Earth Star Voyager Full SCI-FI movie from 1988

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This was an outstanding movie

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jay-Eff-Gee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I remember watching this as a kid on Sunday's when Disney had their special presentations? - it was amazing sci fi for the time. Re watching it again I'm amazed it never got off the ground. You could clearly see they set it up for a series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Augustus_Trollus_III πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 14 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Green hamburgers ?!!!!????

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/5usted πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 15 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

This has been described as a whole ship of Wesley Crushers.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/postdarwin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get you outta here come on [Music] we're home sir you bet we are [Music] [Music] see downside partner [Music] [Music] check forward em control yes sir we're trying to save trigger were you sir there's no outpost close enough for him to reach I want you to address the crew tell them I'm now in command of the ship sure you want advance kind of mister up [Music] [Music] rest in peace Jacob Brown [Music] what you get well I got pens I know the straight tens on everything except psychosocial gesture what exactly did dr. Morgan say 39.3 is very good for someone five years younger than his classmates then then I'm quote very advanced for someone born in the Year 2070 for well then everything you say well don't like that you followed by something completely rational yeah well I don't feel like being last room right now Jonathan I feel like I'm sick of being attentiveness you're not and was the kid genius kid super genius whose science grades are still breaking records I'm gonna deadpan Johnson so categories other of those as we have been to the less got it repeat hws 17th edition tonight's forecast scattered showers and acceptable oxygen level yes [Music] sure excuse us use us [Music] the first are you alright man boys you're silly we're not at all my green boys got a next one well thank you oh don't want to trouble you is there anything in this weekend for me oh don't you worry about me I'll be all right I'll just sit right here for a few minutes and I'll be as right as rain excuse me oh it's only an old expression dear you wouldn't remember it by you should enjoy the next week [Music] your order veggie bio burger the works no I'll take those change that yes nutritious afternoon my blood Sugar's low you use that one last time three super burgers with extra sauce a nutria shake 2lt chips with Dinah dip one benzos shake thermo chess with Amina sauce myself every class I take I keep raising the curve know how will I do I expect me to do better they also expect you to get around to taking a few classes outside your major be me music appreciation requirements be me you can't keep putting them on forever after breaking the concealer transcripts and foot dives already taking those classes don't even learn truth make things a lot more fun come on thank you for eating at my burgers that division of Fujiyama hydroponic farms original let's go Bernie beeping Quinn [Music] this isn't our flight group you know who are these people [Music] recognize a few of them just the ones in my classes Feeny Tiago what's going on no sense on friend of mine he's can't Sally I don't know if you remember me I'm Jonathan Hayes Jonathan yes I remember you you went on to command school didn't you yeah I'm sorry to hear about your brother thank you what happened here brother he was on the Vanguard Explorer oh sorry I'm Huxley wells navigation Sally Arthur MD this is Jesse bean stock feed stock yeah fee fie fo fum you call me bean Bonnie my or a flight control school this is les hey I've heard about you having your the IQ kid with the alien life-form asphyxiation he likes little green man cadets be seated and may I offer my congratulations on your outstanding achievement records they've qualified you to serve aboard the earth star Voyager Voyager is our newest interstellar ship I have the honor to have been appointed her captain latest projections indicate a worsening of our outer radiation belts they're about to hit maximum where they will remain for five years but Sir why not wait the five years look outside Jonathan this planet's in trouble before she vanished six years ago Vanguard Explorer sent out probes we've just received a report from one of them it gave us the location of that Berenson star and in orbit around it is a planet we've named Demeter we haven't been able to decode all the information yet this is the best picture we can give you we have some readings of an acceptable atmosphere but we're still not sure if it can support life voyagers mission is to answer that question because if Demeter is suitable we are going to have to move there it'll take at least 40 years to build the ships necessary to move everyone and the stars eighteen point seven light-years away a trip like that even with fusion generators in the bauman drive I take it these 25 years round trip 26 beany we're factoring in a year for exploration of the planet I'll be 40 cryogenic sleep will be available to all crew members for every three days we spend on the trip with only age two but we will age that's why we've made our selections from the Academy because you're all young and if telemetry indicates I'm past my peak then Jonathan will be captain on the return voyage if the radiation projections are accurate ones were out there we won't be able to communicate with earth sir what are the weapons specifications this is a peaceful mission of exploration Jonathan weapons are not a high priority but the otz sir the outlaw technology zone controlled half this planet and came very close to controlling the other half before we beat them there's rumor of an OTC outpost the outpost was discovered two years ago and destroyed by Triton core sir Admiral peasley ship she's still out there yes nicely in fact he conceived her at star Voyager and personally selected each of you for this mission we will leave in 48 hours but that's it Gretchen we're only allowed this one call I just wanted you to know that I'll never forget you I'll be fine that one time three you kept saying you wanted more shop in ice cream that's what you call chocolate means and your father thought it was so cute the way you kept saying shocked he kept giving it to you that's the whole night throwing up I can't ask you to wait for me married but I wanted you to know I'll never forget you I might never see you again mom I'm proud of you and I love you I guess that's really about it ma'am thank you for everything I love you too I mean I'll be thinking of you Roxanne well of course it's Cheney I knew that it's just that I always think of you as a Roxanne I mean it suits you so much better than Janey then who's Roxie you say goodbye to your boyfriend he'll wait for you anyone would I don't have a boyfriend what did you call my parents I'll probably never have one now but a boyfriend what do you think all those crew members with short hair are you've got 26 years I'd say your chances are better than a 50/50 [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome aboard I'd like you to meet Brodie Arnold physical fitness technician this is your command team Jonathan hey do you have my promise you'll end this voyage of better shape than you started excuse me sir excuse me don't like that it's gotta be a real souffle in the brain department [Music] so I can get a look at this forty lounges three libraries an interdenominational chapel a nursery you know as Captain I have the power to perform marriage ceremonies mandatory the whole purpose of this mission is to ensure the survival of the species follow me and I'll show you the bridge don't worry I'll handle your corner isn't he a bit young for you yeah [Music] well here it is home sweet home this is incredible hello Scylla silly you on this ship who else me well it's super that's the supercomputer oversaw I'd like you to meet Huxley