THE GREATEST HISTORY LESSON EVER?! | history of the entire world, i guess (First Reaction)

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whoever sees this and subscribes right now we get a free map of countries doesn't apply if you're in Tibet Burma Prussia and other places what's going on YouTube it's one and only Knoxville and we're back with our reaction series now listen it is Friday and you guys know for a long time I've covered Epic Rap Battles of History I really do enjoy my history and you guys have been commenting you've been sending me this saying you need to check this out this is none other than the history of the world I guess hi you're on a rock floating in space pretty cool huh some of it's water [ __ ] it actually most of it's water I can't even get from here to there without buying a boat it's sad I'm sad I miss you a long time ago actually never and also now nothing is nowhere when never first off what in the add version of history is going on right now the sudden jumps and then just random harmonies happening in my life the brain explosion and then then we're just dropping in how you doing a double negative on us nothing is nowhere right so either you're getting super deep and philosophical there like this state of being of nowhere because we're talking about the origins of the universe and how things were created so how could something be anywhere if nothing was existing and no life was present to observe it at the time or maybe I'm going way too deep on that right maybe it just cancels out and therefore nothing is everywhere oh wow what do you guys think I'm 11 seconds in and already uh no this this can't happen we have to get through this a long time ago actually never and also now nothing is nowhere when never makes sense right like I said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's what there's your cancel out nothing was never anywhere therefore if it was never anywhere right the nothing no thing versus the never that's two that's double negative that cancels itself out so it is somewhere but where is it I don't know let's talk about it and sing songs too and clap hands where when never makes sense right like I said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's why it's been everywhere it's been so everywhere you don't need to wear you don't even need a win that's how every it gets I love that the where cancels itself out now because it's it's not nowhere because it is everything it is existence how are you welcome to the world in the universe oh forget this I want to be something oh go somewhere do something I want things to change I want to invent time and space and I know it's possible because everything is here and it probably already happened I just don't know when to start and that's exactly where it started oh are you God I I passed it I think there's a universe now what's it made of corks and stuff Ah that's a thing in a place don't like it try a new place at a different time try to stick together because it was time just trademarked it was the world is going to get bigger and emptier but it's not empty yet it's still very full and about a jillion degrees it's time trademark because time is a social construct like invented by human beings we conceptualize what time is you know we put hours within a day we have created this system under which we operate trademark it humankind we own that sorry aliens move aside I'm dear it's not empty yet it's still very full and about a jillion degrees great news the quarks are now happily married in groups of three called a proton or a neutron and there's something else flying around too that wants to join in electrons great news the protons and neutrons are now happily married to each other some of them we're gonna make stars soon aren't we doubled up great news the electrons have now joined in congratulations the world is now a bunch of gas in space but it's getting closer together and it's getting closer together I said soon but that is yeah hundreds of millions of years apart is not soon is it and it's getting closer together just got made some Stars burn out and die their [ __ ] just got made there's your periodic table of elements bigger Stars burn out and die with passion and make some brand new way crazier [ __ ] which allows newer more interesting stars to be made and then die and explode so now stars have cool stuff around them like rocks ice and funny clouds which can make some very interesting things like this ball of flaming rocks for example holy [ __ ] we just got hit with another ball of flaming rocks and it kind of made a mess which is now weather update it's raining rocks from outer space weather update those rocks might have had water in it it's not true we all know aliens invented the moon and it spies on us what do you think's On the Dark Side there's hot steam in the sky weather update cooler temperatures today and the floor is no longer lava weather update it's raining severe flooding alert the entire world is now an ocean volcano alert in the ocean what something's alive in the ocean oh cool like a plant or an animal no a microscopic Speck it lives at the bottom of the ocean and eats chemical soups this is actually really clever I mean we've we're going through a lot of very intricate Concepts from astronomy to geology to biology and he's fighting this way to keep it entertaining and to I I think the real talent is this is just to like concise it down in singular sentences and then move on from there well even having like some pop references and some Modern references thrown in there as well I'm talking about the