Dominion: The Last Star Warrior | 2015 | Full Free Sci-Fi Movie

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[Music] me [Music] as the eternal cycle of day and night continued morning light unveiled the ravages of time and self-inflicted calamity a world that was nothing more than a barren and desolate rock floating in space then came the thundering engines of the scout ship bringing the first echoing sounds in over a million years to this arid landscape for the celestial explorers this was just another place to chart catalog and investigate like the thousands that had come before it they hope to find something evidence of life perhaps an ancient fossil signified that life had existed here long ago then the faint signal emanating from their device posed a question was this the product of an unknown intelligence they followed the signal which grew stronger their scans indicating that just ahead was an object of massive proportions [Music] kneeling over the source of the signal they carefully brushed back the sand and discovered a hatch but to what once the handle was carefully turned the hatch opened musty light bled into the dark abyss exposing hundreds of metallic pods lining the chamber walls their fellow travelers were beckoned and to their wonderment the pods contain remnants of a long lost civilization affirming that this third planet from its sun was once abundant with life with the impending end of their world the pods had been engineered in the hope that they would one day be discovered and the living embryonic life forms induced into a state of suspended animation would somehow be reborn into a new world for the inhabitants of this planet once known as earth it would be a new beginning a new age for mankind humanity would live once again [Music] evidence is overwhelming that there's a cover-up and that there are aliens visiting and so forth i think we do need to recognize that a new era has begun for mankind i happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet and the ufo phenomenon is real although it's been covered up by our governments for quite a long time the united states government knew a whole lot more about ufos than it was telling the american public that there was an intelligence involved that there was a highly evolved technology that to a degree we were carrying on a dialogue with this intelligence because i read nato military material that indicated that the ufos were not only real they represented something far beyond anything i had ever imagined before [Music] [Music] [Music] could i get uh sixty dollars on pump four please sure thanks i understand over the years uh some peculiar things have been happening around these parts cattle mutilations strange lights in the sky things of that sort no i don't know anything about that really okay set to go yes sir [Music] [Music] son of a [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] may i ask why you chose me i've known who you are for some time now you seem like an honest man well i'm about the truth and if what you're about to tell me is the truth i might understand we're all in very grave danger yes in five days human existence as you know it will forever change why don't we start with your name jalen jalen so jalen who are you oh so [Music] you're speaking of the phoenix lights incident are you trying to tell me you were aboard that craft yes and where may i ask are you from jalen a star system in the constellation xanatee i am andromedan [Music] [Music] we were six our task was to monitor human conditions and to determine the degree of infiltration infiltration by whom alpha draconians draconians andromedans are one of 139 planetary systems that comprise the interstellar alliance we are and have always been the watchdogs of the universe for nearly two million years and we've been at war with the draconians for nearly 100 000 of those years they are a malevolent species whose prime directive is to conquer and destroy entire star systems have been wiped out by their aggression and now we've become a target you've always been a target three million of your population are comprised of these beans they are the one percent that control the government corporations the media years ago the nation's leaders struck a deal with the draconians in exchange for global control virtual enslavement of your people a select few would be granted amnesty from the coming onslaught they would be allowed to live out their existence underground many have already begun to do so in this onslaught is this what's going to happen in five days two days ago a draconian warship reached the outer rim of your solar system their army is coming here to establish complete dominion it has always been our intent to shield you from this threat but we are entrenched in war and we haven't the means to bring a fleet here to protect you [Music] it is to be your darkest age as i promised it's documents photos videos and maps of every secret military underground base on the planet as well as a complete database of all occupants of those bases and you believe that this is enough to convince the public regardless in five days they will all believe you mentioned there were excuse me jalen please stop it [Music] stop it i don't know what he is special agent john walker here on government business i may borrow a pen and a piece of paper true thank you the gentleman in room 15 is under my protective custody there are people looking for him if anyone should come inquiring i would appreciate if you would give me a call it's a matter of national security you see okay thank you [Music] are you feeling better you're gonna tell me what happened not now okay what time is it it's a half past three we need to go where we're meeting someone