The Admirer | FULL MOVIE

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[MUSIC PLAYING] ROSS: So you're sure I can't get you to break the night before rule? No, and don't even try it. Worth a shot. Are you not nervous? Not in the slightest. Are you? Yes. I mean, it's just a wedding. I'm freaking out. The makeup, the hair, the tables, the flowers, the thing it's just-- Ah! Nancy, Nancy, honey, it's all going to be perfect. And even if it isn't, we'll still both be married at the end of it. Right? Right. All right. Let me show you the suite. NANCY: Looks awesome. It's everything we wanted. It has a great bed. The honeymoon suite's going to have a lot to live up to. And look at this view. [MUSIC BECOMES OMINOUS] NANCY: It's beautiful. Wish you were here right now. I love you. Who's that? ROSS: What? Ross? ROSS: What the-- [SCREAMING] Ross! [SCREAMING] [THUD] Ross! [MUSIC PLAYING] BYSTANDER: Oh my God! [SIRENS IN DISTANCE] NANCY: Rest in peace. Sleep like a bear. Rest assured. Sleep with me? I know. I know. These are just-- Crap? Oh, I totally agree, Gina. Nancy, I mean, you did your best, but-- Nancy. New ideas. Fresh, clever, cutting-edge. Customers aren't going to want to buy a pillow that equates rest with death. No. OK, team meeting, my office, 30 minutes. Thank you for your help, Sarah. [PHONE BEEPING] Hey, have you spoken to Doug? No, but he's been blowing up my phone. Is he in the IT office? Gina fired him. Wait, what? Why? Ask him yourself. He's waiting for you at the barista. Ugh, great. Rest in peace. Ridiculous. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey. Hey. So what happened? Accounting noticed some irregular bank transfers, embezzlement they think. Corporate's blaming it on insufficient IT security. So now I'm Doug, the sacrificial IT guy. Did you do it? Of course not. What are you trying to say? Would you tell me the truth if you had? Nance, what the hell is wrong with you? What's my cup size, Doug? - Huh? - Come on. We've been together a few months now. You must know. Thanks. You're a-- size B? That is correct, and yet I found a D in the back of your car. What? I have no idea whose that is. Sure. We're clearly over. So I'm just not Ross, right? Oh, don't bring his name into this. Wait, Nancy. Wait! Get off of me. I've changed the passcodes in my house. You're not coming back. It is over. Nancy, this is crazy. I did not cheat on you, I swear! Sorry to interrupt. Do you need some help? - It's fine. I've got this. Thank you. Hey, mind your own business, coffee boy. Yea, she's obviously trying to get away from you, and there's at least 12 witnesses who just saw you assault me. What are you talking about? I didn't touch you. Why don't you just walk away and focus on the owner of the bra? [GASPS] This isn't over. Yeah. I-- I am so sorry. No, it's all right. It's not your fault. It's OK. Sorry. I'm sorry. Hey. Hi, sorry. [PHONE BEEPING] Hey. Good Nancy. You OK? Yeah, hi. Good, good. So what's this about a sound chip? Yeah. The sound chip-- Sorry. Sound chip is the actual gimmick. So it is a special-form pillow with bluetooth speakers inside that can be programmed to play seascapes. [WAVES CRASHING] Or forest ambiance. [BIRDS CHIRPING] Or news, or sports, whatever it is that helps you relax before falling asleep. And the great thing about it is it's all integrated into the smartphone app. I love this. Right. Where are we with the presentation? Well, we're not there yet, but we will be ready to impress. Excellent. Guys, this is a big one. [PHONE VIBRATING] I want Nancy to be my point on Puffer Pal Pillow, and Sarah will assist. Pull this off and that promotion we've been talking about will no longer be just pillow talk. Thank you, Gina. Perfect timing. I want to introduce you all to our new IT guy-- Martin Richards. Who clearly loves coffee. Yeah. He will be protecting all of our servers and our computers from potential hackers. Would not want anyone to steal this concept. Hi, everyone. OK. OK, team. That's it for now. Wouldn't mind getting a look at his hardware, right? OK, Sarah, I need you to concentrate. And Nancy-- Oh, sorry. You need to get a good night's rest. Yeah. Oh. Shame about the old guy. I always liked him. Did Nancy even know? I did, yeah. Don't worry about it, Sarah. I'm sorry I didn't tell you first. No, it's fine, Gina. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you. These will help you forget about Doug. Cheers to that. So you definitely don't think I was too hard on him? Do not get sentimental. He cheated on you. Right, yeah. OK. So tell me what happened at work. Let's just say Doug isn't the guy you thought he was. Well, I feel like I've lost all ability to judge people since Ross died. I mean, I want to. Want to open up and trust people, but I feel guilty. But yes, I do know that Ross would want me to move on. You haven't talked about Ross in a while. No, because I can't get closure. I was so busy trying to prove to the cops that there was somebody else there that night and that I'm not just imagining things. Babe, I believe you. Thank you. You need to take time to heal. When the right guy comes along, trust me, you will know it. When's he coming? That I don't