hello Huxley I've been reading your records over and over how'd you get my records excuse me captain Forbes the Triton Corsair has just arrived alongside it is in parallel orbit with earth star Voyager and have an easily request permission to address the crew bring it in please officers and crew of earth star Voyager the importance of your mission Wars anything I can say to you nonetheless I offer my best wishes and my thanks because now Triton Corsair can get on with the mission of her own I chose you all for this voyage do me proud I wish I were young enough to go with you but of course I will be with you in spirit [Music] you [Music] yes lieutenant Matthews standing by for navigational coordinates sir but force 2 and 9l for 75w and put earth star Voyager on my screen good luck Voyager you're going to need it [Music] guidance reporting by path clear miss Jays bioscience all crew members repository stereos the lemon tree and navigational mr. wells trajectory three nine a x24 be clouded in John [Music] sir [Music] your ship can't support just one second sir propulsion status report mr. Bienstock fusion thrust engines in bellmen drive check sir now captain fourth all engines boost [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah mr. bean stack compensate acceleration please worked again what's that antique silver dollar it's my lucky charm it does tricks [ __ ] Huxley that's wonderful Hoxie not to mention original oh and maybe like this Huxley captain Forbes permission to break mr. wells manic approaching junk belt [Music] a solution at its finest deflection shields mr. Hayes estimated crossing time dispose of it Voyager's fearsome thrust is affecting the jet Warbeck we're starting to stabilize shields to maximum check our systems on the road mr. wells available evasive court autopilot scan in for clear paths look out [Music] captain Forbes shields are moving towards overload shields to intermittent some of it could get true we don't let the power drain all of it will get through [Music] [Music] another course they're on on the radiation belts is closing them off and give me manual control now more control [Music] [Music] [Music] dad indicates no further obstructions yeah nice work I don't think we could do that with us should this be I didn't either damage report mr. Bienstock damage at six locations including airlock number three plane repair crews now sir I'll go supervise looks like you've got things under control Jonathan let's not ever do that again okay I don't know when they caught you back but I'm glad you didn't cut class that day I learned that when I seven years old playing da Jimmy repairs completed all patched up captain mr. Bienstock said to proceed to sector five carry on yeah [Music] like free inner door secure space ejection process commencing ports to bridge captain Forbes calling the bridge prepare for egress bridge malfunction in outer airlock 3 Jonathan Jonathan can you hear me prepare for egress Jonathan [Music] she thinks you're cute I'm in urgent you know that that's okay you don't have to and so I was boarding she's a really nice girl Dini excuse me can't get a reading from number three air lock but they've completed repairs they just called it nice repair job Dini I'm gonna want to talk to the team that worked on that air lock bridge Forbes to bridge captain Forbes calling the bridge [Music] 20 seconds to final egress Jonathan airlock 3 all station alert airlock 3 degress in 10 seconds warning decompression commencing what happened I don't know Dalton complete the mission keep going promise airlock 3 cut sector power terminated invest completed [Music] how much stems we're still trying to evaluate sir but we do have a report of one fatality captain Forbes is dead sir Thank You mr. Krieger keep me advised sir so now mr. Hayes's captain I hope I was right [Music] I'll check it again but I'm the one right thank you your repairs have been confirmed you weren't responsible you may go yes sir Jonathan I certified the airlock door myself there's no way it could have can but it did maybe you forgot I didn't forget anything I went over everything twice it had to be a computer malfunction what do we do now you know it's your decision captain well do we abort the mission or do we go we can't abort got it it's right here they buried it in one of the other programs but it's an airlock door command that's not my entry code Jonathan this was no accident somebody did it on purpose who would want to kill captain force Stryper radar sensor needs extra V fillet repairs now what's the scanning for someplace with docking facility I'm tellin you gene mental health officer I believe you wanted to see me captain I'm sorry we haven't met sooner and what do people usually call you lay limply dr. Eugene I see well dr. Eugene I want a full bio SEC review of all crew members why do you ask because of captain force I assure you I went over every mental fitness profile myself I'm sure that as you gain experience you'll find that accidents of this sort can always be attributed to the technical staff faulty maintenance shellie repair want to see your report in two hours doctor two hours there are a hundred and sixteen people on board 115 nonetheless I couldn't possibly finish for at least 24 hours even then two hours [Music] Jonathan are you alright yeah sure fine [Music] truth is I'm scared beanie I know I'm not sure I can handle this sure you can that's why they put you here I wish I had your confidence [Music] anytime you need it you got it thanks beanie [Music] that's what study partners are for right yeah coming up on Bluestar gamma I think it's what we're looking for well of course it is costly this thing was abandoned 40 years ago and it's still generating spit like give me a minute sorry it took so long that's all right I find no information about the severity Ida's orbit Jonathan we're gonna need to make extra vehicular repairs Scott document facilities captain there's a life force present it could be dangerous I wonder if it's my little green men in a flying saucer hungry little green men Huxley be serious go for it mr. wells while repairs are going on you and I'll investigate [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay everybody let's keep pulling on those repairs [Music] kind of life force could survive here not here in beanies little green men [Music] [Music] [Music] hey well it might not be green but it eats [Music] [Music] don't move back up the way you came [Music] Jonathan what's going on an antimatter field right in front of [Music] my job John [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alien alert alien alert alien cleared for entry no further action iΓΆ systems can't fry deeply captain Jacob Dryden Braun Space Science Academy class of 20 74 graduated third in class I got to see him weightlessness training write down my grade point appointed captain of spacecraft Vanguard explorer in year 2080 ship vanished in 2080 to all aboard they player dead surprised captain Brown did anyone else from the Explorer survive my brother was on your ship lieutenant Vance Arthur what happened to your ship is destroyed how did you escape the capsule so much for the captain going down with a ship it's alright with you I think I better talk with your commanding officer I'm the commanding officer how long before we get back to earth 26 years we're on an exploratory mission appearances start Just My Luck finally hit you ride them going in the wrong direction it's better than where you were [Music] what is this could she kindergarten [Music] do you ever feel a compulsion that's let's say not I could say yes no maybe none of your business I think it's done those answers anyone want your brainwave profile suggests as possible delayed stress trauma really think of it there is one thing lately I've been getting this weird urge you know I don't want to start throwing things around bashing hints together is there any particular stimulus that brings on this urge people who ask questions dr. Eugenia I'm ready if you'd like to continue this later let me guess you don't tell me he's really a nice guy once they get to know no it's always like that hey Doc your clothes please is that me not forgiving your clothes captain or I can put you in quarantine for the next few years this is a shower ultrasound