Physicist REACTS to history of the entire world, i guess

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g'day guys what's going on welcome back today we're checking out a video you've been requesting for yonks so i've just made the video and i'm coming back to do this intro and i just wanted to say i watched the entire video so there's quite a bit of pausing to start when i explain a few things and then a lot of learning and a lot of watching so make sure you stick around i know a lot about natural history not too much about human history so we're going to watch that before we do that i wanted to give you a couple book suggestions because there's a bit of material to cover only in the entire history of the universe i guess and because audible has sponsored this video and i'm stoked about it because i can give you guys more book suggestions if it does well so go check it out go to dylan dance or text still and dance to 500 500 link in the bio the book suggestion a universe from nothing by lawrence krauss it'll explain to you how something can come from nothing and how something will always come from nothing has to do with the bubbling quantum foam and quantum field so go listen to an audible you won't regret it if you've been living under a rock audible is the best spoken word entertainment provider on the planet it's more than just audiobooks so it's got podcasts guided fitness sleep tracks all kinds of stuff i use it all the time as an audible member you get one credit each month you can use on their thousands of titles once you get it it's yours forever you can download it offline listen to it anywhere on their app on smartphones and if you don't use that credit you keep it forever you can even try out audible on them for 30 days so you have no excuse to not go check out a universe from nothing and again if you want to see more book suggestions make sure you go check out the link in the bio go to still and dance or text 500 500 dylan dance all right let's do it let's check out the history of the entire world i guess i guess hi you're on a rock floating in space pretty cool huh sorry if it's water not really actually most of it i can't even get from here to there without buying a boat it's sad or applying i'm sad i miss you a long time ago actually never and also now nothing is nowhere when never makes sense right like i said it didn't happen nothing was never anywhere that's why it's been everywhere it's been so everywhere you don't need to wear you don't even need a win that's how every it gets i like it nice i see something's about to come from nothing smart bang forget this i want to be something go somewhere do something i want things to change i want to invent time and space and i know it's possible because hold on so is he like interpreting the mind of god is that what's going on here because if this is going to be a history of the world i think we should stick to the facts here not you know speculation sure this could have been what happened but we again you know we should stay to the facts um but also it doesn't really make sense because he's saying time and space doesn't exist yet he's thinking which implies time how how could you have a thought if there was no such thing as time so i'm a little confused but anyway let's keep everything is here and it probably already happened i just don't know when to start and that's exactly where it started oh i paused it i think there's a universe now what's it made of now ah that's a thing so stuffs like neutrinos you got electrons you got photons wonderful stuff corks are really cool that would have happened i think it's like a second after the big bang before then um there's lots of weird stuff going on so he's just skipped over it so before the big bang inflation dramatic period where the universe just went just blew up and then uh i don't mean literally i mean like expanded and then the big bang happened um we don't know what happened before inflation nobody knows at a different time try to stick together because the world is going to grow bigger and emptier but it's not yeah so i should also say within that first second is when the four fundamental forces emerged um they kind of might have emerged from a single grand unified force we think it's not proven um and so you've got the quantum fields in there it's still very full and about a jillion degrees great news the quarks are now happening very hot it's like what is it the first second is i think it was it's like 10 to the 32 kelvin which probably means absolutely nothing to you that's like 100 million trillion trillion kelvin again probably admits nothing to you but uh let me put it into perspective so how long do you think it takes for a million seconds to go by comment down under take a guess take a stab a week and a half now how long do you think a billion seconds takes to go by again comment down under so you can see how wrong everyone is it's about and then a trillion is like 32 000 years so you can quickly see you know as these numbers get large you just your mind your monkey brain can't handle it and we just kind of have a brain fog groups of three called a proton so this is uh when did this happen like three minutes i think these are just facts you can look up so there's no point in remembering a lot of this stuff um but yeah protons and neutrons formed very quickly after the big bang and he's demonstrating something here called color see how they've got so the proton there is made up of three things they're quarks inside