The Love Letter - Full Movie

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[Music] it's funny how the times change saying he said we'd be friends well but I think I might change that play my gaze within this time frame it was kind of hockey for my my taint gross so I figured I just let it loose when I wrote this open letter to told me you looking for - nothing take the sweater dude I better hold [Music] [Music] hey can our quarter note hey let him play are you okay yeah thanks good deed number one my mom says I have to be nicer so I'm counting my good deed I'm Parker I'm Aaron I don't think those boys really like you I know but my dad says I need to be more athletic so on oh well Hey wanna be friends sure I just don't get why it doesn't go for that go for what Wow you get paid to do this you get paid to do this Aaron what are you talking about the game the game look he had all the time in the world to make a great decision and he blew it Oh football Oh football okay look I got money you have money on this game oh so we're betting again I thought you said you were gonna stop gambling what are you told you hearing things obviously I said that I got mine no yeah I was sipping outta here your cup the other day I think I got me mono Oy you did not catch anything from me look you need to stop betting on these silly games Parker mm-hmm where would I be without you you know that is such a good question cuz I did help you let's see get your first apartment and then I gave you that little bit of style that you have oh let's not forget how I helped you break up with that crazy girl Vanessa so where would you be without me huh first off it was a joke they gotta be fine really well you know what I'm really glad to know that because you are about to be without me wow you're kicking me out right now I mean that would be rude I'm just making a firm suggestion you know what so good cuz my boob jasmine is waiting for me at my crib right now we can't be best friends if I spend so much time with you anyway so much is bounced I'll see you later love you mean it I'm glad you're home mom you know I really don't like the way you continue to barge in without knocking and I really don't like the way you dress so we're even mama I'm at home who do I need to impress well if not yourself at least try to impress God God says come as you are oh well and who are you homeless depressed auditioning for so I think I want to be a bum can't a mother come over and visit her only very lonely daughter mom I'm not lonely I'm working and no a mother can you're always working you need to do something else I have two columns that I need to finish and I need to work on my book but I know the title how to never get a man okay so did you come over here to visit with me or is this a torture Parker day there's this guy no use telling you about I do not want to hear about him he's a nice guy oh really like the nice guy you set me up with last time the one who forgot his wallet after dinner then ditched out on the cab Oh and stole my wallet well that was just that that one time you know but I've set you up with other nice guys before like who plenty what about Marcus he had gold teeth well the price of gold is up he's probably worth a fortune right now I hope you kept his name no what about Carlos he did not speak English Spanish is a new English oh really well mommy adios Paco just one last time you are not gonna continue to make me you're dating guinea pig okay okay okay and when God is ready for me to have a nice pie he will send him you need to be proactive it's not like he's gonna send them knocking on your door hey mama bear I think I left my hat interesting what we was just talking about how she needs to be more know how interesting it is that none of you give me my privacy well I don't want to hatch my eggs where they may not feel comfortable so Erin you really came over here gasping $400 a gallon to get this hat yeah because everything got leave over here ends up on your body Plus is my favorite hat well I can't help if your stuff looks better on me I'll try to remember that good job there your hat I thought jasmine was coming over oh yeah she's already at my place making me a surprise dinner okay wait time out if it's a surprise then um why do you know about it because I just installed this app and I could monitor everything that's going on at my house you want to see you've got to be kidding me no I will pass please tell Jasmine that I say hello all right you missing out telling you she got a cute little dance I was so not interested Oh later bye nice shirt by the way Thanks it's yours finally some peace and quiet I have got this column man this food is not sitting on my stomach - well what you talking about that beef stew was on point that won't be stew yeah it was Oh jasmine huh where'd you get the recipe for that lovely meal well the grassy way oh no no no oh what a chicken with that you sum up the rice and gravy exactly that was rice and gravy mmm what was that chunky stuff the gravy oh yeah so how did she run into one man you keep eating that you gonna be the wind in your own personal stomach pump so how did she like the food Oh tasty it's like what well I was done it tasted that was about the watch the game yeah we was but uh it suddenly feels really cluttered in here mm-hmm you know I'm claustrophobic in everyday so okay so whatever you know I don't want to watch the game on yo 55-inch LED 1080p full-hd built-in surround so you know what I promise I'll leave just as soon as the game is over just let me watch the game yeah get out man oh okay fine you know what hmm - you carry chomps what I'm eating over here [Music] what do you think you're doing oh I'm watching the game hey you don't have to do that oh no it's cool who's winning scores right there no isn't that one guy wasn't he number 23 the one who divorced that girl who was on a reality show I guess no yeah that was him you know what and now she's suing him for alimony and they have two kids together look you don't have to watch this just because I like watching it it's okay you could change the chin oh no it's okay really into it okay if you want to watch this you can't talk during the game unless you're yelling at the other team don't talk unless I'm yelling at the other team which one is at the team never mind Parker it's me look I know Aaron ain't there that's why I'm calling you all right gotta be so doggone impatient look you got