Full Movie: The Forbidden Empire

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(gentle music) (birds chirping) (playful classical music) (Miss Dudley gasps) - You hold your ground, sir. Have you no shame, madam? Debauching yourself in your father's house? And with a common teacher? - I am of the king's court. (Lord Dudley scoffs) And I'm not just a teacher. I'm a Bachelor of Geography and Cartography. - Don't bandy words with me, sir. You're a charlatan! Like that rogue Newton, who swindled half of Europe when an apple fell on his head. (men giggle) - [Miss Dudley] Father, I love him. - Love him? Him? He can't even afford a decent pair of britches. - I've great plans that'll bring me fame and fortune. - Yes, I'm sure, by marrying my daughter. - No. What I mean is. - What do you mean, no? - Of course, I intend to marry you, just not now. More, in the future. (Lord Dudley giggles) - If I have my way, he doesn't have a future. Get him out of here. Well go on. - Jonathan, run. (lively classical music) - [Lord Dudley] Shoot him in the back. - Run, Jonathan, run. - If your mother was alive, she'd be appalled. (men shouting) Set the dogs on him! - Run, darling! I love you. - I love you too, darling. Believe in me. (Jonathan grunts) (coin clinks) Why thank you. - Don't forget your birds. (horses whinnying) - [Jonathan] My dear Miss Dudley, I offer you my deepest apologies for my hurried departure. As bitter as it is to admit to you, I have to say that your father was right. It is true that I have spent all of my money, but let me tell you, I have not wasted it as he wants to imagine, but invested it in my invention. With the help of this unique device, I'm determined to revolutionize the field of cartography with maps that finally show the true borders of the countries of the world. I have decided to commence this grand project right from the heart of our beloved Greenwich, which I have chosen to be the starting point for all my calculations. Some day, our quiet little town will be renowned the world over as the place all time is measured against. This is the dream, but I need you to believe in me. My dear, the impressions of my journey, I write in my letters. In order for them not to be read by unintended persons, I encrypt the letters using a mirror, as Leonardo Da Vinci did before me. I love you, and refuse to be thought of as some dowry hunter. I will show everyone that that is not true. My news will fly to you by means of carrier pigeon. In this way, when times of great difficulty confront me, I will feel you close to me and my heart will be warmed. (suspenseful music) - [Narrator] Lower your eyes. Kneel down and pray. Be afraid of the eyes of Viy, the ancient god who dwells in the eternal darkness of the cave. His eyes have taken root in the earth. If a man but glances at him, then that man dies. And no prayer can conquer that mysterious fear. The old folks say so, and their grandparents said so. On summer nights, young girls looking for true love, float burning candles on wreaths in the water. And if some young man gathers in your wreath, you know that he is your destiny. Since the beginning of time when the earth was young and the gods were young, this tradition has lived in the hearts of the Slavic people. Burning candles float in the darkness. (women giggles) It has always been so. (thunder rumbling) (birds shrieking) - Pannochka, where are you? (thunder rumbling) (thunder crashing) Pannochka! (birds chirping) Time to go, Pannochka. (thunder crashing) (woman gasping) (Pannochka shrieking) (woman screaming) (water splashes) (thunder crashing) (suspenseful music) (monster growling) - [Man] Pannochka! - [Man] Pannochka! - [Man] Pannochka! - Right here Got her. Who did this? (people chattering) Who did this to you? - She wants to confess. - You must pray over me. - God help us. Protect us from evil. - There's a student priest from the seminary. Khoma Brutus. He'll pray by me for three nights, truly and sincerely. He knows who wears the sheep's. - [Man] I think she's dead. (people murmuring) - Look! The wages of sin! One dead and one out of her mind! (bell tolling) (ominous music) - [Sotnik] So complete your three nights of prayer over my daughter, exactly as she requested, and I will reward you. - Who, me? - Yes, you. It was my daughter's dying wish and you must fulfill it. Have you ever felt the whip crack on your skin? - No, and it is not something I want to happen to me. - Then do not fail me. I'll pay you a thousand gold coins if you succeed in this. - [Khoma] A thousand gold coins. - You will not be allowed to fail me. - [Khoma] Master Sotnik - [Sotnik] Lock the door. He stays here for three nights. (door slams) - Please, dear God, hear your humble servant and forgive his sins through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. ♪ Oh, Lord, our Father dear God ♪ ♪ Embrace us all in your faith ♪ ♪ And the whole ♪ (ominous music) Chalk circle, save me, protect me. Chalk circle, save me, protect me. Save me, protect me. (woman shrieking) - Here is a thousand gold coins. - Blessings for you. We could, we could build a monastery with this. - No, that's Khoma's fee. Now leave and prepare everything for my daughter's funeral. - Let's get it done, soon. - What? - You know, Pannochka's burial. For three nights I've had the shit scared out of me. Master's daughter, yes, but still a witch. (twigs cracking) (sword clangs) (birds chirping) Oh, it's Paisiy. - What do you got there? - It's from Sotnik. It's the fee he gave to Khoma. - [Dorosh] I have never seen so much money before in my whole life! - The key. (wings whooshes) (crow caws) - Go on! - Shh! (wood creaking) (coins rattling) (wings whooshes) (crow caws) - There is a curse here. Be gone, Satan. This is a cursed place. His soul has departed. This holy place has been violated. This can no longer be called a place of worship. Board up the doors and the windows. - So she got him in the end. - Yeah, the