Star Trek: Renegades (Episode 1)
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Channel: Atomic Network
Views: 10,274,952
Rating: 4.6769471 out of 5
Keywords: Star Trek, sci-fi, scifi, renegades, trek, Star Trek Renegades, Tim Russ, Star Trek Renegades Official Film, Officlal Film, Walter Koenig, Chekov, Icheb, star trek beyond, star trek the next generation, star trek voyager, star trek original series, robert picardo, star wars episode VII, dax, deep space nine, chakotay, terry farrell, horizon, star trek into darkness, trailer, leaked, new star trek series, new star trek, star trek series, fan film, cbs, beyond, paramount, gary graham
Id: eE2Wgop9VLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2015
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Why are so many good trek actors involved in this?
If the Ferengi sold bootleg Trek movies made in holodecks I imagine this would be the highest quality movie you would get. It's not completely terrible, well...I have seen worse things...on YouTube. OK, the costumes should have been more snug. They should have done some more takes to make the acting seem less like a porn. Actually...this would make a great porn. Splice in some sex scenes and this would be high quality porn.
The first movie ever filmed entirely in closeup!
This has been posted like 3 or 4 times over the past few days. And sadly it's utter shite.
The space CG isn't half bad but the acting, costume design, cinematography, script, lighting etc all suck. Seriously, it would have paid them to get actual fimlmakers involved instead of ploughing ahead and trying to polish a turd.
A lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
For a low budget fan production, the effects and sets and everything actually turned out better than I expected. I also completely respect the passion the people who made this must have for the franchise in order to have produced something like this. I say that despite the criticism I'll have below.
My personal problem with it is how utterly un-Star Trek like it was. Remove the Star Trek characters and change the look of the ships, and there wouldn't be a single clue that it was Trek. There's no exploration, no optimism, and a paper-thin explanation as to why this crew was needed. "Someone is helping him! We can't trust anybody!"
What the movie ended up feeling like was that someone decided they wanted to make a dark and edgy sci-fi story. They realized that they wouldn't have a chance at getting the funding they wanted if it was a no-name, brand new IP. So they stuck the name Star Trek on it in order to generate excitement. And that's a real shame.
On the positive side... I was happy to see that Jonas Quinn found a new job after leaving the SGC.
I actually liked this. It had some major flaws, but shows a lot of promise. For those that chose to watch it the whole way through, there were times that I genuinely forgot I was watching a fan film. Other times it was glaringly obvious. Sometimes it was the dialogue, sometimes it was the actors, and other times it was the inconsistently poor CGI (some of it was amazing though).
I don't know who you got to play Alvarez's first officer, but she is just terrible. And Chekhov's granddaughter as well.
On a side note, what is it with Star Trek and children always having to awkwardly use terms like "father" and "mother"? I mean seriously, Jake Sisko said "dad" and it actually sounded normal. Why can't every other kid in Star Trek be the same way?
Maybe it's because I read nothing but nonstop butthurt here about this film before I watched it, but it was a lot better than I expected.
The only gripes I had about it were the low quality on the Starfleet uniforms (seriously, couldn't get Walter Koenig's measurements?) and, like someone else said, the "medical receptionist" they cast as their technician, glasses and all.
Also, the Cardassian dude was really shiny. Couldn't they have hit his latex with some powder or whatever?
The script and acting weren't really Hollywood caliber either, but I wasn't expecting it to be -- it's a fan film. I did, however, let out a loud "god" at the "rape gangs" reference. I really got sick of hearing Tasha Yar go on and on about that.