there and they're different colors because there's something called color charge in quantum chroma dynamics um you won't get to that stuff till really deep in physics uh because the math is really hairy uh anyway let's keep watching let's see where he's there's something else flying around too that wants to join in but can't because it's still too it's very hot great news the protons and neutrons are now happily married to each other some of them even doubled up nuclei of atoms that's not even a joke it was like three minutes later so and he just went straight to 380 000 years all right congratulations the world is now a bunch of gas in space so let's get it closer together and you didn't mention the cosmic microwave background radiation which was the universe became transparent to photons at about 380 000 years and that's when uh this first light sort of was emitted and we call it so when we look at the sky this is the oldest light we can see this cosmic microwave background radiation when you look at a tv a static one yeah it goes one percent of that static is radiation coming from it's like an echo of the big bang which is sitting together so here comes so that was actually roughly about a hundred i think the current estimate is about 100 million years after the big bang and he skipped over a bunch of periods so it's like from uh the big bang to like 308 000 years we call it recombination you've got atoms and stuff forming and then the cosmic microwave background and then there's all other kinds of periods but he's just skipped over them so we'll skip some stars burn out bigger stars burn out and die with passion that makes them brand new way crazier [ __ ] it's definitely crazy [ __ ] and yeah it's a good way of putting it they died with passion because they're so much bigger they're able to fuse heavier elements and this just causes a much bigger explosion they live for such a short time as well that's where the saying comes from you know the brighter the star you know the shorter it lives um and they live for like 10 million years these ones that are capable of going supernova whereas a normal star a very average star like our and sun lives to like 10 billion which allows newer more interesting stars to be made and then die and explode so now stars have cool stuff this is a fantastic video like i shouldn't even be making this i'm just going to be making this boring so i apologize for ruining your favorite video on the internet this is the sort of thing we should be showing in schools this is very fun um i think kids would love it because it's very you know snappy like tick tock every seven seconds you gotta cut like rocks ice and funny clouds which can make funny clouds i think he's referring to like or clouds here so the old cloud is kind of like i don't know if we i think it's the boundary of the solar system but kind of not um it's almost no it's not i think we make that closer so the oil cloud uh is like a spherical shell of like rocks and stuff around our star and it's like halfway to the nearest star so it's way out there um and when stars you know they're going around the galaxy they come near each other and they launch a lot of this stuff towards the planets and that's where it comes from the sport club so some very interesting things like this ball of flaming rocks for example holy [ __ ] we're just going to question when does the earth become flat i'm kidding and it kind of made a mess which is nice weather update it's raining rocks from outer space weather update those rocks might have had water inside them and now there's hot steam in the sky weather update cooler temperatures today and the floor is no longer lava weather update it's raining severe flooding alert the entire world is now an ocean yeah so he just demonstrated how we think water came from like comets and asteroids and stuff like literally all the water on the planet that again is speculation there's other um ideas some people think it came actually from inside the earth anyway so volcanoes here comes the atmosphere spews out all the stuff and what happens oh cool like a plant or an animal no it's a microscopic speck it lives at the bottom of the ocean and eats chemical soup which is being served hot and fresh made from gnarly space ingredients left over from when it was running rocks or whatever oh yeah and it can do that it has secret instructions written inside itself telling it how to build another one of itself so that's pretty nifty i would say tired of living at the bottom of the ocean so he's not doing a great job at like making you aware of what speculation and what's factual there's a lot of this stuff like how life started on earth where the ingredients for life even come from we again think it was like meteorites itself amino acids but we don't know for sure we just don't know that stuff here using a revolutionary technique you can convert sunlight into food side effect now there's oxygen everywhere in the sky is blue then there you go no all the oxygen in our atmosphere again we think we're pretty sure came from life on earth um and a lot of people think that most of the oxygen in our atmosphere comes from rain forest it's not true it actually comes from the ocean 70 percent of all the oxygen in our atmosphere we think comes from phytoplankton and microbes in the ocean and like 28 the rainforest so just demonstrates how important it is to keep our oceans healthy um you know you've probably heard about all the plastics micro plastics in the ocean