The Cheap Detective | English Full Movie | Comedy Crime Mystery

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[Music] [Music] what we got someone was pretty good with the silen so there's four bodies in here three of them as cold as yesterday's toast the last one is ready to pop up take a look shot clean as a whistle he was Dead 2 minutes before he stopped talking who was he calling the city MOG we figured he saw the bullet coming number two was in the [Music] elevator whoever did it choose first didn't even have time to fall down never saw a dead witness that could identify you where are the others scub woman on the third floor and the guest in 306 let's go three please we'll walk let's have a look boys bullet must have hit our spinal column we couldn't bend her probably have to bury her like that number four is in here this is the Joker they were really after some drunk across the hall found him came in talked for about an hour and a half when he noticed he wasn't getting any answers who is he Floyd Michael runs a two- bit detective agency On th and bulj partner's name is Lou pekino looked like a setup whose room was it Oriental checked in on Wednesday name was uh one fat Ching one fat Ching yeah registered his hometown as pan China ping no pan like the nut no other leads except one interesting fact his partner Anda was having an affair with Michael's wife Georgia for the past 9 years Michael here never caught on hell of a detective I wouldn't hire him to find warts on a frog Lieutenant found two more stiffs next door that's a trouble with hotels everybody checks out the same time elderly couple they moved in last night they must have heard everything that went on in the Next Room they had a radio to listen to those two kids would be alive today let's pay a visit to the Widow Merkel yeah Lou it's Georgia oh hello Georgia I just had you on my mind what's no kid Floyd is dead say that again Lou it's Georgia no after that Floyd is dead shot in Chinatown I talked to to the police Lou I think they know about us having an affair when did they leave your apartment they didn't they're standing right next to me now listening oh Jesus I loved him Lou you know I love Floyd I know Angel almost as much as I love you you killed him because you're crazy about me didn't you Lou did the cops here you say that they said yes don't call me anymore George I don't think we're good for each [Music] other yeah Mr penpa I think I have some information regarding regarding the untimely death of your late deceased murdered partner who is this as the Chinese say never mind we must be careful I'm being watched can we meet in your office in 15 minutes all right what time is it now I'd rather not tell you that until I know I can trust [Music] you should I keep the change no I'll keep the [Music] change [Music] [Music] [Music] get me homicide huh never mind I'm sorry I I must have dropped off I'm glad you spoke up I was just going to rrange to have you buried I haveen haven't had much sleep lately I've I've been under a great strain I don't suppose you'd have a drink drry Martini oh I onion onion please thank you you're the first person who shown me any kindness since I arrived in San Francisco and when was that Mrs manderly Denise manderly two days ago from Shanghai and may I have my things please you're not a US citizen I spent a great deal of my time abroad uh actually I I travel under a Danish passport the signature's been tampered with your name isn't Denise mandley is it no it's Wanda Coleman then why did you drive at night and say Gilda Dabney I believe my life is in danger that's why I've taken so many precautions my real name is Chloe Lamar well thank you Miss Lamar I appreciate your honesty now can you you tell me why you let yourself in with this P key to search my office what is it that you were looking for to be perfectly Frank your bathroom I don't have any yes I found that out a little too late all right can we stop playing games now it isn't Mandy or Coleman or davney or even Lamar is it the initials on this handkerchief are AP what does AP stand for armor Charmers Charmers begins with the SE this is a pee pommers all my Pomers listen you give me to run around one more time and I'm going to slap you around this office I don't care what your name is anymore just make one up so I know what to call you Vivian prel that's better Carman Monro that's my last one I promise don't be crossed with me Mr peeken paaw now more than ever I depend on the gentleness and understanding of strangers what do you know about Floyd mgle dead nothing of course why should I he called me 15 minutes ago telling me you know something a woman knows many things about Floyd merkel's death I don't think so why would woman know that then why did you call me can I have a little air please I'm feeling rather dizzy is that any better yes thank you I'm I'm afraid I got sick all over your filing room in there all that's my clothes closet but don't worry about it go on I I have a niece Caroline she's 17 attends boarding school at the Hail Mary Hail Mary sister Trea a Convent and kennels Ken is have for dogs well I'm afraid none of the girls were very pretty two weeks ago she climbed over the wall and disappeared and she has not been heard from since I hired Mr Merkel to find her and uh he called me tonight telling me that he had a lead well that's not much to go on but I'll do the best I can as for the fee I'll settle for what you owe Merkel I'm sorry I went Pooky Pooky on your trench coat it's all right it's all part of this dirty game you must be tired why don't you run along now and uh I'll call you as soon as I get something uh I've moved to the Fairmont and I'm registered as Diane glockman yeah well don't change it because it makes it hard to leaving messages sorry not him War [Music] [Music] veteran I thought I told you to stay away from here don't be angry with me Lou I had to see you they brought Floyd's body home I just couldn't couldn't sleep in