The Good Student | FULL MOVIE | Crime Mystery

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[gentle instrumental music] ♪ ♪ Let's rephrase the question, shall we, Mr. Mullen? Uh, what do you mean? Not now, Amber. Brett. Brett. Yeah? Think about it. Where did he deliver the Gettysburg Address? [laughter] People, just give him a chance, please? Gettysburg? Correct. [laughter] (man) I love history... always have. Not just because it repeats itself, which it does in ways different than you'd think, but because, at least in American history... Ordinary men become great... So great, in fact, that others around them are forced to acknowledge their own actions and become better men themselves. (man) Oh, I got a really dirty mind? How dirty can I get? [laughs] [indistinct speech] (man) What are you looking at, Mr. Gibb? Jesus Christ. You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. [window squeaking] [engine grinding] [engine grinding] [engine grinding] Hi. Hello. What do you need? Something strong. Bourbon, tequila, Irish whiskey? Um... I know. I'll have a daiquiri. Um... Five bucks. Oh, I don't really drink beer. I guess I'll be drinking this one. (Gibb) My own father left us when I was a kid. The men I looked up to were the founding fathers. They were the ones who taught me the ways of the world. Of all of our great leaders, great teachers, no one has taught me more, guided me more, and meant more to me than President Abraham Lincoln. It's funny, the things that inspire us, the way people throughout time have taken an idea, an obsession, and turned it into means to support themselves. [woman on TV] Who looked clean on the outside, but within-- [man on TV] Are you tired of getting the runaround when shopping for a quality new or used vehicle? Do you want a great car or truck at a fair price? Well, of course you do. At Palmer Auto, that is just what you're gonna get. Price plus selection and zero bull. I guarantee it, or my name isn't honest Phil Palmer. Just ask the apple of my eye. Give me a P! Give me an A! Give me an L! Give me an M-E-R! What's that spell? Palmer Auto! Whoo! (Phil Palmer) Highway 36, just east of Donovan junction. (Gibb) "You cannot have conflict "without being yourselves the aggressors. "We are not enemies, but friends. "We must not be enemies. "Though passion may have strained it, "we must not break our bonds of affection. "The mythic chords of memory "stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave "to every living heart and hearthstone "all across this broad land "will yet swell the chorus of the Union by the better angels of our nature." And with these words, Mr. Lincoln was sworn in as the 16th president of these United States on Monday, March the 4th, 1861. Very exciting stuff. Any questions? Okay. Moving on. Who can tell me the biggest problem facing Lincoln when he took office? [laughter] Fact: peanut butter was not invented until 1890... 25 years after the end of the Civil War. [bell ringing] Homework, people. Read chapter ten and remember, study for the test on Wednesday. It's 20% of your grade. Is Ally's ass gonna be on the test? What can I do for you, Amber? [laughs] New wardrobe, Gibb? Is that what the ladies dug back in your day? Sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Macauley, but I am not that old. You look very handsome, Ronald. My Herman had a suit like that. Thank you, Mrs. Whitman. [telephone rings] (man) Video Treats. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Membership expired three years ago. You're gonna need a new card, hold on. Amber? (Amber) Yeah? Come here and sign this gentleman up. Okay. What gentleman? [bell rings] Oh, Allyson. I saw your father's commercial last night. You were very good, very talented. Thanks. Yeah, it was kind of an easy cheer, but I'll tell him you liked it. Can I go now? Oh. Oh, yes, of course. Um, Ally? I'm in the market for a new car, and I was thinking of going to see your father. Yeah, cool, I'll tell him you're gonna stop by. Forgot your change, Ronald. "Very talented." (Phil Palmer) Only three original owners, 2.5 liters and 4 cylinders of pure Detroit power. She's gentle on the gas, great with the grandchildren. How's that sound to you folks? (man) How many miles did you say you had on it? You think about it, mull it over, kick the tires. When you're ready, I'll be right over there. I can see you've got primo taste. Honest Phil. The one and only. And what would your name be, partner? Ronald Gibb. Mr. Gibb. Ally told me you'd stop by, and here you are. Well, let's talk trucks, shall we? This monster has got it all. 8-liter magnum, V10, three hundred and-- Ten horsepower, 450 pound-feet