floors lava one of the greatest games just ask my four-year-old daughters oh cool like a plant or an animal no a microscopic Speck it lives at the bottom of the ocean and eats chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh made from gnarly space ingredients left over from when it was raining rocks or whatever oh yeah and it can do that it has secret instructions written inside itself telling oh Next Level sound effects how to build another one of it I make sound effects would I just like go about my life like I'm in the kitchen you know I'm acting like a samurai like just chopping those carrots what you know about that so that's pretty nifty I would say tired of living at the bottom of the ocean revolutionary technique you can convert sunlight into Foods side effect now there's oxygen everywhere and the sky is blue then the Earth might have been a snowball for a while maybe even a couple of times it's a sponge it's a plant it's a worm and some other types of weird strange water bugs and strange fish nice welcome to the Cambrian Period I feel like that's a great commercial want some sun you can eat it it's animals and stuff but we're still in the ocean hey can we go on land no why the sun is a deadly laser okay now the animals can go on land come on animals let's go on land nope can't walk yet and there's no food yet so I don't care okay will you learn to walk if there's plants up here maybe said some bugs fish okay so I could go on land about Evolution right before our eyes hang on I'll be back give me a couple more hundreds of millions of years to just grow some legs real quick all right I'm here I have to go back in the water hey babies learn to use an egg I was already doing that use a stronger egg put water in it have a baby on land in an egg water is in the egg baby in the egg in the water in the egg works for me and now everything's huge including bugs want to see a map of the land sure oh [ __ ] now everything's dead just kidding you're the survivors keep your eye on this one because it's about to become the dinosaurs here's another map of the land yeah it broke apart don't worry about it does that all the time here comes a meteor it's fine everything used to be together at one or two or three points but you know [ __ ] breaks apart all the time it's fun another map of the land Yeah I broke apart don't worry about it does that all the time here comes these things called tectonic plates and weird stuff that happens underneath we don't need to worry about that don't don't look under the hood of this it just it works all right it happens the dinosaurs are gone is mammal time here come the mammals look at those breasts now they're gonna dominate the world and one of them just learned how to grab stuff oh [ __ ] walk no like walk like that and grab stuff at the same time and bang rocks together that's impressive I can do that I can walk and grab stuff at the same time sometimes I'm gonna make pointed rocks ouch and set things on fire yeah we shouldn't make crazy sounds with their voice which can mean different things and now they're everywhere almost Ice Age what you can walk over here cool not anymore well I guess we're stuck here now let's review there's people on the planet and they're chasing their food oh that's a great way to just summarize human migration you know oh look we can walk oh now we can't go back we're stuck here oh there we go now we're gonna develop differently well I guess we're stuck here now let's review there's people on the planet and they're chasing their food [ __ ] it time to plant some grass look at this I control the food now now everyone will want to be my friend and live near me Let's all build houses except mine is bigger because I own the food this is great logic I wonder if anyone else is doing this tired of using rocks for everything use metal it's underground better farming was just invented in a sweet dank Valley right in between these two rivers and the animals are helping guess what and the Mesopotamian Delta happens next more food and more people who came to buy the food now you need people to help make the food and keep track of the sales and now you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses and now there's more people and they invent things which makes things better and more people come and there's more farming and more people to make more things for more people and now there's business money writing laws power assist [Music] civilization comes around money writing laws power Society coming soon to a dank River Valley near you meanwhile out of tank River Valley roll that one up coming soon to a dank River Valley near you meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere the horse is probably being tamed why is all my medals so lame and lumpy tired of using lame sad metal introducing bras made with special ingredient tin from the far lands of tinland Spain is now tinland that's how I'm going to refer to Spain from now on if you're Spanish sorry I'm not sorry my dealer I love how uh you know we're talking about the medals and his this is a genius segue into the Bronze Age tell me where he gets it also guess what meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere they figured out how to put wheels on a horse now we're getting somewhere also did I mentioned Middle East is getting wow I'm I'm getting just you know vertigo right now from jumping everywhere this really is a entire history of the world I guess complicated maybe because it's in the middle of the East knock knock or clap clap it's the people with the horses and they made an Empire and then