to do something this Jasmine oh no she can't cook No [Music] yeah alright hold on I gotta go I gotta go I gotta go [Music] burnt orange and Columbia blue ninjas do not go together I mean why would they put them in those outfits it just does not match why would they put those two colors together why watch you do there look watching sports together isn't our thing and that's fine no baby I'm gonna do something that we both can do together you know so you don't get bored with us then I'll never get bored of us like we feel different so our pieces to the puzzle but they fit together perfectly yeah when they're the right fit hold on now you just try to play my line right there I'm sorry babe okay wait we are beautiful pieces to the puzzle no you see it don't even sound the same anymore never old meant to wear that it had to sweep you off your feet that effect is all I would get it together oh babe I appreciate the keys does not now it's something I mean you trust me you're all at home with your things I mean that's called love leave me here all along with charm and stuff to wander around wander mm-hmm sort all the clothes out wash cook items washing the dishes cooking yeah see you father - clothes - how'd you know oh babe look you need to be less of a housemaid and more of a housewife housewife yeah volunteering wife working wife whatever kind of wife you want to be maybe did you just say wife three times yeah wife oh my god are you asking me to marry you sure but I'm not like right oh my god you want to get married marry you oh we don't get married maybe I knew this keepsake our relationship to a whole nother level marry me baby Oh where's the ring I don't I don't have it oh my gosh that is so sweet maybe you are getting a custom-made oh you are the best fiance ever I am yes oh my mother mom guess what I'm getting married yes Aaron proposed oh my gosh I already have my colors picked out I was just wait for this moment yeah yes the dress that I designed when I was 13 years old [Music] [Applause] hey hey what's the emergency I'm getting married what I proposed I think okay but wait wait wait why did you propose I didn't but you just said you did well we were talking about how she has a key to my place and how she's cleaning and cooking and folding clothes okay and I told her she needed to be less of a house maid and more of a housewife and this just starts screaming okay okay I still don't get it look she says something like need to be your wife and I was like yeah sure one you said sure see that's what I'm talking about why are you guys so impatient she cut me off just like that when I was going to say was yeah sure one day not yes sure were you married well now if you know that we cut you up why would you start with sure why wouldn't you start with one day maybe sure maybe I should have men don't propose like that right I don't know I should have reworded that question mm-hmm kind of like you should have we boarded your answer I'm sorry what should I do tell her no I can't I mean she's already out there picking out a dress so this all happened what like two minutes ago and she's already planning the honeymoon I so can't deal she's she's decided about a wedding that isn't going to happen hey it isn't gonna happen right you should have seen the look on her face Parker I promise this was not something I planned all the more reason why you shouldn't go through with it look all the engagements aren't planned what is the last time that you have heard a guy go to the coffee shop get to the counter the woman asked what would you like today and he says marriage one day and then she says oh my god that was the worst analogy ever so are you gonna be my best man woman you're really gonna marry her I don't want to break her heart my what parking this is something she's dreamed about her whole life but what does that have to do with you or me for that matter I need you [Music] you're in you have been my best friend since elementary school and if you haven't noticed I am a woman and I don't think she's gonna be that keen on me being around Parker she doesn't have a choice I mean just like you always say we go back like old men hairlines serious I can't say no and and what I love her are you in love I guess we have my whole lives to figure that out well I've always been there for you and anything you need I betcha that's my girl see I know you'll make me feel great about this decision mom cheer up I'm getting married thank you see now feel a lot better hmm so how's your column my editor said it was an edgy enough what was it animal cruelty aren't you in the entertainment section yes but that's what it was about it was about getting entertainers to stop wearing fur that is so cruel I mean just think how we would be if I wore your skin that would be creepy exactly see Parker I get your point but that's not entertaining you have to do something like you have people's suggestions or something I don't know maybe do something like have people seeing you they're love letters and respond back to him like a Q&A that is so cliche it's not cliche and it's perfect and it's popular I mean people love that everybody needs a therapist oh listen I am NOT a therapist I am a writer I don't know I mean you do give me amazing advice see you later okay wait hold on do you brought me all the way out here for nothing no I needed you here to tell you that I was getting married [Music] thank you by Erin Mary I don't know about any of those ideas Parker well I could do my a piece on meerkat okay so the next letter reads there Parker house I have been having a hard time trusting my unfaithful husband he seems to never come home on time always cheating no no no no no no no we are not a talk show okay I am NOT gonna tell somebody's wife to leave their husband and create another unhappy home are you sure there's got to be one in there have you printed out all of the emails yes but I don't want to be the one to have to read all of these justify no no okay well you don't have to I will read them and let you know what I find out no you're leaving so soon next time you have got to stay longer one day I'm gonna take all it is personal you know it's not you Bob Barker my girl [Music] maybe if I've Nora they'd go away [Music] no come in I know you heard me hey mom so tell me how do you feel about Aaron's getting married how do you know about that oh stop apparently Jasmine's mother and I go to the same salon and I heard