The Graveyard of Good and Evil (Ep. 7) | Fantasy High

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I'm really waiting for more opportunities for Zac to participate since Gorgug really is just a swole Michael Cera and that's really hard to work with, but the look on his face when they did that reveal near the end was the cutest thing ever.

Kristen also has the most character driven story arch and I reeeeeally want her to be in an okay space once all this is over

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/PhoebeFibonacci 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

Never forget the great coat burning!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/GargamelLeNoir 📅︎︎ Dec 04 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] seeing dark shadow stands back and covers himself in magic and vanishes this is for those girls you son of a [ __ ] Beauty Brains collapses to the stage sorry guys it's everyone's curfew everyone go home I have lycanthrope you to go to what you are about it okay well maybe you should go to a healer about it Oh a belter there's some guidance counselor physicians open that our school Java looks like hey this is the first lucky break I've had in a while oh now you make it to see Casper Manor he got me severance I'm going to scrap then have yeah yes we did okay plan loss will sing until the Sun rises [Music] Phantasy hi Brenda Lee Mulligan these are our intrepid adventurers say hello trip adventurers it works last we left last we left off go were in C castor Manor having a lovely time with Fabian's dad bill and his crew of pirates on his mom please leave my mother out of our either I haven't seen much of malarial she's been in a center deprivation egg today so the Sun rises over in Ellenville far away the taper of the crime seeing the black pit is going up and police are investigating what may or may not have happened they're pretty wild [ __ ] event however you guys are all on a giant wooden balcony with an elaborate gilded balustrade this amazing red velvet curtains blowing in the wind you've been up all night why just cause we're so amped from battle a bill sea caster has not allowed you to go to sleep his bed you implied you with liquor and you see that he is out on the balcony looking off into the distance and you see that he sort of thumps his hand into the table in front of them of going like roll chariot along will roll the old chair my darling was stirred from playing are you okay well are you suppose you children will be having some school no no absolutely like when you have a guest in your home they are welcome to what is your I don't want all my friends coming over here do you think it's snuff powder you just a man to not apply his friends with liquor and snuff powder fine why my friends was food you'd be my guest please enjoy and he takes a little sort of there's a bust of like a seed rake on it little like blue thing a little silver box didn't keep the book so good like yeah well fig that's illegal I said why do you wait so the joys are l'amour thank you finally the ball contributes why do you think I'm doing it whoa no the point being this that burn yeah a little bit my nose is bleeding on the well it keeps you up it wakes your eyes up we've been up all night drinking read a little bit of soft powder to put the fight back in us don't we I'll do it cuz I don't judge yeah no thank you did you do better before I I loved it you know what I'm cool and you can always invite me around I'm gonna do a perception check on Kristen to see if she actually did someone whether you fake hmm five uh you see for sure did it your friend brother Pierre I'm sorry because I see it because I've rather listening I'm it's a sedated vein is no use mention that that's a legal right but of course the fascinating thing about laws is that they are a fiction invented by the week there were no and harassed the powerful he's so true also do the laws apply if we're in a boat he are true are you listening to yourself no all I'm saying is this there is one law and one long oh the blue holder's war and time itself the very first thing that crawled out of the sea knew this one who would like an omelet so talk to me a little bit about this battle last night how'd it go tell me I'm so excited so failure you leptin you saw out the gold just put rapier to that throat and then walk me through the rest there wasn't as much of it I I started out separated and so I had was with that iron at the front of the roof the black pit and then I ran in and I saw all my friends I dodged i delicately dodged - uh - wait wolves and then I ran and I smashed through a glass pane and then I bolted the bar bolted out of the bar and all the while dodging are dead and then I shot deejay brains with a hand crossbow but it was actually the ball who did most of the killing I was one who gave you the business card right no someone steadily pay Smith earlier you you said that you were with your young wizard friend here yes and you ran he ran towards the fight yes door the fight yes all right away from the wizard yes all right well I assumed the wizard would join me but then the wizard did not all right join me did know why wasn't that expressed to one another where was the where was your healer the whole time I I got caught up with a new friend he's so cool then she felt that she was knocked out for she was I'm thinking about taking a first-aid class because our healers may get knocked out a lot yeah I think I need your healer has been getting knocked out a lot I was pretty much instantly knocked out and I had the craziest dream I went up on a green hill no I am afraid I love to intercede y'all haven't been skipping your classes and if every school well technically I've been going to Barbarian classes even though I'm not one things afoot that I've been putting on studies all right look here walk me through here why did you draw steel last night they seemed scary everything they seemed scary so you're again I wasn't there I just I was in the other no let me understand so your objective was to draw weaponry until it got less scary no we went in to find a dude yes I'm okay I went a little paranoid from my stuff so I'm gonna do a perception check on him or like an inside check cuz I don't like that he's asking all these questions hmm it's gonna be a big fat fat fat fat ate you I'm gonna shoot straight even if you enrolled very well bill see caster's mind is a constant storm of emotion mm-hmm and trying to get a bead on a guy who seems to be hair-trigger in every single interaction that he has would be next to impossible okay um you see he says it would be very clear all of your work is remarkable you're walking out here all whole and healthy after having gone into the black pit full of vampires and werewolves I understand that I won't take it away from you there are two kinds of men what that's on me hold on that's on me there are two kinds of people in this world thank you thank you no no it's all right thank you for correcting me I am an old dog but I can learn new tricks and I sneak in a little bit of in our cake vernacular I appreciate you having the courage to check me on something that was honestly not alright and then you speak again out of Turtles let you're like a fish Papa please no there's two kinds of people in this world them's that fight for blood and them's that fight for gold one who fights for blood is a dead man right away he sees only combat birds on see those men would come to my ship they'd ask for crew they'd ask say I put me in first mate like I'd see