the same bed with him not tonight Lou your husband's dead a little over an hour and you're already dressed in black how long you had that outfit waiting on the closet you're wrong I just bought it there's an allight Widow shop at Fifth and giri aren't you going to kiss me L you shouldn't have come here the police already think I killed Floyd to clear away for you and me are you sure the police didn't follow you here I'm positive they came with [Music] me this is definitely our last day Georgia mine answer a few questions downtown low we are downtown but this will be fine Floyd merco was killed at 107 tonight where were you I was home in bed I got up around 10:15 I went into the John I got out around 1020 anybody see her go in the bathroom yeah seven or eight people they came in to watch watch me one at a time I got the names and addresses written on a pad don't Press Your Luck Sheamus get him off my back get off his [Music] back what did you and Merkel argue about last Monday night it's all right tell them darling don't call me darling in front of the police with a dead husband I didn't like it that he was taking on clients without telling me that's what I told him Lou I didn't mention anything about him busting in and finding us in the gorilla custumes honey why don't you go in the kitchen and bake a couple dozen donuts what case was Floyd working on why don't you ask him yourself because he's dead well you two should have a very nice conversation I'm warning you Lou you withhold anything from me you're going to be given a Golden Gate Bridge a new coat of paint with your tongue you're going out on that case aren't you oh Lou Come Away with me tonight we'll move someplace where the fog never rolls in and a man can see what a woman looks like in the morning being a private eye may not be much but we do have a code of honor it's all right to fool around with your partner's wife but once she's dead it makes it all so dirty that's the way it is Angel you'll marry yourself a nice guy have a couple of swell kids once you're all set up and happy maybe we can fo around again guys like you all end up the same Lou you're so busy chasing after runaway girls and missing husbands you never stop long long enough to find out what life is really all about one day I'll see your picture in the papers laying in a gutter with a bullet hole in your back and a horse making doooo all over you and maybe I'll cry for you but don't hold your breath you need any do kid I'm okay I got $10,000 insurance money an hour after the murder it's that company that pays on the [Music] spot so long Lou it was nice cheating with you yeah don't take up I didn't even say hello I know where the girl is keep talking oh so now you're interested eh who is this not on the phone meet me at Nick place on the waterfront in half an hour how I know what you look like I'm swy and greasy and wear cheap perfume you'll smell me when you come in suppose I say I'm not interested does $500 interest you very much then bring it it's an expensive restaurant you expected Mr Beck call this way please your party will join in the moment hey Mr L I thought you said you'd never come back to this well I did hello dinky has she ever no she hasn't right would you like for me to play no right a colonel SCH you do my humble Cafe of great honor your little Club reminds me of the fighting strengths of the French army marel nothing more than an evening's diversion you make a little joke Miss but if you and your two friends will follow me I will show you to your usual World dominating [Applause] table and Now ladies and Gentlemen let's have a big San Francisco welcome for Miss Betty [Applause] [Music] Deo [Music] la [Music] La now everybody la la la la la la [Music] la not just the boys now dress the [Music] girls now just [Music] me [Music] hello Fred I was hoping you'd drop by the name is Lou and we've never met let's not get in the sweat about [Applause] [Music] details aren't you going to Light My Fire certainly I was just looking over your kin wood if you're not busy Fred I get off at 2 don't you think 2 is a good time to get off huh James May I present Miss Betty de from the islands Caribbean or virgin well let's just say I came back a Caribbean how delightfully go I've always been enchanted with a lack of breeding permit me to introduce myself I am Colonel Prince count Baron von schor German military attache to Cincinnati don't crack your shins on my account [Laughter] boys the party will see you now he's in Booth s M they just called from the French underground great you fool our enemy ears all over lower your voice sh sh what is it well now it's too L I didn't do anything testing one two tting better it's better now what is it the underground is called to and his wife on the way here I tried to stop them but I was too late that's why schle comes every night hopeing in one day to get his hands on to shout I don't think that's completely true I think he really likes the rast ve please do come in Mr peeno Happy Damascus at your disposal I hope my disgustingly cheap perfume does not offend you I purposely stink to keep my enemies from getting too close but better off than your friends are you said you know where the girl is I do know where the girl is you're very impatient Mr PE and po would you care for some Greek haai all right quit talking you got something to say talk fast very well there is no young leas Caroline or Priscilla or whatever Mrs danvas told you she also didn't tell me it was Mrs danas it was she who hired your partner to search for a certain missing object Dart talk because I can't take much more of your voice perhaps she killed Mr Merkel in fear that he would double cross [Music] her a dangerous woman does oatmeal have lumps in Ciro she put a live electric wire in my bathtub fortunately I survived but I used to have straight hair am I right in assuming then that you want me to work for you precisely help me find the missing object and I shall split a for with