of torque, 6,000-pound hauling capacity, and the ability to tow a 15,000-pound trailer. [chuckles] Man knows his Ram. I did a little research. It's been a long time since I bought anything this expensive. Expensive. Nonsense, my friend. That's why we've got financing. I prefer to pay with cash. Ally was right. You are a genius. She said that? Best damn teacher she's got. Ron? Can I call you Ron? Ron, skirts get moist for a ride like this. You'd be fighting 'em off with a stick. [chuckles] Wow, is this yours? Yep. It's sexy. I made some pasta, enough for two. Already ate. (Gibb) A good woman. All men in history had one or needed one to take themselves from one level to the next. While men have traditionally been the doers in the public's mind, it's women who have been the motivators, whether they meant to be or not. [dog barking] Oh, Mr. Gibb, you're my favorite teacher. (Brett) Why are you trippin' like this? (Ally) What did you expect, you pig? (Brett) Baby, calm down, okay? Listen. (Ally) No, it's not okay. We're breaking up, and I am serious this time! (Brett) You see what you're doing to me? You're making a big mistake. [crying] Miss Palmer? Is everything all right? I just lost my ride home. Come on. (Ally) We were gonna get out of this stupid town together. I guess that was just my crazy dream. As you get older, you'll find your dreams change. How do you mean? Well, we all make grandiose plans-- great job, big money, nice house. The problem is that what seems perfect one day may not be so great when we actually get it. So we got to get what we want to know it's not what we want? Something like that. But don't get me wrong. Unexpected things can happen for the better sometimes too. Something amazing might fall into your life when you least expect it. Can I ask you a personal question? Mm-hmm. Are you married? Was. Things... didn't work out for us. My mom died when I was five. It sucks. I'm sorry. When you get to be my age, you accept that a lot of things suck. They say life always gets in the way of living. Hmm. I like that. You know, you're a lot cooler than I thought. Well, thanks for the ride. I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Ally, wait. I really shouldn't be doing this. Your graded test. Look, I-I tried to study last night. I really did, but-- Take a look. An A? Oh, my God. I can't believe it! You earned it. Thank you! Oh, my bad. Probably shouldn't have done that. You rock, Mr. Gibb. By the way, love the truck. Mad sexy. Dad? [screams] Oh, morning. Morning, Marge. Beautiful day. Certainly is. (woman) Close the door, Ron. These men are police. They need to ask a few questions. Mr. Gibb, name's Dick Moon. That handsome devil there is my partner Karl. He's a lover, not a talker. Everything's gonna be fine, Ron. Just take a seat. Damn, you got some hot girls in this school. [chuckles] You want to tell me what you did with Allyson Palmer? What do you mean? Seems she's disappeared. What? Several eyewitnesses say she got into your truck yesterday. Last time anyone saw her at all... except you, of course. She lost her ride, and I gave her a lift home. And then? She got out of the car and went into her house. Is it customary for you to chauffeur around your students, sir? The administration does frown on it. Sometimes... a teacher... needs to be a friend too. But I'm just as concerned for her safety as you are. Thank you for your time. We'll be talking with you again real soon. [man on TV] Search and rescue efforts have officially begun as local high school cheerleader Ally Palmer is missing. Father Phil Palmer of Palmer Dodge told police Ally never came home after school. Police are asking if anyone has any information about Ally's whereabouts to call the local hotline on-screen below. [whistling] Hello? Hello. I want to apologize for the other night. I'm usually not-- Ah. I got a motto. Never complain and never explain. Water under the bridge. Did you just start? I mean, I haven't seen you around. December, uh, last-- first week after Christmas. Well-- [bell rings] Have a good day, Mr. Gibb. Thanks. You too. [engines revving] [tires squealing and gunfire] [sirens wailing] [man on TV] With 24 hours having passed since Ally Palmer's disappearance, authorities are now treating this case as a possible kidnapping. We now go live to the missing girl's father, Phil Palmer. Well, now it is my turn to come to you, my loyal neighbors, and ask for your help. My beautiful daughter Allyson, my little angel, is missing, the victim of a heinous kidnapping. That's right, taken from me on purpose. I've asked myself 100 times, "Who could do such a thing? "What unspeakable evil lurks in our