The Greatest Lesson I've Learned During Spiritual Warfare | Perry Stone

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are y'all ready for the word tonight come on yeah how's it going to say i'm about to pull out a verse in first peter that says that you're supposed to yearn for the word you're supposed to long for the word come on if you don't place a demand on the anointing of god [Music] i'm placing a demand on the anointing that's on your life tonight if nobody else i'm hungry for what you're carrying i'm hungry for the word of the lord that's gonna come out of your mouth tonight amen come on would you please stand to your feet and give honor to whom honor is due and help me make welcome brother perry's stone bless the lord let me get my little notes here dustin come and get this because i'm going to use a different uh well i'm so happy to have you here it's a wonderful group of people even though it's so cool out and uh i told you the last time i was here the love that you feel in this place among the people you still have that the those of you that are here we feel that at the prayer meetings etc and i appreciate every opportunity that i have and i mean this sincerely to minister the word of the lord we are going to i'm going to speak this vaguely this coming thursday for our intercessors and those who know that we do an overseas meeting the overseas meeting will be at begin at 10 30. they called they caught not called they texted charlie today and said that the fog has been heavy and just pray it keeps lifting so they're delaying it an hour so there's they're expecting a very large crowd in the village and that will be live so be there at 10 30 at iso for that live event that's going around the world we've had over 3 000 people saved in the past two i'm talking about first time ever got saved and because of someone here and a lady here and i would never take her blessing from her by saying this she gave us a check and she has uh provided bibles for thousands of those people and they are so excited to get a bible the other thing i want to share quickly now is on the uh uh okay hang on seventh of march on sunday night at seven i will be going with shane warren uh on skype at iso and the plan is i hope we work this out that we'll be able to see their church and i'll be preaching to the church and they'll be interviewing me it's a prophecy night it will not be on the internet i need to tell you that because i said it would be it will not be but if you'd like to come at seven o'clock at iso sunday night and then and one more quick thing if i can just take the moment to say this that on the 14th of march i will be at ramp chattanooga on sunday morning so if you've never been to andrew's church rant it's uh the bible old bible teaching center and i'm expecting rick to get out of bed and join me there hallelujah he's gonna be in hamilton rick rick stand up i don't know how many of you know rick this is karen's husband but rick is on my board of directors he's a great rick rick bought me my very first computer very first computer and someone broke in my house and stole some equipment many years ago i hate to say this but it was a bunch of lee college kids uh they got in trouble but i guess they needed money for school i don't know but uh we found out late that's who it was but anyway they did not steal my computer they stole a bunch of other stuff but did not steal my computer because god would have killed them had they stole that computer and had a mailing list on it that i needed not really god wouldn't have killed him and i i they i know some of the kids they're doing great great now how many know god forgives people aren't you glad uh and also i just want to say thank you for the opportunity don't miss if you miss jason upton you're going to hear about it this guy's off the chain and we're going to get in the glory next week aren't you excited about that and the ladies conference i'm going to wear a wig because the binions are two of the greatest worship leaders in the world and i haven't seen them in years and i love them and so i'm going to dress somebody on the internet is going to have it all over the place pereira said you're wearing a wig now okay so i'm teasing about that but be sure and register for that and two more things and i've done i'm going to preach because this is not a lengthy message it's only two pages versus five aren't you glad um but i'm going to uh make mention that registration for our international prophetic summit uh i mentioned it sunday and 300 people registered and and we didn't expect that it was supposed to be partners first so if you want to go to if you know you're going to be here in june don't this is the big one right remember and our partners come by the thousands so please register for that if you know you're coming it's in this building and then warrior fest where the big youth event is going to be coming july 9th 10th and 11th now you're going to have to help me with sean's last name sean foyt who does all the outdoor meetings is bringing his band to warrior fest him and his band will be here and also eddie will be here and chosen will be here and we're going to blow the place apart well not literally we're going to the building will be here when it's over with don't worry sam but anyway it's going to be great so we've got that coming up as well now have i covered everything i need to cover let me mention this when you got into this uh the holy spirit um there's a man that drove here how many hours i don't know how many hours to come to be prayed for tonight literally where's he at the gentleman how many hours did you drive to get here 16 hours to be prayed for tonight and we're going to pray for him somewhere in this service and and huh you know what's strange the lord told me to pray for him on the front seat and they just said bring him up here on the front seat that's really a con brother come here and sit right on the front see when the anointing starts moving amen something isn't it let me let me say one thing and if you want to open your bible to job chapter 42 and be prepared one verse of scripture job chapter 42 i was thinking about hurt and offense and there would be no way if you know perry stone that i would willfully purposely plot plan to hurt harm anyone it is not in me to do that it has never been in me to do that i'm bold ministry but behind the scenes i'm a very gentle type of individual but i also know that people sometimes i have preached things over the year and probably ran off as many people as i have partners because uh sometimes you don't always use the greatest wisdom especially in your earlier days but if there is anyone sitting in this room that is hurt offended bitter because of me in any way forgive me really seriously because there's no way there's no way having an international ministry uh and and having uh four generations of integrity that i would purposely uh do anything to hurt anyone and i know i went through a spell that some of you know of just a physical collapse and boy the enemy really took advantage of me during that time and i'm feeling much better and sunday night when i was a sunday afternoon i was preaching and i said this is the god's truth i felt like a electricity was all over my body the entire time and i have not felt that since i was a teenager and that's when all the miracles start happening that's why i'm glad he's here i'm glad he's on the front it's like an electricity and i feel it right now praise god hallelujah my blessed lord job chapter jesus help us whoo touch somebody and and say this say neighbor old neighbor perry stone's back [Music] i feel that old-time anointing coming on me again all the cares have been lifted cares have been lifted praise god i'm gonna i'm gonna minister for the next few moments on my greatest spiritual warfare discovery job chapter 42 1 verse verse 10 joe 42 and 10. i love this passage and it says and the lord turned everybody say turned the captivity say captivity of job when he prayed for his friends and the lord gave job twice as much as he had before how many of you would like to get double for your trouble [Applause] two words i want to point out here in the hebrew the word turned which actually means to return to the starting point we would say go full circle he starts here with everything as a blessed man he goes downward spirals downward he's trust the lord to bring him back around and now he's back where he began even with more than he had before the word captivity in hebrew is exile and it actually means to be separated or barred from one's country we would say this that his captivity that god brought him back from the brink of utter destruction now it's really interesting how we view trouble because most of the time if anything negative happens in our life we assume that the enemy was behind it in some way or in some form however i have discovered as you have as well that many times what has brought our trouble about is words that we have said an attitude that we have had or a choice that we have made that was unwise so i preached a message years ago i've only preached it once called it ain't that it