you 50/50 shall we shake on it if we do I want 6040 how do you stand being around yourself it isn't easy no Hotel will take me for the entire night H Miss I yes I have a message for Mr Damascus would you give it to him please what is it Mr be has arrived in San Francisco from Jerusalem he's staying at the Crusades Hotel all right I'll give it to him thank you and use a dollar for your trouble so at least he's arrived what this Mr be Jasper blubber an insidiously dangerous tub of lot we must move quickly and what is this thing that you're all after anyway n curiosity killed the py cat pass the book please thank you if you have to get in touch with me I'll be at the builtmore hotel until 2:30 a.m. then they make me move to the Str for DS oh if you bath with turpentine You' be fine in the morning texi [Music] Paul are you sure we ought to be here there's nothing to worry about my dear we're in England now no Paul this is America oh yes America we should have gone to a doctor Paul I'm not sure I got all that bullet out of your head oh surely it doesn't matter it's the thought that counts [Music] oh I beg your pardon no it's my fault M all right Paul it's so good to see [Music] you [Music] uhoh I've tried to stop you both from coming Paul you must leave at once colel schle of the Cincinnati could stop is here so the black fox has followed me from France well I am safe as long as I stay here in San Francisco he knows you intend to open a little French restaurant in Oakland P of you as much as take one step on the Oakland Bridge your life isn't worth two FRS Marcel haven't come this far to be stopped now we must open a two star French restaurant in Oakland where all free Frenchmen can gather around the radio to listen to the war Paul is an obstinate man even with a bullet in it his mind is made up what about the documents your papers of ownership and the Lial license are to be delivered by a courier here tonight Marcel France owes you a great Deb it's about, 1500 Franks but we can settle [Music] later but a pleasant surprise Mr duard so the Black Fox and the silver wolf meet again and of course you remember the gray rabbit and the blue chipmunk may I presentend my wife Marlin the white swan of course it is always the most courageous of men who wins the most beautiful women but it is only the ruthless who get to keep them and it is a Thousand Candles that will burn for every Brave soldier that marches to the steps of the drums of Liberty so the Tyranny will never trample the spirit of freedom in the hearts of men throughout a world thrown into darkness and despair where spoken whatever it means ah may I present Miss deop like yourself a wellb built Exile hi honey don't let the honey get you down it is desperat and tyrants who run our Rivers red with the colors of aund trample flags that unfurl in The Winds of Liberty blowing over centuries of deprivation it's all right darling we made our point where men who have known treachery and treason can still light torches in the caves of Honor we'll have a drink and see the sh it will calm you down there gentlemen goes a brave beautiful and extremely boring woman like chocolate my dear I can get you German chocolate bars much better than hersh's and plan come in my may I help you keep eye opens [Music] first what is it darling you look as if you've seen a ghost no Paul just someone I used to know would you excuse me of course [Music] hello Tinker how have you been I don't know another song ma'am it's the only one I know one song Tinker that's me you haven't forgotten a tinker you could never forget it I can't play it ma'am without the music see I'm a piano man that needs his music here take mine hello marene long time no see Hello Louis no see in long time how long has it been a lot of water has passed under the bridge I got married and I'm trying to run an underground why didn't you tell me you like Heroes I would have helped an old lady across theet I swallowed my gum you made me swallow my gum anything wrong uh no no no it's my mistakes here uh for a second here I thought that this young lady was a girl that I knew in France I was wrong the girl I know is dead oh natural error miss my wife has been mistaken for dead Girls by many men yes The Courier is here with the documents let's [Music] go may I have your attention please from the BBC in London the first German bza division has entered the Paris fall Paris I cannot believe it maybe it's a different Paris I don't think so there's only one [Music] [Applause] [Music] par [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the Deep Purple Falls over sleepy Garden walls and the Stars begin to fcker in the skyers creepers where get themers deepers deers let get them eyes deepers I told you not to play that song I'm sorry Mr L I told her you wouldn't like it is sure everything is in order don't here you fool give him the papers and the [Music] toilet where are you going in the toilet for the [Music] papers I must have been crazy for for a dam that would wear a hat like that come on sinky let's get out of [Music] here St the band what happened there was a fight the Germans they they jumped us they took the documents your hand yes they slammed the seat on it but the gunshots I thought you were no Madam it was us BS Boy clean this table without the papers we're prisoners here Paul what will we do I don't know my dear I don't know sorry about Parish folks [Music] sorry uhhuh perhaps there is the one man in San Francisco who can help [Music] us of all the cheap gin joints in the world I pick this one it's your nickel I'd like Mr peena please who wouldn't [Music] yeah Mr peeken PA I believe you had the distinct pleasure of meeting Mr Damascus last night who is it Jasper blubber brother huh yeah he mentioned you would it be possible to meet you today to discuss the missing item shall we say uh so to speak uh if you will sure why not by you leave 12:00 noon at the bar of the Crusades Hotel how will I recognize you you'll have no trouble