The Missing Corpse | English Full Movie | Comedy Mystery

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[Music] morning Ed good morning sir oh excuse me sir are you sure Mrs Krueger's eggs haven't been boiled over 3 minutes oh no sir just two and 3/4 you may serve the [Music] breakfast be seated [Music] sir where are the morning papers I'm sorry sir Miss FIS came down and took them both of them yes sir well I'll give me some breakfast I'm in a hurry yes sir uh excuse me sir Maria I've told you repeatedly Miss Phyllis prefers her grape fruit sugar I'm sorry sir now please don't let it happen [Music] again come in oh good morning de good morning there is my coffee nice and hot oh yes oh that's good oh but I don't like hot coffee oh my what am I saying it's iced coffee I don't like hot a I know silly yes ma'am really please um Mr Krueger must have my morning message you will deliver it won't you please oh yes thank you B stum good morning M good morning M did you see my father this morning yes he's in the dining room now oh if he should ask for me tell him I'm a little indisposed will you yes I will a message from Mrs Krueger sir [Applause] oh dearest Henry someone at the bank has gotten my account all mixed up and the cashier was very imput when I spoke to him on the phone please have your secretary go over my statement and if I'm overdrawn make a deposit for me lovingly Alice wonder if she thinks the money grows on tree [Music] Eggbert yes sir when do I get my breakfast after I've served Mr James sir is that all he's having he's feeling rather under the weather sir again weather doesn't seem to to be agreeing with him lately boys will be boys there it was a celebration of his fraternity [Music] house M do that thank you egber well go ahead say it I have nothing to say son it seemed to me that you should do the talking why talk about it you wouldn't understand anyway nobody in this house would except maybe mother edbert James there a lot of things we fathers don't understand about our growing Sons but we'd like to if we had a chance all right Hogan oh good morning chief what's good about it oh you must have seen the front page of the agas this morning that's what I'd call Hidden below the belt the skunk and who's Jeffrey D name sounds familiar it AO he's been dating your daughter every night I think he's a reporter on The Argus just as I thought premeditated frame up to hit at me through Phyllis I order shoot two skunks while I'm at it you live him to me Chief I got a score to settle with him anyhow oh no no this is a private Affair why dirty your hands on the restat let me take care of him I'd love it I'll take care of them myself come on all [Music] right I want to see McDonald he'll have to wait he's engaged at the moment oh he is is he wait you take it easy Jud he'll last longer you dirty young principal stunk you crook you blackmailer there's a sign on my door that says private Mr Kruger or is all your eyesight failing you I don't care what the sign says you're going to retract that story you printed about my daughter or else or else what Mr Krueger I print the news as I get it and never retract the facts same as you do if you don't like to see your daughter's name in my paper then I think you better keep her out of cafes don't try to Alibi McDonald one of your reporters took my daughter to the rail fence last night so what so you could frame her you hire that chorus girl to slap her so you could take a crack at me oh go on you're not that important to me you're just sore because the augus under my management is cutting down your circulation that's a lie nobody but filth reads your dirty sheet you've been reading it haven't you you're a dirty crook McDonald you are never a newspaper man and printing the news doesn't interest you you just bought the August so you could use the power of the press in your blackmail schemes this isn't the first time you attacked me by slandering my family but at be the last if you ever do it again I'll come gunning for you did you hear that Joe yeah I heard it Andy well if it isn't slippery Joe Clary right on the beam Krueger you'll probably hang by one evidently s Quenton didn't make you any smarter Joe because you're right back here sticking out your chin again what do you mean sticking out my chin you travel around with McDonald you'll do another stretch in the pen yeah I don't suppose supp he ever told you how he ducked going up to the big house with you did he what's he talking about no he just likes to hear himself talk he knows what I'm talking about only he was a little bit embarrassed to admit he double crossed a pal you didn't double cross me did you Andy of course not he's just trying to start something what are you laughing at you're you dope just ask him sometime about his piling around with your girl while you were a guest of the state get out of my office I'll get out don't forget I wasn't fooling come on just a moment Mr Krueger you've got me all wrong I had nothing to do with framing Phyllis who are you I'm Jeffrey dad I took Phyllis out oh you are are