witch. There's witchcraft here. - [Paisiy] I declare this. - If that's so, yesterday's rules are dead and gone. (coins rattling) (both grunt) Divide it equally, like two blood brothers. (door clicks) There's a hole in the roof. (hammer thuds) (Overko grunting) (crow caws) (Overko screams) - This holy place has now been cursed! From top to bottom! - See what the witch has done to me? - Khoma is lying lifeless in the chalk circle. - We can never go back in there again, Master Sotnik. - The curse up there must be a devil of sorts. - This is a cursed place. We must barricade. - We can't leave my daughter. (birds screeching) - Look. (people screaming) Don't take the sin upon your soul. Don't go in. Think Sotnik, your people, they need you. They need you. Please don't make this any worse than it is. In the name of the Father. (people screaming) (wind whooshing) - [Jonathan] My travels have continued for a whole year. Today is the first day of April. (horses whinnying) The spring takes so long to come here. What awaits me further East? - Thank you, Nanny. - Really, my Lord! - Witch. Carrier pigeons now, is it? - Papa, please look at me. - Oh, God. I'll kill him. - [Jonathan] Luck accompanied me but now it has turned away. I have not eaten for several days. (Miss Dudley humming) And I have none of the resources left necessary for continuing this journey. And alas, I have lost my path somewhat, which is now patently clear. (horse snorting) (pigeons cooing) (Khalyava grunts) - Please, don't shoot us. - [Jonathan] Who are you? - We're common students at the city seminary. - Students? - Seminary, uh-huh. (Khalyava groans) - What about some food, to eat? To eat! - Yes, to eat, uh-huh? - Yes, it's to eat. Here's to new friends. - So, you're a scientist. Ah, we're scientists. I'm Gorobets, I study rhetoric. And he's a theologian, Khalyava. - Right, is the city far? - No, but there is a village close by. - Hm? - [Gorobets] Oh, yes. - Oh. - It's close! - Oh, yes. - I wouldn't send an enemy there. - Why? - Around a year ago, a friend of ours was there with us and suddenly vanished. - A scientist? - Yes, a scientist. Philosopher. Khoma Brutus. So, about a year ago, Me, Khoma and Khalyava passed through here on the way home for summer vacation. Either it was the fog, or maybe the devil spun us round, but we completely lost our way. (water splashes) - Oh, look at him. (man grunts) - [Old Woman] Stop that. - Have some mercy Gramp, Granny. - [Old Woman] I thought the Lord was supposed to provide for you. ♪ Charity, charity ♪ ♪ May the Lord look on you ♪ - Stop that racket. Enough now. All right then. Come inside. (woman giggles) This way. (door creaks) - Do you remember how this goes? Sir, oh, please buy some food? (Khalyava laughing) (Gorobets laughing) - That witch wanted me. She tried to grope me with her filthy hands. - All women are witches. - And the market women? Witches. (Khalyava groaning) (Gorobets breathing heavily) (water splashes) (Khoma groans) (Khoma gasps) (suspenseful music) - Listen, Granny, it's a fasting week. I couldn't sin against that. Not even for a thousand gold coins. Don't, don't, don't. You're too old. You're too old! (suspenseful music) (woman giggles) (Khoma screams) (Khoma screams) (woman giggles) (Khoma screams) (crows cawing) (woman giggles) (Khoma screams) (woman giggles) - [Gorobets] The crazy old woman was actually Pannochka. She was a witch. He knew that, and I knew that for sure. (suspenseful music) (insects squelching) (hooves clopping) (horses snorting) (Jonathan laughing) - Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, you think it's funny? All right then. You listen to me. He just vanished into thin air. - Let me taste a bit of that. - Ah, certainly! Ah? It's our best, from Khortytsa. What do you think? - It's not bad. - Unlike the village where hell's evil is all around. That's definitely not good. Evil that not even our Lord God can stop. - In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With this symbol of our Lord's majesty, we complete the circle. - Ah, so we are prisoners in our own village prison, eh? (man sputtering) - Merciful Lord! Please help me to protect my children from these devil spirits! And let them know nothing of what is locked away in the old church! Show me a sign! Be my shepherd! (wind whooshing) Show them the misery that is awaiting if they do not choose to listen to me! (wind whooshing) (monster growling) (crowd chattering) (crows cawing) (monster growls) (woman screaming) (hooves clopping) (horse snorting) - Did you hear that? So are you convinced now? - You said that the, that the monster had nine horns, nine great horns. - Seven horns! Seven. Let's go, let's go. Run. - If you're going on, it's without us. (Jonathan giggles) - That's a funny story. Hey! Colleagues! (horse whinnying) Shh, shh. (horses whinnying) (wolves growling) (horses whinnying) Wait. Wait. Where are you going? Stop! Stop, I say. (wolves growling) (gears clicking) (horses whinnying) (Jonathan grunts) (gears clicking) (wolves growling) (gears clicking) (Jonathan breathes deeply) (hooves clopping) (wolves growling) (wolves growling) (horse whinnying) (wolves growling) (gunshot banging) (wolves growling) (crowd chanting) (men singing indistinctly) (suspenseful music) (wolf growling) (horses whinnying) (fire whooshes) (horses whinnying) No! (man grunts) - What's that? - The apocalypse. (horses whinnying) (sword whooshes) (horses whinnying) - Stop, stop, stop, stop. (hooves clopping) (suspenseful music) (horses whinnying) - [Paisiy] Protected by armor made from fire. The horses' heads were like those of lions, and fire and smoke. - He's coming! (people shouting) (horses whinnying) (body thuds) - And here is the sign! A messenger sent from Satan has pierced our circle! (horse snorting) - What kind of messenger of Satan is he if his knees are knocking together in fear? (Jonathan groans) He might just pass with a good scrub. (people murmuring) (sword clangs) (monster growls) (man groans) (door creaks) - Master Sotnik. - He's alone. There's no one else. A servant of Satan! - What's all this noise? - The Devil's scripture. - [Petrus] "Jonathan Green." - Jonathan Green. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Jonathan Green! Scientist, cartographer. I am the subject of Her Majesty, The Queen of England. Recently renamed the United Kingdom. - [Man] Not a scientist. - It's a pleasure to meet you all. If he's the best his country has to offer, whoo, we're in terrible trouble. (people laughing) (monster growling) - [Miss Dudley] "Looking through my spyglass, I could well discern leaping savages and their frantic gestures. I was sure they were preparing themselves for a terrible meal of human flesh." - What are you reading? (Miss Dudley gasps) - Shh. This is the latest story by Mister Defoe. It's about the adventures of Robinson Crusoe. - Of all the great writers this country's produced, you choose to read him. (baby cooing) And what, Madam, is this? - Father please, give it back. - It's from him, isn't it? Hm? Cease any contact with that worthless specimen. I demand that in my own home there is nothing to remind me of the wretch. - Quiet, Father. You are forgetting that this wretch is the father of my child. (Lord Dudley scoffs) You never thought that perhaps at this very moment, he is somewhere, surrounded by savages, in deadly peril on some desert island? - Savages? Island? What island? It is the biggest continent of them all. Your Mr. Jonathan, I am a cartographer, Green is in the middle of that continent. - A continent? - [Lord Dudley] Savages my ass! - Excuse me sir, excuse me! I have some very important equipment damaged in my carriage. It's vital to me, you understand. It's the fifth measuring wheel. It measures distance. - The wheel? - Yes, sir. - Ah! Our blacksmith's good at making that kind of mechanism. - Ah. - Let's go. He made a contraption that produces horilka, a vodka so clear it looks like tears. - Yes, I'm very well aware of what horilka is. It's not that, no, no. It's a, it's a mechanical thing. It's a mechanism. - Ah, same shit. - Did I invite the commons in? (metal clangs) - It's me, Taras. Wait! Here, I brought you a British customer. A scientist. - A scientist? - Yeah, look at his carriage. Hey, what do you think of this? (Taras scoffs) - An impressive rig. - Yeah, if it moves and turns on its own. Think you can fix it? It wasn't made by God, so, yeah. - No, no, no, no. The work of Dutch masters. - The Dutch masters, you say? (Taras giggles) Well, try this! (Taras grunting) Well, Mr. Scientist, remind you of anything? Huh? Oh! - It's like the drawings of Leonardo Da Vinci. I have no idea what a Da Vinci is, but I do know how to make it fly. That I know. - Will it? - Yeah, but to land, not so much. But first I invite the best scientist to my house to eat. - You can't say no. - [Taras] It's been a long time since we had a foreigner around here. - Will he repair it? - [Taras] Your carriage will be fine. (door creaks) - Why are you shielding him? - Now that's not why I called you here, Father. It's been a whole year since my darling daughter died. Let's have her funeral at the old church tomorrow. My men can clear the road in no time. - I didn't hear that. Don't think it. That road is closed. - I waited nine days, and then 40 days. And now a full 12 months! - Pray to God. Patience alone is nothing. - There's one thing I still don't know. What was it you saw inside that church? (door clicks) (Petrus grunts) Petrus! Petrus! - Yes, Master Sotnik. - What's this? Read it to me. - It's a map of the area. - Aha. Go and bring him here, that scientist. Whoa. But quietly. (Jonathan singing indistinctly) (door creaking) - Excuse me? Hello? Are you deaf? Good, all right, we're not speaking. That's fine by me. At least tell me your name. (door creaking) - The girl's struck dumb. Mm. What delicate saplings the devil has brought me. Would you like me to rub your back when you're dry? - Thank you, but. - Hey! The other students like it. (both giggle) - Spare us. Of course. The old woman, Khoma Brut. This is where it all happened. Ah, oh. Oh, hello. (Petrus giggles) - If you're taking a flight, you should dress first. - Look, is there a problem? Hm? - Master Sotnik would like to talk to you in secret, shh. (door creaking) - Father, tell me what is wrong? - [Paisiy] Sotnik won't stop asking questions. (Dorosh scoffs) - It has been over a year. - He's thinking of ordering his laborers to clear the roadway. (Overko laughing) - I'd like to know which of his laborers he thinks is willing to risk his skin around this cursed place! - Our village is gladly short of heroes. (both chuckling) - Outsiders then. - Master Sotnik, the scientist. - Master Cartographer, Do you believe in God? - How to put it? I'm a scientist. - That means you don't believe in the devil. - No. - Ah, that's good. I want you to make another map like this one, but put the church at the center. So I can see all my land. - That's good. I must tell you that it'll take time to complete. - For a thousand gold coins? - Where is Satan's messenger? - [Overko] My guess is he's holed up at Hannah's water mill. - Here, for a start. - I'll need an assistant. - I'll get you one now. Begin at the old church. Let no one see you. - Master Sotnik, the path is cleared, we should go. (horse whinnying) Come on, hurry up. - Yes, wait, wait. - Hurry! (horses whinnying) - My horse can see things we can't. There must be a devil of sorts. Come on, you stubborn beast. (whip cracking) Hyah! (monster growling) - About you talking to Sotnik, not a word to anyone. It's better for us that way. (horse whinnying) - So, if Father Paisiy is right. - Let's go see. (Jonathan groans) (door creaks) Where's the scientist? - He is here. Master Scientist. (man chuckling) Let us pour some horilka for our honored guest. Trust me, you've tasted nothing like this. - [Yavtukh] Smells