there sir I am an extra large man I'll be sitting on the first two stools as you come in who is it Marcel from the club and Pad the hero I'm sorry I thought you were alone I tried it that way it's not as much fun alone what can I do for you boys Mr pecking PA last night certain documents belonging to me were stolen I need a manang with SK and daring to get those papers back for me and for France you can pay of course me we we're not wealthy people we lost over 4 million Franks Bing on the war who' you have we took France at age of5 they suck at you I have this golden watch it was given to me by the president of the Republic it is very valuable and it plays a lovely Little tune it's yours if you'll help us you funny little good for nothing am I [Music] gu you got anything in a Roomba I like rers do we too bad sorry boys but this is not a porn shop I'm using rented bullets for my gun we all got problems Mia perhaps when America is confronted with war you will think differently thank God I think as a Frenchman VI France VI Republic hoay for Hollywood I I like the way you handle yourself Fred I do all right here take this and if you thank me for it so help me I'm going to slug you what is it a take it to Africa a girl with a voice like yours has got no place singing in a dump like America you just can't take it when someone like me gets too close can you Fred a friend of mine's got a little Club on the Ivory Coast he's a good job but he's got to touch a leprosy just don't shake his hand too hard see around flinky and that's the way it goes but if you ever get lonely Fred you just call me you know how to dial don't you just put your finger in the little round hole I'll write it [Music] down [Music] what do you say kid no school today keep writing me m they'll better you in 42 different cemetaries cranky aren't you that always happens when your second tea start coming [Music] in C Who you calling [Music] [Laughter] [Music] blubber over here Mr Peck [Music] andp I am just per BL what a relief I was afraid I was going to have to pay you they would have beat my brains in do drink of course why not onein sling I'd rather have a brandy one jinling is the waiter one Brandy one ginling now sir let's not waste your time let's get right down to business what Arrangements have you made with the woman which woman woman who came to your office last night Natasha oin sky yeah good I thought you was talking about somebody else yeah she apparently has information regarding my partner's murderer obviously she and Damascus are wrapped at the same thing and so are you unless I miss my guess your reputation is not unwarranted sir drink up I'll tell you an astounding story this is a Jin swing it is but I was wrong wait his name is Brandy now sir in 1853 a little known historical fact occurred 12 Albanian fishermen conquered China Tibet and Mongolia my goodness I didn't know that that's because you didn't take history in Albania now eventually the men returned home with the richest Spoils of War ever documented each man had a 700 and 60 karat diamond the size and shape of a large brown daa New Jersey egg each Diamond egg is worth in excess of a quarter of a million dollars I believe you sir go on they turned up in Paris in 1924 a clever designer had strung all 12 eggs together and sold it as a necklace for a wealthy overweight woman who was trying to conceal a double chin the woman was murdered and the Diamonds disappeared and a story the beginning for Misa the murderer is a Romanian sailor by the name of vladimirovich can you say that again not without spitting I have spent 16 years and every penny I have sir tracking this man down and At Last I have found him he is here in San Francisco just as sure as you're sitting there he's changed his name by making an anagram out of his original name for seven years I've tried to unscramble it to no avail do you mind if I take a look at that don't waste your time sir I've had wellp paid experts give up on it once I find him the rest is academic of course you mind if I take these with me not at all [Music] I'm afraid our meeting has come to an end sir should leave separately it makes more sense if I go first why is that then I don't get stuck with a check yes oh I know you did Mrs Merkel uh Mr peckin Paul no he hasn't come in yet you have a visitor in there Miss Sophie DEA pretty prettier than me but I'm easier I'm saving you for the rainy season oh yes Mrs Mero I'll tell him you called I will I promise I swear oh yeah you're good at crosswords try your hand at an anagram even come up with a name that makes sense out of all this and if you can find it in the frisco phone book your rainy season may be tonight Mr Vega I presume Mr pen Paul you look startled no no it's just that you look like 14 other Dames that was here the other night yes I know they were my sister well that explains a resemblance not to me she was adopted yeah well so am I but I don't look like your sister read what can I do for you I want you to find someone for me I'm looking for my I'm sorry it's it's just so hard for me to say it I I I would I would like for you to find my husband my a father a husband well make up your mind which one do you want both they are the same men Mr peeno you mean you married your own father it's not like you think it was a simple wedding done very Tastefully I'm sure it was if you could just give me his name name Vladimir Tara jamovitz Vladimir Tara jovit how do you spell that I'm not sure well we were never that close oh that's understandable well why don't we just leave Everton in my hands and I'll get in touch with you in a few days do you have any money well Daddy left a $10,000 trust fund for each of us girls but his wife I can't touch it well here 20 now the first thing you do is you go to a beauty parlor and you get that cheap die job wash out of you here then when you're ready to tell me the truth Mrs Montenegro call me I'm getting sick and tired of playing and guess what the fruit Cake's