The GREATEST Bosmer of ALL TIME? - Elder Scrolls Lore

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[Music] a sea of endless green a maze of foliage with half hidden cities growing like blooms from a flower the home of the Bosma is Tamriel's garden when I think of a garden I think of a respite from the politics of the household while the other races of Tamriel vie for control of the seat at the head of the table the wood elves are perfectly content to ramble amid the varied essent vegetation taking in if forest at all wonders the choir of birdsong the cessation of wind through the leaves the scent of wild berries ripening a continent named dawn's beauty' ought to have an equally beautiful garden and the verdant expanses of Valen would don't disappoint just as a garden is a patch of tranquillity adjoining a home Velen wood is a place of relative peace the wood elves who call the province home and known for being the most pacifistic and peaceful of all of Tamriel's inhabitants some people those who view aggression and domination as signs of superiority use this description as a criticism one archivist claims the Bosma are quite willing to bend like saplings to the will of others another goes as far as to call them cowardly but the reality is despite their physiological similarities to the other elven races the Bosma are as alien to the marin their values in their culture as any beast folk the wood elves for the most part don't care for intercontinental power struggles they have the perfect homeland one which they can navigate with ease while travelers fumble with maps that fruitlessly attempt to bring order to Valen woods untamed landscapes and build roads in the vain hope of linking cities that move of their own volition in reality the wood elves aren't competing with their neighbors unless a fret of Aylan wood presents itself the Bosma considered the slaying of others to be simply unnecessary and wages are often made prior to raids regarding the theft of prized possessions without a drop of blood spilled this may seem weak to some but those individuals have likely never fought against the wood elven Archer the bosmer Velen wood may not participate in most of Tamriel's major events but that does not mean they have not did their share of greatness hey guys it's drew here and welcome back to fudge Muppet in the second installment of my greatest mortal series we're going to determine who is the greatest wood elf to ever set foot on Tamriel the Imperials are a tough act to follow but there are still plenty of contenders hailing from Velen wood as the intro suggests the Bosma have their quirks and there will even be some controversy and conspiracy surrounding a couple of these great wood elves but before we get to those I think we should start with an individual who perfectly encapsulates the combat prowess of the Bosma we don't have an awful lot of information about individual wood elves as I'm sure many of their greatest characters never made it into the archives of the Imperials or the High Elves but this individual has been documented and her achievements showed just how skilled Wood Elves can be on the battlefield her name is Lady Elaine urban Ock lady Ben Ock like her ancestors took to the bow in her early years marksmanship is a fundamental skill in a society where you must hunt for your meals the green pack dictates that no boss mumait harm the flora so wood elves are entirely coniferous al NR excelled with the bow and by age 14 she became a jack spur in her tribe this title was coveted among the wood elves Jack Spurs a highly skilled distance shooters and the silver NAR chooses from Valen Woods best Jack Spurs in assembling his elite personal guard her skill was first truly put to the test in the Year 396 of the third era when the Parekh tribe with the backing of the aldmer of somerset went on a rampage across southern Velen wood it was he she learned the brutality of war she had killed a hundred foes but these kills were all at range and it was a member of the Parekh tribe she first killed in close combat she had tried to loose an arrow into her enemy from half a yard away this had obviously failed and she was forced to wrestle her opponent and kill him with a dagger this was when she realized she needed to learn swordsmanship teaching the sword was not common in Velen wood but the events of the black year had seen a lenez tribe dispersed and she was homeless she made it to Hammerfell and learned from the Red Guards she excelled in swordplay just as had in archery and soon ventured Tamriel making money as a freelance mercenary later in life she became the master of the Vale in wood fighters guild after beating the former master in single combat this former master had been a minion of the traitorous imperial battle mage jaga fond the guild was dissolved two years later so al Ennis soon found herself roving again she drew the attention of the Empire after saving Queen accuracy of Sentinel from a Breton assassin after this she was recruited as a member of the Imperial Guard directly serving Emperor Uriel Septim the seven though she never outwardly admitted it it is believed that on orders from the Emperor Alayna carried out the assassination of Uriel's bastard son khalaq seized after khalaq seized the Archbishop of the temple of the one began advocating for a rebellion he was adamant that the gods were displeased with her secular the Empire was becoming and the only solution was to become a full-fledged theocracy lady Elena was an expert warrior both fit range and up close and she became an important figure