ocean dies we all die and even if you know you know you kill too many species in the ocean everything still might die because ecosystems are very delicate and there's something called a trophy cascade where you take out a couple things and everything you know that was in a delicate balance is now just dead well for a while maybe even a couple of times it's a sponge so i should say as well i have a degree in environmental science that's why i know a bit about earth's natural history as well very interested just in natural history as in general like i don't know too much about human history i'll admit and i also want to point out it's only two minutes into the video there's still 17 and we're already up to like life emerging so i guess he's demonstrating that time is relative because obviously this is going to be a very human-centric video with human history um and history of the world you know i feel like you should probably mention it's probably aliens around having their own intricate histories their own videos where they're like the center of the video anyway let's keep watching the snowball earth as well very cool period there's evidence for that we we're fairly sure that really did happen on the equator there's these grind like scratch marks into the bedrock which we think comes from glaciers as they pick up as they move they pick up rocks and they drag them and when they drag them over the rocks we think glaciers were there and we find them out there some other types of weird strange watering all of those animals pretty much died i think it's like 99.9 for the cambrian there was a mass extinction event and they just got destroyed and that's true for all life on earth in fact in the history the history of life and earth they've pretty much all died so jurassic park was wrong life does not find a way it bloody struggles what is this the sun is a deadly laser yeah okay it is not a laser as much as i like that sound that the sun is not a laser so big difference the sun the laser light is coherent light so it's like mostly the same wavelength and it's all in phase and so you if you've got you imagine the light it's but you know sunlight and laser light both made of photons but laser light the wavelengths so if you imagine you know waves they're all in phase the peaks and troughs align with sunlight they're all out of phase it's all incoherent and you've got all the wavelengths so it's it's very different stuff and you don't find lasers in nature so it's not quite true but going back is what i just wanted to mention with the life stuff another really important thing i wanted to mention is that currently every 24 hours 127 species are going extinct which sounds like a lot and it is a lot because we can actually gauge from the fossil record how the background rate of extinction and it's about a thousand times less which suggests humans are really having an impact on the environment and we're dramatically you know destroying wildlife at an increasing rate so you know when people don't want to believe global warming is a thing and humans are accelerating it this is another area you can show and go look humans are make you're having a significant impact on our environment and it's not good we need to do more now the animals can go online come on animals let's go on land nope can't walk yet and there's no food yet so i don't care we were all fish okay will you learn to walk if there's plants up here yeah maybe said some bugs and fish it's funny because that's probably exactly how okay so i can go on land but i have to go back in the water there's something called a lung fish in australia and we call it a living fossil because it's like a really old animal that's a demonstration of you know something and they're still around and uh these fish that i think it was their gall bladder that turned into a lung and they could go up and like breathe oxygen and so it shows one of the dramatic mutations i guess in through the evolutionary history of life on earth it was an egg i was already doing that use a stronger egg put water in it and have a baby amphibians reptiles baby in the egg in the water in the egg works for me and now everything's huge including bugs wanna see a map of the land if aliens ever come to earth let's just show them this video and that's all we need to do if we ever send out another golden record we should put this video on it we'll call it the golden we'll make a golden iphone um if you don't know what that is we sent out these spacecraft in the 70s and they had this golden record in it and it has a bunch of stuff about humans and it's just floating out through the void it'll pass by some near stars eventually so if aliens ever pick it up it's got some music on it too like beethoven johnny be good and if we send out the golden iphone one day it'll have like mumble wrap on it or something and the aliens will be like what the hell happened to these guys oh [ __ ] now everything's dead just kidding you're the survivors keep your eye on this one because it's about to become the dinosaur all right there's another map of the land yeah it broke apart don't worry about it does that all the time here comes the meteors are carbon it's mammal time here come the mammals there's those breasts now they're going to dominate the world and one of them just learned how to grab stuff and walk you know like walk like that grab stuff at the same time and bang rocks so yeah sorry to break it to you you're an ape you're a hairless monkey i think we do pretty