name is today you're still sore about me up chucking on your trench coat aren't you you're good baby but you're not that good I know who you're looking for and why you want to find him don't call me for 3 days and when you do use your real name Name by the way what is it hello Mary Jones I swear it Lou well change it it sounds fony right right I'll tell him Lou your land lady Mrs O'Brien she says someone's broken into your apartment she thinks that they're still there that's good that means I'm making a lot of people nervous including Mrs O'Brien [Music] well look at here if it isn't Mrs duad herself I expected a house breaker in then I found a heartbreaker Louis don't wearing the same dress I bought you for Basel day in that little shop near the cafe where we had turtle soup and coffee every day and the wait's name was sh Louis don't let me ask you do you still go dancing in that Smoky little club with the men and women used the same John don't Louis moving your body next to his slowly around the room don't say those things to me Louis dancing closer to the band Dan so you can hear the music and singing into was here I ho I hope it's all to work we go stop it Louis stop it do you think I have no feelings no memories did you think my heart didn't stopped last night in the club when I saw you standing there I almost forgot what you looked like day by day I erased your face from my mind little by little to all I had left but you're right deer and tree front he on the bottom I still carry a picture in my locket naturally I had to cut off your head in case Paul found it suddenly it all seems as though it was yesterday I stood in that train station I waited for you for over 6 hours then when your R came it started to rain and I opened it and the ink ran all over the page the most important letter of my life I still don't know what the hell it said it said dear Lewis I love you more than life itself but to run off with you now that my country is in danger would be an act of cowardice I'm marrying Paul duar because and that's all I can remember you can't remember why you married him that letter was written a long time ago I've written thousands of letters since what's the difference leis what's done is done can't remember why she married him I must have gone through eight liquor stores don't you have a copy of the letter don't you keep copies I keep only what's in my heart and you've never left it did you ever stop to worry that I might have killed myself over you and if you had it would have been easier than what I went through sleeping night after night with a man I didn't really love feeling his hands on my skin watching me undress taking baths and showers with me making me wear all sorts all right I got the picture I heard it let's go on to something new I want to come back Louis I want to start over to pick up the pieces of our broken lives I want to be with you to love you to take care of you guess like that huh well I would like to redecorate this room I don't like this chair very much you mean it you and me just the way it was not the way it was better how could it be better than it was I know so much more Louis Paul has taught me so much I don't want to hear about it let's keep it the way it was all right the way it was do you have any [Music] champagne I still got the bottom I was saving for a honeymoon I got the bread and cheese too but that's hard of a rock I'll be right [Music] back I'm as happy as a school boy I hope I hope it's all to work we go need any help Fred what are you doing here I miss my boat it doesn't sa until tomorrow so I missed it a little early you can't stay here I'm busy picking up the pieces of my life it's just a piece you want Fred you can pick it up right here I want you out of here I'll manage to get her into the bathroom that will be your signal to go sometimes it doesn't pay to treat a Dame like you nice you'll be back what makes you think so you forgot the glasses this chair looks much better over here don't you think so [Music] [Applause] [Music] Louis oh Louis I can't wait to get my first [Music] party here the was kid and the way it was and here's to love and thanking you for when you steal the papers from Colonel schle and then seeing that Paul is safely out of San Francisco is It Something I Said No that's it that's why you came up here tonight with your bedroom eyes and your dining room lips play me for a sha and all the while you were just using me to get your french fried husband out of the fat you don't give a hill of be about me do you that's not true Louis I do give a hill come in no that was me excuse me I think I need a couple of aspirin who is she Lou I want to know who she is what the hell are you doing here you said you'd call me why didn't you call Lou I even miss Floyd's funeral because I didn't want to leave the phone you didn't bring the cops with you again did you I had him cremated this is all that's left of him look I always thought of him as a bigger man here Lou don't do that Georgie oh but it's for you you keep him he was your partner no no he was your husband he belongs on your mantle I don't want him I want you oh God I'm so crazy about you watch it watch it you're still in Floyd oh take me away Lou take me away or I swear I'll tell the cops how you and Floyd fought over me it wouldn't take much to pin his murder on you can we talk about this in a few seconds I have company are you coming back I'm in here a lot hurry scroll Floyd back on I'm leaving leis it was wrong of me to come here and try to resurrect the past what was was and will never be was again wait I lost you once I'm not going to lose you again I don't know how but I'll get those papers from sissle you and your husband meet me tomorrow night at the Oak Ferry at 12:00 once she's on the boat I give him the papers and you give him the air there's no turning back now Angel and then it's you and me just the way it was only better I told you I don't want it better now get out of here I got