stand in the center keep your mouth closed if you have any dental work [Music] my scrub my back I'll do it for you [Music] well am I gonna live you have a slight vitamin deficiency I've had some supplements but in your diet apart from that you're an amazingly good shape where do i bunk down we have cryo sleep chambers when we go if I don't want other people are we have privacy lounges they have locks yes I'll show you where the supply section is you're a lot younger than your brother was nine years he was a good officer wasn't he yeah it was I just don't trust them that's all why not didn't you see the guy he looks like something dredged out of a waster unauthorized personnel on bridge acknowledged no further action so what would further action of bent computerized security would have been instantaneously deployed that's very clever whatever it is Priscilla a stupid name for a computer would dr. Belman named it after his daughter Baumann oh that's right you wouldn't know dr. Joseph bellman he invented this and Joseph Baumann chubby little guy who talks to himself it's how he works things out by talking to so I mean the guy who was always babbling about runnin elastic through the universe was right of course the ballon drive is what's gonna get this ship where it's going the elastic thread is only the layman's explanation technically it works by carefully why it's not classified no but it took you five hours last time you try to explain it I mean you understand all this stuff of course I hope develop it why didn't I figure that in captain Brown is notorious for misjudging people what you two know each other Priscilla well I didn't think it would be polite to mention it what exactly is this thing it's a computer hooked up into an analog of Priscilla Bellman's brain boy so you do know well sorry used to go out we would have if you never shown up she's not really in there is she no it's got all the thoughts all our memories but the real Priscilla Bauman's back on earth am I [Applause] good just try a little more weight not bad this 180 pounds more weight money okay it's great a little more back in there there you go hurt those pecs you just keep that up good very good last I heard there were laws against torture good points present yourself for court-martial buddy it's funny don't want me to set you up well thanks I'm just proud whole crew members are required to work out to make a missile from another crew member but what about your body what about it you're worried about letting it go tell the nice guy I'll let it go wherever I want besides I only need you to kick my brains around enjoying yourself I just seeing what a captain's do these are these days sir interesting ship you got here Jim but more entertaining booth star gamma how long were you there five years seven months three days landed right about the time you were starting on solid food as a matter of fact I was in my second year at the academy there you were a bright-eyed well-scrubbed your head crammed full of dreams of space and glory about right yes we're all like that reality's a little different I still got a lot to learn well at least you know that much you're all right captain kid just remember the books don't teach everything I need to talk to him yeah what about dr. Eugene and I think you ought to interrogate him about captain blow-ups Jeff why he hasn't done anything specific it's just this feeling I've got running I can't hold the guy in for interrogation just because you got a feeling about it my feelings are usually pretty accurate especially when it is strong I'll think about it okay Ronny okay where are you going I'm special for cryo sleep just remember what I said good work captain sorry don't know my own strength sometimes I get to someone and the back brace you kill me captain you really do you don't kill me first hey one right after another stay healthy okay see you [Music] Webster Voyager departed blue star gamma proceeding on established course there is a change in life status sir +1 unidentified well then mr. Krieger identify the intruder only if absolutely necessary will we make contact with Voyager interesting development [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something I can do for you Jake I'll cut that out it's contagious I'm sorry maybe you got a good check into crafting uh-huh no I'm fine I'll just wait until Lonnie gets back on shift and after that there's as a series running in the vid lounge if anyone wants to cope Huxley are you going no I could meet you there Priscilla how could you be there if you're here don't be silly I'm all over the ship you are anywhere anytime I think Priscilla's got a crush on you Huck flea real funny uh actually it's not I mean it is possible it's one of the things we were worried about when we put her together Bienstock what are you telling me well it's Priscilla Bellman's brain up there I mean it's not only got all her thoughts but her feelings and uh Kevin's anywhere anytime captain I've got an unidentified no configuration it's right on the edge of sensor augment there it is it's on navigation - sorry whatever it is it's really meaning alter course to degree [Music] it's changed course to match ours and what the out of range again even on augment but I picked up weapons heavy weapons what's your arsenal hand weapons on me whose idea was that well we've got the components for long-range weapons we just haven't been able to sort them all out yet I mean it takes months to assemble them all right we got two choices here we can wait until mr. X out there catches up with us or we can make us a weapon like what you ever heard of a railgun that's practically Stone Age which did you prefer a non-existent laser weapon or a well-aimed rock captain bromme we don't even know what the bleep is dear I mean they might be friendly they might not be I'll go and scrounge some parts you just find me another set of arms if they're attached to a brain that knows something about electronics that'd be even better take mr. bean stunt the kitten he's the best and what's he gonna be when he grows up it's still the best come on infant [Music] lips still out of range sorry I can't find it Oh captain mr. brown Jake's fine shrimp boat be nice fine - okay you were saying beanie you sure you know what's gonna make it around that you know how they operate a series of electromagnetic force fields which amplify consecutively most effective when used at close range yes catch on fast [Music] primitive just remember what your own said so much for modern education Thoreau Henry David nineteenth-century American writer and a couple of years in the woods living in a farm so why do you want it - we've been gettin down to the bare basics simplify simplify simplify alright I'm gonna start taking down specs here already have Lucy you're writin anything what is your IQ anyway I'm not really sure it's cut off scale but you made him crazy at the academy research team must have hooked you up to every test monitor they could get their little fingers on hot sumo hmm all right dealt with that sort before they have a tendency to forget their fiddling around with real live human beings must have been tough on you I met Jonathan in my first year there you run interference for me a lot well we think so far I think it might work Thanks [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is well it's very good how long before it's finished it is finished test mug please mr. Bienstock What's Wrong Jake [Music] simplify simplify simplify [Music] [Applause] so now all we have to do is read this thing you can fire the railgun from the brake I'm gonna help you with this - yes sir Jonathan there's a malfunction and cryo sleeps doctor age nine [Music] money Sally reporter cryo sleep chamber h9 [Music] Lonnie Lonnie [Music] [Music] she's gone below the threshold of consciousness there's nothing we can do we put her back in cryosleep and give her the chance to heal herself what are her chances [Music] I'm not sure I'm gonna take a long time what's going on how many people have access codes to sleep chambers anyone with grade four or higher which includes dr. Eugene doesn't it yes where is he well I saw I'm heading towards the airlock when Jake and I were I have an update on my bio psych review very convenient timing on your part