The Good Room with Michael Jr.

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all right thank you so so very much i want to take this i almost want to take this jacket off because i have a snug shirt on because i'm here with craig cause his shirt shirts are always a little snug he shot pat i think he shot by young navy sometimes i think that's it's comedy people so we're gonna have some fun here's one thing that i have learned from craig so when craig delivers the word of god it is phenomenal it's super super strong and uh i believe how you do anything is really how you do everything because i also actually do for a workout and i was like this brother is tripping i'm not doing this at all so what he do when he talks about god's word i dig in but his workout i'm like bro that's for somebody else it's not me so there's a there's going to be three verses of scripture it's going to apply to what i'm going to be talking about today and i'm going to tell you what they are and then later on when you go home you should read these scriptures and they're going to pop into probably a new way as a result of what we talk about today so those three verses are proverbs 29 18. they'll probably put them on the screen at some point and you got proverbs 19 21 and then isaiah 46 10. some of y'all like wait a minute is what what's happening right now so this year we've had to wear a lot of masks and i wear a mask i think you should wear them i wear masks everywhere i go in public um i only take it off when i gotta sneeze that's why i just and then i put it right back on it's the only time i take it off i also want to mention uh oh we have a really really awesome cd that we're giving because people need to laugh there's a lot going on so people really need to laugh so if you want to get a cd that we have available just go to cd and you can get it at whatever price you want a hundred dollars or no cost at all we just want to put as much laughter as we can out there so today i'm gonna tell you about my first time ever getting on stage i remember it was probably i was 19 years old it was uh it was a long time ago this is my first time ever i grew up in grand rapids michigan and the only place i can get on stage at that had an open mic was in lansing michigan so i had to get in my jetta which was a really raggedy car if you open the door from the outside the door fell off the wipers worked great until they got wet like it was just it was a really raggedy car so i'm on my way to lansing to get on stage and i still remember my first joke ever they only gave me three minutes of comedy i only had three minutes that i could do and i had like 12 minutes of comedy that i wanted to crush into that three minutes so i thought i actually finished my entire set and still had a minute and 42 seconds left but i remember my very first joke and i wasn't a christian at the time in fact i didn't even know anybody named jesus i just wanna throw it out there like i didn't but this is my first joke ever went back and looked at it was my very first joke so my first joke was something like this i was like listen bet not nobody heckled me it's a double negative i didn't even know that back then anyway i said bet not nobody heckled me because the last person heckled me i hit him his jaw punched him in the stomach and i grabbed him by the back of his wheelchair and pushed him all my way that was my first joke so since that time i've learned an awful lot about comedy and a little bit about life and what i'm really called to do is to comedically inspire people to walk in purpose so i'm gonna talk about three ways that i actually develop comedy there's three methods that i use to create comedy and i've learned these same three method methods can apply to life in you understanding what god has called you to do like literally the exact same methods can take place so i'ma kind of walk you through them and some of you guys may notice yourself in this as well so the first method that i use is uh really improv like i really really like improv a lot uh what's your name dude what is it grant like you how much money you got in your pocket right now you got 20. she oh 120 all about to say you ain't ain't got grant in your pocket right now okay cool what do you do for a living you work for a ministry cool but what do you do for a living you love people for a living yeah it might be illegal bro i don't know exactly what that's supposed to mean i love people before living okay where you're hating your cadillac at i don't know what that means so here's what just happened one of the methods in which i use it to create comedy is improv i don't know grant i don't travel with a grant it just doesn't happen so with improv you don't really have a plan you're just kind of jumping out there to see what would happen i was hoping i could find some funny in this dude and we found an opportunity to laugh like it was right there right so life is extremely similar when it comes to people trying to figure out what it is god has for them to do a lot of people even right now watching you're kind of improving your way through life you're not really sure what you're supposed to do you're trying this you're volunteering here you're not 100 locked in and the thing about improv it has a short lifespan like it's a super short shelf span like if i went to my next event and told them yo i met this dude named grant he had he had 120 in his pocket they'd be like okay what else like they don't even want to hear that story so i'd have to continue to try to reinvent myself every few every every time the season changed so to speak the way to really really utilize improv is you what i've learned in the middle of it is there's three questions that i'm asking the first question i'm asking while i'm looking for the bunny is what is the problem like what's the rub so for instance your name is grant so i go grant and then i'm like uh okay grant how much money does he have because i know there's a president named grant who's on the bill so