in Tamriel at politics saving important figures from assassination while executing others hers will not be a name remembered eternally and few will sing of her deeds but Elena benek was a powerful wood elf I mentioned another name in a lenez story that rose to greatness in Tamriel and warrants a mention though his great deeds were by no means good ones and his story requires a disclaimer there seems to be a trend with Tamriel's more menacing myrrh when a figure wishes to remain mysterious and misunderstood they tend to mislead others about their heritage the next great Bosma as well as the following one have both been accused of this and it's easy to see why a mortal who wishes to remain enigmatic would claim boz marry parentage the wood elves generally avoid conflict with other races so you can't really attribute a motive to individuals born in Velen wood and it's also easier to pull off as the province is still so strange to non natives and as the book titled Valen wood a study aptly States the bosmer welcomed those who come to Valen Wood seeking refuge from other lands the first of these two figures and the one who was mentioned briefly in Elena's is Jagga fond in the words of AB - we fans have held positions of power throughout serie dil since the days of the potentate we are prized for our loyalty to the Empire our deft political machinations and our ruthless subjugation or elimination of dissenters within Imperial territories what we do is grim work but it is necessary if the Empire is to endure and while this description certainly applies to the peculiar jaga fan he is very much a black sheep in the family the farm family is famous across Cyrodiil and its members have predominantly been Imperial humans but jaga farness described as a mongrel elf by Symmachus of morn hold part dark elf and part high elf Samaha says no one knows much about him claims he was born in southern Valen wood of a wood elven mother seems to have been everywhere since jaga Fon is the kind of character who likes to keep secrets he is a master of political machinations of deception and of realizing his ambitions how can your rivals discover your weaknesses in your dispositions when they can't even be sure what race you are that was the kind of man or merge Agathon was he was an imperial battle mage with a desire to sit on the ruby throne he was a dangerous and cunning individual his plan took months to repair first he disguised himself as a bard in order to steal the staff of chaos from the city of Mourne holed alternative sources claim it was actually the thief Draven inderal who posed as the bard but whatever the case it was Jagger's scheme and it was successful Uriel Septim the seventh was concerned about the theft he was rightly worried that the culprit may use the staff against him so he put his battle mage the trustworthy Jagger farn on the case septim's early successes in expanding and strengthening the empire were largely thanks to the counsel he received from Jay Garr who was remarkably wise and possessed an array of arcane powers as the years passed and Uriel the seventh saw his Empire flourish he unsurprisingly put an enormous amount of trust in his battle mage and closest advisor but when jaga requested to meet the Emperor to discuss rumours of treachery ever thing went awry jaga harness the power of the staff of chaos to imprison the emperor in a horrific realm of unrelenting nightmares this plane of oblivion was not subject to the laws of time that governed the mortal realm and as a result the emperor would be forced to endure centuries of mental torment in this dark world to prevent a swift rescue jaga drained the power of the staff and disassembled it into eight pieces he imbued the energy of the deconstructed staff as well as his own life essence inside an artifact called the jewel of fire with his plan executed the simulacrum could commence jaga dismissed all of the Emperor's loyal men and replaced them with his own minions and those who did not leave were imprisoned the Imperial simulacrum was the name for the decade-long period in which jaga sat on the ruby throne it's called the simulacrum because jaga used illusion magic in order to masquerade as uriel septim jaga Phan was always an enigma and his motive remains a complete mystery we know he was a wise counselor yet the Empire suffered severely during his unlawful reign he neglected and mismanaged Imperial Affairs and allowed the Empire's economic prosperity which he was instrumental in growing to begin with to decline significantly it seems as though jaga wasn't so interested in power but rather wished to sabotage the Empire someone who is power-hungry and willing to betray anyone for a throne does not hide behind illusion spells tyrants want to be seen and known and feared jaegers scheme was extraordinary because so few people knew of the treachery Jagger even made a bargain with the Daedra Lord mehrunes dagon a deal which allowed the Prince of destruction to invade the Imperial battlespire Jago was ultimately foiled ten years after he took the Empire in third era 399 when the eternal champion gathered the pieces of the staff of chaos released the energy from the jewel afire and killed the imperial battle mage Jay gar as well as our next great individual may have been able to challenge for a place higher on the list but both have unclear origins and it doesn't seem fair to class Jagger far as a true Bosma when we're relying purely on his word we know he's deceitful and fond of disguises but that brings us to the third greatest would elf if he truly is a wood