at night I wasn't satisfied I kept working on it I'll bet you did and I suppose you found something very weird about let's say my profile since you mention it you do display a tendency towards over cautiousness o course according to the review it's a result of your ability to see all sides of any given question this is a good quality in a commander really but it may eventually lead to a kind of stalling out let me guess here you found something questionable with everybody Sally Huxley Feeney Lonnie everybody except for yourself huh you want a full rundown please mr. Bean's Doug Feeney as you insist on calling him and I should tell you that nickname is a bad idea he's going through a bad time right now to call him beanie a very childish name is only going to reinforce his perception of himself as an immature individual yeah but still I told you not the father now you stay put what's going on that's Lee Jonathan I'm sorry but Priscilla is having one of her fits up here she knows I do not have time for this what are you two talking about she says there's some kind of glitch in that rail dump captain Ralph put in a whole bunch of new circuitry in airlock 19 it's not tied in with the main system yet something's wrong with the gun no what it's there again captain it's in the airlock and you better do something we're not finished [Music] [Applause] [Music] why why Brodie you weren't in the plan captain just Forbes and Lonnie [Music] plan come on bro you're not smart enough to think of a plan all by yourself - sure that [Music] [Music] Samantha hey bro [Music] [Applause] Congrats completed [Music] Browdy Arnold psych profile was forged a very clever job I might add I had to run three different filter programs before I discovered it I was trying to find you to tell you dr. Eugene I'm sorry for what just sorry that's all heard about your little party in the airlock nice go on oh yeah I'm doing just great I got two crewmen floating around in deep space another in cryo sleep for who knows how long it's sure dumb luck we haven't lost any more sure dumb luck the best kind of half sometimes yeah sure okay then well why don't you just crawl away somewhere and cry about it I mean look at the mess you're in you're in an experienced captain you're commanding an inexperienced crew you're in over your head why don't you just quit I can't do that there you go look kid captain you're bright enough to figure this out for yourself eventually right now you don't have time so I'm gonna explain it to you you're responsible for everybody on board I know but self-pity doesn't go along with that it's just too bad but the captain doesn't get that luxury what the luxuries does he get none that I can think of Jonathan no Dean you found something at a gym I think you better come take a look captain I'll be right there actually captain's on his way New Year's I can figure it's a particle beam transmitter so this is what our friends are using to track us smash that thing no wait a second they're following that thing signal but if it's one place and we're somewhere else mr. Broun you think your railgun can fire a well-aimed rock give me ten minutes Kevin Huxley trajectory input any and fire excuse me outro but earth star Voyager is just radically altered course adjust coordinates accordingly Huxley get that ship back on course [Music] it's changing course that one for nice work I know of course my pal the professor there had a little to do with it had a lot to do with it [Music] excuse me where's the yeah I got it here could you punch me in 440 pounds yeah sure I guess I'm lucky you can't actually drop these things on your toes it's funny though I mean it I never thought I'd laugh at anything you said I guess that's pretty much the way everybody feels about me well you could loosen up a little I know that what I'd say to a patient like me what else would you say oh the usual stuff be honest with your emotional flaw careful with that one there are times when you can be honest with them there are times when they just get in the way your job when you agree doctor oh yes tell me mr. Brown did you ever think of going into psychiatry I don't minds enough for me to handle forget mr. Brown the name's Jake Leland Leland as any good shrink would say blame my parents [Music] Geron around that program yeah I know I just like to be sure does he make you nervous Oh how's it going excuse me [Music] boy I remember that what first big crush no I don't remember a thing about it liar why was back in first year remember professor Morrison the bald guy who died the first level man I used to pretend I didn't understand the lesson so I could go talk to him in his office yeah kidding you when I found out he was married with three kids I quit eating I was trying to arrange it so that he would find me picturesquely starve to death on his doorstep what happened I got hungry what about you what was your first big crush that was a long time ago Sally was she at the academy Marta Johansson no well at least tell me what she looked like she was blonde and she went into medicine there's the motor speak distressing Oh coming in good no that's moving away this is something different 50,000 miles dead ahead you'll have the signal me yours craft please assist that's it no ID code Priscilla yes captain haze distress signal report can you identify source and vital data well of course I can some people never change proceed the World's Fair the what expo tomorrow most recent and last in a series of world Fair's held year 2020 on a man-made satellite huge failure due to cost overruns financial corruption and all the usual bureaucratic boondoggles project abandon and fired into deep space we don't like our failures hanging around do we just the facts please attendance demographics as follows on second thought terminate access we can't ignore a distress signal it's against regulations yeah and this whole trip is strictly by the book she's right but don't answer the signal let's don't let him know we're coming Sally Huxley and I will take the shuttle down and investigate mr. Bienstock will be in charge of the ship while we're gone I think I'll go along with the captain's permission of course [Music] yes that's what we've been following but the scan indicated no sign of Voyager sir she's not on course we know that much continue cross analysis until located yes sir although I must say they seem to be doing quite well without us [Music] this is tomorrow I think I'll take yesterday [Music] actually getting a direction from the distress signal yeah that way and you guys let me know what you find okay just kidding [Music] where are they according to this we're standing right on top [Applause] [Music] believe it [Music] will [Applause] Willie up and Brahm you bet it these are alive anybody else made it off the ship oh these kids yeah they're alright how did you get here oh we brought down the shuttle when we pick ship you've got a ship but we've got to hurry oh we picked up a distress signal that's theirs they leave it on so that if any ship comes by they can lure it down here who is they the otz they run this place we got a hurry they'll know you're here they can't know our telemetry says there are no sensors here this is the outlaw technology zone they know everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these guys or your kids they challenge this room standard occasion to throw the losers down at sometimes how bad they have to lose [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome Jonathan Hayes we detected your ship several hours ago I've been expecting you [Music] but not you captain Brown France they call him top dog now he runs this place you and I got a little unfinished business lock them up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I think you better start talking I really have an onboard the Explorer it was a mutiny good old Vance out there was a ringleader I don't believe that I didn't expect you to it's the truth ma'am top dog your brother took over the ship she was too badly damaged in the fighting so they came here those that were left I'm sorry he said the OTC runs this place yeah well they sure don't look the way I thought they would real work goes on in the labs underground those are just the Warriors think of like that to keep them practice and