Sudden Fury | FULL MOVIE | Crime Thriller

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<b>♪♪</b> <b>(owl hooting)</b> <b>(breathing heavy)</b> <b>(grunting)</b> <b>This is where my life began.</b> <b>At least, what I remember of it.</b> <b>With a mother, a father,</b> <b>and a family that was mine.</b> <b>The way it was supposed to be.</b> <b>But, things aren't always</b> <b>what they seem.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>(dialing)</b> <b>(phone ringing)</b> <i><b>Annapolis Police.</b></i> <i><b>Hello?</b></i> <i><b>I'm sorry, I can't hear you.</b></i> <b>I think my parents are dead.</b> <b>What is your address?</b> <b>285 Glen Iris Drive.</b> <b>And what's your name, sir?</b> <b>Brian.</b> <b>Brian Hannigan.</b> <b>(barking)</b> <b>Are you Brian?</b> <b>Yes, sir.</b> <b>Where are they?</b> <b>Uh, down there in the</b> <b>basement.</b> <b>Okay, why don't you wait</b> <b>here, we'll check it out.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Hey, I found one in here.</b> <b>Can somebody do something</b> <b>about this dog outside?</b> <b>He's got the yard staked out,</b> <b>nobody can move.</b> <b>Hey.</b> <b>Over here.</b> <b>We got a bad one.</b> <b>Double homicide.</b> <b>One in the basement,</b> <b>one outside.</b> <b>Don't we have anything?</b> <b>Nothing yet.</b> <b>No weapon, no witnesses.</b> <b>The neighbor next door thinks he</b> <b>heard the dog barking around</b> <b>midnight.</b> <b>I'd like to know how he got</b> <b>past it.</b> <b>Any sign of forced entry?</b> <b>We're not sure yet.</b> <b>Where are the kids?</b> <b>The 7-year-old's in the</b> <b>living room.</b> <b>Brian, the one who called, is</b> <b>outside.</b> <b>You wanna talk to them here?</b> <b>No, let's bring 'em both down</b> <b>to the station.</b> <b>Does he know yet?</b> <b>I don't know, I don't</b> <b>think so.</b> <b>I was waiting for you to show</b> <b>up.</b> <b>You wanna tell him?</b> <b>No, I'm gonna take a look</b> <b>around, you go ahead.</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>Thanks.</b> <b>(helicopter flying, sirens)</b> <b>We live in this neighborhood.</b> <b>Why can't you tell us</b> <b>what happened?</b> <b>I'm sorry, ma'am, we're not</b> <b>allowed to say.</b> <b>Hold on, hold on, nobody's</b> <b>allowed to go into the house.</b> <b>I'm a friend of the family's.</b> <b>Their son Brian called me.</b> <b>All right, go ahead, come on.</b> <b>Stay here, darling.</b> <b>Are they alive?</b> <b>No, they're not.</b> <b>Look...</b> <b>you wanna cry, whatever,</b> <b>it's okay.</b> <b>Gonna need to take you and your</b> <b>brother down to the station and</b> <b>ask some questions, okay?</b> <b>You want me to leave you alone</b> <b>for a few minutes?</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>This is like a dream.</b> <b>Don't worry, honey, we'll be</b> <b>right behind you.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>So, you were inside</b> <b>the house all night.</b> <b>You didn't, um, see anything?</b> <b>You didn't hear anything?</b> <b>No arguing, no screams, nothing.</b> <b>No.</b> <b>I went to bed around 10:30.</b> <b>I was asleep.</b> <b>I think I remember Chris coming</b> <b>into my room later.</b> <b>Midnight, maybe.</b> <b>Um, he said he was scared.</b> <b>He said, uh, he heard noises.</b> <b>I thought he was just having a</b> <b>nightmare, so I told him to go</b> <b>back to sleep.</b> <b>I went back to sleep.</b> <b>I didn't come downstairs until</b> <b>this morning.</b> <b>Okay, I think we all need</b> <b>a little break.</b> <b>This kid is way too calm.</b> <b>He heard nothing last night?</b> <b>I don't buy it.</b> <b>Why would he lie?</b> <b>I don't know.</b> <b>Let's leave him in there for</b> <b>a while, let him think there's</b> <b>a problem.</b> <b>Tom.</b> <b>I'm sorry, I didn't know</b> <b>who else to call.</b> <b>No, you did the right thing.</b> <b>Where are the kids?</b> <b>They're still questioning</b> <b>them.</b> <b>But, what is this--</b> <b>who's questioning them?</b> <b>Hi, I'm Tom Kelley,</b> <b>I'm a lawyer.</b> <b>Who asked for a lawyer?</b> <b>And I'm a friend of the</b> <b>Hannigan family.</b> <b>Why are you holding these boys?</b> <b>We're not holding anybody,</b> <b>we're just asking some</b> <b>questions.</b> <b>Look, these kids are</b> <b>traumatized, they're exhausted.</b> <b>We'd like to take them home.</b> <b>Are you representing these</b> <b>kids, or are you their friend?</b> <b>What difference does that</b> <b>make?</b> <b>Look, look, look,</b> <b>gentlemen, excuse me.</b> <b>Look, why don't you wait out</b> <b>here, have some coffee?</b> <b>Let us talk to the little boy,</b> <b>and then you can go, okay?</b> <b>Is there a suspect?</b> <b>There might be.</b> <b>Can I ask who it is?</b> <b>No, you can't.</b> <b>It's right back there.</b> <b>There's no reason to be scared</b> <b>of us, Chris.</b> <b>Okay, all we want you to do is</b> <b>just to...</b> <b>just tell us what you know,</b> <b>okay?</b> <b>Now...</b> <b>did you hear any noises last</b> <b>night?</b> <b>I heard my dad.</b> <b>He was screaming for help.</b> <b>Can you remember what time</b> <b>that was?</b> <b>Uh-uh.</b> <b>Think about it, Chris.</b> <b>Did you tell anyone else what</b> <b>you heard?</b> <b>That's okay.</b> <b>What did you do next?</b> <b>I went to the basement,</b> <b>and I saw my dad,</b> <b>on his back.</b> <b>And I went out to the porch,</b> <b>and I saw somebody in the</b> <b>backyard, a man.</b> <b>What was that man doing?</b> <b>He was walking away from the</b> <b>house into the woods,</b> <b>dragging something, like a</b> <b>shovel.</b> <b>Do you remember what he</b> <b>looked like?</b> <b>Did you know him, Chris?</b> <b>He looked like my brother.</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>Daniel.</b> <b>Who's Daniel?</b> <b>He's our other brother.</b> <b>Where's Daniel now?</b> <b>Hospital.</b> <b>What hospital is that, Chris?</b> <b>Crownsville.</b> <b>You mean, the state hospital?</b> <b>Why is he there, Chris?</b> <b>He doesn't like my parents.</b> <b>And why doesn't Daniel like</b> <b>your parents?</b> <b>They don't like him.</b> <b>(door opening)</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>Hi, you okay?</b> <b>Yeah, I'm all right.</b> <b>Are they finished?</b> <b>It's over.</b> <b>I'm here to help you.</b> <b>Is Chris all right?</b> <b>He's fine.</b> <b>Brian, there may be a problem.</b> <b>Chris said that he saw Daniel</b> <b>in the yard last night.</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>Chris didn't tell me that.</b> <b>That's impossible, Daniel's in</b> <b>Crownsville.</b> <b>So, how long's he been here?</b> <b>Came in about a month ago.</b> <b>Pulled a knife on a social</b> <b>worker.</b> <b>By the way, he hasn't been told</b> <b>about his parents yet.</b> <b>Do you want me to say anything?</b> <b>Don't tell him.</b> <b>You sure he was here all night?</b> <b>Well, security said they</b> <b>checked him off.</b> <b>Wait here, I'll get him for you.</b> <b>Hey, Henry.</b> <b>Security?</b> <b>(walkman playing)</b> <b>What do you want?</b> <b>I want you to come out</b> <b>in the hall.</b> <b>Some men wanna talk to you.</b> <b>Let me know when you finish.</b> <b>Daniel, no smoking in the halls,</b> <b>okay?</b> <b>We're with Annapolis Police,</b> <b>we'd like to ask a few</b> <b>questions.</b> <b>Where were you last night?</b> <b>Gee, where was I?