everyone else copied their horses thanks ah look it must be the Greeks or a beta version of the Greeks let's check in with the Indus River you didn't just do horses oh look it must be the Greeks or a beta version the Mycenaean Greeks are just getting trolled on this isn't the Greeks as we know with you know Plato and Socrates this was before them you could argue the first version of a Greek Empire I guess they were kind of beta in that sense no the Greeks let's check in with the Indus River Valley Civilization they're gone guess who's not gone [Music] oh [ __ ] and they wrote some hymns and mantras and stuff you could make a religion out of this there's the Bronze Age collapse now the Phoenicians can get down to business also can we switch to a metal that's a little easier I got stage collapse now the Phoenicians can get down to business there's a reference to The Phoenician alphabet yes there is also can we switch to a medal that's a little easier to find thanks look who came back to Israel it's the 12 tribes even out of LeBron age hello Iron Age Israel and they believe in God just one though he's got like a 10-step program 10-step program to recovery or following Christianity here you go some huge heads must be the Olmec I love the Ten Commandments reference so we're even throwing religion in there as well and again like you talk about just Mass simplifications but this is the whole point we're giving you a brief introduction hopefully it's Stokes your curiosity you look more into it Hinduism done in a sentence Christianity how you doing the Phoenicians make some colonies the Greeks copy their idea and make some colonies the Phoenicians made a colony so big it mixed colonies here comes the Assyrian Empire never mind it's the Babylonian media Carthage one of my favorite generals of all time boss man Hannibal come on man ride those elephants in a room but that comes later nice the Phoenicians made a colony so big at mixed colonies here comes the Assyrian Empire never mind it's the Babylonian media it's the Persian Empire good this is genius this is actually genius you can mix colonies here comes the Assyrian Empire never mind it's the Babylon Syrian to Babylonians that's big oh the Buddha was just enlightened who's the Buddha this guy who sat under a tree for so long that he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make religion out of this that's how Buddhism was born basically you sit under a tree you meditate for long enough and you just forget everything else exists and who sat under a tree for so long and he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make religion out of this oops China just broke but while it was breaking Confucius was figuring out how to have good morals the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff and right it's just simple matter of fact statements like that and the humor that comes with it Confucius was figuring out how to have good morals like it just said so nonchalantly like you know we all widely accept morality nowadays and we've had discussions on it and it's like oh look they're just discovering like killed people bad have patience respect others around you fuchsius was figuring out how to have good morals ah the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about stuff and right over here Alexander just had the I got to see this Ducks hang on Greeks thinking about something about how to have good morals ah the Greeks just had the idea of thinking about I'm thinking about the sky I'm thinking about the yep that's that's pretty much Western philosophy right there in a nutshell and right over here Alexander just had the idea of Conquering the entire Persian Empire it's a great idea he was great and now he's dead hopefully the rest of them he was great it was literally called Alexander the Great word play again there are bars caked into this unfortunately he got sick and that was it he died and we'll be able to share the Empire evenly between them knock knock at chamber Gupta he says get the hell out of here will you get the hell out of here if I give you 500 elephants okay thanks bye India for most of the year but what about this part that's the Tamil Kings No One conquers the Tamil Kings who are the Tamil Kings Legends probably and they've got spices who would like to buy the spices me said the Arabians swiftly buying it and selling it to the rest of the world hey China put itself back together again I like how this feels like a video game at times morals is their main philosophy actually they have three main philosophies out taoism go with the flow followed by uh if you don't obey the law and you go with the flow all the time uh you're screwed this is their main philosophy actually they have three main philosophies out here the horse Nomads run wild and free and they would like to ransack your city it is more coins the greekification levels of the greekified kingdoms greekification overload why said the parthians bye said the Jews I said the parthians taking over the entire place at the Romans eating the entire Mediterranean for breakfast thanks for invading our homeland said the Jews were starting to get tired of people invading their Homeland hi everything's great said some guy who seems to be getting very popular and has been arrested and killed for being too popular which only makes it more popular you can make a religion out of this want silk that is the tagline for every religion that has been invented so far an event happens and then the response is hey you can make a religion out of this and yeah there we go boom religion born alert is interested in kill for