practice for what I don't know never been able to find out they've got something big planned something they called assembly the challenge alright listen stick challenge [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you okay that that can't be beat that's some kind of magic well anybody can get beaten the verification Admiral object orbiting expo tomorrow identified as our star Voyager why did they go there nevermind continue closing I still can't get a response from a shuttle they're probably still out exploring they've been gone six hours me I had a blip but it's not the shuttle it's coming from the opposite direction identification no ID but it matches the record of the one that was chasing us before orders mr. Bienstock we're gonna need backup on the bridge give me navigation engineering life science and communications [Music] I have a proposal for you coming from you it ought to be a winner pity you couldn't command as well as you could talk what do you want the access codes to the Voyager pretty greedy Vance still haven't paid me for the first ship you stole give me the codes and I'll let you and your friends live strangest thing best for some reason I just don't trust you doc codes as you wish I'll still take the ship or you will come on Vance you may be top dog of this loony carnival but that doesn't make anything better than a second-rate thief come on Vance anybody can sell it right or he's top dog afraid I give you 10 minutes to prepare a fight to the death Jacob Brown you got it [Music] [Music] lips still closing how long before they get here for hours take your positions yes sir yes plus I'm gonna need your help here we're gonna need to plot a new course Kenny yes sir beam I'm gonna leave them down there are you of course not what are you doing we're gonna try to hide I hope Jonathan can still find us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] dinner careful gotta watch out for the big felony even for a last meal this is lousy picky Huxley is no time for fooling around alright no one wants to pick a hand I will knocks this one Huxley I could kiss you I know you'd come around sooner or later nice work maybe I can get him interested in the front and games you watch for your chance let yourselves out and scamper for the shuttle you all get out of this Yeah right you'll excuse me I've got a score to settle [Music] you're good captain just remember that but he can be as good as me one day [Music] are you prepared Jacob brown ready as I'll ever be [Music] let's go yet to the death Jacob Brown [Music] [Music] never learn do your pants [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] excuse me beanie I just thought of something if you adjust this coordinate from 2.7 to 2.9 I already thought of that well it could increase the maneuvering capability I know that and it's what I'm doing right now oh so sorry to interrupt the genius at work apology accepted thank heavens I mean I would hate to have the real brains of the ship mad at me Silla but as long as the apologies being stolen will you please shut up we're still at beanies under a lot of pressure right now priscila first you say shut up then you say talk make up your minds he's worried about them down there well he's not the only one you can do it beanie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now far down that goes nobody's ever come back and tell us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on University [Music] very good all those clowns thinking you're magic don't you Vance [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice bracelet electromagnetic force to be able to narrow again I taught you how to make those things Vance because I never got around to teaching you how to neutralizer yeah guys your magic spiritually if you say so [Applause] [Music] a speech hear me o warriors warriors hear me I attend to the vanquished before the victor okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come on be half way back to the shop by now [Applause] [Music] that's a great belching we have an ace-in-the-hole [Music] you better hurry captain they'll be looking for you I think I always wanted to be popular [Music] aliens on bridge aliens on bridge aliens cleared system who are these guys Swilly and whistles Nick they're okay they decided to leave their party and join ours beanie what's this orbit you've got going here took the shuttle half an hour to catch up with you you were supposed to maintain standard distance it kind of a rough time down there we didn't need to go Trey wait a minute we picked up that blip on our screen it was coming straight for us I didn't want to leave you so I thought if we swung out that maybe they'd have a hard time finding us beany get exactly the right thing we did it No we need to get them cleaned up this way gentlemen well there's never a dull moment around here I'll say that much that blips still on the monitor affirmative I'm still closing [Music] first on Voyager has departed Xbox moral orbit sir course out of range sir hmm change in overall life status on Voyager sir plus or minus plus to Commander Gardner I'm afraid we have to take a trip for the fair [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] what happens to you Vance I I was defeated you know the rules here yes I know the rules but I certainly wasn't expecting you to join the game what was Voyager doing here i lured her here why I thought you'd be pleased what happens Jake Brown was aboard Jake brow you challenged me I had to fight him I don't think you have to party I think you wanted to find it deadly sin lieutenant pride Tara for you you took over and destroyed Vanguard Explorer for me you'll order star Voyager off force for me we can still catch her I can still catch her you're not gonna leave me here you seem to be enjoying yourself Admiral take me with you I can help you I don't need you miss continue the games [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry ok come on [Music] Thanks I was looking for someplace to be by myself no offense no offense I do want to say thank you for what for not killing my brother when you had the chance [Music] you're welcome [Music] correct people change and apologize for still my brother when she loves somebody it's kind of hard to quit just because yata that's from a book I'm right things I finally learned after getting hit over the head with them I like to read that when you fetch it wait a second [Music] why'd you stay here I was just leaving [Music] let's see what else I have in here that night no that's pure mythology why don't you don't be about it wouldn't help not unless you're trying to wake up a one-eyed centaur which is one of the few things we don't have on board boys some of this stuff is strange now here's something it's a little bizarre but at least is about human rituals what's she talking about I might as well tell you Percilla probably would anyway I would not I'm having her scan history archives this is gonna sound really silly but I thought maybe there might be no way to wake people up the way that we don't know about way they used to do it Bonnie yeah have you come up with anything Priscilla's working on it slowly she got too carried away by trivia I do not I have found this culture where they put a rock in a feather at the head of a sleeping person and chant a mantra what's a mantra sort of like a prayer over and over again what wonder what they can't he doesn't say that's it that's it I'll rock a feather and a mantra thanks a lot for Silla what you lookin at Housley dear young gun there's there why are you popping you were down annexed by a me puffing job I had my hands full up here I had to do it automatically you know you just pick some yo-yos pocket all right so we're all heroes I see the little green men Sonya I think I'm game for today make it tell you okay fine it'll be alright be alright you ask everything thanks pain that's what friends are for mmm I I I don't know any mantras yeah I don't either but I sort of made one up that's [Music] yeah uh I just figured it couldn't really hurt anything yeah I never could help and we didn't try we would probably better not tell Sally about this signal being received listen I came here to tell you the truth the good the bad and the ugly I'm here to tell them all what's that Oliver North