midst?" Ally, baby, I want you to know Daddy loves you, and I'm gonna get you back. Friends, neighbors, help me. These are dangerous times that we live in. But I believe that life must go on. And here at Palmer Auto, it will. We are slashing prices on the entire inventory, every car, every truck on the lot on sale, priced to move, until Ally is returned to us safe and sound. You heard right. I am passing the savings along to you, Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public. So come on down to Palmer Auto and show Ally-- no, show the world how much you care. (Gibb) It only takes a moment to snap, and it takes a couple more to see an opportunity. History has always treated men of this sort with an incredible mixture of admiration and revulsion. As a student of history, more and more as I see it happening before my own eyes, it's become harder and harder for me to sit on the sidelines and just watch. Bastard! All right, easy there, cowboy. What the hell's the matter with you? Using her like that. I don't know what you're saying. You better drop that frying pan and get the fuck away from my house. You're using her misfortune as a marketing ploy? It's how I cope. Now, drop the frying pan! Drop it, I say! I don't want your truck anymore. Take it back. Why? What's the matter with it? You know, buyer beware applies in all automotive transactions, mister. [sirens wailing] [muffled radio chatter] (Gibb) If anything bad happens to her, it's gonna be your fault, you hear me? I'm gonna need that pink slip back! That man is a self-serving monster. Could be. Fortunately, he's got an alibi for the night in question. What's yours? I was at home. Alone, right? It makes me sick to think of someone hurting that girl. Would you please go and find her? That is the plan. There's something I'm curious about. Smart fellow like you stuck in a town like this. It's almost like you're hiding out or something. Is that a question or a statement? You paid cash for that truck, but your bank records show no recent large withdrawals. I don't like banks. Karl prefers credit unions. Where'd the money come from, Gibb? My savings. That's a lot of savings. It's insurance money. Insurance money? There was a car accident. My wife died. What does this have to do with Ally Palmer? You tell me. Her father's not pressing charges, so you're free to go, just not too far. (Brett) Yo, Mr. Gibb. I heard about what you did. Awesome! Mr. Palmer is a major dick sometimes. Guy hates my guts. He was gonna give me cash to stop dating Ally. He said that? Well, he offered me a new transmission, actually. Didn't you and Ally break up? Who told you that? Ally. Nah, we break up all the time. See, she's all about the makeup sex. The girl's an animal. Good night, Brett. Wait, hang on. Do you think someone actually took her? It looks that way. Hey, you okay? You don't look so good. You want a ride home? Administration frowns on it. Well, okay. Hey, thanks for the talk, Mr. Gibb. Now I feel a lot better. Um, let's go around to the back. [muffled radio chatter] Pervert. [people speaking indistinctly] Disgraceful. Shame on you. Ronnie... we got to talk. Nice. Now, that is one sweet little cupcake. Oh, hey. I'm dying to know, Ronnie. What flavor's her frosting? Amber Jinxs? Where is she? Where's Amber? Amber? I know you're in here. Freeze! I want you all to hear this. Amber? Why did you print that picture? You took something innocent and turned it into pornography. Kind of like Young, Blonde, and Ready? You should have come to me first and given me a chance to explain. A man has a right to defend himself. You're a dirty old man, Mr. Gibb. Probably a kidnapper too. Girls, get to class now. Amber, you too. You're going to pay for that. Now. This craziness, it's disruptive. Just tell me. Am I fired? The board is concerned about the students. Your presence is upsetting everyone. I have to suspend you, give it some time to pass. Time to pass. A girl is missing. Is the board concerned about that? The police are doing everything they can. Unfortunately, you're the one who looks the most suspicious, and frankly, I can understand why. I admit... I had a crush on her, a completely inappropriate but innocent crush. What were you thinking? [man on TV] It's been over three days since local high school cheerleader Ally Palmer went missing. Volunteers are coming out in full force in hopes of finding any evidence to bring this little girl home safe and sound. Police knocked on doors looking for any clues or witnesses in connection with this case. Sage mist metallic... Ally's favorite color. (both) We'll take it. (Phil Palmer) Oh, God bless you both. (Moon) Mr. Palmer. Gentlemen. Looks