well for a bunch of hairless apes you know we drive on the opposite side of the road it generally works out so we're doing pretty well and if you're watching this you are a great great ape he's banging rocks what you can walk over here cool not anymore well i guess we're stuck here now let's review there's people on the planet and they're chasing their food time to plant some grass look at this i control the food now now everyone will want to be my friend and live near me let's all build houses except mine is bigger because i own the food this is great i wonder if anyone else is doing this tired of using rocks for everything use metal it's underground better farming was just invented in a sweet dank valley right in between these two rivers and the animals are helping guess what happens and more people who came to buy the food now you need people to help make the food and keep track of the sales and now you need houses for people to live in and people to make the houses and now there's more people and they invent things which makes things better and more people come and there's more farming and more people to make more things for more people and now there's business money writing laws power coming soon to a dank river valley near you meanwhile out in the middle of nowhere the horse is probably being tamed why is all my medals they skipped over a really important point which is um like 30 000 years ago the first cave paintings popped up why is this an interesting point because before that period we weren't painting on caves so like what the hell changed um we think modern humans been around for about a million years and then for whatever reason we just started painting animals on caves like our brains changed i don't want to say consciousness emerged because i think animals are conscious but something definitely changed at that point um and the oldest cave painting up until recently was in france it was 30 000 years old and then indonesia we found one in indonesia 42 000 years old which is pretty cool so you know 42 meaning of life the universe and everything tired of using lame sad metal introducing made with special ingredient tin from the far lands of tin land i don't know my dealer won't tell me where he gets it also guess what while out in the middle of nowhere they figured out how to put wheels on a horse now we're getting somewhere also china did i mention it the middle east is getting more complicated maybe because it's in the middle of the east it's the people with the horses and they made an empire and then everyone else copied their horses so i just had a quick break there were some noisy people in the house so i grabbed a coffee let's get back into it made with special ingredient tin from the far lands of tin land i don't know my dealer won't tell me where he gets it also guess what meanwhile the middle east is getting more complicated maybe because it's in the middle of the east knock knock or clop clop it's the people with the horses and they made an empire and then everyone else copied their horses oh look it must be the greeks inside the beta version of the greeks let's check in with the indus river valley civilization they're gone guess who's not gone insult you could make a religion out of this there's the bronze age nearly every also can we switch to a metal that's a little easier to find thanks look who came back to israel it's the 12 tribes of israel and they believe in god just one though he's got like a 10-step program here's some huge heads must be the olmecs the phoenicians make some colonies make some colonies the phoenicians made a colony so big makes colonies here comes the assyrian empire never mind it's the babylonian media civilization who's the buddha this guy who sat under a tree for so long that he figured out how to ignore the fact that we're all dying you can make a religion out of this oops china just broke but while it was breaking confucius was figuring out how to have good morals ah the greeks just had the idea of thinking about it right over here just had the idea of conquering the entire idea what i want to say he was great and now he's dead hopefully the rest of the gang will be able to share the empire evenly between them knock knock it's chambra gupta he says get the hell out of here will you get the hell out of here if i give you 500 elephants okay thanks bye but what about this part that's the tamil kings no one conquers the tamil kings who are the tamil kings merchants probably and they've got spices who would like to buy the spices me said the arabians swiftly buying it and selling it to the rest of the world hey china put itself back together again with good morals as their main philosophy actually they have three main philosophies out here the horse nomads run wild and free and they would like to ransack your city let's check the greekification levels of the greekified kingdoms greekification overload by said the parthians by said the jews hi said the parthians taking so much thanks for invading our homeland said the jews who are starting to get tired of people invading their homeland hi everything's great said some guy who seems to be getting very popular and isn't arrested and killed for being too popular which only makes this popular you can make a religion out of this want silk now you can buy it from china they just made it sick new trade routes accidentally spreading their religion to the entire southeast that's a good place for an epic trading kingdom there goes buddhism traveling