</b> <b>Let's see, I went down to the</b> <b>mall about 8:00, I had something</b> <b>to eat, I saw a movie.</b> <b>Did you leave the premises?</b> <b>Is that what this place is,</b> <b>the premises?</b> <b>Does this look like a place you</b> <b>can just walk out of?</b> <b>Yeah, it does.</b> <b>Is somebody trying to screw</b> <b>me here?</b> <b>If it says I checked Daniel</b> <b>Hannigan off at 11:30,</b> <b>I checked him off.</b> <b>So, you saw him.</b> <b>I checked him off.</b> <b>That's not what I'm asking.</b> <b>Whoa, whoa, whoa.</b> <b>Come on, time out.</b> <b>Bobby, you're making too big a</b> <b>deal about this.</b> <b>There's what, 150 patients here?</b> <b>I mean, you can't expect him</b> <b>to make sure every kid is tucked</b> <b>in by 11:00, am I right?</b> <b>Am I?</b> <b>I mean, what are you gonna do?</b> <b>Walk up to every bed with a</b> <b>flashlight, look under the</b> <b>covers?</b> <b>No, you poke your head in the</b> <b>room and you eyeball it, right?</b> <b>You guess.</b> <b>Hey man, I didn't say that.</b> <b>Don't get excited, nobody's</b> <b>gonna get reported.</b> <b>We just want the truth.</b> <b>Now, did you see this kid at</b> <b>11:30 or not?</b> <b>No.</b> <b>There you go, he guessed.</b> <b>Norman!</b> <b>Listen, nobody can confirm they</b> <b>saw him past 10:00 last night</b> <b>at Crownsville.</b> <b>You know how lack security is</b> <b>there.</b> <b>This kid has a record.</b> <b>His parents had to put him in</b> <b>reform school last year,</b> <b>that's a motive.</b> <b>His own brother identified</b> <b>him in the backyard.</b> <b>His 7-year-old brother.</b> <b>You want to make an arrest</b> <b>because somebody's a bad kid?</b> <b>Open this up, think further.</b> <b>I mean, it's possible the</b> <b>murders had nothing to do with</b> <b>the family.</b> <b>Hey, look, nobody wants to make</b> <b>an arrest more than I do.</b> <b>But, if we book a 17-year-old</b> <b>kid for killing his parents, and</b> <b>it turns out he's innocent--</b> <b>We know, we know.</b> <b>No, no, no, you don't know.</b> <b>You do it by the numbers,</b> <b>and you get me the evidence,</b> <b>and you do it now.</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>Daniel, something has happened</b> <b>to your family that you should</b> <b>know about.</b> <b>Come on, sit down.</b> <b>I, um, I don't know how to</b> <b>say this, other than to just</b> <b>say it.</b> <b>This morning, your parents were</b> <b>found murdered in their home.</b> <b>They think I did it.</b> <b>(knocking)</b> <b>They want to look around.</b> <b>Will you turn your soles up,</b> <b>please?</b> <b>This your only pair of shoes?</b> <b>Would you take them off, please?</b> <b>Thanks.</b> <b>I'm sorry.</b> <b>I'll, uh, get you another pair</b> <b>of shoes.</b> <i><b>They were very family</b></i> <i><b>oriented.</b></i> <i><b>Hard working people.</b></i> <i><b>Maureen was a high school</b></i> <i><b>teacher, her husband Joe was</b></i> <i><b>an engineer, a layman in our</b></i> <i><b>church who taught Sunday School</b></i> <i><b>to the kids here.</b></i> <i><b>They were very giving people.</b></i> <i><b>This has been a special</b></i> <i><b>report...</b></i> <b>They just interviewed Father</b> <b>Greg on TV.</b> <b>Is Brian okay?</b> <b>He's fine.</b> <b>He's staying with Barbara.</b> <b>Well, what did he say when</b> <b>you talked to him?</b> <b>Ken Pierson, please.</b> <b>Rick, can you talk about it</b> <b>in here?</b> <b>Just asking.</b> <b>I know you were, I just--</b> <b>Uh, hi, this is Tom Kelley.</b> <b>Would you ask Ken to call me as</b> <b>soon as he can, please?</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>I was on the phone.</b> <b>(door slams)</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>He's upset about this, too.</b> <b>Are you sure you want to get</b> <b>involved with this?</b> <b>I don't have a choice.</b> <b>I called a criminal attorney,</b> <b>Ken Pierson.</b> <b>Daniel's a suspect, isn't he,</b> <b>Tom?</b> <b>They're wrong.</b> <b>You know, Joe and Maureen</b> <b>were afraid of him.</b> <b>He made a-- a threat once.</b> <b>To do what?</b> <b>To kill them.</b> <b>Maureen told me and Barbara</b> <b>about it last year.</b> <b>Those are words, a-- a kid</b> <b>can say a lot of things.</b> <b>He can say "I hate you" out of</b> <b>anger.</b> <b>Daniel's an angry kid, but,</b> <b>he's still just a kid.</b> <b>(camera clicking)</b> <b>Hurry up!</b> <b>I'm coming, damnit!</b> <b>(thunder rumbling)</b> <b>Come here, come here.</b> <b>I want you to take this over to</b> <b>the lab, and keep it covered.</b> <b>And get some plastic sheets out</b> <b>here, we're losing everything</b> <b>in this rain.</b> <b>Yes, sir.</b> <b>I'll leave a light in the</b> <b>hall for you, okay?</b> <b>I love you.</b> <b>Good night.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Look at me.</b> <b>You have to be sure.</b> <b>Are you sure it was Daniel</b> <b>you saw?</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Daniel, hi.</b> <b>I'm Tom Kelley.</b> <b>Do you remember me?</b> <b>Yeah, you were my parents'</b> <b>lawyer friend, right?</b> <b>I want you to know that we</b> <b>are doing everything that we can</b> <b>to make sure that you and your</b> <b>brothers are going to be taken</b> <b>care of.</b> <b>Am I still getting out of</b> <b>here tomorrow?</b> <b>A judge has to decide that.</b> <b>They can't keep me here.</b> <b>I already had my hearing.</b> <b>I had my evaluation, I have no</b> <b>illness, man.</b> <b>There's nothing wrong with me.</b> <b>Why are they keeping me here?</b> <b>Daniel, you know why.</b> <b>You're a suspect.</b> <b>I wasn't there.</b> <b>Someone around here is trying to</b> <b>screw me, right?</b> <b>Who is it?</b> <b>Look, I didn't see Mom and Dad</b> <b>for a year, okay?</b> <b>I was out of their life, they</b> <b>wanted nothing to do with me.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>I-- I don't know.</b> <b>Ask Brian.</b> <b>He's backing me, right?</b> <b>Of course he is.</b> <b>All of us are.</b> <b>We'll do whatever we can.</b> <b>You're in our prayers, Daniel.</b> <b>I don't want anybody's</b> <b>prayers.</b> <b>Just get me out of here.</b> <b>When was the last time you</b> <b>spoke to Daniel?</b> <b>Six months ago.</b> <b>You and your brother were</b> <b>close.</b> <b>We are, we are.</b> <b>But, it was hard to stay close</b> <b>when he moved away.</b> <b>Sit down.</b> <b>Did Daniel ever threaten your</b> <b>parents?</b> <b>Maybe.</b> <b>You know Daniel, he-- he could</b> <b>lose his temper.</b> <b>Over what?</b> <b>Anything.</b> <b>He's different from you.</b> <b>How did that happen?</b> <b>He's always been like that,</b> <b>from the day I met him.</b> <b>We were adopted.</b> <b>That's right, of course,</b> <b>I-- I knew that, I just forgot.</b> <b>You were how old?</b> <b>Six.</b> <b>Your parents loved you more</b> <b>than anything, you know that.</b> <b>What do you want to know?</b> <b>I wanna know about your</b> <b>family, I wanna know about</b> <b>Daniel.</b> <b>I wanna know about you.</b> <b>I remember my first day.</b> <b>It's okay, honey.</b> <b>Don't be afraid.</b> <b>Hi, your new son is here.</b> <b>Oh, my goodness.</b> <b>Oh, my.</b> <b>Hi, hi, Brian.</b> <b>Do you remember when we first</b> <b>met?</b> <b>Oh, he's so handsome,</b> <b>his eyes!</b> <b>I wonder who this belongs to.</b> <b>(dog whimpering)</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>Everything was new to me.