her whispering about in the back you know I have the hearing of a doll yeah and you look like one too so mama do you up too I'm just thinking about my baby girl mommy he's not getting married sweetie denial is a sign of mental illness he is my best friend I think I would know if he was really gonna get married look Erin's old news come let me introduce you to be nice to your guests mommy you are not a guest you spend more time here than I do by the way where is my rent man at my house that's Wesley go talk Wesley beneath all that hair and all those clothes it's my beautiful daughter I was talking about nice to meet you but I wrote you oh that's okay Parker take you home after you two get to know each other what look I gotta get my essays redone well if I blink up too fast I'll just fly away Parker what do you do oh I'm a writer what I was doing until a few minutes ago yeah I'm sorry about that yeah it's getting more and more difficult to work from home a bit well I appreciate you agreeing to take me home pretty cool oh I really didn't have a choice did I 137 gotta help your County now Rose that uses oh it is just just as something I do okay now what you know what I got an idea are you tall enough to ride the ferris wheel are you oh and there goes what that means just a gorgeous smile that your mother was bragging about out so where are we going you see some shoes I will drive but you just wanted a reason to give me back to your house I know um excuse me I could not drive all the way across town with this thing sticking out of my car yeah that's true but you gotta admit you did have fun I did have fun but I didn't get any work done today yes now I'll work no play Oh gets the bills paid you know what why don't you let me take you out sometime just just as friends you know dinner at a movie that sounds like a date okay well fast food in a dollar movie okay sure cool see you okay wait no hold on I am Orion once again uninvited yes you are I am in love oh thanks for the public service announcement are you okay what do you mean you're in love you know that day you asked me if I was in love with jasmine well I've been doing a lot of thinking and I am how do you know that sure I just looked at her and it's when she was doing the dishes and it just hit me like that oh okay listen love doesn't just hit you people hit you um wind hits you gas hits you but not love what's that what are you jealous I'm honest oh really because from here look like you're wearing a little jealousy cover oh well maybe they're the same color what I'm just making sure you're not saying all of this stuff just because it's me that's getting married first actually for your information I am dating somebody and we hit it off Oh none of your business see that's something that someone who's not dating someone would say in your work it doesn't count as a date right away what's going on with your column greatness takes time oh just how you're kind of creating this invisible guy's name in your head right now Oh his name is Leslie Wesley what kind of name is Wesley Wesley okay well you'll excuse me what what's that it's a question Oh jealous fun let me guess Josephine hooked you up because I know you didn't leave this house actually I did leave the house he took me on a date and we went to an amusement park Oh me you don't even like amusement parks well some men are more convincing than others what's wrong with him but he don't have a car walk in Wesley you don't have a house homeless Wesley no he has a really really nice car in his house your loft could fit in it several times wait you you've been to his house mm-hmm did you tell them that you're planning a wedding and that you won't be available to go on these little casual dates um actually I'm not planning a wedding no one fine have your little date because I know you it won't last long oh that's not true we hit it off and we may get married before you you get out of here Parker oh we're gonna do that too he's taking me on vacation didn't y'all just me actually I am just kidding about that right know what fair enough but I want to meet him no see Josephine did hook this up are you embarrassed how does he look it's actually a really nice guy he's actually a really nice guy yeah that's that's that's all bad oh he's hot whatever bat Aaron look yes are you gonna help me plan my wedding yes because I know it's not going to happen I'm getting married Parker okay back to work none of these work I wish I could just answer my own email [Music] maybe I will it's a good idea let's the dear Parker House Julia getting married [Music] What's Wrong pumpkin I thought beef stew was your favorite I thought this was rice and gravy don't be silly so how was your day well was better than yours okay what's the botherin you hello oh it's just Parker I know it what do you mean I know it because this always Parker she's about to start this friendship with this fancy millionaire wall Dean Wesley millionaire yeah okay well that's good for her I've been protecting her since we were kids no you have it did she save you from being a punching bag he's complicated yeah sure is complicated just promise me one thing what's that that our son takes boxing classes Wow so you got jokes huh for your information I was a late bloomer and Parker was morbidly obese like everybody was afraid of her era no she wasn't I saw the pictures don't they say that the camera did Doug's like 30 pounds okay you wish but seriously I can't let her have this friendship with Wesley why not because I'm getting married okay so what does that have to do with Parker I asked her to help plan a wedding Aaron why didn't you consult with me first I've been knowing her my whole life like we'd basically done everything together and I felt I needed same closer so then why didn't you just include her in the wedding party it'll be perfect my two favorite girls getting to know each other spend this in quality time come on what do you say only because I love you and I love you to come here mmm 15:50 now wait wait no not before the wedding huh I can't get a little smooch mm-hmm okay wait a minute come here close your eyes I said 50/50 girl Wow okay should I tell him or watch the love of my life walk down the aisle with someone else's blessing this is so good yes I mean I thought it was really good too but she really thinks that girl the passion that Julie felt writing this I totally fell reading this look I'm sweating oh you