i'm looking for what's not congruent when you're walking in your purpose when you're even if you're improving in life there's three questions you gotta ask what's the problem who are the people and what can i give when you ask those three questions you're much closer think about it like there's people who will go to school go to college and they'll in the first thing they're asking themselves like if you ask any college student right now why are you in school first thing they'll say most likely is uh well i decided to be like a pediatrician why a pediatrician oh because i love kids it always starts with what i love i like computers i enjoy doing this no no no you need to start with the problem find out who your people are and then what you can give so the other way i create comedy is this thing called a premise this is one of my favorite ways because the premise is when i have an idea for something that i think might be funny but i'm not sure but i think so now i gotta work this thing out an example of a premise is i have a theory about men a theory about men and how we like to embrace one another hug one another not love like what you just said that was a little creepy but how we like to embrace one another so for example um man i'm cool with hugging men especially after this pandemic is over i just like hugging people right but men have some rules around hugging this is just a theory i have we got some rules we've never talked about it before ever we've never ever had a conversation sir have you ever talked to another man about how you want to be hugged no no not at all it's never come up but there are rules we all we have these rules we never talked about them but the rules the rule number one is the hug can only last 1.4 seconds that's a rule we never talked about it but all the men are here like yeah you're right that is true and you rule number two you know the hug is over when when we tap out tap tap release that's what we do every single time tap tap release fellas you ever tap out and they don't release you like tap tap bruh tap tap i'm doing morris code on this dude [Laughter] i tapped him so hard he burped i'm like dude you need to let go you gotta let go you just burp you gotta let go the other rule we have around hugging men is really pretty simple it's left hand under right hand over tap out release the fellas right now are doing math like that is true but we never talked about that that's crazy it's left hand under right hand over tapout release you know how you know this is rule fellas you ever have a dude try to go double under he can't go double under he go double under you gotta go double over now y'all slow dancing that's what you're doing you slow dancing you might as well turn on luther vandross that's what you're doing but for this audience barry manilow you might as well just turn it on it's just some rules we have so listen that whole premise that started out as a premise i just started digging into how could that be fun like men like every time release i just started digging into and i had to get on stage and test that joke out until i knew exactly what it was now some premises you just have to let them go like i got some jokes i think they're hilarious the audience is like okay dude and i have to know when to let that go some people are doing life trying to hear god's voice and what he wants to do but you have a premise or maybe you don't even hear from god you just got a premise some people went to school on a premise and now all you have is a plaque on the wall because your premise was about you i like to do this i enjoy that well that's fun as opposed to asking the three questions that you have to ask what is the problem who are the people and what can i give if it's easier if you remember i'd like to refer to this as the three ps what's the problem who are the people and what can i give the reason that last one is a g is because nobody remembers three p's anyway what's the problem who are the people and what can i give three p's listen you guys are gonna remember that long before you remember the three whatever else's so you really really really want to do that listen the bible says one of the verses that i just gave you is many are the plans of a man's heart but god's purpose shall prevail like it's his purpose that shall prevail another premise i had i just threw this on stage one um one of my friends my homie's friend texted me a joke once and um well amish friend texts me a joke it's a premise see how i was mixed reviews right now i still got to kind of work that thing out some premises you have to let go of some of you guys are doing something because it's comfortable god is calling you something greater and you won't let go of this premise you're still holding on to the same premise the best jokes the best ones by far for me are the ones when i start with the punchline when the punchline shows up first the impact is always greater and the work is not nearly as hard the pun the punch line shows up first in fact here's one there's four words you can use when you tell any story and people will believe the story no matter how crazy it is there's four words you can use i'm gonna tell you a crazy story i met a lady for real i met a lady who had a tail like a actual lady she had an actual tail um i was at walmart did you see what just happened right now she was like no a tail i was like i was at walmart oh yeah yeah yeah i know her i know her yeah yeah yeah yeah why did you say that why don't you say that here's the thing about people at walmart i don't think the people at walmart are crazy i think what happens is when we go to walmart we become those people like for real like soon as you cross the threshold three teeth fall out and you got on some house shoes you're like well i don't even like bunny rabbits where do these bunny rabbits come from i don't even like bunny rabbits this is the weirdest thing another joke that came to me punchline first when god operates he has the end he has the end in mind at the