know. [LAUGHTER] That IT guy is adorable. He is kind of cute. I actually met him in the coffee shop today. I think he's too chivalrous. That's not a bad thing. These days, I can't even get a guy to pay my Uber home. [LAUGHTER] OK. I've got this tab. I'm going to go home, get my beauty rest, and I will see you both tomorrow. See ya. NANCY: Thanks again, Gina. Oh, she's all over him. She just met him. She is now my partner on the Pillow Pal project. Apparently her uncle or her cousin or something is somebody to do with the account. God, she's so trying to get your job. Stop. You'll make me paranoid. OK. But remember, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you. Stop. Nancy's home. (SINGING) When I wake, baby, I think about all the things I should've said. With this time apart, it helps to clear up a mess. Heaven know, yes or no, breaking down on our dreams because of love, baby-- Delete Doug's favorite music. Play Nancy's favorite music. (SINGING) Funny world for your secrets. That's not the only thing that bleeds. Old man says it's courage needed when you're wading way up, way up to the knees. I'll go sit with you on your back porch. I'll give you a little shoulder to lean. I'll wipe the little bit on the ground to sleep if you need me. Before you and I were official, I was talking to this guy online. Don't get jealous. It was nothing serious, and then I ghosted him. And then I didn't think about it again because we deleted the app. But then this morning, when he sent that, the roses weren't mine. So he was in your house? It could be fake, right? I mean, he could have Photoshopped. That's impossible. There's too much detail and the quality's-- I'm going to take care of this. Trust me. SARAH BLAKE: Hold that. Thanks. I wasn't sure you saw me. You know, I bet we could program anything into that pillow sound chip. Like what? What if we added human sounds? Could be useful, especially when you're alone. Oh, that's a different way to go. It's something I'll think about. Thanks, Sarah. It's a little outside the box, I know, but you don't get ahead by playing it safe, right? No one could ever accuse you of playing it safe, Sarah. Whatever you need, Nancy, I'm here for you. I know what's at stake. - Great. Walk with me, lady. OK. Better today? Yeah, I'm hanging in there. Well, this might cheer you up. The convention is next week in Chicago, and I want you to represent us there? What about the pillow? Use it in Chicago, program it to Sarah's sex mode. [PHONE RINGING] OK, and we are done with your laptop, Ms Baker. And you're sure it's secure? I really can't deal with any more IT issues. Yeah, absolutely. I just need to add some firewalls to the rest of the thing. Good. Nancy. Hey. Are you OK with Martin plugging his hard drive into your personal terminal? Sure. Great. Thanks, Gina. I got to say, Ms Baker is pretty serious about security. I don't-- I don't usually go all out like this. Did you do all of this today? Yep. He uses facial recognition. Even Big Brother can't get in. Are you doing this to everyone's computer or? Just all the ones Ms Baker asks. Apparently, the previous IT tech was a little erratic. I am sorry about that. Hope he didn't hurt you too badly. No, come on. I'm tougher than I look. Did you guys patch it up? Absolutely not. It's back to single life for me. What do you want me to put some dating apps in here for you? No, I had a really bad online experience. Oh, yeah? What happened, if you don't mind me asking? Oh, it's a really long story. We have a little time. So I met a guy online, and we were flirting. It was playful, you know? We didn't even meet up. And the creepy stalker ruined my life. Yikes! Did they ever find out who it was or? No. Wow. Well, you know, when I'm done, nobody is getting through this encryption. Thank you. Wow, it's like "The Matrix." So are you Morpheus or Neo? No, come on. I'm just adding some password encryption to your files. So you will need an extra long secure password, something memorable, but not too memorable. Obvious, but not too guessable. Piece of cake. I probably shouldn't actually tell you this, but I usually just use something that I can see every day. So when I was living in the middle of nowhere in Nebraska, I used wheat and my street number. And I used wheat because-- What else is there in Nebraska? Exactly. What were you doing in Nebraska? I was getting over a breakup. I'm sorry. No, come on, it's all good. You know, um, if you ever wanted to maybe swap experiences sometime over dinner-- Oh, I'm-- I'm really flattered. I am. I just think I'm not ready yet to date another coworker. Yeah, I understand. All right, we're all done. Look, if you hit any snags, just find me on Friendagram and I will always accept your just friend request. Thank you. [CLEARS THROAT]. Oh. My computer is in need of some attention, too. Duty calls. OK, thank you. Yeah. Bye, Sarah. Here you go. All right. SARAH BLAKE: It'll just scan my things. Thanks. Yeah, yeah. Go for it. [PHONE DINGS] Doug, what are you doing here? We need to talk. Are you drunk? So what if I am? I hope you end up like Ross. What are you talking about? Really? Leave now or I am calling the cops. Move. You