The Beauty of Eijiro Kirishima

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I'm sure Kirishima will be the one taking on Gigantomachia in a future arc.

I really, really doubt Kirishima's quirk would ever be strong enough to take on Gigantomachia, not on his own anyway. He was quite easily yeeted by Shishida, who in no way compares to a powerhouse like Gigantomachia after all. At best Kirishima could participate in a team-up against Gigantomachia and play a key role in bringing him down, though it'd certainly be interesting to see how Kirishima might react upon meeting him again, considering their previous encounter and all.

That being said, on the whole, this is a good breakdown of Kirishima's character arc.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 đź—«︎ replies
for many in the world of Boca no my manliness academia the number one hero all might was an icon that encouraged many to go out and become official heroes themselves but as impactful as all might might have been he wasn't the only person to inspire the use of the world other Pro heroes have been shown to impact people's careers much like how the flame hero endeavor inspired the winged hero Hawks his career and how the chivalrous hero crimson riot inspired the unshakable unbreakable an unquestioning manly career of Andrew Kirishima also known as red riot Adriel Kirishima is one of the major characters an eighth student of class 1a at UA who also works as a pro hero under the body mass index hero fat cub he is someone who is extremely honest and personable and able to befriend most people even forming a close friendship with bak ago specifically and on the surface he appears to be someone who was driven by their fiery passion for manliness but this is more of a persona that Kirishima built up over time deep down he's someone who struggles with an inferiority complex though before we get too into that we should discuss the meaning behind his name and his origin the name age Roker Seamus history is a bit more interesting than normal name in hero akka so when broken down it means sharp cutting child or sharp cutting youth which doesn't appear to match up well with cure Shima's character compared to other names in the series but you can make some vague connections this is likely because it seems to be a carryover from an early prototype design of Kirishima in which his personality was a lot more direct and cutting to the chase but most importantly his quirk didn't work exactly the same as it does now it would appear that he would be able to sharpen his body to the point he was able to make his fingers in the blades ultimately the official Kirishima was changed from this prototype design and bits of his character actually ended up with people like common aria though a lot of the aspects of prototype Kirishima did transfer over to the official character such as his design his hero name and the origin for his quirk which manifested when he was really young while he was rubbing his eye causing him to accidentally cut himself luckily not blinding him the same is only partly true for that old quirk as his assumed sharpening quirk was retooled into one of the most powerful quirks in the series that being hardening hardening is a transformation quirk that allows the user to harden parts of if not their whole body at will and in this hearted state it allows them to protect themselves from a multitude of hazards some examples being collapsing metal explosions and bullets if they need to along with us when the body hardens it becomes rough and sharp giving Kirishima rigid rock like chunks all throughout his body that allows him to cut or graze enemies if he needs to and this mixture of offense and defense makes hardening an amazing combat oriented quirk especially since theoretically the defense capabilities of hardening have actually no limit Kirishima can always train to make himself harder than he was before as unlike works like steel which make your body as hard as something hardening is just the idea of getting harder and more durable over time which gives it a much more massive skill ceiling all he needs to do is find someone to deliver more damage over time so quite literally what doesn't kill Kirishima makes him stronger though the quirk does have some drawbacks to it starting first hardening has no range capabilities meaning all fights will have to be up close and personal for him to be effective along with this you also have how the base hard form that Kirishima can do only can take so much punishment at a time with each hit it slowly chips away at his stamina and if the attacker comes at him with a rapid barrage of strikes soon his body will soften and return to normal though Kirishima has developed a few super moves to make up for these drawbacks starting first with red counter in which Kirishima runs forward at an enemy forcing him to attack him and once he sees the attack coming he will harden allowing him to tank whatever hit was coming his way all the while allowing him to land in a counter hit while their defenses are down this super move seems to be designed to allow Kirishima to pick his fights and the damage that he has to take allowing him to manage his own stamina so he doesn't train himself dry though sometimes the amount of damage coming his way is a bit more than he could normally take be it an attack that is directed at him or others that he needs to protect either way Kirishima needs to tank this hit thus he forces himself to harden up as much as possible and this is where red right unbreakable comes from unbreakable is his quirk taken to its ultimate extreme Kirishima hardens his body to the absolute maximum and then goes beyond that creating an absolute monstrous wall that refuses to break or move now this unbreakable form isn't permanent it has a set time limit but while activated Kirishima is nearly invincible for roughly 40 seconds if he was at his peak of stamina and the idea behind the attack is to act as sort of a mixture between a bulldozer in a wall someone that no one can stop and allows Kirishima to protect people the best he can and while in his own breakable form Kirishima moves in for a final finishing super move called red gun turret in which Kirishima punches his way through any offense an enemy might put up until he reaches the source slamming them with a fist stronger than any bone stone or metal creating a devastating gut punch that knocks the wind out of them the name turret probably refers to the action of smashing his way through the defenses with an offense much like that of a machine gun turret mounted and cutting its way through an offensive line though unbreakable has its own limits any rapid succession of intense damage like rappers fists can crack it's unbreakable shell but Kirishima can force himself to stand through this at the risk of his own body as seen in