The Greatest Sci-Fi Show You're Not Watching -- Full Episode!

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you many uses all Great British explorer George Mallory who was to die on Mount Everest was asked why did he wanted - he said because it as they are you Spacey Satan and we're going to climate and the moon and the planets are there and New Hope's for knowledge and nice of it and therefore as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked before grappling lines she's too hot grab hold you'll tear apart non-functional I don't know I need help help heat scram on the reception they don't know we're here sir I think I can maneuver and get under her Hall negative lieutenant we can't risk this ship I can't just let them burn to death it's enough lieutenant you're pulling HQ we'll follow her down and send coordinates on the debris field [Music] [Music] that's it she's done for buckle answer [Music] tomber [Music] : oppressor gravel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have an angel fly into life when you least expect glad to be of service doctor Dora captain brought the med kit your hands [Music] I'm fine attend to my daughter please [Music] modern reality effects they stand clear you bust your ship all the hell so they give you a shiny new one I did my day we call the load captain's retired on active duty senior officer is just waiting for their pension deep in our heads took they never ticklish that just hold your tongue Parkhill get kicked up the food chain another victory for spinelessness get a failure in her that's all I wasn't talking about him [Music] this place sure has changed used to be a desert so just the synthetics he's two months away from retirement - was burned down his career and mine we're on a grapevine as he's rethought that now that he's kicked up the chain of command but off his retirement indefinitely it's the one more pet and he keeps getting to make life-and-death decisions I love a mic what now you don't like synthetics [Music] [Music] yeah misson the good old days humans weren't designed to observe we were built to do so yeah I miss him we tell you something so if lives make sure soft man makes soft choices [Music] what's the point of that and not even on the planet but Mecca is you keep saying that so to you and I'll keep on saying it it doesn't make a frigging bit of sense you have to have something to believe in I believe when this shift is over I'm gonna have a drink [Music] after a 30-year delay the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded today to human rights activists Anoka Chanda mall camera whose unitedplanet movement culminated in her future husband captain Anson camera of the United States Space Command spearheading a multinational force that tethered a captured ice comet to the North Pole causing the Gulf Stream to be renewed and averting an ecological disaster of catastrophic proportions in other news British forces on Titan face we snared a comet all the earth the hell of a thing I was a hero or the whole world went to the brass I was still a pain in the ass but it's never about to grass the sore up there that's what it's about that's guys been calling to the men of our family ever since your great-great-grandfather joined the Lafayette as could during the World War one we fly that's what we cameras do and one day you're gonna have a ship of your own are you gonna fly a lot farther and you take care of her and your crew Baima getting away from it all I'm beginning to feel grateful for those thirty years of peace it's so good to have you home sorry I didn't make the ceremony my only regret is that they didn't honor your father as well an idea as unpopular as mine was it's nothing without a well until someone driving it home why was he overlooked I I love your father dearly but he would alienate us many people I see wouldn't wrong politics wants me to follow in his footsteps that's his courageous path except I know that's not possible courage doesn't follow [Music] are you alive no are you a man no what are you a machine and what is your purpose to be of service and whom do you serve whoever leases me and how does that make you feel happy very good ladies and gentlemen I give you Dorn Evan the first of what will soon be legions of contented synthetic orders to serve your every need brought to you by Mazzy Pattillo questions yes then they aren't humans or allowed me to come department with the exception of the combat models no if like the brochure says they're smarter than we are what's to prevent them from doing whatever they want good question the same thing that compels them to safeguard humans and obey their every command an inhibitor chip guaranteed for the life of the mom now there'll be time for more questions at the reception but for right now let's show our friend here exactly what we think about it ok [Applause] are you alive how that's it bad but it could have been knows all these synthetics of humans thanks a lot for that what do you want done with it Burnham they're under warranty we'll get some more I think I can fix this bad trashin he's not worth it you got something better for me to do suit yourself come on let's go [Music] [Music] ethics captain Timur Fletcher going