</b> <b>I had never been to a church</b> <b>before.</b> <b>(organ playing)</b> <b>(whispering) Brian.</b> <b>For the poor, the repressed</b> <b>children of war...</b> <b>Dad was a layman in our</b> <b>church.</b> <b>He loved standing up in front</b> <b>of everyone.</b> <b>Lord, hear our prayer.</b> <b>They seemed to have so many</b> <b>friends.</b> <b>They knew everybody, and</b> <b>everyone liked them.</b> <b>Congratulations, Joe.</b> <b>Oh, thanks, thanks.</b> <b>Thanks a lot.</b> <b>So, I guess we finally caught up</b> <b>to you and Liz, huh?</b> <b>Caught up?</b> <b>Kids-- you got one,</b> <b>we got one.</b> <b>Oh!</b> <b>I didn't know we were in a race.</b> <b>Oh, get ready, we just</b> <b>started.</b> <b>For the first time in my</b> <b>life, I had something that was</b> <b>mine-- a family.</b> <b>I had everything I wanted.</b> <b>Everybody likes you,</b> <b>everybody likes you.</b> <b>Except one thing.</b> <b>Ah, guess who's got a</b> <b>birthday coming up?</b> <b>What do you want for your</b> <b>birthday?</b> <b>I want a brother, a younger</b> <b>brother.</b> <b>Well, guess what?</b> <b>Maureen?</b> <b>Oh, it's all right, we can</b> <b>tell him.</b> <b>You are gonna get a brother!</b> <b>Really, when?</b> <b>Uh huh!</b> <b>Well, as soon as we can.</b> <b>We already met him.</b> <b>And you know what?</b> <b>He's just like you.</b> <b>Mwah!</b> <b>Mm.</b> <b>Brian, this is Daniel.</b> <b>Daniel, this is Brian.</b> <b>Joe, Maureen, we have some</b> <b>paperwork to go over.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Uh, boys, why don't you wait</b> <b>right here, we'll be right back.</b> <b>You stay seated right here.</b> <b>Okay, Brian?</b> <b>Daniel was not exactly what I</b> <b>had in mind.</b> <b>Want a ride?</b> <b>All right!</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>Whoa, whoa, little man.</b> <b>Hey, you're not supposed to be</b> <b>doing that, now go sit down.</b> <b>How old are you?</b> <b>Six, how old are you?</b> <b>Six.</b> <b>When's your birthday?</b> <b>February something.</b> <b>I forget.</b> <b>Who's older, me or you?</b> <b>You.</b> <b>Wanna go outside?</b> <b>No.</b> <b>Why not?</b> <b>We're not supposed to.</b> <b>Who said?</b> <b>Mom and Dad.</b> <b>How long have you been</b> <b>with them?</b> <b>Three months.</b> <b>Did you get anything yet?</b> <b>I got a dog.</b> <b>That week, Daniel became my</b> <b>brother.</b> <b>I wasn't sure if I liked him</b> <b>at first.</b> <b>Brian, remember our</b> <b>boundaries!</b> <b>We will.</b> <b>There, there, and there.</b> <b>We can't go past those.</b> <b>(dog barking)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>Where'd you get those?</b> <b>I collect them.</b> <b>He was hyper.</b> <b>He never followed the rules.</b> <b>He didn't care what people</b> <b>thought about him.</b> <b>He did whatever he wanted.</b> <b>I didn't want him in trouble.</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>Where'd you live before us?</b> <b>Different places.</b> <b>How come you don't live with</b> <b>your parents?</b> <b>'Cause, they moved me away</b> <b>from them.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>'Cause of my dad.</b> <b>He used to beat me up.</b> <b>How?</b> <b>With the board.</b> <b>Can I have one?</b> <b>If you're nice to it,</b> <b>this one's yours.</b> <b>In the evening, after our</b> <b>chores, we had study time.</b> <b>We had to be ready for school</b> <b>in the fall.</b> <b>Come on, Daniel!</b> <b>Dad wanted to prepare us for the</b> <b>Naval Academy when we got older.</b> <b>The academy was only a few miles</b> <b>away from where we lived.</b> <b>Sometimes, you could hear the</b> <b>band playing in the afternoon.</b> <b>(band playing)</b> <b>That was his dream.</b> <b>No, no, no, Brian, here.</b> <b>Let-- let me show you again.</b> <b>Okay, all right.</b> <b>We have ten, and we take away</b> <b>five.</b> <b>And what does that give us?</b> <b>Six.</b> <b>How can that be six?</b> <b>It's five.</b> <b>Can we go outside?</b> <b>When we're finished.</b> <b>We went over this five times</b> <b>yesterday, buddy.</b> <b>It's okay, honey, don't</b> <b>worry, we'll get it.</b> <b>Brian, look.</b> <b>You got one, two, three, four,</b> <b>five, six crackers, okay?</b> <b>Now, we take away two, and that</b> <b>leaves us what--</b> <b>Daniel, don't eat the crackers,</b> <b>please, you're confusing him.</b> <b>So, four plus two, is what?</b> <b>Four, plus two?</b> <b>Six.</b> <b>What did I just say to you?</b> <b>I know it already, I'm bored.</b> <b>Mr. Know-It-All.</b> <b>Just Mr. Know-It-All, isn't it?</b> <b>Eight and seven?</b> <b>15.</b> <b>13 and eight.</b> <b>21.</b> <b>It's okay, buddy.</b> <b>It's okay.</b> <b>You're gonna get it.</b> <b>If Daniel can get it, you can</b> <b>get it, okay?</b> <b>All right, you two.</b> <b>Just gonna start from the top.</b> <b>Here we go, starting all over.</b> <b>Two plus two,</b> <b>is what?</b> <b>I don't know--</b> <b>Oh no, no, I know you know.</b> <b>You're just not trying.</b> <b>Come on, look at the crackers.</b> <b>See, you're not even looking at</b> <b>the crackers, look at the</b> <b>crackers.</b> <b>I don't know.</b> <b>No, I don't wanna hear</b> <b>"I don't know."</b> <b>I don't know.</b> <b>No, Brian, you do know.</b> <b>You just don't know you know it.</b> <b>Come on, buddy, gotta keep up.</b> <b>Can't fall behind now.</b> <b>Now...</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>We just, um...</b> <b>we've just gotta keep going</b> <b>over this.</b> <b>And I know you know the answers.</b> <b>Here, I'm giving it to you,</b> <b>right here.</b> <b>Two plus two,</b> <b>now what is it?</b> <b>(whispering) Four.</b> <b>Four.</b> <b>Leave the table.</b> <b>He gave you the answer.</b> <b>You told him the answer.</b> <b>I saw him, he gave him the</b> <b>answer, I saw him do it.</b> <b>You gave him the answer.</b> <b>Just forget it.</b> <b>Here, have that one.</b> <b>It's okay, just forget it.</b> <b>It's okay.</b> <b>Apologize to me, young man.</b> <b>No!</b> <b>I said apologize!</b> <b>Why should I?</b> <b>They always felt bad after</b> <b>they got angry, especially Dad.</b> <b>They would sit and talk about it</b> <b>for hours.</b> <b>"What do we do about Daniel?"</b> <b>I liked my brother.</b> <b>I liked the idea that he was</b> <b>mine.</b> <b>No one could take that away</b> <b>from me.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Tom Kelley?</b> <b>Uh, you must be Ken Pierson.</b> <b>Um, did you--</b> <b>did you get started?</b> <b>I-- I read the police report,</b> <b>got a copy of the autopsy.</b> <b>You'll have to forgive me,</b> <b>I'm not a criminal attorney.</b> <b>What do you think?</b> <b>Now, I gotta tell you, Tom,</b> <b>they got a lot of circumstantial</b> <b>evidence against this kid.</b> <b>Possible eyewitness, possible</b> <b>motive.</b> <b>Found his custody papers</b> <b>scattered near the front door.</b> <b>I think they might make an</b> <b>arrest tomorrow.</b> <b>Where's Daniel?</b> <b>They denied his release from</b> <b>the hospital.</b> <b>I think they're going to arrest</b> <b>him tonight.</b> <b>(woman crying)</b> <b>(whispering)</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>I didn't do very well.</b> <b>No, you did fine.</b> <b>Are they gonna let Daniel</b> <b>come to the funeral tomorrow?</b> <b>I hope so.