calling again. If you could call me back, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks. No phones at the table. Oh. Yeah. Sorry, baby. My bad. ["Irreplaceable" playing] So remove your bags Let me call you a cab Standing in the front yard Telling me How I'm such a fool Talking about How I'll never, ever find A man like you You got me twisted You must not know 'bout me You must not know 'bout me [singing] I could have Another you in a minute Matter fact he'll be here In a minute, baby You must not know 'bout me You must not know 'bout me [Delilah] Oh, okay. I can have another you By tomorrow So don't you ever For a second get to thinking You're irreplaceable -[laughs] -[song continues indistinct] Come here. Oh. I just want you to be safe. [Delilah] Dion, where you going? [music fades] [Delilah] Is everything okay up here? Yeah, I guess. Is something the matter? Do you think Marcus will let me take that home Sunday? Yeah, I'm pretty sure he would, yeah. He said no. Well, I will talk to him. [chuckles softly] Okay? Something else the matter? Do you think Mom and Dad can just stay here with us? But your mom is ready to take you home. Come on, baby. I bet she's got everything set up super special for you. I don't know. Oh, Dion. You've got so much going on for such a little boy, don't you? God must really think you're something to give you so much going on. He must think you're amazing. [somber instrumental music playing] Hello! Are you the nanny candidate? No, I'm Delilah Connolly. The one who's been calling Gary. Yeah. Congratulations on the baby. -Who is it, Cind? -That lawyer who's been calling. I'm sorry, I just wanna understand more about... I can't talk to you. Mr. Shea, I just wanna understand what you thought was dangerous about the C15... I just said I can't talk about it. Mr. Shea... If you think that a flaw in something you designed could cause problems for soldiers in the field, you can't just take the money... -He couldn't take the money! He-- -Cindy, I will handle it. Go. My wife has had three miscarriages. We finally got pregnant with a surrogate. The baby's coming home tomorrow. My folks are here. -I'm sorry-- -If you're sorry, go away. -But I want-- -I can't be caught talking about this. [whispers] They're watching me. Go away. [voicemail beeps] -[engine starts] -[Delilah] Leah? Don't sign that paperwork. Call me. [dramatic music playing] Life is just a game Rejoice Ain't nowhere the same No rush Jumping inside a... Go on. With love, uh, and respect, all caps on "respect," Auntie Tam. How much do I wanna spend? Um... enough to make sure every other kid playing tonight feels unloved. -[knock at door] -[chuckles] [assistant] Tamara? Win Jr. would like to see you in his office when you get a minute. About what? [sighs in exasperation] It's come to our attention that Osborne Tactical is considering parting ways with Rudy Miller. Osborne? The defense contractor? Yeah. You're familiar with them? No, no, not really. I just heard about them recently. I've told Fred Osborne, the CEO, to expect a call from you, okay? Do we know why they're in play? Fred just said they're about to face some challenges that Rudy isn't aggressive enough to defuse. You don't want the opportunity? Of... of course I do. I was just... Because whoever makes this go away makes partner in a way that my father can't possibly question. I'll give Fred Osborne a call. Thanks. [piano music playing] I think it sounds wonderful. That violin sounds fine, right? Sounds better than ever, right? I don't know what the problem is. -You made it. -Yeah. You didn't want me to. -[Marcus] Hey. -It's okay. [indistinct conversation] [Tamara] Was she one of his conquests? Not that he ever told me about. Mmm. Sure looks like she was. [indistinct conversation] -Ugh. Girl, here he comes. -[Gordon] Hey! That was great. Yeah. How did it go with the editor? Oh, yeah. We decided to, uh, meet up this afternoon. S... so why were you late? Ah! I wasn't late. -Uh... -[Maia] Dad! [Gordon] Hey! There she is! How did it sound? I saw you played the heck out of it! I'm so proud of you. [Maia] Thank you for coming! I still can't believe you got this for me! Oh, anything for my baby girl. Hey you! Come here. Oh, my God! You were so amazing. Ten thousand dollars? I paid five today, and the guy in the shop said he spoke to someone, Miss Virginia. She said she's willing to wait for the other half. Don't worry. I'll take