BO IS TROLLING KANYE?! | Rapper Reacts to Bo Burnham - Can't Handle This (Kanye Rant)

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it has been too long that's right we got the one and only Bo Burnham back on Deck you guys have been requesting this for forever and you know what peer pressure is always fun it's time to give in this is none other than the Kanye West brand by Bo Burnham let's go I went to Kanye West recent tour of the Yeezus tour it was a big dramatic theatrical show he did something very strange at the end of his show where he ranted for like 20 minutes it was kind of a rant kind of a song he had auto-tune on his voice and there was an instrumental in the background like this instrumental take him to church talked about his problems race [Music] power his 90 t-shirts weren't selling very well that was most of it and I watched this [Music] a little bit of a Troll game right there we've got some greater issues to discuss race power and then of course uh why nobody can seem to afford a 90 t-shirt these aren't ninety dollars if you guys want all right that's the plug porn selling very well that was most of it and I watched this I thought maybe I could do this I'll be honest my problems not as high stakes as Kanye's but I have problems hmm we all saw white woman since scramble we know be a proud New York would be nice enough to indulge me so as we get to the end of a night of theater and comedy and sweaters coming on and off I got one question for you and that question is [Music] oh this is uh this is brilliant the parallels obviously we thrown the auto tune on top of the mix like Kanye West does and there's that uh viral clip that's going around when he does like one of these Infamous rants I mean we know he's gone even more extreme since then and we've covered that right here on this channel but you know at his show he really does start with like I got to say I gotta get this off my chest and it all sounds so much better when life is auto-tuned as we all know because that's real I got lots of to see oh hit that just makes me want to like auto-tune my voice and like roll up to the Mickey D's drive-through fix the McFlurry machine I can't fit my hand inside a Pringle can I have a huge amount of trouble fitting my hand inside of a Pringle can I can get my hand like four inches into the can but then I have to tilt the can into my mouth but by that point a bunch of crumbs have accumulated at the bottom of the can so they all go spilling onto my face what I'm trying to say is the diameter of pringle cans is way too small oh that's so true I mean one of the greater Mysteries to life is now being discussed this man is like Socrates the modern day form why can't we take our whole hand and insert it into the Pringles can like why do we have to tip the damn can in order to get to those Pringles that are towards the bottom and then it just becomes a mess and you can't keep it organized you get crumbs everywhere [Music] is way too small two radiuses of a pringle kid is way too small if you feel me the diameter of a Pringles can is way too small two radiuses well two radiuses together consists of a diameter he's testing you and your uh geometry right now because the radius is from the center to the end right to the edge of the circle so from one side that's one put the other one together boom we can have a full circle and make up that diameter two radiuses of a pringle cannons too small if you feel me put your hands up come on if you feel me put your hands on yeah [Music] you think you can I know you can you think you can Pringles listen to the people I am sure ninety percent of the complaint letters you get are about the width of your cans just make them wider again the parallels to uh Kanye West shows right and it's like a song like he's introduced this piano he's got moments when he sings certain words and then you hear them like Reverb and echo in the mix but it's not necessarily a song as much as of a conversation turned into a song so you get her about the width of your cans just make them wider this is just the facts of life man I've overdone the Pringles thing sorry I wanna have a daughter wanna have a daughter so I can finally have someone around the house who can fit their hands in a Pringle can yes I'm still on the Pringles thing yeah oh shout out to my two daughters man yeah I definitely use them to help with the Pringles the Pringle can yes still on the Pringle tan thing yeah I'll move on all right but that is priority I don't go to the gym cause I'm self-conscious about my body I'm conscious about my body cause I don't go to the gym irony can be so pain ful oh man you talk about the irony of that situation I don't want to go and work out because I'm so conscious of how people are going to judge me by working out but at the same time since I'm not working out I feel terrible about my body my body continues to get worse and round and round we go on this cycle irony of Bo burners that don't go to the gym irony can be so painful that's a catch 22. let's do this [Music] oh listen to those strings start to come and it's building now getting so epic got myself a chicken burrito [Music] did he just get gangster on us he just fired shots shots about to be fired at Chipotle myself a chicken burrito [Music] I went down the line I got like all these ingredients and then at the end of the line the guy tried to wrap the burrito put half of the inside the burrito Spilled Out he still wrapped it I was like dude you should have warned me you're a burrito expert you should have told me halfway through hey man you might Bo Burnham for president at this point in time speak to the people Bo speak to the first world problems you should have warned me you're a burrito expert you should have told me halfway through hey man reaching maximum burrito capacity here do you think I want a messy burrito no one wants a vegetable burrito the whole appeal of a burrito no nobody wants a messy burrito do they I I hate when that happens like I get hungry at Chipotle I look forward to it then they can't even get the damn burrito wrapped up because there's just too much stuffed into it you think I want a messy burrito no one wants a message does anybody have like the you know how you just unwrap some of the aluminum foil at the top and then eat from there and then kind of work your way down so it holds it all together it's a pro tip right there what's that do for your life I know do you think I want a messy burrito no one wants a message the whole appeal of a burrito is that all of the ingredients are contained within the confines of the tortilla I wouldn't have gotten half this if I knew it was gonna fit in the burrito all right look I wouldn't have got them when they got the cheese [Music] it's the irony it's the irony of Bo Burnham because we know we've done enough bow tracks that this dude really has a lot going on upstairs um and and there's a lot of layers to what he's doing and on surface level right you see kind of a a trolling almost a parody of Kanye West at his shows and Bo sets it up and it's kind of that just like you know that self-deprecation that just raw honest awareness that he has that he's now taking because he's like listen I don't have the same problems as Kanye right I don't I'm I'm not that big I'm not that wealthy I'm not that powerful I'm not dealing with a lot of the societal stuff that he has to go through and deal with so I'm going to talk to you about some of these problems over here how you feel me and you look at it and you go okay yeah I mean this makes sense I can relate to this with the with the Pringles the can and the Chipotle but it seems so absurd right it just seems so just completely out there but knowing bro but knowing Beau hang with him hang with him here small mistakes if you got no more chicken I'll take pork but I'll blow my dad before I eat a burrito with a fork would I got the letters I love how this is like all of a sudden turned into a like epic commercial right the the wind's blowing in his hair the spotlights are on him right now he's just in full hero pose [Music] look at that that is that was a handsome man right there that is something that the hands of the Gods would have chiseled themselves [Music] it's reaction time I think it's time we break it down [Applause] [Laughter] I can sit here and pretend like my biggest problems are Pringle cans and burritos the truth is my biggest problems you I wanna please you but I want to stay true to myself I want to give you the night out that you deserve but I want to say what I think and not care what you think about it a part of me loves you pardon he hates you part of me needs him part of me fears too I love the different intonations that he had there with each line the way that he changed it up and here it all comes around full circle and really my man was dropping some metaphors on us right I take the uh the Simplicity of things and you take a situation and you think it could be simple but what it all ties into and and what the greater theme for me is expectations expectations that you hold for something and for Bo right now where he brings this all around is the expectations that the crowd holds for him to entertain them the expectations that he in turn then holds for the crowd much in the same way that he has a simple transaction of buying a burrito but he doesn't want it too messy and he just wanted it wrapped how it was and his expectations weren't exceeded and they weren't even met in that scenario he was let down and you could also take that as his expectations within the industry possibly of success and wanting to do this for a living but yet there's a big Catch-22 and there's a big irony much in the same way that he speaks on the irony of the Pringles can't and the Catch-22 of the burrito situation and not feeling like there's a way out in a positive win from all of this wow I love the use of the humor and like the misdirection and then all of a sudden like this back end it just got so serious and the tone just completely changed and there's still that humor to it because that that's kind of his Persona that's his personality isn't it like he uses humor as a coping mechanism and that's how he entertains the crowd but there's some really serious issues and depths going on underneath of this pardon he hates you part of me needs him part of me fears too and I don't think that I can handle this right now handle this right now I don't think that I can handle this right now [Music] we're gonna have another epic build now again those