know what that is really gross put your arms down well you don't sweat it really Parker okay my arm arm hits me cry a little bit but that's it whatever so what are you posting this column anyway I want to post it soon but I'm not gonna write a response what what why not I thought that was a whole purpose and you ride the questions originally it was but I'm thinking I'll post it and allow readers to write in responses okay okay I mean think about it readers always want to feel involved right so why not let them put their two cents in a jar I'll see you I just got here um excuse me I was not putting you out I was checking to see if you'd like some juice so no oh so I can't be hospitable I don't wanna treat my company says when it's a new day it's a new day whatever who is he my attitude is not dictated by man what I know it I know I've never occurred to entertain company um excuse me I feel like being sociable okay spill it who is he I promise you look so alive today I see you got rid of that funeral home foundation ma just love your mother it's not her undertone too much grey mommy no so how are you was it doing there are no things with me unless she's a horrible liar there are no pain nothing sure there is he told me you took him home um I'm almost cuz I didn't have a choice you left him here stranded what was I supposed to do mom we could not have hit it off if he was a bat and I ran into him she just doesn't want to give credit where credit is due tell you mother she was right so she was right all right we I should take my dating company national no you shouldn't mom we just went on one date just thinking of one day whatever happens to Carlos girl all I know how to say was seat did you guys hear 101 exactly why knowing just had to say fee isn't a good idea so Katie there is this one girl she's married yeah but tell me this guy is a nice guy yeah because I mean he really is she's married like for real for real married happily married Oh Josie okay fine suit yourself what are you doing oh just checking in your person what you got in here last time you were hiding in so do I smell breakfast you sure do see another reason you don't have a man you need to learn to cook [Applause] now you love your mother I do what's your two cents good morning how was your evening oh I went on a date tell your mom I said hi what babe I'm not even on the phone so who are you talking to I was mocking a conversation between me never mind you know I hate it when you ignore me look Parker column was released today she actually listened to my dear it's in Q&A forum yeah of course Parker so what's the story about all right so it's about this woman named Julia and she's madly in love with her best friend but her best friend is about to marry a woman that he doesn't even love so Julia is asking whether or not she should let her best friend go down the aisle with a woman he doesn't even love Wow so what do you think about what should this man walk down the aisle with a woman that he doesn't love and be tied down with sasquatch cuz that's probably how she looks yeah well that's an interesting letter yeah it is I'm just happy she took my advice mm well babe I stopped by to get the samples do you happen what samples Aaron just joking just joking samples for the wife-to-be ooh why is a B I like how that sounds say it again samples for the wife-to-be what was our for because look I got a cup you ignore her you ignore me earlier that was the problem but you know if you want me to plan this wedding with Parker I gotta go because this only time don't say anything else just go over there I'll be good oh and your breakfast is on a counter breakfast jello and black coffee I didn't tell you tell me what you want to dye it Oh what selector where's all my specs [Music] let's install some more cameras I can't believe you plan to help with this wedding where are her friends um you do not have to be here if you're gonna complain sweetie you look you look tired oh I'm fine oh you say you're fine but those satchels under your eyes they say different you know you are full of jokes today mom if you must know I was up late responding to all the comments on the website from last week's article so how's my whistling going great told you sir [Music] bask in the moment bask in the moment why because it is the first and last time you will ever be able to say I told you so um Oh while I'm here by the way can I can I borrow your black bag mm well sorry I was just basking in that moment oh hush puppy can I borrow it or not under one condition what's that you cannot have any thing else to say about the way I dress starting with um as soon as you grab that bag by the door leopard make sure hit look to where it it's not your color you know but they say about black being slimming that's so much and another thing you know it's gonna hurt when you call me and it's really gonna hurt when you call me or here cuz you have my comb your hair in weeks and you need other thing about t-shirts they only work unless you go to family reunions for a living matter I'll out no not yet but I will and I would turn that back I'll leave you girls to it you guys have fun planning the wedding hey Parker hey jasmine oh it seemed like you already get everything started oh no I just grab a couple books but you know I haven't looked through them yet so oh that's great cuz I already got everything planned out so I've heard Oh dress and everything oh yeah of course I does not my dress when I was 13 great there it is oh it is beautiful so how do you picture other colors for the wedding yet oh yeah I was thinking beige lavender and peach oh are you planning on you know hi to what Oh Easter egg you know what don't even worry about it it's not melody no it's definitely not so have you won pick flowers oh yeah yeah yeah here they are yeah right there the bride-to-be oh there we go oh man what's cheating hey how come every time I bless you up on the court I'm cheap because you'd be fouling out of time Wow get out of there you know what you just get in Oh you can't no move you me you uh-huh you know what you huffing and puffing I'm gonna give you a little break so take a break relax catch your breath yeah I am gonna take a break and as just because you said so it ain't cuz I'm tired yeah you suck man you really gonna marry this chick yeah man what uh what Parker said you know Parker don't agree man you young bro I really didn't think you end up with hurting man