who a friend [Music] you mentioned that there was six of you where are the others gone as in left had died died i'm very sorry we were hunted down one by one all that they died for is this it's a period it contains a collective data of human progression as well as draconian war plans information that could be very helpful in our cause in overcoming them now you're gonna get that to your people a rescue ship arrives tomorrow tomorrow at sun fall so you're going home no i'm not turn left up here [Music] your camera your friend is he from here no she's arcturian uh i don't think i've ever met a noctorian before is she part of this interstellar alliance they are are they here to help us very much so good that's good they're here my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is robert when you spoke yes i am chandra i am pleased to meet you it's an honor to meet you we would like to extend our deepest regret we cannot help you in this matter we are not a violent species and not equipped for war i'm sorry robert [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the arcturians have always been here silently monitoring human progress along with several other races but now they're all returning home you mean evacuating so now we really are alone yes thousands of years of accumulated human data ends here you could have gone back with them why didn't you or at least given them the period they've fulfilled their duties to the council this is not one of them and as i stated before i'm not leaving [Music] this john john walker yes yes this is john walker it's denise from the motel you told me to call if anyone came inquiring well there are government agents inside his room as we speak well you didn't tell them anything did you no i didn't but these guys have real badges denise i owe you big there's government agents in your room right now somehow they knew we were there any idea how yes all right we're gonna have to ditch this car and hitch a ride into albuquerque what's an albuquerque a friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whatever it is you're not telling me jalen i need to know we're running out of time [Music] i was compelled by her i began experiencing feelings i never had before as if i was meant to find her i felt myself avoiding better judgment that this was wrong a forbidden code of conduct in my task here i allowed it to happen i wanted it to happen andromedans enforce a very structured mating ritual our choice for a companion is never our own and never random we are conditioned this way from birth and therefore there's never the opportunity for i'm falling in love yes but did she know the truth about you not at the time but i couldn't stay in one place for too long so the day approached when i had to tell her i haven't been entirely honest with you what do you mean there are people looking for me who's looking for you do you need any help i'm not from here i'm not from los angeles and i'm not from the united states i'm not from earth [Music] the people looking for me are getting close they also are not from earth what do you what do you mean you're not from earth i don't melissa i care about you deeply why are you telling me this to protect you by your association with me i fear i am putting you in danger as well danger how can you expect me to believe this and please just make me understand alyssa there are things there are worlds outside of this one you have no idea of and i am from one of these worlds [Music] i knew i would never see her again i was devastated but we are more connected than i even imagined she could hear my thoughts she could feel my pain in losing her you were telepathically linked yes without my intention it just happened and soon we found each other again and we left together heading west and what happened it's my worst fear they found us i managed to get away unharmed but she was not so fortunate so you're saying that she's dead no but they took her do you know where she is she's a prisoner underground at the base of dulce and they've been torturing her so the telepathic link between the two of you is how they tracked you yes look uh i have no idea what you must be going through right now you never told me her name her name is alyssa and she carries my child [Music] ah [Music] i've been an associate of chetan since the early 90s he's devoted his life to researching anomalous phenomena and has established a strong following in the ufo arena he was one of the first to get hold of the secret flying disc file of the fbi and sensitive documents from the cia air force army and other government agencies the prices paid for bringing the truth to the public are death threats imprisonment and being shot he is a good man and i trust him as i would a brother [Music] uh [Music] thanks a lot derek i appreciate it can you give us a moment you don't know how good it is to see you my friend jayden likewise you look good a lot better than i feel uh this is the gentleman that i was telling you about jalen welcome i'm going to show them the footage why don't we start with your name jalen jalen so jalen who are you our task was to monitor human conditions and to determine the degree of infiltration infiltration by whom alpha draconians draconians [Music] [Music] so [Music] jalen jalen what's happened jalen they took it robert they took our baby all right we gotta we gotta go i'll take you to my house and that'll be perfect it's safer is coming here to establish complete dominion it has always been our intent to shield you from this threat but we are entrenched in war and we haven't the means to bring a fleet here to protect you it is to be your darkest age [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] man look at that look at that that's