elf and his name is man Carr Cameron man Carr is an interesting character not just because of his actions but because of the inconsistencies when it comes to his lineage Jagger Phan appeared in the elder scrolls arena and unlike in Oblivion or Skyrim you can't identify the race of a character beyond their appearance and the law surrounding them but with man car he is specifically designed as a high elf while in the legends card game man cars card is categorized as both a high off creature and a wood elf creature there is law pertaining to man cars heritage so why would there be any confusion when developing the character in-game the book titled the refugees tells the story of a pregnant Bosma the mistress of the infamous Cameron usurper she had given birth and told a healer her baby's name man Karl if man car truly is the illegitimate son of the Cameron usurper then we'd have no doubts about his would elven origins but in a dedicated video to the character I offered a different theory if you'd like to hear about it in detail I'll leave a link to the video in the description and he's a meme I posted on Twitter that summarizes the theory remember I said that claiming boz marry heritage is the perfect way to disguise your true origins well I think man car Cameron did exactly that to cover his alien origins but that's a rabbit hole that leads all the way to oblivion we're here to talk about the greatest Bosma and considering the law we have available man car belongs on this list man car Cameron was the leader of the mythic dawn cult man cast search for wisdom took him away from the typical gods of mortals and he describes this process in the beginning of his commentaries man car Cameron was once like you asleep unwise proto nimac we mortals leave the Dreaming sleeve of birf the same unmanned told save for the symbiosis with our mothers thus to practice and the star approachment until finally we might through new eyes leave our Hoffs without need or that she remains behind in this moment we destroy her forever and enter the domain of Lord Dagon man kar Cameron was given the Daedric artifact known as the mysterium Sark seized from the Prince of destruction himself Dagon had written the tome in the desert of rust and wounds which is a reference to his realm the Deadlands man car wished to unravel the mysteries of the Sark seas and his account of the process was cryptic he claimed to have lost his voice and when it returned it spoke with another tongue he wrote that after three nights he could speak fire this claim implies that man kar Cameron had developed the abilities of a dragon born which is supported by the fact that he was able to Don the amulet of Kings but once again the truth is not clear as all matters regarding this figure are opaque what we do know is that man car Cameron was able to use his understanding of the mysterium to cut out his own piece of oblivion it was a small pocket realm named Guy relati or paradise as he called it man Kyle was convinced that lorkhan the tricks to God who was the catalyst for the creation of the mortal realm was a Daedric Prince and his realm of oblivion was Tamriel he writes I give my soul to the Magna GAE saith the joyous in paradise for they created Mehrunes the razor in secret in the very bowels of League the domain of the upstart who vanishes reading one sentence from the commentaries is enough to drive a mortal to madness but man Kyle was saying that the Magna ghee hua Magnus the god of magic and his followers created mehrunes dagon in the depths of the ancient land called league it's the second part that's important he calls the league the domain of the upstart who vanishes he says a league is law cons realm and it is theorized that league is the name for Tamriel before the dawn era before it transitioned from one calper to the next it's all very confusing but if you're unsure of what a capper is imagine satyr call the serpent god of the you couidn't the snake eats itself from the tail and when he does the world ends but then the cycle begins anew it's the circle of life and the resetting of time mehrunes dagon is the lord of revolution and man car cameron intends to aid the prince in his scheme to ravage Tamriel and free it from the tyranny of the nine Divine's man car zealous plan was almost a resounding success his minions assassinated the Emperor and all of his heirs they extinguished the dragon fires man car even got his hands on the amulet of Kings but he was forted by a hidden septum air together Martin Septim and the champion of Cyrodiil put an end to man car Cameron and his life's work and now we come to the top two greatest would else of all time these two individuals are Bosma there's no ambiguity and they both had a significant impact not only on Valen wood but on the whole of Tamriel the first is the supposed father of man car Cameron he's not the greatest of the Cameron dynasty but he's by far the most barbarous his name is Haman Cameron better known as the Cameron new sir per the Cameron dynasty ruled Valen wood for thousands of years but in the year 429 of the third era there was a dispute of succession one of the claimants was named Cameron chaos and he managed the impressive feat of conquering the entire province of Aylan wood in the span of two years this was possible thanks to kal tosses sorcerer and chief adviser Haman Cameron Haman employed mercenaries as well as legions of undead and Daedra to bolster his ranks these Warriors were fearless and brazen and proved too much for the purely boss merry opposition but Haman Hart King soon proved himself a