being too popular which only makes it so we had Old Testament and now we go New Testament all this more popular you can make a religion out of this want silk now you can buy it from China they just made up Silk Road Marco Polo [Music] said India accidentally spreading their religion to the entire Southeast that's a good place for an epic trading Kingdom there goes Buddhism traveling Oh yeah I forgot about funan funan Empire probably spreading their religion to the entire Southeast that's a good place for an epic trading Kingdom there goes Buddhism traveling up the Silk Road I wonder if it'll reached China before it collapses again remember the Persian Empire yep said the Persian is making there's a lot of trolling of China as well throughout this China built itself up China collapse China rebuild collapse rebuild collapse history of China new one axum is getting so powerful they would like to build a long stick has anyone populated Madagascar yet let's do it together it's an interesting way to talk about the African and Indonesian and Asian influences on Madagascar has anyone populated Madagascar yet let's do it together and that's how you make sex again still can't cross the Sahara Desert try camels hell yeah now we got business said the Ghana Empire selling lots of gold and slaves hi I live in the Roman Empire and I was gonna slide that one aside slice wondering is loving Jesus legal yeah no actually okay sure said Constantine moving the capital way over here to be closer to Nopal in the Byzantium Empire don't worry about Rome it won't fall [Music] there's the Gupta Empire not Chandra Gupta just Gupta first name Chandra the first guess who's in Rome barbarians what's a barbarian non-romans said the Romans being invaded by non-romans R.I.P Roman Empire or actually just half of it the other half is just fine but it's not in Rome anymore so let's give it a new name oh and here's a huge they also figured out the end of the world the population everyone the goat turrets have taken over the entire Eurasian step great job Coke Turks how's India broken how's China back together yeah that's those trading kingdoms Korea has three kingdoms Japan has a kingdom it's the sunrise Kingdom deep in the Arabian Desert oh wait short intermission all right let's keep it going of a mountain the real God Whispers In Muhammad's ear so he goes down to the cube where everyone worships gods and he tells them their gods are all fake and everyone got so mad at him that he had to leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe conquer the world as well the Roman Empire from Mecca to Medina first pilgrimage and hello welcome to Islam now I had to leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe conquer the world as well the Roman Empire is long gone but somehow the pope is still the pope plus there's new kingdoms all over Europe I wonder if there's room for Moors here's all the wisdom in a house it's the back that was funny room for more room for mores the Moors in Spain in Africa yeah at House of Wisdom just in time foreign Coast said the Swahili on the Swahili Coast remember this tiny space you have to go through to get from here to there someone owns that now want to get enlightened in the middle of nowhere the Franks have the biggest kingdom in Europe and the pope is so proud that he invites the king over for Christmas surprise you're the new Roman Emperor said the pope pretending to still be the Holy Roman Empire the Roman Empire then the Franks broke their Kingdom until what will later be called France and not France the Northerners are just Norse if you don't have much time are exploring they go north from the north to the northern North and they find some land two types of land and they name them accordingly they also I was about to say when she said they named them accordingly one of the the great genius moves of naming anything in life hello Iceland how are you this place is beautiful it's very green so naturally that's going to be called Iceland oh Greenland oh you're cold as [ __ ] yeah uh you're miserable we're going to call you Greenland yeah that makes perfect sense to the northern North and they find some land two types of land and they name them accordingly they also invade some other places and get called many names such as Vikings there's the ruse the Kevin Roos are they Vikings I don't think so said the Kevin ruse okay fair enough Viking influence hope is ready to make some more Emperors of the Roman Empire the Holy Roman Empire it's actually Germany but don't worry about it new kingdoms which brand would you like mine's better mine's better mine's better time to conquer England it is it is like a game customize the kingdoms yeah let's just play with people's lives like a video game which brand would you like mine's better mine's better mine's better time to conquer England said William it's a bird it's a plane Turks so the Byzantine Empire who's getting so small it almost doesn't exist anymore we need help they need help so they call the pope hey Pope can you help us get rid of the Celtics maybe take back the holy land on the way come on I know you want to take back first yes I do actually want to do that let's do a crusade they did many crusades some of which almost didn't fail but at least the Italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye Mayans the city states of it almost didn't fail but at least the Italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye Mayans goodbye toltecs hello Mississippi look at those Mounds there's the Pueblo that's right the the mound builders Mr weren't that like they didn't