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we lost two soldiers then it all changed nah literally then it was all blit we married mainstream thought that it was all the fling then the white boy came and it was all the same suddenly rap was backpacking in the cul-de-sacs with skull caps and stalling backs against the rap tap middle america but little erica the parents gasp lindsay dropped it low but really it was all apparent track music hit the scene atl at the fluid a new black movement from young jocks to jeezy young jocks of wheezing whoever sees this and subscribes right now we get a free fish i just need you to enter all of your personal details below what's going on youtube it's knoxville and we're back with our reaction series so today today man today is a special day it is a special day because we are going to make history you all have spoken in the comment section and it is time to welcome bo burnham to the channel for the very first time and i thought what better way to get this started than with his song welcome to the internet but before we go any further i read a stat that 70 percent of you who watch these videos are not subscribed do me a favor watch this video if you like it consider supporting the channel directly subscribe notifications on guys it bumps me up in the algorithm recommends me that other people who might like channels like this very one but anyways anyways we know we're here for bo burnham step up to the plate let's see what you got welcome to the internet have a look around anything that brain of yours can think of can be found we've got mountains of content some better some worse [Laughter] i had no idea what to expect with this man that looks like my room when i was five years old and i used to put up all the little glowing stars around the ceiling so i can look at it at night time but in this case we got bo burnham sat down and what looks like a keyboard that is just way too small for him and now he's telling us about the beautiful wonderful world of the internet and what really strikes me is his cadence it's like it's so conversational but like singing at the same time like just walking you through a lot of personality injected into this all right let's get into the lyrics have a look around anything that brain of yours can think of can be found we've got mountains of content some better some worse if none of it's we've got mountains of content some better some worse i love the way that that's put it it feels like a sales pitch for why you should follow the internet and it's like one of those just cheesy 70s commercials when it's just like so over the top and energetic and everything is awesome yeah we've got mountains of content some better some worse if none of it's of interest to you you'd be the first welcome to the internet come and take us i love that that's so clever the way that that's put if not if it's of interest to you you'd be the first the first one ever right it's almost like a challenge it sparks you to want to get on the internet and go yeah maybe this won't be for me but they know that once they get you you're hooked and at the same time talking about the internet and the peer pressures of the internet and in this case it's using the logic of peer pressure against you well everyone else is doing it so why shouldn't you do you you'd be the first welcome to the internet come and take a seat would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet there's no need to panic this isn't a test just nod or shake your head and this isn't a test nervous like anxiety laugh right there i love i love how his tone is just it's so positive and we're just jumping from just seemingly completely random things like look you could get your news again playing off of the mountains of content and on the flip side of things you could check out celebrities feet welcome to the world of wikifeet if you haven't looked that up yet don't do it but those of you that do hey it's okay we don't judge around here it's the internet the panic this isn't a test just nod or shake your head and we'll do the rest welcome to the internet what would you prefer would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur be happy be horny just just the way that it's put again i can't i can't get over just the the irony to the tone and the way that he's he's just putting all of this you know you can fight for civil rights or he could pose something terrible like a racial slur and it's all gravy around here and the other thing that got me was just kind of the automation like it doesn't so far into this it doesn't feel like it's bow talking it feels like it's it's the internet itself like a robot speaking to you like faking emotion like there's something soulless behind the words and the personality that he's using to say these things it's almost it's it's troubling welcome to the internet what would you prefer would you like to fight for civil rights or tweet a racial slur like this be horny be bursting with rage we got a million different ways to engage welcome to the internet put your cares aside here's a tip for straining pasta here's a nine-year-old who died we got puppies and doctors and fantasy sports and a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters in harry potter [ __ ] each other welcome to the internet hold on to you [Laughter] that right there in that voice and how he gets it out so quickly that's one of his just like him doing a stand-up comedy and one of bows sort of punch lines when he throws that in there and again just the way that that laugh is the way that it guides you i mean it's it's just it's eye-opening it's like hey yeah this is [ __ ] up but it's okay apparently because it's on the internet hugs for everybody you want to see you know a series that was made for children and watching his children develop and became teenagers all of a sudden just be so twisted and dark i mean listen if there's anything that exists on the internet there's a there's a good chance that there's some type of porn for it somewhere internet people it's great pencil drawings of all the different characters in harry potter [ __ ] each other welcome to the internet hold on to your socks cause the random