The Glory of Mirio Togata

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I'm so hyped to see Mirio in season 4.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SquaredDerple 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 đź—«︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BobTheBazooka 📅︎︎ Apr 20 2019 đź—«︎ replies
all night has been looking for a successor for his quark one for all since he would stood an injury from a villain that limited his ability to work at 100% at all times though trying to keep this weakness under wraps he only informed a certain group of people one of these people that he informed being ua academy who he asked to look for a worthy successor to replace him and inform him when they found one and UA did just that picking out not only one of their most competent students but someone who was basically the leader of you a zone big three a disciple of all my its own sidekick sir Knight I and basically a person who reflected all might in every way possible this person being me Ryota gotta also known as la million [Music] Mariota Gowda is a pinnacle example of evolving past one's own flaws and making do with what you have starting as someone who could barely control their own quirk to becoming the prime candidate to succeed all my in the end of becoming the next symbol of peace though before we get too into that we should actually understand the meaning behind his name first Mears Ogata is a name bundled with meaning starting first with his given name Miriam which in itself is a play on the word million hence why his hero name is lilian though it also seems to be in reference to the Japanese band of Robbie Orman which I can't pronounce too well so hopefully that wasn't too much of a butchering then you have his family name which means to form through or pass through which is directly related to his quirk which is also in reference to the fact that the Japanese pronunciation of his quirk is toca which is pronounced very similar to the toka part of his name though when you take his family name and place the characters together it can also be read as normal or basic form or the form of a basic person this itself has a double meaning referencing directly to his design because you see Miriam himself takes a lot of his physical characteristics from the protagonists of the famous comic strip The Adventures of Tintin specifically Tintin himself as you see Tintin as a character was designed in the comic to be a neutral party for the readers to follow the story with and somewhat project themselves onto him with the creator himself saying that he designed Tintin to allow the readers to safely enter essentially stimulating world while reading in other words Tintin is a representation of the everyman which is exactly the design philosophy behind me Rio as he is the everyman or what every man can become this is why one of his favorite things is just plain old ramen a meal eaten commonly by everyday people and with a design like this you start to understand how me Rio himself would fit in a perfect role as the symbol of peace as his presence allows all that watch him and cheer him on to feel like they could become just like him in the future you can also find a joke about his worthiness for one for all in his name as well as you see Toccata is a name that contains a synonym for the Japanese ten which could be in reference to how if Mario accepted Decker's offer to give him one for all would have become the tenth person to inherit the quark though what makes me Rio actually such a worthy success it's found in all the hard work and dedication that he put into his quark permeation permeation is a transformation quark which gives me Rio the ability to become intangible at will this allows Miriah to pass through anything that he comes in contact with this intangibility is also able to be controlled at will allowing me Rio to shift specific parts of his body to being intangible along with being able to return them whenever he wants this basically allows Miriah to be able to walk through any defense with ease along with this he's mastered it to such a degree that he's able to kick someone through a hostage by making his foot become and tangible and then solid on the other end of the hostage connecting directly with the hostage taker himself and with this utter mastery of the quark it's resulted in the creation of a nice variety of super moves the first of these super moves takes advantage of his unstoppable 'ti along with his own wit this being blinder touch which is a move where me Rio fainted assault at an enemy's eyeball distracting them in creating a blind spot which miryo takes full advantage of by striking the enemy in a defenseless area which is usually the stomach though before I talk about the next super move I must discuss another little trick to me Rio's quark since it takes full advantage of this because you see when Mario phases through a solid surface say the floor and then suddenly becomes tangible in that solid space his body will instantly be repelled to the surface rocketing him out of the ground this being because his body's mass and already-existing mass can't exist at the same place at the same time so the world repels some outwards and through rigorous training mario has actually been able to master the trajectory of this repulsion allowing him to utilize it to his advantage creating another super move that abuses this future this super move being phantom menace how Phantom Menace functions as Mario is able to rapidly propel himself around the room gaining speed while being able to completely ignore resistance thanks to how his quirk works and then he launches himself towards an enemy being able to add in your limitless amount of force to his hit which makes Phantom Menace actually one of the deadlier super moves we've seen throughout the entire series and with all these amazing qualities about Mario's own quirk some people would say that he was gifted with an amazing quirk