ain't the devil it's you because sometimes what we blame on the enemy is nothing more than the flesh that we have to battle we have to deal with but let me talk to you for a moment about god because god in this instance turned a man's trouble in the opposite direction and brought him out god is a god that adds now listen adds by subtracting ads by subtracting how does god add by subtracting here's how god adds by subtracting gideon has 30 over 32 000 men and god reduces him subtracts him down to how many men 300 and by 300 he defeated an entire army so god adds by subtracting god multiplies and doesn't just add he takes five loaves and two fish and he multiplies the five loaves into two fish and he begins to feed 5 000 people so he didn't add fish and add the bread he multiplied the fish in the bread we also know that god i love this part god absolutely can multiply in a situation and omit the time that is needed and necessary for that thing to take effect for example let's say jesus turns as he did water into wine well wine back in that day in cana of galilee there were pomegranates it was known as a pomegranate area so if you were to take a seed and put it in the ground and grow a pomegranate tree it would take you several years for the for that to mature and then you would have to harvest the ripe pomegranates and then you'd have to crush the right pomegranates in order to create what you're wanting to create now watch what jesus does he takes the time element away he does not plant the seed he does not take three years he takes water and flips it and does something that scientifically is absolutely impossible but what he did he omitted the time same thing with loaves and fish if you've got 5 000 men and you want to feed them bread and fish here's what you've got to do you got to go down to the city of thai beers you got to check with every bakery there you got to tell these guys run the next 24 to 48 hours because there's a crowd here we've got to feed them you got to get every fishing boat on the sea of galilee you've got to hire the fisherman to say we need y'all to fish for us please for the next two days and then you've got to get all the fishing boats and you got to get all the bakeries you got to put it all together then you got to somehow get the baskets to haul the whole thing up there to the top of the hill to feed five thousand what did jesus do he took a little boy's lunch of a few fish a few sardines actually and some bread and he fed five thousand but how did he do it he took the time element out it took him no time except the time to pray in order to get the blessing that the people needed so you have to understand that in god's dimension somebody shout with me god's dimension that when you're living or operating in a spiritual dimension or a supernatural dimension or what we call god's dimension that there are things that operate that in the natural make no sense to us it's a flipped kingdom like in order to receive you give no you don't you have to take take take to receive that's not how it works in the kingdom you give give give to get get get you give give give to get get get i forgot a rap i said you got to give give give give got to give give give to give i wish i had some young people here we could get on with it right now and so it's the kingdom of opposite the kingdom says if somebody hits you take them outside and whip the living daylights out of them but that's not what you do in the kingdom if they hit your one cheek give them the opportunity to hit the other one now the bible don't tell you what to do after that i'm not going to go there i'm not going to go there so the kingdom operates on an opposite type of realm because there are dimensions earthly dimensions and there are spiritual dimensions now now we're going somewhere with all of this so stay with me we're going to get to the one of the points here in just a minute so look at dimensions if you have a line if you draw a line from point a to point b that is only one dimensional it's one point to one point and it's a line now if you draw a square you got two dimensions because you've got height and then you've got width now if i if i make a cube i have three dimensions because i've got height and i've got width and then i've got depth so now i have moved from one dimension and i've taken those lines created two dimensions and now i've taken the same lines and i have created three dimensions now if i want to add a fourth dimension most scientists will tell you that the fourth dimension because we live in a 3d reality world everything is 3d you're three-dimensional you've got height and you've got width and you've got depth you know some are higher and deeper and anyway i'll stay off of that but anyway we're different sizes but we're three dimensional now if you want to add the fourth dimension the fourth dimension according to science is time time is a dimension why because time can be measured anything that can be measured has a dimension time has seconds time has minutes time has hours time has days time has weeks time has months time has years and the sun rotates in a circular way and the earth spins in a circular way so time is a dimension now there is also the possibility and i'm telling you what science says that the universe has 10 dimensions to it and i don't want to get into all of those particular dimensions but it has ten dimensions nine dimensions of space and one dimension of time god has at least eight dimensions because god has length god has with god has depth god has sound god has light which is measurable by 185 000 miles per second god is in the past god is in the present and god can get in the future all of those are dimensions some of them that we have not lived in yet at 11 dimensions according to scientists if you could tap into 11 dimensions you could peel an orange from the inside out why are you telling us all of this what does that have to do with spirituality because what i want to do now is talk about the adversary i want to talk about the enemy let's just get the chief culprit the chief agent of evil who is satan and let me just talk about him for a moment first of all you need to understand that as an angel satan operates in unlimited distances he operates in unlimited distances what do i mean by that an angel in the book of ezekiel chapter one measures how fast they travel and it says this that the angels moved as fast as lightning he sees the his cherub and they're moving the speed of light light travels at 100 a little over 186 000 miles per second now let's see how fast that is if you take the planet that we're now on and you go to the equator and you can get you a little globe and kind of see this better if you have a little globe at home but go to the equator and start at one point and go all the way around the equator seven times seven point two times that's how fast light travels per second now if an angel can travel we know faster than the speed of light you should have no concern about your angels showing up the moment you say help because if i say help me jesus that was less that was a little over a second help me jesus that's two seconds all it takes is one second for them to move seven and a half times around this planet so we're wondering can god really help us no wonder he said before you call i will hear and i will answer you before you ever call so in this dimension of the spirit realm the invisible realm of the spirits we have satan who is a fallen angel but notice what it says about him in the book of job it god says to satan where have you been now when god says to satan at that moment where have you been he is saying it in a heavenly realm somewhere in the third heaven somewhere near the throne of god how do we know that because twice in the book of job chapter 1 and chapter 2 it says there was a day when the elohim the sons of god came before the throne of god and satan came with them so now god is addressing satan in a upper heaven realm we know that god is in the third heaven paradise is in the third heaven the throne room is in the third heaven and it's way beyond the edge of our galaxy so satan had access there but he said satan where have you been and satan says to him to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it what does it mean walking down in it that's the chambers of hades the chambers of the underworld the chambers of tartarus where the fallen angels are satan has an access to the underworld how do i know that because when the witch of endor saul comes to her and wants her to conjure up samuel the witch says oh my he says what do you see she says i see gods coming up and down out of the earth those weren't gods those were spirits that were coming from the under the earth above the earth so in other words satan is ruling or operating in three dimensions he can operate in the underworld he can operate on the earth he can operate in the second heaven prince of the power of the air that's the second heaven and he has an operational realm revelation 12 even access at some point at some location in the third heaven now why can he do that and how can he do that because he dwells in oh you better stay