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Allah subhana WA Ta'ala gives us the history of humanity in the Quran he tells us we were we humans came from and how we came to be and what was the point behind our existence so he puts all of that in perspective and he says before the creation before the existence of humans Allah savant Allah says that he had a conversation with the angels who were created far before human beings came into existence Allah says to the Angels with God Arabic Alamelu okati inni ja'ilun fill up the Khalifa parlo Italiano feeha may you've sido fee Hawaii SV Kadima wanna you know sabiha be handicapped a desolate para in the Alamo monetarily Moon Allah says the meaning of these verses and remember when your Lord said to the Angels I will place on earth Khalifa the Angels responded they said are you going to place on earth those that will bring about corruption and will shed blood Allah says to them I know what you do not know that was the conversation that happened before the creation of mankind even Allah created Adam Allah created Adam and brought him into existence then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in order to demonstrate to the angels his wisdom behind creating Adam and a completely different creation than the angels because what the angels do is that they are obedient they don't have a mind of their own to come up with stuff o make choices and that's why allah subhanaw taala says about the angels la razón ilaha ma am our home Wi-Fi luan mao am Arun the angels only do what they are commanded they never disobey Allah and that clearly indicates that the angels don't have a mind of their own they don't have an intention of their own Allah inspires them with something they just do it Allah commands them with something they acted out that's how the Angels work and that's how they live and you will never find like an angel having the thought entertaining a thought and say okay that's a good idea let me just do that they don't they don't function that way they don't have this capacity and that's why Allah subhanAllah that created Adam and humanity to give them something different than the Angels so they are a different creation and they demonstrate the power and the capacity of Allah to create create a variety create something different to reiax create something that will change even the dynamics of how life goes on so Allah created Adam and that's why when he said Khalifa and the scholars of tafseer indicate that Khalifa shows and demonstrate choice that humans are able to make choices as humans you can sit down and think of something and our idea pops up in your mind and you say perfect let me just do that that sounds like sounds like a good idea angels don't do that but Allah gave humans that capacity and Allah also gives humans the capacity that is just an extension and offshoot of that the power to make choices you have two options you can decide and make your mind up which one to choose and which one to act upon and that's why the Angels because they don't know what humans are when Allah said I'm going to place on earth a Khalifa the Angels straightaway respondent they said are you going to place on earth those who will create corruption and shed blood how did they know that how did they know that they knew it from the word Khalifa because they know everything can be set right by following the commands of Allah and that's what the Angels do that's what the Sun does that's what the moon does that's what the trees and the wind and and and everything in creation that's what they do they just do what Allah commands them they don't have a mind of their own but Allah says I'm going to make a creation place on earth a creation that will be able to make choice and it has a mind of its own it can come up with ideas with capacities your angels cannot improvise that's a capacity of humans that angels and other creation don't have you can improvise and that's why allah subhanaw taala says well Adam afterwards when Lama Adam an asthma Akula - mohammed el mela yoga for Carla amber Unni B asthma yah Allah in kuntum sada team para el mallanna allama l-insana in the canton al-eman Hakim then Allah subhana WA Ta'ala taught Adam the names the names of everything and the scholars have differed with regards to what specifically that means is it the specific names of things like a horse sky earth a tree just give him the names and the labels some scholars said that but some other scholars said notes the capacity to create names for things to be able to label things and to be able to entry introduced to new things and figure them out on your own and that's what humans do and that's why when I Lawson them down to earth they had to learn how life on earth works out they have the capacity now to learn new things to improvise to come up with new ideas to create inventions and make discoveries that's part of the special thing about humans that's why they are halifa the angels cannot do that and that's why allah subhanallah de after he told adam this capacity he said to the angels name these things angels could not name things because they couldn't come up with labels they can only deal with what they have been taught they don't have this capacity for improvisation to learn on their own so when allah said name these things they said Surpanakha in mañana and limit Anna in the can tell anyone hack him they said we only know what you have told us we can not if you haven't told us these names we couldn't name them we don't know what these things are and we don't have the capacity to come up with names and labels and try to figure them out on that on our own then I lost it to adam alayhis-salam he said Collier Adam won't be home be as many he