have to give me a chance to explain. No, I don't have to do anything. Besides, there is no explanation. Don't even try and come in here, Doug. I did not cheat on you! Whatever, this is going nowhere. You're the one who pushed me out. What, so you're saying that I made you cheat on me? That's not what I-- What then? You never gave me a chance. Nobody could ever live up to your precious Ross. Do you know what the really sad thing is, Doug? I wanted you to. And I did give you a chance. And this is what you've done with it. Nancy. It is over. Doors close. Aw! 104, you're supposed to stay at 104. Oh! Are you doing this on purpose? SIMON (ON LAPTOP): He seriously threatened your life? Well, he was acting really desperate. And weird stuff has been going on with my home security system. SIMON (ON LAPTOP): If I were you, I would get a restraining order. Yeah. Anyway, let's not talk about Doug any more tonight. The real question of the evening is, do I send Martin a friend request? SIMON (ON LAPTOP): Did you reactivate your account? Finally. Yeah, well, I haven't gone live with it yet, but I am tempted. SIMON (ON LAPTOP): Just do it. Do it for yourself, though, not for Martin. Friendships should be earned, not requested. Wow, super deep, Simon. OK, well, I'm going to go to sleep, think about it. Hey, thank you for always being a friend. I really appreciate it. SIMON (ON LAPTOP): Of course. Night. Night. At least he has good taste in music. [MUSIC PLAYING] I like that. Good ideas. Thank you. Any time. Thank you. Sarah. Hi, Gina. I'm so sorry I'm late. I guess that pillow worked a little too well. My alarm didn't go off, and my phone didn't charge. My whole house is on the fritz. And when I call customer services, they said they can't send somebody out for two weeks. Two weeks, can you believe that? Can I get a coffee, please? Look, I'd offer for the new IT guy to come and help you, but I really need him to focus on our servers. Of course. We need to figure out what the hell is going on with the bank account irregularities. I understand. About the convention, are you sure you're up for it? Because if not, I can always send Sarah. No, no, no. I want to go, believe me. It's what I need, two days away. Trust me. Can I get a little milk? Hey, I know, I know. I finally got your messages. My phone didn't charge. And my alarm didn't go off this morning, but I did speak with Gina. Was she mad? NANCY WILLIAMS: She wasn't happy. So any news you got for me, make it good. Your wish is my command. They better be from you, Simon. Looks like you got a secret admirer. Read the card. When I met you, flowers started growing in the darkest part of my mind. Oh. I love a good dark romantic mystery. CLARK BAILEY: Well, thank you all, and see you next week. Thanks, Clark. [PHONE RINGING] Ms Williams' office. Clark Bailey calling on line one. He called earlier, too. I think we found your secret admirer. Mm-hmm. Clark Bailey, as I live and breathe. It's that time, the convention. Are you going to finally let me show you a good time or not? You never give up, do you? Nope, not when it comes to a woman as smart and gorgeous as you. Come on, just dinner, you and me. What do you say? We can talk about truth in advertising. No, that would be a short conversation, wouldn't it? CLARK BAILEY: Exactly, leaving us plenty of time for other things. I'll see you in Chicago, Clark. Nancy, are you OK? Yeah, I'm good. I just overslept, that's all. Fear not. I covered for you at the morning meeting. I know. Thank you, Sarah. My pleasure. So I hear someone has a secret admirer. Obviously, not so secret anymore, huh? Good for you. Adios Doug, right? Right. Oh, let's talk about you for a change, mm? What's going on in your life? Sure. I spent the evening with Martin, that new IT guy. Turns out we have a lot in common. That's nice. Yeah, he totally knows what buttons to push. We should do this more often. See you upstairs. Bye. SARAH BLAKE: Have fun in Chicago. [MUSIC PLAYING] Thank you. Wow, that was informative. Wasn't it? I picked up a lot of good tips. Like, did you know that sex sells? Yeah, a real game-changer. And don't forget to put a cat or a dog in your ad no matter what the product is because people love pets. I think we need a drink. Hey, did I mention that this place has the best Martinis in town? You did, actually. Oh. I can't wait to try them. Let's do that. [PHONE DINGS] OK. Everything OK? I don't think I feel like a Martini anymore. Really? I've waited years for this. Well, I don't feel very comfortable here so. OK. - All right. All right. CLARK BAILEY: Well, cheers to Doug not having my room key. Cheers. Cheers. Ow! You OK? Yeah, I have a neck thing. So I have this campaign, puffer pal, and I'm using their product. And ironically, it is not agreeing with my body. Wait, puffer pillow pal? Mm-hmm. That's your product? Mm-hmm. Well, that's really good. Thank you. Let me help you with your neck. Come on, I took a free online massage course. A free one? I'm an expert. Lay down. All right, let me show you exactly it's just in-- - I'll find it. - Oh. I got it. OK. Oh, that's actually really good. Oh, yeah, that's-- yeah, that's the spot. Oh, that's