with me on this now he dwells in a realm of multi-dimensions three different heavens the cloud the stars what's above the stars now this gives him an advantage over you and us we he's only he only can be one place at one time but he can go into a realm actual bodily realm as a spirit as an angel he can go into a third heaven we can't go there yet we gotta die before we get there we cannot go underneath the world not into the deep underworld unless we have a spirit body that can go through things the same body that jesus had as at his resurrection is everybody tracking with this shout yes at least the five front rows have it i will get the rest up here in a minute so my point is that satan has an advantage because he can operate at a limited distance here's his second advantage and you got to hear this the second advantage is his invisibility now it's a mystery to us why angels cannot be seen it's a mystery to us why demons cannot be seen but we have a veil over our eyes i can prove it when the men of emmaus are walking with jesus they don't even know it's him and it says their eyes were opened and they beheld that it was the lord there are veils do you know why god puts veils over our eyes could you imagine what it would be like driving your car and a demon go across the road god mabel and you'll be crashing people be crashing into trees people be flipping over mountains i mean all of a sudden you're driving a car and there's a big angel beside the road and you just you know you're driving like this bam you hit the car in front of you but the real reason that you can't see angels and demons is every time a man in the bible saw an angel great fear came upon him the first thing the angel would say is do not fear do not be afraid fear or not people who've seen spirits i went through six months of a demonic attack didn't have it happen every day but man it started happening one night a week two nights a week three nights a week i actually saw spirits in hoods one was about that tall one was about this big and it was absolutely nothing but hindering spirits from the time i was 18 19 years of age for about six months straight till god delivered me out of that and delivered me from that so here's the point that i want to make there is an invisibility that the enemy has that that that if you were able to tap into and see it it'd be too fearful to actually it would be like a nightmare it would be like living in a continual daily nightmare if god opened your eyes to see that realm of the spirit realm that does exist now occasionally in the bible god allowed a prophet to see into the realm of the things of god you have daniel in the book of daniel 10 that saw what theologians call a theophany they saw this angel that had brass feet and eyes like fire and we find that he saw this create this being the supernatural being in daniel 10. we find out that the book of ezekiel that there was a cherub that the man of god saw and they had the face of a lion and the face of ox and they had a hoof like like cows very very strange creatures isaiah chapter 6 saw the lord high and lifted up and saw the seraphim and they had six wings they were flying with two wings covering their face two with their feet a total of six wings and uh they're that bird seraph the hebrew root there means a burning it's like a bronze color a burning color and then we find out that if you look at the book of revelation with john's vision that he saw four living creatures one had the other face of an ox and one an eagle a lion and a man one body with four different heads that just the body would turn and say holy holy holy is the lord god almighty now i will say this that the multi-dimensional level that the spirit world can operate in gives them an advantage but the second advantage they have is they are invisible now let me explain to you why there is an advantage to invisibility because what happens is this his advantage is that when he attacks you don't really know it's him and you start blaming it on people for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but we wrestle against principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world wicked spirits in heavenly places so the advantage of invisibility is he creates an assault the assault is enacted by people and you think that your struggle is with the people when in reality the problem is a satanic attack i'm not going to go into this in detail but in 1981 in the month of november in an evangelist department yeah i'm going to go have to i'm going to have to go there for just a minute this wasn't in the message but i was in a revival that was breaking out very very strong and i did not realize this because a lot of times there are things that go on behind your back and if you knew they were going on you could attack it face to face you could go right to the people or the persons and deal with it but nobody tells you i've had people uh come to me after a fact six months later eight months later four months later well yeah yeah i heard this and someone said that i said why didn't you come to me well i just didn't want to bother you with it no you just wanted me to go through hell it's what you wanted to do because if you'd have bothered me with it it could have been stopped you understand what i'm saying and so in this situation there was a group of people in the church that did not want this revival they just did not want it they were tired they weren't spirit-filled they didn't like speaking in tongues they didn't like the visitors taking their seats they didn't like the visitors taking their parking place they didn't like it that all the toilet paper was being used up in the church i'm telling the truth they didn't like it that the pews were might get dirty because they were padded they didn't like it that the carpet might get wore out i'm telling you would not believe the craziness look at your neighbor and say neighbor it's true say neighbor it's true some christians are nuts i found it out i found it out so in the second week of this revival i'm in an apartment first of all i made up my mind after that event in 81 i'd never stay in an apartment by myself again that's why i married that woman i figured two of us could find a devil better than one she knows i'm telling the truth all right here's what happens so it's three in the morning how do i know i have a digital watch that i didn't take off because i had slept i could see the hands green hands glow in the dark okay it's three o'clock i hear somebody it's it's as far as from here to that camera at a door trying to get in the church at three in the morning i'm thinking whoa there's no phone in that office no phone no cell phone there's four cell phones no phones at all no computers in there and so i i'm thinking well what's that then i hear him go to the janitor's closet i said surely surely uh sister dumford's not gonna fire up the vacuum cleaner at three in the morning with me trying to sleep and then i hear them come to my door and jiggle the door i'm getting i'm kind of getting afraid here's what i'm thinking uh that's the pastor something bad has happened he's got a phone call he's about to come in but i wish he'd knock first the door opens and i'm laying in the bed like this and this is the god's truth i'm not embellishing this because i will i would answer if i ever told you something untrue i'd have to answer for it i saw a being i am awake i am not asleep i am not dreaming the bathroom light is on i can see the hallway it is this tall it has two garbage bags and it looks like an egyptian mummy wrapped up it's a demon and i hear it just throwing trash and just tearing stuff up and i'm thinking in the morning i'm going to get up in the whole apartment's turf so that's what i'm thinking now the uh the the people that exercise demons call it a poltergeist i don't call it poultry nothing i call it a devil forget the poultry part it's just a demon i ain't got an ankle name that that thing and um then it turned in and this is the part that's just i i still see this and i still get a few chills when i see this it went like this and it had gnarly teeth it had wrappings like i said like an egyptian mummy its eyes were red and it just glared at me and you know what now this is funny now but it wasn't funny then so i just i had pulled the covers up and closed my eyes like this like i was faking like i was asleep so maybe it wouldn't see me thinking i'm asleep i'm going and i'm like i'm terrified i am totally terrified i'm saying what is this thing doing then it went into the pastor's study and it was sitting in the chair beating the chair up again because the study was right next door the other one then it went upstairs in the pastor's council room never left now listen to me very carefully as the revival went on it went on two more weeks then all of a sudden they decided to shut the revival down on wednesday and honestly the pastor was a great man he was an elderly man he was very tired i understood it from his perspective but people came to him and said why don't you just keep this going we'll keep it going pastor take a break vacation but instead they closed it down so