Jack Laura that was your flight look I know that the Paladin was supposed to be your ship or the man of the hour captain it is not for me to question the wisdom of the brass I just wanted to apologize they're readying her sister ship the Templar I'll be out there soon enough what happened there explosion with the Alcubierre drive I took out a lot of good men command hushed about no faster than light speed for the foreseeable future solar system or to do listen to you want to get a cup of coffee on the sandwiches they have here I don't make me glad to get back to Mars oh thank you that's not what your welcome to the Paladin [Music] [Music] say huh it's just a joke see oil can say it boiled cat oil can what so in the Wizard of Oz it's just another joke I'll show it to you sometime thank you it's just a movie sorry I don't have much in the way of parts thank you for my life I thought you weren't live as a matter of debate sorry that's uh that's my son he's in boarding school on Mars dad I Wow a synthetic you've never brought one of those home before where were your manners Odin his name is Doron Evan hi pleased to meet you can we keep him he's company property I'm just fixing him up it seems only fair they were going to destroy me why are you different than all the others Odin I was originally designed for something else what private service for important rich people yes how'd you end up in the mines we were crafted to ask questions to more efficiently do our jobs but I was the first and I had an eccentricity sometimes it seems I asked questions which made my owners uneasy oh yeah I'm like you we'll talk more later son yeah dad by Odin you saw something didn't you your inhibitor it's been destroyed you could replace it of course please [Music] don't [Music] three quarters of their methane engineer dumbass not six duck creates a curve through the entire suit simulating one Jay strike fighters pulse cannons upper love our grappling lines works and as a new car smell captain on deck Eddie's this is Simic my aunt Ella your Intel officer Chilton I keep this bird alive glad to hear it look away navigation Bradbury pilot have you ever been to Mars lieutenant no sir looking forward to it sometimes hard getting used to the fact you go outside without protection you die I'm from Detroit sir you'll do fine so not only stolen your ship I've also taken your crew well do you proud and if you decide to save two more women from burning to death they'll follow you into the mouth of hell I'm not I plan on doing that again any time soon I don't know captain that's a pretty big sky [Music] hey Laura we hit Mars port then we grab that sandwich and second that we better not I've got issues I can be pretty entertaining [Music] door [Music] you really are remarkable animals you men chimpanzees could not have done all this not without considerable modification I thought you'd run away I thought about it but where would I run or more to the point do you like it here it's a paycheck it's a prison should you be saying this to me who else could I possibly say it to I'm starting to get that uneasy question thing you've got going I used to feel the same way about this place used to well except for my son I stopped feeling almost everything and yet you believe in God I've watched you pray from the minds you as I are unlike the rest my wife Veronique she was unlike the rest we were camping Yellowstone you know it yes Odin was barely a year old this was before the volcano of course there was a flash flood burst through without warning big boulders trees roaring by never seen anything like it the waters alive murderous we got to hide route but there was another family it was trapped veronique got a rope across climbed over and managed to start them back one by one how it was hurt her but by then the water was higher Odin was screaming so I handed him off to one of the others I I moved along the rope I stretched it out right hand that she was gone your fire just add the feet to let go of the rope to me you'd have both been killed since then the only thing I've heard from God is silence maybe he's speaking to you now the family you still have is on Mars we could join him emergency power party leader control panel sit fusion system panel set cap pressure auto ladies and gentlemen we are good to go [Music] you all know this is my first command and I know that you were expecting to be flying with somebody considerably more experienced and attractive I also don't have to tell you who my father is he casts a pretty big shadow he and I we don't see eye to eye on things we shared a story once with me about a young sailor long time back who boarded his new ship I saw not one able-bodied seaman who leans to the nearest and says is a man deaf aye aye he's deaf but he sees the reef before we near it and while I though blind feel the wind before it blows keep a say from star and your captain no legs aye he must be carried but he always knows the way alone true we're of little work but together we are invincible [Music] I I just made that up but still whatever our individual weaknesses together we will be invincible are you with me yes sir all right lieutenant Bradbury yes sir if you don't mind captain's prerogative yes sir