beginning the punch line comes to me first and those jokes are always the cleanest so one example i said this before was uh i was watching tv and this commercial came on you've seen before it's like the old lady she fell down she's like help i've fallen and i can't get up first thing i'm thinking why don't the cameraman help her he right there that thing started with me sitting down saying why don't the cameraman help her i had to write i had to create all the other stuff afterwards and put it in front of it my dad wrote um he used to read books to us when we were kids it was uh but he wouldn't just read any book i mean he would read it but he would always tweak the book so it would fit our circumstances just to make sure we could understand one book that he would read from was from an author named dj seuss i don't know if you ever read those before um one was called the uh the cat in a rat that was a fun that was a fun book and then there was a green eggs and spam know if you read that one there's another series of books you read uh from uh oh it's called when he was poe yeah when he was po my favorite line in that was tigger please it was like my favorite line was [Applause] that is awesome white people like i don't know if i can laugh when you start like god did in in isaiah like doc god talks about in isaiah 46 10 when you start with the punch line first and know where you're working to it is always smoother it's always easier and the question you have to ask is what is the problem who are the people no matter what you do in life there's people at the end of what you're doing are those your people are those the people you were called to and then you asked the question what do i give you don't ask what can i give you don't ask what should i give you say what do i give and then you do that thing so i got a really cool example for you guys um so i was thinking who is what type of people improv their way through life so i met this artist who's straight improv like he was improving really good artists this dude could draw amazingly but i i wanted to just test this theory out and see if we could have a big impact as a result of it so this dude is an artist he could draw well but he's also a pizza delivery dude because that's how it goes but so i worked with him i found out a lot about him and what he what his pains were and whatnot and then i said what if we started with something and we knew the results and then we worked from there how would that impact him and what what actually took place was he explained that he was so enthusiastic about this process like he drew this thing more than he'd ever done before like he just was he was so far into it it was amazing and the people we connected with them in order to some of this won't make sense right now but in a moment it will the people his people that he delivered to were blown away it was a family who lost their special needs son but instead of me explaining it check it hey hey how's it going man yo what's up bro good good good my name is lamar cornelius currently um i'm a pizza delivery driver just deliver pizza you have generous people who gives you a nice tip and then other days you have people who don't give a tip if you have bills that's piling up you kind of bank on going to work hoping that you it's a good day there's moments you know when i'm delivering pieces where i'll have a inspiration or an idea that comes to mind i'm at work you know i have to put in a time near to make sure it ends me and then come home and you know do what i love to do which is art [Music] so listen there's a family that you don't notice it's the day family this is a picture of her son his name is brexton he's special needs and he recently passed away i've always known i wanted to help people you know ever since i was a little boy so i have this art ability and i have this desire to help people but i haven't had the best opportunities to show my love for art and my love for helping people come together let me explain i ain't paying you fine so now i actually get to give you know from something that i love to do so braxton and mckeely were born three months premature they would fit really in the palm of our hands and just their little legs would hang off they were tiny they were both actually diagnosed with brain hemorrhages at about a week old and a week later they took a second scan just kind of normal protocol and mckeely was completely and totally healed from that brexit not [Music] i really feel like we all have kind of a primary instrument that the lord uses to sort of shape us and mold us and chisel us into the image of christ physically was very limited mentally he could light up a room you know just had the most joy the brightest eyes you've ever seen and just engaged everybody that he ever interacted with we were just at this place where things were just about to get better and one morning we just went into the bedroom and he wasn't breathing and his heart wasn't beating and called 9-1-1 and they came and they were able to save his life but he was never the same after that we're probably in and out of the hospital maybe seven or eight times with pneumonia and after about a three week battle there in the icu he finally succumb to pneumonia hey you guys i have somebody i want you to meet this is lamar and um he's a really great artist he heard about your story and he has a gift for you [Music] so oh so we are okay cool so he's so the first thing i presented to him was the problem and those were his people for sure because he's also in a situation where he's not able to see his son and then he simply answered the question what can i do there's another story that's extremely similar to this one where someone said what is the problem who are the people and what can i do and that person was god and the problem was sin and the people was us and what he decided to do was send his son jesus to this earth to die for us when jesus got to earth his punchline was the cross that's where he was headed the entire time he