Bender | FULL MOVIE | True Crime Story

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[downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): There are few who speak of the eerie happenings that once prowled in this quiet corner of the state. The truth can be stranger and more horrifying than what any man will dream up. [frantic music] I always looked after my brother. He'd say it was not needed. But that's where he'd be wrong. [downbeat music] The government was giving away free land to anyone who could live through five winters. I claimed mine. But my brother, he wasn't interested. (SINGING) For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. EDWIN (VOICEOVER): He said he was the only doctor for 100 miles. He took his work to heart. Oh, my. MRS. THOMAS: Is it serious? WILLIAM: Not if it is cared for. A little poultice will help. Now I want you to rub this on your foot every morning. MRS. THOMAS: Thank you. EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Everybody tried to fix him up, but my brother didn't want to be held. After he lost his wife in her childbirth, he made his way alone. We're lucky. Lucky to have such a fine physician in our town. You speak generously. MRS. THOMAS: You deserve more. Your brother too. Do you know my niece, Ethel? WILLIAM: I do not believe that I do. Oh, you must. She's lovely, doctor. I'm expecting her. She'll be here any moment. Wouldn't you like to stay? Have a cup of coffee? Thank you, Mrs. Thomas, but I have many people to see today. I'm sure you have. Strange things have been happening lately. Mm-hmm. You did hear about Mrs. Kimball's nephew? In Cherry Vale? He was expected. Expected here last Sunday supper. They found his horse yesterday two miles away. [downbeat music] Oh, here she is. Won't you stay a moment? Say hello, doctor? WILLIAM: I thank you kindly, but I-- I really must be on my way. Good day, ladies. EDWIN (VOICEOVER): I never understood him, with his logic and his books. But I loved him. He taught himself to cook. Pork was his favorite. I reckon because it was easiest. [humming] Time to start preparing supper, Betsy. Should I go pull some grains from the garden too? [screams] Ma! MR. LONCHER: Get the doctor! Betsy, go get the doctor! BETSY: Doctor! [bell ringing] Mrs. Loncher? Mrs. Loncher, I must sit you upright in order to help you breathe. [bone snapping] Ma! [downbeat music] MR. LONCHER: Lily! She must have struck her head as she fell. She was suffocating, so I adjusted her. I'm sorry. I will fetch the parson. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): It's hard to keep people alive. You have to feed them, keep them clean, and you really ought to love them. MAN: Good evening, doctor. Every time someone passes, I think about my late husband. Sometimes you don't realize how important someone is till they're gone. Oh, you understand. Your manner's seen tragedy. Yes. I do understand. Biscuits? MR. LONCHER: Take a letter from me, doctor. Mother, we are leaving Independence to be with you. Mr. Loncher, don't you think you and Betsy would be better off staying here? The Osage trail is notoriously dangerous. [door slamming] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): He lived for his patients. But he was losing more than he saved. Mournful solemnities of this day may awaken us to righteousness. Let us not forget that our days are swiftly passing away. And that every hour shortens our scanty span. Give us grace to live-- BETSY: [humming] (SINGING) Come fill up my cup and fill up my can. Come saddle my horses and call out my men. Unhook the West Port and let us go free, for it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Even in all those wide open spaces, things can disappear. [downbeat music] BETSY: (SINGING) Fill up my cup and fill up my can, come saddle my horses and call out my men. Unhook the West Port and let us go free. [downbeat music] (SINGING) For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. WOMAN (VOICEOVER): Dear George and Betsy, hope you have not left Independence. I am anxious with worry about you. Send word as soon as you read this. You are in my constant prayers. Mother. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): I don't know why he left. Maybe to find those people. Maybe to save someone again. Maybe he didn't think he had that much to lose. Maybe he was right. [downbeat music] MAN: Afternoon, sir. Good afternoon. By any chance, you seen a man traveling with a little girl in a wagon? Can't say that I have. Be the first person I seen in a while. Well, I thank you all the same. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): He must have gone a ways. He must have gone without eating. Worked up quite an appetite. And then he saw that sign. Grocry. He believed in signs. [knocking at door] Good afternoon, ma'am. I saw your sign. ELVIRA: You need groceries? Yes, ma'am. For my horse. We have corn. And here's oats. WILLIAM: Some oats, please. Have you by any chance seen a man traveling with a little girl? ELVIRA: A man traveling with a little girl? Yes, ma'am. No. I haven't seen them. WILLIAM: Of course not. Are you from Independence? WILLIAM: Yes, ma'am, I am. What is your name? I am Dr. William York. Doctor? WILLIAM: I was an assistant surgeon during the war. Here are my credentials. I do not read. I know what it's like to lose someone. You don't settle a country like this without losing people. You of all people should know, bad things happen on the Osage. Bandits steal the fat wallets of travelers. The many who wander off the trail and never found. Why, I've heard of nine disappearances already this year. In the dark, you won't find the people that you're looking for. Go to Independence tomorrow. Safely. [william's stomach growling] [laughs] Well, we all have to eat. Yes, ma'am, we all have to eat. All right then, thank you. Lodging is $0.15. And supper is $0.10. Of course. Please, sit down. Thank you, kindly. ELVIRA: There you are. Doctor, let me introduce you to my daughter, Kate. This is Dr. York. Isn't she a lovely girl? Yes, she is. ELVIRA: And very wise. People come from miles around just to see Kate. [downbeat music] You and I may have quite a lot in common, Dr. York. WILLIAM: How is that? I too am a healer. Really? KATE: The body holds many secrets hidden beneath the skin. They seem mysterious, but they can be unearthed by the right person. You're very perceptive, miss. Medicine is the craft of looking from the outside and seeing within. Even the most basic forces keeping us alive, we cannot see them, yet we know they are there. What are you thinking of? Pulse, for example. May I? [downbeat music] KATE: You are right, Dr. York. I understand. I am one who has the power to see many things, the future, the past. I help others find answers to their mysteries, and I bring them health and happiness. I could be useful if you're searching for missing people. My profession is one of science, not the supernatural. My apologies if I have offended. Kate, the doctor is apologizing to you. Be a kind hostess. You are forgiven, doctor. [snickers] Is he your son? Brother. WILLIAM: One, two, three. One, two, three. Very good. [downbeat music] My father taught me that when I was a little boy. You see, you can do it too, son. [laughs] Very good. Good evening, sir. Hello. ELVIRA: Dr. York, you are our guest. Please, sit in the seat of honor. WILLIAM: You are most kind. You met Kate? WILLIAM: Yes, I met Kate. She's a beauty, no? No? Yes. She is lovely. ELVIRA: Time to eat. Do you enjoy pork, sir? WILLIAM: Of course. ELVIRA: [humming] KATE: Hungry? WILLIAM: Very. Where's the pork? ELVIRA: Almost ready. [thudding] WILLIAM: [gasps] [frantic music] [screams] [gurgling] [door slamming] [heavy breathing] [ominous music] There will be others, Kate. KATE: I thought he would understand. He almost did. But he mocked me. That was his mistake, not yours. KATE: I want another chance. Then you shall have one. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Even in Kansas, a man has to eat. But the food don't grow on trees. Somebody had to live there. Somebody had to work that soil. But first, somebody had to die. WOMAN: Kate! Miss Bender! Kate! Kate! Miss Bender. [laughs] I want to thank you for helping us out so much last week. You found your goats? They were crossing that creek right by that real big cottonwood at exactly half past noon, just like you said. I couldn't believe my eyes. How'd you know that? How'd you know where they're be? Consider it my gift. But see, my husband and I, we had spent the better part of two days looking for them. He thought I was a fool when I gave you a nickle to listen. But now, all that bellyaching's over. He couldn't be happier. [laughs] I am glad you found your goats. You-- you are no ordinary girl. I thank you. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): They must have kept up a good act. Maybe that was it. It was all an act. Rehearsed. [downbeat music] [whistles] Boy! Boy! Come here. Here, boy. JOHN JUNIOR: [humming] [ominous music] JOHN: [groans] Move. [shouts] [downbeat music] ELVIRA: [sighs] What are you doing, boy? Gardening? [laughs] Look, look, little green apples. Apples! [laughing] [downbeat music] Hello, dear. [downbeat music] It's Sunday. We have all day to do as we please. What's the matter with you? You ain't young like Kate. [shouts] Remember who feeds you. JOHN JUNIOR: Here, piggies. Hey. You done her yet? Ah, pig, you go do her. Pig! What'd you do, boy? Huh? Huh? Pig! Pig! [laughs] [ominous music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Unnatural things happened out on the Osage. Was it some sort of a joke? We now know it was a grave joke they told. ELVIRA: That's plenty. [gasps] Don't worry, Kate. You'll find someone who sees your gift. Supper? KATE: Yes, ma'am. [downbeat music] Come back to me. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): They chase each other, life and death. Feeding, going hungry, the circle of our days. Ethel! Ethel! ETHEL: What is it, Auntie, are you all right? My toe. ETHEL: Haven't you been treating it? Oh, of course I've been treating it, but I ran out of poultice two days ago, and the doctor's been away. I have to go inside. Ethel, go get the doctor. He must be back by now. Yes, Auntie. [downbeat music] [thudding] [shouting] [heavy breathing] Mmm. JOHN: [groans] JOHN JUNIOR: [hums] [downbeat music] [horse approaching] ELVIRA: Good afternoon. Good afternoon, ma'am. ELVIRA: Would you like to buy some groceries? OFFICER: No, no thank you. I would like to speak with your husband. About what? Another disappearance, I'm afraid. A doctor. Maybe you could be of help in tracing his whereabouts. No. No, I haven't seen anyone. OFFICER: Let me describe him to you. Yes, of course. OFFICER: Dr. William York. About 40 years of age. Healthy, dark hair, riding a bay horse about 15 hands high. No. I haven't seen any doctor. Do you have many people come by here, ma'am? ELVIRA: What do you mean? Do many people stop here? For groceries? Yes, ma'am. For groceries. Well, do they? Yes. Have you seen any man fitting the description of Dr. York? ELVIRA: No, I haven't. What is that? ELVIRA: Why, a pocket watch, of course. That's mighty extravagant out here on the Osage. It belonged to my father before he passed. It's our most prized possession. Mayor Prentiss is holding a meeting in Cherry Vale tomorrow about these disappearances. I would encourage your family to attend. ELVIRA: Oh, I think that would be very wise. Thank you for letting us know. Good day. [ominous music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Hunger has a way of clouding a man's judgment. [whistles] [laughs] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): The tall grass hides half itself. For every foot you see, another foot lies below. [hums] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Dozens of people had vanished around these parts. Dozens of people had visited the Benders. [crowd murmuring] [door banging] I called this meeting to discuss the disturbing disappearances happening in our midst. These are not the misfortunes of wayward travelers or transients from afar, but established families, respected men, local people have vanished in fair weather, swallowed by the prairie that we know to fear and respect. Some blame the devil. Some have been heard whispering of their neighbors. We can no longer think of these events as unlucky coincidence. Citizens from this county have been taken by an evil lurking outside our door. We must protect each other. Remember how we struggled to settle this land, what we lost, who we lost. Never forget those that we buried along the journey, for their souls live on in us and in our children. We have nothing if we cannot keep our loved ones safe. So in the name of those that are absent from this room we must fight against any danger posed to our families. I ask to come forward any man brave enough to search out the root of this terror. That's right, Mayor. And I don't know why Sheriff-- Calm