that the love for blood was going to put them into a brave soon I have no news for dead men only men that can make me richer now the man who fights for gold is a man who knows why he's fighting and that's what matters also know that I'm thinking about it I had a clay construct on my ship and I've also had a sort of fire energy being that both of them were genderless yes they're also both excluded but even by men yeah that's right even even people is kind of exclusive exclusive that's right I've had to repeat things that weren't people yeah one time we had a dreidel that just hoped and you did it the tornado part of it through I mean a token I did a share of the wealth I hope it was part of the crew that we could free to it those who serve God but for flee missions I see my kids were natives like gold yes tornado was extremely slow by the end of those five missions it was so stuffed with gold it was no scoffs world a bunch of gold someplace that's pretty dangerous I mean the gold is heavy and moving at a fast rate no absolutely every time the tornado got Richard became far more deadly I mean you said the tornado was at my third birthday particle right the tornado by the way sends its best wishes papa you were saying what did your ramblings have a point they did have a point what is this all you fear no one death to me is nothing more than a joke and when my time comes I will leap into hell and kill the devil that's so little boy might borrow that for a lyric I wonder if the devil is cooler than God certainly of course devil might be my dad is it man oh no it's a tornado Oh the point being this however death is a part of every combat no matter how easy to overcome it may seem so the way you avoid death is by knowing why you fight you don't fight to fight you fight to win and winning looks like whatever your goal is for some people the gold is gold for other people the gold is other things it's over love bronze not bronze but silver I love certainly some paper fight for abstract ideals who know they can never be fulfilled within their lifetime are still a cardinal direction that they can move it the point is this I bones the best what I was gonna say I bet some people fight for a friendship in its own time doesn't need to be rushed this is will grow organically there's a process Wow whatever I wasn't talking about me losers I kick a chair see Bill see caster looks and says if you'd like oh you'd be more than happy to run you through some drills or some training what is a drill I know all right um you guys spend the rest of that day you fully Skip's what our parents think we didn't come Skip's pit road at one point if any of you try to get a crystal to like let a parent know where you are bill fully disarms you and please just stop trying to call their parents alright my father will get do you slap exhausted you see that you spend that day drilling and training building roads through a ton of stuff with you there's a lot of stuff about like you know like keeping like Fabian and Gorga in front of everybody and keeping Krista in the middle of everybody and there's a lot of stuff about like what languages do you guys all speak that like aren't common if you needed to communicate quickly and secretly big suggests that we come up with our own language that sounds very complicated I don't have the elvish rubbish and goblin I speak no gosh in common I speak halfling I know some elvish from missions trips so I just know religious words in elvish yes we'll use Elvis rules speak elvish Elvin Hayek on ajikko Nick and infernal why don't we just come up with a couple words in elvish that we all know like anyone who doesn't know I'd like to have a couple words like stay run left right yeah could you do that teach you guys well write him on your drums thank you understand the question the day draws to a close bill C castor hasn't slept you don't know when you guys haven't slept either you're [ __ ] exhausted bill comes over to you guys and slaps you on the back and says I ain't is a good day's work I have some cars coming to take your back to your homes do you all have a captain amongst you yeah unofficially I would say no God I think everyone thinks I'm the captain I'd father I'm here to tell you know what the fix he's thinking oh I don't like any kind of power concentration so I'd prefer that we didn't kind of I'm happy with a democratic yeah I was something of a democracy should we elect a captain I don't do we need we is that what you're asking are you suggesting that we need a captain you know captain of a police doing I mean I would catch half of leave-taking laws I mean if we're looking for a captain I mean I mean look at this man and get me a son I said I can take I can easily do it but I will not be the captain of your teenage friends think that I was just singing we're cut from the same cloth I understand no perhaps this democratic system can work democracy is function best in situations where immediate forceful action is not needed so hopefully the democratic process will avail itself to you in these combat scenarios oh no those vehicles are on their way I bid you all a good evening my darling feeling do come with me for a moment of course bill see Kester takes you aside and brings you over to the garage and he raises it up and you see the red and white gorgeous skull and crossbones motorcycle you see that it roar foster who can hurt you I am fantastic Oh Popeye you've got such a fantastic job it's absolutely gorgeous my darling boy this hellish contraption I love you more than I can say and may it serve you well Papa gotta take her out for a spin once around the block shall we you and me I mean let me be on the back okay hugs his arms around you and says now go I never stopped excuse me Eggman yep that's a 16 yeah oh for sure you see Fabian in his leather jacket and his father still shirtless motorcycle tearing off down the street you see that it is six o'clock at night just kinda like rush hour like pops up onto the sidewalk and you see that up you'll see Castor's laws and starts Hawking mailboxes you guys all get home your parents are all variously freaking the [ __ ] out figure mom is a little bit less so but the rest you guys get home the next day you guys wake up and you guys head back to the egg fort adventuring Academy on my way I'd like to stop by and see glir I guess I'd like to go out of my way to stop by the strong tower luxury apartments and see Valier absolutely cool cool you knock on the door and your father your father you see that he's in sort of a white undershirt boxers and like a terrycloth back work a bathrobe you see he looks out you see that there is like just a lot of open like yogurt containers and some like yogurt my sweet daughter oh you're come to the strong tower luxury apartments early in the morning yeah I'm just stopping by it's not a big deal I just want to let you know if you're looking for you know something to do with your days a reason to get out of the terry cloth bathrobe there's two positions open at school and you know I know you and I have had our differences but it will be cool with me if you work there because the see each other a little more and whatnot or whatever he looks back into the apartment full of yogurt cups and says I have a couple of calls mcchrystal to come back this people friend of mine down in Bastion City knows a guy who's starting up a crystal company and can I detect he rolling that one the flash across his head is is him saying last night I couldn't go to sleep so I tried to jerk off but was too sad so I stayed up all