</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>Brian, I know that he's your</b> <b>brother, but you're not</b> <b>helping him by protecting him.</b> <b>I'm not protecting him.</b> <b>It's always been the other way</b> <b>around.</b> <b>I wish I could.</b> <b>I always wanted a brother who</b> <b>would look up to me,</b> <b>somebody I could take care of,</b> <b>you know, like Chris.</b> <b>I never could protect Daniel.</b> <b>Protect him from what?</b> <b>My dad was a computer</b> <b>engineer.</b> <b>He was somebody who wanted to</b> <b>build the world.</b> <b>Right here.</b> <b>He always had these big</b> <b>ideas, but they never seemed to</b> <b>get finished.</b> <b>It's gonna go right here.</b> <b>Honey, the um, what--</b> <b>what do you call it?</b> <b>The gazebo?</b> <b>Yeah, the gazebo's gonna go</b> <b>right there.</b> <b>I can see it.</b> <b>So, who's building it?</b> <b>What do you mean, who's</b> <b>building it-- we are.</b> <b>Come on, son, you know there's</b> <b>no such thing as a free ride.</b> <b>You wanna have the first pool in</b> <b>the neighborhood, you gotta help</b> <b>build it.</b> <b>Come on, come help me move this.</b> <b>I didn't ask for a pool.</b> <b>Brian, you want a pool?</b> <b>Yeah, sounds great.</b> <b>Oh yeah, man, yeah,</b> <b>it sounds great.</b> <b>Let's get out those shovels,</b> <b>start digging up that yard,</b> <b>boys.</b> <b>Cheap labor, man.</b> <b>Are you cynical about</b> <b>everything, Daniel?</b> <b>What's the matter, son, can't</b> <b>you hack it?</b> <b>Scared of a little work?</b> <b>Brian, put those right over</b> <b>there, atta boy.</b> <b>Discipline, hard work.</b> <b>I'll make a midshipman out of</b> <b>you yet.</b> <b>(kids shouting)</b> <b>The Naval Academy wasn't</b> <b>looking good for Daniel.</b> <b>Hey, stop it back there!</b> <b>Stop it!</b> <b>Come on!</b> <b>(kids continue shouting)</b> <b>All right, you get outta</b> <b>here!</b> <b>(overlapping shouting)</b> <b>Out of the way!</b> <b>That's enough.</b> <b>Come on!</b> <b>Get off of him!</b> <b>Don't you hit me.</b> <b>Nobody hits me.</b> <b>Now, you get off the bus.</b> <b>No way!</b> <b>You get off the bus!</b> <b>How am I supposed to get</b> <b>to school?</b> <b>You get off the bus,</b> <b>and you walk!</b> <b>Nobody wants you here, man!</b> <b>You jerk, get off!</b> <b>You tell your parents</b> <b>this time he's off for good.</b> <b>You sit here and you lie</b> <b>to our faces.</b> <b>You lie about not going to</b> <b>school, you lie about</b> <b>the fights.</b> <b>You lie about not smoking.</b> <b>He hit me first.</b> <b>Brian, you were there,</b> <b>did you see this?</b> <b>He wasn't there.</b> <b>Brian, who started it?</b> <b>He didn't see it.</b> <b>We want to trust you, Daniel.</b> <b>You don't trust me.</b> <b>Well, did you ever wonder</b> <b>why, huh?</b> <b>I mean, we trust him, we don't</b> <b>have to worry about him.</b> <b>Why do you think we single</b> <b>you out?</b> <b>How the hell should I know?</b> <b>Don't talk to me like that</b> <b>in my house.</b> <b>Can I be excused, please?</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>If you do not pull it together,</b> <b>you know what's gonna happen.</b> <b>Yeah, what?</b> <b>Say it, what?</b> <b>Say it!</b> <b>Go to the basement.</b> <b>Go outside, I'll turn the</b> <b>light on when it's time.</b> <b>I'll keep your supper warm,</b> <b>okay?</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>It's dark, don't go far.</b> <b>What am I gonna do with you?</b> <b>Oh, you're the tough guy, right.</b> <b>How many times I gotta bring</b> <b>you down here, huh?</b> <b>You tell me how--</b> <b>How many times?!</b> <b>I usually got sent away when</b> <b>the beatings started.</b> <b>I would always say to myself</b> <b>when I got older, I would just</b> <b>keep running and never come</b> <b>home.</b> <b>But, I always came back.</b> <b>(sniffling and sighing)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Brian.</b> <b>Come here, you wanna see the</b> <b>plans for the pool?</b> <b>I wanted to speak up,</b> <b>but the words never came.</b> <b>See?</b> <b>See, the gazebo's gonna be</b> <b>right-- right about there.</b> <b>Huh?</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>(phone ringing)</b> <b>Hello?</b> <b>I'll be right there.</b> <b>They found a pair of gym</b> <b>shoes under the sink.</b> <b>There was blood on the soles.</b> <b>Who do these shoes belong to?</b> <b>Tom, they were Brian's.</b> <b>Daniel's shoes came back clean.</b> <b>(scoffs)</b> <b>He could have, uh, tracked blood</b> <b>on the shoes the morning after.</b> <b>He said he never went into</b> <b>the basement.</b> <b>Come on, he was in shock.</b> <b>He could have blocked something</b> <b>like that out.</b> <b>I think we're gonna have to</b> <b>find someplace new for Brian</b> <b>to stay.</b> <b>Crowley's asking the court that</b> <b>Brian and Chris be separated.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>Crowley's smart.</b> <b>He's building up a case against</b> <b>Brian, and it's a lot easier to</b> <b>convince the court if he's--</b> <b>can say he's got a murder</b> <b>suspect living with a</b> <b>7-year-old.</b> <b>They're wrong on this.</b> <b>I know Brian, this kid could not</b> <b>do what was done in that</b> <b>basement.</b> <b>He's not even capable of</b> <b>thinking about it.</b> <b>This is not the same kid.</b> <b>You don't believe him, do you?</b> <b>What if we can't find anybody</b> <b>to take him in?</b> <b>Then the court will do it</b> <b>for us.</b> <b>No, no!</b> <b>These kids have suffered enough.</b> <b>I will not have them shuffled</b> <b>around like this, not after what</b> <b>they've been through.</b> <b>Then, who's gonna take</b> <b>him in?</b> <b>Do I have to dress up</b> <b>for the funeral?</b> <b>Yes, of course you do.</b> <b>Where's Dad?</b> <b>He had to go back in to work.</b> <b>Where else?</b> <b>What does that mean?</b> <b>Nothing, it's just,</b> <b>he's never here anyway.</b> <b>Why is this week any different?</b> <b>You know why it's different.</b> <b>Why would you say that?</b> <b>Your father cares about you,</b> <b>all of you.</b> <b>Come on, you know that.</b> <b>Don't you?</b> <b>(phone ringing)</b> <b>Hello?</b> <i><b>Hi, let me talk to your mom.</b></i> <b>Hello?</b> <i><b>Hi.</b></i> <b>We have to find a place for</b> <b>Brian to stay after the funeral</b> <b>tomorrow.</b> <b>I thought the kids were</b> <b>staying with Barbara.</b> <b>It looks like the court may</b> <b>want Brian and Chris separated.</b> <b>Brian's a suspect.</b> <b>If they had evidence, they</b> <b>would arrest him.</b> <b>Where is he going to stay?</b> <b>Well, I think he should stay</b> <b>with us, but,</b> <b>I wanted to ask you first.</b> <b>What do you want me to say?</b> <b>We have to say yes.</b> <b>(choir singing, bells tolling)</b> <b>Excuse me, excuse me,</b> <b>let me through, please.</b> <b>(sighing) I can't--</b> <b>I can't do this.</b> <b>It's gonna be okay.</b> <b>I'll be with you.</b> <b>(choir continues singing)</b> <b>Okay, let's go.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>(man whispering)</b> <b>We look into the faces of</b> <b>these young children sitting</b> <b>here with their relatives</b> <b>and friends.</b> <b>We ask ourselves, how much do</b> <b>they hurt?</b> <b>How empty do they feel?</b> <b>Perhaps it will never make</b> <b>complete sense to you.</b> <b>But, you are the chosen ones.