like the sale is going well. Yeah, well, it's a good distraction, you know. Where's my Ally? Can we have a word, please? Come on in. Have a seat. Ah-ah. Don't touch the cat. Took her down with a .30-06. Two shots to bag that one. [chuckles] Tiff, be a hon. Three scotches. Now, again, where's my little girl? We have a couple questions for you, Mr. Palmer. Was Ally using drugs? What? Any reason she might have run off? Shady friends? Was she depressed? What in Christ are you talking about? Some nut job broke into my home and kidnapped my daughter. That's just it, sir. Usually in a kidnapping, there's a ransom note, some sort of demand. Without that, it looks more like a runaway situation. Allyson has a great life. She got the best of everything. Why the fuck would she run away? Somebody took her. I know it. How are you so sure, sir? Scotches for everyone. Not now, Tiff. But, Philly, you-- Not now! Let me tell you something. I am a respected man in this town. My reputation is my life. I got powerful people watching this situation real close. I'm gonna be the mayor one day, so when I tell you that you should be out looking for a kidnapper, then you and the freak over in the corner had damn well better be out looking for a kidnapper. And I'll tell you something else. If you ever insinuate again that I know more than I am saying, I will personally slice your nuts open with a rusty nail. Sound fair to you? Peachy. Now, what about this pencil dick that assaulted me with a frying pan? Gibb? He's clean so far, but we're not done with him yet. Problem remains, no ransom note, no motive, no kidnapping. Karl, let's go. Mr. Palmer's gonna be mayor one day. (Macauley) Shouldn't you be in jail? Ronnie, it's not your fault, pal. They're all hotties, hotties dressed like little hookers. They're all asking for it. It's no wonder guys like us do the things that we do. Ow! Jesus! Sorry. Keep that piece of crap out of here, or I'll call the cops. What is it exactly that guys like us do? Please, Ronnie, you think you're the first teacher to slip one of his flock a little something extra? I got two juniors. They'd be failing right now if they didn't fuck like champs. You're disgusting. How do you live with yourself? Wake up, Gibb. A girl like Ally Palmer wouldn't give you the time of day if she wasn't fishing for a good grade. Wait a minute. You think she's actually hot for you. [cackling] That's fucking hysterical, man. That is funny, Ronnie. Later. Hey. Pick-up for Phil Palmer. Right, two double cheeseburgers with the works, two jumbo fries, and a slice of cherry pie. You must be hungry. Ravenous. That'll be $9.75. Right. Let's see what I got here. Oh. Oh, yeah. That's a ten. You keep the change, hon. Mr. Palmer. You want to get out of my way, fuckwit? Yeah, hi, two Philly cheese to go. $5.75. [electronic beeping] Hello? Who's there? You're insane. I don't eat fast food. No, wait. Please don't go. I'm sorry, please. [door clicking shut] Excellent choice, Mr. Palmer. Uh-huh. Seen this one, like, ten times. [whispering] Hot sex scene. Is that right? Yeah, real steamy. Well, what do you know? There you go. Mr. Palmer. Good evening. Have they found your daughter yet? No. No, they have not. My wife and I are praying for her. Thank you and God bless. So when is this one due back? Quarter past midnight. [snarls] What happened? Just some local punks. I chased them off. You don't have to do that. [poignant piano music] ♪ ♪ Do you think I'm a good person? Of course I do. You're a teacher. There's nothing nobler. I betrayed a sacred trust. I took advantage of a student. How could I be so stupid? It's just... Been so long since I felt alive, and when her lips touched mine, I actually-- I wanted-- Shh, quiet, that's enough. Look what you're doing to yourself. I've been so awful to you. It's not me you've been awful to. What's wrong? You don't know me. I don't know you. Did you just say that? I don't know you? Six years I've been your neighbor. I know that you wear the same brown jacket Monday through Thursday, sweater vests on Fridays. I know that you overcook your bacon. You burn the shit out of it. - Holly. - No, shut up. For someone so smart, you can be such a dumbass. I've never seen you have a visitor, not another human being. Now, that's wrong. You don't understand. Oh, I get it. You're hurting inside just like everyone else on this green earth. Well, I'm hurting too, and I'm scared, scared as hell I'll die alone. I need to be held. And maybe you can't see it, but so do you. Grow some balls, Ronald Gibb. Be a man. Start living. (Gibb) As I said, no man can do it alone. For good old Abe, it was Mary Todd, Mary Todd Lincoln, that really