who's he an American Marine lieutenant colonel what's he doing out here not out here can't be he's not he said it in the summer of 1987 in Washington DC [Music] the diggety diggety diggety dog get on and overturned rock is really jam [Music] they're watching the sound of the McCown rocking and reeling [Music] it's radio would sound ways for that when they used to broadcast radio the sounding stop it just kept going on and on in his face and we caught up with it but still are there any more Charles Lindbergh has just landed in French [Music] watched by over 100,000 people was slanted up to thirty three and a half hours alone it was hey sue I know that one put that back on sorry out of range hey what are you doing it's a 26 year trip a 10 minute detour wouldn't hurt Priscilla follow that song [Music] till I said follow the music don't lose it [Music] Huxley watch out wrong with your hips that's new object within scanning range this is interesting I'll put it on the screen metallic alloys and big we don't have stations out this bar augment Priscilla it's a vehicle the ship that's been following us no it can't be everything's dead propulsion system life support and there's a lot of damage 40,000 miles and closing still a maximum augmentation [Music] what is it it's my ship [Music] gee I know it must be feeling I want to go on board why there's nothing we're salvaging the Vanguard's a dead ship not completely dead power still functioning at minimum 15 minutes why do you want to go back there J he wants to retrieve the ship's log Hux you know you don't have to we believe you thanks my brother have it on record that I didn't lose my ship cuz I was takin a nap all right take beanie hey great city gets left behind once more he's kind of burst I'll go to okay prepare for transport [Music] [Music] look at all this old stuff be careful [Music] Thank You Carolyn I'm glad you're still it's been a long time captain here let me try see this is one of those three one 9xe models which means that I'll have an override connection right here how'd you know that I learned in history class my extra class Eto's kings queens and uprisings now all I have to do is press these two buttons simultaneously oops oops damaged circuit I think I just wiped out your if I sure did what wiped out what you're miss hot breakfast program well that we can live with that I haven't liked that a program since I was six years old could you move a little out of the way please Nemo supposed to be any traffic out here what traffic [Music] what Scout that's it I mean the best I can do for you now is retrieve your lab program [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's alright [Music] this thing it's her Scout who's come ship traffic you know okay who's ship traffic minimal Jake what's going on nobody should be out here but us whatever it is it's still alive what a relief we've got to take it back to the Voyager we do not it's part human you sure not the part of hit me with hurts please [Music] she's right we ought to take it back to the ship and examine it before or after it takes apart the Voyager let's learn what we can from the singing get rid of it come on what are you doing you two do whatever you want I'm taking him back to the ship out of my mind all right just remember who said this was a mistake [Music] what is that they invited a friend it's a shill that's what the otz was making back on Expo the boys are doing on the Explorer miss County for the a la technologie so I think you can get that long to tell us which ship traffic minimal is yeah what are you guys talking about Jonathan I need to get him to medical Bay no excuse me ma'am you don't want to do that those things they're programmed to self-destruct if they're captured you let him wake up he's got enough explosives he's hurt I can keep him sedated will defuse him all right let's do it no see we can get a reading off that log [Music] flood program Priscilla achieve all data please off this whole thing I'll have to downgrade myself search for any ship traffic at the past six years also search for bridge intruder correlate that with all information regarding the outlaw technology something working I can't talk while I'm working what would you like to talk about Huxley's birthday is tomorrow wouldn't you know should be the one to remember is there anything specific you'd like Huxley why should I just surprise you now this is interesting intruder on Vanguard explorer verified oh Jesus scout boarded - two years four months method Avenger working mr. Bienstock report to medical please right away hey you're the super brain on this ship could you program her out of our fixation please she actually I'm really awful sorry I mean but Priscilla is awfully complicated if you can't change your programming without affecting Oliver I think we better not even try g-girl [ __ ] please could be worse how fifty eight women on board and the only one who realizes what kind of man sitting at the computer with no body Huxley you lack imagination method of entry retrieved yerson a vessel rendezvous with Vanguard Explorer leaving behind OTC Scout vessel origin and destination not logged identification I know [Music] [Music] did you ever see them when you were down there who stayed as far away from him as we could captain do you know anything else about these shells only that they were making them I never found out how they fit into their plan or plan assembly I never found out what that means either beany I need your help can you take a look at this place I believe it his brains at least have electronics 62% to be precise 38% agonic so their wiring a circus to the Wessex their neurons neurons and all this stuff is for motor control this stuff I don't know those are attached to his pain centers that's all they'd left him to feel with nice guys I've located the detonator they need to fuse them yeah it's got different levels of control if you neutralize this and you neutralize this and you don't touch this that'll do gantry elevation 48 centimeters [Music] try 42 centimeters okay you got it I'm bringing a malady anesthetic now will they be able to talk I say we find out what we can then turn them off all the way off we'll disconnect them selling can you hear me yes are you feeling any pain now no you did that yes who are you my name is Sally Arthur I'm a doctor you stop pain [Music] can you move No [Music] what's your name so I respond yes unit designation sj3 8:1 why were you on board the Vanguard Explorer to remove intruders together and relay any pertinent information to whom is there more like you yes how many most recent output figure [Music] 2,780 where is the others in room 2 assembly where's that yellow information what will happen at assembly capability capability for what this fashion there is more pain please that's enough let him rest now [Music] [Applause] [Music] press star Voyager look I did sir she's returned to predetermined course well done position located via transmission from shell sj3 8 1 SJ 3 8 1 Drona Warrior trouser Scout continue apparently earth star Voyager rendezvous with Vanguard Explorer and retrieved it's on board Voyager yes sir deactivate shell immediately we can't sir we're too far out of range commander Gardner but intercept course with Voyager now Jonathan Jonathan why did you let that thing onboard your ship [Music] how are you feeling there is disorientation too many things have been disconnected it is distressful I think I can help that [Music] what have you done I've given you back some of your circuits just enough so you could orient yourself I'm sorry I can't give you back any of your movement don't to me [Music] do you have a name I mean did you have a name before you became sj3 8 1 [Music] I don't remember do you remember where you came from did you have a family yeah [Music] there was something in this session please emotion speed on computer capability in deference from programming [Music] one thing did you volunteer for them to do this to you [Music] No they took me [Music] I'm sorry [Music] priscila still retrieving data from a million garlock sir so far she's got these two coming past the vanguard explore the first one dropped off our mechanical Booya man the second one came past six months later on the same trajectory destination working doesn't try