</b> <b>Joe and Maureen chose you for</b> <b>their sons.</b> <b>Through their death, may you</b> <b>grow in their light.</b> <b>May God love you.</b> <b>(all) Amen.</b> <b>(organ music playing)</b> <b>This is a funeral, for God's</b> <b>sake, what are they doing here?</b> <b>Don't worry about it, they're</b> <b>just here to look.</b> <b>It's business.</b> <b>Maybe I should tell them to</b> <b>stop intimidating my client.</b> <b>Have you asked Brian about</b> <b>the shoes?</b> <b>Ask him, we need an answer.</b> <b>(organ continues playing)</b> <b>Okay, okay, don't say.</b> <b>Nancy, go ahead.</b> <b>Oh, very good.</b> <b>Right there.</b> <b>He's a natural.</b> <b>Smarter than the average</b> <b>bear.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>What room do you wanna put</b> <b>Brian in?</b> <b>Oh, well I made his bed up</b> <b>earlier, I put him in the</b> <b>downstairs bedroom.</b> <b>What are you doing?</b> <b>Nothing, just putting some</b> <b>things away.</b> <b>Now?</b> <b>It's 10:00 at night, why don't</b> <b>you go to bed?</b> <b>What's in here?</b> <b>What are these doing in here?</b> <b>(overlapping chatter)</b> <b>You don't need to do this.</b> <b>I told you, it's okay.</b> <b>Come here--</b> <b>No, don't.</b> <b>It's not okay.</b> <b>This case was a conflict from</b> <b>the beginning.</b> <b>This is not a case.</b> <b>Then, what is it?</b> <b>Why are you doing this?</b> <b>You tell me what I should do.</b> <b>Turn him away?</b> <b>These are children--</b> <b>What about our children?</b> <b>Shh.</b> <b>What about them?</b> <b>You're being irrational.</b> <b>No, you are being irrational.</b> <b>You think these kids are</b> <b>innocent because you want them</b> <b>to be innocent.</b> <b>Is everybody else wrong?</b> <b>Everybody?</b> <b>Do you honestly believe that</b> <b>I would put our own children</b> <b>in danger?</b> <b>Do you?</b> <b>It isn't just about him,</b> <b>is it?</b> <b>(overlapping chatter)</b> <b>(clock chiming)</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>I can't sleep.</b> <b>I was just thinking about Chris.</b> <b>He gets scared when he's alone.</b> <b>It's okay if I still call him,</b> <b>right?</b> <b>We'll call first thing in the</b> <b>morning.</b> <b>Brian, I need to ask you</b> <b>something.</b> <b>The police found your shoes in</b> <b>the kitchen under the sink.</b> <b>There was blood on the shoes.</b> <b>Why do I have to keep saying</b> <b>this-- I don't remember what</b> <b>happened, I don't.</b> <b>Look, Brian, I believe you,</b> <b>but there are others now who</b> <b>don't, and I have to convince</b> <b>them that they're wrong.</b> <b>You have to trust me, you--</b> <b>you can't keep things from me.</b> <b>I'm not the authorities.</b> <b>I understand you more than</b> <b>you know.</b> <b>I'm just not comfortable</b> <b>talking about how I feel about</b> <b>things.</b> <b>I was always afraid to speak up.</b> <b>I know what that's like.</b> <b>My family was a lot like yours.</b> <b>My mother died when I was 11.</b> <b>We were raised by my father.</b> <b>He never physically abused us,</b> <b>he just ignored us.</b> <b>There was never any joy in our</b> <b>house, it was only,</b> <b>quiet.</b> <b>I grew up thinking that was</b> <b>normal.</b> <b>Fathers weren't supposed to talk</b> <b>to their kids, and you were not</b> <b>supposed to talk to them.</b> <b>That's not normal.</b> <b>What did you do?</b> <b>I left.</b> <b>I ran away from him.</b> <b>All the birthdays, my wedding,</b> <b>graduations, promotions--</b> <b>he missed it all.</b> <b>He's never even seen</b> <b>his own grandchildren.</b> <b>I don't understand that.</b> <b>But, uh, I have to look forward,</b> <b>I don't look back.</b> <b>That's how I've dealt with it.</b> <b>All the gatherings, the church</b> <b>groups that we were in with your</b> <b>mom and dad,</b> <b>we never knew what was happening</b> <b>to Daniel.</b> <b>No one knew.</b> <b>(overlapping chatter)</b> <b>Hey!</b> <b>Watch it, watch it!</b> <b>Good one, good one, good one.</b> <b>Here we go.</b> <b>Set it up, set it up, set it up.</b> <b>Get it up!</b> <b>Gotta get more on the ball,</b> <b>more on the ball.</b> <b>Here, okay, here we go,</b> <b>8-7, serve it up, Tom.</b> <b>Big point, big point.</b> <b>You ladies watching?</b> <b>Go team!</b> <b>Hey, you ready?</b> <b>Got your head in the game,</b> <b>are you ready?</b> <b>Yeah, I'm ready.</b> <b>Here we go, 8-7.</b> <b>Call it!</b> <b>Set it up, set it up,</b> <b>set it up.</b> <b>That's it.</b> <b>Good, good.</b> <b>You got it?</b> <b>Good, good, good.</b> <b>Atta boy.</b> <b>Nice!</b> <b>Good one, good one, good one.</b> <b>Set it up, set it up.</b> <b>Watch it.</b> <b>Daniel, you okay?</b> <b>Is he all right?</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>Yeah, he's fine, he's fine.</b> <b>I told you, son, you gotta watch</b> <b>yourself.</b> <b>Where you going?</b> <b>Daniel, it was an accident.</b> <b>Daniel, wait up.</b> <b>No, no, if he doesn't want to</b> <b>play, don't make him.</b> <b>Come on, Brian.</b> <b>Brian, let him go!</b> <b>Come on, let's get somebody else</b> <b>in here, let's go!</b> <b>Come on, guys, let's play.</b> <b>Hey, do you wanna play?</b> <b>Yeah.</b> <b>That's all he does, man,</b> <b>is just get on me.</b> <b>I know you don't wanna be here,</b> <b>man, let's just go.</b> <b>We can come back later.</b> <b>I can't, what do I say?</b> <b>Just tell him you wanna come</b> <b>with me, you found something</b> <b>better to do.</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>(women laughing)</b> <b>Where did you come up with</b> <b>that?</b> <b>Hi, handsome.</b> <b>Hi, can I sit here?</b> <b>Of course you can.</b> <b>Don't want to eat at the kid's</b> <b>table, huh?</b> <b>Put your shirt on, honey,</b> <b>it's cold.</b> <b>Besides, all the girls are</b> <b>watching.</b> <b>Mom.</b> <b>Daniel left, of course.</b> <b>Yeah, he's gone.</b> <b>Oh, God, sometimes I think</b> <b>it's hopeless.</b> <b>I don't understand how somebody</b> <b>can be so angry and bitter</b> <b>about everything.</b> <b>It's hormonal.</b> <b>All 15-year-olds are angry about</b> <b>something, present company</b> <b>excluded.</b> <b>No, no, I've been a teacher</b> <b>too long.</b> <b>First day of class, I can</b> <b>pick 'em out.</b> <b>I know who the good kids are,</b> <b>I know who the bad kids are.</b> <b>And you know what?</b> <b>I'm always right.</b> <b>Well, it's an awkward age.</b> <b>You don't know how many times</b> <b>I've been at the principal's</b> <b>office this year.</b> <b>He's violent, he fights, he</b> <b>cheats, you can't trust him.</b> <b>Maureen.</b> <b>Hey Brian, honey, why don't</b> <b>you go sit with the kids?</b> <b>Oh, no, no.</b> <b>No, he's heard all this before.</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>Daniel even threatened us once.</b> <b>He told me he could kill us.</b> <b>Brian, did you hear him say</b> <b>that?</b> <b>Well, that's an awful thing</b> <b>to say, I'm sure he didn't</b> <b>mean it.</b> <b>Oh, no, no, he meant it.</b> <b>He got so mad at Joe, one night</b> <b>he came up to me after dinner,</b> <b>and he said, "I could kill him,</b> <b>you know?"</b> <b>Just like that.</b> <b>Why would he say something</b> <b>like that?</b> <b>Because he's an angry person.</b> <b>Maureen, maybe you're coming</b> <b>down too hard on him.</b> <b>Oh, please don't tell me how</b> <b>to raise my kids, Barbara.