everybody's kind of saying why did the meeting close down now i've got to be careful because this is going on the internet so i'm going to be very careful in saying this and be very vague there was a person inside the church who um was was was a known family and how did i know this this came out remember honey what was it five years later it came out and then ten years later the drug dealers we had shut down drugs in three counties the lord had they could not find enough kids to sell the pills in the high schools this is a god i'm telling the truth listen on a sunday night service 450 young people all showed up from the high school the high school and i said i'm having a prayer line laying hands on all of you and god decked them all out in the holy ghost 450 kids all right the university they started coming we would have on a monday night so many people chairs were in the aisles chairs were in the lobby and the drug dealers said we're going to run him out of town now a former drug dealer said to me we were in a meeting discussing to assassinate you we knew where you were staying but instead we got a hold of an occult guy who was who was i got to be careful here who was connected to the head of the church of satan who was at the university and he said let me deal with it they sent a demon of confusion to the church that was that demon i saw i never listen i didn't know none of i didn't know this two years later okay they tell me this years later so to make a long story short the enemy brought confusion they had a big church meeting on a sunday like a about a week later and everybody got up and gave their opinions and everybody's fussing each other and i'm sitting i'm sitting there because they sent me the tape i wasn't even invited to the meeting how you like being talked about you're not even invited to the meeting where they're talking about you no i'm really serious it was the craziest thing i ever saw and it was an outright attack of the enemy to shut me up in 1981 and just make me go away remember the assemblance of god came to me and said come into our denomination remember that pam knows all this i can tell you stories you wouldn't even believe that you'll probably never hear because we just keep them in our heart so anyway all this is going on and when i hear the people talking here's what i say to myself listen to me i say to myself sitting in an apartment in cleveland with my wife who was where you know we got married of course i said how come out of all that church of older people who are 60 and 70 years of age who claim to pray that nobody is getting up saying stop it this is just the devil i said why didn't somebody get up it was the pro-revival crowd against the anti-revival crowd it was the we love perry because we've known him as a kid versus the people who didn't like me at all never have life and never did like me they all in fact it's real funny most of them didn't like me died really over the past five over five years later they all started dying the ones that love me are still living they're 90 years old praise god it teaches you you better love perry stone i don't know i don't know what that's got to do about this message or if that's a revelation but you better love perry's tone jesus gee i'm look i ain't perfect but jesus loves perry stone do you believe jesus loves spirit stone and i believe jesus loves prayer i believe he loves you too i believe he loves you too [Laughter] pardon me it just comes out this way sometimes when i preach and but but the thing that puzzled me was there was no it was flesh and blood it was you believe that way this is what i think this is what it was i think i think i heard i heard wee wee baby and ain't nobody said not one person you hear me not one person stood up and said folks listen to me let's read some scripture god's not the author of confusion we got ego going on here we got pride going on here and we got a warfare going on over this church and none of you were discerned all you're doing is going through your little town telling everything you think you know everything you think you heard and hear little rumors about pastor of this and about perry this and all that and none of it listen i heard seven things in 1982 pam remembers this there were seven things told on me and they were all lies and were repeated i know it for a fact they said i they said i hit the pastor on the platform and decked him lie lie they said i was i split the church and was starting to church lie the only thing i talked about was moving back to the the state because it was my home state we don't we just talked about it there was nobody taking over church there was nobody starting a church i'm telling you i heard seven things seven and they would go into a meeting and say we ignored from a reliable source i found out that reliable is real liable most of the time all right so the enemy got away with it so i went back to that church years later i got invited back i had a five-week revival had a four week revival and i got up and i think i need to tell you a story from years ago and i listened to my hosha and i stood there that night in this church years later and told them about the demon now aunt b already knew about it my prayer lady knew about it years ago birdie virus knew about it there were there were praying women of the the godly women that knew this story when it happened but they didn't say i said don't be telling nobody because people think i'm weird anyway but it was that spirit that caused the division are you listening but because it was invisible nobody saw it so then it became a battle of flesh and blood it became a battle of personalities preach on perry i'm going to you need to hear this this is something i should have taught a long time ago here so here's so here's what begins to happen all of a sudden there is the warfare that is stretched out and stretched out and stretched out because nobody discerns what it is that night i got up and told this entire church it was jam-packed with over a thousand people in this church and i said let me tell you what happened in 1981 and they were sitting in the congregation that night two young men that were drug dealers then who confirmed everything i said was absolutely true because they're the ones that came to me and told me the plot he sent a demon a man in the satanic church sent a demon i said i saw it in fact do you remember painting went out to eat and the boy described the demon to me that i told you guys about years ago i said how do you know about that he said because we know what it looked like the guy told us what it looked like i said oh my god this kid knew nothing he never heard me talk about that are you still tracking with me say yes now so so when i stood up that night i said god confirm your power and there was a girl that was blind she had gone blind and i'm telling you i knew her i grew up with her as a kid and and i'm going to go faster than normal because it's a longer story but anyway she came up they they i said god showed me somebody getting healed get up here if you need him and here she come and she's she can't see you remember three nights before three nights before i'm standing this close to her face she can't even see me until i'm there then her mama says hey honey perry's right in front of you perry this is not an old girl this was in her 30s probably and so they brought her to the front and then i said god's going to heal somebody in a blue dress i had a vision on friday and the the blue dress that she had on i didn't know when she stood up and she was blind did i not faint on the i fainted on the platform i said oh my god i've told people this this person in a blue dress is going to get healed that's the exact blue desk and i didn't see it because she sit in the back it wasn't even her dress she asked her mama to pick her out of dress that night and that's the dress her mama picked out nobody knew i had a vision and i passed out and i said god you better do something because my reputation's on the line dad was there he prayed i prayed i'm over here and i'm telling you before god in heaven i'm here she's way over there and i hear a shout i hear people going crazy and i look and they split up and i'm looking at her and i said and she way back i said she's way back i went she said don't you do that in church i said get over here hurry she walked people are screaming they know the town knows she's blind i'm not talking about she has 20 30. she is blind and i said come up here i said she said i don't need your help i can see god just healed me completely she walks up on the platform she looks at everybody i said what color is that shirt gray what color sister stand up what color is that and people are shouting they're screaming they're running around the church they know her situation she'd been there they were going she was learning braille because she was blind and then i pulled a little t.l alley on did you hear me tell this when i pulled the tl lowry on her i said let me ask you something is it pam was that her name honey remember him i think her name was pam i said pam look at me you know me a long time am i better looking now or better