The Beauty of Hitoshi Shinso

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PJ555038 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2018 đź—«︎ replies

Cool video, I'll have to check this channel out!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2018 đź—«︎ replies

My boy Meti NTBG finally getting recognized on this subreddit

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/MattersMaketh 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2018 đź—«︎ replies
so I've mentioned before in other videos the society within Bokan oh my hero age of sperm iya is a major factor which contributes into a lot of societal outcasts becoming villains in the end be it the person was rejected for their personality their ideals or even their quirks in some cases the people of the world in hero akka shun them down the wrong path in a sense society as a whole has given them no other choice though it is those who hold on to their convictions in the face of this society that will go on to achieve great things and I think no character represents this better than the head of class one see a Toshi Shinzo and his quark brainwashing [Music] [Music] [Music] shinzo is the best student from class 1c along with being one of the only students we actually know from that class the other two were just two randos we saw once and the rest of them are just people in a crowd though what allows them to stand out above the rest of his class is both a mixture of his quark and his strong determination but before we can get into that we should actually understand the meaning behind his name first hitachi shen so his name is actually very interesting as it's one of the first time horikoshi attempted to experiment with his naming themes in hero haka blending together multiple meanings within a single name now first you have the Hitoshi part of his name which when broken down means use or uses people which of course is a direct reference to how his quark works as it takes control of the body and makes it so he can use it to his pleasure but then you have shin so which one broken down can mean both mine chasity which is a reference much like his first name to his quark but also true and honest hearted which this duality of his name plays in to his desire to be a hero with a villainous quark though this isn't where the references about his name actually end as when all together instead of breaking them down shin-soo can mean to rake into ones favor which plays directly into shin so squirt brainwashing brainwashing is one of the most powerful quirks in the entirety of hero eka let alone you a as when anyone answers the question asked by shin so Shin Seok and then immediately assume direct control over their body this ability doesn't even have a limit to the number of people he can do it to as well he can control multitudes of people at the same time along with this the only way we've seen anyone escape this brainwashing is by inflicting a significant amount of pain onto themselves though we don't know the exact pain tolerance I'm going to assume it's on the level of breaking a bone as that's how Deku escape by breaking both his fingers now what makes this ability even more terrifying is that while under the brainwashing the target does remain conscious they're just not in control their body something along the lines of sleep paralysis luckily shouldn't so can choose when and when not to activate this ability as he can still have normal conversations with people without resulting in brainwashing though this would allow him to subtly implant brainwashing questions within his normal conversations which could allow him to go on to become one of the greatest interrogation heroes or maybe a Crisis Negotiation hero something that allows him to talk down the villain instead of physically beating them up possibly like other Pro heroes like Miss Joe now you might ask why a kid with a quirk this powerful isn't part of one a or at least one B well that's because you A's entrance exam is extremely flawed as Aizawa explains shinza was basically entering a losing competition because the test itself favored more physical quirks over mental ones as society has deemed these quirks to be the heroic ones likely due to the popularity of figures like all mine ginsa was basically stuck in a lose-lose situation at this point he couldn't use his quirk on the robots as they were immune to it and if you were to use his quirk on the other participants in the test he would still receive zero points as the point totals would go to the person who killed the robot and not the person who was controlling the person who killed the robot then sacked out on top of the fact that all his life he's been told that his clerk wasn't really fit for being hero but would be perfect for being a villain mixing together these years of societal standards of what it means to be a hero drilled into you year after year after year along with his failure to complete UAE's exam because his quirk wasn't heroic enough must have really darkened chin so as a person especially since shinza would be placed in the remedial courses at UA where his quirk mattered little to nothing at all and his dreams of becoming a hero were far out of reach but then the U a sports festival came around and he made it his mission to win though with only victory on the mind he would start to head down the wrong path the path to being a villain as he treated everyone either as his enemy or his tool and he would have actually pretty easily wiped out most of the competition except for maybe Todoroki since all he needs to do is just get them mad enough at him that they would respond and then he wins which would have justified to him his hatred of everyone around him possibly creating a you a grown villain luckily he faced off against the only kid who could really understand where he was coming from and showed him that the impossible is possible when he broke free of shines' brainwashing and since Enzo