liability to kal toss like a violent hound tugging against his leash Heyman's conquests would not stop at the borders of the Baz merry province without consulting kal toss Haman pushed his armies north into Columbia Calais was ambitious but also prudent and saw the dangers of overreaching but Haman would not heed kal tosses warnings nor his pleas to desist Haman betrayed chaos and claimed the Cameron throne for himself thus earning himself the title Cameron usurper the first victim of Haman to rampage across Tamriel was the collodion city of cahuachi his army sacked the city and news of Haman heart Kings brutality spread not even civilians were spared from the violence within 13 years the Cameron usurper had conquered most of Hammerfell the and of Tamriel's fiercest warriors with much of Columbia and Hammer fell under his control Haman turned his attention to high rock I say under control but annexing land does not mean it automatically became a cohesive part of the Cameron Kingdom it seems unlikely that in his haste Haman actually bothered to settle the lands or appoint governors to these new holdings he raised Western Tamriel he didn't conquer it nevertheless no one could dispute his military prowess no wood elf that we know of has ever won so many battles and defeated so many foes Haman camryn likely saw High Rock as an easier campaign than hammer fell as the Breton kingdoms were constantly feuding and the opposition would be less skilled in the arts of war but High Rock was a long way from home committing to this invasion would mean longer supply lines and more territory to defend if Haman hope to keep the land he detained he risked encirclement and certain death yet commit he did at first it was easy the Breton's were not fond of the surra Dilek Empire and Haman Cameron was seen as something of a liberator up until now the Empire had been caught up in its own succession war they had dispatched a small band of mercenaries to check the fret in hammer fell but it had been dealt with effortlessly so for a short while many of the Breton petty kingdoms welcomed Haman however his brutality would rouse the Breton's and they would make the same realization keltus had Haman Cameron could not be restrained for fiefdom zuv High Rock banded together against the Baz merry invader these lands were a Carlon Phrygia s-- Cambria and winnin led by Baron off rock of twinning this Alliance combined forces with chaos Cameron of Valen would and confronted the camera new Serpa on the northern shores of the illiac bay and winnin Haman Cameron's army was defeated and the usurper was killed on the battlefield Haman Hart King was not a good king he was not benevolent or merciful but despite his savagery the Cameron usurpers campaign was impressive he bit off more than he could chew when he cut his way to High Rock but his role in unifying Velen would at a time of serious civil unrest proved his capabilities he was a severely flawed King and he was not the greatest of his dynasty no the greatest member of the Cameron dynasty was the one who founded it his name was Eppley king yep his story is short and sweet as the histories were not quite so detailed in his time but his achievements are unrivaled in Velen wood and his impact on Tamriel is still felt with every passing day and every new year that's because King Lear is the individual responsible for the beginning of the first year of the first era that goes to show how momentous his deeds were Valen would Tamriel's garden is a wild place to this day thousands of years ago the notion that one wood elf could tame these forests and bring them under the rule of a single monarch was preposterous but that's exactly what Elia did he United the wild Bosma and gave the province a political identity according to the pocket guide to the empire third edition at pleased success in uniting the inherently wild Bosma must be counted among the greatest military fates in Tamriel's history this unification of Valen would led to the creation of the Cameron dynasty eppley was the first king of this era spanning lineage and the day he achieved this became the Tamriel wide first day of the first year of the first era so Epler achieved one of the greatest military fates in history and the monarchy he introduced would endure for thousands of years but what about a player himself what was he like off the battlefield well it seems that he was a magnanimous and kind King one thing we know is that he opened his borders to former slaves fleeing a lead oppression early in the first era and then he did the same for the aliens fleeing from the Elysian rebellion it's uncertain when a player died and he may have died prior to the élysée in rebellion in first era 242 but it would be fair to assert that given the relatively short reign of the Cameron dynasty at this point that any decision made by the Cameron King was heavily influenced by the values of that player King at play the founder of the enduring Cameron dynasty was the greatest wood elf of all time and his achievements are deeply rooted in the history of Valen wood thanks for watching guys I hope you enjoyed the video I've been drew this has been fudge Muppet and I'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: FudgeMuppet
Views: 91,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyrim, elder scrolls, elder scrolls lore, skyrim lore, bosmer, bosmer lore, fudgemuppet, greatest bosmer, wood elf, wood elf lore, greatest of bosmer all time
Id: vjmbwWu4uXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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