the fight with rapa where he basically gets most of his upper layer of skin punched off though what drives Kirishima to stay standing is his own desire to be the person that he was pretending to be for so many years the person who earned the hero name red riot as before the events of hero akka Kirishima was a bit of a different person as a child Kirishima developed his quirk had an unfortunate time he cut himself on the rigid edges of his hardened hand and this instilled a personal hatred for his own court as not only did it feel like it was something holding him back but he also thought of it as not flashy and kind of useless it didn't seem like the quirk of a real hero at least he thought that until he found his own personal idol the chivalrous hero crimson riot as he was a pro hero who had a similar quirk to him but also at a moral code that Kirishima could adopt and make his own this being to be manly and stand tall in the face of danger because as long as you have a manly spirit it doesn't matter what kind of quirk you have you can be a hero and though crimson right used the term manly when he meant more as having a strong mental fortitude and being filled with determination and courage so technically anyone can be manly no matter what they are born it's more about being confident and Kirishima took this to heart and started training to be as manly as possible working out every day changing his diet to mostly meat dishes and he even began to act the part of a hero jumping in to help those in need at his school but he really wasn't effective and most people mocked him for his outdated mindset though people kept trying to bring him down the words of others weren't the thing that broke his spirit it wasn't till on his way home from school one day when he saw his classmates in danger a large man in a cloak was threatening them and yet he wasn't able to move even though he wanted to go over there and he wanted to help them he couldn't will himself to move he was too scared and he was soon made very aware of how much playing he was doing when he was playing hero and this feeling was made even worse when he saw his classmate Mina overcome her fears and run in to protect the girls she was not only someone with a flashy quirk a flashy personality but she had more courage than he ever did and this mixture of watching someone like Mina doing what he couldn't cause him to realize his quirk wasn't the thing holding him back all his big talk about manly spirit and heroic passion was just that talk he couldn't act when he needed to because deep down he was scared because he didn't trust himself because he had no faith in his quirk the words that he thought he had brushed off and built up a barrier towards actually buried themselves deep within his mind his subconscious and echoed throughout it whenever he doubted himself and this sent him into a spiral of self-doubt lashing out at himself in his room until he accidentally knocked a hollow tape off his shelf which began to play an interview of his idol crimson Riot talking about his history as a hero something he had never gotten around to watching and here he learns that his own heroic icon struggled with the same confidence and peer issues he did but one day due to his inability to act crimson Riot couldn't prevent the deaths of innocent people and those innocent people still haunt him to this day and the haunting event like that drives crimson riot to act even when he's scared because the crimson riot being manly isn't about being fearless only idiots and liars are fearless being manly is about being a hero and committing to your actions even in the face of danger and this helped Kirishima reinvent himself he began to work his ass off even more to become the person that he was pretending to be all that time throughout middle school strengthing not only his drive but his quark use being able to rank at second place in the UA entrance exam and completely changing his look for his high school debut he was done with regrets and from this point on he was willing to do anything to protect his friends be it taking an unknown attack like he does in the license exam or even being willing to break the law in the case of Baca goes on rescue mission and horikoshi created him to be someone who can keep class 1 a well-rounded and this is because due to his dual personality he's able to relate with anyone and everyone within the class be it Baca go who he finds common ground with them both putting up a tough front or relating to deku who tries his hardest to stand up against insurmountable odds to protect those who are in danger or even just finding common ground with a near clone of himself in tattoo tattoo Tetsu Tetsu he's someone that horikoshi can put into any situation and get a good and interesting interaction out of the conflict along with this cure she must own self-awareness about his weakness allows him to grow stronger in the same way that his quirk does he goes to find someone who can bring that next step that next evolution out of him and he reaches it during his standoff against rapa because on that day the young boy Kirishima was faded away and in his place stood the man who was given the heroic title red riot and it would appear that cure she must grow throughout the series has affected a lot of the readers reading along because he went from rank 15 in the popularity polls to taking the top 5 spot for the next three polls cementing himself as a fan favorite character and it would seem that given his connection to one of the UAE's big three that cure she will remain an important character for time to come so hopefully we'll get to see more of him in the future especially more interactions with Tamaki in fact um given that tattoo Tatsu Tatsu tattoo has now joined the team along with us for future predictions of Kirishima throughout the series I really hope we get to see a rematch between him and rapper at some point maybe during a prison break arc but I'm almost sure that Kirishima will be the one taking on giganto Maki and I future art given that he is the beats that cause cure she would have freeze up all those years ago and almost nearly ended his hero career early and if you enjoyed this video and want to see more videos like in the future I have a patreon at slash maybe not the bad guy and if you want to harden your own manly spirit you can do so first with a copy of shimoneta a boring world with a custard or dirty jokes doesn't exist that by shimano com
Channel: Meti『Not The Bad Guy』
Views: 257,574
Rating: 4.9678392 out of 5
Keywords: MHA, My Hero Academia, Boku No Hero Academia, My Manliness Academia, Kirishima, Eijiro Kirishima, Eijiro, Deku, Bakugo, Hardening Quirk, Hard Quirk, Fat Gum, Kirishima Unbreakable, Tamaki
Id: 63ZOiX1JhpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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