work to do tell me Louis all those years you waited for me me was there ever another girl never L I came as fast as I could I see did I ever tell you about the time that Paul and I went skinny dipping on the Riviera don't tell me those things it's not what you think she's my secretary I'll see you at the fairy all right I'll bring along some wallpapers for you to pick out I'm sorry Lou but I did it I unscrambled the name good girl wait there I'll be right back come here maybe you're right flinky maybe you and I are one of a kind I'm getting out of here tomorrow night and I'm taking you with me but I want you to do something for me first oh I love it when you give me orders arrange to get S into the club tonight five or get you 10 he's got to charge papers with them I need those papers Angel and I need them bad Oh you mean you want me to don't tell me how you're going to do it what I don't know won't hurt me I'll see you tomorrow night at the Oakland Ferry at 12:00 you're a good Joe and then it's a slow boat to China for you and me kid now get out of here I got work to do don't wear yourself out I'm saving that for me hi hello I'll see you tomorrow Fred Fred what do you got well here it is Lou and where do you hear who it turns out to be hold it a second I'll be right with you I I tripped on the M I couldn't help it he's in there that's Floy Lou all right get a hold of yourself no point crying over spiled [Music] husband take it easy I guess this is the wrong time to say a prayer here now I have no one only you and if I can't have you no one will are you crazy give me that gun oh God we shot fly again all right you all right easy easy he's ped all that now I don't want to hear any more nonsense about you trying to pin Floyd's murder on me I won't as long as I know we'll be together of course we will Angel only we're going to get out of San Francisco now you you bring all the letters I wrote you and the gorilla pictures we took and meet me tomorrow night at the Oakland Ferry at 12:00 you got that anything you say darling that's a good girl now grab yourself a cab and get a good night's sleep you know I do anything for you Lou oh hello Miss Duffy hello Mrs Merkle I'm awfully sorry I couldn't be at the funeral we'll all miss him but Floyd is in his final resting place now or soon will [Music] be all right come on in oh I can wait if there's more get down let's hear what you got hold on to your hat Vladmir Sarah jtz is Ezra CV Milo desire Jr wait a minute to Sarah jemo which is to te the name you come up with don't have none that was the whole key some people spell the Zar of Russia TS a r but in America we spell it c z a r any fool knows that so when I tried the American spelling I came up with Ezra CV mil desire J of course what H is he the owner of the Golden Gate Bridge right you did fine angel now forget you ever heard that name don't ever repeat it to anyone hello yes he is who's calling please it's him Ezra CV mil desire Jr I told you not to repeat it hello yes yes Mr desire 10:00 tomorrow morning your place yes I know where that is where the rich people live not at all it's my pleasure sir he wants to see me all the pieces are beginning to fall into place Angel and I got you to thank for it kid go ahead and thank me Lou thank me here now you don't know how long I've waited for a really good than are you trying to tell me that yes I know I look like I've been around but I've never been thanked in my whole life you sweet silly kid why haven't I ever noticed you before who is it lady Edwin Morgan St Paul it's that crazy Mrs monegro sorry Angel I'm going to have to give you that thanks some more time I knew there'd be one more good night kid good night Lou hello certainly no tip Dead from the family I wish it was [Music] you I'm L peckin for I have an appointment with Mr Des well I suppose that's his business wait in here please mind if I smoke if it were my house yes see anything you like I'm Jezebel desire Accent on the desire how do you do I'm Peck looking for don't worry I do that to everyone even to myself Ezra just got up from his [Music] nap it takes a while to get his motor started you may go now be how do you do sir I'm L pecking paol what you saying you're pumping too much blood to his head oh sorry are you all right dear oh good would daddy like to swiming his bath up tonight Woody oh your father called last night he said he needed my services oh he's not my father the ot's my husband well I'm sorry you can imagine how I feel oh L I am so grateful you're going to help my husband he needs all he can get it's Jill in here darling would you like to sit near the nice cozy fire sure [Music] oh what a butter fingers I am nice catch Mr Peck andpa I was almost a widow won't you join me in a little twinky what's your pleasure now what you got here good I know but I thought you'd like a little drink first very gracious uh I uh I've been over your Bridge many times so certainly have a nice location there right over the water and everything would you like anything to nibble on no no I don't uh nibble on a job thank you just how did you folks pick me from the fumba I like the sound of your name PE and Paul know what I mean I think everyone knows what you mean you got a nicely built uh house sir like a brick shingle why don't you pull up a sofa and sit down thank you you said on the phone last night Sir that you thought that I could be of some service to you just how good is your service I try to satisfy do you charge by the hour or by the satisfaction by the result I tell you the old boy don't hear too good he hears everything we're saying oh really mhm how you doing Oldtimer oh forget him otherwise he want to come everywhere with us look Mr desire you're a very attractive woman but I'm here on business now why did he call me last night he thinks I'm cheating on him he wants you to find out who the man is some of my jewel is missing and as were things I gave it to my lover did you give it to him everything but my