good. [Taras] Everyone! - To us. - To us. (man sighs) So what science do you do? Huh? - Look, Panas, you were talking, right? You're an expert. On scientists. - Well, I've heard there are some who stare at the stars. - What kind of science is that? Stargazing science? - I know what I am talking about. They stare. They stare at the stars through glasses, like this. (Panas grunting) (men laughing) - Hey, Taras, this is empty. - Trouble. That's what we got from the last scientist. He changed our village, and not for the better. He was a philosopher. - Khoma Brut. Brutus. (suspenseful music) - Tell me how you happen to know Khoma Brutus. - He's well known. Everyone knows that name. - He's known, all right. - Master Sotnik had heard the name of a seminary student in our village, a student by the name of Khoma Brutus. - Please let me go. - [Overko] Dorosh and I delivered Khoma to watch over Sotnik's daughter. - Dogs were barking, wolves howling. - Holy Mother of God. Through the priest and through our Lord Jesus Christ, Our one true God, forgive us our sins. Amen. ♪ We beg you oh Lord to embrace in us ♪ ♪ In the eternal life that is given to you ♪ ♪ And your blessed ministry ♪ ♪ In the name of the Father, and the Son ♪ ♪ Amen ♪ What sort of a priest would I be if I was afraid of a corpse? Oh, I wish I could smoke in here. Oh, good tobacco. Her face. Her beautiful face draws me to her. (Khoma breathing heavily) Even in death, so beautiful. (Khoma groans) (wind whooshing) (monster growls) (suspenseful music) (branches squelching) (bell clanging) (branches squelching) (Pannochka shrieking) (Pannochka shrieking) (monster growling) (monster growling) (rooster crowing) (branches squelching) - Listen, where is this church? Hm? - Tell us why do you want to know. - Well, Master Sotnik and I were thinking of maybe, you know. (Jonathan scoffs) Forget it. It's nothing. - Chalk is the most important thing we own. Draw a circle around you and not even the devil can touch you. - [Man] Or a witch. - All women are witches and they have small, curly tails. - [Man] Who's that food for? - [Man] Are you going to the the swamp? Is that true? - Well, it's a superstition. - [Man] Don't you dare. - Legends. Imagination. - Maybe not in Europe, but here, all women are witches. (man giggles) - [Jonathan] Yavtukh, he's drinking. - Hey! (men singing indistinctly) (gentle music) (gunshot bangs) - It's supposed to be a song. Stop tearing your throats out. - What? Don't like it, too bad. Who do you think you are, giving us orders? And since when are you in charge. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - Let me go! (man groaning) (men mumbling) - No, no, no, don't go! - Shh. - We're just getting started here. Don't spoil this. You'll insult us. - Was there any evidence of Khoma's fate? - Evidence? Here it is. Evidence I saw with my own eyes. But thanks to the curse, I have only the one now. My other is gone. Now listen to the rest. - It's always scary, the first night. I'm not scared. I'm not scared now. Help me, Lord. Okay. (Axe thuds) (thunder crashing) (thunder rumbling) (wood thuds) (wood creaking) (coffin whooshes) (wood crashing) (suspenseful music) (woman screams) Help me, God! (Khoma groans) (coffin whooshing) (coffin thuds) (Khoma groaning) (coffin thuds) (Khoma grunting) (Khoma grunting) (Khoma grunting) (Axe thudding) (monster grunts) (Axe thudding) (Pannochka shrieking) (Khoma screams) (Pannochka shrieking) (Khoma screams) (axe blade clangs) (Pannochka shrieking) (Khoma grunts) (Pannochka shrieking) (Khoma grunts) (rooster crowing) (Khoma groaning) (Jonathan scoffs) (creatures squeaking) (creature squeaking) (man snarling) (creatures squeaking) (man snarling) (man grunts) (creatures squeaking) (Jonathan grunts) (wings whooshes) (man retching) (creature growling) (creatures squeaking) (creature grunting) (creatures chittering) (creature roaring) - I can't see him. Where is he? He's under the table. My ears must be clogged. He kicked my head! (woman giggles) (creatures chittering) (wings whooshes) Look, he wants to run. (creature squeaking) (creatures screaming) (Jonathan groans) (gun firing) (suspenseful music) (woman giggles) I can't see anything! Don't let him get to the chalk. Turn around. Keep him away from the chalk. The chalk! Somebody! Get him! Don't let him have the chalk! (creatures squeaking) Pick up my head. I don't see him. (monster growls) Get him. Where is he? (suspenseful music) - Pannochka! (Pannochka laughing) Pannochka. - I can't find him. Can't see you. I call upon you, Viy! Viy! (creature chittering) (can rumbling) (water bubbling) (Jonathan panting) (creature chittering) - Open my eyes. (monster growling) Here he is. Now he belongs to you. - We need you to find who's inside the skin. - Show that soul and I will leave you among the living. (wings whooshing) (rooster crowing) (suspenseful music) - [Woman] So, you saw the monster. There are many. They live in and among the people. You do not carry a cross, but when your scientific reasoning fails you, you hide behind the chalk circle. Do as she asks. Find out who is in the sheep's skin. Help her find her way. By doing so, you will find yours. (birds chirping) (Spetrus groans) - Master Scientist, Master Sotnik is very angry. (rooster crowing) (water splashes) - Give me that. - What's become of the scientist? Huh? - He's gone. - So, he packed his things, ran out of the village and ran off. - That foreign scientist, Satan's messenger has gone to the forbidden church. Speak up, little one. What's going to happen to us, my Father? Save us, Father Paisiy. - Get ready. Gather the people. - [Woman] Save us. What are we going to do? - Why the hell do you think he went into the forest? - Sniffing for your treasure. - Well, it's really not funny. - What if he goes inside the church? Then when Sotnik asks, "Did you happen to see the thousand gold coins meant for Khoma? The ones I dropped in fear? Oh, yes. I saw you. You took them. I'll hold