perfect. Oh, wow. Oh, by the way, thanks for those flowers. What flowers? The ones you set to my office. I haven't sent any flowers, but I can buy you a whole florist in the morning if you want me to. Oh, I wonder who it was then, Doug or Simon or Martin? [PHONE DINGING] Oh, let me get it. Hold on. Who's the lucky guy? Seriously? And now you're going to play with your phone. Oh, my god. What? Amber alert. Is that your wife and kids? Who sent you that? Who cares who sent it to me. You're married. You said you were single. You shouldn't be massaging me. You thought I was single. Where is your wedding ring, Clark? Listen, this is not-- it's not what it looks like. Great explanation. Get out of my room. Technically, it's my room. Right, excuse me. I shouldn't have been here in the first place-- Please, let me-- --with a man who has a wife kids. Save it. I can't trust anyone. [MUSIC PLAYING] Want anything else? Yes, an answer. Why am I so stupid? BARTENDER: Here. It's on me. Oh, thank you. BARTENDER: You know that old saying, when you fall off a bike? Oh, yeah, yeah. Get right back on again. Yeah, I know. No, no, no. You find out what made you fall and you ride far, far away. Cheers. Nancy Williams, hi. What are you doing here? Gina sent me to get an overview of your industry. Oh, I didn't see you inside. Yeah, you know, I didn't want to interrupt you and your friend. Oh, he's not my friend. He's more of a cheating acquaintance. And I'm oversharing. So I'm just going to stop talking. Well, I don't mind. I hear that this bar does the best Martinis. They do. Pull up a chair, have one. Great. Can I get one, too? - Coming right up. Thanks. So how did your date go with Sarah the other night? So you heard about that? I did hear about that. Yeah, well, just for the record, she asked me out. She demanded, in fact. I believe it. I also believe that she would eat you alive. Yeah, you know, I kind of got that feeling, actually. I-- I bolted after dinner. So no dessert? Um, I kind of thought that I might be on the menu. And there was me thinking there were no guys like you left in the world. Well, what can I say? I'm just an old-fashioned romantic. Really? Did you send me a gift? No, no. OK, don't worry about it. You know, if I gift someone, I don't tend to keep it a secret. Yeah, right. Is there something you want to talk about? Yeah, maybe you can help me with something. OK, so I had a fiance, and he was murdered. And the cops never found anyone because there wasn't enough evidence. But they did try to trace his phone because the killer kept sending me texts from my fiance's phone, yeah. Um, so recently weird things have started happening again. And what I wanted to know is if you would be able to trace an unknown number? Because I got this weird text earlier. Yeah, of course I can. Wow, sorry. I might be able to pinpoint the exact upload location. Just give me a sec. Yeah. Yeah, so there you go. It's sent from 118-55 Main Street. That's work. How-- how weird. If you hit any more technical stuff, you know, just let me know. I can always help you out. Yeah, and thanks for that. It's just strange. Yeah. Thank you. I appreciate it. Sure. NANCY WILLIAMS: Hey, Gina. Hey, I didn't expect you back. I flew in this morning. Love your work ethic. Well, thank you. So how was the conference? Well, you know, usual boring trends. But I will have that presentation ready for you for tomorrow. - Good. I wanted to ask you something else. I received a text last night with photos attached. Did you send me that? No. No, I didn't send you anything. Hold on. You're receiving flowers and now pictures from someone you don't know. What were the pictures of? It's not important. You think it's Doug? I mean, I don't know. It could be. You don't think this is another situation like your old stalker? Oh, god. Don't even say that word. I'm handling it, promise. Go climb. Don't worry about it. OK. Simon. You know that you are my eyes and ears when I'm away from the office, right? Hi to you, too. OK, seriously, how late did you stay last night? A little later than usual. Sarah recruited me to help her with her presentation. Oh, she did, did she? And did you notice if she was on her phone more than usual, like, sending texts? Everyone's on their phones all the time. Yeah, right. OK, forget it. Remember those roses I got sent? Yeah, from Clark? Clark definitely did not send them. And I received a text with pictures attached. Did you send me that? No. Is everything OK? Hmm, it will be. OK, thank you. I'll see you later. See you. [POP MUSIC] (SINGING) Fake. Great. Smoke. Heart. Hurt. Lung. Throat. Love. Time. Life. Told. For me. Black. But we walk. Refuse the warm. Not hear the call. Daughters born and sons with futures in our hand. In order. Disorder. It's too late to fetch water when your house is burning down. When your house is burning down. [MUSIC PLAYING] Music off. Music off. [MUSIC PLAYING] So hot. What? Stupid thing. [ALARM BLARING] [PHONE RINGING] Yes, somebody's just broken into my house. Please send the police. OFFICER (ON RADIO): Be advised. Multiple broken windows. No sign of forced entry. Detective. Is there a reason we can't do this inside? My house is trying