up the silk road i wonder if it'll reach china before it collapses again remember the persian empire yep said the persians making a new one aksum is getting so powerful they would like to build a long stick has anyone really been mad at gas car yet let's do it together always wanted to go to madagascar i'm not going to lie then i was reading recently that still can't blast the side of the desert hell yeah now we got business said the ghana empire selling lots of gold enslaved hi i live in the roman empire and i was wondering is loving jesus legally no actually okay sure said constantine moving the capital way over here to be closer to his main rival don't worry about running just trying to think if i can retain any of this i'm actually learning anything here we go empire the first guess who's in rome barbarians what's a barbarian non-romans said the romans being invaded by non-romans r.i.p roman empire actually just half of it the other half is just fine but it's not in rome anymore so let's give it a new name the mayans have figured out the stats oh and here's a huge city population everyone the goat turks have taken over the entire eurasian step great job coke turks how's india broken how's china back together how's those trading kings so he goes down to the cube where everyone worships gods and he tells them their gods are all fake and everyone got so mad at him when he had to leave town and go to a different town you can make a religion out of this and maybe conquer the world as well the roman empire is long gone but somehow the pope is still the pope plus there's new kingdoms all over europe i wonder if there's room for moors come on man when's australia gonna get the just in time for the islamic golden age let's bring stuff to the coast and sell it and become the swahili on the swahili coast said the swahili on the swahili coast remember this tiny space you have to go through to get from here to there someone owns that now want to get enlightened in the middle of nowhere the franks have the biggest kingdom in europe and the pope is so proud that he invites the king over for christmas surprise you're the new roman emperor said the pope pretending to still be part of the roman empire then the franks broke their kingdom into what will later be called france and not france the northerners are just norris if you don't know are exploring they go north from the north to the northern north america they find some land types of land and they name them accordingly guys they'll try to make some other places and get called many people in the show australia man there's the roost the kevin rose are they vikings i don't think so yeah okay fair enough the pope is ready to make some more emperors of the roman empire the holy roman empire it's actually germany but don't worry about it new kingdoms which brand would you like mine's better mine's better mine's better time to conquer england said william it's a bird said the byzantine empire who's getting so small and almost doesn't exist anymore they need help so they don't call them i want to help you get rid of the celtics maybe take back the holy land on the way come on i know you want to take back the holy land yes i do actually want to do that let's do a crusade they did many crusades some of which almost didn't fail but at least the italians got some sweet trade deals goodbye mayans goodbye toltecs hello mississippi look at those mounds there's the pueblo i always wondered how to build a town and a cliff guess who's here come here where here and pagan is there vietnam unconquered itself korea just became itself and japan is so addicted to art that the military might have to take over china just invented bombs and typing and the mongols just invaded most of the universe nice going genghis i bet that will last a long time some of the islamic turks were unaffected by the mongol invasions because they were busy invading india i'm not going to try i just found out where the swahili gets all over look at this chad means lake there's an empire right in the middle of the king of mine is so wow that guy's rich everyone said the christians are doing a great job reconquering iberia which will soon be called spain and not spain please remain christian we will check in later to see if you're still christian when you least expect whoops half of europe just died china's back yay hey come here time to share new kingdoms here and there oh look who controls all the islands it's the mahajapit oh italy is really rich time for them to care a lot about her it's kind of like a rebirth let's make books that's where that uh final second on the cosmic calendar starts the i can't even say the word i'm not going to try between the 14th and 17th century that's when that final second renaissance renaissance why can't i say it you think you can conquer the byzantine empire yep said the ottoman turks nice job ottoman turks oops you missed a spot don't forget to ban europe from the indian spice trade what that's [ __ ] said portugal spiceless well i guess we'll have to find another way to eat around everyone all right wait said christopher columbus probably smoking crack if the world is round let's go this way to india now don't worry we already got this again why hasn't he shown where these ideas were born from like the the idea that the earth is possibly round that was a fantastic idea i believe by arabs hey spain want to hire me to find india by going around back of the world no please no please no please okay so he sails into the