looking when you knew me she said oh my god you're a lot better looking i said she's healed she's well i don't understand why you did that i don't care that you don't understand why i did that if you'd have been there you'd have been hooping and hollering instead of complaining on why did perry they left now go back to the original point here the invisibility of the enemy i saw it but i didn't know what it meant until the trouble came then i realized this is a this is a crazy spirit doing this as everybody's still with me say i'm still with you so here's let's go back to the original thought satan has the advantage of certain dimensions that he operates in he has the advantage of invisibility but now i'm going to give you the greatest lesson i've ever learned on warfare satan has a dimension liability he has a dimension limitation god is past god is present god is future who was who is who is to come that's three realms right so god can go back he can go now and he'd go back i'll let that move back to the future by the way he can go out in the future see it and what do you think what do you think a prophecy is a prophecy is where god has went out planned it and come back to tell it the lamb slain from the foundation of the world how did god know that because it was already planned before adam ever sinned foundation of the world say i'm still here here's the here's something you need to hear the enemy whether it's our adversary or demonic power or principalities our enemy can plan an attack but there is a dimensional limitation here's here's what i want to show you because satan knows the past and knows the present and the reason he operates in past and present is and this is how it works your past his weapon is condemnation guilt and shame do i have anybody that'll preach with me here for a minute you go to worship you and your wife had a fight let's just make it practical you all had a big fight before church and you're trying to worship and you can't worship because you feel condemned over your conversation or you've done something you should not have done and it brings a shame and such an embarrassment to you that uh you i mean and y'all without me just preaching here forever you all do understand what i'm saying that he operates in tr he tr watch he tries to keep you tied up into the just like you said he tries to keep you tied up into something in the past because as long as you're living in the past you can't move to the future you can't it paralyzes you you go to bed thinking about it you get up thinking about it you think about the people that roams you think about people hurt you can't get out of your head right so you're trying to go forward and the whole time you're going forward you're just you know you're hammering nails and all of a sudden you you you hammer the nail all the way through the floor to the basement i mean you know it's just like i'm telling you what if i just what happened to the nails anger frustration and then in the present how does the enemy torment a person in the present one thing here's here let me sum it up this way guilt of yesterday fear of tomorrow people have not turned back to church yet because they're still afraid of coven by the way it's mutating again so you might as well start learning how to plead the blood over you is what i'm saying that's what i'm saying we might as well start really start believing that this blood of jesus thing really does work because you know what i'm saying i'm not i'm not undermining what's happening what we've seen don't get me wrong but i'm saying that what he does is the guilt of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow and that's how he paralyzes you daily oh god honey how are we going to make it oh god honey how are we going to pay the bill oh god what if what if what if what if and so you you become so fearful of what could be that he torments you fear has torment all right so this is how he operates now this is what he cannot do oh ready he can plan a strategy through people make it happen but he cannot go into the it isn't it is impossible for him to go into the future to know the outcome of what he just did because this is this is the thing god taught me in other words strategy strategy enacted but he watches to say okay now that it's happened where does it go from here he has no authority to determine the outcome the outcome is only determined by your reaction i gotta let this sink in with me all right all right i'm gonna go back to my notes because i don't want to miss anything the lord gave me satan has a limited vision concerning anything that deals with the future thus he can plan an attack he can produce the attack but he does not know the outcome because he has not has no authority to determine your response and your reaction let me give an example let's go back to job he got satan says take his wealth he'll curse you did he no the bible said job bless the lord and said the lord giveth to the lord taketh away well satan didn't expect that so he hits him he said wait a minute i know now he didn't respond he didn't respond the way i thought he would i thought he'd curse him but he didn't wait a minute though it's his health he loves his health he's a healthy guy take his health make him sick and then he'll curse you guess what happened god said take the hedge up so he hits him with his health does job does job curse god at that point and blame god absolutely not job said though he slay me yet will i trust him can you see this satan plans the attack and plans the response but he can't be in the future to see the response now the reason that god said he won't curse me is because god can go in the future and see the outcome so while satan is operating in the now and you're operating in the problem of the now god has the ability to go out there where the trouble ends out there where the battle is over out there where the victory comes and says you try everything you want to try they might get depressed but they're getting back up they might get down but they're getting back up they might feel like going to heaven instead of living but they're still going to get back up and the reason they're going to get back up is i've already been out there where they're at and i can go where you cannot go and god says i've already got this thing figured out before you ever get there somebody praise him in the house right now my lord so now watch the strategy so what happens is i don't know if you noticed this before satan is mentioned by name in job chapter 1 he is mentioned by name in job chapter 2 watch and then he's not mentioned through the entire book he disappeared do you know i need some black sisters and brothers with me right now help me out do you know why satan disappears because job did not react the way satan planned he said this guy ain't playing the game so what the enemy did was hit and run he hit him backed up hit him again backed up he said well what's he got to take what's left i got his camels i got his sheep i got his donkeys i killed all 10 of his kids read it i took their houses away then i've got him so sick he's in an ash heap taking pottery and scraping worms out of his body and he's still not cursing god are you kidding me so the enemy tempted jesus three times and then it says but he departed for a season do you know why satan departed from jesus for a season because he figured if i say if you're the son of god command the stones to be bred he'll be abusing his authority and his miracle working power it will displease his father so let's just put that on him and three times he said if you be the son if you be the son if you be the son of god do this do this do this and jesus would not listen and he hit him with the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes of the pride of life and those are the three things that all sins fall under and once you've hit jesus with all three they ain't nothing left to hit him with so satan just leaves at least for another season but watch what he does stay with me because it's a revelation so he he initiates an attack think about your life now think about what you all have been through you know you're individualized so he hits you with the attack waits to see your response if you respond against the bible if you respond just like you're talking about forgiveness if you if you get an unforgiveness and you respond against the bible you just open the door for him to stay longer but if you if he watches the response and if you start responding in line with him and i can tell you what his assignment is i heard people say all the time well the devil's been on my back all day bless his holy name well get him off your back what's he riding your back for he's not a hitchhiker people do not understand the principle that i'm giving you but if you can understand it it'll help change your perception of warfare because he plots it he plans it then he runs so you don't know it's him now watch what so what did he do to job sent three of job's best friends and what did they do sat down and started telling him why he was going through what he's going through and they said the reason you're going through what you're