amazing open that one wow [Music] [Music] open that one that's amazing wow we're at the northrop underground base 25 miles north of lancaster california known as the cheong ranch country pass is no trespassing property of the united states governments on and the entrance of facility is at the base of the telechappy mountains and i'm about to show you exactly where it's at the coordinates in the map are in this folder with the video now this base is used to develop anti-gravity propulsion which is basically reverse engineer technology from crashed ufos now if you're asking about a neutral they'll tell you that's an electromagnetic research facility which is an outro ufo sightings are seen here by locals constantly there are three underground bases in here all of which are linked by tunnels this is also with the grace co-exists with the military personnel it's close to the naked guy by technology known as active camouflage otherwise known as a projected hologram this technology believe it or not has been around since world war ii as you can see it's perfectly concealed as you reach this point and now i'm going to go through guys if i'm not out one minute you get the hell out of here we're going to set the world on fire with this i think so obvious is the passageway that leads to the main stairwell this is the first 42 levels that's right that's how deep this thing goes okay uh i'm sure there were my presence so i'm getting the hell out of here i got it dude we got a helicopter right behind it oh [ __ ] we gotta go [Music] wow the motherland i think you're right [Music] [Music] no wait wait wait go back one jalen is this her it is who is she a young woman jalen had the good taste to fall in love with it you do have good taste my friend she's being held at the dolce bass quite sure our friends and family would be interested to know that how soon will you be able to upload right now where are the files go into an old compadre of mine they'll upload to 60 servers globally the initial launch should reach about six million people what's eta [Music] just under four hours by morning the floodgates will be open [Music] 35.39 degrees north and 106 0.54 degrees west southwest corner of the jemez canyon reservoir remember sun fall you'll give them the period and robert you can go with them [Music] like you jalen there are people that i can't leave behind not with what's coming where will you go into the wolf's den to be near the woman he loves the dulce bass are you sure you're not human how will you get there i will take you jalen [Music] i'm fine are you sure [Music] uh [Music] my despite the circumstances i'm happy to have known you robert the feeling's mutual i hope that we've made a difference you and i we have jalen i'd like to wish you good luck but luck won't help me a miracle perhaps where will you go chicago i've got a niece there that i'm quite fond of my brother who hasn't spoken to me in 20 years he doesn't believe in all this ufo crap i see an exoneration in your near future my friend human eyesight has been deceived for thousands of years how so the moon is an artificial construct it is a base where alpha draconians and other races have been manipulating human perception by means of a projected signal in your way of understanding they've hacked into the human consciousness and programmed exactly what they want you to see corroborating the stories that nasa adopted photos of bases on the moon's dark side the role of nasa and this deceit is greater than you can imagine [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh uh so uh so stop right there you know what's coming you know we're gonna lose it's inevitable what do you think you're gonna do what do you think you can do i'm a human being just like you no you're not [Music] are you there yes [Music] we took our baby i know i'm so sorry [Music] where are you i'm coming to you you going home no let's kill you please stay away i can't if i don't hear from you again i love you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] what will life be like there harmonious tranquility our planet has a single continent two suns no seasons it's a constant temperature are there any oceans there is one our waters of a different consistency a different color it contains all of the nutrients that we require there is no need for food though we are at war we will live in a safe zone our child will be shielded from the dangers coming here time is different there your lifespan will be three times what it is here on earth really you're free of all diseases and all illnesses it's starting to sound like paradise with you there it will be [Music] so [Music] get out of the vehicle now [Applause] cross your legs put your hands on your head cross your legs [Applause] [Music] robert robert can you hear me robert are you there jalen i'm speaking to you with my thoughts where are you they have me in captivity and robert if they killed shaytan there was nothing i could do [Music] i'm inside the base i'm where i need to [Music] be [Music] [Applause] yeah yeah it's me uh listen to me very carefully in about 40 minutes you'll have the files to upload text me when it's done but do not i repeat do not do anything until you hear from me if you don't hear from me by this time tomorrow launch that clear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] um i'll keep this brief jalen knowing the impossibility of rescuing your companion i can only imagine that you came here with the hopes to see her to be with her this was a misjudgment we will not grant this union [Music] as for yourself like your five companions before you you will be dissected and studied by our scientists in hopes that we might better understand your telepathic abilities you may be