</b> <b>Scott has one parent, it's</b> <b>different.</b> <b>Why is it different?</b> <b>Why does the blame always</b> <b>come back on us?</b> <b>Maureen, I'm not blaming you.</b> <b>You just can't expect everything</b> <b>to be perfect.</b> <b>I just think kids need some</b> <b>room, you know?</b> <b>Some space.</b> <b>Oh yeah, space, freedom.</b> <b>Let's just throw out all the</b> <b>rules, let them be themselves.</b> <b>That's the answer to everything</b> <b>these days.</b> <b>Oh, Barbara.</b> <b>Oh, I love you, I really do.</b> <b>But, you can be so naive</b> <b>sometimes.</b> <b>You have no idea.</b> <b>No idea.</b> <b>You can't just walk off like</b> <b>that.</b> <b>Oh, I'm sorry.</b> <b>I'm not gonna let this ruin my</b> <b>day, I'm not.</b> <b>Your father will deal with this</b> <b>later.</b> <b>And he did.</b> <b>His way.</b> <b>We can go, man.</b> <b>We could take a bus to Florida,</b> <b>or get an apartment, or...</b> <b>We don't need them.</b> <b>I hate them.</b> <b>What's wrong with me?</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>You want anything while I'm out?</b> <b>No, thanks.</b> <b>(dog barking)</b> <b>Like always, Daniel was asking</b> <b>to get caught.</b> <b>Where were you, Daniel?</b> <b>Out-- just let me in, Mom.</b> <b>Come on, let me in!</b> <b>Please?</b> <b>Don't open the door.</b> <b>Go back to bed.</b> <b>(crying) We failed.</b> <b>No, no, we did not fail.</b> <b>What's happening?</b> <b>Where's Daniel going?</b> <b>He's leaving.</b> <b>Leaving? He can't leave.</b> <b>Where's he going?</b> <b>You can't do this, stop.</b> <b>Stop!</b> <b>Where did Daniel go?</b> <b>I was never told.</b> <b>I kept asking if he was</b> <b>coming back home.</b> <b>They never said that he was,</b> <b>they never said that he wasn't.</b> <b>That's just the way it was</b> <b>with them.</b> <b>They left you wondering</b> <b>about everything.</b> <b>They never gave up custody?</b> <b>No, no, they wouldn't do</b> <b>that.</b> <b>They wanted him, they just</b> <b>didn't want him in the house.</b> <b>They had somebody else to</b> <b>replace him.</b> <b>Everybody loved Chris.</b> <b>I could see that he was becoming</b> <b>the center of Mom and Dad's</b> <b>life, where I used to be.</b> <b>By the way, where's Daniel?</b> <b>Daniel's gone.</b> <b>Gone-- what do you mean gone?</b> <b>Uh, Brian,</b> <b>will you take Chris with you?</b> <b>Sure.</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>We had to put him back in</b> <b>foster care.</b> <b>There was nothing else</b> <b>we could do.</b> <b>Same thing that happened to</b> <b>Daniel could happen to Brian.</b> <b>Come on, Joe.</b> <b>No, I'm serious, Tom,</b> <b>it could.</b> <b>We were way too lenient with</b> <b>Daniel, and that was such</b> <b>a problem.</b> <b>And, um, that's just not gonna</b> <b>happen again.</b> <b>Where is Daniel?</b> <b>Oh, he's fine, Tom,</b> <b>he's fine.</b> <b>It's all gonna work out for</b> <b>the best.</b> <b>Three months later, Daniel</b> <b>really blew it.</b> <b>(window opening)</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>Hey man, check this out.</b> <b>Think fast.</b> <b>Yo, man!</b> <b>(glass breaking)</b> <b>Faster!</b> <b>Hey, hey, hey!</b> <b>Chill out!</b> <b>(dog barking)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>(screaming)</b> <b>Danny!</b> <b>Hey, man, what's wrong with you,</b> <b>huh?</b> <b>What the hell's wrong with you?</b> <b>You crazy?</b> <b>The cops!</b> <b>(siren blaring)</b> <b>The first call he made was to</b> <b>Mom and Dad.</b> <b>You got yourself arrested,</b> <b>Daniel, you live with it!</b> <b>It's your fault, it's not our</b> <b>fault.</b> <b>What?</b> <i><b>What?!</b></i> <b>Don't you dare talk to me like</b> <b>that again!</b> <b>You call your foster parents,</b> <b>you call them!</b> <b>Daniel, don't call the house</b> <b>again.</b> <b>Is Daniel all right?</b> <b>Is Daniel all right?</b> <b>Oh, thank you for that, Brian,</b> <b>thank you for asking.</b> <b>No, Mom, that's not what</b> <b>I meant.</b> <b>Oh, I know what you meant.</b> <b>Things are gonna change around</b> <b>here.</b> <b>We're gonna have to start</b> <b>cracking down on you.</b> <b>Why, what did I do?</b> <b>You know why.</b> <b>No, I don't, Mom.</b> <b>What did I do?</b> <b>You know why!</b> <b>No, Mom, I really don't.</b> <b>What did I do?</b> <b>You know why!</b> <b>I don't know.</b> <b>Dad began to spend less time</b> <b>with us at home, and more time</b> <b>volunteering.</b> <b>He was always donating his time</b> <b>to causes and the church,</b> <b>reminding us that there were</b> <b>always people less fortunate in</b> <b>the world.</b> <b>He could spend hours with</b> <b>people, comforting them, making</b> <b>sure they had someone to talk</b> <b>to.</b> <b>But, I don't remember a time</b> <b>when my father and I had a real</b> <b>conversation.</b> <b>Ever.</b> <b>The year Daniel left, Mom became</b> <b>a teacher at my high school.</b> <b>Every morning, we walked to</b> <b>school together.</b> <b>(school bell ringing)</b> <b>I never knew why Mom and Dad</b> <b>suddenly changed, why they</b> <b>lost their trust in me.</b> <b>They were convinced I was going</b> <b>to fail.</b> <b>I missed Daniel, but high school</b> <b>gave me a chance to meet a few</b> <b>friends, and Lisa,</b> <b>the first girl I ever liked.</b> <b>What is interesting is</b> <b>that the Bronte sisters...</b> <b>I guess she had kind of a</b> <b>reputation with some of the</b> <b>guys.</b> <b>That didn't bother me.</b> <b>She didn't seem to care what</b> <b>people thought about her.</b> <b>I liked that.</b> <b>...and "Jane Eyre", which</b> <b>you all just read.</b> <b>Now, I'd like you to take out</b> <b>your notes, and...</b> <b>No-- Mom, I tried to--</b> <b>I tried to call you,</b> <b>you weren't home.</b> <b>No, I'm not lying, why--</b> <b>The movie's starting,</b> <b>come on.</b> <b>Are there girls there?</b> <b>Who's there?</b> <b>Where's Barbara?</b> <b>Honey, go watch the video.</b> <b>Hi, Maureen, what's the problem?</b> <b>Who are the girls?</b> <b>What are you talking about?</b> <b>You know what I'm talking</b> <b>about-- who are the girls over</b> <b>there, do I know them?</b> <b>Maureen, I'm not taking</b> <b>names, what is the problem?</b> <b>You can't trust Brian around</b> <b>a girl, you can't trust any boy</b> <b>around a girl, you know that.</b> <b>Maureen, you are</b> <b>overreacting.</b> <i><b>Overreacting?</b></i> <b>Send him home, now!</b> <b>(dial tone)</b> <b>I'm sorry, honey.</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>What was the name of that--</b> <b>that march, the traditional</b> <b>march with your-- Brian?</b> <b>Every year, Mom and Dad</b> <b>sponsored a midshipman from the</b> <b>Naval Academy.</b> <b>A chance, they said, for someone</b> <b>who might be homesick, to get a</b> <b>homecooked meal.</b> <b>Uniforms, the pomp, the</b> <b>ceremony, I love all that.</b> <b>You know, I think we're missing</b> <b>that today in our country,</b> <b>that sense of tradition.</b> <b>Without it, we're-- we're lost.</b> <b>Joe wanted to go to the</b> <b>academy.</b> <b>Oh!</b> <b>Finish the story, Maureen.</b> <b>Well, the opportunities</b> <b>weren't there for--</b> <b>I was never really</b> <b>encouraged.</b> <b>What about you, Brian?</b> <b>What are your plans after high</b> <b>school?</b> <b>Well, his grades are so bad,</b> <b>he'll be lucky to get out of</b> <b>high school.