night eating yogurt oh that's what's on that will get you fig why are you reacting that way you don't want to dive deeper into his brain no I I rescind that I try to stop detect that we're gonna have anything I don't want to hear anything else dismiss the spell so I've got a lot of things going on I will if you want to come in I kind of have it in one nice principle are you asking me because because I cuz I can call my friend up and say hey nope no thank you yeah I think make that call in fact maybe I could help you get into something clean yourself up a little bit and you can come to school with me I can introduce you to the vice principal and you you just be thinking right now whether you'd rather be a guidance counselor or watch lady along to lad pardon me I don't like lunch lad he says I will get myself cleaned up although as an elf my hygiene is impeccable and these terry cloths were woven by elves and repelled all of the most powerful stains so that's some powerful yoghurt then oh [ __ ] I think just so much just do a big change and just a big change everything you're wearing change it for something else and then just dunk your head in the sink all right I was thinking about buying a my hair is kind of thinning up top I was thinking about maybe getting a not that it's necessarily go bald but I might have been like an I guess minor illusion so he has a little fedora on his head yes you can I do that how about that I know not what has inspired this sudden act of mercy and kindness but I shall repay you as a father and if you want yogurt I have some no no I want nothing to do with yogurt and your yogurt and anything that you have to do with yogurt anyways I'm going to go bad and probably another day or two I bought too much okay I'm just you know what I'm gonna go ahead and close this door and stand here and then when you're all ready I'll be here and you can open the door and we can go walk to school watch I'll he does that can I go in and just throw out all his yogurt while he's changing it it doesn't expire tomorrow it expired yesterday he comes crisp white shirt and some slacks it's sort of like he put on a little bit of weight after the divorce and so it kind of doesn't fit super great but he's got a little illusory hat on he says very well to the west or north north we go cool he gets her old ready car where do you take your dad to principal goldenrod nothing hard you watch the vice principal goldenrods office you knock on it your boys miss Ferris and gilja faith I'm the father young figure of more or less we use the word father liberally because obviously right this has nothing to do with me go ahead what can I do for him I was thinking clear uh aka my dad would be a great guidance counselor or lunch lad sorry what lunch man that's oh you see that he looks up and you see that glare says it has come to my attention that my daughter would benefit from eternal presence as such I would like to avail myself of the positions of opening here at the school I served as a counselor to the Elvin people for many long years and I am gifted at understanding the ways of the heart and emotion I have healed the madness and sickness you see that much muscle got her kind of crosses his fingers and goes I'm going to have to stop you right there we've actually just feared the guidance counselor's position and you see points in a corner the room you ever looked in and you see jawbone the werewolf over there gives you a Surf's Up hey what's going on what's looking six kids that's cool cuz go leer is also interested in the lunge lead position father is an expert in yogurt from the glob hanging off they see what says I it's a quick cup to bolster my spirits after I changed I'm ever so sorry you see that John says all right well looks like John's filled Gil nice to meet you John I used to deal drugs out of a nightclub but now I'm the guidance counselor here I'll tell you what I gotta go crack some books I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna do the [ __ ] out of this job do you think I'm gonna [ __ ] suck at this you better wake up cuz it's [ __ ] guys it's time I'm looking forward to talking to you because I've been taking exclusively barbarian classes I think it might be wrong see her says don't talk to him about that it talked to me that's wrong you have a class schedule where I mean it I was handed out on the first day oh I know what happened you didn't give it to me because you wanted me to come in okay no everyone out your mother hired you go to real barb goodbye you see jawbone looks over and says hell of a guy man nice guy nice dude he's great it's a flirt watch out oh really she hound around here you dog around see clear goes this is my I've no it's cop it's but there I raised this young woman and I hate you guys lunchtime there about see gills got the hairnet on him already jumping in-you leer yeah here's got the the hairnet on him and you guys are all sitting down at lunch together guys I I wanted to ask you a question I only have these like fake school uniform outfits because it's the only thing my parents will buy for me but I was wondering if you guys could like help me have a makeover oh my god yes I have like ten camp shirts all of them different tie-dye you can think whatever pattern you want I mean maybe we could go shopping is what I mean your 45 dollar gift card 45 gold piece of gift card you can go I will a visa if my clothes are handmade in foreign foreign lands alright I don't know where people taste if you Mon my help thank you yes you can see a beautiful hoodie I'll go with you guys yeah I definitely just the staple I'm gonna go though to make sure that none of you get seduced by The Consumerist lore anyway what do you wet clothes all the time yeah if I didn't it'd be weirder I'm super in I don't just wear tie-dye I've actually hoody has anybody seen saying he have we seen the missing girls um uh used to talk about Zayn you see Zelda Donovan the satyr girl you were here longer before turns around on the table mates heard weird eye contact with you for a second it goes he didn't show up at school yesterday I mean he always hangs around Kraven Croft the cemetery I mean I know he's a Michael Cera talking to Michael Cera and well I'm sorry I threw that guy in front of you it's okay I am whatever right honestly like you know everyone does stop you know like I don't wear pants and it's just cuz like I'm covered in fur but like it's not I think it's like you can't say anything cause it's all fur I have no legs I'm sorry you see that she just starts sweating I'm sorry that's what's [ __ ] stupid is there any kind of first aid kit or defibrillator in the lunchroom yeah for sure you see mom over in the wall cool has been going down a lot I might try to steal this bad boy should we make a noise over here yeah domitor G to create a tremor and everyone will think there is an earthquake great you know yo earthquake okay so should we I can get an I can cast unseen seven and send the servant to get that I like this place okay all right tornado oh okay sixteen first oh um so you can you yell tornado you see that rock bark rock earthquake is crawling back i cost ray of sickness on that friend in that commotion I stole this coat so you don't have to worry that's really sweet but you should give it back this somebody will notice that I'm wearing their coat [Laughter] I'm sorry I've never done anything that one honestly I feel unwell I keep having a lot of dreams I think I might go try to find coach Daybreak just a chat all right that's fine well we can all agree to me