aware that one of our duties here is to see to the appetites of our hosts your companion will be euthanized and parts of her extracted for the delicacies as for the son you followed you will be taken to capella where in manhood he will serve as a draconian agent [Music] he in turn will father hybrids who will also serve in this capacity so you see you will be serving a significant contribution to the draconian cause and for this we are grateful the dolce bass is located beneath the archelada mesa its size is 4.6 miles in diameter the base has seven levels the last two of which are designated for lab experimentation these tests are carried out by humans and draconians it's the sixth level where alyssa is being held one of the secret entrances is on the mesa itself the location was delivered to us by one of our allies contained on the disk drive i gave you and you're just going to walk in the back door unless they find me first what makes you think they won't kill you [Music] it's a chance i'm willing to take [Music] she must be a very special woman [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i'm here alyssa where are you why don't you answer me [Music] so so so [Music] so [Music] welcome mr casey check him and who may i ask are you merrick this is treya let me guess draconians we are well and i'm certainly not pleased to meet you it's clean i found this whatever your reason is for coming here understand we have no intention nor interest in keeping you alive so i'm dead either way right correct no one will be spared why the earth's position in the solar system provides us with a strategic and tactical advantage robert the human role in the universe is inconsequential that may be so but we have a right to exist only if we allow it and we don't well before you start waving your victory flag but i suggest examining the contents of the drive you hold in your hand i think you'll find it very consequential [Music] all right take him and robert [Music] jalen had something we very much want it's a gray stone that contains crystals well you mean the period yes you wouldn't know where it is would you sure it's right here all right we have a self-retaining attractiveness preparing euthanization [Music] it's time good so so it would seem that your drive contains sensitive information that some here find distressing however all it can serve is to tell people what they'll find out anyway in four days yes but you're forgetting one thing the locations of all your hidden bases and their secret entrances what do you think i just waltzed in here i want you to think of tens of thousands of me storming your underground castles with automatic weapons you'll have one hell of a [ __ ] stone to contend with and don't think for one moment it won't happen vengeance and survival at all costs are two very profound impulses we humans have i see so am i then to understand that this information has not yet been released no it hasn't but if i don't make a phone call it'll go viral to a few million people by sundown your phones will be ringing off the hook and in a few days you'll be running from a shower of bullets now i also have the power to keep it from going at it at all and then you cowards can hide down here in your underground fortress without any worries and why should we trust you because i'm not so eager to hand out doomsday news to the world these last few days of life are all we have left why spoil it indeed all right what are your terms in exchange for this [Music] [Music] [Music] an arrangement's been made [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] no when i know they're safe [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes it's done we're safe now we are grateful yeah it's me launch [Music] you have betrayed your promise to me on behalf of the 7.1 billion humans on this planet earth that you have condemned [ __ ] you [Music] the day that was mankind's darkest came and the invasion began at first the takeover was not so easy the resistance from the humans was formidable but in time futile most of the underground bases were stormed many died within weeks the genocide had begun by the time our fleet returned months later nearly one half of all humans had been exterminated in a battle that raged for many days our fleet managed to rescue nearly three million humans [Music] it was our only return to earth by now it is certain that the remaining human population is long gone the ones rescued represent all that is left of mankind the arcturus constellation is a planet very much like earth and uninhabited known as yuritis it is here where humans have already begun their renaissance free of war instability and oppression that rebirth has been prosperous as a science officer of the andromedan council i often frequent yerties with elissa at my side to monitor the human development and i'm often reminded of the final passage of one of robert's short stories for the inhabitants of this planet once known as earth it would be a new beginning a new age for mankind humanity would live once again [Music] how are you [Music] oh [Music] is dawn is a dream and space [Music] forever [Music] um [Music] is [Music] [Music] a new day awakening [Music] i is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Sci-Fi Central
Views: 2,283,623
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Keywords: full free movies on youtube, latest sci-fi movies, science fiction movies for free on youtube, Full Action Sci-Fi Movies for Free, latest hollywood movies for free, SyFy channel, The Asylum, hallmark channel, Sci-Fi Movies, Movie Central, full free sci-fi movies, Dominion: The Last Star Warrior
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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