you will you keep away from Phyllis here after or won't be healthy for you either but Mr Krueger just bear that in mind Junior [Music] [Music] you know mate sit still I've given the best years of my life to fighting dishonesty and Corruption nobody seems to care or even to lift a finger that's what I've been trying to tell you ever since I came to work for you you're just a stranger in the family how do you figure that did your family have breakfast with this morning no but how many times in the last year has your family gone any place with you none Look chief right here I don't want to hurt your feeling but uh but what well the most important thing to a guy is his home ties and you haven't gotten any all your family wants you around for us to have somebody to pay the bills yeah that's the impression I get sometimes why don't you go away some place uh let them ship for themselves give them that good old absent treatment you got something [Music] Mike is it Mr Krueger I want to see all department heads fellow workers I'm leaving in a few minutes for my first vacation in 5 years in my absence you will share the responsibility for publishing the Tribune you know the policy of the paper it's all in your hands my friends well what are you going to do with this appointments I made for you I'll show you and you can tell the world that you don't know where I went or when I expect to return because I don't know myself come on Mike we're on our way well here's the better times Joel better times you got a nerve of a brass monkey you couldn't look me in the face after double crossing me the way you did I didn't double cross you Joe well then what do you call it just following the advice of my lawyer that's all you mean your mouthpiece told you to sing to the DA sure let that be a lesson to you Joel always hire the best lawyer you can get I guess maybe you're right but that don't Alibi you for Ping around with Myrtle when I was out of circulation oh and I don't get sore about a day Joel anyway I thought you and she were washed up that's a dirty lie when I see mer it ain't going to be healthy for and it ain't going to be healthy for you right now as I'm going to save Krueger the trouble easy Joel you better not pull that trigger or you'll hang for it you don't want to die do you Joe you can't Bluff me who's going to know that I did it you seem to have forgotten about that other murder you committed the one back East H yeah maybe now you remember too that I caught you in the act and you beg me to give you a break I did give you a break Joe do you remember and what did you give me in return a tell a signed confession cuz I figured I'd have use for a guy like you sometime a confession that's right over there in that safe where the cops will find it in case I should ever get rubbed out can't you take a joke Andy I was only full I got a little job for you Joel you know you and I are both going to breathe a lot easier when Krueger's planted under 6t of dirt oh no wor I would don't be a dimwit Kruger is never going to let up on us you s if you do this the job then you can have the confession and you'll be in the clear how do I know you got it in the safe you let me have that gun I'll prove it to [Music] you satisfied John okay Andy it's a deal now you getting smart [Music] Joe okay let's go [Music] you will double cross me will [Music] [Music] you [Music] is there anybody in my life to put as much unnecessary in a suitcase on you never SE it oh no but uh surely you aren't going to uh kill game with that revolver are you sir oh yes a revolver is most effective for the kind of game I'm after I'm a crack shot at anything up to 50 yards really yes uh you see that uh clock over there on my writing desk yes sir now if this gun will loaded I could shoot the minute hand off that clock with ease I didn't know it was loaded famous last words I uh I thought you were bragging sir while you uh you shot the minute hand right off the clock just as you said you would that's good shooting sir yes can you imagine what I'd do to a lot your objects say a human target yes the uh the thought is alarming sir if you uh if you want me you'll uh if you need me you'll send for me won't you sir very [Music] [Music] wellber I make pardon sir if the family inquire where should I say you've gone in case they do which they won't tell them you don't know carry on egg but Che little boy yeah Chief don't great could be leaving your troubles behind you said it Mike let's get going the double [Music] a double Crosser he's got it on him [Music] yes I'm from the superior garage I'm supposed to pick up Mr Krueger's rooster and fix the clutch well well it ain't in the garage where it's supposed to be right you are because Mr Krueger and he sh left about an hour ago you ain't got no idea when they'll come back have you I haven't the faintest idea thanks lot for the help [Music] [Applause] [Music] pal well I do declare Mr krger good evening Mrs W Mr hoger let's cook funny oh you save old Hogan but the world bring you up here this time of year all your summer neighbors