this for an augmentation program why didn't I think of it there's something else come back you little beast Prasad sorry captain I was talking to the data can you actually see the data I don't actually see anything it's just they're kind of hard to explain must be strange for you in there it's a little spooky sometimes did you catch your data well no not yet [Music] [Music] hi oh hi buddies waiting for Priscilla I thought I'd just relax while I still have the chance yeah me too what's that this this is nothing please uh-huh I hope has not supposed to be me oh oh it's not um I was just fooling around what is it well it's oh you see I've always been kind of interested in name in alien life-forms so I was trying to figure out what it might be like on to meet her when we get there if if we get there it's kind of cute well what I did is I pulled up all the information we have you know figure out a similar environment but with a completely independent evolution yeah you're not really interested in this well um how come you gave it such big ears cuz cuz the atmosphere is just a little thinner than ours um sound wouldn't travel quite as well so they did indeed biggie or something yeah got it total of six ships passed by Vanguard Explorer at regular intervals where were they going common point of rendezvous where some twenty eight frontier sector ten that's right on our course assembly priscila can you extrapolate the purpose of running negative insufficient information and this we'll find out when we get there [Music] Jake look at this whatever they are we're on a collision course with assembly any suggestions yeah get out of their way those ROTC ships I've seen him before back at Expo I also have a weapons estimate go ahead overwhelming definitely a good time for a detour a detour around what first we got to find out what they're doing I've got their ride of your point Priscilla that's the first thing that makes sense they're undergoing a twin sons that many ships they need a med solar power so they meet out there see those two sons are orbiting around each other Jake right now they're about to reach parentage the closest point in their orbit the closer they get the more energy is directed along any given path then will it be a maximum in 3 hours 17 minutes can we maneuver ourselves into the path of highest intensity sure we could why so we can destroy them Jonathan it's dangerous it's worth the risk being how long would it take to reset our solar disk to reflect instead of store I'd like a couple of days give me three hours waitis what are you planning to do here we're gonna create a solar laser you could do that yep we're gonna need more than your railgun it could work assuming we don't fry the discs or ourselves [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] captain it's back what the blimp the one that we saw back at Expo it's right on our course and a really moving identification no response and they just Jam my signal did you get an armament reading affirmative armed to the teeth they're moving faster than we are sir at this rate they'll catch us in two hours 27 minutes just when we intersect the otz ships just one more piece to the tunnel let me see what you got on that see at least is smaller than the other captain the railgun could at least disable that one if it gets close enough how close very close really you remember how to operate a railgun sure and go to airlock 19 to check the response on the one I don't okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Bridge bridge the shell is loose he's just left airlock 19 he's heading forward acknowledged Jonathan it was disconnected I gave him back some of his control but not movement well guess what attention maximum security alerts don't shoot it which still explode amend alert locate and advise position do not repeat do not fire [Music] it's inspector 4 and it's moving towards the bridge steel bridge entryway do not fire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you I remember yes I helped you but let's destroy you no it is my programming [Music] [Music] you must stop them while you still have time before assembly [Music] they buzz [Music] [Applause] [Music] is dead [Music] as Jerry ate one destroyed on board Voyager was the ship damaged once the ship damaged there appears to be some damage on the bridge I can't get a reading of the extent they have to grace their speed I assume they're repairing match our speed to theirs maintain distance continue jamming [Music] how much longer beanie I don't know cuz until you fixed Priscilla we're flying blind can't you bring up any of the data on the OTC ships I'm trying Dunson I'm sorry beanie but the shell said what we still have time you don't know how much time that is beanie can you bring down a d13 reddit circuit I can't fight you man send somebody I'll take it let's got it [Music] can it be fixed yeah how long is it gonna take your buddy did a pretty good job on it I'm sorry I couldn't kill him that's an admirable attitude doctor you only got us all killed maybe I should turn into a hard-nosed like you got to that [Music] and about time to be well I'm sorry it took so long Priscilla just think how fast you could have done it if you had my help [Music] this is fixed-fixed two of the energy cells still aren't responding sir can we still use the solar laser not a chance to compensate we'd have to be there precisely when the sun's are at their closest point there's only a five-second window even when we get there and even then I don't think I want to hear any more go on we have one shot Priscilla put the otz ships back on the screen yes sir [Music] you're linking together yes sir before assembly that's what she'll said before capability for destruction that's all you want to do I have was hoping you'd have an idea let's get out of here what there's six in front of us something behind is we got one shot what else can we do our mission is to get to Demeter not to fight a battle Huxley put a new course coordinates away from the otz ships John Jake's right there's nothing else we can do you're just gonna run from me old easy he's doing the right thing can always come up with something beneath right now and I'll do it come on I don't know what's something don't just one the coordinates Huck's plotted him sir [Music] come back here beanie [Music] I'm sorry it's not your fault did what you could excuse me captain I have work to do [Music] first star Voyager altering course sir new heading the zero nine point seven increase speed and alter course per my orders [Applause] captain the blip it's altered course away from the LTZ something following us speak twice are is an increasing pursuit craft closing arming weapons Jake how many shots can real good news total of three but from this distance learn weapons section ready Admiral you will delegate weapons to my control understood yes sir [Music] we must be very very careful [Music] [Music] of course locked in [Music] Casas I don't think she's trying to hit us look at the trajectories lacourse free we're heading right back to the otz sound like please have visual on us lips right behind us because it's a trap [Music] [Applause] [Music] show me the suns yes Huxley how long before energy window five minutes nine seconds to perigee what choice do we have it's better nothing what can I try the solar laser I think it's gonna work No start countdown at five minutes by you ready mr. Bienstock yes sir listen if we get out of this we'll stand you to dinner I get out of this my treat Kevin Brennan would you mind writing copilot [Music] yeah nothing just good luck thanks you two course trajectory 45 and hold of course 45 locked in Priscilla give me the ships yes [Music] priscila yes captain can you put our star Voyager in there what are you doing it's continued interface hypothetical projection earth star Voyager imposed on OTC assembly [Music] I don't believe it any other possible configurations none the design is unique jigsaw puzzle and where the missing piece assembly have been waiting for us all along when the Voyager night pottery nook at minetti's Lee all station alert mail it yet partner Huxley remaining time to convergence three minutes 28 seconds [Music] [Applause] [Music] look clothing captain distance 5,000 miles three minutes to perigee beany