but the truth is actually quite the opposite Mario's quirk comes with some very serious downsides the first being more of an actual inconvenience than a really serious downside but whenever miryo uses his quirk and is wearing anything other than specially made clothing all of them will just phase off of his body leaving him completely naked though as I mentioned he did learn that he can make special fabric from his hair fibers and this will face with him when he uses it next is a much scarier downside that being that when phasing through things like the floor Miriah loses all of his senses completely in fact once a part of his body becomes intangible he loses all senses related to that part of the body an example being his arms say he made his arm intangible to reach inside something he couldn't actually feel with his hand along with this if he is two phases entire body to the floor Meo can no longer see here or even breathe the only thing that he can feel is a helpless sensation of endless falling since technically his body still has mass this means that gravity will pull his body downwards and since there's no solid surfaces to reduce this force he will continue to fall endlessly until he reaches say the core of the earth and it is this aspect of his quirk which made training with it a challenge in of itself with Mira's own father admitting that their family's quirk was the reason that he gave up his dream of becoming a hero but he believed that miryo could do it because you see for someone to use the quirk permeation effectively at all they on top of having to deal with normal court controlling issues also need to learn how to perform a complicated set of actions in under a second all the while being devoid of all their senses this training could cause serious damage to the body and possibly was the result of all the scars serving up Mario's arm and the worst part about this is that while miryo is intangible he is completely alone unable to see here or even feel his friends or coaches and for some training like this just breaks a person though he never lost motivation and tried to stay positive the entire time and this is because he knew no matter how dark things got he always had his friend Tamaki waiting for him on the horizon sure he couldn't help him while training but he could be there afterwards to raise miryo spirit such as the reason that mirror refers to him as his own son as it's a shining beacon that he looks to in his darkness and because of Tamaki he was able to train tirelessly every day getting better and better and getting into a rhythm of endless growth and development not only allowing him to catch up to the rest of his class but soon soaring past them now the achieving the position as the top hero course student of his grade and his school but also becoming part of us very own big three now me Rios quark seems to take inspiration from two specific places first of course you have marbles kitty pryde also best known as shadow cat who at the time for introduction was the youngest member of the x-men being introduced to the story because the writers themselves wanted a foil to already established characters in the x-men mĂ­riam self seems to be designed with a similar thought pattern in mind though unlike kitty who was a new novice dynamic to the x-men Mario was introduced to show the difference between someone on pro level and our group so far though Merion shadowcats abilities differ in a major place mario cannot make others intangible with him like shadow cat can though Mario's phasing actually seems to be more inspired by another major theme of hero akka as a whole this being video games as Mario's ability functions very similar to that of a collision detection glitch which is a glitch that causes characters or objects to phase through each other in unattended ways these glitches are usually harmless but others can be used to cheat the game and sense but this description of his quark was actually brought up in universe though it's not just some video game cheat code s quark that makes me Rio and outstanding candidate for all night and it's not just the hard work he puts into mastering his court it's his uniquely positive outlook and his cult of personality even his use of comedy as a coping mechanism and most importantly his desire to always try to get the best out of people which that desire might actually be directly related to the aforementioned utter loneliness as quark caused him to feel while training because he knows best would like to desperately want to be saved by others which probably was the foundation of his own goal as a hero that being to save everyone taking on the name 'la million as a starting point for his real hero name all million which he decided he would take on after he saved at least a million people and it is this all might ask heroism that got him noticed by both UA and sir Knight I who requested that he began working with him at his hero agency it took me Rio over 17 years of hard work and dedication to become a true embodiment of all might himself as he is someone who goes beyond and everything he does and it is due to these specific similarities that makes me Rio's fall from grace all the more tragic and it all begins with a scared and helpless little girl as you see during the internship bark while patrolling the streets with deku the two encountered a panicked little girl someone whose body language desperately cried out for a hero to save her and even though she was within arm's reach of Mario he felt like he could do nothing as she seemed to belong to an eight precepts of death member Chi Chi sake someone him and sir Knight I have been tracking for quite a while he could also feel that the longer him and deku question she Saki about the little girl her behavior the more dangerous the situation was becoming feeling an intense bloodlust coming from the eight precepts member when Deku figured out that she was in more danger than she Saki was letting on and if things