STAR WARS Full Movie Cinematic (2022) 4K ULTRA HD Action Fantasy

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[Music] focus sahar i did it did you see wow [Music] i know it is difficult to accept but the force has chosen you [Music] [Music] destroy this machine and all records of it yesterday [Music] [Music] go now oh [Music] sahara [Music] thank you you're too late malcus [Music] did you see wow will you be taking both children no the brother shows little connection with the force zahar the force has chosen you [Music] this is how the sith and jedi maintain control revealing the ways of the forced sun and keeping it from others don't listen to him how many were left behind [Music] so that the jedi could play god [Music] well done young one now give it to me could have saved my brother what was i chosen by the force or you now's not the time do you know what it is your master just destroyed listen to me a machine built to find those the jedi didn't deem worthy silence give it to me now paddle one it's not too late give me the plans [Music] we can still find your i've only brother protected you you must trust me [Music] very well so hard i'm sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] all your life you've been in a cage padawan when you're ready break free [Music] uh a man can have anything if he's willing to sacrifice with your birth comes a solemn vow you will have nothing [Applause] your privilege is the dirt [Music] in the darkness only ambition will guide you [Music] the oaths you swear the promises you make [Music] they are yours alone [Music] your freedom will be the wars you wage [Music] your birthright the losses you suffer [Music] your entitlement the pain you endure and when darkness finds you [Music] you will face it alone [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come with me son [Music] big [Music] uh [Music] [Music] another fight [Music] [Music] family [Music] [Music] so [Music] stay behind me so violet come on [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] for centuries alderaan stood as a beacon of hope in the republic but the empire came and with one savage strike brought [Music] now time is running out as few are left to face the enemy for those that remain there is but one choice we must fight to victory or death for the republic [Applause] let's go [Applause] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] huh [Applause] [Music] while the sacrifices are heavy we fight knowing that a single spark of courage can ignite the fires of hope and restore peace across the galaxy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] our time has come for 300 years we prepared we grew stronger were you rested in your cradle of power believing your people were safe and protected [Music] you were trusted to lead the republic but you were deceived as our powers of the dark side have blinded you [Music] you assumed no force could challenge you and now finally we have returned [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] so [Music] you were deceived and now your republic shall fall [Music] [Applause] ancient birthplace of the sith we believed ruins were all that remained of their evil empire i swear i had no idea what was in those crates i'm innocent you were smuggling sith artifacts captain fine keep the artifacts just give me back my ship ice front just inspecting the troops so teal what's wrong i sense a great darkness [Music] sith empire has returned we must warn the republic our shuttles can't outrun those fighters well guess who's got the fastest ship in the sector safety defensive freaks all hands evacuate [Music] look out [Music] uh [Music] [Music] my will she fly she's not pretty but she's tough captain prep your ship this is our fight [Music] t7 cut the iron cannons [Music] huh [Music] you must walk a different path [Music] [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] wow [Music] keep them off me ready [Music] they've escaped master you've failed no malgus this is only the beginning yes after a thousand years corriban is ours again welcome home captain she's highly trained deception infiltration extraction she's special forces i didn't versio inferno squad commander versio you must be important look at me so let's talk facts that's what i'm here for you have the activation code i've got the ability to help you out just give me the code you know we can really use someone like you just help me and i'll help you it's that easy i'm gonna get what i want eventually my best technicians are slicing into your droid right now take out my offer all i want is the code the empire's time has come you don't have to go down with it you're right the empire's time has come vz six two six let's go prepare for extraction two one [Music] agent hask commander on deck at ease mission the covers come on zero casualties looks like you're still second in command oh i'm patient i can wait agent mikko those jump calculations were perfect thank you ma'am i hope the landing wasn't too rough been through worse remember the jobs incursion still launched my dreams contact the admiral yes commander and the message the fleet's location is still safe today the rebellion dies [Music] [Music] feared [Music] now we have eyes on a rebel recovery team admiral but we're too late to capture the saboteurs what's the status of the death star's shield generator worse than expected there's no way to repair or reactivate our battle station is vulnerable eliminate the rebels and return to the corvus the emperor's plan must not fail yes sir agent hack with me agent miko cover us from here clear okay i just can't be all of them those rebel commanders must already moved