</b> <b>See, Brian, this is what I've</b> <b>been talking about.</b> <b>This is the payoff right here.</b> <b>I never knew how to get that</b> <b>point across to you and Daniel.</b> <b>Chris?</b> <b>You still have a chance.</b> <b>Daniel?</b> <b>Um...</b> <b>Daniel is my brother.</b> <b>Oh, where's he?</b> <b>He's in reform school.</b> <b>Dessert?</b> <b>Daniel and I found a way to</b> <b>talk to each other.</b> <b>I had to be careful not to let</b> <b>Mom or Dad know.</b> <b>What's reform school like?</b> <b>Hm, it's great, man.</b> <b>I mean, they got rules and</b> <b>everything, but...</b> <b>Lights out, guys.</b> <b>I can do whatever I want,</b> <b>whenever I want.</b> <i><b>Nobody's telling me what to do</b></i> <i><b>anymore.</b></i> <b>So, what do-- what do they say</b> <b>about me?</b> <i><b>Who?</b></i> <b>Mom and Dad.</b> <b>Do they talk about me?</b> <b>Yeah, sometimes.</b> <b>You know what, man?</b> <b>I don't even care if they do,</b> <b>or if they don't.</b> <b>Doesn't matter.</b> <b>Wrap it up, Hannigan.</b> <b>I'm happier now than I ever</b> <b>was.</b> <i><b>You know, I get out for the</b></i> <i><b>weekend.</b></i> <i><b>A lot of guys are going home,</b></i> <i><b>and I don't even know if I want</b></i> <i><b>to go home.</b></i> <b>If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't</b> <b>even care.</b> <b>Why don't you call Mom and</b> <b>Dad?</b> <b>Why should I have to call</b> <b>them, why don't they call me?</b> <b>It's my home, do I have to be</b> <b>invited?</b> <b>I wanna see you.</b> <b>Come on, Hannigan, let's go.</b> <b>Well, then, you gotta talk to</b> <b>Mom and Dad.</b> <b>'Cause I can't.</b> <b>Mom and Dad agreed to a visit</b> <b>from Daniel.</b> <b>They wanted a picnic.</b> <b>Hey.</b> <b>Hey.</b> <b>How you doing?</b> <b>I really thought they might ask</b> <b>him to come home again.</b> <b>This is Chris.</b> <b>Hey, how you doing?</b> <b>Good.</b> <b>My new brother.</b> <b>Hey, Scott.</b> <b>Hey, man.</b> <b>I'm thinking about going to</b> <b>college and getting my degree.</b> <b>Maybe computers.</b> <b>I haven't really decided yet.</b> <b>That's great, Daniel.</b> <b>Once I learn how to use one,</b> <b>maybe I can teach Brian.</b> <b>We can start our own company</b> <b>or something.</b> <b>Or something.</b> <b>Where you gonna get the money</b> <b>for these computers?</b> <b>Well, if you want something</b> <b>bad enough, you'll get it.</b> <b>I'm gonna clear the table.</b> <b>You have dessert, Mom?</b> <b>Of course.</b> <b>Let me help with the dishes.</b> <b>Oh no, that's all right.</b> <b>Stay there.</b> <b>I want to help.</b> <b>It's fine, Daniel.</b> <b>We can handle it.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>Let him help.</b> <b>Daniel, stay.</b> <b>What is this?</b> <b>I just want to go in the house</b> <b>to help--</b> <b>What, you don't want me in the</b> <b>house?</b> <b>Is that it?</b> <b>I do live here, right?</b> <b>This is my house, isn't it?</b> <b>Isn't it?</b> <b>That's why we're sitting in the</b> <b>rain.</b> <b>How could you do this?</b> <b>It's not fair, man,</b> <b>they can't do this to you,</b> <b>it's not fair!</b> <b>I wanna kill 'em.</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>Chris, honey?</b> <b>Sweetheart.</b> <b>Don't worry, honey, I'm here.</b> <b>Don't worry, sweetie.</b> <b>(phone ringing)</b> <b>Hello?</b> <i><b>Hi, Tom, it's Barbara.</b></i> <b>Um, listen, is Brian</b> <b>in the room?</b> <b>No, he's still asleep.</b> <b>I think we need to bring</b> <b>Chris back to the police.</b> <b>Hi, Mrs. Forester, I was just</b> <b>calling to check in on Chris.</b> <b>Uh, are you taking him to mass</b> <b>this morning?</b> <b>He went where?</b> <b>What are you thinking about,</b> <b>Chris?</b> <b>Well, just about that night</b> <b>and my brother.</b> <b>Now, which brother are we</b> <b>talking about?</b> <b>Brian.</b> <b>What do you wanna tell us</b> <b>about Brian?</b> <b>Well, after I saw my dad,</b> <b>when I went to Brian's room,</b> <b>he was throwing up.</b> <b>I forgot to tell you that.</b> <b>And what did Brian say to you</b> <b>when you say him throwing up?</b> <b>He told me to go back to bed.</b> <b>You told us that you saw</b> <b>Daniel in the backyard that</b> <b>night.</b> <b>Chris, think real hard.</b> <b>Do you think it might have been</b> <b>Brian?</b> <b>Maybe.</b> <b>But you told us, though, that</b> <b>Brian was in his bedroom,</b> <b>remember?</b> <b>But, Brian couldn't be in two</b> <b>places at the same time now,</b> <b>could he?</b> <b>After you saw Brian in the</b> <b>backyard, do you think that,</b> <b>well, he might have had enough</b> <b>time to come back inside the</b> <b>house without you seeing him?</b> <b>Maybe.</b> <b>What do you want me to tell</b> <b>you?</b> <b>I want the truth, Daniel.</b> <b>Tell me it's not Brian.</b> <b>You wish it was me.</b> <b>No, no, Daniel.</b> <b>I'm sure a lot of people out</b> <b>there do.</b> <b>I mean, given a choice, right?</b> <b>Daniel, Brian told me about</b> <b>your family.</b> <b>If you and Brian are in trouble,</b> <b>we can help you.</b> <b>There's a warrant out for</b> <b>Brian's arrest.</b> <b>Where is he?</b> <i><b>Barbara took him to mass.</b></i> <b>I'll-- I'll go pick him up,</b> <b>and meet you back in my office</b> <b>in an hour.</b> <b>This may be our last chance to</b> <b>talk to him.</b> <b>Look, Brian told you there</b> <b>was no communication between</b> <b>Daniel and the family,</b> <b>is that right?</b> <b>For at least six months.</b> <b>Listen, Tom, I got a copy of</b> <b>the phone records here.</b> <b>There were at least a dozen</b> <b>calls to Daniel in the last</b> <b>three months.</b> <i><b>Somebody from the Hannigan</b></i> <i><b>house called Daniel the night</b></i> <i><b>of the murders.</b></i> <b>I don't know, Tom, maybe it's</b> <b>not Daniel or Brian.</b> <b>Maybe it's both.</b> <b>(bells tolling)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>How could this happen?</b> <b>What-- what were they doing</b> <b>to these kids?</b> <b>They had so many</b> <b>expectations.</b> <b>They were the most optimistic</b> <b>people I'd ever known.</b> <b>They used to tell me that</b> <b>adopting Daniel and Brian</b> <b>was God's calling,</b> <b>that they never thought there'd</b> <b>be any of the pain and hardship</b> <b>that comes with raising kids.</b> <b>Then, when they found out it</b> <b>wasn't what they bargained for,</b> <b>they couldn't handle the</b> <b>disappointment.</b> <b>They were terrified of failing.</b> <b>Where was Brian before he</b> <b>was adopted?</b> <b>Maureen told me once.</b> <b>Um, his father, nobody really</b> <b>knew.</b> <b>His mother abandoned him,</b> <b>for the most part.</b> <b>Left him alone for days</b> <b>at a time.</b> <b>Drifted in and out of his life,</b> <b>till finally, the state took</b> <b>custody of him.</b> <b>Where did he go?</b> <b>Into the system.</b> <b>Foster care, like Daniel.</b> <b>How many different families</b> <b>did they have?</b> <b>Daniel had five.</b> <b>Brian had six.</b> <b>Listen, Brian, we have a</b> <b>little problem.</b> <b>The police don't believe your</b> <b>story, they think you're lying.</b> <b>I'm-- I'm not.</b> <b>Son, they're gonna be asking</b> <b>you a lot of questions,</b> <b>like how you got blood on your</b> <b>shoes, and why you didn't hear</b> <b>anything on the night of the</b> <b>murder.