even cross cemetery after school yeah so I'm thinking of following up on the crystal with Zane John work oh yes you you think you scooted right over grab that first agent off the wall as you do you see no one notices you seagull ear who's behind the things like food is flying all over him and in addition to yoga's it seems I am not covered in all manner of wet foods you see that he looks over and says um I don't know my job well enough to know if you're allowed to do that but if you're not dumped one of my friends got a cut by all means younger can I also set up a little tip jar in front of glir the thing the place full of teens sees the tip jar as an immediate [ __ ] bit machine and the amount of written cruelty that immediately cool so you guys have made a plan to meet at Craven craft Cemetery after class let's at um Kristen you go to find coach Dave react hey Kristen hey how's it going oh it's good how are you are you busy alright oh great I was uh I was praying this morning and I thought about a friend of mine and I just need some advice sprang for her and she she doesn't know she's Helio ik anymore she's Strang she's straight away from Helio a lot of things don't make sense what would you what should I tell her I mean I cut her off you know because she's going straight to hell really yeah cut her off I mean there's no point messing around with that stuff she's well you know what if what if some of its right like some of it started because someone was like we got to really be good or else earth is gonna be hell you know or but maybe not all of it like all the little rules and stuff maybe that part that just kind of got added on at the end and now we're still living with it you know look it's faith is kind of a wild thing right basically the way it works is like this there's people that don't believe in helium and there's people that do believe in Helio okay people that do believe in Helio are good people right because they wouldn't believe in Helio if they weren't good people yeah it kind of makes you become a good person - right focusing on so the way I look at it is like this the things that people who believe in Helio do are good right and the things that people do that don't believe in healing those are bad hey that makes sense like it might kind of making sense here but I'm reading so much about the Crusades it feels like all the people who believed the halo just like they killed a bunch of people I heard a thing where they took they all had coats that they loved the indigenous people and they burned all the coats like after they had already won they just they just piled the coats and they lit them on fire and they were like these were ugly anyway it was like a straight quote well I think the thing about that to remember is does it matter whether or not you burn a coat if the person is gonna burn forever in hell that makes sense I'm trying to my other friends gay well they're going to help okay I'm just trying to shoot you straight I think yeah it makes sense yeah I understand want you to get caught up in that Wow here's the thing soul right is the god of the Sun mm-hmm and the Sun gives life to everything but it also burns okay and [Music] [Laughter] the coach this youth says my understanding of God is this when I think about people that aren't like me I get so mad and it feels like there's a Sun inside me that's burning my insides right and you know where their soul says do something don't do something I believe in him so I'd rather believe in him and not do what he said then do what he said and not believe in him does that make sense yeah just be mad okay I'm just gonna try to boil it down just be mad Thanks oh yeah maybe maybe I'm gonna start keeping a journal for each day my friend believes in healio or doesn't and then whatever the end total is I guess what if they don't believe in healio they're not your friend okay tell me about them and where they are what tell me about them and where they are oh yeah it's a friend that lives far away good hmm cuz they're not your friend it's good they're far yeah this is different people different people different I do want this bracelet because I think I'm never gonna wear it again it's the one that says remember prey in the fire is inside you see you takes it and goes you don't want it why don't you remember to break I don't maybe a little too much fire inside me I'm tryna oh that's good too much fire inside is a good thing here's the thing okay Helio hung out with somebody Helio did batter this there's a million of those things you'll go crazy trying to keep track all those rules just remember you believe in helium and then that's it okay then just just put your head down and go okay yeah totally you're good it's so good to talk to you and my parents say hi oh say I'll inform you guys ahead of Donna's great yeah awesome I see you Sunday see you I'll see you Sunday you walk from that extremely hard with coach daybreak you guys head out from there um you guys see as you're walking out of schools go ahead to the cemetery we're actually not too far away let's see it's sort of right nearby so it's easy to walk you pass is it it's like a little Grand Opening of like a little chain bank next to the school sort of opening up you see the sort of smells like paint coming out of it I see this big three red letters kvx on it kvx Bank as you're walking by can we hop in and see if there's any like free pens or lollipops we will just go buy better things if you want them okay we just look in the glass real quick check it out oh cool you check it out go for it too as well what is it check it out I got 22 oh I am a lot I have 25 I'm breathing mat 20 is great um you look in and see that not only there no free lollipops and no free pens of any kind you see there's a big sign at the front that says store policy no complimentary pens our candies this my sucks my brother net wine and not in a good mulch place seems honestly kind of cool a bank without free pens or lollipops isn't that a little bit suspicious no bank no snow sure I'll cost detect magic on it no within that twenty you don't even need to you can see the place is filled with magic on you see that there's a bunch of like armored cars with element elemental vehicles that are taking out huge things with a gold big gold coins just helps that heat out of the trucks in delay though it's filling up the location this is a magical Bank people put money in a bag why are we do we don't need to read it in this bag are you also poured won't get anything from Zayn I just head to the cemetery you guys are at Craven Croft Craven Croft is a very spooky Cemetery especially towards this time of night during the daytime it's actually okay you can go like visit and where is you seeing your dad's grave you see but you see that there's like the section where like Johnny spells and what I know if someone if Zane becomes invisible with his little rat also become invisible his little rat also would become invisible okay could I could I just real quick just gonna do this if nothing comes from it that's fine I'd like to create a minor illusion of a of a sexy rat what'd I say I need you right now Emily Axford to verbally describe a sexy rap put an image in my head okay so it's like a real wet nose and it's like really really pointing at the whiskers are like long and like curl that being like Farrah Fawcett hair and the ears are like so perfectly circular and then the tail is like super long and and like the front paws are super skinny but then the back legs are like this [ __ ] nightmare is created in