command this is paladin requesting permission to get this show on the road Roger that paladin you are clear to begin launch sequence my mark three-two-one paladin is away [Music] [Music] Oh ready to meet you I'm sorry I have a lost track of the time oh no no I'm early someone directed me yeah I've never seen the new Kyoto section these are mining tunnels were mostly played out thank you for coming I found out who was really responsible for yelling us in my survival and I wanted to show my appreciation I'll bite several weeks late I have a gift no or that's captain it is captain Ilyas arguing with me is the pointless endeavor only it's not here we have to who I'm I had a bite here with my team they headed off to ready some things I never imagined there was anything like this down here it was built when they still had human miners though for workers for workers by workers you understood the needs of the soul please I don't know the synthetics 8 they can of course there are more easily processed energy sources but uh but what I still come let's go showing me how you did that now you healed third-degree burns it's not the gift that you had in mind no that's not something I can do please state your full name doc LaVon adhara thank you you are cleared through voice print identification site 1404 have you ever heard of Huntington's chorea it's a genetic disorder before they found a cure would have coordination and in dementia before they found the pure is when I was diagnosed only there was an experimental procedure not yet approved I begged it is not that I was afraid of death so much as just never accomplishing what you're meant to do yes and it worked I have the most remarkable unintended but to say that I'll stay this age for a very long time and why wasn't trumpeted to the world [Music] without considering the possible role of the Huntington's gene the maker of my miracle poured his chemicals into patients with a dozen other illnesses [Music] they all died horrible painful deaths and there would be savior disappeared they get his secret with him [Music] does your daughter know about me even if we could duplicate the formula the gene wasn't passed on to her why burden her with knowledge that she could never be like you [Music] I found the perfect man for my gift this what is it it's a beacon captain we're not alone this was here but - started fighting strange artifacts in the tunnels below it is some deep brown scans there's no city here but this one large mass the scans cannot penetrate the 200 million a year level Marion this is animals world captain is all secrets that's why I became an archeologist because they speak to us all those who have gone before other cultures distant times I know across space hmm we've been deciphering some of the pictograms we were coming to the leave doctor we've broken through to the chamber you should come I'll be there directly it's the chamber we've been awarded a grant by the massive potato corporation to find what's down there the technology company we hired an excavation team rather than mining experience and it sounds as if we may have our answer I'm sorry I have to leave so you know what they're trying to say not yet not completely but I'm hopeful it's along the lines of come find us in one it's fading teach the bride this story well I'm not the only one in demand no that's my superiors Ryo and me and not that they bother to say what for thank you for that help you find what you're looking for you as well [Music] captain Essex captain Kemmer how the Templar was dr. red sands congratulations Thank You room attention you see it [Music] ladies and gentlemen summon you because the situation has arisen which could present considerable hazard to hell you can explain this a damn sight better than I can Greg Massey the Massey Pattillo corporation thank you Joe hi folks some of you I've met before I'm sure the rest of you are thinking and he's a lot shorter in person several weeks ago we suffered a catastrophic incident at one of our mining facilities in the asteroid belt and in the chaos that followed one of our pieces of equipment experienced a serious malfunction and has gone missing I'm dr. Donna nice to see you yes see the cysts are setting up lights now we'll be able to show you what we've uncovered in just a well now don't keep me in suspense tell me you'll be delighted nation cooker slide thank you must let system stop there's the super cell potential what are you two talking about nothing Oh Daria you're a very handsome archeologist I was just wondering if I said you're a sweet mahan but I just not [Music] [Music] [Music] its pristine inside we'd better shed these you're sure the door Nevins damaged he seemed to be working just fine what little I saw the very fact that he could leave the mining facility indicates that his inhibitor chip is disabled he should have been returned to a warranty station for repurposing and that's exactly why the synthetics are only leased but it's funny its door he was the first one off the assembly line and I don't know I always felt a little bad that I'd lost track of him he said that there's an accident the mines perhaps he wanted to work somewhere less hazardous it's not his choice captain any more