even get a cool name they were just called literally the mound builders like that's the best that we could do historically and give it to them goodbye toltecs hello Mississippi look at those Mounds there's the Pueblo I always wondered how to build a town and a cliff guess who's here come here where here and Pagan is there more word play um on conquered itself Korea just became itself and Japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over the government China just invented bombs and typing and the Mongols just invaded most of the universe nice going Genghis I bet that will last a long time some of the Islamic Turk though it all fell apart after Gang has gone but uh yeah I mean he or was it like what percentage of the world population can link itself back to Genghis Khan because he sure did do a lot of impregnating along the way in his uh his world travels did most of the universe nice going Genghis I bet that will last a long time some of the Islamic Turks were unaffected by the Mongol invasions because they were busy invading India is it Tonga time I think it's Tonga time I just found out where the Swahili I forgot about Tonga time is it Tonga time I think it's Tanga time that's the coolest name in the world wasn't there like a hundred tongas like Tong Tui one two three four five six seven eight nine ten camera which one like 10 or 11 balled out and really expanded all over the Pacific I just found out where the Swahili gets all their gold look at this Chad means like there's an Empire there right in the look at this Chad chat in Africa but playing off of being a Chad in today's world well just found out where the Swahili gets all their gold look at this Chad means like there's an Empire there right in the middle the king of Mali is so rich he's going on tour hey matsubu so we saw a bit uh epic rap battles of history everyone know wow that guy's Rich everyone said the Christians are doing a great job self-proclaimed richest man in the world Rich he's going on tour to let everyone know wow that guy's Rich everyone said I said Musa Mensa jeez Knox get it together the king of Molly is so rich he's gone oh it's matsumusa I got to write the first time don't ever question yourself on a quiz all right go with your instincts on tour to let everyone know wow that guy's Rich everyone said the Christians are doing a great job reconquering Iberia which will soon be called Spain and nuts pain please remain Christian we will check in later just everyone in Portugal is going to be really happy about that assessment Spain and not Spain if you're still Christian when you least expect whoops south of Europe just died China's back yay hey come here wow that would have made my history class so much simpler instead of like having to answer all these questions and study the Bubonic plague my teacher could have said wow half of Europe just died that's it we're done with the bubonic plike let's move on to the next error and when you least expect whoops half of Europe just died China's back yay hey come here time to share new kingdoms here and there oh look who controls all the islands it's the mahajapat majahap it oh Italy's really I would have gotten that wrong [ __ ] time for them to care a lot about art in the ancient Classics it's kind of like a rebirth here's a printer let's make books so you think you can conquer the Byzantine just again summarizing the great Italian Renaissance it's kind of like a rebirth that's it one sentence on to the next bar yep said the ottoman Turks nice job ottoman Turks oops you missed a spot don't forget to ban Europe from the Indian spice trade what that's [ __ ] said Portugal spiceless well I guess we'll have to find another way to India wait is it Christopher Columbus probably smoking crack if the world is round let's go this way to India now don't worry we already got this said Portugal so Chris goes to Spain hey Spain want to hire me to find India by going around back of the world no please no please no please okay so he sails into the ocean and discovers more ocean and then discovers the Indies and Japan let's draw a line to decide what he didn't though it's which half of the world the Aztec and Inca Empires are off to a great start I wonder if they know that Europe just discovered their continent the habsburgs are marrying into so many royal families they might have to start marrying each other move over Lithuania Here Comes Moscow Ivan wants to make Russia Great again move over team rids maybe go invade India or something Persia just made Persia Persian again let's make it the other kind of Islam the one where we thought the first guy should oh see a very soon he split again the uh the summaries are impeccable I think Persia just made Persia Persian again let's make it the other kind of Islam the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy hey Christians do you sin now you can buy your way out of hell that's [ __ ] this whole thing is [ __ ] that's a scam [ __ ] the church here's 95 reasons why Martin Luther stapling his 95 these to the church door said Martin Luther in his new book which might have accidentally started the Protestant Reformation yeah what would be magnificent said oh hang on I want to see the text on that said Martin Luther in his new book which might have accidentally started the protest [ __ ] the church no the church is okay yep that pretty much summarizes the split right there information you know what would be magnificent said Suleiman wearing an onion hat what if the Ottoman Empire was really big which it is now what if Russia was big said Ivan trying not to be terrible Portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire Indian Ocean including the spice trade and then that dream was real and Spain realized that this is not India but they pillaged It Anyway damn said England and France we could a lot of a lot have been murdered a lot man keep the coins pillaging some stuff then the Dutch Revolt and all the hipsters moved to Amsterdam damn said Amsterdam we gotta start pillaging some stuff question one can you get to India through damn said ampster damn and he even paused like just let that little word play nuggets sink in and it's just really clever I'm said Amsterdam we gotta start pillaging some stuff question one can you get to India through North America no but at least there's Beaver question two steal the spice through first right there we go by the way sexy chicken time sorry guys camera died for this uh epic recap but let's jump back into it that's not a question but the Dutch did it anyway guess where all the sugars made in Brazil stolen in the Caribbean and it's so goddamn profitable you might forget to not do slavery the next thing on Russia's to-do list is to get bigger Britain and France are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world more specifically Ohio then it escalates into a seven-year discussion giving Prussia a chance to show Austria whose boss but what about Britain and France did they figure out who's boss yes they did it's Britain guess who's broke also Britain so they start taxing the hell out of America [ __ ] you says America declaring their independence and fighting for it and France helps them win Now France is broke and Britain will have to send their prisoners to a different continent way to Francis look we sent our prisoner somewhere hi Australia how are you helps them win we're now born Francis broke and Britain will have to send their prisoners to a different Garden wait if Francis broke why did the King of Queens still wear such fancy dresses let's overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off said Robespierre cutting everybody's head off until someone eventually got mad and cut off you can make a religion no don't hideous starting to like the idea of a revolution especially that's clever we're we're so deep into this world now we have inside jokes happening you can make a religion out of this no no we're not we're not doing it this time we're done we got mad and cut his head off you can make a relent no don't Haiti is starting to like the idea of a revolution especially the slaves who free themselves by killing their masters why didn't we think of this before wait who's in charge of France now said Napoleon trying to take over Europe luckily they banished him to an island but he came back luckily they banished he came back picker stronger than ever hello Duke Wellington how are you today to another Island there goes Latin America becoming independent in the Latin American wars of Independence Britain just figured out how to turn steam into power so now they can make many different types of machines and factories with machines and [Music] then genius there's the Industrial Revolution invention trains and Conquer India and maybe put some trains there hey China said Britain buy stuff from us nah dude we already got everything says China so Britain tried to get them addicted to Opium which worked actually but then China made it illegal and dumped it all into the sea so Britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities and give them an island Britain and Russia are playing a game where they try to stop each other from conquering Afghanistan also foreign [Music] that's just where he lives India just had a revolution and they would like to govern themselves now nope said Britain governing them even harder than before ruthless colonialism and imperialism is ruthless technology shots fired left and right here about to go crazy the United States finally figured out whether slavery is good he's not even done speaking and she's again we're talking about like some serious shocking moral dilemmas here and I just love the simplification of it like these people say slavery good these people say slavery bad and the United States finally figures out that hey slavery is bad bad it's bad they decided and then they continued manifesting their Destiny which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out the Mexicans too I know let's rape Africa well Manifest Destiny which is to kill the rest of them hello are you cold this winter I here's a small pox blanket enjoy it Natives and take their land and maybe kick out the Mexicans too I know let's rape Africa said Europe scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest wow Berlin Conference right there and we've talked about this I mean they literally had like a it was like a pie chart of Africa it was like oh how you doing Holland you want that yeah you get that part of Africa uh okay let's slice this up France there you go get some of that England there you go enjoy that and it's just crazy isn't it and so many issues that we have in Africa stem today from this Berlin Conference from just the arbitrarily Drawn Lines that they did they didn't take into consideration you know natural resources all the way uh competing tribes and cultures and in a lot of instances you know they would put people within this country hey here's your country now and they didn't get along they Ward with each other they separated tribes they separated other people who were connected and yeah it just created so much just disfiguration and then obviously divide and conquer mentality that they used