elvish I say guys be cool sane is an elf you idiot you will understand every word that we say what did you say sexy rat takes off into the graveyard kind of like swaying its hips back and forth it's kind of looking looking around what's wrong with that right I'm just watching it's old you see it kind of like winks over like a little gargoyle of someone you see you see that it finds like a little like sort of acorn by a tree and takes it up and goes like didn't get him bring it in so no one can hear Dane has his rat and I'm trying to lure out his rank to find out if he's invisible here this wasn't seen plan on ever heard can we investigate that are we near we're not near johnny spells grave we should sneak up on there and then I would like to cast detect if I cast detect thoughts near by him will I be able to sense that he's there yeah yes detect us will bypass invisibility I think the all you guys do you don't need any patrols for this you see that a [ __ ] enormous owl comes down and grabs the sexy not twenty again you don't see anything because I assume that the death of your sexy red is much to join so everyone else is bickering and arguing and then your keen elephant senses follow the owl you serve atheists Craven Krampus large cemetery on multiple trees around the edge of the cemetery you begin to count there are about seven or eight nulls watching the cemetery and as you screw at the edges in long grasses towards the fence you notice about ten or twelve cats that you just clock all of them at once it was hot did you see that 68 are we supposed to come back from that there are rules and cuts surrounding us right what size how big a cemetery at night that's normal yeah we know that's a lot yeah can I do to detect good and evil yes absolutely as you cast detect evil you detect a faint or of Menace you see that one of the cats far away turns looks at you you get a faint aura of minutes from its eyes the cat's disappeared due to the owls they evil they've showed none of them are left are there any case not that you can see everybody and make a perception check once more Sony's one I got eight ninety twenty-one as well as well you heared the last of the the owls flying away and the Sun setting the light fading from the last of the horizon as you talk about the arrows you hear a voice litter not behind you literally standing in the middle of you say more hours than normal it's Craven graft yeah there is just a eight-foot-tall rail-thin maybe like 110 pound Undertaker standing in the midst of you where did you come from exactly I work here at the cemetery yeah well you weren't here a second together I walked up it's a cool you smoke here yes we're outside okay who are you I am Sylvester the caretaker of Craven craft dark secrets here in the cemetery the final resting place of many of his own yeah I heard I heard a couple of those tiefling greasers died I bet a lot of people have been here recently for that no very few have come to visit those chip brownies it sounds like you're falling down a well but you said your brownies that is how they referred to those whom they dismissed as lesser than and it seems the town was only too eager to return that feeling in kind you haven't seen a real shitty looking goth kid constantly he's always around the company including now does he do here is he only go to the where the tea-things were buried or does he just kind of wander is he more here for the ambience he kind of just hangs around can I make it in section yeah go for it four four this guy seems very cool and here's the thing you're you're 90% sure he's not your dad but there's a chance he's not in work so you feel like probably not right but maybe um hey I just have to ask it's on my mind everybody's gonna think it's stupid but uh-oh means they're honest you my freaking dad says how would that work why would you assume I mean if you were my dad you'd know because I'm gonna catch light on it and then we'll be able to see because I can't see any of you I've been cast out on my religious stuff but I just need a knot I needed a break from religion for a little while okay so I'm not gonna catch light on it I need something else sexy come in rats alright we have a bright glowing semester says ah not the normal ambience of this place somehow more disturbing in its provocative the rat is like touching it six netball yeah the same it's pregnant I don't like children Jesus to answer your question I could not be your father my junk was all messed up thank you bicycle like a sin motorcycle no goth kid oh regularly no one's - oh right one of those bikes that has a big front wheel yes philosophy right have you talked to that goth kid and a seat fell off and I tried hello mr. Sylvester hi my name is Fabian baby oh my god doctors still don't know did it get it got all jumbled up in there hi Chris got CAC have you ever spoken to that emo kid got same talk many times did he wonder this and dancing to his Walkman and saying poetry to the headstones I asked him to leave a bunch of times and he never did 2,000 people can I speak to the end yes why speak to all the time did they like its actual conversation I do most of the talking is same doc shadow his real name or is his name actually like Jeff Spratt same dark shadow named himself when he sued for emancipation from the foster system yeah you feel like a bunch of poor kid I have a question and do you know what songs he likes to listen to since he's walking around and he's singing along with his Walkman it involved a lot of him making two fists and rotating them around each other clockwise and the cabbage kind of like at this Bank EDM yes have you seen him today no not to wait what it's Friday [Music] did you see him today I did not see him today I know where the young landless song would be great yeah if you wish to visit his dwelling place he lives down the street this way five blocks there's a deli and he lives above the deli in an apartment that the state paid for when he sued for emancipation he lived by himself he had a sad life yeah that's right Spencer yeah what are you speaking the pasta right again this guy yeah yeah I would like to also investigating this guy 9:13 I would like to do a perception to see if this is actually the same dark shadow that's gonna be three I'm gonna touch him oh you touch it eighteen he appears to be time the truth he appears to be the real guy you see he says saying was you see he reaches into a pocket of his coat takes out a little sort of pearl that is now I see white this was jet black Zayn gave it to me and said never to turn I see white that would mean he had passed from this mortal realm why was he concerned with you knowing if he had passed he really wanted me to like what he was up to and can I see that pearl sure thank you can I just pocket it wait give it to me I'll cost identify on it all right it seems like everybody in this game really has some daddy issues I cast identifying on the pill ah yes of life this is a minor and rather common magical item used by necromancer's to mark the passing of those who have been attuned to the Pearl the Pearl given the jet-black state will mock the living status of that it has been attuned to it upon turning icy white the Pearl has marked that News's passage into the underworld usually through a process known as death pearl is worth almost nothing and are often traded as sort of friendship tokens by necromancer's from one to the other this has been the identify spirit can you ask if it's reusable or ask if it's if it was a toonie was a nor someone does say can I can I