said Adam told them about the names of these things Adam displayed that capacity and that's why I lost as I said to the Angels kaalia Adam on B&BS met him for them and Bambi a smile him Carla Adam Apple Akuma Adam I could look him in the eye I'm away but somehow wotty wot what aerelon Wilmer to be doing over my control talk to one Allah said to the angels when Adam was showed that capacity to name these things and label them and figure them out Allah said to the Angels didn't I tell you that I know everything in the heavens and the earth and I know what you reveal and what you conceal I know that because the lore is responding to the first statement when they said are you going to create a creation that will bring about corruption and shed blood Allah demonstrated the answers to them by showing that capacity of Adam yes that capacity might mean corruption and bloodshed but it also means something else that there is a creation that will worship Allah on their own by their own choice not because they are inspired angels cannot disbelieve they don't have that capacity they don't have that capacity they can only worship a lot they can only obey Allah they can't even think of a sin they can't entertain the thought of a sin they can't do that so Allah wanted to create a creation that is able on its own to decide to worship Allah proactively choose to worship allah subhanho wa taala against all the odds against all this the complexity of this machine that is the mind that can come up with ideas strange ideas and there's no shortage of ideas throughout the human history look at the philosophies look at the ideologies that have been created in every direction you'll find people coming up with ideas some of them are reasonable some of them are strange and and weird and and completely awful humans are able to come up with ideas but the challenge for humans will be responsibility angels just worship Allah they have no choice so for them there is no paradise or Hellfire because they don't have choice there's no punishment for them and there is no reward in the sense of paradise for them but Allah created humans and gave them something more than he gave to the Angels you can choose you can choose what to do you can come up with ideas are you going to follow the guidance of Allah are you going to choose something else choose that's a luxury that's a right the Angels were not given that's a privilege other creatures were not given but it comes with the other side of the coin responsibilities we gave you that luxury that right that entitlement to my choices and rights and privileges come with responsibility and accountability how are you going to use it you use it right you get more privilege you get reward in Paradise you abuse it at your own risk at your own risk because if you abuse that and you will be given the time to abuse it as a last month Allah says we'll only let them and they will give them space and time you will abuse that but Allah will give you time he will not take you out straight away but if you do that what will happen you'll be doomed you'll be punished and it could be eternal and that's why a lost man Tyler places us in this world and by the way the story unfolds in that exact way Allah surrounds Allah says he interest Adam into the to Jannah after giving him his vicuna yeah Adam esculenta was a yokel Jenna but cooler I mean how other than hateful to man a lot spittle gave Adam rights now rides what are the rights you into Jenna with everything in Jenna and you eat from whatever you want you can do whatever you want now whatever you you wish for whatever you're like you go and approach it and you take it and it's yours but that's a lot of right that's a lot of good things that's a lot of choice and it has to come with the other side and that's what responsibility and that's why Allah placed on Adam a responsibility and do not come near that tree because without obligations and without responsibilities and without restrictions rights will lead to corruption luxuries will lead to corruption you give someone more power without responsibility they would ruin themselves and destroy others they have to go hand in hand so Allah put Adam in paradise and because he gave him so much right he had to give he also gave him the other side of the coin and that was responsibility it's not about the tree by the way it's not about the truth about how I gave you all of that luxury and I gave you the choice and you have to take the other side of the coin and that's how are you going to use that choice so to test you I'm going to say don't eat from that tree don't come near that tree and that was the point behind the tree and what did Adam do he listened to the whispers of Shaitaan and thus he abused the power of choice he abused the power of choice and he was he used his capacity for improvisation to figure out new things by listening to Shaitaan the cursed Shaytan said if you eat from that tree you're going to get a huge Kingdom and Dominion and power and you will become eternal them could and could could picture that and that's the capacity so he used the rights that Allah gave him wrongly this one man was in a u-shape on soy sauce a la ashame fun for now the mohel I don't know karna yeah I don't know garnish a Latino full of the one who killed a fella so I can I mean that the woman herself I do my work for people what off before you sign your name up engine well I saw them whatever whatever her name but everyone heard them all before meeting her Jumeirah barf poopin leave our complaint lobby for me my dear me who there were many who died and thus here came the punishment so a lot too came out of paradise and somebody might say as I'm sure then that shouldn't have made that