guy just kindly sends you photos of his [ __ ] they are grainy and off-putting he just sent you more don't act surprised you know you like it you [ __ ] see him at my head and get offended i love how he just speeds up just the tempo right there and it's like bring you in bring you in and then after you're in take you on the ride almost like the automation of being on the internet and what's again just the way that he flips lines and the the satire and the irony with which he looks at it and his lens of seeing the world it's definitely a darker very dry wit sort of humor but in this case i love how he's speaking on you know you're a female you get you open your inbox and there's a big giant pp in your way for the day and uh somehow it gets flipped by all the incels online and you're the one who secretly likes it and because you like it you're a [ __ ] even though you never asked for it in the first place and you don't want to see it but that's just the way of just bending the narrative and misplacing the blame and misplacing the emotions and putting it on the female and that's why i love bo's word choice there calling the female the [ __ ] in the situation when she didn't ask for this and she did nothing for that but it gets flipped and all of a sudden the blame somehow gets placed on that direction when it came from this way very good stuff and again just such random things you know jumping from the news to harry potter uh hentai dropping into omegle cox just all over the place but that is that is the internet i mean it goes from a to x y square root of pi like that i mean let's keep it going and we send you photos of his [ __ ] they are grainy and not pudding he just sent you more don't act surprised you know you like it you [ __ ] see amanda get offended see us straight show us pictures of your children tell us every thought you think start up oh shout out to all my facebook friends now as they get older and have kids and now i just know everything that your child is doing thank you for sharing that with me it's fantastic i love to see what johnny has pooped today keep it solid people oh [ __ ] but then i mean again the the lack of censorship on the internet and you can see gruesome things like the nine-year-old dying line that was gruesome and then all of a sudden see someone get beheaded and then you know this internet which is supposed to be happy and awesome and we're like sales pitching for it now all of a sudden you're upset now you have psychological distress now you gotta go see a shrink because of what you saw online in this happy wonderful magical world of disney type of place get offended see a shrink show us pictures of your children tell us every thought you think start a rumor buy a broom or send a death threat to a boomer or dm a girl and groomer do a zoomer find a tumor in your here's a healthy breakfast option you should kill your mom find it oh i was trying to process the other lines and literally the last line that just sunk into my mental wish you should kill your mom oh [ __ ] man look the internet of things you know you can buy something go get yourself a broom meanwhile uh while you're here you could also go turn into a pedophile if you want and try to groom someone at this i mean the extremes i like how he's pointing out like normal casual things you can do great things from the internet like you know keeping yourself informed educating yourself on things and then this dark underworld that also exists but the way that he couples all these things they're they're within the same lines a lot of times they're within the same bar so admits this wonderful rosy world there's this dark underside but he's just like so accepting and just so you know matter-of-fact about the dark underside and yeah you can uh be encouraged to kill your mom on it and or you could have someone probably tell you to kill yourself and kill your mom girl and groomer do a zoomer find a tumor in your here's a healthy breakfast option you should kill your mom here's why women never [ __ ] you here's how you can build a bomb which power ranger are you take this quirky quiz obama sent the immigrants to vaccinate your kids could i interest you in i like that camerawork vaccinate your kids and every single punch of the syllabus right there just turned with him and changed camera angles and shout out to all our conspiracy theorists all there and all those that just get perpetuated by the internet yes it is true immigrants are coming to vaccinate your kids as we know and then again some of the darker stuff that we're getting into you can learn how to uh build a bomb on the internet i've said a lot of things that are probably going to get flagged in the algorithm right now i'm sure this video is not going to do immigrants to vaccinate your kids [Music] apathy is a tragedy and boredom is a crime having no feeling no emotion to things that is that is a tragedy when you can just feel so much on the internet and just go through the whole spectrum of emotions a little bit of everything this to me is just this is taking the feeling of sensory overload literally that the internet can provide people in and how dangerous it can be it can be so amazing and awesome but so dangerous at the same time and just overwhelming and encapsulating that into the form of a song and this this little bit right here which i'm guessing is the chorus wow that that really dives into it right there i like that boredom is a crime why would you ever be bored again peer pressure you can't sit down and do nothing get online go help your life get up people everything is awesome tragedy and boredom is a crime anything and everything all of the time good i interest you in everything all of the time a little bit of everything all at the time apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime anything and everything all of the time [Music] tone switch i love how the lights turn off you know beat switches wasn't always like this okay not very long ago just before your time right before the towers fell circa 99. this was catalogues travel blogs ah chat room or two we set our sights and spend does anybody remember aol and you know as the internet was dialing up [Music] wow maybe