jewelry what kind of jewelry is missing nothing important just a few Trinkets and bobles Trinkets and what bubl you know like bubl and bangal the word you're looking for is desire it warbles if you were an American you would know that but the fact is it's only Romanians that pronounce it verbals and that's why it's difficult for you isn't it Mrs Vladimir to saho I told you we would not get away with it I told you it was stupid idea I told you I could not say purpose you are pretty fast on your tipos Mr pcking Bush but not why tip yes Mr pip Pun It's very clever how you figure out that I am Vladimir Cher it's been so long since I said I forgot how to pronounce it how's it Go Sarah JT oh permit me to introduce my over sexed wife the former Nadia gladia papes nice to meet you any any there perhaps by now you already guessed that the Albanian Diamond eggs was stolen from my safe last night up since you're the only man who can recognize me I must sadly bring this meeting and your life to our close goodbye chick so longi knocking me off isn't going to find out who took your diamonds I already know who took the diamonds I was the one who killed the fat woman in Paris and stole the diamonds but I had a partner so we came to an arrangement I got to keep the diamonds and he got to keep a bullet from me in his chest I always heard you Romanians were hot-headed it's just the Gypsy and ouro unfortunately he did not die die I left him bleeding on the rock vowing that he would get even with me one day but that was 10 years ago he can't last much longer but then again neither can you tuski got you no I think they got you oh hey look at that hole oh oh boy behind the D he's quite a guy been beding for 10 years and still quick as a rabbit I'll get that that for me roling get something and cover them up yes Angel no no I'm fine everything went like clockwork it was the word burbles that tripped her up just like we figured what that when I'm on my way now if you're smart you'll stay out of this mess the police have nothing they can pin on you maybe when this is all over you can come back and teach me how to say bers huh you just keep your door [Music] unlocked there's a man dying to see you Lou I mean a man who's dying wants to see you well get him in here hey Mr peek andpa will see you now sir [Music] is he dead he should have been 10 years ago sorry about this Morel where did he plug you it's been so long I forget wh je anyone else would have been dead in 2 days from a w like that how did it stay alive for 10 years I cut out all salt and spicy dishes but I'm afraid this is it my friend thanks for this afternoon Lou you are never going to believe what happened to me you made it good girl if I was I never would have gotten the papers you mean you and that pig SLE you sent me there Lou it was terrible don't tell me what he did he made me play War I don't want to hear about it he was a St K bomber and I was Poland forg it I said I had to pretend I was asleep and then in the middle of the night I heard these these great big bombers overhead here why do you Dam love to tell me these things keep it to yourself all right now hand over the papers because Marcel is about to check out I don't have them what when I left s's place that punk kid that works for blubber grabbed me I warned you about him didn't I warn you about him he drove me out to the country on an old deserted road then he made me get out of the car I don't want to hear it he put me in front of the headlights and he made me dance the karao they know it gets to me that's why they all torture me this way no papers no diamonds that was our deal Miss hold it maybe that buub we can still make a deal hello yes yes I got to good with me now shall we sa my place in 30 minutes and make sure that punk kid is there I got a squore to settle with him I heard about the karaoke and what he did what I'm hanging up I'll need a good Marcel you're going to just have to trust me don't be stubbing you crazy Frenchman time is on their side I don't think he's being stubborn I think he's being dead just once I'd like to see somebody die regular on this case call liutenant deago tell him where I'll be but not to make a move until he gets my signal this could be the wrap up Angel and the kiss off for me is that it I don't know tell me nothing happened even if you lie I'll believe you nothing happened Jesus it sounds worse than before 35 C sir AR you like to make yourself some real do I say we kill him the moment he comes in the door with a bundle yeah you'd like that wouldn't you you greasy imbecile I want no part of this I just want my share of the the money so that I can get my hair done somebody's coming up the stairs I was told to deliver this to Mr penpa I'll take that son keep your hands up everybody okay cabie put the package on the table I'm on with my change all right Punk throw your bed on a gun gun on the bed what gun on the bed you said throw your bed on the gun big deal that's only the first mistake I made on this case that's not bad considering how complicated it is go ahead throw it feel a little naked now punk now we see how tough you are like to snap women around don't you don't you well now we're going to find out how you react to a little of the same slap yourself in the face it's either that or I use the business end of this gun now slap yourself you called out a slap at a love tap now give it to yourself good go on hard hard he's H enough harder harder harder harder harder does anybody else want more the Same by goder you are an extraordinary man however if you've had your fill of Revenge perhaps we can get down to the important business of cracking eggs not so fast chubin there's a little matter of desad lease and lior license slowly give it to the girl Miss Sher who Norma sheerer well you told me to change it all right give it here I'll get back there with your pounds well everything seems to be in order all right folks the bundle is all yours [Music] 16 years a quarter of a