it close, just as any confession. Go. - Master Scientist, you can do as you like, but I won't go in. - Some assistant, eh? Look, at least hold the rope for me. - Do I have to? - Petrus! Hold it tighter. - I'll look around the swamp, while you go and check out the church. (hooves clopping) (Jonathan grunts) (Petrus grunting) (suspenseful music) (Petrus grunting) (door rumbling) - First, I'll buy you some new reins. And a saddle. - [Jonathan] Here goes. - We have enough for everything. Look at this. (Dorosh chuckling) Look how much money we've got. - Hold it tight. (suspenseful music) - What am I doing? This is crazy. There is nothing to be afraid of. - Petrus. Pull my stuff up. I'm gonna spend all day here. - You just stay there. Let's get Overko. (horse whinnying) Quiet! (monster growling) - [Jonathan] I can only suppose that it was the shock of the last few days and my body's tiredness that so completely distorted my first impressions. They remind me of pirates. Have I frightened you, my dear? No, no, my darling. You see, first impressions are sometimes deceptive. (coins clinking) - [Dorosh] Overko! (Overko grunts) - To hell with you. - Overko, what are you doing over there? - What news, brother? - I found him. I found him at the old church. - Oh, let's get him then. - Sure, just as soon as you hide our money, right? (Dorosh laughing) (Overko grunts) - [Overko] Go tell Paisiy, and I'll head to the church! - Well, Father, we rode to the church and there he was on the roof. And Petrus was there with him. I had Overko stay and watch. That scientist finds anything, he'll get a knife in the back. Well? What should our next move be? - Hear me, Sotnik. While you know this, the villagers are ready to act and execute the unholy. You want a requiem for your daughter, Master Sotnik? You'll have it. Wait here and see what happens. This is not a priest speaking with the power to punish and judge you. No. You see a simple servant, that's all. A worm anyone can tread on. - That's what I needed to hear. - But this servant, this worm implores you. Do not. (Dorosh groans) Do not seek explanations, for all that's in this firmament is revealed to you. - It's a miracle. - Let others say that you live in darkness, that you are ignorant. I say to seek to know all of God's work as heresy, so let go of the false light of knowledge. It does not serve our God. What's wrong, Master Sotnik? Has the truth of God made you uncomfortable? Have you no love for Christ's flock? - Yes, that's us, the flock. (door creaks) - [Paisiy] Ah, Master Sotnik is fallen victim to his crime, and the influence of those who've declared themselves all-knowing! - [Overko] You just stay there, Master Scientist. Stay there. - Fear the learned outsiders! I see how Satan's army is getting ever nearer. (suspenseful music) (birds squawking) (lively music) Banish the evil ones from here, so that the ground burns up under their feet! Hallelujah! - [All] Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Whoa! (Jonathan grunting) (rope squeaking) (Petrus groaning) (rope whooshing) (both grunting) - I didn't intend to come down quite so quickly. Lift me up, Petrus. Petrus, lift me up! (Petrus grunts) (both grunting) - Master, I told you this place is cursed. - I don't care. I need my instruments! Petrus I've got. - We need to run away. - Petrus. (Jonathan grunts) Petrus! - Let's go. - Petrus, let me get back up. - Run away! Run away! (horse snorting) (suspenseful music) - Hallelujah! - [All] Hallelujah! - Hallelujah! - [People] Hallelujah! - Hallelujah! - [People] Hallelujah! Hallelujah! - [People] Hallelujah! (children shouting) - Master Scientist, go to Sotnik's house. You'll be safe there. You little pests! Go on! - What did you see there? - There's devilry here. - You've joined them. - You haven't been there! - Do not consort with the scientist, any of you. Or the Lord's curse be upon you! - Get out. - Without my instruments? - You heard me. Finish the job you started or be flayed alive. (door creaks) (suspenseful music) (Overko screams) - What? - You said Overko would watch him. - Who? - He's back again! And he's not alone. He's with Sotnik's servant. - Who? - Who? Who do you think? Go now and bring him to me. - Uh-huh. So who again? - Petrus, of course! (horse whinnying) (Petrus groaning) - [Paisiy] Sit him down. (Petrus panting) - Dorosh, what are you doing? No, no. (Petrus groans) What are you doing? (Petrus screams) - Dorosh, shut him up or we'll have the whole village on our hands. (Petrus groaning) - Dorosh, no. - No, get the other one. - What's that? Dorosh no, please. This isn't funny. Can we talk about this? I beg you. Oh, that. (Petrus screaming) - What did the scientist do at the church? - Tell us why he was there and what was he trying to find? (Petrus groaning) - Master Sotnik sent him, to make a map. And the fee was a thousand gold coins. It's lying around the church somewhere. - [Paisiy] Good boy. Good boy. (Petrus groans) - From now on you'll report everything you hear to me. - Put this on and leave it on. And no questions. Now get out of here! - I'll run away first, before I serve you! - Find the scientist and don't lose sight of him. - [Dorosh] Let's go and find Overko. (Paisiy sighs) (Paisiy groans) (bell clanging) (villagers shouting) - Come on. - Master Scientist, they're coming. - Cossack, what's wrong? - Paisiy sent them. Things could get very nasty. So you've got to run away now, and I'll run with you. - You are? - I have only one condition. I'm taking Nastusya with us. Put your things together. We're running away. Just take things you need. I've got food. You're not going to starve but you have to hurry. (woman snoring) Perhaps you don't want to go. In that case, I'll just have to kidnap you. I'll kidnap you and tie you up with this rope. I'll do it. I swear I'll do it. I hope you'll come, Nastusya. Do you want to? All right then, it's goodbye. One day you'll hear that some foreign mercenary beheaded