going through is there's hidden sin in your life somewhere it's what they told him another friend comes along and the reason you're going through what you're going through is you're just proud and arrogant and god's getting some justice and bringing you down a notch or two it's what they say to him read it and everything they're saying to him according to job 41 god says you have not spoken that which is right to my servant job he rebuked all god came down and rebuked all three friends now why does the enemy then back up after initiating the plan and the assault and it ain't nothing but the devil he backs up and nobody even job didn't know it was satan because job said the lord gave and the lord took it the lord didn't took it the devil took it so in other words who moses wrote the book of job they believe moses had the revelation that it was an attack of satan listen to me job didn't even realize it was an attack we now know it was an attack so the enemy comes he sets the attack in motion he lines the attack up and then he hits and runs and then leaves the people around to be the accusers and satan revelation 12 who is the accuser of the brethren before god day and night he three friends come around it's no longer satan's battle now satan says i'm turning over to you guys run your mouth run your mouth tell what you think you know tell what you don't think you know tell your rumors till you're in your windows give your misinformation i mean hit him all over the place i mean i mean let's just let's just shock it on him get him all over the place just let's do everything we can make it as hard as we can and they're making it hard on job and they don't even realize they're being manipulated by the accuser himself it's quiet in this house who am i talking to now and that was the plot of the enemy he is still trying to get job so frustrated but now he's not doing it personally through the attack because he saw it didn't work he's going to send people to job who are going to tell job all the stuff they think and all of their opinions about what they think and every one of them stunk and job sits there and tries his best to answer that you know what go read your bible they even accused him of being a womanizer he's a womanizer job said don't you talk about women he said i made a covenant with my eyes i won't even look at a woman they did everything they could to say anything they could and didn't realize the accuser is prodding them he's backed up from the picture he's still trying to say i'm going to get an outcome when this is over for job to curse god so i can go to god and say i told you i told you hey but i've read chapter one and i've read to chapter 41 and i can't find one place that he ever put a blame on god he said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away blessed be the name of the lord and the bible said and all this job did not sin with his mouth so here's what i want to tell you the greatest thing i've ever learned the greatest thing i've ever learned in warfare is what i want to tell you right now and that is you will determine the outcome of the end of the battle watch you ready for this not god well if god would just help me shut up and he will well if god were to help me chill out and quit talking about it and he will oh it gets so it's real funny if it's congregation it gets so quiet at certain times right so what he wants you to do is keep it activated by continuing to speak because if you keep it activated by continuing to speak you keep the door open and that word was so powerful because yes i'm getting this out of my spirit okay out of my spirit the reason you had to say what you said i have no idea this brother situation i know nothing about his past nothing about family nothing about mom's dads whatever i know nothing but there's something that you had to release and you did it at the altar when you went up to the altar whatever it was that's and i told pam today this brother's coming and there's something he's going to release out of his spirit before god heals and healed him so that's how i know you're going to be okay because of what you did up here yeah seriously i'm not i'm not i don't i don't play games with the gifts of the spirit so you did the right thing he in other words i didn't want to come to you and say what is it what is it that you're going to have to lay aside there's something something's going on you know something's happened maybe you heard you got laid i didn't want to say that i said god i just want to pray when the time time comes but you had to say it and god put a burden on you today when i heard he was driving 16 hours i prayed for this boy all day today i said i'll tell you what i'll tell you what he told me in a minute hallelujah it's not time yet hallelujah i'll walk over here and preach so you have to see this when you go through really tough stuff i'm not talking about this little stuff that we deal with you know this common stuff when you go through the heavy thing i want you to keep this in mind for the rest of your life i'm going to keep this message right here okay this is a this is a battle this is not normal if it's not natural it's supernatural if it's supernatural it's one of three things i brought it on myself or the enemy has attacked or the lord has permitted it to come to me to teach me something so here's what i will do i will not react and overreact sudden i will be still and wait i won't run around telling everybody what the enemy's doing i will wait then i will pray to see the wisdom god gives me on how to deal with this you know the other day and i'm going to be i speak in vague vagueness i do i really speak in vagueness on some things but you know months and months ago um i i felt like i just i i've never wanted to quit the ministry but i just said you know what i don't have to put up with this i don't have to deal with this i can retire now and i just i just told my wife i said you know what i think i want to do i think i want to go to israel and train as a tour guide and i'll go over there and do trips and come back over here and go do trips and come back and i said i would have a ball i'd hang out a swecky shop and help him with his coins and his antiquities and i said why why do i have to after 46 years of preaching put up with this mess i probably used another word must be must be disciplined in the pulpit okay so i was so distraught and the lord spoke to me i couldn't sleep he said go to iso and pray so i went and i won't tell you when and where and all that that's insignificant so i go to iso and it's like two in the morning so i'm praying and i stood right there in the dark i didn't turn lights on i stood there in the dark and i and me and the lord i had an absolute come to jesus me and god the father one hour it was warfare the second hour it got scary because the presence came in the room and the fear of god came on me i just was convulsively weeping man like i felt like that either jesus had walked in and i couldn't see him or he had sent some big angel in and then in the third hour at exactly the third hour exactly when i looked at my watch and you know this can't happen every screen and iso flipped on by itself with the prayer request and i'm laying on the floor looking up because i had asked god for a strength give me a weird sign i want a sign and when i said it and then the moment that i felt a breakthrough i tell you what it told me but the moment i felt the breakthrough that i promised you before god the screens went and went back dark you talk about something that will shake you when you know something like that can't happen and it happens there's nobody there but me nobody you know of iso there's nobody there but me say it it's true that was supernatural totally supernatural and the lord said this to me and you know i have in me some mountain boy i have in me some hillbilly there is a difference i have in me a little redneck i'm really serious you know watch how we eat we i still eat soup out of a can without cooking it that's redneck in case you didn't know that's real redneck okay and by the way redneck is not a bad word it's what the coal miners when they wanted the union they put red bandanas around their neck that's where redneck came from when they were fighting to get unions in the coal mines so that's not a bad thing and and then i've got italian and then i've got irish and between the temper of the irish the mafia of the italians are you tracking with me the hillbilly which is hillbilly justice and they do it up there in the mountains trust me i got some stories from some relatives ain't going there okay my flesh tells me one thing my spirit the lord says keep your mouth shut i said i wanna i wanna i wanna say what i no no you're not saying i'm not permitting you i will not permit you to say anything because i want to show you what i will do and if you've opened up your mouth you'll make it worse you'll it'll be crazy shut up god says i know you you talk too much he told me that i said this is that why you call me the preacher that's not the time to get real humorous with the lord i'm telling you when you have that that atmosphere like that