had very little physical capability he was easily overpowered by Deku and his ass teaching him a very valuable lesson both in how hero work should be done but also that he needs to get stronger because he can't rely only on his court as deku in that fight helped drag Shinzo out of the dark place he was heading and pushed him towards the light and because of the stunt he pulled at the Sports Festival and his backstory shinzo started to get noticed in a lot of places via his classmates Aizawa but most importantly the readers as after his fight with Deku Shinzo found himself appearing more and more on character popularity polls never really breaking the top tens at first until the most recent poll where he placed tenth knocking well-established characters out of the main 10 spot this surge of popularity actually shocked horikoshi at the time he never imagined a character that he thought of right before bed would get so popular so in an interview with the Western magazine specifically jump fest of 2017 he hinted at the fact that shin-soo might actually be getting an arc later down the road in the manga which he would then begin to subtly hint at with shin Soze appearances throughout the series from that point on now his appearances are as such first you have shin so appearing right before the training camp part where he's seen walking with Aizawa one of the few teachers if not the only teacher at UA who could understand his struggle the best which led a lot of fans to believe while class 8 was off doing their intense quirk training Aizawa has been working in the background with shin sew and training him up for possibly moving up into the real classes then shin-soo appears again writers class one age returning from their license exam and readying themselves for their internships to mock them for holding up the line to a school assembly and then as he leaves they point out that he seems different than the last time they saw him that he's gotten tougher somehow which only fueled the flame that is the fan theory that Aizawa was training shinzo off screen and then you have him returning again for the school festival when Shinzo was shown doing physical labor for his class along with playing a zombie in their haunted house showing both that he has bettered his relationship with his class along with demonstrating and his physical strength has improved greatly since he last fought deku then lastly in chapter 194 should--so shows up again this time he's caught walking out of the teachers lounge with Aizawa Deku then brings up that he's seen them together a lot recently only reinforcing the idea that the two of them have been training secretly together off screen which is then les confirmed at the very end of this chapter when Shinzo reveals himself to be testing with class 1-a who try to move up into the hero course along with showing off his new prototype hero outfit and speaking of jinzo's hero design we should look at all the influences both in universe and out of universe that inspired his character first with the in universe inspiration he seemed to have taken from both Deku and Aizawa first of course you have Izawa capture scarf which is wrapped around his neck this will help shin so make up for his low physical ability as the scarf is made of a carbon fiber mixed with a special metal alloy that can be manipulated by the user and restricts with intense force along with this his very tired eyes seem to stem as a reference directly towards Aizawa which help fans play up the theory that these two would get along very well then you also have his mask which resembles that of 'deck whose mask from his hair design and from the looks of it the mask appears to have headphones and speakers built into it which if I had to guess how it worked I would assume that it helped modify his voice in order to trick enemies into answering his questions more easily as with a voice changer you wouldn't be able to determine who is actually shin so when they're asking you the questions sort of like a vocal version of aizawa's goggles now when speaking of outside influences you get into more coincidental territory as work oh she has claimed in the character page portion so that he created the concept of his quark one night before falling asleep as he was thinking of quirks that could be easily used to abuse the law but given horror oh she's connection to comics this could have been a train of thought led on by the Marvel super villain the purple man a daredevil villain with the power that allows him to convince other people to do whatever he wants only few people seem to be immune to this power such as daredevil and it appears that you can break this mind-control if you're hit with a strong enough force along with this Shin shows over all purple theme with his purple hair and purple eyes match up with the purple man's purple everything but shin so as a character shows the flaws of the hero akka society and demonstrates that one drive and determination dictates their place within that society as much like Deku you must work to get what you want in life villains make excuses heroes make results now if you enjoyed this video and like to support more videos like it in the future I have a patreon at slash money the bad guy and if you want to avoid brainwashing you should buy yourself a copy of shimoneta and Funimation calm slusho slash human at a born where the country joke doesn't exist I swear this isn't brainwashing in itself and it's if you have any questions well feel free to ask them right now and now that you've asked the question you are now officially under brainwash you have to go buy a copy shoot
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 481,760
Rating: 4.9639096 out of 5
Keywords: Hitoshi Shinso, Shinso, Chapter 194, MHA, My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, Aizawa
Id: MUy5hBESRi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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