the brave Cossack Petrus. Farewell. Nastusya. My love. My true darling. - Petrus! Come on! - We'll steal a boat. Be ready. - Overko! Overko! Where are you? Brother! (Overko grunts) (horse whinnying) (Overko grunting) (both grunts) Are you crazy? You could have killed my horse! - I'll kill you, you rotten swine! - You're no better. I know you stole it. Where have you hidden it? (both grunting) - I didn't steal it. You've completely lost your mind over all that money. - Such smart words from a traitor and a thief! (both grunting) - Well, brother, anything to say before I cut out your tongue? - Why don't we settle this over a smoke, huh? (Overko chuckling) What do you say? - I like that better. (Overko chuckling) Oh, I dropped my pipe. It's gotta be around here somewhere. Where's my pipe? Huh? Overko! Overko! - Nastusya. - [Jonathan] Petrus, come here. - [Petrus] Nastusya, this way. - Petrus? - Row to the dead tree, I'll follow you. - [Jonathan] Where are you going? (Taras singing indistinctly) - Nastusya! - Overko! How many times have we saved each other's necks? Look at us now. - Nastusya. Nastusya. - Let us redeem our sins, and give the money back to Sotnik. Remember the good old days? Just two brothers with free spirits. - Nastusya? (monster growling) (Petrus groaning) - Who's there? Come out so I can. (flesh squeaking) (sword whooshes) (Dorosh groans) - Lovely pipe, isn't it? I believe it is yours. Well, aren't you wondering where I found it? - Brother. (crowd shouting) (suspenseful music) - Viy! Viy. Viy. Viy. He's back. - Where? - Down there in the swamp. Viy! I saw him, I saw him! - The time has now come! (crowd shouting) Let us drive away the devil's spawn with fire and sword! In the name of God! - The money, there. There is the rest. Ah, the dumb girl. Do you know how lucky you are that you're dumb? Where is it? Where is the money? Give it to me. (dogs barking) (men shouting) Come, come. Here, take this. Don't kill me! She's trying to kill me! She killed Dorosh! - Hold the witch! She's the spawn of Satan! (people shouting) (Nastusya grunts) - Nastusya, my love. Nastusya! (people shouting) Holy Father, it wasn't Nastusya, I sweat it wasn't! I saw it with my own eyes, standing there, I saw the monster with seven horns! It wasn't her. I saw him. I saw the monster! It wasn't Nastusya. It was the monster! - [Paisiy] But my son, she's a witch. - Oh, what have I done? (Jonathan grunts) (monster growling) (water splashes) (people shouting) - What are you doing to my daughter? (man grunting) (people shouting) (man grunting) (man grunting) (people chanting) (man grunting) (people chanting) - She will die. (Nastusya screams) (people chattering) - You used me. You didn't even want the map, did you? It was about your daughter, and the way she died. - What did you find out? - I know what happened to her. - You found out who was under the skin? (horses whinnying) - Calm him the hell down! That beast understands everything. - Just find out and I don't care how. You guarantee my safety and for your information, Nastusya's being attacked. They're working up their courage to kill her, you understand? - I'm going to handle this. And right now! What hellish acts are you up to? Let Nastusya go! - Just look at my arm! You call this sacrilege? And Dorosh, my poor brother who was merely. - You could break her with one finger. - She's a witch! - Panas, set her free. Now! - Not permitted. Master Sotnik. - [Sotnik] What? - Keep back. (Sotnik groans) I have my orders. - [Sotnik] Whose orders? - And I'm not afraid to carry them out. - [Sotnik] Whose orders? - Mine. Watch what you say and be very careful. No one heeds your words anymore. Sinner. (both grunts) (Jonathan panting) And there's another of Satan's servants. Grab the sinner! (people shouting) (sword clanging) - [Woman] Get the heathen! (people shouting) - Stop! We are not savages. (Jonathan grunts) In the pit with the witch. - I'm a British citizen! - Let's see how you react to fire, British citizen. Well, witch, now you have company. (gun fires) - Let's see what the bastard's written. - [Jonathan] My dearest Miss Dudley. - Now. "The wings of the local inhabitants are very similar to those of several species of bat. Who knew that they stretched to a width of some 10 feet?" What? - [Jonathan] I felt their rancid breath so close that I could reach out and feel their filthy skin. - "And can talk like a human being?" (Lord Dudley scoffs) "They have hooves. Do you remember the sailor with the limp that we met in the Port of London, and who told us of an enormous squid?" (Miss Dudley crying) - Why are you blubbing? - It's been so long since I last received a letter from him. - You're forgetting, my dear, he's not worth your tears. - Oh, Daddy, please. - "Well here, we have a squid that is 10 times as big, has six eyes and they call it Viy." The fellow's obviously lost his wits. "If I should not return, search for me in this accursed place." Please God, let it be so, eh? (people chattering) (Jonathan grunting) - Hey. Come on. Wake up. Shh, shh, shh, shh. It's all right. It's all right. (Jonathan groans) You? I'll take it off. It's all right. I'll take it off. Shh, shh, shh. Here you go. There, there. The monster. The monster. You're feeding it, aren't you? Hm? For how long? A whole year? It's just maps. Papers can just disappear without a trace. Wait. I didn't make these marks. Look. So, your monster can mark routes on maps. - All of Sotnik's power should come to me because you know my heart is burning of it. - [Paisiy] Oh, I see, you want his money. - Shh. - It's power I need. As for the money. - It's for the church. - [Overko] We have to finish off the girl as soon as possible. She saw the whole thing. - Listen to me. I want to conduct the execution by the swamp. This way the whole village will be responsible for spilling her blood. - [Overko] Good thinking. - And she will be the bait to expose a certain kind of monster. I'd like to