and so i determined in my heart to do what he said which is which for me if you know my personality can be very difficult it can be very dif and for you it can be very difficult right when the lord as the lord ever told you just don't say go walk up has god ever told you i'll walk away from something raise your hand raise your hand was it hard sure your kid's cussing you out and god says just say nothing just say i'm not listening and walk away it could be it could be anything you've dealt with all right and so the lord taught me something through through not just from 1981 to the 1990s year 2000 and i'm talking now 45 years of what i've been through and this is what he's taught me that's what i want to teach you and i don't ever forget this that you will make the battle longer or shorter by your mouth honey say amen to me amen to you isn't that true she'll tell me sometimes all right shut up she will she says don't want to hear it shut up you know what and it really provokes me i feel the italian side coming who who are you were telling to shut up but what's the matter with you what i'm going to tell you i'm going to call uncle vinnie on here so what am i going to do uncle vinnie i've got to go unconveniently from new york new jersey that's what's going to happen we're going to uncover down here and if you don't know uncle vinnie and uncle nick forget it it's not even worth telling the story that you have to be an italian family to understand uncle vinnie and uncle nick does anybody know what i'm talking about this does anybody here raise your hand anybody here know what i'm talking about all right i know a few of you did and so in all seriousness and i'm almost done here but in all seriousness but the the lord says that if we go through it we are whatever we go through personally is first to pray about it and the second thing and this is a real word because i'm telling you this is something the lord dealt with me with for many years back in 81 you have to let people go i lost the anointing 21 days because i got mad at a preacher and i told everybody i knew that i was mad at him and what he did to me and i lost you know what it's like to preach 21 days without any feeling god whatsoever and a spiritual woman named blackwood ruby blackwood who comes to our conference she's up there in years cornered me and she said i don't know what's got a hold of you and i don't know what's happened to you but god said to t and she gave me this verse in psalms the lord will stop the mouth of those who cause lies this is this is in 80 81 back in 81. and i wish i could have said that word delivered me it didn't delivered me but i held on to it and finally in daisy tennessee that's where faith showed up the woman you would later marry those kids showed up from lee and we had a prayer meeting and victor massey gave a message in the spirit and the interpretation was god was going to send a revival and god got me in the back right in the back of that little church and he said it's time that you quit feeling sorry for yourself and start thinking about how big i am so now think about how big i he told me right back here and i started saying he's the alpha he's the omega beginning in the end i felt like oral robert's preaching on the fourth man he's the bridegroom he's the cornerstone he's the door he's the everlasting father he's the prince i went through the whole and by the time i got you know what do you say about god in the letter z zoe he's the zoe the greek for life okay but i'll get to i'll get through that and in the back that's when the message came about the revival and we had a eight-week revival rick was there that was that was for rick and i got connected he was uh uh president of southern united oil back then and rick was that one was that one of the greatest meetings you've ever been and raise your hand if you know what i'm saying it's the truth we talked about we still talk about unbelievable miracles fire of god hit 25 people got the baptismal hugs when a fireball hit him i went to pray for people in the back i'm telling the truth rick was there probably that night the power of god hit me and i danced circles on the back of a pew and when i would wave my hands entire sections of people would fall out wasn't me i've seen some things though and so god took that meeting and made it a supernatural meeting to show me if you will get your spirit right if you were just let people go if you just love god if you just learn to discipline your mouth what the lord can do is absolutely mind-boggling put give him praise right now come on put your put your i'm just about done put your hands together put your hands together one time and begin to bless the lord hallelujah god will turn god will turn your captivity if you do this following humble yourself repent forgive others and sometimes you have to separate from people it does not mean they're bad people it just means that their season's done that that's just that was that was a season and sometimes you just have to do certain things to who let's raise our hands and bless the lord let's bless the lord father oh father now now lord jesus now lord jesus it's time for you to do exactly what the last person what's your name son avery the last person avery that drove that far here and there will be people that will remember this was a woman and her daughter from oklahoma raise your hand if you were here see they already know what i'm talking about she was dying with a blood disease remember and had all sorts of complications she was even in pain making the trip i said why would you drive all the way here she said because the lord told me to exactly well if he told you to you know what he's going to do thank you jesus and it was strange because before i preached i i said well why should you sit here and wait till we preach tonight just get healed now do you remember now she left and went back to oklahoma and i preached in tulsa at brother daughter's church actually sister daughter's church two years later at a partners meeting and one of the ladies who was directed came up and said this lady do you remember her and i walked back and said do i know you she said well you probably don't remember me i'm the lady that drove all the way from oklahoma i said well last time i saw you you were dying she says oh but i got back home and i went straight to the doctor and they started testing me and they couldn't find anything wrong with my blood she said she said when god healed my blood he started healing my organs because the blood circulates to the she says i'm totally healed i said totally she said totally she said i can run walk do whatever i want work without pain now this is what i felt today i don't i want you to know i know you may not know me well but people that know me my daddy taught me this because that was very strong in the spirit i don't play with the holy spirit i don't say things like some people do god said god said and it not be god when i prayed for you i thought of the woman from oklahoma and this is what you need to know it is faith it's pure faith it's raw faith to get in an automobile did you drive yes sir to get in a vehicle and drive 16 hours one way it is faith i know you do now the spirit of god's going to touch you i believe it he's going to do it for his glory all we do is pray but he works now what i know i know one of the situations but if you're not embarrassed tell me what is specific uh i had a stomach infection years ago okay stomach infection years ago mistakes and tips and drugs that the enemy took puts in evil people right and my brain is bad now and i'm too young to feel like i have uh dementia or anything like that okay so in other words the drugs affected you yes and you you need you need to fall into that fog to go i feel like there's a hole in my brain all right i got you he got you thank you lord all right put your hand on his shoulder jake do you believe like a hundred percent not 99. put your hand on your shoulder everybody thank you lord put your hands up in the name of the son of the living god who sits at the right hand of the father the lord jesus christ right now oh for your glory touch him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet everything that any type of medicine is done to damage the neurons of his brain i call you father in the name of your son jesus christ to create and recreate the cells of his brain we know that in the natural men says it's impossible but what is impossible with man is possible with god so in the name of oh lord by the power of your spirit touch this man touch him right now oh oh oh praise god now now son just sit there just begin to praise the lord i want you to keep your hands on him keep your hands on me just begin to bless don't you don't have to do anything but sit there and begin to soak up the soak up the presents that's right that's right holy spirit come to him right now in jesus name holy spirit baptize him completely in his spirit with the power of god he needs the gift of god keep praying don't quit keep praying keep praying go ahead go ahead hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if anybody if you guys want to just