cleared out a month ago I came up here for a little vacation for some fishing and shooting and to get some rest give me a cup of that very good coffee you make Mrs swaner they make that too Swan and look a big slab of that homemade apple fires huh don't suppose you knew that had an addition to the family in July at our baby boy and Grandma Bradford F broker here and Julie Bowers alop with that trumpet player down in is that so yes oh and we've got a new State motor cop in the district she left young fell in the name of TR they say he went to Gman school well I didn't come up here to meet people socially Mrs W as a matter of fact I don't want anyone to know that I'm up here so here's a little hush money you know what I mean bad sakes Mr Krueger you don't need to pay me need to keep still about you I know I know but just in case anyone should inquire I'll expect you to do $5 worth of fibby see oh well you assist you don't think five bucks I'll button her lip B I hope so by the way Mrs Swan have you got any quick lime yeah 10B sack good give me two sacks please okay here you are and there'll be a dollar even with the tag that's fine thank you and don't forget what I told you you didn't see me tonight can't I even tell Mr TR the State motor car certainly not my coming up here is none of his business okay Mr Krueger I don't know nothing good she a kid good night Mrs good night take easy not fny good night Hogan [Music] [Music] [Applause] hello Mr C hello Desmond hello Mike hi Desmond What why didn't you let me know you was coming up here and I'd had dinner all ready for you I had a few more important things to think about but you can cook up something right now and okay take these in with you will you sure what are you sniffing about pry think you smell a rabbit in there there's no rabbit in there no all right I'll show you mcdonal come on FR come [Music] [Music] Comey come [Music] here [Music] there you are [Music] FY [Music] quiet don't you say a [Music] word uh did you turn down the heaters in the bedrooms yes sir what you carrying fritzy around for uh I thought you didn't like dogs nonsense fritzy and I are old friends aren't we fritzy uh go ahead and play by the way what are you planning with doing with that quick lime you brought dispose of our garbage what else well we've never had to use it before we've just thrown the garbage out and let the deer come down and get it oh oh well that is very sanitary okay I'll use the quick line if you say so but I could take the garbage and dump it into one of them deep Canyons up the road a mile or so deep Canyons huh yeah nothing ever gets down in there but snow so there won't be no smell yes that would do it make us some coffee will you Desmond glad to only take a minute oh Chief I was just thinking maybe I better go out and finish unpacking the rooster huh oh there's plenty of time Mike you can do it tonight sometime I sit down hey what's eating you tonight Chief you're as jittery as a grasshopper oh well I I was thinking about an experience of a friend of mine uh uh what would you do Mike if sometime you came home and you found a you found a dead man in your closet call the police yeah oh yes well that's what my friend decided to do until he suddenly remembered that he'd once publicly threatened the life of the dead man oh well that's different in a case like that I'd get rid of the corpse so quicker to make your head swim you would yes that's what my friend decided to do I'll take a shower what a [Music] character Well you certainly proved that in a hurry well it's that good kind of coffee [Music] all right what do you want all right all right I'll let you outy there you go Bo [Music] what you [Music] have there's nothing there for you fretty look I'm not lying to you there's nothing in there for you look I'll show you [Music] see mcdal holy ma you're going to keep snooping around here you have a noose right around the boss's neck I watch that with [Music] it ah that was just what I needed thanks Desmond yeah that's what I always say good cup of coffee just pictured you up while you're getting supper I'll take a shower [Music] okay [Music] Bo the fire really feels good doesn't H now you're a caring frie what's the idea Fredy get his feet dirty no I just picked him up to get him out of the way while I was unpacking the rest stuff out of the back of the Roadster he's the snooping mut I ever saw [Music] hey what car is that why it's Mr Krueger driving the Roadster yeah now why did he go away without saying something I uh no no that's [Music] funny [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you help buddy no no thanks when you passed me back there doing better than 50 m hour I thought you were going for help of some kind oh no no I I was just taking a little airing that was I going that fast yeah you wouldn't by any chance be thinking about taking a jump into this Canyon would you oh no no of course not do I look like the type that would jump off the deep pen looks are often deceiving I've seen some harmless looking individuals who were murderers I noticed you're