so who do you think I end up with partner I did I did but if you ain't go get her her master let's start making mawa get out of here look man come on man she's been giving you all the signs yeah but I think she got someone now yeah yeah walking Wessel you met oh I'm not me thanks red I love yo face what face and that face right there it out of here man come on that man I read her article that one anonymous man she was talking about you you know what you need to stop breeding he stick to the coloring books Oh coloring books oh you got jokes yeah Jo oh you got jokes yeah oh you got you it don't even matter you know you know what game over man game over oh we're huh oh wait a minute I'm gonna catch it all done in the time guy oh by the way you're Colin was great oh you think so yeah except for the part about that Julie girl that was kind of sad oh why was that because she wants something that she'll never have and what is that love from that man so how do you say that oh well it's clear she's jealous I mean she's been on the sidelines looking in and that new woman that he's with she's gonna be in his life forever she's never gonna get her a happy ending you know it's sad but she should move on that is a very interesting perspective look I've been in here way too long how much do I owe you for rent all right Wesley hey babe yeah I'm just sitting here helping you know jasmine and Erin work on planning the wedding and working on my article yeah I'd love to see a movie with you tonight okay babe I'll see you later okay bye all right I'm about to go and head out I'm tired all right thanks Barger oh you're so [Music] [Music] look Katie is that you well you know isn't it what are you doing over here I dragged her out of time this my spine first of all I never sort of sent us off with the lie cuz you never talk period okay you got me I just really want to taxi wait how did you know I was here no no doesn't even matter you know I just need you to talk to Parker all right I need you to get her to break Erin a Jasmine she's a grown woman why would I do that besides she's happy with Wesley oh you don't even know him had you met him not yet okay so how do you even know he's real because I've never seen the joy of my friends face like when she's talking about Wesley okay she's a writer she could be faking it writers don't fake expressions actors do whatever I don't even think he's real oh he is real why would she make him up that's crazy think about it all right so this guy just comes here just all out of the blue there are madly in love with each other come on seriously it's not out the blue okay miss Josephine hook them up miss Josephine yes miss Josephine no see see look that's even more reason why we need to break him up what no she's a grown woman okay if her and Erin are meant to be it would happen what if it's meant to be then we get them together it's not you don't know that I do know that love is love and if it's true love it will find his way that's right love Islam that's why we need to get them together what is your deal what what are you talking about that's a bet or something a bit why you say this are you getting paid hook them up like a matchmaker yes no but it is a good idea do you think I'd be good at it I don't know what you are good at but getting on my nerves I am not helping you break up a happy home I'm creating happier hos I'm breaking listen oh my god fine you got two minutes my muscles get calling Luke no muscles it's a tea you know it don't even matter I look Han look listen all right so Erin and Parker right they grew up together okay sure it's a platonic little thing but the whole neighborhood knows that they're gonna end up together all right and if this breaks them up it's gonna break up the pair we won't be able to spend as much time okay that last sentence did not help you out well plus jasmine can he cook so that's why you're here you came here uninvited for your own selfish reason no it's not selfish I mean that girl had me on a cam for two hours yesterday why don't you keep eating over there she can't cook I keep going over there because it's complicated what is so complicated about eating before you go over there that's not how we was raised okay look my mama didn't raise us like that you know if you go to someone's house is considered rude to refuse the food your two minutes is up come on seriously you ain't gonna say hey go say nothing really no oh my god okay fine all right I'm going over there tonight and if the opportunity comes up I'll bring up Aaron but only if it comes up I'm not promising you anything I'm not dead that's all I wanted no promises at all okay now I did want to ask you something else though all right so uh why I married anybody ever seen your husband he got a ring I don't run in it okay I'm too afraid of losing it out here okay so where's your husband there cuz I ain't never seen this to kiss him and Weston you know uh invisible brothers he travels he traveled yes travels okay like a like a like a ghost wait wait wait really married Luke [Music] [Music] Aaron you know usually when a person invite someone over to their house they straighten up a bit yeah I consider that but my mind has been all over the place I see you addressed in two different seasons make yourself comfortable now what's so urgent I read Parker's column as did the world my dear what's the emergency my husband is waiting on me I I got to fill in that the letters about me oh don't be silly pork is in a relationship with Wesley relationship mm-hmm I thought you knew that I knew they were in a friendship when did it become a relationship friendship relationship he's the man she's the woman they both groan that's all the same look may I mention that she's in love with me look Aaron now you know I like it when you've been a great friend to Parker but you're getting married and she's with Wesley oh wait a minute are you sure this isn't this isn't an early case of cold feet no I mean actually I won like three pair of socks so if anything this would be a case of sweaty feet you know that was just a lemma I gotta go I'd like to stay but the big bad wolf is waiting on me I'm just gonna go over there and ask her ask her what the letters about me it was just a question-and-answer segment her column she didn't really write it but you know what if this gets you not to call me one more time tonight then so be a child back and change your clothes [Music] [Applause] okay