got him on track. He was a loner, and she needed attention. Not necessarily a match made in heaven, but it worked. Ronald? [man on TV] Bringing you the latest update on the Ally Palmer kidnapping, we now go live to-- [metal crashing] Where Ronald Gibb, local high school teacher, is holding a press conference. (Gibb) And I repeat, I did not have a romantic relationship with Allyson Palmer. The horrible reality... is that Ally is still missing. I don't know what happened to her, but someone out there does. I am here to do what the police and her father will not. This is my life savings, $68,000. You want it? Find Allyson Palmer. No questions asked, no explanation needed. When Ally gets home safely, this money is yours. You brave son of a bitch. You stupid son of a bitch. 211 phone calls in the past hour alone. Well, that's good, right? Nine of the callers say that she was abducted by aliens. It's gonna take us days to sort through all of this. We weren't prepared to open up this can of worms. There's something different about you, Gibb. [door slams open] Next time, take a dump on my face. Hey, hey, hey! Back off, Palmer! Back up! (Gibb) Something had to be done, something besides bartering her life for cut-rate prices on used cars. This is none of your business. It's my daughter. It's my problem. I am trying to help her. You like little blonde girls, ain't that right? Even if they're not on DVD. You disrespected my little baby, and I am itching to rip your heart out! Now, I don't care if barge ass here has got anything on you or not. If I find out that you were involved in any way, God as my witness, I will bite off your johnson. Another thing: your reward sucks. I'm gonna double it. No child of mine is gonna be cut-rate. She is not a clearance sale item. [door slams shut] Look, Gibb, father of the year is right. It's time for you to take a step back. He is warped. It doesn't matter. You were the last person to see that girl alive. You better start praying it doesn't stay that way. You stay away from me. I'll use this, I swear. Hold it. Hold it. I came to apologize. I bought you-- I bought you a new camera. This one's better than the one you smashed. It's top-of-the-line. This doesn't make it all right. I still think you're a creep, but thanks. You're welcome. Oh, hey, how do you know Ally's dad? I don't. Yeah, Phil Palmer, I'm just curious how you two know each other. Um... I've seen him dropping Ally off. Well, that's fascinating, because he seems to know things about me that only you could have told him. So why don't you tell me what's in it for you? Is he paying you? Are you doing it out of the goodness of your heart? Oh, wait, you have to have a heart for that. People are gonna start telling the truth around here. What is that bastard up to? What is his game? Tell me. Tell me right now! [knocks on door] Hello? Are--are you there? [muffled voices] [laughter] Mom? Amber. Amber! You slimy piece of-- Sweetie, come on, hold on, hold on. Hey, don't run away. [glass shattering] Now, just calm down. You got it all wrong. I can explain. How do you explain that? It was an accident. I mean, this is your fault. Shouldn't you be at work? I came to warn you. Gibb knows we're together. Oh, sweetie, don't be that way. Besides, the guy is harmless. I thought you loved me. I do love you, baby. I hate you both. Whoa. No. [car alarm wailing] That tire retails for two and change. [knocks on door] (Phil Palmer) Howdy, partner. [chuckles] This is the real deal. I gave her those earrings for her sweet 16. They cost a fortune too. I get those back, don't I? So what do you say, old buddy? Will you do it? (Moon) Well, it's not that simple. I don't want Allyson or anyone else getting hurt. Oh, hell's bells. You wanted a ransom note; there it is. Some fucker's got my little girl. If he wants Gibb to show up with the money, that's sure as shit what's gonna happen. Am I right, Ron? [chuckles] I want my truck back. Come again? I want the Ram back and every penny I overpaid for it. Oh, Christ. Then when this is over, I want you to go on TV and apologize to every man, woman, and child you ever lied to. Put the tortoise down! You're shitting me, right? This is Ally's life we're talking about here. Your daughter... your problem. That's extortion. That is extortion. That's a crime. Isn't that a crime? I think you best do what the gentleman says. Oh, I can't believe this shit. All right, fine, fine, whatever the hell you want, but I get her back. Tomorrow at midnight, that's exactly what we'll do. Unit number one in position. Just sit tight. You ready, Gibb? Yeah. Time to get moving. Good luck. (Moon) Gibb is on the move. Continue to hold