trying to get this compartment open I'll help you oh that's all right I I oh that doesn't make I I I changed my mind officer oh forget it look please I what's the matter what have you got in there oh nothing just some tools spare parts that it won't make any difference if I look in it will [Music] [Music] it what's funny nothing much here's my operator's license in case you thought my behavior was a little strange oh so you're Henry Krueger publisher of the Tribune yeah you own that hunting lodge up on Summit Road that's me and I'm glad to meet you Mr Krueger I'm Jimmy Trigg I'm glad to meet you trig come up and see me sometime thanks I will Mr Krueger take it a little easy on that throttle will you oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] F Sam he'll a you tonight fry now go on good get away from there now Mr Mr Mr what is it what is it Desmond something terrible has happened it where in the house I all right all right just St coming in it's it's in there in in the Box what's in the what's what's cing what goes on a big body I saw it when I went to put the wood in yeah I think you've been on that Hooch again oh no I haven't I tell you I saw it if you don't believe me just raise the Live Well I just relax take it easy we'll have a look well it wasn't there tell I saw it are you sure I'm sure I'm sure then I think you owe Mr Krueger an explanation how come there be a dead body in this wood box I don't know you don't think I killed anybody do you no of course not but I haven't killed anybody honest I haven't maybe you just imagined you saw body oh doine you've had a drink of course if you did we can call in the law I I guess maybe I want just seeing things well let's forget about it better cook up something I'm starved I want to see you Hogan look desn't you better lay off that Canned [Music] Heat [Music] did you see what I saw in that wood box huh you did well you're right there's something awful funny going on around here uh Mike I was thinking I know just what you mean chief uh look I'm wise to what you bought that quick line for oh I was what are you talking about that body that Desmond found in the wood box I put it there after the found it in the back of your Roadster my oh Chief don't worry I'll keep you secret after the way that McDonald slandered your family I don't blame you for shooting him are you crazy I didn't shoot McDonald you didn't no well you're threatened too so naturally no whoever did it put his body in my car I've been frantic ever since I discovered it I didn't know what to do that's why I made up that story about a friend by the way where did you go after you left me yesterday oh why I just run home to pack my SEC and now wait a minute you don't think I killed him do you did you no honest I didn't Chief oh Mike we're in a bad Jam what are we going to do well there's only one thing left to do is to throw it down one of them deep ravines and let the snow cover it up what's that you're going to dump down one of The Ravines what did you say officer I said what's that you're going to throw down a ravine oh oh we were talking about disposing of our garbage yeah we are can I fix your drink off no thanks I don't drink when I'm on duty and I'm going to be on duty all night I'll be seeing [Music] you oh I don't like the way he said no Mrs swaner should tell him about the hush money you sure Mr Krueger didn't come up here Mrs Hogan his chauffer's wife told me he did you see I'm a bank messenger and I was supposed to deliver some money to him well that's different why didn't you say so in the first place don't tell him I told you but he's up at the lodge he doesn't want anybody to know don't worry I won't tell him where is the L right down the road first turned the right second house thanks for the information no that's all [Music] right H Mr SW hello Mr T what can I do for you what time was Mr Krueger in here Mr Krueger yeah you saw him some quick line didn't you oh well uh yes come to think of it did he uh act at all strange when he was here what I mean is uh did he appear worried about anything no he was just his usual self only only what well uh I better not say anything after him giving me the hush money hush money what for he came up here for arrest and he said he didn't want people dring in on him something very strange going on up here and I'm going to find out what it is good night Mr SW good night Mr [Music] [Music] T wonder why that motor cop's coming back again he never hung around here before oh maybe forgot something hope you're right Mike dear oh my heart I'm so upset oh my de get the smelling salt I'm going to faint no you're not darling now what's the matter mother your father he didn't come home all night his bed hasn't been slept in so what so what what kind of a question is that your poor father is probably lying unconscious in a hospital somewhere and no one knows who he is oh mother don't be ridiculous he always carries identification sure he does identification don't be silly the ident ification was burned up in the fire what fire well maybe his gasoline tank