on we should too we're near platform four is there a shuttle there no tie fighters only even better we should move carefully we don't know how many rebels are out here no we'll deal with them the same as the rest today we wipe out that scum once and for all [Music] look alive agents we can grieve later right now we need to move so [Applause] the admiral created inferno so something like this wouldn't happen again i know hard to believe this is all that's left [Music] you wish to see me sir approach [Music] the emperor is dead so what happens now we retaliate commander the empire will assault the very foundation of the rebels pathetic belief in themselves tell me i'm what is the source of their belief help correct this messenger's presence is a great honor one i choose to share with my daughter [Applause] admiral versio operation cinder is to begin at once resistance rebellion defiance these are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist you are but one of many tools by which these ideas shall be turned away see my messenger she shall lay you to your operation cinder is the last command of our emperor and the first step in securing our future inferno is crucial to its success what's our charges you are not verified that information can wait for now here are next assignments they are unusual but these are unusual times go commander do what you do best in preparation for operation cinder we've been ordered to the fondor shipyards agent hask you and i will retrieve experimental satellites for the star destroyer dauntless and oversee security from off wraith agent miko you have the corpus come on we secure the satellites good work asian muff ray let's inform the admiral that operation similar could proceed as planned [Music] immediately [Music] exactly as planned oh yeah sure [Music] [Music] marvelous work today commander your father will be proud the satellites for operation cinder have been delivered to admiral versio our next mission is equally important inferno has clearance to access one of the emperor's classified observatories buried on the planet paleo it contains dangerous artifacts our enemies could use against the galaxy the observatory is protected by a mantle defense system agent miko we need your technical expertise to disable it take what you need for an expedition locate and destroy the observatory [Music] one it's the empire's here what i sensed was true there must be something special about this place [Music] you stay here or two scanners probably spotted us hello can anyone hear me who are you i heard you call out sounded like you needed help yeah i do you think you can get me out of this hold still i know who you are why'd you help me because you asked no no no that won't do it this will no wait [Music] so oh i've heard a hundred stories about the jedi they terrified me as a boy on carson but you come on we need to work together if we're gonna get out of here whatever's inside these doors those bugs don't like it there's nothing on this thing how am i supposed to open it there's a key [Music] why would the emperor have a vault that can only be opened using the force why do you think you're telling me the man who destroyed the jedi order was secretly one of them no i'm telling you that as a boy on coruscant you were frightened of the wrong thing there's nothing dangerous in here the emperor is protecting junk this is all worthless not all of it what is that i'd like to keep this compass if you don't mind my mission is to destroy this place why would i let you do that because i asked thank you i won't stop you from destroying this vault wouldn't you say the empire's done enough damage to innocent worlds i'm glad we were brought together dell so what happens now we both walk off in separate directions to pretend like this never happened i don't think you can there's still conflict in you of course there's conflict in me i'm not blind i know what the empire is capable of but what else is there a choice a rebellion no a choice to be better may the force be with you welcome back agent miko the admiral needs us to extract an imperial ally on my home world of vardos the target is protectorate gleb a local official who once mentored both agent hask and myself i don't know how this connects to operation cinder but i have to trust the admiral make the jump to vardos [Music] that's the dauntless it's the ship we rescued on fondor why is it here why's delivering cargo was carrying a satellite moth wraith said they were needed for operation cinder but he wouldn't tell us the target either with the admiral now i know why the satellites are aligned sir excellent i do not call for you commander version vardos is our target one of them yes why the entire planet and its people they're they're loyal to the empire the emperor commands it we'll perch this planet and others fear shall spread and the galaxy will remember who is in control this is our home the empire is our home and we will do as the emperor commands i don't take orders from dead men you take orders from me activate the satellites now [Music] immediately recover protectorate club she is your only target that is all that is all [Music] contact agent hask on the converse tell him i need to speak to him immediately [Music] [Music] i knew i was important but to risk his own daughter's life target acquired get a move on glob she is giving me orders now precious whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he is with me the others will stay here they are not important commander we have a ship on landing bay too you'll be safe there go go now go whoa whoa whoa what are you doing no no stop this is not our mission stand down it's