your position. There's nobody here. Maybe they changed their mind. Relax. Just give 'em a minute. "We hold these truths to be self-evident "that all men are created equal, "that they are endowed by their creator "with certain inalienable rights, "that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Got movement from the southeast. Showtime. He's coming. Where is she? It's all here. $200,000. Now, tell me where Allyson is. Okay. [static crackling] Not now, not now. Damn it. (Brett) Oh, no. Whoa. I'm sorry, Mr. Gibb. Please don't hurt me. You wrote the note? Why? I don't know. I was gonna send your part back, honest. It was her dad's money I wanted. You idiot. The cops are here. Go, get out of here. Run, you fucking moron, run. Gibb! It's just a kid. It isn't real. Hold your position. Don't do anything. I repeat, hold your positions. [gunshots] Hold your fire! Hold your fire! Who the hell is shooting? Karl, get an ambulance out here. Now, Karl! God damn it, what do you want from me? No! No, please! Please! Please, no! [crying] (Gibb) You see, people don't always mean to be bad, even when they do bad things. Sometimes life just gets away from you. You stop making decisions and start doing what you think life has decided for you. But a great historian can take a step back in the middle of the storm, in the heat of battle, and see the opportunity that life's seemingly random mishaps have presented. A great historian can seize the opportunity to start anew and put his history behind him. [soft squeaking sound] Ha! Oh, oh. Oh, Ally. Ally. Daddy. Oh, my--oh, Jesus. Ally, baby. Ally, honey. Daddy. (Gibb) Yes, a great historian can seize an opportunity and put his history behind him. Tiffany, I will be in my office. Hey. You boys need something? Well, makes yourselves right at home. What, are they giving out free donuts today? [laughs] (man) Sir, please stand up. (Phil Palmer) Karl. It's Karl, right? Karl, tell him who he's talking to, will you? Is this some kind of a joke? Sir, please stand up. Okay, all right. Jesus, don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm standing. Look, I'm standing. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say-- (Phil Palmer) I know my damn rights. Hey, am I being charged with something here? Statutory rape. Amber Jinxs is a minor, 17 years old, same as your daughter. She's lying, because I-I have never had sexual relations with that woman. I-- Tiff, thank God you're here. Tell 'em what kind of a man I am. Come on, you can help me. Shut up, Phil. Uh... [chuckles nervously] Ow! Tiff, honey! Tiff, wait, Tiff! [laughing] Is it true you're going away? For a little while to clear my head. How are you holding up? I'm cool. And Brett? He's good. Doctor said he'll be as good as new in a couple of months. My dad thinks he's faking it. Your father is... a real piece of work. Yeah, he is. But he does love me. You know, what you did for me, Mr. Gibb, was amazing. Please don't. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be alive. You know what the funny thing is, though? I don't hate him. I mean, I guess I should, but if anything, I sort of feel sorry for him. Don't feel sorry for him. Just kind of wonder why, you know? I don't know. Must have been pretty scary. Wasn't that scared. Bored mostly. Oh, man, I'm sorry. I thought you guys were done. Hey, Mr. Gibb, thanks for the turtle. Tortoise. Yeah, that's cool too. You take your time, Ally. I'm gonna go wait in the car. Well, good luck on your trip. I hope you find what you're looking for. Hey, stud. Heard you're out of here, man. Yep. Slow it down, man. Say good-bye, good luck. Ronnie, I need some advice, teacher to teacher. What's that, Pete? Well, Ally's reeling, right? She's gonna need a shoulder to cry on. You already gave her an A, so I can't use that. Do you think she would take it in the ass for a college recommendation? For the record, I am nothing like you. What are you doing? Oh, God, you scared me. I'm just cleaning up a little bit. You packed? Let's go. [engine turning] (Gibb) Even for my hero, there were the two Lincolns, they say. What does it matter which one he was or when or for how long? Whichever one is written about, he end justifies the means, and, most importantly, the world remembers the hero.
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 17,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, High School, Kidnapping, Student, Teacher, Cheerleader, Upstate New York, Police, Investigation, Hayden Panettiere, Tim Daly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 19sec (4819 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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