could do improv who touched me he asked that question he was ready his premise was clear it was right on point and he delivered exactly what he's supposed to deliver the question is will you receive it can you fully receive it or are you going to just continue to improv your way around and say ooh what about buddha who what about the universe what about the what about what about like there's a bunch of ways to improv but if you really want to deliver what you're called to deliver you have to have that relationship with the one who gave you the gift in the first place so there's a story i tell i feel like i should tell it now it's kind of cool so i came up with this story it's a story about having a relationship with jesus but the way i came up with this story is i was doing a um i was writing a joke i was writing this joke about the uh the good room how many people here raise your hand if you know what the good room is you know what the room is there's no there's one hand in the back cool just just that one hand you got a big hand though that's a big hand so that's that's like two hands man you really know what it is don't you i just randomly jumped into some improv right now so the good room is that room the truth is is mostly everybody here you know what the good room is like you've been watching right now you know what the room the good room is that room in your grandmother's house or your aunt's house it's that one room that's better than the rest of the house okay nobody going there splashing on the furniture it's really just for looks how many people know what the good room is now exactly all the hands went up wow you got two big hands sir that's awesome i didn't know if the other one was gonna be that big but it was a very big hand too i gotta hand it to you man i was a light that's a big hand dude so everybody knows what the good room is it's that room that no like you can't go in there there's plastic on the front like it's really just for looks that's where the china is located so i was writing this joke about the good room and in the middle of writing this joke god stopped me and told me to tell this story to his people and just now after telling you how god sent his son to be the punchline i just feel like i should share this for whatever reason and as maybe some of you know about this before but this is how i came up with the theory behind this joke so imagine imagine that you're a house right and this is a story about having a relationship with jesus this is the story i wrote instead of writing that joke never finish the joke this is the story so imagine that you're a house and outside of the house is jesus christ and he wants to come in but he'll never force his way in he actually wants you to invite him in and the reason some people in this room watching right now at your location watching right now at home the reason you haven't invited jesus into the house is because you're cool with the way things are right now whenever you need something you just walk up to the door crack it open say a little prayer tell him what happened tell him what's going on then you close the door and go back into the house that's not a relationship at all how can you hear his voice under those circumstances how can you really understand what your life's punchline is under those circumstances we're going into a new year and you need to deliver and the reason you won't let them in it's cause your house is a mess you think you need to clean it up first how's that working out for you there may be drugs or pornography in the house or you're just buying a bunch of stuff trying to be distracted from the mess or relationships you brought other people in the house home hoping that they could help you clean it up but they can't the only one who can clean up the house is standing outside the door wearing an apron with a bucket in his hand waiting on you to truly open the door then there's other people watching right now you used to have jesus in the whole house but whether you realize it or not you have moved him to just one room in the house the good room have you ever noticed how the good room most of the time is the one right up front with the big window so when people look in they think the whole house is clean but it's not it's just that one room so when they hear about you coming to church or watching online they think the whole house is clean but it's not it's just that one room you quote scriptures but it's just that one room you got a bible in your car but it's just that one room you got the app on your phone but it's just that one room and your streak is zero jesus wants access to the whole house and i'm telling you if you will make the decision to open the door and let him in he'll show up with a contractor named the holy spirit and they will make sure the whole house is functioning the way that it should there is something significant for you to deliver in this up-and-coming year something significant that has always been inside of you but you have to stop just improving your way around release your premise if necessary and ask the question what is the problem who are my people and what do i give because that's exactly what jesus did for us i appreciate you i love you michael jr [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Life.Church
Views: 309,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Craig Groeschel, Sermon, Life.Church, Lifechurch, life church, life church sermons, craig rochelle, groeschel craig, church sermons 2020, michael jr, michael jr., christian comedian, clean comedy, comedy, michael jr comedy, comedian, christian comedy, michael jr comedian, stand up, standup, christian stand up comedy, i need a good laugh, i need a laugh right now, michael jr. christian comedian, michael jr. christian comedian 2020, the good room, funny how life works
Id: dznoeeOCyLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 16sec (1576 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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