lifetime I have waited for this mon I'll be able to buy everything I ever wanted and never had friends her mother I want to be young forever and money can make you young and fresh and beautiful hurry open the package quickly I want to look good tonight you and your fat fingers let me do it and just bite the string off you idiot chew it eat it lick it off [Music] anything open it open it quickly before the stores close Treasure of tiet 12th of all the wealth ancient China diamonds I want to see the diamonds here open it oh chickens 16 years I wasted on checkl checkl what can I buy with chicklets it's told your F take you little chickies Lord everywhere chick dupes 16 years down the toilet sorry folks but I'm sending you over come on in boys they're all yours Frank and what is the charge may I ask the murder of FL mer and five unimportant people sorry Frank but nobody here Killed Nobody the most you got on him as a chicken Steel in charge then who did Kill Merkel and the others all in good time Frank all in good time now get him out of here you're an astounding man Mr beore also unfortunately a pain in the ass I don't mind really as long as we can be together I never really had the best friend you lousy sh must what about Miss uh what's her name putter on Oak fery but Lou Oh I thought you and I had sorry beautiful but I got a date in 20 minutes and this time I'm going to keep [Music] it baby two minutes to m tonight you know I'm a brave man darling but I'm getting panicky you'll be here Paul he promised me you uh you went to his apartment that night didn't you yes I'm sorry Paul how long have you known that LS and I are lovers I didn't know until you told me just now I thought you went there looking for me yes that's why I went there I made up the part about us being lovers because I know you don't like me looking for you [Music] oh we can still make it if you hurry schel I wasn't talking to you Schnell I was saying faster to him in general I understand 1 minute to midnight yes sir English we speak only English from our normal german yes sir we'll never make it quicker quicker yes sir not you figer forget it it's a waste of [Music] time they're leaving they're leaving without us that's only the first warning you must try to calm yourself Paul yes yes I'm sorry I'm really wonderful in a war I only get nervous when I'm late for [Music] things I'm sorry I'm late but I had some odds in end I had to clean up oh he it's quite all right my got a little hysterical but uh I calmed her down and you have the papers I said I'd keep my word and I shall keep mine how can I ever repay him Miss I have so little what can I possibly give you in return how about your wife no she has nothing either Paul there's something I think I should tell you can't you tell me on the ship darling maybe you two want to be alone no this is something that concerns us all Paul there's nothing in the world I would want to do less than hurt you no one has ever been more kind and more generous to me than you've been but LS is the only man I've ever loved Paul I can't go with you I'm going off with Louis now tonight forever you mean I'm not getting the papers yes you're getting the papers you're just not getting me but I am getting the papers I said you were you scared the life out of me I thought I wasn't getting the papers they seem to mean more to you than I do certainly not but you have LS I think it's only fair that I get the papers look I don't want to be the cause of a family quarrel just give him the goddamn papers now that's the last warning I really must leave here you go you're quite a guy frie thank you take good care of her now darling no tears no sad faces No Remorse No Regrets We Danced as long as the music played you belong to him now but you will always be a very special part of do I have carbon copies of all of this it's all in there Shere ovir over Miss stop where you are thean Jesus this case never lets up you're coming back to Germany with me dasad I promise you you will be given a fair trial and found guilty run PA OB Shere [Music] OB oh hello Frank I had a hunt you follow me down here did you get the other hinies inance the whole place surrounded the man's got a shotgun you won't need him Frank I'll handle [Music] it it's all over kid you can come out [Music] now hi you mad at me no it was the girl I was trying to shoot you know how jealous I get I know kid that's why I killed Floyd he was getting to spend more time with you than I did that's the way it goes kid I'm sorry about killing all those others at the hotel I must have been irritable you should have taken some aspirin and dead but it's still you and me isn't it Lou we'll talk about it kid with a good lawyer I could be out in 40 years I'll watch my weight I could still be desirable I'm betting on you kid nice night for a boat ride you got yourself one hell of a guy there lady if you want to hold on to him don't burn his [Music] bacon breaks your [Music] heart see you around who knows it's a funny business yeah bye [Music] oh Louis we're together and it's going to be just the way it was darling No Angel it's going to be better I B the car around L just like you told me to good boy hoppy I sweetheart I'd like you to meet the girls my secretary bash you've already met hello again ah this is Betty de Boop a lot of laughs hi you kid Nadia gladia pumping rescue a little kinky but nice you bet you and of course Mrs uh uh Stanwick Barbara Stanwick hello girls all right hoby let's get out of here
Channel: DDF: Reel Films
Views: 310,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, film, watch movie, Reel Films, ddf, full version of the movie, FullFreeMovies, ComedyMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, The Cheap Detective, Comedy, Crime, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Robert Moore, Peter Falk, Ann-Margret, Eileen Brennan
Id: Oq57zTsAouM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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