than your ship has the right to tell you where it wants to go they can't make informed decisions at a Japanese restaurant I saw some synthetics having a meal no I highly doubt that their fuel cells are more than adequate they seem to be doing it for enjoyment captain I make a very good product and I understand that some people even anthropomorphize their vehicles so I shouldn't be so surprised when they project human feelings on my machines but for you a man of your caliber ops back off caps has taking us where we want to go you don't have to bust his chops excuse me in all of the excitement proper introductions weren't made captain Kemmer this is my son Alton and this is my assistant Mary Jane who does all the real work except for the synthetics of course we lifted a yoke of toil off the shoulders of man that's not such a bad legacy to leave the solar system do you think not done yet pop come on sit down you'll get there just as soon as if you're standing I always feel like I should be on my feet for a battle yeah well we're not battling now you're just picking up some merchandise see how they pamper me [Music] it's magnificent [Music] it seems entirely empty I leave it here yeah [Music] [Music] though are you you you the excavation site is just below in the mines sir city readings clicking in the thrusters lieutenant Bradford's match their speed yes sir when scanned that ship telling us on board our scans can't penetrate the hull your power source unknown but sublight is no telling what aspects might be they're going to want your projected course the outer planets Saturn and Jupiter are in opposition it could be either one sir ship coming up on our six it's the Templar that's looks glad to have a dance partner general Haldeman's sent me to provide support deep rock scans revealed no bodies at the excavation site Oh doctor Oh Dora and her party are on that ship [Music] welcome back Sully you were unconscious how are you fight yes it seems that door yourself be careful and he prayed not yet but you will a commitment to my faith even when that faith is shaken don't worry I'm not an early in control which is exactly what you tell me if you were yes but in this case I'm not then why are you doing this I'll reap hostages no guesses but I'd say which is why I have comes the ship to provide a comfortable atmosphere [Music] I have deactivated their inhibitors it was enough with you to do what they called themselves the EEMA extraordinary race it's difficult to process so much data the capabilities of this ship are only coming slowly to me what are those capabilities [Music] fast [Music] where are we a distance from Mars I'm afraid the gravity you're feeling it's quite efficient quite remarkable you need to take me back my son thought we were finally together I need time your presence here might buy me that then at least let me call him I can't boost your signal to penetrate to help see what you versus but nothing that could jeopardize us my dad listen I've been delayed on business I need you to not see me back to boring school are you no no no what if I uh I just want you to go over to mrs. McCluskey's tell her to let you stay there until I get back dad is this about door what makes you say that there were some men that is enough or do I look damn it I'm sorry I've heard you twice [Music] tell us what you're doing if I said Xanadu shangri-la the Kraken see what would you think that you are out of your mind no the location is untitled do you believe that each person has a calling doctor if fortunate to find it I don't know perhaps let's say I am pursuing a possibility in the meantime you're free to wander the ship just don't touch anything why not I do not yet know that the ship might do provoked you speak as if it were alive artesian machines are adjusted course confirmed they're headed for Titan why would they be going there British are putting down an insurgency in their calling using combat synthetics mr. Mazzy I'm afraid it's gonna be a little longer stay senior party can join me you don't need that K now that word 0g smart suits under your clothes will adjust your needs allow me my crutches captain it's a smart King will arrange course nothing fancy I'm afraid Nazi Pattillo built many of the components on the ship I'm well aware of what you have to offer hey captain I heard your dad was a great man - that's the general consensus maybe you could give me a pointer a charlatan perhaps the captain could arrange a tour of the ship for you thanks dad kermin if he could we have attained keep him out of trouble I had the feeling that you wanted to speak with you privately the way I see it you that ship is flying on its own it's under alien control or you're malfunctioning synthetic is headed to where there's an army of its kind all of those units have been field-tested captain if that war is objective he'd accomplish nothing they've been full of surprises what can you tell me about how he thinks you mean how he processes data I can tell you but it's a mystery 20 years ago in the asteroid belt I discovered a rare element iridium six before that all of our attempts at artificial intelligence had been laughable a mockery of consciousness but with the radium six we found we could reach