ocean and discovers more ocean and then discovers the indies let's draw a line which half of the world the aztec and empires are off to a great start i wonder if they know that europe just discovered their continent the habsburgs are marrying into so many royal families they might have to start marrying each other move over lithuania here comes moscow ivan wants to make russia great again move over timarids maybe go invade india or something persian again let's make it the other kind of islam the one where we thought the first guy should have been the other guy hey christians do you sin now you can buy your way out of hell that's [ __ ] this whole thing is [ __ ] that's a scam [ __ ] the church here's 95 reasons why said martin luther in his new book which might have accidentally started the protestant reformation you know what would be magnificent without showing our greatest ideas which led to our current society you know like the copernican principle copernicus suggested that possibly the earth isn't the center of the universe and that actually earth goes around the sun and not the other way around so that was a massive revelation at the time um and some people got burned alive for even following this copernican belief i believe copernicus set it up so he released this theory upon his deathbed so he didn't get in trouble by the church and a guy called giordano bruno just after copernicus's death sort of was believing it um openly and yeah you got burna life which is pretty awful um and where where was the library of alexandria why didn't they show that again there's lots of important points in history he's not sure if russia was big said ivan trying not to be terrible portugal had a dream that they controlled the entire indian ocean including the spice train and then that dream was real and spain realized that this is not india but they pillaged it anyway damn said england and france we gotta start pillaging some stuff then the dutch revolt and all the hipsters moved to amsterdam damn said amsterdam we gotta start pillaging some stuff question one can you get to india through north america no but at least there's beaver question two steal the spice trade that's not a question but the dutch did it anyway guess where all the sugars made in brazil in the caribbean and it's so goddamn profitable you might forget to not do slavery the next thing on russia's to-do list is to get bigger britain and france are having a friendly discussion about who should control the entire world more specifically ohio then it escalates into a seven-year discussion giving prussia a chance to show austria who's boss but what about britain and france did they figure out who's boss yes they did it's britain guess who's broke also britain so they start taxing the hell out of america [ __ ] you says america declaring their independence and fighting for it and france helps them win now france britain will have to send their prisoners to a different continent wait if francis broke why the king and queen i just saw australia for about 0.1 seconds and if you blinked you would have missed it but he showed how british convicts got sent to australia and that's exactly what i am i am the ants my ancestors are convicts everyone in australia descendants of convicts uh they originally i think got sent to tasmania which was called van diemen's land back then um really desolate place and that's where like tasmanian devils and tasmanian tigers lived so yeah i'm glad to see australia got a bit of a you know so we're such fancy let's overthrow the palace and cut all their heads off said robespierre cutting everybody's head off until someone eventually got mad and cut his head off you can make a religion no don't haiti is starting to like the idea of a revolution especially the slaves who free themselves by killing their masters charge of france now said napoleon trying to do here is it luckily they've rushed something standing in front of what they used luckily they banished him to another island there goes latin america becoming independent in the latin american wars of a lot of independence real fast then they invent some trains and conquer india and maybe put some trains there hey china said britain buy stuff from us nah dude we already got everything says china so britain tried to get them addicted to opium which worked actually but then china made it illegal and dumped it all into the sea so britain threw a hissy fit and made them open up five cities and give them an island britain and russia are playing a game where they try to stop each other from conquering afghanistan also the sultan of oman lives in zanzibar now that's just where he lives india just had a revolution and they would like to govern themselves now nope said britain governing them even harder than before technology is about crazy the united states finally figured out whether slavery is good or bad it's bad they decided and then they continued manifesting their destiny which is to kill the rest of the natives and take their land and maybe kick out the mexicans too i know let's rape africa said europe scrambling to see who could rape it the fastest they never got ethiopia britain and france are still hungry wait spain controls cuba well blame something on them and go to war what should we blame on spain let's blame the main on spain so they blame the main on spain so let's be honest this is more of like a history of wars on earth because he's just skipped over like faraday maxwell all these really important people