down, Charles. We'll get to the bottom of this. MAN: We've gotta get somebody out there. MAN: Sheriff. [interposing voices] WOMAN: Where are my children? WOMAN: What happened to my family? [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): A bender is a force of nature. Just as sure as the dirt is the death beneath our feet. [downbeat music] Like a sunrise, like a sunset, we come from each other. Each life built on another's death. [knocking at door] [suspenseful music] EDWIN: Good afternoon, ma'am. ELVIRA: Good afternoon. I hope I have not come at a bad time. No. No. Would you like to buy some groceries? No, ma'am. I come looking for someone. His name is Dr. William York. Might you know anything that could be of help? No, I don't believe I do. But perhaps my daughter, Kate, could be of some assistance to you. Kate? Kate, we have a visitor. Let me present to you Mr? York. Mr. York. KATE: How do you do, Mr. York? EDWIN: Pleased to meet you. I wonder if you have by any chance run across a doctor from Independence? What is your reason for inquiring, Mr. York. I am his brother. KATE: Of course you are. What do you think happened to your brother? I really couldn't say. Nobody would leave me, but I have the strangest feeling he simply vanished. I believe you, Mr. York. [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Fraternal and identical ain't the same, but it's close enough in Kansas. KATE: I think I can help you, Mr. York. EDWIN: Call me Edwin. KATE: I will call you whatever you like, Edwin. I'm reached by many forces. While others see only to the horizon, I can see just beyond. No place is out of my sight. No soul is out of my reach. Your brother is an honest man. I can feel it. EDWIN: Yes, he is. KATE: Hard worker. EDWIN: A very hard worker. KATE: Caring to his patients. So caring that he traveled the trail for them, though guilt troubled his soul. EDWIN: Do you see him? Do you see my brother? It is fading. It is gone. EDWIN: Gone? Yes. I have lost it. How do you do that? [laughs] These here are Missouri pippins. Why, yes. Yes, they are. Do you tend this orchard? My father does. He does well. We are an industrious people. [suspenseful music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): She thought she was a seer. But she could only see me in my brother's place. What a mess. Would you walk me to the creek, Edwin? Of course. KATE: [HUMS "WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME"] [gentle music] EDWIN: How long has it been since you staked this claim? KATE: We settled it three years ago this fall. EDWIN: Has it treated you well? KATE: The animals are healthy and the soil is good, but we don't have much, beside a couple of pigs. And the apples. Where's your land, Edwin? EDWIN: Outside Fort Scott. KATE: But you were not born there? EDWIN: No. I come from Illinois. I took my wound at Chickamauga, then I bought my land after the war. KATE: Are you not married? EDWIN: No. Not yet, no. KATE: You will be. One day. EDWIN: What is your family name? KATE: Bender. EDWIN: Bender. That name is unusual. Sounds like a force of nature. KATE: Oh, we are. I will be right back. [downbeat music] Good evening, Mr. York. EDWIN: Good evening, ma'am. Come in. Please, come in. You had an enjoyable walk with Kate? No? Yes. It was quite enjoyable. The bed is very comfortable. You'll sleep well there tonight. The blankets are warm, and the pillows soft. EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Everything said welcome. Everything in place. They wanted me to feel at home. They wanted to feed me. ELVIRA: She's a beauty. Indeed. Do you have a travel bag, Mr. York? Yes, ma'am. I think it's outside. Oh, it would be much safer indoors. Dangerous things happen out there. Well, you oughta know. Yes. They do. [ominous music] ELVIRA: [HUMS "WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME"] I'll put your bag by your bed. Thank you, ma'am. Please make yourself comfortable, Mr. York. You are our guest. EDWIN: You are most kind. [ominous music] Hello, son. [dramatic music] [gasps] Edwin, this is my father. EDWIN: Pleased to meet you. [ominous music] ELVIRA: You are a farmer, Mr. York, is that right? Yes, ma'am. I have some land outside Fort Scott. ELVIRA: How large is your plot? EDWIN: Near about 200 acre. ELVIRA: 200? What do you grow? EDWIN: Wheat