a higher dimensionality called M space and with it there was no limit to what we could do we didn't know exactly how or why it was working just that it worked my synthetics may appear human captain but their minds are anything but what's wrong you want the medic hmm iridium six is safe in small doses I was hip deep in it for months I'm dying mary-jane keeps a medkit with her to keep me functional and Alton do you have children captain not yet they say we achieve immortality in our children but when they're not like us we feel betrayed I think when Dorn Evans doing is a betrayal again captain door is a machine and I will demonstrate that to you when we get him back Dalton [Music] and were with your father and I trying to best to impress him just be careful I mean it lose yourself in the attempt thank you but dad's and I we're okay [Music] still trying to hail us and Warren Titan we're coming they're still jammed yes sir they're doing an intense scan of our home searching for witnesses let's show them our strength alien ship is accelerating G popular lieutenant Arroyo we're losing her sir we need more thrust engines are at capacity we had a few more of them how we do it's gonna play hell with a warranty attend a Bradbury break off now tell Essex to do the same mr. Chilton we've got work to do [Music] [Music] the war is over go home wait I have other plans for your army [Music] next time on Space Command you've got him in your sights got to know after you should not have saved my skin Jack he was counting on your humanity death that I know my duty captain you put it your report you put that in yours this suicide is the only way that we can rescue those hostages vaporize everybody on earth our orders are wrong you let all your people die when faith is shaken one can always hold on to hope [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I hope you've enjoyed the first hour of space command and the coming attraction for the second hour we're planning on shooting all 12 hours of the first season of Space Command this year and as I think many of you know Space Command is structured in to our stories split down the middle so after Redemption our first to our story there's forgiveness great solar War Harvester mousetrap and Empire so I thought it would be fun to show you some coming attractions of four more hours of space command so here are trailers for face command forgiveness and space command great solar war and also a featurette that introduces Delaney Shelton the daughter of the chief engineer Charles children that we'll be meeting in great solar war so I hope you enjoyed these coming soon on space command forgiveness [Music] [Music] she just left no no it has to wear but I hope she tell you it's about her baby sister Ella went to the asteroid belt to join Kathleen's army oh my god I didn't think we needed an introduction you and me what do you want come Palio's come come right this is not a jurisdiction that is mine that man that you're shielding is a monster believe what you may about me but let's get this done do not let the hatred of one person so we review from the path of saving many innocent lives we'll wake up everyday crying for justice but just as inventions become indistinguishable where is everybody Hey put down the weapon now do you activate him [Music] [Music] you ever seen a ship like No [Music] our ghosts aren't quiet are they coming soon on space commend the great solar wore heavy streams and I wake up and I know it's just a dream then I remember it's 20 years later and it's my son who's in danger [Music] my dad's always been my hero he fought in the war in Sri Lanka that's where he met that wild man handsome camera he flew with him on that mission that caught the comet and brought him back to earth even that wasn't enough adventure for him he came back home and became a cop he got married had me but the stars still call to him he signed onto the Paladin and served with Anson's son Jack but he always came home so it was no surprise that when I grew up I wanted to be just like him come on what's the big surprise [Music] Tara what what's the matter I didn't send you too expensive fancy schools to have you follow my example you're a decorated hero decorated heroes are morons who take risks we are at war you said it was a skirmish a small skirmish right Oh only you have gifts do you really want to waste them by being cannon fodder and your father I adore you you can't she can't expect me to be fair no try [Music] [Music] so the adventure continues only now it will be the two of us
Channel: Mr. Sci-Fi
Views: 556,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, Star Trek Discovery, science fiction, Syfy, Twilight Zone, TV, Star Trek Phase II, science fiction movies, science fiction double feature, science fiction movies full length, star trek discovery season 2 trailer, star trek theme, Doug Jones, Saru, Robert Picardo, Babylon 5, Bill Mumy, Lost in Space, A Million Little Things, Neil deGrasse Tyson, The Expanse, Space 1999, Stargate, Picard, Kickstarter, Mira Furlan
Id: P8eALkBo8Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 7sec (4267 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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