to kill me. And does your house have a name? Listen, I was stalked before. He killed my fiance. I saw it happen. And now, he's back, and he has control of my house. What was your fiance's name? Ross Smith. That was you? That was me. Ross reported my stalker to the police before he was killed, but that wasn't enough to go on. Have you received any threatening messages? No, nothing. Just some weird messages from an unknown number. I actually, you know, I did-- I did get a threat. I just didn't think it was anything serious at the time. Who threatened you? This guy that I was seeing. He said that I would end up dead like Ross. Does he have access to your house? He's an IT expert. What's his name? Douglas Davidson. OK, I'm going to go have a talk with Mr. Davidson. It's probably just a system malfunction. Sure. You're going to be OK. I'll make sure of it. Thanks. ROSS SMITH: So I went to the flower shop. They gave me a description of the guy who bought the roses, but it's weird because he used a woman's credit card. I told the cops everything. It's all going to be OK. You're screwing Clark Bailey. Doug, what the hell are you doing in my car? You're having fun, aren't you, watching everything get taken from me? OK, Doug, listen to me, I don't know what game you're playing. But whatever it is, it has to stop now, OK? I'm warning you, if you don't get me my life back, I will spend every day making yours miserable. How does he know about Clark? [PHONE RINGING] Simon. SIMON (ON PHONE): Nancy, the presentation was moved. It starts in 20 minutes. And did you see your Friendagram? No, I didn't. Wait, why was the presentation moved? I don't know, but it's changed. Are you OK? I'm not, actually. Oh, no. Tell Gina I'm on my way in now. And get me Clark Bailey's number, OK? SIMON (ON PHONE): Sending now. OK, thanks, Simon. WOMAN (ON PHONE): Hello? Hi, I'd like to speak with Clark. WOMAN (ON PHONE): Who is this? My name is Nancy Williams. We both work-- WOMAN (ON PHONE): I know who you are. Thanks to you, the whole world has seen your heinous pictures. Oh, wait. No, nothing happened. Actually, that's why I'm calling. WOMAN (ON PHONE): Clark told me what you did, got him drunk, forced your way into his room. We have children. Never call this number again. Listen, I'm really sorry. But actually-- What the hell? What the hell? [MUSIC PLAYING] Cutting it a little close, don't you think? Yeah, I know, I know. I'm here. OK, Nancy, please tell me you have something to present. I do. We can't lose this account. $4,000,000 and a partner role for you. Mm-hmm. Simon, come, come, come. Can you pick up my car? Sure. No, it's in the middle of the street. Really? Yeah, it really is. And also, be careful with it because there's something going on with it, and it's really playing up. And do me another favor, call my smart system company and find out when they are sending somebody out. Thanks. Here she is. This is Nancy Williams. She is an advertising genius and my point person for your campaign. Hi. Sarah here has been throwing out some great ideas. Oh, she has, has she? Just assisting when I can. OK, floor's all yours, Nancy. Thanks, Gina. I will just plug this laptop in. OK, so as we all know in this room, everyone deserves a good night's sleep, right? And we all believe in making that more interesting. Now, I have actually had the pleasure of sleeping with your pillow for this last week. And I have to say, it has been like sleeping with a friend, a pal, if you will. But we still want to make it a unique experience. So our new slogan, when sleep is sound happiness abound. Mm-hmm, because sound is key to puffer pal. So come, follow me. Let's go into a world of dreams. [RELAXING AMBIENT SOUNDS] Oh, that is good. Oh, that's good. A little bit harder. Oh, yeah, that actually feels really good. Gina, is this a joke? NANCY WILLIAMS (ON TV): OK. Oh, god, yeah. Is that Clark? NANCY WILLIAMS (ON TV): That is good. That feels so good. Oh, we getting there. Jim, it's a technical error. JIM: Nancy, we appreciate your late night research with our pillow, but we need G-rated. G-rated, Gina. Let's just forget about that. Um, let's just start again. I believe what Nancy was getting at is the gateway to relaxation differs with each person. We intend to focus on a G-rated experience. Please allow me to show you the ocean tides of Bora Bora and what our focus group thought of it. GINA BAKER: Sarah, please continue. Jim, sorry. Nancy, with me, please. I'm sorry. This better be Bora Bora. What the hell was that? First, those pictures. Now, a sex tape with an employee. Come on, Gina. That was hardly a sex tape. I just made a mistake, that's all. That's a damn understatement. Do you have any idea what a scandal like this would do to the company? Sarah was messing with my computer. So I'm pretty sure that it was something to do with-- Sarah? Sarah's been putting in extra hours to help your presentation. She's in there saving our asses right now. Right. You're right. I'm sorry. You know what, you know what, Nancy, take a break. Go home. Oh, god. Hey, can I come in? Yeah, sure. Uh, what do you know about home smart systems? Uh, pretty much everything. Yeah, I mean, they're