knox is a boomer from her2 we set our sights and spent our nights waiting [Music] for you you that's so scary [Music] mommy let you use her ipad you were barely two and it did all the things we designed it to do now look at you look at you i love the way he says that like parent looking at their baby for the first time but in this case it's like a demon parent looking on the child's soul they're about to suck out of them they're just the oh yes come closer this is this is freaky love the tone change there and talking about the internet circa 99 the 2000s because after the 2000s then definitely there was a transformation i mean the internet got faster sites changed youtube a row social media really arose and the the way that people consumed online and how much times people people spent online drastically changed and you know also in that time we can't undervalue phones and i love how he picks ipads there obviously in the advent of ipads and just having tablets and just handheld devices that all of a sudden connect you to the internet was before you had to have a big clunky computer you had to dial in things were slow it took a long time for pages to load novice and everything was so much faster and it was right there in the palm of your hand and so accessible and i just love how when he walks us down that little history lesson like the whole tone changes it's not stars and shining lights anymore we just we talk about the legacy and how things have turned over time i'll look at you oh [Music] your time is now your insides out honey how you grew and if unstoppable you feels like uh again just a bunch of yes men and peers on the internet yeah you can do it you can do anything let's all go cancel someone today whoopty do and then unstoppable in the sense so i take that from the darker undertones like once you start you literally can't stop like this is this is addicting it rewires and re-circuits our brains and now we just consume consume consume and we need engagement engagement engagement and more and more and more and the beast continues to grow and needs to be found and then oh the inside out is what i was stopping it for too i like that because literally like taking your insides out like literally we we post every emotion that we go through nowadays there's no more like keeping thoughts to yourself it's all got to be shared it's all got to be put out there into the [Music] stick space who knows what we'll do it was always the plan to put the world in your hands there it is [Music] oh no [Music] [Laughter] i love that laugh it feels like i'm listening to a play you know i'm sat like front row at a play and it's just a private bo burnham show hang on private boat no somebody's going to misconstrue that [Laughter] [Music] could i interest you in everything all of the time a bit of everything all of the time apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a crime anything and everything all of the time could i interest you in everything let's and anything go everything and anything and everything and all of the time wow what i really like there is when it all speeds up and it just changes and he literally brings in all the different colors like he brought in the the star lights from the very beginning then he brought in the the spectral sort of glowing lights like he just had a sensory overload there at the very end he also had a sensory overload in the mix he had just all kinds of different voices and ad-libs there was one like yelling there was one just like laughing maniacally in the back of it there was people talking there was just so much going on he had like doubles and further ad-libs like just wow to me that is the epitome of the song and the internet is is just the concept of it was fantastic the concept of it was something great but what it's become it's it's like having an idea and then reality sets in and takes over and the problem now is that while it's wonderful at the same time it can be so dangerous and it can sneak up on you the social media addiction leading to depression and anxiety the cyber bullying all the dark things that you can now learn the things you can see that can just destroy you psychologically i mean the the list goes on and on and then we're just so attached and so relying upon it now that we're forgetting the world that's out there and you know we feel like we have the world here and it's almost like turning us into zombies because since it's all here then why go outside when you have all this stimulation just sat down wow what a way to capture that i mean to me it's not like i don't know like it's a greater meta sort of issue isn't it and beau could have like offered a critique on it and talked about it from someone like looking in but instead of like being an outsider looking at the box he talked about it from the box itself and he talked about it almost like the voice of the internet itself like speaking and selling itself to you and that that's what i like is is the perspective that he took to tell this story and to narrate this song and to take us on this wild wonderful but totally twisted messed up journey that is the internet that was cool man bo you were knoxville certified so if you guys liked today's video if you did be sure to smash that like button comment down below any of the bo burnham songs you want to see me do or if there's other artists you want to see me check out i try to read all the comments guys i'll respond as much as i can please keep coming and keep posting also for some reason you're here at the end of this video obviously you're enjoying the content do me a favor support the channel directly subscribe notifications on as always it's your mother stay safe stay positive it's not so i'll catch you again i'm out
Channel: Knox Hill
Views: 847,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bo burnham, welcome to the internet, bo burnham welcome to the internet, bo burnham reaction, bo burnham welcome to the internet inside, welcome to the internet bo burnham, bo burnham welcome to the internet reaction, first reaction, lyrics, reacting to bo burnham
Id: ObQDEoF8e4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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