okay we'll get you off world go no no no don't you i am your commander stand down iden our orders are clear we are to recover the protectorate gleb alone things have changed look around you man do you even recognize the empire no please don't do this the empire's job is to save civilians from things like operation cinder this is the new empire if this is the new empire i want no part of it i'm taking the orders of my commanding officer are these your orders are these your orders because if they are this is treason yes then i have my lower your weapon defines movies i'll move on to you commander virtue an agent maker of abandoned mission they've committed tracer understood return gleb to me that is your mission i will take care of the traitors i'm on it [Music] hmm reporting mission accomplished sir congratulations commander asked so we're not completely alone some of the crew stayed with us protected the refugees against those who wouldn't how are they shaken confused but safe just want to know what's next we have to warn people who the rebels they're just gonna toss us in sunspot prison before we can even say a word that's why i think you should just take the corvus and go leave me a tie fighter i'll set off a distress call wait for the rebels to find me you really think i'm gonna let you just float out here alone tell we're infernal squad you and me this is ivan versio of the imperial raider corvus sending a general distress call to the rebel alliance we surrender contact the general now so you thought it was a trap what brought them on board anywhere you're always telling me to take risks seemed like the most irresponsible thing i could do that'll boy hello i'm general lando calrissian you must be the imperial defectors i've heard so much about general we've already told your people everything we know let's take a walk okay we don't even know how to fly x-wings it should be easy for special forces what's the alternative so what's it going to be restoration you're clear to attack everyone else pull back that's not good sorry we're not looking at the same burning star destroyer imperial protocol is to jump away to a safe location those ships are headed straight for feed they're going to attack the city everyone gets a feed as quickly as you can we may have the means to stop this [Music] danger leader four of us will have to do anyone know your way around machines i do you're with me feed has a defense system something we can use to stop the empire but the storm is damaged power relays across the city until they're repaired we can't activate anything split up repair the relays when you're done regroup at the palace got it yeah got it [Music] [Music] okay i think we just won oh hello your highness good work out there but i'd expect nothing less from inferno squad so you've spoken to general calrissian you've done a lot of damage to this alliance yes we have ma'am and there's no excuse for it watching you fight today it's clear you're not just running from the empire this means something to you it does we've been fighting our whole lives it's taken us too long to realize that we were fighting for the wrong side this war is far from over we would like to help you if you'll let us people like you are the reason hope can prevail hope is the reason we're going to win welcome to the new republic thank you ma'am senator organa it's been a while building a republic is busy work so i was chasing after an imperial fleet it's about to get busier commander i need a favor one of our generals has gone missing i tracked him to taco donna but he isn't answering his calm i need you to find han solo [Music] [Music] not until you pay for the last one come on you know i'm good for it i don't know that you're good for anything where's my wookie chewie's working on the falcon long-range communicator took a hit back on jomar you never bring him around anymore you make him nervous you two are up to something spit it out you know our business goes through me i'm meeting an imperial turncoat says he can help us free the wookies back on kashyyyk you seen him i swear if you bring the empire to my doorstep you know i always cover my tracks come on now help me out help chewie i don't know your man but it is late and you may find that this crowd is talkative thanks mars i owe you one you owe me more than that han solo and don't you forget it other than that most statisticians are killed by apprentice statisticians friends of the earth i assume this is your fault usually is what's my number one rule solo no fighting oh come on we gotta move just be sure you do come back don't worry you can't get rid of us that easily she's all yours commander i'm telling you gal whatever you did it is void it's not right i just fixed it you can't blame me if it likes you now inferno squad shrimp i haven't seen you since lando volunteered you for this how you been wonderful senator what's on your mind commander according to peldora's intel my father has been running operations on bespin and sullust i'd like your permission to find him and capture him you don't report to me adam a fleet command might not approve us undertaking such a personal mission ah well we can't have an imperial admiral out there reinforcing the fleet can we i'd appreciate you bringing him in commander yes ma'am and may the force be with you [Music] they've got searchlights all over the city will be in the overseers tower on chipping station stick to the clouds so they don't spot us i have an idea you're not gonna like it okay we'll meet you at the tower until then you stay out of sight that new paint job will give you away well don't just stand there soldier let's get a move on [Music] [Music] we have intel on an abandoned imperial factory on sullust admiral versio plans to recover a weapons cash from inside we're gonna steal it first i've called in some help to guarantee we do shrive you'll be on the ground with general calrissian secure those weapons and call us for escort no matter what they can't fall into my father's hands [Music] you have a bad feeling about this i'd be worried if you didn't admiral vercio's people aren't supposed to be here now we should call ident for extraction relax one strike team we'll be fine and if it's not foreign if i die here i'm glad you will too well thank you buddy see i told you it would be fine destroying that factory had a bigger impact than we thought admiral akbar is calling all republic ships to jakku the whole imperial fleet is there minus the equipment they would have received from sullust i expect my father will be there too but catching him is no longer our priority this battle could be the end of the war let's get in and we do what we can to help carabas i'm picking up the stress calls too many to count dell the corvus is yours cover the sky sheriff and i will help on the ground hold on a moment [Music] ayden make sure you come back make sure i have a ship to come back to hey shrief i hope you survived this incredibly dangerous mission as well thank you daryl your friendship means everything to me oh [Music] [Music] didn't are you all right i'm good good look around you it's almost over not yet get the corpus to safety i'm finishing what we started i'm gonna get my dad i didn't he's not worth it i have to try dell now go fine retreat [Music] ah admiral the empire's time has come you don't have to go down with it this is a rescue attempt i politely decline we have to go now brax expects me to leave too this is where i belong i gave my life to this empire thought to keep it strong hard to believe this is all that's left [Music] [Music] you saw the empire's weakness and refused to let it consume you it made you stronger that's why you're leaving here without me it deserves better than this no i don't but you do iden you deserve to live in peace go survive live [Music] so [Applause] god um [Music] it's quiet idon it's over we won the droid tells me you're alive looks that way i'm glad no come on you gotta see this thank you so [Music] [Music] hello this way uh know if you wanted to hire my ship you could have just asked the map to skywalker you know how i can find it i don't know what you're talking about show me where the old man [Music] i have what i came for he's yours now clean this up how are you doing you spare me the pleasantry task we both know how this ends yeah and you don't get to be brave because you are not a soldier anymore look at you you're a coward you traded in your weapon for what fatherhood all in cargo on the corvus know whitey may have betrayed me but you tell you let me down you let me down we all change don't we hey and look at you it used to be dead ah well i didn't could do just about anything except kill me apparently ask gideon please don't go after her it won't end well for you please so the project resurrection can continue as planned on the contrary club i sought you out because because you were useful to me once we rebuilt your home and we allowed you not to security to maintain control of the system but in return you have fallen behind schedule when you've allowed an outsider to discover our plan an honest mistake i assure you my men will relocate the pillow operation ends up no triple our efforts on the film well i shall leave behind a few of my men to see that you do make sure you bury delmico and his crew but leave the covers alone you know it will lead her back here i'm planning on it say when i said we could practice maneuvers this is not what i had in mind it'll be fine mom quit being such an old lady old lady this old lady's about to teach you a thing or two about x-wings and safety incoming call from the corvus dad's not supposed to be back for a couple of days [Music] i'm sending you coordinates [Music] on our way [Music] uncle shrive i've missed your big face oh yeah same hair today is everything okay where's your mom looking for my husband it's good to see you shreve where's dale i was chasing rumors for the resistance in the genada system something called project resurrection people are vanishing and general organa thinks that the first order has something to do with it i'm surprised when my scanners picked up the corvus on pillier what did you find nothing the ship was empty and the entire planet had been strip mined i searched everywhere but no sign of doubt so i checked the ship's logs found this before pillio dell visited a thula a planet on the edge of the system someone there must know what happened to dad i hope so because it's the only lead we have schrib set a course for a thula yes ma'am [Music] corvus you're back did you find our people on paleo wait you're not bill dell isn't here what did he send you to help us tonight security has already kicked up so many families someone's jamming the signal [Music] [Music] those are not a security ships gleb's forces what's going on we've got company shreve i need your experience and analysis on the bridge zay look i know this is sudden but you're ready meet me in the hangar i'm going after the frigate mom wait it's over the opportunity just surrendered what i take down their leader and they just give up i may have told them that we were prepared to fire all of our concussion missiles at once zay the corvus never had missiles you know that yeah well they don't know that no they don't but it's work soldier that's not all they gave up