what's going on aren't you watching the game no I'm watching you he's so beautiful I don't see the reason for me that watch a bunch of sweaty guys running up and down the floor just field what you said the floor it's the feel it's football yeah yeah whatever exactly you know I don't understand why I should watch a bunch of guys running up and down the field I'm gonna have the most beautiful woman in the world sitting right next to me baby that's so sweet can you just look just let me know if the score is real good okay so how do I do that you're kidding right no no I'm not kidding oh okay we're winning yes let's watch a movie sure without the laptop [ __ ] okay I know it's been said that I look like Denzel and everything but uh I'm not the movie I do know that so listen I have a different idea let's not watch it with me okay we have a mind let's talk Tom let's talk what about okay so listen so I'm having trouble coming up with an idea about what to write for my article give me some suggestions oh that's not my thing okay well how about this how about I tell you some of the things I was thinking about and you let me know if you think it's a good idea okay sounds good okay I was thinking about writing an article about meerkat mating season what do you think is horrible huh no no no that sounds interesting really yeah but I write an entertainment column so why does it have to be entertainment news because I have an entertainment column well why don't you just switch it up because I'll get fired well yeah I'm a millionaire so your job doesn't matter no no not like that I don't mean like that what I meant was you know if you were to get fired I could just buy you your own magazine and you can you know call it Parker's mind mm-hmm that was real cute really no I'm serious okay okay let's see so what is your favorite thing to do honestly I love to get kidnapped by crazy old women and you know meet the most beautiful woman in the world so sweet again but listen we've been hanging out for the past few weeks and I really just want to learn more about you really I don't have a thing everybody has a thing you know what I enjoy I enjoy getting to know you better so matter mm-hmm what is your favorite slap bird a paradise bird of paradise okay it's right here actually really looks like a bird yeah is this so wedding book yeah it is so is someone trying to hint no good okay okay it's a long story so my best friend's getting married and I'm helping him and his fiancee plan the wedding okay sounds like another day for us the wedding yeah why'd you say that you know I'm just kidding you you're right it really may happen mm-hmm no you know what I want to make you something close your eyes really close my eyes it close your eyes nosy okay what are you doing let me see how open your eyes will you go on another date with me sure as long as you don't give me a paper cutting you know what I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be right back [Music] Aaron you you just can't knock what's what's going on are you okay I read your article okay again you just like wasting gas you could have called me and told me that I could have I need to tell you in person okay what that's great absolutely is pretty amazing okay thank you look I guess what I'm trying to say is that I know the letter was about me what are you talking about come on Parker I mean I'm gonna caught him on late but hurry between allies Aaron there is nothing between the lines but space the best friend is getting married someone sent me the letter so woman he doesn't love listen I do not have time for this right now Julia is in love with her best friend Aaron so then I was thinking that we could just go out to the movies okay um Aaron this is Wesley and Wesley this is my own best friend Aaron so I heard a lot about you Aaron yeah likewise so can we talk no what never mind so about their movie Oh huh the movies going out to movies oh okay um yeah just give me a give me well I'm gonna right over here get ready you know dude this way already ready but [Music] shall I I love you I think [Music] and that is why meerkats would never be extinct what do you think I fell asleep 40 times what is this about Katie what is born don't you - well because Wesley said it was interesting ya know for someone planning a trip to Africa Taryn would never miss you write about rest excuse me they are in the Mongoose family they're boring is what they are speaking of errand girl I forgot to tell you he came over here and he thinks that the article from last week was about him well we know that isn't true because Julius sent this to us Julia did send this to us write the questions up brilliant I thought so and so he came over here and now he thinks I'm in love with him are you know - no you wrote it no I told him someone sent it to us but he was acting all weird maybe it's just sweaty feet sweaty no it's that sweaty feet like your armpits what cold feet cool now that I think about it when Jasmine was over here the other day she made some comment about Julia being like the side chick and never getting what she wants oh she thinks that you wrote it - I don't know what she thinks well think deep down inside do you love Aaron of course I love Aaron I don't have to think about that okay are you in love with Aaron oh no okay then there you have it girl call the mental institution to have them both checked in this is serious I'm serious I've just been honest what Aaron get my thumb Leslie hey I was just thinking about you lunch yeah Oh I was um actually supposed to go to lunch with Katie you sure okay well we will meet you shortly all right lunch movies it's just getting serious oh no just admit you'd like him hey I'm gonna go get my new pills oh this must be serious don't get too excited they're just wedges can't wait to meet him mmm-hmm don't put your big-girl shoes on whatever [Applause] [Music] I'm so happy you're taking me with you oh yes good deeds 500 through 700 whatever honestly how do you feel about Wesley well you know it's been like six weeks and he's just so respectful it's so sweet it's so thoughtful thank you uh by a Saran chula what do you think definitely not the love [Music] look I'm just saying your mother and father met after what three weeks and got married yeah and that was like in the 1800 look I'm just saying if you think Wesley is the one do not let him slip away you're not getting any younger and that was not shots fired that