tell who it is attuned to give me an hour can I check not twenty baby you look into the pearl and you see Zane dark shadows oh god guys I think he's dead I mean I guess there's a possibility that he entered into the underworld and didn't die and he's on some kind of weird like take out the crystal and I'm gonna text the number that was named Ark shadows and say ah you up basically and say things got wacky at the black pit a guy you want to meet up soon well if someone killed him then that means they probably took the Christmas very getting this cool you shoot the text no immediate reply you guys head down the street you are in the Elm Valley neighbor this is where your parents lives where your house is great ticky-tacky little house is a little deli kind of like one of those like weird musty delis in like very suburban neighborhoods that's like not a lot of foot traffic so hard anyone comes in and above it so there's a tiny little apartment um the front door is locked can I try to pick it yeah go for it that would be a thieves tool proficiency okay so eight plus whatever that is whatever Dex's yeah no worries uh you you see risk goes up picks the lock there's a very thin staircase with like spiderwebs and other kind of stuff sort of decorate like a black light you guys walk up the steps and you see that there is a small basically one-room apartment there's not even a bathroom there's a toilet in the corner backlight is showing up so much yeah you guys see around here yeah it's just a bunch of stuff it is a [ __ ] wreck in here there's like broken furniture the bed is all strewn about the stuff that sort of thrown everywhere go ahead and make whatever checks you guys would make in this new environment I got a vestigation 26 perception can I check and see if it's been like drawers have been searched through like someone robbed cool got another NAT 20 what the hell is going on with this day it's fine okay okay would you for perception 27 did you roll in at 20 no I got a 1907 a 1925 investigate 25 investigate from res cool I did get a 10 cool got a 10 this one well baby let me think first of all to your question yes this place was rifled through you start looking around what you guys find each of you finds a different thing the first thing a dime finds is you find a whole bunch of ritual material it's like very well-kept star maps of like the certain like the night sky so incredible astronomical star maps there are instructions for a ritual that involves certain stages of the Moon so they required to be on the new moon and the actual text of the invocation begins on this All Hallows Eve Oh God so he has a very specifically Hallows Eve spell when is that's soon right you with that gnat twenty you're looking at it you don't think it was coming up you think it happened oh you notice the one thing that strikes your attention with that investigate check or that perception check is that his rat cage his little rat cage with like little songs on the floor little toys like that the door is open but it's not broken meaning it looks like the latch was undone but you notice that it has been like moved from where it normally stands if that makes sense your intuition is telling you that this was like opened during the combat that happened in here during whatever [ __ ] crazy thing happened in here oh by the way you also notice arcane residue of blood being cleaned magically press agitation of blood being cleaned so this place wasn't put back together but evidence was destroyed Riz you find two things a little bottle in his bathroom it says keep cadaverous lee cool with midnight ice body temperature pills little pills that he took to keep his body extremely you also find underneath his bed johnny spells contract with his demonic so like johnny spells soul contract before the relax the insatiable cool so I'll bring it out I'll show these guys can we go my finding certainly read it yeah we all found well what did he owe oh maybe we'll find out why he didn't [ __ ] yeah can we yeah why I see no [ __ ] um you guys all rolled pretty [ __ ] incredibly you make a connection between the starmap and the rituals and that the ritual that even though it's insane dark shadows hand it looks like seeing reverse-engineered the ritual johnny spell was used to income and having his contract however the [ __ ] is a managed to get that here must have given him some incredible power over johnny spells to be able to call on him to do things which he also realizes that the star chart and the new moon and the on how is Eve combining those together you can completely find out where this ritual was done because you know it had to be on Hallows Eve you know what phase the moon it was and you know the stars and the position in the sky when it happened so you could pinpoint to like a geographical certainty where this ritual okay we can figure this out I also think that we should call your mom dude cuz there was a lot of blood in this room that's been cleaned up so somebody has been here after whatever happened and like something went down I'm sorry Zayn's bodies in this room no Jane's body is not in this room is the rat in this room the rat is not in this room if he was invisible you can't be invisible after death right no how far away is the place where the ritual happen I would need you to make a Arkana check and I would probably something you have to do over like a couple minutes we can make an anonymous call can I make it for social check yeah ooh I got an 18 cool what you looking for I just feel like it just feels weird so I just wanted to make sure that there's not like another person coming here another weird thing in here yeah or just like someone I'll tell you wish you figure out the weapon that did this that like broke furniture and stuff was a two-handed slashing weapon so like a great axe or something similar did I freaking it's that freaking barbarian teacher qui see if there's any corner evidence as they call it in the business and there is names in catch phrases arnold you actually do find some stuff here they're written in the margins of things the thing that's not making sense to you anymore is that Zayn was a necromancer a wizard so there are some weird religious things similar to the page of shadows that animated that corn is right so there's some of them here there that Zayn has in some of his notes you also notice that there where you tend to find those doodles you tend to find things ripped out right so like things that would have more clues about that or can we should we text the crystal one more time and see if we hear like a sound yes tomorrow night jazzy question mark jazzy jeff uh you text it and no noise from the room okay so the corn stuffs been removed from this little contract here just see if we can lure that rat out with another sexy rat please do not have one brick like the bright light sex or no the only last room it is so I would like to throw out that Porter the Barbarian teacher would be wielding what do I know what he had a hammer a great hammer that's gonna be a I think but also what is your little conversation with the old coach their coach daybreak was not good we just talked about religious [ __ ] what is he wheeled I think I know like I know their person that could be killing that is a the guy from the team that keeps bullying me yeah but we know that one of the faculty was involved but that doesn't mean that student son also involved what if it was that means he's a barbarian what if the kid and Daybreak work together reporters we should just check out the whole team yeah