and they would take like the the smaller tribes they would take you know the minority percent of the population they would put them in positions of power get the majority to hate them then all of a sudden we give them Independence and hello how you doing Rwanda you have the hutus and the Tutsis and genocide happening and Civil War happening all across Africa and then you set the standard of corruption within government and all types of fun stuff and and look here you go go play it's okay you can definitely run your own country now we haven't [ __ ] you up they decided and then they continued manifesting their Destiny which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out the Mexicans too I know let's rape Africa said Europe scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest Britain and France are still hungry the United States ran out of Destiny to manifest so they're looking for more wait Spain controls Cuba well blame something on them and go to war what should we blame on Spain let's blame the main on Spain so they blame the main on Spain now we're in business to celebrate the kick Panama hello Philippines welcome to the United States of Panama and make a canal connecting the two oceans wow Britain just found oil in the Middle East China is so tough I love that little U.S flag looking that oh oil hello we might come to the Middle East at some point maybe we're being bossed around that they delete their Old Government and make a new stronger government which is accidentally weaker and controlled by a guy from the previous government Europe hasn't had a war since the last war so they start World War one look at those guns it's gonna be a great War so great we won't need a second one after it's over they blame Germany Russia went on strike in the work yeah I mean everybody blamed Germany for World War one but really World War One was a result of different alliances across Europe not like World War II where obviously Hitler obviously wants to just genocide and completely kill an entire sect of people and yeah you Hitler was not a good person but Germany in World War one was not necessarily like an evil country you can't pit that in that way right Archduke Franz Ferdinand gets murdered and then all of a sudden because of the way that the chess board is set with all these different European alliances boom right you've got England and France and then you've got Germany line on this side and unfortunately they lost the war but to the victors go the spoils everybody pointed the finger at Germany Drive Germany down Germany can't recover a lot of people are bitter a lot of people are poor don't have the same opportunities and what happens you just create the uh you know the flames and the incineries for World War II how you doing a great War so great we won't need a second one after it's over they blame Germany Russia went on strike and the workers overthrew the government now everyone's paycheck is the same communism well there you go there's uh communism just summarized in a sentence the Arabs Revolt in Britain helps now the Ottoman Empire is gone so we can give the Jewish people a place to live hopefully the Arabs won't mind let's cut yeah Palestine definitely won't mind that cake said Sykes and Paco carving up the remains of The Not So ottoman anymore Empire and then the Saudis conqueror yes Syria and Iraq they're definitely going to play nicely together if we cut that up that way Empire makes a brand new turkey and in the Saudis conquer Arabia and that's how Thanksgiving was formed seemed like the right thing to do hello yes it's the 1920s calling let's get in the car and drive to a party and listen to Jazz on the radio and go to the movies The Roaring 20s I mean he's great and it'll probably be great forever just kidding Germany's featuring Hitler the angry mustache model and he's mad at the Jews for existing Japan is finally Conquering the East and they're so excited they raped Nan King way too hard they should probably just deny him Hitler's out of control shots fired National Community tackles him and tries to explain why killing all the Jews is a bad idea but he kills himself before they could explain it to him that's World War II bonus round Pacific Showdown United States versus Japan fight finish him let's unite all the notice how it's two Extinction balls Hiroshima and Nagasaki two atomic bombs that are dropped shinsen have some Ronald peace seems legit hi I'm Gandhi and if Britain doesn't and that's how the UN was formed and it works great to this day ask Russia about that get the hell out of India I'm going to starve myself in public wow that worked bonus now there's Pakistan actually two pakistans one of them could be Bangladesh later the Jews and the Arabs finally figured out which one of them should live in the Holy Land me they both said at the same time let's divide up the land so everyone's happy look out China there's a new China in China what's on the menu communism no thanks said the other China escaping to an island I wonder which one is the real china there's the Korean yeah that's always fun I mean that's something we're gonna have to deal with down the line who knows when but uh you know Taiwan vs China the thing about Taiwan though is you know they are the heartland of semiconductors microchips that are involved in so much so much technology that is going to be a huge points of conflict in turmoil don't know when but yeah that'll happen or Korea versus Korea nobody wins then it's on pause forever let's meet the sponsors oh it's the two Global superpowers they're having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of