know who is under that skin. Now go. (door creaks) (Panas chuckling) - [Panas] All right, witch. (Panas grunting) - Panas! Overko and Paisiy, there's a plot to take over the. (Panas grunts) You're coming with me! (men giggles) (dramatic music) (Petrus screams) - Run, Nastusya. Run! (Petrus grunting) - Why are you dressing up, stupid cow? To see a young girl put to death? - Come on, let's go. - Whoa, there. Sit down. - Such a bully. - You witch. (people shouting) - Drown the witch, drown her! - Drown the witch! (people chanting) - There. Good. Yavtuhk. Why are you here? - I dare not speak of it. - Tell me, what's wrong? - Paisiy's sprinkled the witch with holy water, and she suddenly became crazy like an animal with sharp claws. Then she turned into a crow and tried to fly. - You're lying, huh? That's a good story. - I'm not that clever. - But it's not true, right? (creature screaming) - See? There. Listen. Can you hear that? They say that when a witch sinks into the water, well, that's just the beginning. - So why are you here? Would you mind watching the scientist while I go look? Please, thank you. - All right, I've got him. But I'm a busy man. Understand that. - I'll be quick! (wood thuds) - Don't just lay there. Climb out. - Petrus. - Don't! He's joined the others. You should run. That fire's for you! Go along the swamp. I've got your things from the boat. You'll get wet, but it's better than being burned alive. - Paisiy. Paisiy and Overko. If we don't stop them, a lot of villagers will die. They're fanatics. - [Yavtukh] I understand. - [Jonathan] Be careful, Yavtukh! - [Yavtukh] May God be with you. - This woman may be a witch. Let rightful punishment pass without stones cast from our hands. It's very simple. If she floats, she is a witch. There is no other way. Brothers and sisters, I call on you to cut this disease out of our hearts. - Everything is ready. - I'm nearly finished. - Petrus! Petrus! - Go away! Let me die. - No! (both grunting) - I killed her. I killed my darling! I killed her! It'd be best if I just disappear. - Petrus, what are you talking about, disappear? Khoma Brut disappeared, you're disappeared. I don't understand! - Gone in a second, without even a trace! - No, no, no, no. Where's the body? Where's the grave, huh? - There isn't. There isn't. It doesn't exist! - Listen to me, stop. Listen to me, Petrus. We've got one chance to save this girl. One chance, you understand me? I know what you saw in the swamp. - What? - You saw a sheep's head with horns, no more. No monster. You simple peasants, You create these monsters and then you scare yourselves half to death! - Of course. It can only be. - Put on the sheep's skin. Show yourself. They'll chase you! Lead everyone to the church. Bring them there! (horse whinnying) (suspenseful music) - I never thought I'd witness such vicious stupidity. - I tell you, we must strengthen our hearts. And prepare ourselves all to show no mercy. (horn honking) - That's Viy! (gunshot bangs) (birds squawking) - Oh! I shot Viy! - [Man] Doesn't look like Viy. - I shot Viy! I shot Viy! (people shouting) - Stop! No, stop! First we must kill the witch! Stop! Bring him to me. (people shouting) - [Woman] Don't let him get away! (water sloshing) (wood creaking) (suspenseful music) - [Woman] That's Viy! (blade clangs) (blade whooshes) (wood creaks) (birds squawking) (blade clanging) (Jonathan grunting) (wind whooshing) (suspenseful music) (Paisiy sobs) (people chattering) (wind whooshes) - Looking for these? Huh? (both grunts) (gunshot bangs) (Khoma grunts) Khoma Brutus. You tried to kill me, didn't you? Up there on the dome. Didn't you? Steal my work, and escape any punishment. You want facts. I'll give you facts. (Khoma grunting) You liked Sotnik's daughter. You liked her a lot. But when you realized she was out of your league, you attacked the poor girl, raped her, and left her for dead. (gunshot bangs) As she lay there dying, she hoped that her attacker being forced to pray over her dead body for three days and three nights would repent and confess but not you. He knows who wears the sheep's. Those were the last words she said. Sheep's skin is what she meant to say. And you. You terrorized the village for a whole year. And right now, as we speak, another innocent girl will be murdered because of you. Well, I won't let it happen. Your secret will be revealed once and for all. - [Khoma] What do you want from me? - Get up! - You won't believe me. Ah, tired. - Where'd you get that? Where did you get that belt? (Khoma grunting) - You won't believe me. - Where did you get it? - I got it when it snapped off your map case, as I hauled you out of the swamp. - Lies. - [Khoma] I told you you wouldn't believe me. - So what about this? Why did you steal my maps? - It was my only chance of survival. (metal clangs) (wood creaking) (Jonathan grunts) With your map I could get away. Where else would I go? To the seminary, so everyone could ridicule me? Accuse me of crimes I didn't commit, like killing Pannochka? - Look, it's the devil. - Boys, it's me, Khoma. Don't run away. - So, it was you who set Overko and Dorosh at each other's throats. - [Khoma] They were too greedy. - Wait. Help me understand. Why did Pannochka want you to pray over her body? Why? - A year ago, me, Gorobets and Khalyava completely lost our way, and found ourselves staying at the water mill by the swamp. (women giggles) - That is my wreath you found. What's your name? - I'm Khoma. Philosophy. No, I'm a student of philosophy from the seminary. - You may be a Christian student from the seminary but we too have our powerful ancient traditions. (Pannochka chuckling) I have decided, I will take you my destiny. And you're supposed to love me truly forever. - Pannochka! (Khoma grunts) Pannochka! (Nastusya screaming) (water splashes) - Out of fear I put on the sheep's skin. I was sure Nastusya would think I was the one who attacked Pannochka. (foghorn honking) In gratitude for