was a truth oh you are right what did you just say that Katie you're right Katie you're always right okay listen I did not say all of that's what I heard let's go oh so let me get this straight you thought Parker was talking about you and that letter she posted in her column first stuff you started that mess and for the millionth time okay I was wrong all right so what now honestly after thinking that letter was about me I realized I may be in love with Parker Oh Oh time to girlfriend Jess really jazz I love Barker I don't know what's going on neither do i Aaron all I know is we're supposed to be getting married listen to me I don't know what I'm thinking right now my head's going crazy I can't even focus oh I think you're focused enough air wait what after you proposed to me first off I never proposed to you what are you talking about Aaron yes you did no I didn't what I said was yes sure I want to marry you one day I never said will you marry me Wow so this is just all one big misunderstanding I didn't mean it like that look I do want to marry you I mean I was going alone with the with the wedding right what Aaron going along with it ah don't go what why I love you yeah but you're just not in love with me and I look like sasquatch right yeah yeah I'm still alive I messed up you want to go get her cry no the the onions because hey we had sweet onions a while ago gasps big the sweet that's exactly why I'm the sweet onions mess with my allergies and I get real you know oh and you're there trading from your your eyes you know what it was a touching story okay Parker I have something for you Oh again close my eyes yes you do have to close yes no I'm impatient huh wait what is this what does it look like it looks like my own online magazine yeah and it's print too this way you can write about whatever you want okay Parker's mind welcome to Parker's mind we would like to congratulate our owner her first magazine and ask her which she turned and faced Wesley okay babe I didn't unsuited a or vacuum so you need to get okay and give him her hand Parker House Oh will you will you marry me oh my goodness from the moment your mother kidnapped me I knew that you were someone worth being in captivity for and I know it's only been a few weeks but I would definitely love to spend a few favors with you Parker will you marry me the front was look so I came through the back Parker I love you Wesley yeah I'll marry you marry [Music] congratulations [Music] [Music] August what happens when your world is appears lucky I'll let you work out with me you're lucky I'm letting you work out with me this is my spot whatever so where's Casper my husband name isn't Casper okay Oh is he back from this trouble yes he is so how's Aaron I heard he embarrassed himself pretty bad no yo girl embarrassed excuse me yes you did he comes over to her house unannounced as always how is that her fault she should've notified him before she had company how could she she didn't know he was coming well they've been friends long enough she should have known anything really ahö apparently yeah look who's been studying his SAT book you better be using them big words no no Furillo I'm serious though Corrine you can't see us he blamed this on her yeah my boy is hurt really yeah I do I feel bad oh you do yeah I do I like Aaron I just think that he bought this on himself Wow what does it first of all he proposed to that poor girl that he didn't want to marry need I continue yes actually you do okay he's marrying a girl that he did not propose to knowing that he still had feelings for Parker realizing that after he knew that he was gonna lose her you guys react so slow all right true true we do all right but that's because we like to scope out the pool before we just dive in okay and when you do that the Sun is going down and it's too late to jump in I know all right so you don't think she's marrying Wesley because Aaron was getting married no I think that she really loves him but they don't even know each other okay and that's how you grow into a marriage you spend the rest of your life getting to know each other what if he's a massive boy what you hush he is not a murderer what you don't know that yes I do I met him oh so you meet somebody in right off the bat you know they're a mass-murdering night I mean I've never ran into one but I'm sure it's not that hard to prove oh okay that's it that's what you think oh whatever what if he's an alien what yeah like an alien like he's trying to get his green card okay but that's their groan that's their problem well you really ain't gonna ask her why she'd get married and if I do I'm not coming back here to tell you you ain't got to cuz I already know it's smart like that oh so now you're smart because you're using big words like ether Lee no I'm smart uh-huh because because you don't know why you're smart yes I do no you don't shut up no I know uh okay whatever well I have to go home and get dressed okay oh I got a date with Casper there oh you got jokes if you must know it's girls night at Parker's house and first of all I don't have to get all fancy for my husband okay he's coming here to pick me up and we're gonna lunch oh really you're going to the new restaurant in town what never Neverland oh yeah you're a man now right whether he comes hey baby yeah I'm ready this this is it bye Luke you see like it's real okay so you're getting married these are your last day as a single woman what are you gonna do oh my goodness I just said yes to the proposal you guys are acting like I'm going into slavery Massa well honey times have changed back in my day which isn't too far from the present day we women we want to do everything we wanted to cook clean wash etc etc but now the technology so advanced I think all you have to do is think about what you want to do when it'll happen okay it is different Park Oh Katie it is not that different I want to do all of those things for Wes when hey is this our first relationship she's acting like right honey after you work those 16-hour days you're not gonna even wanna look at your husband let alone do some housework well we can make it a dual thing honey it's a marriage not a degree okay well I mean we can do it together Parker Wesley is the CEO of a fortune 500 company ain't nobody got time for that you know I didn't know better I think you ladies are trying to scare me out of marriage no no we just don't want you to go into the marriage with