everything gleb scooped up dell when he stumbled onto project resurrection where is she you're not gonna believe it [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gleb it was glad ask drop your weapons the protectorate had outlived her usefulness to project resurrection and the first order project resurrection kidnapping children rescuing forging them into an army the likes of which this galaxy has never seen the senate won't stand for this the senate and the rest of the hosnian system are now nothing but ashes those red lights in the sky it's beautiful isn't it you see the republic spent decades doing nothing and all along we were preparing for this day you see aidan i hope you appreciate that today of all days i chose to be here with you in the place where you took everything from me yes our squad my family and i've waited a long time to return the favor first with dell yes and now with your daughter now ask find out what they know about the resistance and then burn this city i have to live in your galaxy item now it's your turn to live in mine you okay no honey your dad is dead what we were wrong about gleb it was ask who killed your father hey ask is alive yes but not for long we're gonna board that star destroyer and end him for good you want to go after hask hurry up he's getting away mom stop killing one man won't change what happened to dad if i'd been willing to fight if i just joined the resistance then none of this would have happened the first order's been planning this for a long time none of this is your fault and it's not too late to make a difference the resistance needs all the help it can get if we could learn how powerful the first order really is then the resistance might have a chance okay okay we still got to get up there hey shrive you got a bad idea welcome to the resistance [Music] so [Applause] hey didn't die huh come on there's got to be a computer terminal somewhere we should split up and regroup when we find something i'll just go on my own man look at all this you see anything over here project resurrection wait a minute gennada no mock system the first order kidnaps children and forces them to become stormtroopers their military numbers must be i can't even imagine try to find a manifest are those capital ships enough to reclaim control over the entire galaxy stop there what is that a first order dreadnought that sounds bad already it is i've heard stories from general arganna rumors muslim but they're terrifying then we need to find a weakness deal you're up download the schematics for that ship we need to bring it to leia and the resistance until the ship's out of hyperspace we're not going anywhere i got a plan for that find us a ride out make it a fast one you'll know when it's time to move i dislike this already good luck you two no that's the item i remember bold unpredictable use your weapon come on use your weapon say it's okay motherhood has made you weak come on you okay yeah i'm okay you ever better let's finish this now let's stop this [Music] [Music] i'm look we did it what's wrong hey hey no no no no no no okay mommy you need to get some help come on no no no no no come on it's too late still listen you need to get deal to the resistance do you understand oh where's the argument no it's gonna be okay no it isn't i need you are you so calm right now i'm scared i'm just more afraid of failing to die but i have hope in you listen listen we fight so others can live and if we die it better be for the same reason you understand i love you i love you mom i wish you could see what i've seen oh [Music] heidi zay you there hope you two are ready because we gotta move it's just me shreve she's gone it's okay she made it count she always did contact the resistance tell them that this is just the beginning the first order is still coming but we have hope and hope is the reason we are going to win [Music] sector clear resistance base no sign of the first order yet [Music] we are friendlies requesting permission to land please do not shoot us landing requests denied well i i i said please stand by for instructions it'll be okay we just have to explain what's going on too general organa sheriff i received your message that means you must be zay i'm terribly sorry to hear about your mother she was a complicated woman but the galaxy was far better with her in it [Applause] thank you ma'am it's very kind of you to say we brought you something general schematics for the first order dreadnought transmitting it now i'll get these over to commander damon for analysis right away i'm ready to join the fight general i know you are but the resistance is evacuating the first order is coming for us instead of taking them head on i have an urgent mission for you we have allies in the outer rim i need a team to go find them i know you're tired i know you've already fought and lost so much but i need you to keep going can you do that you can count on us general good luck inferno squad [Music] [Music] god [Applause] [Music] so hey [Music] you
Channel: GameClips
Views: 2,890,498
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Star Wars Full Movie, Star Wars Movie, Star Wars Eclipse, Star Wars 2022 Full Movie, Star Wars Cinematic, Star Wars Cinematic Movie, Star Wars All Cinematics, Star Wars Game, All Cinematics, Cinematic, Cinematics, Star Wars Full Movie Cinematic, Full Cinematic Movie, Full Movie, Full, Movie, 2022, HD, 4K, 4K ULTRA HD, Action Movie, Action, Fantasy, Fantasy Movie, 2022 Movie
Id: UZtdTmQDCtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 52sec (5932 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2022
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