you're right because oh that this guy he was at the field he knocked into me when that he knocked my Bible into the corner and then that bully hit you right afterwards when we were in line day one like to get lunch remember weird oh my god bullying is a smokescreen for much worse thing that boy is much too stupid to give me the keys sorry but you can be stupid I mean I'm here okay do not do not put yourself go ahead and give me an RKO I go to 13 a 13 cool you start putting them together the location where this must have happened would have been east of the Marigold River high up somewhere where you can see those stars yeah they're incent mithril Factory yep sorry continue I just got excited it could be that makes sense it's something east of the river it also seems like somewhere that Zane would hang out an abandoned factory use of the river do we know northeast or anything I'm high right used to the river in hot east of the river high up there's also the top of the strong tower luxury apartments but go ahead make me our counter check not one no one go ahead and roll for a panic attack [Laughter] 17:17 your breath starts to speed up a little bit as you realize that your friends are now basing their decisions off of whether your Arkana work was good or not and you begin to be unsure of everything that you just said I think I put my hand on her shoulder and I am in know this like religious stuff too so is there a way that I could take over month with my Arcana or it's just magics um it's just magic stuff but you can actually give you could take like a help action or cool go ahead and roll advantage on that I got an 8 and an 18 so in 18 well thank you you look back at it it needs to be somewhere high up the stronger luxury apartments are tall but you immediately realize that the ritual calls for actually seeing the stars strong towers downtown there'd be too much light pollution for you to be able to see at that metal Factory okay I think it's the abandoned mithril factory guys I have a thought cuz it's it's like a leap but maybe potentially interesting if we threw a party at the Durance and what if we go just go and maybe what's our party if it's cool there did you make another right oh that's sexy on it Wow I also have these weird pills that make it that they say there's body temperature down do you think that was a fashion thing because you wanted to be like in there yeah don't make a mess and check ooh I actually I've got the healer feed but I don't think that helps me have messages um 15 + 16 16 ah you crack it open you smell some of the chemicals that are in there something like the alchemical properties there's a little bit of like ghoul blood or something in here that would it would take your body heat all the way down to your body temperature way down without killing you it would make you not sweat it would make your biological functions kind of freeze up wait a second look at the pearl again can we check still while is whiter Black Pearl is still white like that everybody was wrong the pills are neutral the pills are because they don't actually hurt you they're just cosmetic it's a thing that necromancer said they weren't like [ __ ] with or anything not that you can see you know there isn't gonna be any poison how long do they last for does it say how long they last for yeah side of the bottle it says one pill every 48 hours 48 hours can you drink with them oh it doesn't recommend drinking can pregnant should you ask your doctor for four years oh yeah I can I also cost unseen seven to get all of the fingerprints that we've left completely everywhere in this land yeah hey why don't we call yeah we'll call on Jane's phone while you're calling or if he has like they have a landline you give us a speech again I really liked it last night yeah yeah I really did help us yeah you guys unfortunately do we have time should we get out of here or should I just I think it should what are you on the way on the way to the mythril factory you can give us an inspiring okay I'm just gonna let you know that I'm feeling for the first time in my life really dry usually I have so much passion for this but I feel like ever so it's meeting Helio and him just like refusing to answer like the number one question oh maybe that's my exude has just kind of left me feeling like tasteless or like great can I get Aaron Bartok inspiration yeah oh I just this isn't really me but we can do it and I'm so glad I'm alive and I was thrust into this kooky puzzle with no answer for what 80 years of my life what kind of a head is that - I just like I'm in the middle of the desert starving with only canned food and no can opener he's like I thought this book was a can opener but it's not it's hard to me to completely empathize because I am immortal mm-hmm but I would say that the life is for the living oh you know what's funny about live your life is my whole life I've been living for the afterlife everything's been a promise for the afterlife and I don't think that's even coming and you know what I might be in love with a woman and that's crazy no well I don't know my parents my parents are gonna send me away to where I pray the gay away do you know how crazy that is there's no here's the good news is that there's all this corn stuff going on in your parents my crazy deep in Reddit and there are a couple tips a corn inspiration in this speech from the self-assuredness I'm feeling it that I'm like oh yeah rich daddy was really lonely yeah as sort of a cautionary tale what everyone here gains temporary hit points so you level plus your grit modifier so everyone for what three three so that's gonna be seven temporary do you guys do I'm kind of crying but like uh so you guys get in a car headed towards the Durance in order of cars on like that you guys head over to the transmission factory I'm Johnny of course can I communicate with my motorcycle uh yeah you can uh can I ask you to meet me at the dirt sand military where do you wish Mitchell Mitchell Lagman can you please meet us at the terrace in Mithra factory okay I know the Turin sumithra Factory I have been there many times Oh guys my motorcycle has been to the ders and it'll affect what business would you have their motorcycle my previous masters skull was split by your boat drove me there many time oh my son thank God a motorcycle he was visiting his benefactor Oh his benefactors of the Damned insatiable she's like a big corn cutie my motorcycle good lucks Norma's terrifying efficient of flame and take three so what's going like gold flats Oh fantastic he used to meet Gothel ex at the Durham Mithra Factory we're going right now motorcycles gonna meet us there you guys head out to the Durance n' mithril factory go ahead new because every checks on you right there let's not separate this time yeah oh 21:39 cool eight ten uh 21 um you notice on your way there up in the night sky above you as you sort of you can't see in the dark very well but looking to the sky for some kind of meaning in the middle of your existential drift you see above [Music] which there's just a sliver of light you guys they know we're intervals I have a thought should we should we go tomorrow night because right now everyone knows we're coming there's an Amish driver the front of the car saying you pay for the ride if you get out you pay for the whole ride I take out a coexist sticker and I cast light on oh I I forgot that I had it I was praying for it for a while for all the people who were you this wrong I'm gonna see the car wend its way up long dusty road you see there small little