care of the rest. -Thank you so much! -Aw! Anything for you, baby girl. -[Delilah and Tamara laughing] -[Delilah] $200? Did you say $200? Then he can spend $5,000 on a violin. He's never gonna change, D. -Mmm. -That man, that man has the heart of... Mmm. I'm sorry, I just gotta say it. -The father of your children... -Mmm-hmm! -...has the heart [chuckling] of a common criminal! -Oh! -No, you wouldn't! -[laughing] Stop! -[laughing] A sociopath! -[laughing] -Oh! $200! -Oh, my God! It's just sad. It's just so sad. Mmm. So sad! [Delilah chuckles] So, um, what do you have with Leah Davis? Why? I have a meeting with, um, Fred Osborne, Monday. Tam, is this a coincidence? 'Cause Osborne knows that I met with Leah Davis. All I know is there's a partnership on the table. What is your point? D, we've made it 20 years without going up against each other in court. Let's not do it now. Not over this! Let's get you a case that pays you some real money. -Oh, my God... -And maybe you can go on like that -that crazy walking trip... -Crazy? ...in Italy that you always talk about. -That's not crazy. -D. Leah Davis is gonna drain your tank for nothing. And you know it. Please. For me. For both of us. Let it go. [cell phone ringing] [beeps] Hello? -[man breathing heavily] -Mr. Shea? Yeah. I was wondering if we could talk. -Go ahead. -Not now. Could you meet me Sunday at 5:00? In Romare Bearden Park? Is this because of that white Land Rover I saw parked outside your house? -Yeah. -Yeah, I can make that happen. I'm not a bad person, Miss Connolly. I just... I got a family. I understand. I'll see you then. Mom is gonna like this picture. I'm jealous! I want one. I'll make you one, too. Well, okay then. [cell phone ringing] Mace, thanks for calling me back. Just got your message. What's up? Uh, I'm here with Dion. He's going back with his mom today. Oh! Yeah! Yeah, you're gonna miss him. Oh, I am gonna miss him. But I'm gonna visit him all the time. I'm just saying, that he's here. So I'm gonna be kind of circumspect. Understood. Hit me. Uh, I went to visit Gary Shea at the address I texted you last night, and there was a Land Rover parked near the house with a guy in it, an interested-looking guy. Would you mind seeing if he's still there? Gary Shea kind of thinks he's always there? I'll head over when I'm done. If I see him, I'll get back to you with the plates. Thanks, Mace. Bye. Bye. [pants] Are you really gonna visit me once I'm back home? Dion, what's the thing about me? You always tell the truth and do what you say you're gonna do. -So am I gonna visit you? -Yeah. Why do you ask these questions you already know the answer to? This ain't court. [Nate] Dion! [laughing] My man! Come here, man! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Come on this side. There you go. I'll pick you up. You ready? [strains] You're ready. [laughs] Is Mama here? Uh, no, she's not here yet. Uh, let me show you -these trucks. -Trucks! Yeah! We have lots of them in the other room. Have you ever used a radio like this? Everybody did. But I don't remember ever hearing about anything being wrong. Okay. Thanks anyway. So, why is Christine so late? She's not late. She's not coming. She says she needs more time. To do what? First, it was a week she needed when you shipped out. Then it was two. It's been six months! I know. -I'm calling her. -D, don't! Why not? She begged me not to sign up for that second tour. And then I come back like this? This is not what she signed up for. Life is never what anyone signs up for. You know why? 'Cause there ain't no sign-up sheet. You just man up, you woman up and you do what it takes. So when did she say she was gonna take him now? When is she gonna be ready to be a mother? She doesn't know. So when are you gonna be discharged? Seven weeks? Six. [cell phone ringing] Well, she better know soonly. -[cell phone ringing continues] -[sighs] Hey, Mace. What's going on? -I'm out here in Ballantyne. -Yeah? -No Land Rover? -Nope. But there is an ambulance. Leah maybe onto something, D. Why? What happened? Gary Shea's dead. [theme music playing]
Channel: OWN
Views: 495,468
Rating: 4.8639107 out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode, Delilah, Maahra Hill, Full Episode, Series Premiere, Craig Wright
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 57sec (2397 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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