just as smart as the programmer, right? OK, great. Can you come over to my place later? I need your help. Sure. Thanks. Bye. [MUSIC PLAYING] Come on in. MARTIN RICHARDS: Hey. Take a seat over there. So I really appreciate you doing this. Thank you so much. Hey, whatever I could do to help, right? You know, I-- I saw the pictures that got leaked. I just-- I can't believe anybody would do that to you. Yeah, exactly. So no more playing nice. So I finally got into my home admin portal. I was checking the security logs, but they keep crashing. Admin portal, security logs. Wow, I'm impressed. Yeah, but the only passcode that's been used in the last week is mine. So we're right back to square one. Yeah, well, that's-- that's where I come in. Do you mind if I access the router? No, access whatever you need. Just get my home back for me. I'm on it. So have you always been interested in computers? Um, you know, I-- I used to be really into video games, but then I grew up and became interested in the opposite sex. Probably should have just stayed with the video games. Wow, that ex really did a number on you, huh? Oh, yeah. So what happened? I loved her more than she loved me, I guess, you know? Things got complicated. How so? Come on, spill. Oh, man. Um, she found someone else. I'm sorry. Yeah. I know how that feels. But you know, luckily for me, I found a useful new skill, and here we are. Yeah, here we are. I mean, where is that exactly? Who is doing this to me? I can't be sure just yet. But the good news is I can't find any hidden surveillance devices. What about my car? Well, it's an integrated system. So if somebody could get in, then, you know, they can get in your cell, your laptop, your car, your house. But not anymore because I just deactivated the old firewall and installed you a new one. So you are now free. Wow, awesome. That was so quick. Yeah, just like that. Thank you. I still want to find out who it is. Oh, yeah. No, of course. I'm running some tracking programs. I mean, whoever did this was-- was pretty smart, and they've covered their tracks. But I'm just going to keep digging. Yeah, OK. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Sorry. Oh, hey, can I get a refill? Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. Do you want something stronger? Sure, yeah. I have a really good red here somewhere. There it is. How about a nice Italian blend and some pasta? OK, only as long as I can help cook. Oh, you can definitely help cook. And then they all heard the pillow moaning. Oh, my god. That is brutal. It is brutal. She is brutal. I'm starting to wonder just how far she'll go. I don't know, you know? It seems more like-- like Doug. Yeah, I mean, it could be Doug. I just don't know. But I'm going to find out. I am going to call Simon and see if he can help me. SIMON (ON PHONE): Ms William's office. Hey, Simon. Yeah, it's me. Listen, can you do me a favor? Can you go into Sarah's office and see if you can see anything suspicious? SIMON (ON PHONE): Sure you want me to snoop? Yeah, snoop away, just don't get caught. SIMON (ON PHONE): Activating stealth mode now. Great. Thanks, bye. SIMON (ON PHONE): OK, Bye. So I have another request. Oh, yeah? Do you think you can fix it? Do I think I can fix what? Pillow. Sure. Perfect. Finish dinner first, though. OK, all right. That should do it. Try it out. - Now? Yeah, now. Try it out. OK. I'm going to lay on it. WOMAN (ON PILLOW SPEAKERS): I'm not into dating coworkers. I just want them to cook me dinner. [LAUGHTER] I'm sorry, I know it's inappropriate. I'm sorry. So you can date coworkers? And married men and cheaters. For you, I'll make an exception. [MUSIC PLAYING] [DISTANT WHISTLING] Good evening, Ms Blake. Hey, Nick. [MUSIC PLAYING] Gotcha. Whoever hurt you made a huge mistake. Whoever's doing this to you is going to get what they deserve. [ALARM BLARING] What the hell? That's Doug's car. Wait, is he here? Oh, god. Are you serious? What the hell is he doing here? Whoa, whoa, whoa. NANCY WILLIAMS: Oh, my god. It's OK, it's OK. What's going on? [RADIO CHATTER] OFFICER (ON RADIO): --victim, multiple gunshots. Looks like a 187. The EMT is going to be called. TOD, approximately 4:00 PM. Suspect still at large. We're going to do a canvas. Who would have killed Doug? I don't know. But whoever it, he's still out there. OK, thank you. [PHONE DINGS] And the two of you work together? Yeah. Yeah, look, this person is still out there they sent me this. This is from Ross' phone. So whoever killed Doug, it's the same person. May I take a photo of this? Yeah. And to finish the statement, may I take a picture of your ID? Yeah. Sorry, are you going to do anything tonight besides take pictures? You really need to leave the questioning to me. Sure, sorry. This is an active crime scene. Do you have somewhere to stay this evening? Yeah. She can stay with me. Good night, Ms Williams, Mr. Richards. I'll go upstairs and put stuff in my bag. Yeah. [PHONE RINGING] Gina. Gina? Nancy, we have a serious problem. Someone's created a backdoor into our servers. They're hacking into our bank accounts. And the breach came from your terminal. NANCY WILLIAMS (ON PHONE): I'm with Martin. You're