continued as they did it could go really bad and caused a major scene inside the city and if he had caused the scene and let she sake get away his and night eyes work on this case would be for naught as the eight precepts would likely move operations nullifying all their hero work so me ryo played the fool keeping up a strong appearance and returning her to she sake without much of a fuss only later finding out what kind of truly torturous situation she was fleeing from and that he returned her to this cost me Ryo to deeply regret not stepping in promising himself if she was ever that close again he would never let go and he makes true on this promise as during the rate of the eight precepts manner Mario comes straight for their leader with a single goal in mind save that girl cleaning the clock of anyone who gets in his way and right when it looks like he's about to solo all eight precepts by himself he's put into a truly awful situation as during the scuffle would she sake one of the men grabs a gun and instead of aiming at me Ryo he takes aim at the little girl making a split-second decision Mario jumps in front of the bullet and protects the little girl that he had abandoned and making sure that she had a hero who in his own words would take her pain away though the bullet was no ordinary one upon contact with me Ryo a quark killing drug is injected into his body and in a split-second all eighteen years of his training and hardwork vanished or so you would assume even when he is super powerless me Ryo is not powerless physically able to toss and overpower his attackers and refusing to give in or quit standing his ground against overhaul for a whole five minutes without a quirk before help came and if that moment in this character seems familiar at all it's because me Ryo himself is a direct reflection of all my and probably one of the closest copies you could ask for because not only have me Ryo and all might built themselves up through ruling training but both of them have received a quirk passed down directly from someone else Mario inheriting his father's quirk at all might taking one for all from his master they also both adopted a no man left behind stance when it comes to their hero work but most importantly a lot of Mario's big moments are directly in reference to all mites big moments as well though Mario being a close copy of all might means he copies all of his flaws as well especially his reckless abandonment in fights which results in them both being left just normal quark less humans at the end of the day or so it would seem because you see the last projection we got out of sir Knight I was that Mario himself would become a great hero in the future someone that would keep on smiling this prediction and sir Knight ice parting words to me Rio is what helps drive him now he doesn't allow this to set him back in any way in his eyes along with his quark he's just been reset to zero and he'll have to climb that mountain all over again and even in his quick love state meteor doesn't let this prevent him from trying to save people though there is a neat little detail that you might not have picked up on though mayor doesn't seem fully adapted to his quirk with state one of the best examples of this is when he's caught planning his grand entrance when he reveals himself Deku catches him behind the shrub planning this out and then when he pulls it off and no one reacts and hurts his spirit a little bit buddy recovers quickly still not exactly used to people seeing him as he's planning things out makes me wonder if he sometimes like just walks directly into walls thinking that he was about to pass through them or something probably catches himself on low door frames too but Mario uses this quick list I'm off to look after and take care of eerie the little girl that he is now the guardian of doing so both in hopes that he can reverse the court killer effect on his body as if Iria understands how to use her quark then she can reverse what she did to him but also to help her smile again he even seems to sort of shrug off comments about getting Erie to restore his powers because to him as long as Erie can't smile on her own he can't just let her be Mario is honestly one of the best written characters in hero akha presented as someone who was going to be the next all night in the making only the fall the same way all might dead and even to the smaller details like his super move being named phantom menace since that is the star wars movie at the beginning of a hero's fall from grace and losing what makes them who they are but also in how he rejects deckers offer of one for as to him if he took Decker's power then Decker would be the one suffering in its place and he'd prefer a world where no one has to suffer rather than one where he doesn't and if I had any predictions or hope for miryo in the future it's that I can see him not only getting his powers back near the end of the series but also maybe through some Airy trickery he's able to pick up just a little bit of that one-for-all energy just so we can see what he would have been like maybe she can relight the spark that all might had left or something who knows though no matter what at the end of the day Miriah will always be a hero befitting of glory now if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like in the future I've a patreon at slash money not the bad guy and if you want to face through the hardships in life well then head on over to buy shimoneta comm and buy yourself a copy of shimin at a boil the country jokes doesn't exist it will allow you to face through just about anything you need
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 1,288,808
Rating: 4.9015012 out of 5
Keywords: Mirio Togata, Mirio, Togata, MHA, The Glory Of, Meti, Meti NTBG, My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Acadamia, BNHA, Glory
Id: WrbnaWKB7Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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