your eyes closed exactly and your mother always has your best interests at heart okay so now that we've had the horror pep talk what's next so uh have you talked to Aaron since he realized that he was the weakest link mom he's still my best friend sad didn't heat up and disappear I know what kind of Houdini best friend is that listen you guys he was embarrassed he should be okay can you all stop it you all are horrible this is my friend we're talking about yeah okay I can understand that but because you guys have been friends since you were kids he should be able to just laugh this off and just move on she's right okay okay so what are we doing next James since you want to be Little Miss housewife the first game is calling name that earth oh yeah yeah how do we play okay I'm gonna swipe the earth across your face three times whoever guesses correctly first wins the prize okay oh oh I got this how many do we have to get first person to three wins oh all right close eyes saundra Oh correct that is unbelievable you have the nose of Lassie ahh sore loser come on next one next one is mine you ready all right loser you are gonna give me a chance to get this right okay you know what no we have a cheater now how do I know she didn't help you put this game together because she was with you all day oh yeah that's a good point well that's still not fair because she's like Johnny Appleseed she like grew up on a farm or something Johnny Appleseed come on I want to play another game are you serious you all convinced me you said you wanted to have girls night and you told me we're gonna have games so where are the games I know that was clever right Oh guys I appreciate you so what's next I thought maybe you can access questions and we answer them kind of like a advice session okay I like this so how do you know that you were marrying the right man it was just a feeling that I felt every time I saw his face every time I heard him to speak he just who I just gave me chills I knew then that he was the one for me mom well Parker I tell you your father he had a way of just making me feel like we were the only two people in the world when he spoke time to Stood Still he spoke with such strength and authority it just made me feel you know safe and his presence every time I saw that was so amazing I know right Oh love Oh mom she didn't mean old she meant why I meant old okay next question what do you do to keep it interesting change it up you got to change it up don't do the same things it gets boring you got to go different places eat different foods be adventurous yeah agreed okay well that sounds easy Oh No there is nothing easy about marriage the key is to work on everything together he's your best right now you go to him before you go to anybody else hmm you know that's that's great advice Katie I know this is the scariest thing that I've ever done but I think I'm ready it's a little late to be thinking honey you said yes you need to be sure you need to be certain that this is the person that you want to spend your life with yes no one else I know ray we're not finished so how did you know that you're in love with Wesley of the wait wait before you answer that question I want you to think about this wall and hard love it done just happen love's ordained by God and God's love is unconditional love can take you through a tsunami and back to dry man love will never leave you no matter what it makes you feel safe and new and strong it'll never leave you love is dependable even when you can't see it that's a cappella I wanted to know that you are in love with the Westway [Music] [Music] oh good deed number one and Nicene yeah it's um it's been a while yeah so how's Winston Wesley is doing well so when is the wedding I'm thinking possibly mid never you were what what happened Parker you know I just I couldn't think of a reason why I loved him and I realized that I was more in love with being married than him well I've been wanting to apologize for that night I should have never bust into your home like that but I just wanted my friend back and I think we're even I mean you saved me I saved you oh you saved me how this I see yeah look I saved your life if I wasn't nervous standing here you would have stepped on it with those high heels did a backflip hit your head we've been all bad Oh what backflip oh well now that you thought of the absolute worst scenario ever I guess you're right I love you but what if after a couple weeks you get tired of me and you don't love me anymore well I don't live for tomorrow but you know they are not always gonna be happy days and you can't just leave and be and disappear out of my life for four weeks at a time but the fact that we could catch up and talk to each other like nothing ever happened that doesn't amaze you but what if our love is seasonal and our season is over are where do we were meant to be together and we needed that time apart to grow I love you oh don't correct myself I'm in love with you and I don't want to live another day without you in it so you start over how excuse me me yeah wow you're beautiful and I kind of saw you across the park and I was kind of wondering if you may consider going on a date with those you're a stalker what Parker excuse me how do you know my name oh you thought this is gonna be easy may I have the pleasure taking you out on a date I'll show you another side of life I mean a pretty amazing guy because I could do a little charity you know it ain't good deed number wouldn't Allison wait wait a second you never told me that you love me back [Music] you definitely love me just a little bit wait you're not gonna give me ice no I didn't come for a nice oh you are such a dog no no not at all okay well I was gonna play basketball [Music] [Music] it's kind of funny how the times change hey she said we'd be friends well I think I might change that plate of my keys but in this timeframe it was kind of hard keeping my mind
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 2,899,928
Rating: 4.7866549 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Alchemy, Best friends, Entertainment columnist, Engagement, Jealousy, Dating life, Magazine advice column, Rom-com, Meddling mother, Cosby Show, comedy, dating, Free Movies, Full Movies
Id: jdS6oxZJraE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 11sec (5231 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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