exploded calm yourself darling yes sir your dad B here last evening no sir but he was here oh he was yes Madam at 9:00 he left at once with Hogan oh did he say anything did he say where he was going no Madam and he inferred it was none of my business oh that doesn't sound like Henry if you'll pardon me Madam he's been acting in a very peculiar manner really oh nice but call Father's Office yes M good morning Mr Krueger's office oh well I'm awfully sorry I have no idea where he went out of a clear sky yesterday morning he called the staff in the office and announced that he was going to take a vacation and that was all he said well thank you very much M Patterson thank you well Madam no no no no no you must tell me the truth is it badly hurt he isn't hurt at all Madam he's merely gone on a vacation a vacation well he can't do that to us has he no consideration for our feelings why should he when have we had consideration for his why J well it's a fact he's just a meal ticket around here why how can you say such things he's right mother of course I am why not one of us remembered him on Father's Day we didn't really oh my word who's that it's probably Jeffrey mother oh really I I I just I I'm so upset I uh I think I'll have some bacon and eggs egg bir yes Madam bacon an egg yeah oh what am I saying how dare you suggest such a thing why it's positively revolting Satan and eggs my word get my smelling Sals please your smelling SS hello Jim good morning Mrs Krueger oh good morning Jeffrey oh my dear boy I am so upset I know Phyllis was telling me mother you might as well prepare yourself for another shock oh you tell her Jeff that's pretty bad yesterday morning Mr Krueger threatened Mr McDonald for publishing that awful picture of Phyllis in his paper and now McDonald's disappeared oh oh you're smelling SCE M oh thank you I couldn't help overhearing what Mr DoD said just now last night I was serving Mr kru with some coffee upstairs and I found him practicing with his revolver my to my dismay he shot the hands off a budoir clock and when I complimented one of his extraordinary shooting he said with a chuckle what I could do with a larger object say a human taret my goodness how awful now mother don't cross your Bridges till you get to them Bridges oh then he wasn't hurt in the fire huh no he he fell off the bridge oh suppose that motorcycle policeman is still following us why certainly that guy is so Snoopy he'd follow us all day long prer he'd miss something yeah I wish I told him the truth last night are you kidding if you head right now you'd be wishing you out of jail don't forget you threatened the cool McDonald oh yeah I forgot about that but don't worry Chief look you and Desmond Park ourselves here see and in the meanwhile while that cop is watching behind some tree I'll take a shortcut back to Lodge and dispose of the Corpus delecti I hope it works what now Mr Cy I told you you wouldn't find any duck in this region all right all right you just prepare some lunch I'll tell you what I'll go chop some wood you take it easy Chief and uh don't strain yourself with you Desmond thanks well back from your hunting trip already yeah oh I mean no funny thing we went clear up there and we found out we forgot our frying pan can't without a wouldn't be in there would it oh there you are my pen what are you going to fry in then my ducks what else is up there for well make yourself at home outs I'll be seeing you [Music] all [Music] e [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you Henry Eggbert edbert where are oh my goodness they St on me Ed bir oh is it lovely you Henry [Music] YooHoo Henry yeah uh yeah Henry oh oh there's no one here egg bir they're probably out gunning for something Madam now please please do not use that word gun I I I I don't like it it it upsets me I I think hunting is positively brutal I'm sorry Madam shall I go out and Hunt I mean shall I go out and search for them oh no no no no don't bother don't bother I'd much rather surprise him thank you H yo Henry darling where are [Music] you [Music] what's the matter Madam I I I just saw a great big black spider went under the bed bed it was a black widower I think oh what goes on here I I I I I just saw big black spider they they they they terrify me oh no no no no no it's all right Officer don't don't trouble I'm sure the spider's gone by now it's probably gone where spiders always go when you when you look for them why why don't you offer the officer some refresh yes Madam at once no thanks ma'am I never indulge while I'm on duty oh oh you don't will Ed but get him a soft drink yes Madam uh let's wait thank you so much officer thank you oh oh what am I doing I U if you'll be seated sir I'll I'll see what we have on Ice no I don't bother I really having time thanks just the same hey looks like that copper gr left all the lights on yeah but where did these go that's what interests me oh don't worry Chief I got a plan of mine good evening sir Eggbert how on Earth did you get here Mrs Krueger's here sir you mean you mean she's here now yes sir