establishing solar disk angle incoming message image on screen Admiral Beasley hello Jonathan you've done well ah Thank You Admiral we have an emergency if you have visual you'll see there's an assembly of otz spacecraft we're planning to maneuver ourselves yes I know I see it on my scanners there one unit short of completion can you close and fire course but I was concerned for you Jonathan as a rule shells are well-nigh indestructible did you know we had a shell on board - it's the Triton Corsair it's a penetrating bursts are all along Emily you've been fine and despite my best efforts you lost me you're very good I chose you to be the best but you're even better than I'd hoped then you've known all along about captain Forbes and Loni Maori and regretted it Jonathan ladies and gentlemen I do not glory in destruction but voyagers mission is too important to allow anyone to jeopardize it when serving the greater good sacrifices are unfortunate but they are inevitable and they must always always be made I tried to explain this captain Forbes he never understood but you do and no I do not understand remember the purpose of the mission Jonathan to ensure the survival of the species to ensure the survival of those fools back on earth now we go on to Demeter we establish the human race there Anna in the highest form possible a form will continue for millions of years it is our obligation and how does the OTC fit into that a large workforce is necessary to prepare for the culmination of the projects we use the tools that come to hand you've learned that as Captain lavender now you wondered star Voyager to join those ships Voyager has the computer the fusion thrust engines the Baughman drive yes I need those to get you to meet her but most importantly I need you all of you Priscilla and the Admirals transmission Priscilla and transmission I can't there's some kind of control in here I thought it was just extra storage space no Priscilla not extra storage space professor Bauman's computer is vital to the plan she will become the command center of our ship oh ship ship you've proven yourself worthy of Jonathon now everything is complete No you refuse perhaps I should address the rest of your crew do you think they will all refuse I had more Beasley you sound like you're planning a mutiny that Jake Brown forever turning up where you're not wanted it's a challenge I have permission to address your entire crew Jonathan get his attention permission granted crew of Earth star Voyager this is Admiral Beasley I offer you an opportunity unparalleled in human history with imagination and courage you can rewrite the story of your entire race you can correct the mistakes of the past thousands of year so where's that controller 52nd apparently it's there on your left will you or will you not follow on the paths mapped out by your ancestors already what if you take them out no I'm sorry sir the future will look back on what you created Jonathan what have you done [Music] pursuing navigation [Music] maybe give me the sons resist this in position rotation just rotating now two degrees off course six seconds half agree of course [Music] [Applause] [Music] was threatenin closer approaching are we close enough to use the real good yeah she's got to come to at least 2,000 miles I'm weapons stand by of course there just activated her weapons he's still closing on us sir don't worry Jonathan will do something get him closer switch priscilla to receive earth star Voyager 2 Triton Corsair [Music] Admiral can you hear me [Music] and Moe Beasley please respond [Music] that note please respond the kind of the vine killed communication stuff it seems you skew your communications when you reprogrammed your computer the damage can be repaired and I'm glad to hear it very clever idea building a solar laser once again you live up to my expectations my clever idea destroyed your assembly as you said the damage can be repaired it's not too late Jonathan give me the Voyager I've been thinking about what you said at have you and [Music] I agree with you that we have responsibilities to humanity and that each of us is insignificant compared to that responsibility pity you didn't come to this realization for destroying the otz assembly yes sir but da twelve hundred and fifty miles we can rebuild we still have the computer eleven hundred and seventy three a little closer Jonathan and if you recall Admiral mr. Bienstock helped to create the computer I'm sure that he can use it to help repair the damage mr. Bienstock appears less than willing he's still very young now and once again captain Brown runs away I never did understand why you took him on board Jonathan I thought he might prove useful [Music] without the Voyager your plan is useless Admiral all your work for nothing exactly what have you got up your sleeve sir you're stalling for time what are you planning how could I be planning anything you saw through it yourself we have no weapons very well then prove yourself prepare to be boarded from frighten Corsair prepare for boarding what prepare for boarding I warn you Jonathan if you're trying to trick me my armaments will destroy you destroy the ship you conceived sir the key to humanity's future a very bright John I hope so sir when we dock together you'll have justified my faith in you right on top of them the guy who navigates me sorry about that destroyed sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] damage report well there's a navigation center destroyed artillery power sufficient for minimum life support only how long to repair undetermined until further inspection sir Jonathan can you hear me you are a very good I expect to renew our relationship someday [Music] and who was it said the railgun one one that's right come on up Jake I think maybe Huxley might want to apologize well obviously some people are too well-mannered to glow oh did you hear that Jake Jake Jake Jake can you hear me wake up I'm afraid he's gonna slip into a coma come on Jake come on who's hitting me to hit on your name tell me your name please names Jake Brown ma'am want me get dinner Jonathan Lonnie is stabilized she's almost normal I don't understand it excuse me mr. bean stack isn't so do you think you're gonna be able to get Priscilla back to her old charming self oh yeah sure she mostly is already all I have to do is hook up or vocal it's artists you can skip that part baby watch your mouth cute stuff maybe the real one will be waiting for you when you get back to her yeah I thought it'd be just what I need Jeremy Priscilla Berlin no would you like to Huxley that's Priscilla she loves me she wants me and that's only my picture Huxley you stood that up talks too much how you feel sure of this planet we're headed for his worth all this why it is fini I know that expression what have you done I wanted to show you when I was finished but we kind of got busy fini what well you know those degraded images on the meter we saw in the briefing uh-huh I've been working on it in my spare time I forget her way to fill in the missing data this is come here be needin most of this but I helped hmm watch this be [Music] so how could you do this to me I mean after I put you back together I'm sorry but it has been on your mind hasn't it [Music] now would you like to see the meter [Music] you know captain Hank we oughta go check that place out [Music] for market openings overseas economic reports and the first business news every morning watch ABC's World News this morning's business reports before a Good Morning America this is Spencer Christian tomorrow a visit with actress Angelica Houston and a new voice on the top of the charts Taylor Dayne joins us plus our special co-host for the week Mary Hart on Good Morning America ok casanetti already highlight look it doesn't matter how you look Balki no one can see us well of course they can be ridiculous they'll be watching perfect strangers Wednesday [Music]
Channel: runejens
Views: 2,671,495
Rating: 4.59126 out of 5
Keywords: Earth Star Voyager, Science Fiction (TV Genre), Science Fiction Movies, Space, Science Fiction Film, Film (Media Genre), Full
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 25sec (10765 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 14 2014
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