mistake if hadn't hadn't he done that mistake would we would be in in paradise now no don't blame Adam because we all do the same on a daily basis we all do that don't play righteous don't play righteous we are just a reflection of adam alayhis-salam we do that every day the moment we wake up we make the wrong choices in our private life in our relationships at home outside we do a lot of that in our relationship with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala we just make the wrong choices day in and day out so a loss of Panama Tyler gave us that balance so when allah now put adam down he said ok since you did not hold that responsibility up to the level of the rights we gave you we're gonna take some of these rights away from you so that your level on civility matches your level of rights that's the only way to live by the way so allah says so your level of responsibility is not so high because you ate from the tree you abused the power of choice now we're gonna then take down the rights that we gave you so that it matches the level of a responsibility you're displayed now that's what allah put him down on earth why does this choice and in paradise you wish for something you get it that's the luxury and the rights you're entitled to that but on earth you wanna get you wanna eat something you have to go and hunt it you have to grow it you have to cook it you have to work towards it so you put responsibility and as much responsibility and work you put you get rights and that's the only way life could function you want to ruin someone's life by the way just mess with this ratio and this balance how do we do that kiss let's make it take it down to the level of our daily life kids give your kids rights without responsibilities and you spoil them you ruin them and maybe for life they don't they don't they don't and this because you take them away from the dynamics of life you give them a lot you spoil them a lot you shelter them from life and they don't do they don't let them they don't get to learn how life works so when they grow up they spoils they know they think they are entitled to start to ask for more without having a sense of responsibility and contribution and giving they always want to receive but they don't want to give so they will they will suffer in life and when they get married they don't realize that in a relationship like this you need to match the balance obligations and rights you need to give that person their right so that you get your rights and these are your responsibilities that's how things work and you will find in Islam any level of rights freedom that you get it comes with a more with more responsibility so loss of her on Tejada gave man more rights in the family that he makes more decisions he's the leading figure in the family and this way Allah says when they reach a tiny hidden adonijah and men have a level of responsibility above them it's the level of responsibility but also more capacity more power it's not about this kind of still about in lack of equality it's about how to make things function because you need to maintain that balance so with our kids don't take away from them the gift of responsibility you give them all rights give them more freedom make them more accountable you give them more pocket money make them more accountable so that you teach them how life works because you need that balance and you don't spoil them and on the other hand you can't take away their freedoms and give them more responsibility so you turn them into slaves you can't do that to your children you can't do that to your wife or a wife cannot do that to her husband you cannot do that to anyone when you give more obligations on a person than the rights they have you have broken that balance that's not gonna work the consequences will be devastating so if you look at the whole of Islam it's all about that striking their balance if as a person you want to grow look at the responsibility you are willing to shoulder you're willing to take care of and by the way it works both ways if you want more rights as a human being put in more responsibility and more commitment and you will see that this the circle of your rights will start expanding and that's something for us as a Muslim community by the way we can play the leftist game and to say rights rights rights rights rights rights but we're not really contributing we're not really taking social responsibility it's not gonna work it will backfire it will alienate us further it will give us a bad name it will create enemies for the Muslim community and the right way to ask for more rights is to shoulder more responsibility and show more commitment when you show more commitment you're gonna get more and more responsibility you're gonna get more rights that's how humans work by the way and that's why you would you see someone working hard you say that man is committed so let's give him more right let's give him more capacity more power that's how they'll have that's how the world works by the way and that's how Trust is being built so we need to maintain that balance and that's really again that's how Islam is built and that's why in Islam for example if you don't have choice in a certain situation you're forced to do something accountability is lifted if you are forced to do something that is Haram Allah does not hold you accountable because you don't have the right to choose here in this situation so I count it this is the same thing it's the same thing and that's how a Lhasa penalty had that built you know this earth and how that's how a la semana even made Islam based on these and if we want everything to go right in our relationships if you want more rights in the house show more responsibility