I'll tell her where you are holy Mac how are we going to get his nibs out of the house now you mean how are we going to get him out of Mrs Krueger's bedroom don't tell me he's in there mhm oh fine I I'll have to keep her out of the bedroom so that you can get it out of there come on not just a minute what am I going to do with it that's your problem we haven't that much time darling Oh my dear why did you run away why did you come up here all by yourself well uh H how did you know I was here oh Mrs Hogan told us oh my dear why didn't you let me know you needed a vacation I'd have canceled all my engagements everything to be with you oh well I I I didn't want to spoil your plans oh my dear my plans as if my plans compared with your happiness my Henry how could you think such a thing darling I I want to have a heart-to- heart talk with you come along to my room or I mean U uh I uh I want to show you something Alice you too egg bird well what did you want show us Henry oh uh there he is my dear isn't he a cute little fell well have you forgotten that I've known frzy ever since he was a tiny puppy oh that's what I thought too but that isn't fritzy no no fritzy fell down and deep Prine and broke his neck well he certainly looks like fritzy oh naturally naturally it's his brother blitzy oh well hello m Krueger I'm glad to see you how are you a how you do hello D I'm tired of being tied up ain't you you want to get out and chase some rabbits don't you pritzy did you say fritzy of course he said fritzy fritzy broke his neck remember oh oh my dear I'm I'm sure you are not feeling well you look awfully tired and overworked nonsense never felt better in my life I know what I'll mix a drink for all of [Music] us you'll pardon me ma'am I think the masters of said bomy bomy [Music] Oh Henry yes my love um I want to talk to you dear will you come along with me now of course oh my dear there's there's so much I want to talk to you about how long has the master been showing signs of schizophrenia what are you talking about Mr Krueger you must have noticed these extraordinary Behavior lately oh sure that but that's why I talked him into taking a vacation oh and Henry can you ever forgive me for neglecting you so oh let's just forget about it oh you know I'm so glad I came up here if we had only had this understanding before then you wouldn't have gotten into all this serious trouble trouble well what do you mean Alice oh darling you don't have to hide anything from me I'll stand by you no matter what happens uh but tell me dear how can you bear to sit on him sit on whom uh the dead man in the chest Alice are you sure you're feeling all right why how how can there be a dead man in that chest oh oh he's in there all right I I I saw him why you didn't see any dead man in there I I'll show you don't you open that I how did you do you see it was just your [Music] imagination but he it was in there I I I I saw him no darling what you and I need is a good long rest sort of a second honeymon oh darling how right you are now who the devil is that quite a place you have here we like it oh wa it's it's James and and and her boyfriend Mr D why Henry will'll have a family reunion won't that be nice hello a m phis the luggage is in the car yes Miss Jeff you'll bunk with me come on I'll show you all right all right Miss Krueger yes Hogan I uh wouldn't go into my room if I were you you see that Desmond hasn't had a chance to make it up we we weren't expecting you that's all right Hogan I'll take care of it do we I'm afraid [Music] of come in the rest of your luggage thank you egg where should I put it right there on the floor Mike Mike more trouble what's the matter kid's just arrived yeah I know well what did you do with his nips it's in ph's room off what yeah she's coming now I I'll try to stall her off while you get it out of there yeah but buz were running out of go on Dad Hello darling I'm sorry we've been treating you like a stepfather oh that's all right it was really I who treated you like stepchildren well did you have a good trip who else came up with you Jimmy and Jeffrey D I'd like you to meet him dad oh glad to know you Jeff the same here Mr couger I hope you're not holding that Argus news photo against me oh that certainly not uh I was just blowing off some steam my bar is worting my bite well I think I'll make a couple of drinks huh I'd like to talk to you Dad oh sure sure sure but that can wait I'll make a few drinks first I'd like to talk to you now all right help yourself Jeff it's right over there oh thanks I will come on [Music] dear all right now tell me about it I know everything dead that's a pretty broad statement darling you know everything about what I can understand you're defending the honor of your family but how can you joke about it joke joke about what your crime what are you talking about oh don't try to pretend dad your secret is safe with me I'll do anything to save you see haven't you been overdoing The Nightlife a little no Dad it's in my closet all right let's look you see nothing in there but some coat