</b> <b>I wanna talk to Daniel.</b> <b>No, you can't talk to Daniel.</b> <b>There's no more time, Brian,</b> <b>there's no more time.</b> <b>Talk to me.</b> <b>Tell me.</b> <b>It doesn't make any difference</b> <b>to me what happened.</b> <b>Just tell me the truth.</b> <b>Whatever the truth is,</b> <b>I promise you,</b> <b>I will not leave you.</b> <b>I don't believe that, you--</b> <b>I will not leave you.</b> <b>Brian, how could you have not</b> <b>heard your parents that night?</b> <b>How do you explain that?</b> <b>Tell us what happened, Brian,</b> <b>come on, just tell us.</b> <b>Just let it go.</b> <b>Come on, son.</b> <b>I'm gonna stay with you,</b> <b>Brian.</b> <b>If you tell me the truth, it's</b> <b>not gonna change that.</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>Yes you can, yes you can.</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>Tell me what happened.</b> <b>I can't!</b> <b>(sobbing)</b> <b>They wouldn't stop hurting me.</b> <b>They wouldn't stop hurting me.</b> <b>They wouldn't stop hurting me.</b> <b>(crying and repeating)</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>I'm gonna go over to Crowley's</b> <b>office,</b> <b>see if they give us a couple</b> <b>more hours.</b> <b>Don't leave him alone, Tom.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Do you have a cigarette?</b> <b>You don't have to talk.</b> <b>I want to.</b> <b>9:30, who's driving?</b> <b>Scott.</b> <b>Call us after the game.</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>What's wrong?</b> <b>Nothing, we can go.</b> <b>Do you want me to come in?</b> <b>No, no, let's go.</b> <b>(car starting up)</b> <b>(music playing)</b> <b>Sorry, I have to be home</b> <b>at 9:30.</b> <b>Maybe I will take you home</b> <b>when I feel like it.</b> <b>I had a guy do that once to me.</b> <b>So, who else have you been</b> <b>out with?</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>Don't get embarrassed.</b> <b>How come you're so shy?</b> <b>I don't know.</b> <b>Uh...</b> <b>I haven't been out with--</b> <b>with anybody.</b> <b>Really?</b> <b>I'm your first date?</b> <b>Did somebody tell you to go</b> <b>out with me?</b> <b>What do you mean?</b> <b>Like...</b> <b>"She's easy."</b> <b>No.</b> <b>That's what people say about</b> <b>me, right?</b> <b>No, no, no.</b> <b>No, that's not why I asked</b> <b>you out.</b> <b>I don't-- I don't care what</b> <b>people say about you.</b> <b>Does this gross you out?</b> <b>No, I don't care.</b> <b>Can I try one?</b> <b>They're not good for you.</b> <b>Thanks.</b> <b>Your mom's gonna flunk me</b> <b>for this.</b> <b>(coughing)</b> <b>Excuse me.</b> <b>(laughing)</b> <b>Uh, you know, my mom doesn't</b> <b>know anything about you.</b> <b>She, uh... well, I'm not allowed</b> <b>to see girls yet.</b> <b>You're kidding.</b> <b>Why?</b> <b>They don't trust me.</b> <b>You?</b> <b>Brian, that's weird.</b> <b>Uh oh, you're late.</b> <b>Sorry.</b> <b>I don't care.</b> <b>I don't.</b> <b>It's not that late.</b> <b>I'd like to see you again.</b> <b>Okay?</b> <b>I would, too.</b> <b>I like you.</b> <b>(car starting up)</b> <b>Where have you been?</b> <b>Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.</b> <b>Whoa, whoa, where you going?</b> <b>Don't walk away from your mother</b> <b>when she's talking to you.</b> <b>Sorry.</b> <b>Who was that in the car</b> <b>with you?</b> <b>Don't you dare lie to me and</b> <b>tell me it was Scott.</b> <b>Who was she?</b> <b>Nobody.</b> <b>A-- a friend.</b> <b>Mm, you didn't go to the</b> <b>game, did you?</b> <b>Answer me.</b> <b>Answer me!</b> <b>No, no, I didn't go to the</b> <b>game, I--</b> <b>I went on a date.</b> <b>Why can't I go on a date?</b> <b>Who was it?</b> <b>Why do I have to tell you</b> <b>guys everything, it doesn't--</b> <b>Who was it?</b> <b>(sighing)</b> <b>Lisa Kensington.</b> <b>I knew it, I knew it,</b> <b>I knew it!</b> <b>Do you know what reputation</b> <b>she has?</b> <b>What is wrong with Lisa</b> <b>Kensington?</b> <b>You are not going to see</b> <b>her again.</b> <b>You can't stop me.</b> <b>(gasping)</b> <b>What did you say?</b> <b>Do you know what she is?</b> <b>She's a slut!</b> <b>She's a whore!</b> <b>She's a whore!</b> <b>Stop it, stop it!</b> <b>What, you gonna hit your</b> <b>mother?</b> <b>Were you gonna hit your mother?</b> <b>Leave me alone.</b> <b>Go to bed, Chris.</b> <b>Let go of me--</b> <b>Go to bed!</b> <b>You see why we don't trust you?</b> <b>You see what happens?</b> <b>We let you out, and you</b> <b>lie to us.</b> <b>You lie to-- you lie</b> <b>to our faces.</b> <b>I have to!</b> <b>I don't know what I'm doing</b> <b>wrong.</b> <b>Tell me what I'm supposed to do!</b> <b>My God.</b> <b>You're just like Daniel.</b> <b>I am not Daniel!</b> <b>(door slamming)</b> <b>I can't take it anymore.</b> <b>You have a choice.</b> <b>Get out or stay.</b> <b>Leave, if you can't take it.</b> <b>What about Chris?</b> <b>They're gonna gang on Chris,</b> <b>I can see it happening.</b> <b>If I leave, he'll catch it.</b> <b>They'll do the same thing to</b> <b>him.</b> <b>Brian, leave.</b> <b>Get out, just get out of</b> <b>the house.</b> <b>I can't.</b> <b>(crying)</b> <b>I knew it.</b> <b>I knew this was gonna happen.</b> <b>I can't do this anymore.</b> <b>I'm afraid of my own children.</b> <b>We have to do something.</b> <b>Well, we have to ground him,</b> <b>we have to watch--</b> <b>No, no, no, I can't do that</b> <b>anymore, I'm not talking about</b> <b>doing that anymore.</b> <b>We have to do something else.</b> <b>What are you talking about?</b> <b>Maybe, um...</b> <b>maybe Barbara could take him,</b> <b>um, just for a little while.</b> <b>Is that what you want?</b> <b>You wanna give him up?</b> <b>Yes.</b> <b>(breathing heavy)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Brian, go to bed.</b> <b>(beeping)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>What have you done?</b> <b>(groaning)</b> <b>(groaning)</b> <b>(breathing heavy)</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>I heard something.</b> <b>Go back to bed,</b> <b>you're having a dream.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>(grunting)</b> <b>Does Daniel know?</b> <b>Brian...</b> <b>couldn't you have talked</b> <b>to someone?</b> <b>Anyone?</b> <b>Every time I spoke up,</b> <b>I got moved.</b> <b>Would you remove all the</b> <b>belongings from your pockets,</b> <b>please?</b> <b>I'd like to drive him to the</b> <b>station.</b> <b>I'm sorry, you can't.</b> <b>Do you have to do that?</b> <b>(handcuffs clicking)</b> <b>I won't leave you.</b> <b>Mr. Kelley, please don't tell</b> <b>Mrs. Forester that I smoked.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Are the kids home?</b> <b>Yeah.</b> <b>They're upstairs.</b> <b>♪♪</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>Hi.</b> <b>I'm sorry to hear what</b> <b>happened.</b> <b>So am I.</b> <b>I just wanted to say good night.</b> <b>Good night.</b> <b>♪♪</b>
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Views: 958,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drama, FilmRise, Sonar, Neil Patrick Harris, Johnny Galecki, Religious murder, Dark secrets, Dark past, Crime, Family Life, Mystery, investigation, Thriller
Id: wjv21suIXA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 46sec (5566 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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