with him? I've been calling you for the past 20 minutes. Look, you both need to get down here now. Look, Gina, some things have happened. I don't think we can get to the office. Nancy, if this gets out, we'll lose the company. Just please, I need you both here. OK, OK. [PHONE RINGING] Simon, Doug is dead. SIMON (ON PHONE): Oh, my god. How? Someone shot him in his car outside my house. And I was wrong, he wasn't the one stalking me. SIMON (ON PHONE): We both knew who it was. I found the proof right there in her office. She has your passwords. She's the one hacking you. You have to go to the cops with this. Just ask for Detective Burton, OK? SIMON (ON PHONE): I'm on it. OK, come on. I'll go. I can take care of this. You stay. No, I have to go. Remember those pictures I got of Clark and his family when I was in Chicago? You told me they came from the office. The killer was there. So we have to go. Oh, Simon's got my car. I'll drive. [MUSIC PLAYING] What the-- I need the name of your security company and the company that installed it. Detective. You must be Simon. What's so urgent? I think I solved Nancy's case. I have proof that our coworker is the one harassing Nancy. I'm listening. Well, I found Nancy's password in Sarah's office. That's the password for her house, too. This proves she did it all. Great start, but it doesn't actually explain everything. Well, I can go through more of her personal files if you want. OK, how about we start with Sarah's last name? Blake, Sarah Blake. Listen, Simon, thank you so much for coming down to see me. I will be in contact with you. This is what we have, detective. Great, thanks. OK, I'm going to need all of the security footage of the day the system was installed. I mean, I guess she's the most likely one to have sent those pictures of Clark. But I-- what are you doing? I'm trying to hack into Doug's cell. Found it by your front door. He must have dropped it when he was stalking around. Why don't you give it to the police? That's evidence. The police? Come on. They'll take forever to access the phone. Look, your stalker probably lured Doug to the house, right? So this has the answers we need. Gina. You told me the system was secure. Sarah says it's not. Why is this happening? Ms Baker, I assure you the system is state of the art. Whoever is hacking you is using extremely sophisticated means. In fact, it almost has to be an inside job. The hack into the server originated from Nancy's account. Just her and Simon had access. Are you accusing us of something, Sarah? Well, if I may, Gina is the only one with the ability to initiate a transfer. And Sarah, you sure seem to know what you're doing. We don't have time for this. Martin, eyes front. Lock down our system, lock down our bank accounts. No, I can't. The banks use different protocols, 256-bit encryption. I don't want to hear all your crap. I hired you to protect this company. Let me tell you, you're doing a real bang-up job. Fix this now. Nancy, can I speak to you for a moment? I found something you need to see. I know you were the one embezzling. Meet me at my house, 3:00 PM. $500,000, or I take you down. Doug was blackmailing Gina. She's the one stealing from the company. Gina had a motive to kill Doug. Look, give me 10 minutes with her. OK, perfect. You stall. I'll trace this breach and try to prove it's her. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] Gina, I need to speak with you. What is it now? Alone. Go help Martin. I need to show you something. That's Doug's phone. Nancy, you have to believe me. I would never do this. Doug is insane. I would never steal money from the company. Yeah, I know. Somebody is trying to frame you. They must have gotten into Doug's phone. They sent you these texts, just like they sent Doug. They lured you to my house, just like they lured him. Wait, so-- so Doug is innocent? Doug is innocent. But there's something else. Doug is dead. He was murdered. No. No way. Impossible. You saw the text. I went to meet him this afternoon at your house. Did you actually see him, though? I saw his car. Somebody is trying to frame you, Gina, somebody who has been three steps ahead of us this whole time. Sorry, Simon. Things got real complicated. SIMON (ON PHONE): I just met with Detective Burton. OK, what did she say? SIMON (ON PHONE): Nothing. The lady is a brick wall. But she did seem interested in Sarah. You ask me, she's still our prime suspect. Wait, does Burton think that? SIMON (ON PHONE): I'm not sure, but there's something else. She's focused on digging up old security footage from the hotel, the hotel where Ross died. Oh, god. SIMON (ON PHONE): Look, I'm on my way to the office. No, no, Simon. Don't come here. SIMON (ON PHONE): There's no way it's just her. Simon? SIMON (ON PHONE): Nancy? Simon, are you still there? [STATIC] Simon, answer! SIMON (ON PHONE): Your brakes-- Hit the pedal! Simon. Simon! Oh, god. All the phones are down. All the doors are locked. The elevators in the lobby are stalled. We're trapped up here. Why would he have Doug's phone? I can't believe he did this. He's just some IT geek. No, you didn't see him, Gina. It's like he knew, like he knew what was on that