Satan and they both have atom bombs fight Wait no that's gonna go into the world let's just keep it cool and spy on each other instead let's just keep it cool and spy on each other that's one of the greatest bars for describing the Cold War I've ever heard sure we have enough atom bombs I'll race you to space now let's make some more country the arms race between the US and the USSR and then the race to space as well and then landing on the moon very cool fight themselves Europe is tired of pillaging other continents and the continents they were pillaging are tired of being pillaged so here's a new map with new countries now you can't tell who they're being pillaged by the United States finally decided whether racism is good or bad it decided it's bad and the world agrees South Africa might I mean you think about how deep we are into this right y'all was kind of like lose faith in humanity at some point because you go wow the United States decided that racism is bad all of a sudden all all these years later States finally decided whether racism is good or bad they decided it's bad and the world agrees South Africa might need another minute to think about it let's check the world population whoa okay Nelson Mandela and apartheid South Africa might need another minute to think about it let's check the world population whoa okay technology is better too that might keep happening the Soviet Union decides to relax a little and accidentally falls apart Europe makes a union so now they can all use the same money except Britain because they don't feel like it let's check I know they didn't feel like being in Europe anymore either well surprise it's on the computer whoops someone just attacked America I bet they'll remember that phone call surprise it's in your pocket I mean still this day it's it's a huge slogan isn't it 9 11 never forget tutor whoops someone just attacked America I bet they'll remember that phone call surprise it's in your pocket want to learn everything surprise it's on the computer now your phone's a computer which is in your pocket whoops the economy just crashed don't worry the big Banks won't fail because they're not supposed to surprise flying robots with bombs want to print a brain some people have no friends some people have no food the globe is warming and the ocean is full of plastic Wow first world problems first poor country problems I don't have any friends I'm not doing well up here meanwhile some people can't even get clean water people have no food the globe is warming let's save the planet said everybody not knowing how let's invent a thing inventor said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor that's pretty cool by the way where the hell are we [Music] by the way where the hell are we I don't know if this makes me like feel good about the progress that we've made as a human race or question a lot of things you know what is genius though is obviously there's just there's so much content together like we talked about like there were so many different topics right and very complex issues I mean we went from religion to war biology the Stars the universe origin Evolution I mean everything everything just packed into this and I love the way and the creativity because it definitely kept you entertained and I feel like there's gonna be a lot of people that watch like even me like there were there were parts that I don't remember that I need to refresh from I'm like oh yeah that's pretty cool that's interesting like I want to go learn more about that now I want to go look that up and I think that's what's really clever about this you know it's not meant to perfectly explain everything it's meant to pique your interest and they keep you entertained and the way some of these jokes were written you know just the the very dry ironic humor to it all and the way that he sets it up and again this is just him talking the whole time him talking with sound effects but he's got some good break moments when he does like the sing-songing bits he gets very conversational in places so like a question and answer which I've really helps like progress it and keep it moving and keep it interesting and I didn't even notice this was almost 20 minutes basically of just unpacking the entire Globe the other dope thing too is that you know he really did try to go around the entire world you know it wasn't just the West oriented right there there was a lot of looking at other cultures other Geographic places because that is one thing that we do tend to do a lot of times we spend so much time focusing on like the west and the Western stories and heroes and people that we want to uplift that you forget it is a very very big wide world out there what'd you guys think of it comment down below anyways that was cool you were Knoxville certified hope you guys liked today's video just something different listen if you're here at the end obviously enjoying the content do me a huge favor subscribe notifications on it really does support Channel go a long way I love you stay safe stay positive just want to only knocks out I'll catch you again
Channel: Knox Hill
Views: 502,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history of the entire world I guess, bill wurtz, history of the entire world bill wurtz, history of the entire world I guess reaction, historian, historian reacts, bill wurtz history of the entire world I guess, history of the world, reaction, full analysis, explained, erb
Id: onmzn74ovgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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