whiskey bars a little kind of houses hewn into the rough stone it's kind of a dwarven neighborhood up here a lot of dwarves got laid off a couple of years back when the Durance and mithril factory closed down and it's been abandoned for some time up in the distance you see it tall red brick towers huge vats and alchemical material meant to refine mithril the lightest strongest metal of them all you see that the car approaches at a certain point and you can see a chain-link fence that has been chained up and locked and the car drops you off all right thank you thank you you guys uh you doing like a party up here yeah we're scouting for one good it's a good place for a party you take a lot of people up here for parties oh no hardly nobody you know it's bad up here thanks for paying again you all need money for [ __ ] I'm gonna take that as your sweet can I make a perception yeah I want to do a perception check if anyone's watching us my motorcycle arrived goddamn 521 you hear a noise Kristen coming from inside the mythril factory which is like Delap didn't told you can smell kind of acrid smell I also point out the fee factory is on the edge of this enormous cliff that drops into a quarry causing a quarry is like it's what an understatement it is a like endless drop into inky the chain-link fence a little dusty parking lot and then you can tell there's the other side of the factory from here is probably more dilapidated and this leg has been exposed to the elements you hear a noise from the factory and then you hear who here speak first of all everyone that doesn't speak dwarven hears like my mother here speaks war of it I don't think any of us do but I do have comprehend languages so I will cost comprehend languages you hear so a dime letters and runes all possible tongues surround your head on you the language is deciphered for you through the arcane three of your magic craft you hear sick grind brother I eat I was Oh drop it drop it and shred guys I think there's a bunch of skaters in there oh it's better than demon zombies or something uh ya know cuz heaters are cold yes hey motorcycle hey how far did yummy spoons go into the factory with yours you stop around can you lead the way yes motorcycle I feel like we should just stop believe you guys hear the noise stop from I don't we just we just leave the motorcycle for a motorcycle knows better than any of us where to go I feel like it's a dumb motorcycle I'm gonna hide and stealth ahead and just see what's going on and I'll give you guys a voice call out and say those who trade here in this the hall of our fathers and our fathers fathers you have made yourselves known super know that we're here why don't you guys go say hi I'll hide and then I'll pop out of something Monty I'm here to skate um no - do you guys want great to see who's being a hundred percent going don't you try to get around behind them kinda yeah 23 cool I'm making a big show of it - yeah I'm right there I also I get on my motorcycle and like let it ride up I have a minor illusion of a skateboard I wish oh you know people with their skateboards you just walk up an entire side of the brick factory has collapsed in you see a bunch of stocky bearded dwarves thick beards with like big t-shirts and thick baggy jeans and fat sneakers holding these insane like stone and steel skateboards that have like harsh dwarven runes carve into them there are two enormous half pipes there's one half pipe outside kind of like on the cliff edge there's another one in the actual like dripping dilapidated like three floors of the fact that kind of collapsed and so there's this insane [ __ ] death hazard skate park that they have retrofitted this abandoned factory ads you see the dwarves look at you they're holding like hammers and axes and stuff like that you see that they have one of them has a crystal set up on their helmet and you see that another one is holding one sort of in their hand like this at this gate so you guys are looking into the limited building which are back to this giant morning basically how are you guys but you guys look all together as you're standing as I drew the front I'm right in the front I'm out there I'm trying to extend in front of you behind you red you see one of the dwarves steps forward big shield camera on the helmet little crystal on the helmet and goes who now approaches this ancient halls of the Durance and mithril factories where our fathers and our fathers fathers worked long days so that we might come here and sneak on what enscape yeah we skate but yes what not so I just had you were really cool yeah we're just fellow lovers of speed like fans thinking about starting a street where company and we wanted like real people to model for it it's a really big company well fellas I mean it's not that simple I mean we're trying to understand the culture of the street that we might then base where upon it yeah like Fabian is the money yes I'm the money I'm the creative yes he's the creative they say speak of a different story do not use your words lightly around those of the Dwarven folk hey my man please I am a girl my name is Tori real kinda cool very cool I have sweated in these halls and dropped into half pipes deeper and more fearsome than any dwarf before me do do you love to see you do this this sounds [ __ ] awesome and I'm here to spectate missus see this you have seen your last we will die right Ian day guys I'm gonna just to make you see that for something up is have to check for me real quick NAT 25 got 20 you see a group of owls on a tree branch that all lot look at this and fly out from here on a napped one you get the impression that you have led these creatures to what they are looking for and that they are going to go get to something to come here the clock is ticking you guys see that the war will start going gosh gasps gosh crash the exterior half pipe the outside half pipe begins to move and an enormous pavement golem made of asphalt with highway stripes and like cars like like borders like the white and yellow stripes recovering its body with rails on its arms stands up with the halfpipe [Music] 20 again yeah amazing that's all for this week on fantasy high tune in next week as we see what shakes down and deterrence and enteral Factory bye-bye I'll take care of the golem okay this Wharf lines along this way throw the dwarfs off the clip inches from this bubbling green [ __ ] I'll jump out of the way at the last second this is the coolest shits never have a box of June [Applause] all right well that's all we got this week on dimension 20 [Music] and dry your eyes time there are two more four episodes that you may watch right now on drop out venture forward to drop out dub TV and seize your free trial at once go for it go over here I'm gonna hold it right there I'm gonna toss them in magical assistant Gary heat up one two three
Channel: Dimension 20
Views: 684,689
Rating: 4.9463291 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, dads, pirates, drugs, yelling, embarrassing, training, jobs, parents, family, makeovers, awkward, earthquakes, religion, god, LGBTQ, laughing, death, graveyards, so hot, rodents, sexy, evil, goths, monsters, fantasies, mythical creatures, teens, high school, role playing, games, magic, dungeons and dragons, brennan lee mulligan, emily axford, zac oyama, siobhan thompson, lou wilson, ally beardsley, brian murphy, fantasy high
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 12sec (5472 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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