mostly. Corn. ELVIRA: Corn? Kate loves Corn. Don't you, Kate? KATE: Yes. I do love corn. [suspenseful music] EDWIN: What are you doing, little boy? What are you doing? [suspenseful music] Who taught you that? He makes up all sorts of silly games. Stop it, boy. We have pork tonight. No! Who taught you that, boy? ELVIRA: No, dear. Only-- only potatoes. I said pork! ELVIRA: Yes, dear. Edwin-- EDWIN: Who taught you that? KATE: Edwin! EDWIN: Who taught you that, boy? KATE: [gasps] [suspenseful music] [shouts] Mr. York! Come back! [thunder crashing] ELVIRA: And they were getting along so well. Go outside. Go feed the horses. He has served his purpose. [ominous music] [laughs] [groans] [groans] [frantic music] [flies buzzing] [ominous music] Oh! Search everything. Everything. Hey, hog pen and that shack. Josh, look for tracks. MAN: What you need? That's about all I can say. They did keep to themselves. The only thing I can say is, sure knew how to till a field. Never known anybody in this county that could turn seedlings into apples so fast. Did you find my brother? Not yet. Where you think they are? With the train depot less than 10 miles down the trail, they could be anywhere. We'll wire every station between here and Chicago. Everyone will be looking for these people. [ominous music] [gasps] MAN: God sure can have a strange way sometimes. Men, we need shovels. JOHN JUNIOR: [hums] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): The newspapers were full of accounts of the Bloody Benders and the bodies they left buried in their apple orchard. All had their throats slit and their heads bashed in. Except for a little girl. She appeared to have been buried alive. (SINGING) Unhook the West Port and let us go free, for it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. For it's up with the bonnets of Bonnie Dundee. [thunder rumbling] [downbeat music] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): We only ever found bits of my brother. No trace of the Benders was ever found. Folks claim to have seen them up in Wichita, Chicago, or on the streets of Omaha. Still others swore they plain disappeared into the prairie, or maybe folded into the wrinkles of the land. [frantic music] ELVIRA: [laughs] EDWIN (VOICEOVER): Here, no one gets out alive. We are hoping for heaven. But most of us are bent for Hell. [frantic music] WOMAN: It's to die for. [MUSIC - RUDY LOVE, "TO DIE FOR"] (SINGING) Look into those eyes that walk that talk, the things. Can you see the danger underneath the skies? Doctor, doctor, help us, please. Help us please. Feel the trouble in the air and the breeze. Beauty as a seductress, seductress, beauty as a temptress, it's a terrible thing to die for, to die for. To cry for. To lie. Little children, don't go into the woods. Don't go into the woods. The bloody [inaudible] will do you no good. Do you no good. Awaiting your reaction in the blink of a fraction, a fraction. Death cancels all the action. Cancels all the action. You realize beauty as an attraction, as an attraction, beauty as a distraction, it's a terrible thing to die for, to die for, to lie for, to cry for. Underneath the clouds, blood dripping from the trees, dripping from the trees, you think it's just colorful. It's not the changing of the leaves, changing of the leaves. See where you been and if you escape, and if you escape. Know that God, your friend, remember one thing, remember one thing, oh, beauty is so delicious, delicious, beauty is so malicious, it's a terrible thing to die for, to die for, to lie for, to cry for. Think of olden days, the posse and the clan, the posse and the clan, nothing good for woman or man, or man. Out there in Kansas, in the twister state, twister state, you better be careful. That's why you wait. That's why you wait. Beauty can't get much colder, colder. Beauty's in the eye of the beholder. To die for, to lie for, to cry for to try for. Ugly. Ugly. See beauty, beauty, oh, beauty.
Channel: FilmRise Movies
Views: 25,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Horror, serial killer, bender, bender family, doctor york, based on a true story, true crime stories, period dramas, frontier, america, united states, crime, true crime movies, movie
Id: SXniB0403Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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