stand around just worship and keep praying with the quran over here come on here hey don't quit don't quit son if even if it's the next 20 or 30 minutes you're in god's presence oh let's just let's just worship ah man there was a fire went through that man allah in jesus name spirit of sickness and spirit of infirmity lose him in the name of the lord jesus spirit of infirmity let him go we command it in the name of the lord jesus hallelujah oh that come on lift your hands with me and let's just worship the lord let's worship the lord this is just a great anointing it's a great freedom of god here right now hallelujah i don't know why we're gonna we're gonna just have to pray for healing but if someone is here that believes god you have felt the anointing you believe the lord and there's something you need a healing from and you believe now if you don't have the faith it won't do any good i'm not i'm not rebuking you but it won't but if you have faith to believe stand up right now and there's something there's a healing that you need somewhere and somehow in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name hallelujah now here's what i want you to do i want you to put your if you can now if it's embarrassing you to do it i understand that you can just put your hand on your stomach if you want but put your hand where you need your healing just put your hand where you need the healing right now now i'm going to start praying and this is what i'm going to ask i'm going to ask you tell tell everybody to keep praying the the spirit of god is starting to work on him right now heal him completely 100 god i call 100 healing 99 and a half won't do father in jesus name honor faith tonight honor the faith of this man that came all the way here to believe you in jesus name now put your hand right there where you now the spirit of god is going to move some of you are going to just feel like a little bit of an electricity or a little bit of a warmth come to you some of you are just going to sense like an overwhelming feeling of peace but as we start praying i want you to just whisper jesus i receive it right now just tell him i received my healing and i'm going to ask you to just agree with the prayer if you're seated near somebody that's standing put your hands toward them in agreement if you will do that right now let's pray now in the name of the son of god in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of the king of kings and the lord of lords you said christ that if we would ask anything in your name that you would do it that if we would ask in the name of the lord jesus that it would be done you didn't say that we had to question it you didn't say that we had to ask four five ten times you just said if we would ask now right now be healed in the name of jesus be healed by the power of god be healed by the authority of the lord jesus christ we rebuke the spirit of sickness we rebuke the spirit of weakness we rebuke the spirits of infirmity in the name in the name in the name in the name in the name by the power of god in the name of jesus by the power of god in the name of jesus by the authority of the holy ghost everybody in this building lift your hands and pray loud lift up your voice i mean loud god send the word to where people are sin the word and touch people let people that have never felt the power of the lord god there are people that are religious they they profess christianity but they've never felt the power of god god can be felt god's spirit can be felt let them feel the spirit of the lord let them feel peace come over them lord the people need to repent and turn to you the moment they do let them sense the peace of god that passes all understanding in the name of the lord jesus by the authority of the holy ghost be made whole in the name of the lord jesus be healed in the name of christ be delivered in the name of jesus be set free [Music] hallelujah hallelujah freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom freedom of i want you to keep your eyes closed so you can focus on the lord but stand to your feet pray to start worshiping in song but just stand to your feet and close your eyes and let's you know for as long as we can let's just worship i'm going to lay the microphone down hallelujah i want us to worship a while as you're leaving tonight i said nothing about this but one of our secretaries will be in the lobby with some of our material if you're interested but right now go ahead and begin to worship braden lead us in worship hallelujah close your eyes and let the power of god [Music] thank you for doing it jesus healing go ahead jake obey god's son healing coming through your hands [Music] good he [Music] jesus [Music] i'm tingling from head to toe i get my fingertips tickle i can't even tell you my hands feel like i'm hooked up to electrical cables it's god taking care of everything i believe it you do you believe it oh keep soaking it up keep soaking up just stay right there stay right there you do it a long way you all just come around and pray pray with it don't quit don't quit don't quit except sing it son hallelujah let's give god glory let's give god [Music] is [Music] tonight [Music] there is free jesus [Music] your name is alive [Music] god god just filled him with the holy ghost god just baptized him keep praying keep praying [Music] the in the house come on praise god everybody that's what it's about we're coming to a new day we're coming to a new day we're coming to a new day we're coming to a new day oh bears have passed away all things are gonna be new [Music] [Music] for oh [Music] shine through the shine shout jesus from the mountains and jesus in the streets [Music] jesus [Applause] i speak the holy name of jesus [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] declare his name tonight [Music] jesus i speak the holy name [Music] jesus [Music] of jesus [Music] every is [Music] [Music] is your name [Music] jesus from the mountains [Music] [Music] for my family i speak the holy name of jesus oh shall jesus run the mountain shout jesus from [Music] for my [Music] jesus [Music] i speak the holy name of [Music] [Applause] [Music] name jesus [Music] your name is [Music] come on i don't want to move from this moment just yet we speak the name of jesus those who have been dealing with depression those who have been dealing with anxiety those who have been dealing with fear there's such a strong deliverance anointing in this house tonight he can save you he can heal you he can deliver you and he can feel you come on with his spirits and with his glory [Music] salvation healing deliverance and infilling in the name of jesus come on we speak jesus over you come on oh i just want to speak the name of jesus jesus [Music] every [Music] depression [Music] i just want to speak the name of jesus [Music] i speak jesus your name is come on every stronghold every [Music] stronghold [Music] come on i'm not ready to end the service yet because somebody steal can get free tonight somebody can still be free he paid for it it's yours reach out and grab it so that's my freedom a stronghold in your life can be broken a generational curse in your family can be broken come on speak jesus you speak jesus say jesus break this off with my life break this off with my family jesus jesus [Music] come on every heart and every hand jesus i declare you lord over my life i want you to say this after me say jesus i declare you lord over my life over my past over my presence and over my future i will serve you all of the days of my life from now until all of eternity you are my savior you are my healer you are my deliverer and you're the one that fills me up jesus i am yours jesus i am nobody else's jesus i am yours my life is yours my life is yours in jesus mighty name amen come on amen come on can we give god a big god bless you whatever that means a big hand clap of play or whatever that can we just clap unto the lord praise the name of the lord hallelujah [Music] jesus is awesome he is holy he is other he is separate he alone sits upon the circle of the earth and he is your god i love him you love him i love him come on what an awesome night what an awesome night and what a word from god i love it isaiah 54 no weapon that is formed against you it doesn't say that the weapon won't be formed it says no weapon that's formed against you will be able to prosper the winds and the waves will come crashing in but i love it you control your response you control your response when the enemy comes in like a flood spirit of the lord will raise up a standard against him amen all right i love you i declare blessings over you i pray that the holy spirit seals the seed of this word and let it bring forth multiple let it fruit and fruit that remains in jesus mighty name amen amen don't forget next tuesday next tuesday at 6 30 and bring a friend bring a family member bring somebody that needs just a good
Channel: The Ramp
Views: 72,764
Rating: 4.8822913 out of 5
Id: 5nYmYemrudU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 38sec (5618 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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