who discovered their discoveries changed our world as we know it um and then yeah we're positive so he's skipping einstein maxwell i mean i already said maxwell's skipping plank all these people who gave us really important insights into this universe um again which led to all the technology we currently have just skipped over like it didn't happen or it didn't have any impact on the world you know like anyway i still love this video i might delete their own government and make a new stronger government which is accidentally weaker and controlled by a guy from the previous government europe hasn't had a war since the last war so they start world war one look at those guns it's gonna be a great war so great we won't need a second one after it's over they blamed germany russia went on strike and the workers over through the arabs revolt and britain helps now the ottoman empire's gone so we can give the jewish people a place to live hopefully the arabs won't mind let's cut the cake said sykes and pico carving up the remains of the not so ottoman anymore empire except turkey turkey makes a brand new turkey and then the saudis conquer arabia it just seemed like the right thing to do hello yes it's the 1920s calling let's get in the car and drive to a party and listen to jazz on the radio and go to the movies the economy's great and it'll probably be great forever just kidding germany's back featuring hitler the angry mustache he's mad at the jews for existing japan is finally conquering the east and they're so excited they raped mankind way too hard they should probably just deny it bonus round pacific showdown united states versus japan fight out of any of the wars i know the most of the [ __ ] world war let's unite all the nations and have some world peace seems legit hi i'm gandhi and if britain doesn't get the hell out of india i'm going to starve myself in public wow that worked bonus now there's pakistan actually two pakistans one of them could be bangladesh later the jews in the arabs finally figured out which one of them should live in the holy land me they both said at the same time let's divide up the land so everyone's happy they both get angry look out china there's a new china on china what's on the menu communism no thanks said the other china escaping to an island i wonder which one is the real china there's the korean korea versus korea nobody wins then it's on pause forever let's meet the sponsors oh it's the two global superpowers they're having a friendly debate over which economic system is good and which one is an evil virus of satan and they both have atom bombs fight wait no that would be the end of the world let's just keep it cool and spy on each other instead make sure we have enough arms i'll race out of space now let's make some more countries fight themselves europe is tired of killing another atmosphere if they were pillaging or tired of being pillaged so here's a new map with new countries now you can't tell who they're being pillaged by the united states finally decided whether racism is good or bad they decided that in the atmosphere for a long period let's check the world population whoa yep bang okay that's a problem technology's better too that might keep happening the soviet union decides to relax a little and accidentally falls apart europe makes a union so now they can all use the same money except britain because they don't feel like it let's check the mail surprise it's on the computer whoops someone just attacked america i bet they'll remember that phone call surprise it's in your pocket want to learn everything surprise it's on the computer now your phone's a computer which is in your pocket whoops the economy just crashed don't worry the big banks won't fail because they're not supposed to surprise flying robots with bombs want to print a brain some people have no friends some people have no food the globe is warming and the ocean is full of plastic let's save the planet said everybody not knowing how let's invent a thing inventor said the thing inventor inventor after being invented by a thing inventor that's pretty cool by the way where the hell are we that is a fantastic ending um yeah that geez that coin about climate change and you know everyone wanting to fix it but not knowing anything about the world so they can't do anything about it that is the world we live in unfortunately if you did such a great job of compressing 14 billion years into what is it an 18 minute video so props to this guy i will definitely do some more of this sort of video where i watch stuff on the internet so if you have any good ideas for videos like this i can watch and we can watch together and break down and discuss comment down under let me know and thanks for watching like and subscribe i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Dylan J. Dance
Views: 325,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history of the entire world i guess, history of the entire world, bill wurtz, physics student reacts to - history of the entire world, physicist reacts, physicist, physics, science, astrophysics, astrophysicist reacts, history of japan, still a piece of garbage, bill wurtz here comes the sun, oversimplified, bill wurtz history of the world, history of the world, history of the world i guess, history of the universe, cosmology, react, reaction, reacting to history of the entire world
Id: NxyaDmy85Zs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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