hangers but there was a man man's body in there I saw it I'm afraid your nerves are in bad shape I think you ought to see Dr troger for a checkup in fact I'm going to insist on it oh Dad I love you so much all right all right see who belongs to this AC McDonald 88 W Main Street Los Angeles California McDonald holy smoke he's the publisher who's missing isn't he sure he is and according to that report from LA Police this fellow Krueger threatened to kill him only yesterday morning I knew there was something phony about that guy when I stopped him last night well what are we waiting for we're not waiting come [Music] on Jin why Henry you own meanie why it it's positively exasperating the way you pick up every discard on do you always have such phenomenal luck only at cards I want to see very important oh sure come on Deal another hand I'll be back what's wrong now what now I think we're going to have company well going out in the storm say nobody is home but you can't do that Chief why not because I think our friend officer trig has brought up some of his Playmates oh I see well we can't play not at home with the law can we uhuh let them in when they [Music] come what are you looking for boy [Music] did you hide a bone in my bedroom come on now boy there no bones in [Music] [Music] there shut up boy [Music] Qui what the Dickens are you barking at shut [Music] up take over Draper nobody leaves here hello Tri what's on your mind Mr Krueger you're under arrest under arrest what's he talking about I'm sorry a Shri caretaker now that you've had your joke how about a little refreshment I'm not joking Mr Krueger no no well what's the charge officer suspicion of murder well that's perfectly ridiculous Henry you you wouldn't murder anyone would you who am I supposed to have murdered the man you threatened to kill yesterday morning AC McDonald you mean you think I did that I do I you just show us where you've hidden the body if you can't produce anything better than my threat to support your charges I'll tell you nothing very well Mr Krueger we'll find that body make no mistake about that wait a minute officer my father didn't kill McDonald I did you did what's that you're saying well I might as well confess dad I killed him because well he asked for it when he printed what he did about Phyllis don't you believe him officer he's obviously trying to Shield me it's a nice gesture son but your story just won't hold up oh yes it will I can prove it I'll show you where I hid the body well now we're getting somewhere just follow me but what in the world what's the meaning of all this I don't know but it doesn't look good it's locked somebody's in there [Music] hey don't shum don't shum hug go we got him Tri nice work fellas bring him inside we'll see where he fits in this picture do any of you know this bird we caught him laming out of your bedroom window sure I know him the Joe Clary McDonald's partner in crime what are you doing up here in the mountains Joe wouldn't you like to know I could guess you shot McDonald and put his body in the luggage compartment of my car didn't you you'd have a hard time proving it not so hard McDonald turn States evidence and let you take an extortion wrap all by yourself didn't he he had a better motive than that look what I found on McDonald's body McDonald was holding this confession over your head wasn't he Joe all right all right I called him the double crossing rat had it coming to him get him out of here Mr Krueger I could arrest you and your two employees for obstructing justice but considering all the mitigating circumstances I'm not going to take you in but you'll have to explain those circumstances to the judge who tries the case I know and uh I owe you an apology trig but you try finding a body in your car sometime I can imagine how you felt but the next time you find a body will you notify the police and let them worry about it oh I hope that won't be necessary and drop around sometime um when you're not on duty thanks I will good night good night D I'm awfully ashamed of myself I really thought you'd kill somebody oh hell dear can you ever forgive me I thought so too well you know for a while I thought I did myself oh my dear you know it's it's awfully nice up here and and a vacation would be lovely but but after all Henry there's no place like home let's pack up and forget we ever came up here you're right there is no place like [Music] home [Music] pardon you [Music] sir ah good morning Eggbert morning sir yes sir there's no place like [Music] home
Channel: Movie Magic
Views: 28,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movie, watch movie, full free movies, free youtube movies, movies, best movies, free movies, FullFreeMovies, ComedyMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, The Missing Corpse, Comedy, Mystery, Albert Herman, J. Edward Bromberg, Isabel Randolph, Frank Jenks
Id: wQUPMtamOX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 53sec (3713 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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