strings there's a little bit of that bass underneath it's just it's rising it's pulsating oh he's messing with the I didn't real I thought maybe you had like a sound engineer that's messing with all the effects man that's another level of multitasking not only is he delivering all of this and you know keeping us entertained great stage presence but he's the one handling is mixing while he's doing it wow [Music] declining mental health [Music] come and watch the kid with a steadily declining mental health there's the really that's that's the heart of this that we're getting at and he hit you with this and all of a sudden you thought you wanted a burrito and you're getting it nice and neatly wrapped but now it's broken now it's messy and you're getting this man who is flawed who who is dealing with all this psychologically and who feels like he's continuing to fall but he still uses humor to try to help him and to help you and to entertain you even though he's afraid of you and while he finds exhilarating while he loves his success there's also a huge downside to it as well as he's revealing man attempts to give you what he cannot do T yeah that line oh that hit differently too as he attempts to give you what he cannot give himself he attempts to make you laugh because he he can't make himself laugh you know he may you may walk away from these shows feeling better feeling entertained perhaps he walks away from these shows feeling a little bit more empty feeling like maybe he's given too much of himself over on stage you what he cannot give himself [Music] I didn't even think about that line now now admit I don't think I can handle this I don't think they can handle this can like a Pringles can handle the hands going into the can but not being able to handle metaphorically have a grasp on the situation oh the word place track but they don't even know I'm not a doctor I'm a I put on a silly show I should probably just shut up into my job so here I go when I got the letters love that silhouette and just a singular lighting behind him [Music] can't tell [Music] there it is that's where he ties it he wouldn't have gotten the cheese if he knew it wouldn't fit he wouldn't have gotten the peppers he wouldn't have got all these extra things he wouldn't have gone for this success if he really knew what the implications truly were and gone for this lifestyle it just feels like it still doesn't fit in and Nothing fits into this rap you can tell them anything if you just make it funny make it rhyme and if they still don't under stand you then you will run it one more time [Applause] [Music] handle me down thank you good night I hope you're happy wow thank you good night I hope your hat just the way that he almost like spat that out and then just total mic drop literal mic drop and walk away and you felt like you were a part of like an epic Kanye West single right there towards the end like again how dramatic the lighting was how dramatic the the sound was like the the Shadows the way he was moving like getting into it but it didn't necessarily fit in with the lyricism of what he was truly saying underneath when you peel it back and that right there is kind of just the the dry humor the the irony the Paradox of the man that is Bo Burnham this man is a genius I mean that is that is creatively at another level for me that is like just beyond a meta wow and I just had another thought too like talking about like the rap of a burrito and he had the lines about like words rhyming right well rap to rhyme so play off of a burrito wrap wrap versus an actual rap rap foreign I mean it is like we need to check on Bo you know you listen to this song you think about what he's saying and it's so heavy and it it hits you so differently and this is the mind of a man who is tormented as an Entertainer and you know that I hate that it's a generalization of many comedians but there are a lot of comedians out there who have had really messed up lives and and are really going through a lot psychologically and mentally and they use humor and they entertain people with their humor because that's kind of their crutch that's their way to try to cope with things when things get worse they tend to get funnier and I think I find that with Bo as well I've really enjoyed that it was a hell of a rant Bo Burnham you were not so certified hope you guys like today's video listen here at the end obviously enjoying the content give me a huge favor guys support the channel directly it really does go a long way subscribe notifications on let me know you're enjoying stuff comment down below any other Bo Burnham requests any other recommendations you guys might have all right stay safe stay positive this is one only Knoxville I'll catch you again
Channel: Knox Hill
Views: 149,613
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Keywords: bo burnham, bo Burnham Kanye rant, bo Burnham kanye, bo Burnham Kanye rant reaction, bo Burnham netflix, bo Burnham reaction, bo Burnham first reaction, bo Burnham can't handle this, reaction, lyrics, full analysis, bo Burnham music, bo Burnham can't handle this Kanye rant, bo Burnham can't handle this reaction
Id: kpxHvPC6ghY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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