phone. The phone. No service. Is that Martin's bag? What is that? Ross' phone. Oh, god. So it was Martin all along. No, he and Sarah knew each other. Martin Richards. [MUSIC PLAYING] What the-- [MUSIC PLAYING] What the hell are you doing? That's my money. I'm sending the money back. You don't deserve it. You shouldn't have tried to hurt her. I'm following the plan. We were just supposed to scare her. I wasn't the one who went rogue and killed someone. We get the money, and you live out your creepy fantasy with Nancy, which you'll never have because you're a psycho. You know, you really shouldn't have uploaded those photos. You made it look cheap. They've cut the lights. Even if you're insane theory was true, why would they be doing all this? I don't know, but we have to find them. Here, take that. Great, I must have some mail around here. Just stay here. I'm not staying here. Nancy? Nancy? [MUSIC PLAYING] Sarah? Sarah? Sarah? Gina. You scared the crap out of me. It uses facial recognition. Even Big Brother can't get in. So it'll just scan my face? [MUSIC PLAYING] Relax, Gina. Sit down. Nancy went looking for you. Where's Sarah? [MUSIC PLAYING] I promise I won't tell anybody what you did. No, no, Gina. It was you. I made sure of it. You went to Nancy's house and you killed Doug to cover up your embezzlement. I have video of you stalking around Doug's car today. And besides, your fingerprints are all over the gun. What gun? This gun. Gina, no. Please, no. No, no, no! Nancy, sweetheart, you don't understand. You're ruining the plan. I took care of Doug for you. Now, somebody has to go down with a murder. So we placed Gina at the scene of the crime. She has the motive. It's perfect. You're psychotic. No. No, I'm not. Because then, Nancy, then we can be together, just like we're supposed to be. I've known it since the very first message you ever sent me. You're the only one, the only one who knows the real me. Can't you see? This is all for you, Nancy. I would never hurt you. OK, you did this all for me. You killed Ross, you killed Doug for me so we could be together. I get it, I get it. You've been watching me all this time, and you still don't see. You picked the wrong girl. Your confession to Gina, I sent it to the police. Gina. [SIRENS BLARING] Gina, Gina. Gina, please come on. Get up. Gina, please get up. Please, quickly, quickly. [GROANING] Fine. We'll do it the hard way. So here is the plan. Just so we're on the same page, Gina killed Doug. And we'll say she killed Sarah, too, when she found out Gina's incriminating files. And Simon. Simon, he just didn't know how to drive. Good. Simple motives. It's easy to file. Now the question, Nancy, is what do I do with you? Oh, now that is sexy. Do you even know how to turn on a computer, honey? Because I can show you. [MUSIC PLAYING] Stay here. Nancy? Nancy? Oh, now I'm really turned on. [MUSIC PLAYING] You see, Nancy, you can't hide from me. WOMAN (ON PILLOW SPEAKERS): I'm not into dating coworkers. I just want them-- Rest in peace. [MUSIC PLAYING] Simon, good to see you. I guess I outsmarted your car. I guess you did. Oh, my god. It's OK, I'll be fine. And Sarah? Oh, god. I just-- I can't believe I let this happen. Gina, are you kidding me? This is not your fault. Make sure you check the next of kin. Any cameras outside? Hey, I'm glad I got you around to watch my back. Always. You still want that partnership? Um, yeah, if we can outsource IT. Sure. [MUSIC PLAYING] [POP MUSIC] (SINGING) Don't complain. I'll wash your mouth out with this champagne. Don't bring his name in here. Make it disappear. I won't ask again. Same old thing. Just understand now the rules have changed. The chase is half the fun. Icarus' son fly straight to his fling. After all that's said and done, perhaps I'll be the one you hate. After all that's said and done, perhaps we'll never speak again. Oh look into my eyes. I promise you'll regret tonight endlessly. Darling, please make a big mistake of me. Don't miss. I'm not scared. You're overwhelmed and I'm un-- I'm over prepared. The devil in a light can help you make your mind, do things you never did. After all that's said and done, perhaps I'll be the one you hate. But after all that's said and done, perhaps will never speak again. Look into my eyes. I promise you'll regret tonight endlessly. Darling, please make a big mistake of me. look into my eyes. I promise you'll regret tonight endlessly. Darling, please make a big mistake with me. Darling, please make a big mistake of me.
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 227,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roxanne McKee, Richard Fleeshman, Tina Casciani, Christina Bennington, Jordan Ford Silver, Jack Parr, Vladimir Mihaylov, Lucas Aurelio, Manal El-Feitury, Kate Nichols, The Admirer, Admirer, Admirer movie, Admirer full movie, female lead, strong female, thriller, stalker, murder, violence, romance, mystery, past, obsession, dangerous, tryst, women, woman, girl, woman lead, women led
Id: 5ujLwlhujRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 54sec (5334 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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