wife in the house you want more rice you can't just claim it sometimes people really like have this very surface naive understanding about Islam they like they approach a friend or or a counselor or name and they say I want to bring my husband to you so you saw him my rights our husband says I want to bring my wife and you tell her what my rights are what her obligations are that's not how it works that's not how it works real life works differently when you really fulfill your responsibilities and you act as a man as a husband and a woman as a wife and you're responsible for the family you shoulder more responsibility then automatically you get more rights automatically and people cannot Gorgas it's very rare occasions when people go against that by the way because you empower yourself with responsibility the reason why I choose responsibility rather than obligations is those obligations Minzy it's sort of indication and have a choice I have to cuz I'm obligated but that's not the case yes you have to pray in Islam but if you just pray because you have to you're not gonna get much out of the prayer but if you say it's my responsibility that means you want to do it this is obligatory but you want to do it and when you pray this way the prayer transforms you you experience it fully same thing if you're a husband and you want your rights okay just be there really as a man shoulder your responsibility you see the rights will start flowing to you unless your marital to a psychopath the same applies on the other side with your kids don't take away as they grow older you need to give them more rights more freedom more choice more more space that comes with what responsibility and accountability so you help them grow and you can't take away their rights from them and place obligations upon them more than they can shoulder or more than the rights you having you have given them you have to maintain that balance and by the way that's a way of life look at everything in life just like that just like that and in Islam you shoulder more is more responsibility you do more began and you believe more in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala you learn more about Islam and you start acting more on what allah subhana wa ta'ala once allah is gonna give you more Allah to give you more Eman which is a right which is a luxury and Allah will give you more faith Allah will give you more insight then Allah will give you more in paradise and automatically you'll find that you have more influence on other people religiously speaking it's one of the laws of this world we live in a world that is very polarized today and people have a lot of slogans and that they shout out and they sort of try to shock make a show of them everywhere and there's a lot of talk about rights rights rights rights but there is no emphasis on responsibility commitment and obligations and without that balance even your demand of rights will not be good for you what are we speaking politically socially or even individually as an individual so you want to claim more rights you have to put in more responsibility that's how it works and that's that that's the only way forward that's the only way forward even religiously the same thing so Allah you will find Allah subhana WA Ta'ala whenever whenever he places an obligation he will give you more freedom or give you more resources and more choices and whenever I last panel would say Allah gives you more freedom he expects more from you he expects more from you so and specifically here more to the younger ones do not be fooled by a lot of those ideologies around that sort of gives you a very deficient and single-handed understanding of the world and how it works ask for your rights ask for your rights but it's not it never talks about your obligations because that will ruin society by the way that ruins countries when people abuse their rights and they got more rights than that than the responsibility they were willing to contribute nations start to falter and they start to decline and when you do the opposite and place more obligations on people than the rights and the space that you have given them you start creating slavery the imbalance will be there and slowly slowly it will eat at the heart of that society so you will find this principle as I said it runs through the Quran by the way it's very clear here in the story of Adam adding his setup and it shows that that's the test of life that's what Allah placed us on earth so we know how to choose Allah gave is that power that luxury that right of choice and an improvisation we can come up with ideas but that place is a lot of responsibility on us it's not a bad thing responsibility is beautiful it's the only way we can feel our lives are meaningful because if you just try to save her everything and get rights rights without you contributing you will feel empty you will feel that you have no zero value now as an individual so that kind of system Allah also built it in us so we cannot run away from it and if we do that we will be bringing about destruction upon ourselves and upon others we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to guide us to a clearer understanding of his book and the sunnah of the prophet salaallah you said them and we ask him to goddess to strike a balance between rights and responsibilities and in a way that pleases him the most elana Flamini not me not with Muslim no.1 mostly mattador here
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 172,511
Rating: 4.9475226 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant, history, human, story, Islam
Id: wMCmt5yglIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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