saving her, she fed that monster for over a year, and I've been praying for Pannochka's soul ever since. Only the first three nights were terrible. When the third night was over, I was paralyzed from fear, from what I had endured in the church. It was then at daybreak that he came. - I've heard enough about Viy. - No, he's more terrifying. - Who? Who was it? - It's him! (Paisiy grunting) - Just lure the villagers away, and she'll be fine. I'm coming, Nastusya. (dog barking) (gun clicks) - Well, monster. Look who's playing games. (birds squawking) - Well, Khoma. You never saw it coming, did you? You like it there with that dead flesh? If you'd have died, all of this would have been much simpler! (wood creaking) (Khoma panting) I don't know how, but you survived. I only meant to scare her with the disguise. Oh, how she tempted me. That's why I put on the skin. She seduced me, too. How she moaned, and how the fire raged in her black, devilish eyes. It wasn't I who sinned. She was the temptress! It's the tempter who sins, not the one who is tempted! - Somebody help me. (Paisiy grunts) (wood creaking) (water splashes) (gentle music) (wood creaking) - Don't bother shouting out. No one will hear you. And if they do, they're too superstitious to come up here. - [Overko] Where have you hidden my gold coins? - Nastusya needs me. - [Yavtukh] Let him go. Or your head will say goodbye to your shoulders. Petrus, run. Save her now! (metal clangs) - You want a miracle? No problem. I make miracles all the time. For many years I traveled Europe, and I learned what was needed to start a new religion. Then scientists like you created tools to help men like me take charge. I am the new Messiah! Now die. - What? - As a priest, I should give you a chance to repent. Read a prayer for the dying. - "Our Father, who art in Heaven." "Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name." - Nastusya! (Nastusya gasping) (woman vocalizing) (Nastusya crying) Nastusya! (water splashing) Nastusya! (Petrus groans) - I want you to understand, Scientist, that your life isn't in the hands of our Lord above, no. Your life is in my hands. I am the one who decides who lives and who dies. A curse upon you. (bell clanging) - You go back to your business, please. Well, young Daniel. I have a confession. I'm ashamed to say, that I severely misjudged your father. Mm. Believe me, and you will be proud of him. These are his letters to your mother. Hm? Which I intend to publish so that the world will see how wrong it is to judge a man as rashly as I did. They burned poor Bruno at the stake, when he said the world was round. (baby cooing) Hm? Now, you hang on to these. Mm-hmm. (wings whooshing) (Dudly gasps) - Jonathan. - There's another pigeon. Now, we're gonna see how the story ends. (birds squawking) - Where are you going? - Up there! - Aren't you afraid? - A real Cossack doesn't fear anything. Let's get this guy. - [Paisiy] I'm the one who decides who lives and who dies. - You might as well be shouting fire from the watchtower. The whole neighborhood can hear you. (door thuds) - A curse upon you! (wood whooshes) (Paisiy shouts) (wood thuds) (suspenseful music) (Nastusya gasps) - Papa! (Jonathan groans) - [Lord Dudley] "A miracle has happened. (door creaking) I feel the breath of God. His touch, which has changed my fate. Never before have I felt anything like this. All my life passed before my eyes, And I thought, what will I leave after I depart this world? My dear, I want us to have a child." (Miss Dudley chuckling) - There you are. Your master and I were such good friends. (horse whinnying) Quiet! (horse whinnying) (Overko grunts) (coins clinks) - [Lord Dudley] "Evil was punished. I received a worthy payment." - Look, there's Sotnik's money! (man giggles) Well, is it enough for you now, Overko? - It's my money, mine. - Petrus, help me pack. - [Lord Dudley] "The body and soul of Pannochka are now both at peace, and her father's spirit is at ease. And Khoma, I am probably similar to this seminary student with our scientific skepticism." - What is it? - [Lord Dudley] "Fortune chose me especially for this godforsaken place." - Come on, move. - [Lord Dudley] "To finish the story that started with him." - Out of my way. - [Kid] Told you, it's definitely magic. - [Girl] Science and magic? - Move. Let me through! - What is that? (children murmuring) - [Girl] I wanna see! - Where's the steam, Taras? That's it. It's amazing that the geniuses of mankind can either destroy or create, depending on who they follow. We'll have moving images that'll bring far away cities and people to us all. - [Girl] It's magic. It's moving! - [Jonathan] Now that my fear is vanquished and my cold, scientific mind can again analyze my feelings, I can confirm that all of the fantastic events of the last days are nothing more than a figment of people's collective imagination. Something which is still little studied by modern science. (creature shrieking) (upbeat orchestral music) (horses whinnying) - Look deeply in my eyes as you burn for eternity. (Paisiy groans) (upbeat orchestral music) (gentle orchestral music) (men singing indistinctly) (gentle orchestral music continues) (playful classical music)
Channel: Extreme Mysteries
Views: 3,438,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forbidden empire, forbidden empire 2, jason flemyng, forbidden empire diner scene, forbidden empire explained, the forbidden empire, fantasy movies, forbidden empire review, free movies, free movies 2022, free movie 2022, movies 2022, free movies on youtube, free movies 2022 full movie, free movies with ads, action movies, action movie trailers, fantasy movies 2022, viy, full movies, full movies 2022, full movie english, full movies free, action movies free, full movie
Id: b4IvJjEM8m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 21sec (6681 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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